jkhf.infojkhf.info/kendrick - 1945 - the kendrick gazette... · ng pool drive 4 maktttg fine...

ng Pool Drive 4 Maktttg Fine PrpgrettLI Let's Keep Right On Rpg ~ .1 ~ ~ III F P Nr EF E ~ ~ 4 ~ VOLUME 55 NO. 38 PERSONALS AND AB ALS AND NFWS SIIlm Pboi Fllbd ProgibIMs NEWS FROSI LOOAL iltEN know Ivbetbb!'hee 'ii obld bb UT KENDRICK FRIENDS Steady Progress is being maae IN THE ARMED FORCES to secure time toward the necessary funds for the o secure time to come here, but John Cargill, 85 years old, Qnd a ON A]AERICAN RIDE businss Thos. McDowell of Colfax was ia construction of this area's Liv'n Has 't I h T Re iving n't Much To Report awaiting orders. were still in port in New York Kendrick resident I'r the past 15 last w ~itor in Kendrick one day War Memorial Swimming Poo] th aI ri s years, when he retired from active Mrs. Mary Deobald and Mrs, Lucy ' are lacking at this farming, passed away at his home Thomas were visitors in th ho s ', ~ ' ' m Nr. and Nrs. Otto Schupfer Rna ceived since our last publication: local bo s t here Wednesday afternoon of last of Mr, and Mrs. Charles Jessup~ p local boys to arrive home on rotation. - Week. He was 'born in II]tnots, Octo- Juliaetta, last Thursday. ~ ., Rrr s Qn -- - ----.-.----- furlough, says simp]y that he 'Hasn't enry reytaR arrived in ber 2, 1859. Harry Benscoter was a MoscoW'n son erry ----------- -- - much, to report, despite the fact that pwn Tuesday motn)ng from Fort IMI'. Cargill's passing came as a caller on Monday. pent more than two years Y ', where he has been di tinct shock to all ivho knew him, Mrs. Walter Benscoter, Mrs. re r p o e- ----- ~ overseeas England, France, Be]- s «toned for many months past. although he had npt been in the best ry Nattoon and IMrs, Ercil Woody at ~ ~ „~ ---------------- ~ Rium, and just a little bit of Ger- Henry brpugh't with him his honor- of health for some months. Death tended p,-T. A, in Kendrick Mon~ son Bill spent the week-end at their " R ------------ 500 In "Trans an rs. R, I. IBlewett anil D ld, C,t i] - --- ~ many in those tiwo years. able discharge papers, he now being came as he slept on a cot outside d over the desir s ay even ng. I Clarence Dougharty ................ 20.00 portation Earl was one i ed age for army yer- his home, about 2:30 in the after- Mr. and Mrs. Ray Knutson andi ranch at Gifford. e ere, corn g over from the of those whose jo'b it was to see sonnel Henry's opinion of Kansas noon. I b b T t ]' that truck and trains were there wouldnt look so good in print He leaves h)s %'ee Minnie iat Mrs E P Roberts ca]3«on Mrss Kenneth Brpc]re has jpined his A O K )~ b d $ 8 0 to transport the men and the equip- and'e says the Idaho woods are Kendrick; two sons, Willard Cargill, Mary Deobald Friday morning. fam)]y here Qnd is npw emp]pyed R nlent, and then the necessary sup- going t:o seem mighty swell again. Potlatch and Bryan Cargill at Deryl Ingle of Bear ridge vts)ted by the Kendrick Bean Growers tb d th f b I plies. For the first year he was e expects t'0 retutn tp P. F. 1. Princeton: also one daughtel, Mrs. ]n the Frankie Benscoter home Mon~ E. A, Deobald and son John ana mittees until harvest y o - stationed in England, the larger employment after a few days spent Beulah Strohm of Cas'hmere, Wash, da evenin . Russell Smith spent the week-enid d ff " s 'slack- Portion of this time being at Liver- in visiting relatives Rnd friends. )sh)ng near the Bungalow. They re- ' 'ool. From there, following D-Day INTERESTING NEWS NOTES and son Jack were Rin Lewiston onl poI't gR)r 111'ck pn the f)sh bul INTERESTING IIAPPEN he went to France, later Belg)um Rnd IMr Rnd Mrs. R. L. Blewett have FROM KENDRICK SCHOOLS Monda lots of rain. finally Germany, ibeing in that received word that his brother, Njr. Roy Johnson, P, F. I, emy]pyee R A country just before being sent home Aaron Blewett and family will ar- Mr. and Mrs. Frankle Benscoter; at Hea'diquarters, spent «ge week- on rotation furlough. i h Saturd to P nyd a bort Students of the Kendrick High wee - IM nd N . Wade Cand]er of, E „I th t o d to most furlough with them. the Bungalow, spent:Saturday nighl! of the boys he had things compar- the first period Monday morning, as Benscoter attended the funeral with Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Armitage. ative]y easy, as he was always be- Pfc. Ishmael Martin arrived at Donald Pluckett in Lewiston ]as)] fro Th d til S d h t Harvey Morris and daughter Jean hind the lines, and genera]iy billited his home in Southwick last Friday The Seniors chose Ida Silf low as llgrs of Pomeroy and Raymond Spekker in R h„i]d;ng pf some sort w)th I tp spend R 45 day rest fur]o„gh their president; Ruth Lettenmaier, J of Lewiston visited at the Given more p„ less permanent headquar ~ Wounded in Rct)on during the ph)gp'ice president; Cecil Brammer, sec- teers as ivell Rs quarters. He does Pinecampaig,he has,been stationed retary and rMaurice Long, treasurer. h)t " M d g y Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Hanks were say, though, that some of the V-3. at the Vancouver military hospita ] Lois Lawrence was elec ted presI- call'ed to Lewiston Saturday by the and V-2 rocket harrages they under- for some weeks. dent of the Junior class; Patty Mc- daughter, rM'rs. E. M.'hite and death of Nrs. Ella Pont)~, mother went were not Rt all pleasant- Crea~, vice pres)dent; Beverly ers SPent Sunday with her Parents, family, a few days the first of the ' . and a few times Jerry droppea S1/c Robert Fraser, who is sta- Schupfer, secreta y; Elsie Kruger, Mr. and Mr . iMo I H ] pf i e an of Mr. Hanks. Mr, and Mrs. rsam Gruel], Juliaetta. week. 'r. and Mrs. Milton Benjamin and bombs "here and there" around them. tinned at the Naval Air Station, treasurer. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Harlan pf J p Nicha I pn L t ' Mr. and iMrs. Irwin Fry called at Earl says home sure seems swell, Sandpoin t, near Seattle, arrived Elected president of the Sophomore the a Sunday caller in th M Crea the Wm. Henderson home Sunday. and that h)s 30-day furlough is slip- here iSaturday at noon to spend a class was Junior Brocke; Harlan Frida and Saturda Mr H rla Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Whitinger ping away a]together tpp rapidly 10 day leave w)th his parents Mr Fey, vice president; Boyd Thornton, e Q r y h Q v f 11 f d f a n d s o n of Lew isto n s p en t Su n d ay for com fp r t H ow ev e r, h e h as com - a n d M r s . Eve r e tt . Fr as e r . Bp b ' Ik es s ecr e t ar y; Ra y Ea s t e rb r o ok, t r e as than 3p yeans. with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wright. piled enough pogits that he does h'is station a't Sealttle very much but urer; Stella Weaver, sgt.-at-arms. M W ' R s t Scotty iWilson is rbusy this week Mrs. Glen Ackerman 'of Princeton, not expect to again be sent over- says he has serious doubts about thue The Freshmen class officers are: th Bi Y y e a s Putting a new roof on the B F and iSgt. Harvey L)nhavd, who re- seas. 'navys ability to make a cook out Ray Thotnton, president; Jackie he ig am home Tuesday. 'ently returned home after three of him. However, he is willing to Mustoe, vice president; Danny Crock- hIM . and Mrs. Nor]a Callison m4 J G T is d years in the Pacific area, visited T~x~~ take a chance, if the navy is, er, secretary; Marybeth Benscoter, to I ewiston S~md h their sister and fami]y, Mr. and S t 'b 11 lxg45 treasurer. 'isiting her sister, Mrs. Irvin Slater and hus'band, of Boise. tended the Golden Wedding Ann1- Mrs Cha lie Harrs, Sunday Dear Ma d BI]: 'rs. M A Deobald has received Class advisors are as follows: 7 . versary reception of,their o]d neigh- 't th k- d h Th suppose you think I have for- word that her nephew, Lt.. Col. Har- o, B m; un o 'I Mond'ay to attend Masonic Grand Virgil IHarris and iRollin Cuddy Norla Ca] lison went to Boise prt bors, Mr. and Mrs. IHarry Wright. em lo ed at Gmn eville gotten all about you and the home- vey Deobald, an Eighth Army staff Nrs. Deobald; Sophomores, Mr. Bak- Lodge. Jorene Benscoter I staying Nr. and Mrs. W. L. NcCreary ae- P a, ~ 'own paper, No, I haven't and officer, is now in Tokyo. ken; Fre hnlen, Mt. Joslyn, at the Call)son home duri g)s Mr. and Mrs. CChe, McIver called tg f t it He )s weii known here hav;nR The football field has been smooth- at the Ro Gert'e home Sunda e main reason or no wr ing I absence. Mosco~ visitors Saturday morning't y 3 y sooner is the hope I had of sh1pping vh)t'd in Kendrick a nu ber pi'd over and new lines put do~,for Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Roberts spent .- IRilla remained for a vis)t at the M d M W ~, out of here a lot faster than it times. H)s home is at Tonipa, Ill the coming season. Our first game Su d 'th M . d M . G . Gor v'orge Davjddon home. Her nephew, Elton Mcicoy were Lewiston visitors seems Im R'oinR'o, I year is here, with Clarkston un ay wi r. an rs. reg y Monda Se t 23 at 3'00 o'lock 'aves in Lewiston. ', I.t, George David'son, U. S. N„ is IN d I don't care too much for the Word has 'been received that Ar- <<) ' h ' 'h H „'r. and Mrs. Harley Eichner and . exPected to arrive there this week Rollin Armitage is confin« to "Lone Star State," as,far as I'm nold Hoisington„son of Mr. and Societ are Ida Silf low resident son Bud sPent Sunday in HPPkane .„. to spend a short leave. th concerned they can give it back to Mrs. Cletis IHOiSingtn, is now sta- ' " . 'isiting with their son, Harley, Jr., 'neumonia. Nrs. O. E. Havens, Bremerton, ' P ' the Indians only I doubt if they tioned at Camp Roberts Ca]jf. hav- Doris Lawrence, vice president; Pat- , 'n., arrived 'in town Tuesday at N H ' I d Bdb would accept it. It sure is hot down ing arrived theire September 5th. '' d Herinan iRenfrow, Moscow, spent ty NCCreary secreta,w 0 Is a en ng onzaga g :.-noon for a short visit with friends. pf Gran evi]]e sp~~t the week end here, and with all "these nice crea- With the com)nun)cat)on was the Thursday and Sunday nights at the She was a luncheon guest in the h tures that crawl and fly in the following poe'm: give a Program pf their own selec- Fiankie Benscoter home. -': Wade T. Keene home; a dinner and 'ight", it sure makes life miser- Just A Blue G. I. tion on the following dates: Seniors Mr and Mrs Sam Alexander and over-night guest of Mrs. Johanna able. You can', even turn a stone Riding on a south-bound. troop train ' " ' children of California, spent Friday Nelson, Big Bear ridge, and spent «utgwick Scgop] News over, or you'e sure to be staring a Just a homesick, blue G. I., mores Nov. 5, and Freshmen, at the Frankie meitscoter home. Wednesday morning calling on (Delayed) rattlesnake in the eye or a, With a smile on his face for the Nov. 19. The purpose of these en- Mr. and Mrs. Andy Cox were ja friends, leaving that day on the noon There are 32 Puyils enrolled in Texan. world to see, tertainment L to promote school L i't N' train. the school this 3ear, with 16 Pup)]s Uncle 'Sam hasn't decided for Though his heart says he could cry talent and Provide a source of real F. V. Wee]rs, Seattle, arrived here» eac»porn sure just what he is going to de 'ntertainment taking the place Moscow visitors.'Saturday. Tuesday to spend a few days look- The lower g«p he its with us, but whatever it )s you He is just a ten-day soldier inR after business )nterests. His election on N»day R e "ks can bet your sweet life it isn't go- But he is not alone; The school enrollment is this, by rived Thursday to vhit at the Ed. at tge Boeing plant js over, was elected Presiden't; IMargaret ing to be yleasant. There are hundreds more just like grades, is: and'verett says his future plans Kazda, vice President; Richard Loh- Camp sw]ft )s about 4p miles him First grade, 16; second, 16; third, :are indefinite, man, secertay; Ronald ~hman and from the cap)ba] (Aust)n). It's not Who would give a lot to be homer 14'ourth 16; fifth 8 sixth, 22'S tth d t ~ I d h t Sthd . k d, Dick Harris, who is attending Kenneth Hanks lbra" ans V rn " nearly as large as Z had .pictured it seventh, 9; eigth, '16 total 115. iMr. and Mrs. 'Stanley McDougal] schoo] at Wa]]ace this year, visited Hanks and Fred Lohman, sargeants would'e, and with the 2nd division He is going to take his basic =n the high school we have: pf Kellogg spent a few days at the in his home here Tuesday. here you can al'most walk uiP the Soon he'l change from a 'boy to Freshmen, 22; soPhomores, 30; Jun- Andy Cox home the past wee patty McCreary was a week-ena The upper grade room held its street, that is, if you'd just gad ' man; lors, 20; seniors, 20 total 92. Mrs. Ere)i Woody ~ent T„'esday guest in the home of her grand e e tipn pn Fr day adding, '" an argument with your pert skunk. There will be tough training and ,parents, Mr. and Nrs. F. E. Griffith usual list of officers, the office of Well, here it is almost "lights out" heartaches The sixth grade has an enroll- h occasion wm Nancy's ni th Spokane. school rePorter Audrey Beck. time, so guess I'd better bring th'is But he's a Yankee strong in goth ment of 23 PuPils, two of which are h. thd 'Phm. Iyc and Nrs. Judson I. Lee Other officers are: George Pressnall, to a close and hit the sack. heart and hand. net iMona Hammond and Burton birthday ann)versary. and Nrs Jordan Kanikkebetg were president; Gary Lohman, vice yre 1- As ever Souders. Enrollment in the fifth Mr. and Mrs. Werner Brammer Lewiston visitors on Monday. dent; Ivorah Hoiseth, secretary; Ar- Cpl. Walt. Z)mmerman. There will be times when the going's grade is eight. New 'books are be- Brammer Sunday. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry phnt. Iye and Mrs. Jud. Z ee spent lie Armitage and Jpe Tschantz, sar- the roughest ing enjoyed by these grades. They Geo H v m w~ ill w)th tom ch two days last week visiting in the g«nts «arms" Je 'ma 'is years of service behind him, That he wil] fee] like g~ving» are: "New World Past and Present" fl th k d E. H. Jones home on Bear ridge. brarian. Don Benscpter, spn pf IMr. Then he II re~~mber that furlough, nd W D~~na Rnd Judy Benscoter, daugh riippsa Keene came Sun Anna, Ivorah and Son3ha Hoiset Qnd Nrs. Frankie Benscoteer, return- And hit it once more with a grin! " s c 'ers of Nr. and Mrs. Walter Bens- day to spend severa] days visiting have been absent from school for ed home last week from Fort Doug- 'ax Schreffler, President; Kenneth enter, have been on the sick ]L,t the in the home of her son, Mr, and several days. ]as, Utah, bringing with him his When at ]ast the training is over, Gruel], vice president; Judith White, ast week. ¹s. Wade T. Keene. honorable dis'charge PaPers. Don, an He's learned to march, salute and secretary-treasurer; Parker ¹ P ee . Mrs. iMinnie Fraser and family of day afternoon. 'ighth A'ir Force veteran, has 35 handle a gun Brown librarians Y Carp]ee McGraw Rnd Jerry ~ ~ R Rr y was w Irrigon, Oregon, are here this week missons over Germany to his credit, He'l graib the first train northward, esomac u e esay. Michael Morey, son of Mr. and v)s)t)ng in the Everett Fraser and ']25 Acre Fire Friday wears the Air Medal and nine Oak North Zdaho here we comer 'he fourth grade began the year M, N t M . f B id R)]ey homes. Fire of an und'etermined origin, Leaf Clusters, the Presidential Unit Pvt. John Stanton, Craigmpnt. Av) th 15 students and the third I p f'pent Monday and Tuesday with gis F. M, Wh)te was a Spokane ibusi- which began Friday at noon near Citation, etc. ness visitor Tuesday. 'he school house about a mile east Since his return on rotation fur- the fourth grade enrolled Monday of Rra" ]'R en r. and 'Nrs. Hoss Armitage and of the junction of the old Peck lough 'to the states early tg)s spring Mr. and Mrs. E. A, Deobald re- this week. family spent Sunday at the home grade and Ahba highway, burned he has just been marking time» ceived a lettet from theit son, Sgt. E rol]ment in the second grade P.-T. Monday Evening of his sister, Mrs. John Cuddy and over approxima'tely 725 aet'es of the various camps throughout the coun- Charles A Depba]d now stationed )'s 16. The same nutitber are in the The Kendrick P T A held it h'i]]side and benches there, destroy" try. His ylans are rather indefinite in Getmany that he exPected to first grade. Freda Bamberry of the first meeting of the year Mo da Mr. and Mrs. Sam Alexander, who ing the schoolhouse and two sets of at this time. He.may Ro back to '" me fpr 'Ch"istmas It is npw first grade was a week late in en- have'een vi )t)ng at the Fred fiat ibuild»gs and homes before be- farming with his gather, or may re- " f"','",'hy"" """ "'' ra]]ment president, presiding Crocker home in Lewiston, drove up ing checked rain assisting in the sume his interrupted studies at the Following the reading and ap- Tuesday, Rccpmpan)ed by Fred final "put-out" 'Saturday evening. University of Idiaho. Ra'n Delays Harvesting I proval of the minutes of the pre- icroc]ter, to spend the day with ]rirlr. Fire Wardens Henry Jones and Overseas Mailing Rules Rain, vbhich began falling Satur- I vious meeting, IRpbt. Bakken, super Clarence Perryman from here di- Ampng First In Tpkvtt Millions of Chirstams gifts will go day morning and continued in show I intendent, introduced the teachers, 'Mr. and Nrs. Lester 'Crocker were rented the fighting, ass)sted by vol- Tvo Kendrick brothers, Pfc. All overseas R„.o)n th',.» 'ear to our ers throughout most of SundaY andr Mrs. Armitage then brought upi Lewiston business visitors Saturday. unteers from that area. An estimate R. Johnson, 22, and Pfc. 'Sidney M armed forces. It will be esPecially Monday, effective]y stoPPed bean I the question of the yublic library Miss Jean Crocker, accompanied of the damage done is not yet Johnson, 21, entered Tokyo with the difficult to deliver these Rifts safely harvestinR'Perations, as well as and whether the organization sgpu]@ by Q friend, Stuart Pfaff, of Gar- available. famed 11th Airhotne Division first and on time the army and navy the final wind-uP of grain harvest. continue to keep it open down town! field, spent Sunday in the home of Ame ican troops to occupy the Nip Po o, ess families of service LINDEN pi', an army release from " " o o-oPera e n s art- underway, and I] 'be needpd tp ittl W'ith the division Qs Paratroopers rules are therefore suggested for bring it to R succesafu] close. g oe a Fay, are visiting her since its activities in February, 1g43 mailing Christmas yackages abroad: Yields so far reported on beans p nts, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Alex- at Camp Mackal], N. C., the brothers Zf Your sold)er is enroute home or are said to be "about aveerage," of reached Tokyo via the "hiard way" about to come home, don't send him around five sacks per acre. Some, of t L brother pf M s. Harry Ame])ng. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Israel and New Guinea, Leyte and Zuzon. Their a Christmas package. course, went higher, some lower. Rnd vegetables for the hot lunch'va Smith of iLinden spent iMpn- daughter, Miss A]etha, attended the, unit, the 675th para-glider field ar- Use hh latest address as a proje'ct for this fall. After due day visiting with Mrs. Estella Leith. funeral of the ]ate Nrs. Stinson at')]]ery bata]I)on, saw action in tge it's complete and accurate name, Complete Pond Constmction discussion it was agreed it was a I,itt]e David Hudson sPent the Clarkston, Saturday. Mrs. Hardesty mountains of Leyte. Their nexrt RrL rank, serial number, organization The Barnhart and Lacey tractors, splendid idea, but we should have week.end with his grandParerits, Mr. stayed with Mrs. Fry during their tion was the drive on Manila from and unit; APO, in care o postmas - which are building stock water ponds started earlier, as the program was Rnd Mrs. A. G. Peters. a'bsence. ca ' . '- " 'nder the direction of t) Z„ t h S;I Mhs Pearl Brown spent the week- capture Nicho] Fi ld. It th h k ' Conservation district, moved off Ce- decided this was a good plan tp eon-, +ven)ng at the home of his sister, end w)th her pal'ents in Kendrick, The,brothers attended high school Ma C "Rifts «--~ o dar ridge Septe'mrber 11. While on s'ider for next year, as many schools Mrs. Wesley Laws and family, Lew- Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Waldhers of at Kendrick, where the family gas September 15 to October 15. n the this ridge ponds were constructed in this district are taking advantage Pomeroy visited Saturday evening r its home. Pfe. Allan Johnson was R, Y is is ~ » Y ~,Y ~ " for Dan Kechter, Add)yon Alexander I of the cannery. Mrs, Elmer Mccoy, Leivist» was and Sunday with the Forest Grayson~emplpyed by the Oregon Ship Build- m ' " e ' ", and Ramey Hunt. The storage ca- Mr. Bakken invited parents tp R Kendrick caller Tuesday family. ] ing Corp. at Portland before his in written request from your soldier. Pacity of these ponds varies from visit the school rooms, as alj were Several car loads ««]ks f«m Miss Wilma Cuddy enrolled in the I duction and plans to he"ome a corn- ", . 300,000 to 650,000 gallons. open for their inspection. here drove to Troy Satut'day n]Rh" Lewiston Normal Monday morning. iiiercial artist after his release from ' p e ', m Y The tractors moved to Southwick Ross Armitage announced a fppt- t j th fire'man's ball. ney Johnson,,o a new location, it's sat'er to t . and Mrs. B. G, Linderniain were lans tp become R m h I I „~ ivait till o n its Sunday visitors in the Smith home. I neer. He w Io d I ' th p will play Clarkston a]] are in- vited to attend. enres garage at Kendrick before in- Rs «Ittg him for a letter requesting Yafptuer O~ctohe~r 15. Mrs. Roy R„ dr)ck QIid Ray Cuddy x Qnd stron co d»» fpr tge local Red C E.. Wilson, son of Mr. and se a heavy bpx ionR cord. ers or ]Son, Kendrick, is I ~oi'eriarm pf the same di »j V P o ~ o ~ Pu sh ng pected hpnie tliis 'u canned lugxur foods, ra- "ia' and ~vou]d appreciate your: 'white elephant'I prize sy t correspondence Rs well as other daughters in Spokane an more ages, and as a result some !airs. C. H. Keeler is visiting her Frtrser-Greene Nuptials ried frui, canned uxury po s, ta- help in cleaning thh up. means of raising R little money. Mr..and Mrs. E<verett F zor hlades, fountain pens, wallets, A shot t prpgrani n~ en3oyed news Rnd even advertismg, was Mr. Rnd Mrs. B. G, Linderman i ceived ivord Tuesday of th watches, etc. lc 'e riage Your package must not we)gh Dies Of Footba]] In]uries Mis. Helen Fey singing two western omitted. ut out such R of their dau hter Lt. Eth I F, . t b Nrs. Harry B ot r d songs, accompanyinR herse]f on th more than 5 pounds. It must no e iil tat', We dislike to pu o s and Mrs. Mattie Garner. A. N. C.. an'd Lt. Edward L. Greene, mote than 15 inches long or move word Tuestlay of last week that her paper, hut it was impossible to get Lewiston visitors Monday were M M. o'f At]anta GQ.. n F 'd,, ' 'h ne hev Dona]d p ] t 16, f N z Mrs. George Brocke read the P.-T. any hely, so we just did the best Nr. and Mrs. A, Alexander, Mr. and September 14. pierce, Idaho, had rlied of injuries l . n 3 ', d a group sing was Q, on ri ay than 36 inches in length Qnd girth neP ew, ona < -uc te,, P ez A. nb'ectives an we could. 'ft h ldh t d combmed I then en'o ed with Mrs. H. C. Gil Erlewine. the Little Church Around The Cor-;ge same per)or] (September 15 to He was a senior in the Nez PerceI A]] then Qd ou I fer at the piano. C]rcles To Meet J, Am)tage is can y)ng the ner, New Yo k Cit . "o"«). Hoivever, Rifts destined ~choo], Rnd a brilliant student.. I All then Qdjoutned r... v ntertain mail during his son, Rollin's ab- ',, h O toh 15 . oseph's hos. Ernest Hinds, a ho it I S for navy,. maime or cpas guard ance ivas quite gopd Rt the noon at 2:00 o'lock, pital, Lewiston, ill with pneumoi a. the past 16 month,. P or personnel may be sen rougiou meet'nR, the surrounding territor Th L Circle will meet at the the year without a written request, A good thing to remember being well represented. home pf Mrs. Rpbert Bakken at the Having ypu done ypur part toward e ong irc e wi In R long distance telephone con- G ttdtht h . ' "" " "P o cas Isnottoma .same our on e sam then tell Jane or Sue! 'he old home tow h t ' eeP

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Page 1: jkhf.infojkhf.info/Kendrick - 1945 - The Kendrick Gazette... · ng Pool Drive 4 Maktttg Fine PrpgrettLI Let's Keep Right On Rpg ~ .1 ~ ~ III F P Nr EF E ~ ~ 4 ~ VOLUME 55 NO. 38 PERSONALS

ng Pool Drive 4 Maktttg Fine PrpgrettLI Let's Keep Right On Rpg

~ .1 ~ ~III F P Nr EF E

~ ~ 4 ~



ALS AND NFWS SIIlm Pboi Fllbd ProgibIMs NEWS FROSI LOOAL iltEN know Ivbetbb!'hee 'ii obld bbUT KENDRICK FRIENDS Steady Progress is being maae IN THE ARMED FORCES to secure timetoward the necessary funds for theo secure time to come here, but John Cargill, 85 years old, Qnd a ON A]AERICAN RIDE

businssThos. McDowell of Colfax was ia construction of this area's Liv'n Has 't I h T Reiving n't Much To Report awaiting orders.

were still in port in New York Kendrick resident I'r the past 15last w

~itor in Kendrick one day War Memorial Swimming Poo] th aI ri syears, when he retired from active Mrs. Mary Deobald and Mrs, Lucy' are lacking at this farming, passed away at his home Thomas were visitors in th hos ', ~ ' '

mNr. and Nrs. Otto Schupfer Rna ceived since our last publication: local bo s t

here Wednesday afternoon of last of Mr, and Mrs. Charles Jessup~p local boys to arrive home on rotation. - — Week. He was 'born in II]tnots, Octo- Juliaetta, last Thursday.~ .,Rrr s Qn -- - ----.-.----- furlough, says simp]y that he 'Hasn't enry reytaR arrived in ber 2, 1859. Harry Benscoter was a MoscoW'nson erry ----------- -- - much, to report, despite the fact that pwn Tuesday motn)ng from Fort IMI'. Cargill's passing came as a caller on Monday.pent more than two years Y ', where he has been di tinct shock to all ivho knew him, Mrs. Walter Benscoter, Mrs.re r p o e- ----- ~ overseeas —England, France, Be]- s «toned for many months past. although he had npt been in the best ry Nattoon and IMrs, Ercil Woody at~ ~ „~ ----------------~ Rium, and just a little bit of Ger- Henry brpugh't with him his honor- of health for some months. Death tended p,-T. A, in Kendrick Mon~

son Bill spent the week-end at their " R ------------ 500 In "Transan rs. R, I. IBlewett anil D ld, C,t i]

- --- ~ many in those tiwo years. able discharge papers, he now being came as he slept on a cot outside dover the desir s ay even ng.IClarence Dougharty ................20.00

portation Earl was one i ed age for army yer- his home, about 2:30 in the after- Mr. and Mrs. Ray Knutson andiranch at Gifford.

e ere, corn g over from the of those whose jo'b it was to see sonnel Henry's opinion of Kansas noon.I b b

T t ]' that truck and trains were there wouldnt look so good in print — He leaves h)s %'ee Minnie iat Mrs E P Roberts ca]3«on MrssKenneth Brpc]re has jpined his A O K )~ b d$ 8 0 to transport the men and the equip- and'e says the Idaho woods are Kendrick; two sons, Willard Cargill, Mary Deobald Friday morning.fam)]y here Qnd is npw emp]pyed R nlent, and then the necessary sup- going t:o seem mighty swell again. Potlatch and Bryan Cargill at Deryl Ingle of Bear ridge vts)tedby the Kendrick Bean Growers tb d th f b

I plies. For the first year he was e expects t'0 retutn tp P. F. 1. Princeton: also one daughtel, Mrs. ]n the Frankie Benscoter home Mon~E. A, Deobald and son John ana mittees until harvesty o - stationed in England, the larger employment after a few days spent Beulah Strohm of Cas'hmere, Wash, da evenin .Russell Smith spent the week-enid d ff

" s 'slack- Portion of this time being at Liver- in visiting relatives Rnd friends.)sh)ng near the Bungalow. They re- ' 'ool. From there, following D-Day — INTERESTING NEWS NOTES and son Jack were Rin Lewiston onlpoI't gR)r 111'ck pn the f)sh —bul INTERESTING IIAPPEN

he went to France, later Belg)um Rnd IMr Rnd Mrs. R. L. Blewett have FROM KENDRICK SCHOOLS Mondalots of rain. finally Germany, ibeing in that received word that his brother, Njr.Roy Johnson, P, F. I, emy]pyee R A country just before being sent home Aaron Blewett and family will ar- Mr. and Mrs. Frankle Benscoter;

at Hea'diquarters, spent «ge week- on rotation furlough. i h Saturd to P nyd a bort Students of the Kendrick Highwee - IM nd N . Wade Cand]er of, E „I th t o d to most furlough with them.the Bungalow, spent:Saturday nighl! of the boys he had things compar- the first period Monday morning, as Benscoter attended the funeralwith Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Armitage. ative]y easy, as he was always be- Pfc. Ishmael Martin arrived at

Donald Pluckett in Lewiston ]as)]fro Th d til S d h t Harvey Morris and daughter Jean hind the lines, and genera]iy billited his home in Southwick last Friday The Seniors chose Ida Silf low as llgrsof Pomeroy and Raymond Spekker in R h„i]d;ng pf some sort w)th I tp spend R 45 day rest fur]o„gh their president; Ruth Lettenmaier, Jof Lewiston visited at the Given more p„ less permanent headquar ~ Wounded in Rct)on during the ph)gp'ice president; Cecil Brammer, sec-

teers as ivell Rs quarters. He does Pinecampaig,he has,been stationed retary and rMaurice Long, treasurer. h)t"

M dg

yMr. and Mrs. Wilmer Hanks were say, though, that some of the V-3. at the Vancouver military hospita ] Lois Lawrence was elec ted presI-call'ed to Lewiston Saturday by the and V-2 rocket harrages they under- for some weeks. dent of the Junior class; Patty Mc-

daughter, rM'rs. E. M.'hite and death of Nrs. Ella Pont)~, mother went were not Rt all pleasant- Crea~, vice pres)dent; Beverly ers SPent Sunday with her Parents,family, a few days the first of the '

. and a few times Jerry droppea S1/c Robert Fraser, who is sta- Schupfer, secreta y; Elsie Kruger, Mr. and Mr . iMo I H ] pfi e an of Mr. Hanks. Mr, and Mrs. rsam Gruel], Juliaetta.

week.'r. and Mrs. Milton Benjamin and bombs "here and there" around them. tinned at the Naval Air Station, treasurer. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Harlan pfJ p Nicha I pn L t

' Mr. and iMrs. Irwin Fry called at Earl says home sure seems swell, Sandpoin t, near Seattle, arrived Elected president of the Sophomore thea Sunday caller in th M Crea the Wm. Henderson home Sunday. and that h)s 30-day furlough is slip- here iSaturday at noon to spend a class was Junior Brocke; Harlan Frida and Saturda Mr H rlaMr. and Mrs. Clarence Whitinger ping away a]together tpp rapidly 10 day leave w)th his parents Mr Fey, vice president; Boyd Thornton,eQ ry h Q v f11 f d f an d son of Lew iston sp en t Sun d ay for comfpr t How ever, h e h as com - an d M rs . Eve re t t. Fras er. Bp b

'Ikes secretary; Ray Eas terbrook, treas

than 3p yeans. with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wright. piled enough pogits that he does h'is station a't Sealttle very much but urer; Stella Weaver, sgt.-at-arms. M W '

R stScotty iWilson is rbusy this week Mrs. Glen Ackerman 'of Princeton, not expect to again be sent over- says he has serious doubts about thue The Freshmen class officers are: th Bi

Y y e a sPutting a new roof on the B F and iSgt. Harvey L)nhavd, who re- seas. 'navys ability to make a cook out Ray Thotnton, president; Jackie he ig am home Tuesday.

'ently returned home after three of him. However, he is willing to Mustoe, vice president; Danny Crock- hIM . and Mrs. Nor]a Callison m4J G T is d years in the Pacific area, visited T~x~~ take a chance, if the navy is, er, secretary; Marybeth Benscoter,

to I ewiston S~md h their sister and fami]y, Mr. and S t 'b 11 lxg45 treasurer. 'isiting her sister, Mrs. Irvin Slaterand hus'band, of Boise.tended the Golden Wedding Ann1- Mrs Cha lie Harrs, Sunday Dear Ma d BI]: 'rs. M A Deobald has received Class advisors are as follows: 7 .

versary reception of,their o]d neigh- 't th k- d h Th suppose you think I have for- word that her nephew, Lt.. Col. Har- o, B m; un o 'I Mond'ay to attend Masonic GrandVirgil IHarris and iRollin Cuddy Norla Ca]lison went to Boise prt

bors, Mr. and Mrs. IHarry Wright. em lo ed at Gmn eville gotten all about you and the home- vey Deobald, an Eighth Army staff Nrs. Deobald; Sophomores, Mr. Bak-Lodge. Jorene Benscoter I stayingNr. and Mrs. W. L. NcCreary ae- P a, ~ 'own paper, No, I haven't —and officer, is now in Tokyo. ken; Fre hnlen, Mt. Joslyn, at the Call)son home duri g)sMr. and Mrs. CChe, McIver called tg f t it He )s weii known here hav;nR The football field has been smooth-

at the Ro Gert'e home Sunda e main reason or no wr ing I absence.Mosco~ visitors Saturday morning't y 3 y sooner is the hope I had of sh1pping vh)t'd in Kendrick a nu ber pi'd over and new lines put do~,for Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Roberts spent.- IRilla remained for a vis)t at the M d M W ~, out of here a lot faster than it times. H)s home is at Tonipa, Ill the coming season. Our first game Su d 'th M . d M . G. Gor v'orgeDavjddon home. Her nephew, Elton Mcicoy were Lewiston visitors seems Im R'oinR'o,I year is here, with Clarkston un ay wi r. an rs. reg y

Monda Se t 23 at 3'00 o'lock 'aves in Lewiston.', I.t, George David'son, U. S. N„ is IN d I don't care too much for the Word has 'been received that Ar- <<)


' 'h H „'r.and Mrs. Harley Eichner and. exPected to arrive there this week Rollin Armitage is confin« to "Lone Star State," as,far as I'm nold Hoisington„son of Mr. and Societ are Ida Silf low resident son Bud sPent Sunday in HPPkane.„. to spend a short leave. th concerned they can give it back to Mrs. Cletis IHOiSingtn, is now sta- ' " . 'isiting with their son, Harley, Jr.,

'neumonia.Nrs. O. E. Havens, Bremerton, ' P ' the Indians —only I doubt if they tioned at Camp Roberts Ca]jf. hav- Doris Lawrence, vice president; Pat-, 'n., arrived 'in town Tuesday at N H

'I d Bdb would accept it. It sure is hot down ing arrived theire September 5th. ''

d Herinan iRenfrow, Moscow, spentty NCCreary secreta,w 0 Is a en ng onzaga g:.-noon for a short visit with friends. pf Gran evi]]e sp~~t the week end here, and with all "these nice crea- With the com)nun)cat)on was the Thursday and Sunday nights at the

She was a luncheon guest in the h tures that crawl and fly in the following poe'm: give a Program pf their own selec- Fiankie Benscoter home.-': Wade T. Keene home; a dinner and 'ight", it sure makes life miser- Just A Blue G. I. tion on the following dates: Seniors Mr and Mrs Sam Alexander andover-night guest of Mrs. Johanna able. You can', even turn a stone Riding on a south-bound. troop train ' " ' children of California, spent FridayNelson, Big Bear ridge, and spent «utgwick Scgop] News over, or you'e sure to be staring a Just a homesick, blue G. I., mores —Nov. 5, and Freshmen, at the Frankie meitscoter home.Wednesday morning calling on (Delayed) rattlesnake in the eye —or a, With a smile on his face for the Nov. 19. The purpose of these en-

Mr. and Mrs. Andy Cox were jafriends, leaving that day on the noon There are 32 Puyils enrolled in Texan. world to see, tertainment L to promote school L i't N'train. the school this 3ear, with 16 Pup)]s Uncle 'Sam hasn't decided for Though his heart says he could cry talent and Provide a source of real

F. V. Wee]rs, Seattle, arrived here» eac»porn sure just what he is going to de 'ntertainment —taking the placeMoscow visitors.'Saturday.

Tuesday to spend a few days look- The lower g«p he its with us, but whatever it )s you He is just a ten-day soldierinR after business )nterests. His election on N»day R e "ks can bet your sweet life it isn't go- But he is not alone; The school enrollment is this, by rived Thursday to vhit at the Ed.

at tge Boeing plant js over, was elected Presiden't; IMargaret ing to be yleasant. There are hundreds more just like grades, is:and'verett says his future plans Kazda, vice President; Richard Loh- Camp sw]ft )s about 4p miles him First grade, 16; second, 16; third,:are indefinite, man, secertay; Ronald ~hman and from the cap)ba] (Aust)n). It's not Who would give a lot to be homer 14'ourth 16; fifth 8 sixth, 22'S tth

dt ~ I


t Sthd .k d,

Dick Harris, who is attending Kenneth Hanks lbra" ans V rn " nearly as large as Z had .pictured it seventh, 9; eigth, '16 —total 115. iMr. and Mrs. 'Stanley McDougal]schoo] at Wa]]ace this year, visited Hanks and Fred Lohman, sargeants would'e, and with the 2nd division He is going to take his basic =n the high school we have:

pf Kellogg spent a few days at thein his home here Tuesday. here you can al'most walk uiP the Soon he'l change from a 'boy to Freshmen, 22; soPhomores, 30; Jun-

Andy Cox home the past weepatty McCreary was a week-ena The upper grade room held its street, that is, if you'd just gad ' man; lors, 20; seniors, 20 —total 92.

Mrs. Ere)i Woody ~ent T„'esdayguest in the home of her grand e e tipn pn Fr day adding, '" an argument with your pert skunk. There will be tough training and,parents, Mr. and Nrs. F. E. Griffith usual list of officers, the office of Well, here it is almost "lights out" heartaches The sixth grade has an enroll-

h occasion wm Nancy's ni thSpokane. school rePorter —Audrey Beck. time, so guess I'd better bring th'is But he's a Yankee strong in goth ment of 23 PuPils, two of which are h. thd

'Phm. Iyc and Nrs. Judson I. Lee Other officers are: George Pressnall, to a close and hit the sack. heart and hand. net —iMona Hammond and Burton birthday ann)versary.

and Nrs Jordan Kanikkebetg were president; Gary Lohman, vice yre 1- As ever Souders. Enrollment in the fifth Mr. and Mrs. Werner Brammer

Lewiston visitors on Monday. dent; Ivorah Hoiseth, secretary; Ar- Cpl. Walt. Z)mmerman. There will be times when the going's grade is eight. New 'books are be-Brammer Sunday.were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry

phnt. Iye and Mrs. Jud. Z ee spent lie Armitage and Jpe Tschantz, sar- the roughest ing enjoyed by these grades. TheyGeo H v m w~ ill w)th tom ch

two days last week visiting in the g«nts «arms" Je 'ma 'is years of service behind him, That he wil] fee] like g~ving» are: "New World Past and Present"fl th k d

E. H. Jones home on Bear ridge. brarian. Don Benscpter, spn pf IMr. Then he II re~~mber that furlough, nd WD~~na Rnd Judy Benscoter, daugh

riippsa Keene came Sun Anna, Ivorah and Son3ha Hoiset Qnd Nrs. Frankie Benscoteer, return- And hit it once more with a grin! " s c 'ers of Nr. and Mrs. Walter Bens-day to spend severa] days visiting have been absent from school for ed home last week from Fort Doug- 'ax Schreffler, President; Kenneth

enter, have been on the sick ]L,t thein the home of her son, Mr, and several days. ]as, Utah, bringing with him his When at ]ast the training is over, Gruel], vice president; Judith White, ast week.¹s. Wade T. Keene. honorable dis'charge PaPers. Don, an He's learned to march, salute and secretary-treasurer; Parker ¹ P ee .

Mrs. iMinnie Fraser and family of day afternoon. 'ighth A'ir Force veteran, has 35 handle a gunBrown librarians

Y Carp]ee McGraw Rnd Jerry ~ ~ R Rr y was w

Irrigon, Oregon, are here this week missons over Germany to his credit, He'l graib the first train northward,esomac u e esay.Michael Morey, son of Mr. and

v)s)t)ng in the Everett Fraser and ']25 Acre Fire Friday wears the Air Medal and nine Oak North Zdaho —here we comer 'he fourth grade began the year M, N t M . f B idR)]ey homes. Fire of an und'etermined origin, Leaf Clusters, the Presidential Unit —Pvt. John Stanton, Craigmpnt. Av) th 15 students and the thirdI

pf'pent Monday and Tuesday with gisF. M, Wh)te was a Spokane ibusi- which began Friday at noon near Citation, etc.

ness visitor Tuesday. 'he school house about a mile east Since his return on rotation fur- the fourth grade enrolled Monday of Rra" ]'R en

r. and 'Nrs. Hoss Armitage and of the junction of the old Peck lough 'to the states early tg)s spring Mr. and Mrs. E. A, Deobald re- this week.

family spent Sunday at the home grade and Ahba highway, burned he has just been marking time» ceived a lettet from theit son, Sgt. E rol]ment in the second grade P.-T. Monday Eveningof his sister, Mrs. John Cuddy and over approxima'tely 725 aet'es of the various camps throughout the coun- Charles A Depba]d now stationed )'s 16. The same nutitber are in the The Kendrick P T A held it

h'i]]side and benches there, destroy" try. His ylans are rather indefinite in Getmany —that he exPected to first grade. Freda Bamberry of the first meeting of the year Mo daMr. and Mrs. Sam Alexander, who ing the schoolhouse and two sets of at this time. He.may Ro back to '" me fpr 'Ch"istmas It is npw first grade was a week late in en-

have'een vi )t)ng at the Fred fiat ibuild»gs and homes before be- farming with his gather, or may re- " f"','",'hy"" """"'' ra]]ment president, presidingCrocker home in Lewiston, drove up ing checked —rain assisting in the sume his interrupted studies at the Following the reading and ap-Tuesday, Rccpmpan)ed by Fred final "put-out" 'Saturday evening. University of Idiaho. Ra'n Delays Harvesting

I proval of the minutes of the pre-icroc]ter, to spend the day with ]rirlr. Fire Wardens Henry Jones and Overseas Mailing Rules Rain, vbhich began falling Satur- I vious meeting, IRpbt. Bakken, super

Clarence Perryman from here di- Ampng First In Tpkvtt Millions of Chirstams gifts will go day morning and continued in showI intendent, introduced the teachers,

'Mr. and Nrs. Lester 'Crocker were rented the fighting, ass)sted by vol- Tvo Kendrick brothers, Pfc. All overseas R„.o)n th',.» 'ear to our ers throughout most of SundaY andr Mrs. Armitage then brought upiLewiston business visitors Saturday. unteers from that area. An estimate R. Johnson, 22, and Pfc. 'Sidney M armed forces. It will be esPecially Monday, effective]y stoPPed bean I the question of the yublic library

Miss Jean Crocker, accompanied of the damage done is not yet Johnson, 21, entered Tokyo with the difficult to deliver these Rifts safely harvestinR'Perations, as well as and whether the organization sgpu]@by Q friend, Stuart Pfaff, of Gar- available. famed 11th Airhotne Division first and on time the army and navy the final wind-uP of grain harvest. continue to keep it open down town!field, spent Sunday in the home of Ame ican troops to occupy the Nip Po o, ess families of service

LINDEN pi', an army release from " " o o-oPera e n s art- underway, andI] 'be needpd tp

ittl W'ith the division Qs Paratroopers rules are therefore suggested for bring it to R succesafu] close.

g oe a Fay, are visiting her since its activities in February, 1g43 mailing Christmas yackages abroad: Yields so far reported on beans

p nts, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Alex- at Camp Mackal], N. C., the brothers Zf Your sold)er is enroute home or are said to be "about aveerage," of

reached Tokyo via the "hiard way" —about to come home, don't send him around five sacks per acre. Some, of „ t Lbrother pf M s. Harry Ame])ng. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Israel and New Guinea, Leyte and Zuzon. Their a Christmas package. course, went higher, some lower. Rnd vegetables for the hot


Smith of iLinden spent iMpn- daughter, Miss A]etha, attended the, unit, the 675th para-glider field ar- Use hh latest address as a proje'ct for this fall. After dueday visiting with Mrs. Estella Leith. funeral of the ]ate Nrs. Stinson at')]]ery bata]I)on, saw action in tge it's complete and accurate —name, Complete Pond Constmction discussion it was agreed it was a

I,itt]e David Hudson sPent the Clarkston, Saturday. Mrs. Hardesty mountains of Leyte. Their nexrt RrL rank, serial number, organization The Barnhart and Lacey tractors, splendid idea, but we should haveweek.end with his grandParerits, Mr. stayed with Mrs. Fry during their tion was the drive on Manila from and unit; APO, in care o postmas - which are building stock water ponds started earlier, as the program wasRnd Mrs. A. G. Peters. a'bsence.

ca' .

'- " 'nder the direction of t) Z„ t h S;IMhs Pearl Brown spent the week- capture Nicho] Fi ld. It —— th h k '

Conservation district, moved off Ce- decided this was a good plan tp eon-,+ven)ng at the home of his sister, end w)th her pal'ents in Kendrick, The,brothers attended high school Ma C "Rifts «--~ o dar ridge Septe'mrber 11. While on s'ider for next year, as many schoolsMrs. Wesley Laws and family, Lew- Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Waldhers of at Kendrick, where the family gas September 15 to October 15. n the this ridge ponds were constructed in this district are taking advantage

Pomeroy visited Saturday evening r its home. Pfe. Allan Johnson was R, Y is is ~ » Y ~,Y ~ " for Dan Kechter, Add)yon Alexander I of the cannery.Mrs, Elmer Mccoy, Leivist» was and Sunday with the Forest Grayson~emplpyed by the Oregon Ship Build- m ' " e ' ", and Ramey Hunt. The storage ca- Mr. Bakken invited parents tp

R Kendrick caller Tuesday family. ] ing Corp. at Portland before his in written request from your soldier. Pacity of these ponds varies from visit the school rooms, as alj wereSeveral car loads ««]ks f«m Miss Wilma Cuddy enrolled in the

I duction and plans to he"ome a corn- ", . 300,000 to 650,000 gallons. open for their inspection.here drove to Troy Satut'day n]Rh" Lewiston Normal Monday morning. iiiercial artist after his release from ' p e ', m Y The tractors moved to Southwick Ross Armitage announced a fppt-t j th fire'man's ball. ney Johnson,,o a new location, it's sat'er to t

. and Mrs. B. G, Linderniain were lans tp become R m h I I „~ ivait till on its

Sunday visitors in the Smith home. I neer. He w Io d I' thp will play Clarkston —a]] are in-

vited to attend.enres garage at Kendrick before in- Rs «Ittg him for a letter requesting

Yafptuer O~ctohe~r 15. Mrs. Roy R„dr)ck QIid Ray Cuddy x Qnd stron co d»» fpr tge local Red CE..Wilson, son of Mr. and se a heavy bpx ionR cord.

ers or ]Son, Kendrick, is I ~oi'eriarm

pf the same di»j V P o ~ o ~ Pu sh ng pected hpnie tliis 'u canned lugxur foods, ra- "ia' and ~vou]d appreciate your: 'white elephant'I prize sy t

correspondence Rs well as other daughters in Spokanean more ages, and as a result some !airs. C. H. Keeler is visiting her Frtrser-Greene Nuptials ried frui, canned uxury po s, ta-

help in cleaning thh up. means of raising R little money.Mr..and Mrs. E<verett F zor hlades, fountain pens, wallets, A shot t prpgrani n~ en3oyed

news —Rnd even advertismg, was Mr. Rnd Mrs. B. G, Linderman i ceived ivord Tuesday of thwatches, etc.

lc 'e riage Your package must not we)gh Dies Of Footba]] In]uries Mis. Helen Fey singing two westernomitted.

ut out such Rof their dau hter Lt. Eth I F, . t b Nrs. Harry B ot r d songs, accompanyinR herse]f on th

more than 5 pounds. It must no e iil tat',We dislike to pu o s and Mrs. Mattie Garner. A. N. C.. an'd Lt. Edward L. Greene, mote than 15 inches long or move word Tuestlay of last week that herpaper, hut it was impossible to get Lewiston visitors Monday were M M. o'f At]anta GQ.. n F 'd,, ' 'h ne hev Dona]d p ] t 16, f N z Mrs. George Brocke read the P.-T.any hely, so we just did the best Nr. and Mrs. A, Alexander, Mr. and September 14. pierce, Idaho, had rlied of injuries l

. n 3', d a group sing was

Q, on ri ay than 36 inches in length Qnd girth neP ew, ona < -uc te,, P ez A. nb'ectives anwe could. 'ft h ldh t d

combmed I then en'o ed with Mrs. H. C.Gil Erlewine. the Little Church Around The Cor-;ge same per)or] (September 15 to He was a senior in the Nez PerceI A]] then Qd ou

I fer at the piano.C]rcles To Meet J, Am)tage is can y)ng the ner, New Yo k Cit . "o"«).Hoivever, Rifts destined ~choo], Rnd a brilliant student.. I All then Qdjoutnedr... v ntertain mail during his son, Rollin's ab- ',, h

O toh 15 .oseph's hos. Ernest Hinds, a ho it I

S for navy,. maime or cpas guard ance ivas quite gopd Rt thenoon at 2:00 o'lock, pital, Lewiston, ill with pneumoi a. the past 16 month,. P or personnel may be sen rougiou meet'nR, the surrounding territor

Th L Circle will meet at the the year without a written request, A good thing to remember being well represented.home pf Mrs. Rpbert Bakken at the Having ypu done ypur part toward

e ong irc e wi In R long distance telephone con-

G ttdtht h . ' "" " "P o cas Isnottoma.same our on e samthen tell Jane or Sue! 'he old home tow h t ' eeP

Page 2: jkhf.infojkhf.info/Kendrick - 1945 - The Kendrick Gazette... · ng Pool Drive 4 Maktttg Fine PrpgrettLI Let's Keep Right On Rpg ~ .1 ~ ~ III F P Nr EF E ~ ~ 4 ~ VOLUME 55 NO. 38 PERSONALS


,steak.e..tk.a.k.t.kkk.t.Ea.t. t.t kk.t.k,e.e,p t 4 ~ ~ I a ~ t 8, t.t t ~ ~ r ~ e ~ ~ ~ r ~ ~ r r 0 i r~r7 r 't T'r f 0 w t -r t"t"r-r-i"t T f r-r-t o- 0- r.t 't rr r 0- r r-r f ~ e f t rr r r C r7sr se rr 7 t"o w r 0

::.:..'.oyc's . a) e Sudsy*HOME OWNED AND MANAGED



QUALITY GROCERIES AND MEATSFrom. Nationally Known Brands


:.'rom a Business Standpoint Your Buying Needs )Are Our Concern +<

"Quality Goods At The Lowest Prices"ss Eth +

'oyer's "a) e So)ky I;; Phone 581 - Floyd Millard, Mgr. Phone 581el i~--r.-~.-~.-~.~-.e-.e.-e--~-.e-~.~.-~--~--+.-fo++++++++++++++Q+fi+++++++++++q+eHI,g


I Men's Fall A}}d Winter Wear! yI Ij Buck Skein Shirts —Medium weight, two flap

pockets. Red, green, blue plaids. 55 jo wool!y45 j< reused wool ———-$5.85

~ Buck Skein Shirts —Heavy weight, two flappockets, tan plaids —100% wool ——$9.69 /

) Buck Skein Double-Breasted Coats —Plaidcolors, 12>/~ jo new wool, 871/i% reusedwool: -——— $1340 >

I Grey Sweat Shirts —full freedom sleeve —-$1.25 /$ Pull-over Style Sweaters —20% wool, 80%

cotton ——$1.50Cotton Sweaters —Pull-over style ——$1.75

~ Cotton Sweaters —Button Style $1.98I 100% Wool Sweaters —Brown and grey heath- j

er —button style $4.95 y) Sport Coats —50% wool, 50% reused wool $13.95

Wool Felt Hats —New Fall Colors $2.29, $2.50~ Work Shoes —6-inch top

$4.15—$4.39 —$4.50 —$5.00 —$5.50

$ Work Shoes —8-inch Top $7.25 and $8.5Qy

I TRY US FIRST AND SAVE~ ~ ) ~ . ~-, ~






"Show me the manner in whicha nation cares for its dead and Iwill measure with mathematicalexactness the tender sympathiesof its people, their respect for thelaw of the land and their loyaltyto high ideals."

Gladstone's words were nevertruer than they are today whenmen are giving their lives for theright to maintain Christian stan-dards and ideals.

Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Wegner.Mr. and Mrs. Walter Koepp and

family were Sunday dinner guests ofMr. and Mrs. Roy Ramey.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Koepp andfamily were recent visitors in theHenry Wendt home.

Mrs; L. S. LaHatt of Pomeroy wasa guest of her daughter, Mrs. Ed.Mielke, this week.

Mrs. Henry Wend't waa hostess ata Ladies Aid meeting in her homeWednesday af ternoon.

Elsie and Dorothy Kruger werethe hostesses't the Septembermeeting of the Luther League.

S/Sgt. and Mrs. Glenn Newmanof Fort George %Vright, Spokane,spent the week-end with Mr. ant}Mrs. Fred Newman.

Judy and Ann White were week-end guests of Dorothy Ann Mielke.

Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Cridlebaughand daughters, Miss Waddel andKathleen Crawford'ere Saturdaydinner guests of Mrs. Stoneburnerand Miss 'Hartung.

'Mrs. John Schwarz visited withEmma Hartung and Mra. Stoneburn-er Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Jake Neumann andson Allen visited in the home ofMr. and Mra. ~Fred ~Newman Mon-day evening.

Fred ISchoeffler and daughter,Mrs. Choate; were Colfax visitorsTuesday.

Mr. and Mra. A. H. Blum havereceived word that their son-in-law,Clay Albright, a member 'of the Sea;bees, has arrived in the U. S., afterduty in the Pacific.

Pfc. Milton Hull and Seaman Wes-ley Hull of Lewiston visited'iththeir aunt, Mrs. A. F. Wegner, andother relatives, a few days last week.

Mr. and 'Mrs. Clarence Fry andMr. an'd Mra Wm. Fry were Sun-day evening visitors in the home of

Mrs. John Holm an, our teacher,spent the week-end at her home in,Troy.

Mr. and Mrs. VT. A. Cowger and .daughter Mabel attended the GoldenWedding reception of Mr. and ~Mrs.,Harry Wright at Lewiston, Sunday. s

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Finke and chil-dren were Lewiston visitors Monday.

Pfc. and Mrs. Donald Christeenaen .and daughter of Lewis'ton were re-cent visitors at the Glen Betts home.

'onis home on furlough after'pendingalmost a year in Germany.

He rep'orts Iback to Fort Douglas,Utah, October 1.

S/Sgt. Cheater Martin, Pfic. Ish-mael Martin, 'Stanley and Roy Mar-tin, spent saturday with their sis-ter, Mrs, Lyle Bashaw and family, st-Grangemont.

Mrs. Harry Pitz spent the pastweek visiting in spokane.

Jack Chitwood and Cliff Rutterstar'ted hauling poles for Pitz'Cuddy this week.

Mrs. Roy Martin moved to Lewis-laat week to be with her children,'Stanley and Mary Jane, who areattending school there.

Mike Forest visited R. S. BettsMonday.


Phone 333 Lewiston


sister, Mrs, A. IH. Blum and hus-band, and other relatives.

Mr, and Mrs. Floyd Holcomib ofVancouver, 'Wn., were guests of Mr.and.Mrs. Fred Newman Monday andTuesday. Mrs. XIolcomlb is Mr. New-man's sister.


G1adys. Wegner leSt for LewistonSunday, where she will again at-tend N, X. T. C.

Charley 016ag of Spokane spentveral days of 'last week with hia


LET'S GET ACQUAINTED!We'e here to offer you every. possible eonfeetknn

ery and cafe service that present conditions permit.'We give smiling service.

Come in and get acquainted

BURT'S CONFECTIONERYMr. and Mrs. Burton Souders

"a......ea:ejcs.We Have a Shipment of

..=iwoG... o...—.:A ....:.RS

That will arrive about Oct. 1st.These heaters are made of cast iron.

Order one of these at once;.

Help the Living War Memorial bydonating to the Swimming Pool


With What You Save by TradingHere -- Buy a Bond


Mystery-Romance ComingThis week's offering at the local

theatre will be a mystery-romance'ntitled "Laura." IZ is the story of

a young woman who knew what ahewanted of life, and didn't allow amurder-mystery to get in her way,despite the unfavorable conditions inwhich she found herself.

In ad'dition a 20-Minute feature,"To The ~shores Of Iwo Jima," kkt

technicolor, will be a'hown.

iMany lives have been saved 'byknowing how to swim. Let yourchildren learn in the Living WarMemorial Swimming Pool. Have yougiven?

WANT ADSFOR SALE —Three good mil'k

cows; two fresh 5 weeks ago. Ce-cil Gruell, Juliaetta. 38-tf

FOR SAILE —Wood. Dr. D. A.Christensen. 35-tf

FOR SAINTE —Ten tons chopped e,kfalfa hay; nearly new 'bean rake.Leonard Wolff. 87r2

~ ~

~ ~

Kendrick Bean Growers Ass'nKENDRICK Phone 971 IDAHO


f 5}W FArtssERS BANK~~ g

1:-/(=i~~-,I -=}

l I- tI;~=.-

~ ~

~ ~

d's safest invest-in your country

and are a symbol of the part you are doing to backup its fighting men. Too, they are a part of yourfuture. Saved to maturity, they will mean addedsecurity, comforts and pleasures for you and yourfamily. They are worth keeping!

Such assured dependability and low rates areworth keeping!

The time-tried dependability and low rates-of theWashington Water Power are also worth keeping.Sound business management, technical skill ac-quired through long experience, and loyal and com-petent employees enable Washington Water Powerto give you dependable electric service at low pre-war rates... and this despite increased cost ofoperation, greater demand and higher taxes.

FOR SALE —Between 50 and 60cords of good seasoned 42-inchwood. For further details see A.O. Kanikkeiberg, Clerk School Diat.No. 24, Kendrick. 87-tf

FOR SALlE —Modern dwe11ing inKendr!ck. See or write A. O.Kanikkebe', Kendrick, Idaho.


FOR 8ALE —2N. p. electric mo-tor akkd 1k/s-inch pump. PhilJohns. 38-1x

HAVE YOU always wanted a genu-ine Oil Paitkng, 'but thought theywere too expensive? A westernartist is offering to the publicoriginal hand, painted oil,paintingsof western landscape scenes, size12x16, ready for framing, price$3.00 postpaid. Make excellentgif ts. Lewiston Art Association,812 Eighth St., Lewiston, Idaho.


FOR SALE —AT JULIAETTA—8-room house, basemen~t, upstairs,partly furn'ished, garage, smallbarn, two modern chicken houses,300 hen capacity, fertile gardenground, lots of shade; nice lawn.Inquire I, W. Fix, Juliaetta. 38-2


INSURANCE, including



~ ~

Defense Bonds May Be Purchased At This


~ ~

~ ~

~ ~

~ ~



g Self-Supporting, Tax-Paying Business Enterprise

~ ~

ROY R. GLENNAuctioneer

~ ~


Buyer and Seller"Herman Meyer President

H, M. Emerson, tice-presidentA. 0. Kanikkeberg, CashierL D Crocker Asst Cashier

~ ~

Call 197 oi wiite meat kendrick, Idaho

Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation~ L


JHgeII ~



Page 3: jkhf.infojkhf.info/Kendrick - 1945 - The Kendrick Gazette... · ng Pool Drive 4 Maktttg Fine PrpgrettLI Let's Keep Right On Rpg ~ .1 ~ ~ III F P Nr EF E ~ ~ 4 ~ VOLUME 55 NO. 38 PERSONALS



Pulblished every Thursday morning atKendrick, Idaho, by P. C. McCreary

Subscription, $2.00 per yearStrictly Indepeadent in 'PoliticsEntered at the postoffice at Ken-

drick, Idaho, as second-class mailInatlter.


Church Of The NazareneJuliaetta, Idaho

Rev. Murray L. Wells, PastorSunday School at 10:00 a m.IVforning Worship at 11:00 a. m.Evening Services at 7:30Thursday evening —Prayer Meeting,alt the <parsonage, 7:30 o'lock.

WheatForty FoklFederationiClub, bu'I'kBed., bulkBex, .'bulk ................,.......,....Oats, 100, bulk ..............,.....Barley, 100, 'bulk ................

BeansSmall Whites (100) ..............<Flats (100)Beds (100) ................................Pintos (100)Great Northerns (100) ...........

<Clover SeedAlsyke Clover, 100 ..................White Dutch, 100 lbs...........

Eggs —Dozen





........$2 05



.. $27.00. $60.00

Large .......Mediums

Cases returned

ButterButiter, 1b.Butterfat .......



POND'S SHOE SERVICE404 Main Street Lewiston, Idaho

Lutheran Church Of CameronRev. Theo. Meske, Pastor

Sunday School at 10:00 a. m.Worship Services at 10:45 a. m,Sunday Schoo'1 teachers'ally at

Genesee at 3:00 ip. m.English Holy Commun.'on 8 rvice

on September 80.

Lutheran Church Of JuliaettaNo services this 'Sunday.Holy Communion iService Sept, 30.


We have ibeen having some rainyweather, but the sun is shiningagain.

Mr. and !Mrs. Ed. Harlacher ofNewberg, Ore„and their daughter,Miss Annie Harlacher of GrantsPass, Oregon, visited recently at thehome of Mr. and lMrs. John Lind.

Mrs, Carroll Groseclose went toKendrick Monday and had some den-tal work done. Carroll and Groverwent down with her and broughthome tomatoes for canning.

2Nr. and Mrs. William Groseclose

a ~m ~~m ea %L ~~%L %h ~ %L~ %% %R M. %R %a %a,'..:.)G:ROW:.::RS,'tore

your Alsyke, Red Clover I

~and White Dutch with us, where I

I all of the buyers will make you an IIs offer.I

Kendrick Rochdale CompanyKENDRICK, IDAHO

%k%kmamm&%&%% W%%% aamm fT

are making preparations to movers Card Of Thanksto J'uliaetta for the winter, but want1 We wish to thank the many

friends for their kindness at thisto g'et the aPPles and Prunes Picked time of our great sorrow; for theand potatoes dug before going. beautiful flowers; song service, and

The farmers are almost through those who worked at the cemetery.1with harvesting, and now that we'—Mrs. John Lettenmaier, Miss Ruth~!have had some rain, they will <prob-'Lettenmaier, Mr. and Mrs. John L.ably start fall plowing soon.


Lettenmaier, IMr. and Mrs. J.News seems to be scarce. There Skinner

is,plenty, but folks are too busy toj

, tell us about it. IBuy it in Kendrick!






1~qq 1~1')I

MANv generations of pigs have beenused in the Research Farm wort onDr, Hess Hog Special.

The records on these pigs have sup-plied accurate necessary informationon this product. This information isapplied from time to time in improv-

ing the product.We'e passing this information

along to you when we say that HogS~ial hogs on the Reeeeroh Farmhave alwsye mede more economi-cal gains —in other words, theyknish out on Ieee feed.

We advise that you add Hog Spe-cial to your ration. We have a com-plete supply of this and other Dr.Hese ProductL

B. F. NESBIT, Prop. PHONE 942


.""ia/I ~~ Oil/ll~il»I/rishi!~~+=(II


——2 I I I I Isli':;;:;:;:K";"'si~yr


<1I I M ~'' '.'"„,;"~o.

ll4$ $I

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-" s I Iii I I II i,: ' ' I 4




%1131 '-", III

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~111~ <I i ~ i a ag I jg ji jl

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Only with the remarkable new Mobil-

gas Special and Mobilgas can you

get "Flying Horsepower." These favor-

ite new gasolines contain the same

power ingredients that have goneinto war-famous super 100-octane

aviation gasoline.

Drive in today at the sign of the Flying

Red Horse. Tell your friendly lndepend-

ent Mobilgas Dealer to fill 'er up with

new Mobilgas Special or Mobilgas-then drive away on wings. You'l get:

New instant engine responseat all speeds, under every

driving condition.

New flashing getaway.

New, speedy pickup,

New power on hills.

USE A (REDIT (ARDCredit cards are back —for your con-,

venience and protection. Mobilgos

credit cards are good all over the

United States —wherever you see the

Sign of the Flying Red Horse, Apply

through your Mobilgas Dealer today.




~"II up'' <t W'< 'h

W. D. Woodward

Agent For


. Ntobilgas >~oi aS


F.l I l


„)]<I l~

',ll I +fall I y'I~ ISSIV

':;.',l IPSPII<.,;-.i I iI

'~~~.!W4l'lIIIPi ~<,.

csea I Bsl seei M tp <i g~ f

; 11~~~!sua~sggr«=r.4 4 4

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Page 4: jkhf.infojkhf.info/Kendrick - 1945 - The Kendrick Gazette... · ng Pool Drive 4 Maktttg Fine PrpgrettLI Let's Keep Right On Rpg ~ .1 ~ ~ III F P Nr EF E ~ ~ 4 ~ VOLUME 55 NO. 38 PERSONALS

THE K~2JDR CK GA E» TK -HUH'ADA~< S=?7<'~Bi' "-0, 1945

XXÃXXX~KAXXXKendrick Theatre

report fron! ~!rc'3e ha-ps on thesame theme. With increasing urgencythey tell the grim story of an un-finished war. From France, Itaiy,Belgium, Holland, Greece, fromevery country the Allied armies haveliberated come disturbin~ accountsof hunger, stagnation, mass unem-ployment, incipient violence.

The graves of our dead are scat-tered over all of western Europe,and it would be h tragic blunder andbetrayal on our part to withdrawthe living armies which proclaim ourintention to finish the job for whichthey gave their !ives. Our immediateduty end interests are to see thatthis conflict is won, It cannot 'be

won unless we play our full part inhelping the war-tom countries toeconomical, social and political sta-bility,

The task of the U. S. 0, will betremendous until demobilization iscompleted, Now armies of occupa-tion, other armies in shifted basesin Hawaii, the Phili'ppines, and de-mobiiizat'ion camps, the constant callfor aid at hospitalization and trans-portation centers, all emphasize thenecessity for continuing vigorousactivity by the U. S. O.

United Seamen's Service will also

., 01: Ri:c,1








Ahvays have Potlatch Chiei

lice cream on your shopping list.

,It satisfies!


Jack and Jill came down the h'.il,To buy some dairy products,Jack fell down and broke his

crown,While Jill sat on the curb eat-

ing a quart of deliciousPOTLATCH <OHI K F I C ECREAM!

Can you blame Jill? Doesn'Potlatch Chief ice cream temptyou, too? We sell ice cream incones, quarts and gallons in avariety of flavors, 'Serve it oftento your family, as it is goodtastiing as wel'1 as,good for you.

If you are planning a picnicor party, why not serve ice creamfor dessert? By doing so youeliminate all work and worrywhich goes with having a gooddessert —which is so necessaryto top off any special meal.

iFor an extra special treat puta scoop of it inside half a Julia-etta cantaloupe. Y-u-m-m!

A tobacco-chewing mountaineersaw;a sign: "Women's Exchange"in a store window. He grinnedand wen(t in.

"Can I help you?" asked thefrozen-faced woman in charge.

"Is this the Women's Ex-


» <Qes"Are you the woman?"'"I'm in charge. What do you

want?"«Wal," he said, shifting h'is cud.

«I reck'oned we might do somebusiness, ibut now I guess I'lkeep Sal,"

Flaming with suspense —explod-ing with love —the strange lovestory of a woman neither man normurder could conquer.






have to continue its work while ourmerchant fleets are engaged in thebringing of men and materials home.

Peace in the Pacific makes it pos-sible to give increased aid to thePhilippines and to give all possibleaid to China, which has been en-gaged in war much longer than anyother nation —more than eightyears.


T/Sgt. Chet. McAllister is nowhome on furlough visiting his moth-er, Mrs. Vad'a McAllister.

Lloyd Scott, just discharged fromthe army, was visiting his mother,Mis. Pearl Scott and Mrs. Bill Bow-en and family two days this week.

Mr. and'rs, Bernard Browningand daughter left Saturday to returnto their home in Missouri, after visit-ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C.Browninr.

iMrs. Woody Nye and Donna Nyewere visiting in Moscow Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Nickens and'sono'f Peck and Mr. and Mrs, Hev'b

Millard were visitors in the <FloydMillard home at Kendrick Sunday.

Those visiting in the home of Mr.and Mrs. IValter 'Crochran Sunday(were Mr. arid Mrs. Claude Clark andfamily, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Glennand family, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Halland family, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Kent,Mr. and Mrs. Archie Morgan and<Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morgan.

The trouble with champagne isthat it makes you see double butfeel single.

Show Begins At I:00 P. M,

55c Admission, 15cA man may profit by his mis-

takes —provided he isn't a,para-trooper!



End of the war in the Pacific hasnot changed campaign plans orquotas for the War Fund, whichmust be cerried on until the lastService Flags are taken down fromthe windows of American homes, C,J. Strike, president of the Idaho WarFund, Inc., sa'id'n announcing thata War Fund drive to raise $380,000will get under way in Idaho on Octo-ber 1st.

The drive this fall, however, will'e

the final appeal for the WarFund, which finances such agenciesas the U. S. O. and Foreign iRelief.Every cent of Idaho's quota of $380,-000 wi11 be needed to help carry l

National War Fund through a 15-lmonths'eriod or to the liquidationiof the agencies of the fund.

Every returning traveler and every

Program begins look to us

for Lunch Box Supplies



'.. sac.zers'n~.Stuc.ents.

'ntil the School Hot Lunch

ar i 5uI(I(esl:jons

:Ol le I,OO

,lg($ ) ( lCBC


$yAS and $7.99



Good Weight —Grey ColwQ,.25

DOUBLE BLANKETS25% Wool —Size 72x84

Pair $6,9$

BOYS'WEATERSGood Quality —All Sizes


MEN'S SWEATERS100% Wool —Most Sizes




RUBBER FOOTWEAROur Supply Is Limited This Season. Early Buying

Is Advisable

SEWING MACHINE NEEDLESNeedles For Most All Machines Now In Stock

% ~i)i'3=."The Home Of Good Things To Eat And Wear"

Phone 751 Phone 751


Moscow, Idaho

Watermelons, Cants and Tomatoesi'<


Bring that grocery list here. Qual-,ity groceries at reasonable prices!


PHQNE 891 KENDRIGK PHQNE 891 'endrjck tssraIIe (o.Phone 713



..'eec.:.0F. fo:.1':ll CALF MANNA



i Proper Feeding Pays DividendsI

Lewiston Grain GrowersWade T. Keene, Agent Phone 591

For every family, fuel conservation is a wartime "must." Make

the most of all you get! Standard Burner Oils are completely

distilled (puri6ed). They provide complete combustion without

waste —no carbon deposit or coke residue. Standard Furnace Oil .for home furnaces; Standard Stove Oil for circulating heaters.

a ammmmmmmamaaaammm%mQI,'e We..come


Teachers a,nd Students

of the Kendrick SchoolsI

IHot, Economical Lunches

> Soup, Hamburger, Pie and Milk II

Fountain Drinks, Sundaes, MilkI

Shakes, Etc.When you'e hungry or thirsty, you can bank we

ycan quencf that thirst or serve you wholesome food.


)lt iii:e'I "onieci:ionery <

See Marvin ForField Grain, Truck, Tractor and Combine InsuranceI will appreciate it if you win leave your acreage for Field GrainInsurance at the store —due to gas shortage. —I thank you


E. A. DEOBALD, Propr.

Many friends from this area drove Painting Parking Stripsto Lewiston Saturday to Pay their Jack (Kuykendaii has been busylast respects to Mrs, Grace Stin- the past few days paintmg 45 de-son, a long-time resident of Julia- gree angle «parking stalls" on Ken-etta, who,Passed away Thursday. drick's <paved streets, in an effort

Mr. and Mrs. (Chas. Schultz spent to provide more parking space forSunday with their daughter, Mrs. the iSaturday and (saturday nightGerald Schmidt and family, at Le- crowds.land.

Mr. and <Mrs. Chas, Schultz andi "That will be enough out of you,"Mrs. Betty Boone spent Tuesday in, said the farmer, as he moved on toLewis ton. the next cow

Did You Ever Stop To

.. i1fQ..< ...1a;

60c can of Simonize might save

you a $60.00 paint job?

$8.00 Fram Oil Filter might save

you an $80.00 repair bill?

That a $6.50 tire recap job mightsave you the price of a new

tire -- or even a $65.00 repair

job as the result of a wreck?

.I"„I,',~,lI>~>i%;,r i ln . I:- I &I,'Igs)I I, III 0 ~~) $.$1 gl I, l,lii i

C'.I.;I;(I.'I'I(9riiii» <;,;...:.t IJ.I,<I. L'a'1(> re('>I