jl - university of hawaii · 17 cv 71) lirottd tit., now york city. oroastle&cookk, 827 lm...

kSSSS.VSS WH&Vf'Mif J StfFtJH wi SiiKi $mmr. ntscvs tfizri - . Tti'lW .,'"'I rf h n (5 ( Vol. XIY. No. 2314. HONOLULU, H. I., THURSDAY EYJBNING, SEPTEMBER 5r 1889. SO OEHTa auOBORIPTION PER MONTH ' i i i I 'it ; V .. ? t THE, DAILY BULLETIN Is printed and published at tho office, Quoon Mroot, Honolulu, 11. overy afternoon (Sundays excepted). Subscription,' 60, cents pet Month'. Addross all, Communications Daiiv Bui.lktik. Advertisements, tc. ensure insertion, fliould be handed la bo(oro one o'clock 1. M. WALTER HILL Editor and Propriotor Bullotin Stoam Printing Office. Newspaper, Hook aud Job Printing of all kinds done on the most favorablo terms. iiell Telephone.. No. 250 Mutual Telephone No. 200 THE DAILY BULLETIN Weekly Summary. Ail interesting and comprehensive publication, contains 3? "columns of leading matter on local topics, and a complete resume of Honolulu and Island News. It is the best paper published in the Kingdom to send to friends abroad. . Habacrlptlon: ' Island : : : $1 00 year Foreign : : : 0 00 " Commission Merchants. tjr &. fjfr General Commission Agents'. Honolulu G. "W. MACFABLAHE & Co. IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION M.ERCHANT8, Honolulu. H. I. Queen street, - - -, 1G48 - i GON8ALVES.& CO., Wholesale Grocers & Wine Merchants Beaver Block, Honolulu. tJBBWER & COMPANY, c (Limited) Gknkual Mercantile ajid Commission Agents. list ov oryicKKS : P. C. Jonbs, Jr. .. .President & Manager J. u. (Jautbii. . . ..Treasurer & Secretary DIBECTOBS: Uon. 0. li. Bishop. S. Q, Allen, U. Watkbhouse. 33a ly T. WATEBHOUSB, JOHN Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise, Queen it., Honolulu. 1 S. N. Castlo.-- J. B. Athorton-- G. P. Castle Hi OOOKH, 0'A8TLB Shipping and Commission Merchants. Importers and Dealers in Ueneral Merchandise, No. 80 King si., Honolulu. 1 Clam Spreckoli. Wm. G. Irwin. IKWIN & COMPANY, WQ. Sugar Factors and Commission outs, Honolulu. 1 "VSriliDBB St OO., YVi Dealers in Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails,' Sal', and Building Materials of every kind, cor. Fort and Queen sts., Honolulu. 1 . Lowers, F. J.Lowrey O. M. Oooke. T mwEna.aj OooiiK. JLl (successors to Luwers & Dickspn.) Importers and. Dealers In Lumbpr and all Kinds 01 Jjuiiaingjuaicriais.rornireei, Honolulu M H. G. CRABBE, DEALER IN Wand GRAIN, 81 King Btrect, opposite tho Old Station tiouse. Mutual OColcilnouo No. 4.. ' 87 tf VETERINARY. ROWAT, Veterinary Burgeon, Alt. und pharmacy ut Hawaiian Hotel btablus, corner Hotel and Uicltuid streets, aclenllllc treatment lu all animals. OrdcrB for plantation and ranch stock promptly attended to. Mutual Telephone U54, P. O. Box 320. mh.18-8- O LUSO HAWA1IANO. A LL persons who want to communi A, cate with the Poituguusc, either for "business, or for procuring workmen, jervants or uuy other helps, will Una It tho most profitable way to advertise u Iho Luto rtwarVano, tho new organ of the Ptirtuguojo colony, which Is pub- lished )n llotel street, and only charge. rmtnnnHlite rnt' fn' idvnr'lsi ! rnuP BEST PAPER to subscribo for is the "Dally Bullutln." 00 eats per taonui, Prbfos&i'ttnals. JlLMONSAMtAT", & Notary Public H9 Merchant Street, Honolulu. tf JALFKED MAQOON,' - at Law & Notary t'ubllo 173. 43 Merchant street. Honolulu, ly David' Dayton Will practice In the lower Courts of the Kingdom as attorney, attend to collect lug in all its branches, renting of houses und any other business entrusted to him Ofllcc 01 King Street Upstairs. Feb 0 PIONEER AND llA-ICEirV- . F. HORN, Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and Dakcr. 71 notel St. -- JH2T Telephone 74. Mrs. L, G. Pray, Genuine Massage g Roman Batlis 160 Fort Street. Chinese Church Yard, dec-7- HOLLISTER &C0., Druggists Tobacconists WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 109 Fon.Strcct, : "William's Block, 216 Honolulu, H. I. Q. M. BENSON. 0. W. SMITH. BENSON. SMITH & CO., Manufacturing and Dispensing Pharmacists, 113 & 116 Fort Street, - Honolulu Depot for Boeriokc & ScecUlk's HOMCEPATHIG MEDICJNES, Rlcksccker's Perfumes and Toilet Requisites, 12y WEMER & CO. Jlaimracturlnc dowellcra, NO. 0 JPOltT HTXtJflET. Constantly on hand i largo assortmen of every description of Jewelry, Watches Gold and Silver Plated Ware, &c. 958 ly Thomas Lindsay, Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker Kukul Jewelry a Specially. Einc Street, Honolulu, II. I. Next door to the Hawaiian Tram-wa- y Company's OtUce. CST Particular attention paid 'to all kinds of repairs. jan-10-H- Hustace& Robertson, LL ordeifl for Cartage promptly at-'i- tended to. Particular attention paid, to thjO Storing & Shipping of goods in transit to tho other Ialnnds. Also, Black and White Sand tn quantities to sun ai jowesv prices. ,. . . nm x.nrnnn. ...7rV""v "a UUbVtWU IUVIUI 983 ly Miituol Telephone No. 10. 3Kv? ong Sang, Manufacturer of Ladles' & Gentlemen's Boots' & Shoes, So. SiO Xuiiuua Ht,, All work guaranteed. Loweit prices. Tho vory best leather kept on hand. 238 Urn A. II. RASEMANN, Book-binde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k Manufacturer, No. Merchant street. Up stairs. y NEW YORK LINE ! Al Vessel will bo despatched for AN Honolulu tn Icavo New York In all November For futthorlnfonnuiion apply to the Agents, Mkssks. W. H. GROSSMAN & BRO , 17 Cv 71) lirottd tit., Now York City. OrOASTLE&COOKK, 827 lm Houolulu, II. I. BEATER JL SALOON Tho Bost Lunoh in Town, Tea and Coffeo at ill Houra r The Finest Brand of t'is k"l i rzr---a?- AlwayB on Ilnnd. II. J. NOB7TK, Proprietor. TXJ3B Metropolitan eat Company 81 KINO STREET, G. J. WALLER, - - Manager 'Wholesale & Eetail Butchers akd NAVY CONTRACTOBS. 1717 ly Choicest Mutton I Beef, Pork, Always on hand at the HONOLULU MARKET (Successors to Wm. McCntidlcfs), No. G lucen St.. : : KlNh 3Iarhct, Honolulu, II. I. ESTFamily and Shipping Oulcrscarc fully attended to. Live Stock furnishnl to vessels at short notice. "my ,17-3- 8 JOS. TBftSKER, BUTUlIKIt.. Nuuanu Street. Beef, Veal, Lamb, Mutton, & Fork. ALSO Cambridge Pork Sausages ! Fresh Every Day. C37"Hls noted Sausages are made by the every best machinery, and all orders entrusted to his care will be delivered with promptnoss .and dispatch, and his prices aro as low as anywhere in tho city. CSTTry his Bologna Sausages." oct.5-8- Anderson &Lundy, DDemtists. Artificial Teeth from one to an entire set' Inserted on gold, silver, allumimnn aud rubber bases. Crown and Urldgu Work a spcclolty. To persons wearing rubber plates which arc- - a constant source of irritation to the mouth and throat, we would recommend our Pro- phylactic Metal Plate. All operations performed in accordance with the latest improvements in dental science. Teeth Extracted without pain by the use of Nitrous Oxide Gas. CSTOfiice at Old Tregloan Residence Hotel street. Fcb-20-8- 9 WRIGHT BROS., THOMAS & HENRY; Fort Street, noxt Lucas' Mill, yyfe W. W. WRIGHT, Not. 79 and 01 King Street. Carriage Builders, Ship's Blacksmithlng, Drays, Carts U Wagon Building as spoclally. Every description of work in tho above lines performed in a, first-clas- s manner and executed at short notice. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. C9? Orders from, the other islands solicited, Will ho pleated to sco all our old customers as well us new ones, Mutual Telephone No 575, npr.ltl B0 Pioneer Shin Factory Of Honolulu, No. 17 Emma St' The underslgnud Iocs to inform the public of these Islands that he is making SlilrtH ly HIortMurenieut X Directions fortelf-mrasiircmc- will bo given on application. White Shirts, Overshlrts & Night Gowns A fit guarantee by making a fnmplo Shirt to every order. Island order solicited Dell Telophono 410 '501y A. 91. 31 1: LI. 18. teltlteW&Sl&WViFtii EMBROIDERIES and LACES I LARGE IMPORTATION DIRECT. JFROM EUROPE -- a- ROW5 OPEN' AT THE POPULAR -- HHJJBEftT - HOUSE, 101 Fort Street. Honolulu, IV. . SACHS', - - Proprietor. I Call nnd examine. Swiss Nainsook & Hamburg Edgings, In every width and all qualities; Embroidery Skirt Length Flounces, Exquisite pattcrHB, at vory low figures ; All-ov- er JEQmlroicleries, Latest patterns, in Swiss &. Nainsook"; Children's Embroidery Flounces, - ' In Swiss & Nainsook ; Laces & Lace Flounces, An immense assortment ; Oriental Lace Flounces Skirt Length, In White &. Deep Ecru, at exceptionally low prices; "Valexioienne Lace lloixiicee, Full Skirt Length & Edgings to mutch. gfiF" The above Goods are direct from Europe and direct from the manufacturers, and- - will " tlkereforo be oil'ered at prices lower than hither-tojor- e. -- OFFER AT BED California Hay, Oats, Bran, . Oil Cairo Bleal, Linseed Meal, Barley, Rolled Barley,- - Middling Ground Barley, Wheat and Corn Flour. FLOUR Golden Gate & Salinas-- a FLOTTR Telephones, No. 175. JBoll '.Telephone, SO -- a e AI1AN o Ho. 24 Merchant Street, Near vort Street. 0 -- Have on hand and For Sale a Full Assortment of- - ! All Brands of American Whiskies, BOURBON, ETE and MONONftAHELA, In Bulk or Case; ROCK TRICES- - Cor. Edinburgh & Queen Sts. Mutual Telephone, 37 1 o Wll GO., AT LOWEST RATES by FRANK BROWN, Manager. COTOH and IRJTSJHL WHISKY, In Glass and Stone Jars; JREIVOI-- I BRANDIES, Vory Fine & Very Cheap Qualities, ns aro wanted ; G3NS; in Large & Small Bottles; ' (White or Black), also, STONE JUGS ; Old Tom (Grlu, Best J3rn nI In the Market; EUROPEAN SHERRIEB and PORT ! In Bulk and Case. All Brands of American Lager Beer, English Ale & Porter, German Beer, Etc, In Pints and Quarts; Finest Brands of Ch i pagnes, j In Pints and Quarts. Bitters, Liters Absinthe, v Apollinari Water, Kummels, Very Superior CALIFOENIA WINES, as Foixowa:- - ZiiifUndel, Malaga, Tokay, Madeira, Port, Sherry, Riesling, Hocks, Etc., EUm o fpr All of wiiicb will be sold 12170 a) UTERPRIS PLANING MILL. E AInkcn, near inecn St. Telephone- SS. WALKEE & EEDWARD, Contrive torn t Xlulliloro. Brick, Stbnb and Wcwdn Buildings; e.' timates given. Jobbing promptly to. 70 King btreet. Bell Tele- phone N. 2. P. O. Box, 423. up y GEORGE LUOAS, -- SwtiSSfi. and Builder,' Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Lspla nadc, Honolulu. f Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings, Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds, Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of Wood- work finish. Turning, Scroll and Band Sawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plsn-ln- g, Morticing and Tenanting. Orders promptly attended to and work uuarauteed. Orders from tho other Is- lands solicited HONOLULU IRON WORKS. iSteam enclnes. sucar mills, boil ers, coolers; iron, brass and lead cast- ings; machinery of every description made to order. Particular attention paid to ship's black smithing. Job work exe- cuted at short notice. 1 J. E. BROWN & CO.. 88 Merchant Ht., Honolulu, U.I. COMMISSION MERCHANTS ACCOUNTANTS, Conveyancers I REAL ESTATE FACTORS & COLLECTORS. Bole Agents for the Burlington Route Across America, and to the Azores. Hole Ajients for Pitt & Scott's Foreign Parcels Express & General Shipping Agency. Sole Agents for Sunny South Aerated Waters. Sole Agents for Masefleld Bros.' New Zealand Mullet and Canned Goods. Special Agents for Leading New Zea land and Australian Mercantile Firms. Special Agents for tho California Land 'Association. Special Agents for the Honolulu Busi noss Directory. Also, Other Special Agencies. Entries Passed. Pro peities Managed. Assignees and Audi tors- - worK done promptly. Houses Leased aid Rents Collect! New Business Solicited Bell Telo. No. 172 Mutual Tolo. No. 3G0. Dec-5- J Povt Office Box 469. 88-l- y P. O. Box 351. sues- - lletl Tale. 974. incss Agency Corner Fort & Merchant Streets, Honolulu, U. I. GENERAL AGENTS. Accountant &, Collector -- lroil TTtK Hawaiian Boll Telephone So. Manager of Advertising Department FOIl THE "Mupepa Kuokoa." DEPARTMENTS of BUSINESS: Collections will recclvo special alien, tion and returns promptly msde. Roal.Eitsto bought, fold and lrased. Taxos Paid and propetly snfi:ly inured Houses, Cottages, Rooms and Officei, leaded and rented, and rents collected. . Fire and U(o Insurtnce cfTocted In first, class Insurance Companies. Convoyanclng a Specialty Records seni died aud correct Abstracts of Title funiUlied. Legal Documenli and Papers of oycTy description carofully drawn and hnnd. somely engrobsed. Copying and Translating In all languages in ueneral use in this Kingdom. Custom Uouso Botinots transacted with accuracy and dispatch. Loans negotiuted nl fuvoruble rates. Cold, Silver and Certificates UotiyVt und sold. Advcrllsemonts and Subscriptions soil cited for pulillsliprn. Skilled and Unskilled Labor furnished. Any Article purchased or sold, Inter-Islan- d Ordors will receive rartl. cular attention. To Let, FurnUhcd and Unlurnlttiod Cot-lag- inileslrablo localities at reusouahlo rentals. Several Valuablo Properllet in nnd around the city now for sale and leave on easy terms. tAU,busIncsK entrusted to our coro will receive prompt and faithful ntten Uon al moderate charuea Fuu-- 4 tiu NEW YORK Life Insurance COMPANY. Assets, $96,000,00:00 "Facts are Stubborn Things." At every age, on every premium tnble, and in every year,- - the AC" TUAL RESULTS' rif TonlirioPolicW of the New York Life Insurance Co. have been LARGER than those OF ANY OTHER COMPANY issuing similar policies. For particulars apply to C O. BEBUElt, Gcn'l Agent Hawaiian Islands. 283 tf FIRE, LIFE, ad MARINE INSURANCE. Hartford Firo Insurance Co. Asiotf, $5,288,000 '. Commercial Insurance Co. (Fire and Marino) Assets, $450,000 Anglo-Neva- da AMnrance. Corporation (Fire and Marine). ,, Capital, paid up, $2,000,000 , South. British Fin and'MarineIiu; Co Capital, $10,000,000 New York Life Insurance Co.Jlttl, , Assets, $95,000,000 C.O.BERGER HONOLULU. General Agent, Uaw'n Islands. 1053 ly ' The Best Company THE MUXTJAJL. Life Insurance Go. OF NEW YORK.. Richard A. HcCnrdy, President. Tho Largest Company in tho World Tho Oldest Company In tho U. S. It Gives tho Mest Liberal Poliolcs Pays tho Larflest Dividends. Claims paid to policy- - holders In the . Hawaiian lBlauUs,,durinK the , past ton .years, Over : $190,000 OO. gST For rates, apply to ,.-'- . General Agent, Honolulu,. Hajraliau.j-- . Islands. pct."-et.lj- r J- -. 'ii i ' CASTLE x COOKE, Lifo, Fire & Marino Insur'oo Agente. AGEMTS OU The New England MUTUAl LIFE INS. C0MP Y ' of Boston. Tho ifitna Firo Insurancti Co. of nartford, Conn. The Union Vlre and Marine Insurance Co.,' of San Francisco, Cnla. 101 ly Prussian National' Insurance ComD'v BaTABLUHKO 18i0. Capital, B.000,000 !tIchtmtiis TUB undersigned, havtnc' besajp., airent of the atmeCorap&ri for the Hawallun IslftndSvli.propMedta;. accept risks, against rite, oq Building, Furniture, Merchandise, l'roduoe'.HUgar Mills etc., on the moat Favorablo Terms . UtMi Promptly Adjusted and Payablf Honolulu. R. RIEMKNKOHNEIDEll, Jly-B- ly tWlUUrACo'a. m

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Page 1: JL - University of Hawaii · 17 Cv 71) lirottd tit., Now York City. OrOASTLE&COOKK, 827 lm Houolulu, II. I. BEATER JL SALOON Tho Bost Lunoh in Town, Tea and Coffeo at ill Houra r

kSSSS.VSS WH&Vf'Mif JStfFtJH wi SiiKi $mmr.ntscvs tfizri - .Tti'lW .,'"'I rf


(5 (










? t


Is printed and published at tho office,

Quoon Mroot, Honolulu, 11. overy

afternoon (Sundays excepted).

Subscription,' 60, cents pet Month'.

Addross all, Communications DaiivBui.lktik.

Advertisements, tc. ensure insertion,fliould be handed la bo(oro one o'clock1. M.

WALTER HILL Editor and Propriotor

Bullotin Stoam Printing Office.

Newspaper, Hook aud Job Printing ofall kinds done on the most favorabloterms.iiell Telephone.. No. 250

Mutual Telephone No. 200


Weekly Summary.

Ail interesting and comprehensivepublication, contains 3? "columns ofleading matter on local topics, and acomplete resume of Honolulu and IslandNews. It is the best paper publishedin the Kingdom to send to friendsabroad. .


Island : : : $1 00 yearForeign : : : 0 00 "

Commission Merchants.

tjr &. fjfrGeneral Commission Agents'.




Honolulu. H. I.Queen street, - --,1G48 -



Wholesale Grocers & Wine Merchants

Beaver Block, Honolulu.

tJBBWER & COMPANY,c (Limited)

Gknkual Mercantile ajidCommission Agents.

list ov oryicKKS :

P. C. Jonbs, Jr. . . .President & ManagerJ. u. (Jautbii. . . ..Treasurer & Secretary


Uon. 0. li. Bishop. S. Q, Allen,U. Watkbhouse.

33a ly

T. WATEBHOUSB,JOHN Importer and Dealer in GeneralMerchandise, Queen it., Honolulu. 1

S. N. Castlo.-- J. B. Athorton-- G. P. CastleHi OOOKH,0'A8TLB Shipping and Commission

Merchants. Importers and Dealers inUeneral Merchandise, No. 80 King si.,Honolulu. 1

Clam Spreckoli. Wm. G. Irwin.IKWIN & COMPANY,WQ.Sugar Factors and Commission

outs, Honolulu. 1

"VSriliDBB St OO.,YVi Dealers in Lumber, Paints,

Oils, Nails,' Sal', and Building Materialsof every kind, cor. Fort and Queen sts.,Honolulu. 1

. Lowers, F. J.Lowrey O. M. Oooke.T mwEna.aj OooiiK.JLl (successors to Luwers & Dickspn.)Importers and. Dealers In Lumbpr and allKinds 01 Jjuiiaingjuaicriais.rornireei,Honolulu M



81 King Btrect, opposite tho Old Stationtiouse.

Mutual OColcilnouo No. 4..'

87 tf

VETERINARY.ROWAT, Veterinary Burgeon,Alt. und pharmacy ut Hawaiian

Hotel btablus, corner Hotel and Uicltuidstreets, aclenllllc treatment lu all

animals. OrdcrB forplantation and ranch stock promptlyattended to. Mutual Telephone U54,

P. O. Box 320. mh.18-8-


A LL persons who want to communiA, cate with the Poituguusc, eitherfor "business, or for procuring workmen,jervants or uuy other helps, will Una It

tho most profitable way to advertise uIho Luto rtwarVano, tho new organ of

the Ptirtuguojo colony, which Is pub-

lished )n llotel street, and only charge.rmtnnnHlite rnt' fn' idvnr'lsi !

rnuP BEST PAPER to subscribofor is the "Dally Bullutln." 00

eats per taonui,


JlLMONSAMtAT", & Notary PublicH9 Merchant Street, Honolulu. tf


at Law & Notary t'ubllo

173. 43 Merchant street. Honolulu, ly

David' DaytonWill practice In the lower Courts of theKingdom as attorney, attend to collectlug in all its branches, renting of housesund any other business entrusted to him

Ofllcc 01 King Street Upstairs.Feb 0


AND llA-ICEirV- .

F. HORN, Practical Confectioner,Pastry Cook and Dakcr.

71 notel St. -- JH2T Telephone 74.

Mrs. L, G. Pray,

Genuine Massage g Roman Batlis

160 Fort Street. Chinese Church Yard,dec-7-


Druggists TobacconistsWHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

109 Fon.Strcct, : "William's Block,216 Honolulu, H. I.



Manufacturing and Dispensing

Pharmacists,113 & 116 Fort Street, - Honolulu

Depot for Boeriokc & ScecUlk's

HOMCEPATHIG MEDICJNES,Rlcksccker's Perfumes and Toilet

Requisites, 12y

WEMER & CO.Jlaimracturlnc dowellcra,

NO. 0 JPOltT HTXtJflET.Constantly on hand i largo assortmen

of every description of Jewelry, WatchesGold and Silver Plated Ware, &c.

958 ly

Thomas Lindsay,

Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker

Kukul Jewelry a Specially.

Einc Street, Honolulu, II. I.Next door to the Hawaiian Tram-wa- y

Company's OtUce.

CST Particular attention paid 'to allkinds of repairs. jan-10-H-

Hustace& Robertson,

LL ordeifl for Cartage promptly at-'i-

tended to. Particular attentionpaid, to thjO

Storing & Shippingof goods in transit to tho other Ialnnds.

Also, Black and White Sandtn quantities to sun ai jowesv prices.,. . .nm x.nrnnn....7rV""v "aUUbVtWU IUVIUI

983 ly Miituol Telephone No. 10.

3Kv? ong Sang,Manufacturer of

Ladles' & Gentlemen's Boots' & Shoes,

So. SiO Xuiiuua Ht,,

All work guaranteed. Loweit prices.Tho vory best leather kept on hand.

238 Urn


Book-binde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k


No. Merchant street. Up stairs.y


Al Vessel will bo despatched forAN Honolulu tn Icavo New York Inall November For futthorlnfonnuiionapply to the Agents,

Mkssks. W. H. GROSSMAN & BRO ,

17 Cv 71) lirottd tit., Now York City.OrOASTLE&COOKK,

827 lm Houolulu, II. I.


Tho Bost Lunoh in Town,

Tea and Coffeo at ill Hourar

The Finest Brand of

t'is k"li rzr---a?-

AlwayB on Ilnnd.II. J. NOB7TK, Proprietor.



eat Company81 KINO STREET,

G. J. WALLER, - - Manager'Wholesale & Eetail Butchers



Choicest Mutton I

Beef, Pork,

Always on hand at the

HONOLULU MARKET(Successors to Wm. McCntidlcfs),

No. G lucen St.. : : KlNh 3Iarhct,Honolulu, II. I.

ESTFamily and Shipping Oulcrscarcfully attended to. Live Stock furnishnlto vessels at short notice. "my ,17-3- 8


Nuuanu Street.

Beef, Veal,Lamb, Mutton, & Fork.


Cambridge Pork Sausages !

Fresh Every Day.

C37"Hls noted Sausages are made bythe every best machinery, and all ordersentrusted to his care will be deliveredwith promptnoss .and dispatch, and hisprices aro as low as anywhere in thocity.

CSTTry his Bologna Sausages."oct.5-8-

Anderson &Lundy,DDemtists.

Artificial Teeth from one to an entireset' Inserted on gold, silver, allumimnnaud rubber bases. Crown and UrldguWork a spcclolty. To persons wearingrubber plates which arc- - a constantsource of irritation to the mouth andthroat, we would recommend our Pro-phylactic Metal Plate. All operationsperformed in accordance with the latestimprovements in dental science. TeethExtracted without pain by the use ofNitrous Oxide Gas.

CSTOfiice at Old Tregloan ResidenceHotel street. Fcb-20-8- 9

WRIGHT BROS.,THOMAS & HENRY;Fort Street, noxt Lucas' Mill,

yyfeW. W. WRIGHT,

Not. 79 and 01 King Street.

Carriage Builders,Ship's Blacksmithlng, Drays, Carts U

Wagon Building as spoclally.

Every description of work in thoabove lines performed in a, first-clas- s

manner and executed at short notice.ALL WORK GUARANTEED.C9? Orders from, the other islands

solicited, Will ho pleated to sco allour old customers as well us new ones,Mutual Telephone No 575,

npr.ltl B0

Pioneer Shin FactoryOf Honolulu, No. 17 Emma St'

The underslgnud Iocs to inform thepublic of these Islands that he is making

SlilrtH ly HIortMurenieut X

Directions fortelf-mrasiircmc- willbo given on application.

White Shirts, Overshlrts & Night Gowns

A fit guarantee by making a fnmploShirt to every order.

Island order solicited Dell Telophono 410

'501y A. 91. 31 1:LI.18.




POPULAR --HHJJBEftT - HOUSE,101 Fort Street. Honolulu,

IV. . SACHS', - - Proprietor.I

Call nnd examine.

Swiss Nainsook & Hamburg Edgings,In every width and all qualities;

Embroidery Skirt Length Flounces,Exquisite pattcrHB, at vory low figures ;

All-ov- er JEQmlroicleries,Latest patterns, in Swiss &. Nainsook";

Children's Embroidery Flounces,- ' In Swiss & Nainsook ;

Laces & Lace Flounces,An immense assortment ;

Oriental Lace Flounces Skirt Length,In White &. Deep Ecru, at exceptionally low prices;

"Valexioienne Lace lloixiicee,Full Skirt Length & Edgings to mutch.

gfiF" The above Goods are direct from Europe and direct from themanufacturers, and- - will

"tlkereforo be oil'ered at prices lower than hither-tojor- e.


California Hay, Oats, Bran, .Oil Cairo Bleal, Linseed Meal,

Barley, Rolled Barley,--

Middling Ground Barley,Wheat and Corn Flour.

FLOUR Golden Gate & Salinas-- a FLOTTR

Telephones, No. 175.

JBoll '.Telephone, SO -- a e



Ho. 24 Merchant Street, Near vort Street.


-- Have on hand and For Sale a Full Assortment of--


All Brands of American Whiskies,BOURBON, ETE and MONONftAHELA,

In Bulk or Case;


Cor. Edinburgh & Queen Sts.

Mutual Telephone, 37 1


Wll GO.,



COTOH and IRJTSJHL WHISKY,In Glass and Stone Jars;

JREIVOI-- I BRANDIES,Vory Fine & Very Cheap Qualities, ns aro wanted ;

G3NS; in Large & Small Bottles;'

(White or Black), also, STONE JUGS ;

Old Tom (Grlu, Best J3rn nI In the Market;


In Bulk and Case. All Brands of

American Lager Beer, English Ale & Porter, German Beer, Etc,

In Pints and Quarts;

Finest Brands of Ch i pagnes,j In Pints and Quarts.

Bitters, Liters Absinthe,v Apollinari Water, Kummels,

Very Superior CALIFOENIA WINES,as Foixowa:- -

ZiiifUndel, Malaga, Tokay, Madeira,Port, Sherry, Riesling, Hocks, Etc., EUm


fpr All of wiiicb will be sold




AInkcn, near inecn St.Telephone- SS.


Contrive torn t Xlulliloro.Brick, Stbnb and Wcwdn Buildings; e.'timates given. Jobbing promptly

to. 70 King btreet. Bell Tele-phone N. 2. P. O. Box, 423. up y


and Builder,'

Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Lsplanadc, Honolulu.


Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings,Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds,

Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of Wood-work finish. Turning, Scroll and BandSawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plsn-ln- g,

Morticing and Tenanting.Orders promptly attended to and work

uuarauteed. Orders from tho other Is-lands solicited

HONOLULU IRON WORKS.iSteam enclnes. sucar mills, boil

ers, coolers; iron, brass and lead cast-ings; machinery of every descriptionmade to order. Particular attention paidto ship's black smithing. Job work exe-cuted at short notice. 1

J. E. BROWN & CO..

88 Merchant Ht., Honolulu, U.I.


Conveyancers I


Bole Agents for the Burlington RouteAcross America, and to the Azores.

Hole Ajients for Pitt & Scott's ForeignParcels Express & General ShippingAgency.

Sole Agents for Sunny South AeratedWaters.

Sole Agents for Masefleld Bros.' NewZealand Mullet and Canned Goods.

Special Agents for Leading New Zealand and Australian Mercantile Firms.

Special Agents for tho California Land'Association.

Special Agents for the Honolulu Businoss Directory.

Also, Other Special Agencies.

Entries Passed. Propeities Managed. Assignees and Auditors- - worK done promptly. HousesLeased aid Rents Collect!

New Business SolicitedBell Telo. No. 172 Mutual Tolo. No. 3G0.Dec-5- J Povt Office Box 469. 88-l- y

P. O. Box 351. sues- - lletl Tale. 974.

incss Agency

Corner Fort & Merchant Streets,Honolulu, U. I.

GENERAL AGENTS.Accountant &, Collector

--lroil TTtK

Hawaiian Boll Telephone So.

Manager of Advertising DepartmentFOIl THE


Collections will recclvo special alien,tion and returns promptly msde.

Roal.Eitsto bought, fold and lrased.Taxos Paid and propetly snfi:ly inuredHouses, Cottages, Rooms and Officei,

leaded and rented, and rents collected.. Fire and U(o Insurtnce cfTocted In first,

class Insurance Companies.Convoyanclng a Specialty Records

seni died aud correct Abstracts of TitlefuniUlied.

Legal Documenli and Papers of oycTydescription carofully drawn and hnnd.somely engrobsed.

Copying and Translating In all languagesin ueneral use in this Kingdom.

Custom Uouso Botinots transacted withaccuracy and dispatch.

Loans negotiuted nl fuvoruble rates.Cold, Silver and Certificates UotiyVt und

sold.Advcrllsemonts and Subscriptions soil

cited for pulillsliprn.Skilled and Unskilled Labor furnished.Any Article purchased or sold,Inter-Islan- d Ordors will receive rartl.

cular attention.To Let, FurnUhcd and Unlurnlttiod Cot-lag-

inileslrablo localities at reusouahlorentals.

Several Valuablo Properllet in nndaround the city now for sale and leaveon easy terms.

tAU,busIncsK entrusted to our corowill receive prompt and faithful nttenUon al moderate charuea Fuu--4 tiu


Life InsuranceCOMPANY.

Assets, $96,000,00:00

"Facts are Stubborn Things."

At every age, on every premiumtnble, and in every year,- - the AC"TUAL RESULTS' rif TonlirioPolicWof the New York Life Insurance Co.have been LARGER than those OFANY OTHER COMPANY issuingsimilar policies.

For particulars apply to

C O. BEBUElt,Gcn'l Agent Hawaiian Islands.

283 tf


MARINEINSURANCE.Hartford Firo Insurance Co.

Asiotf, $5,288,000 '.

Commercial Insurance Co.

(Fire and Marino)

Assets, $450,000Anglo-Neva- da AMnrance. Corporation

(Fire and Marine). ,,

Capital, paid up, $2,000,000 ,

South. British Fin and'MarineIiu; Co

Capital, $10,000,000

New York Life Insurance Co.Jlttl, ,

Assets, $95,000,000


General Agent, Uaw'n Islands.

1053 ly'

The Best Company


Life Insurance Go.OF NEW YORK..

Richard A. HcCnrdy, President.

Tho Largest Company in tho World

Tho Oldest Company In tho U. S.

It Gives tho Mest Liberal Poliolcs

Pays tho Larflest Dividends.

Claims paid to policy- - holders In the .Hawaiian lBlauUs,,durinK the ,

past ton .years,

Over : $190,000 OO.gST For rates, apply to ,.-'-


General Agent, Honolulu,. Hajraliau.j-- .Islands. pct."-et.lj- r

J- -. 'ii i'

CASTLE x COOKE,Lifo, Fire & Marino Insur'oo Agente.


The New EnglandMUTUAl LIFE INS. C0MP Y '

of Boston.

Tho ifitna Firo Insurancti Co.of nartford, Conn.

The Union Vlre andMarine Insurance Co.,'

of San Francisco, Cnla.101 ly

Prussian National'Insurance ComD'v


Capital, B.000,000 !tIchtmtiis

TUB undersigned, havtnc' besajp.,airent of the atmeCorap&ri

for the Hawallun IslftndSvli.propMedta;.accept risks, against rite, oq Building,Furniture, Merchandise, l'roduoe'.HUgarMills etc., on the moat Favorablo Terms .

UtMi Promptly Adjusted and PayablfHonolulu.



Page 2: JL - University of Hawaii · 17 Cv 71) lirottd tit., Now York City. OrOASTLE&COOKK, 827 lm Houolulu, II. I. BEATER JL SALOON Tho Bost Lunoh in Town, Tea and Coffeo at ill Houra r




k i





.r- -




By Authority of tht Board of Educa-tlo- n.


Notice is hereby given that theBere'ania street Select l'limarySchool (Kulaokalnia), will bo opened

for the school year on Mond.n , thelktliMn'st. ; when children of Loth

sex, not over ikn kahs of ago, willbe enrolled for instruction in thelower piimary guides, in l'nglisii. A

tuition feo of oO cents u week win heohslrged..fot .aUenUance, ,n in allGovernment Select Schools.

Miss Laur.aInnfcanJvhn experienc-o- d

teacher from the United States,hiis been selected tor Principal of theSelfool.S. : ,

Secretary.I'ducaMon Oflico, Sept. , 18S!.



ajlg jjguHitfttt

Pledged to neither Sect nor Patty,Uttt established for the benefit of all.

THURSDAY. SEPT. 1, 1889.


It is understood that the Ministrylias under consideration the questionof calling the Legislature for thepurpose of passing a Chinese re-

striction amendment to the Const-itution. As the session of 1888

was not prorogued, itonly'requires aaummons of thePresident to convene the Legisla-ture atany.time beforethe close ofthe period. The amendment intend- -

r cd to be submitted, 'according toassurances of its promoters, will


placebo restrictions upon the get-

ting of Chinese labor for the sugarand rice plantations, except thataccount will have to be kept of Chi-

nese entering the country for thatpurpose, so that they shall be deported wken they quit work on theplantations.! The main' provisionsought is the empowering oft theGovernment to prevent the increaseof Chinese competition in independ-ent trade and "industry."- - This is'something that must-b-e done, in theevent of Chinese labor continuingto bcadmitted, if r the institutionsof ivilfzatlon-ar- e to be,maintainedunder free iti theseislands. This is certainly the opin-

ion of the majority of the elector- -

ate, and we fully believe it to besound.

"Whether a special session to rusha constitutional amendment throughhas suffictent justification of emer-

gency 'or not is believed to be thequestion with the Government. Amajority of the Cabinet has com-

mitted itself to a policy of protect-ing the eufranchfsed portion of thepopulation against Chinese "aggres-sion. The Ministry as at presentconstituted would probably aesumethe responsibility of a constitutionalamendment that- - would' guaVd" theplanting interests against the dangerof avscarciEy of 'suitable labor. The

. planters themselves could notan amendment that

would not interfere with their laborrequirements. It would Indeed bn

an unwisepolicy on their part toput themselves in the way of a

ineasure or the kfiul--

contemplated.It would be antagonizing thein own

protection j because, as mattersat and, an anti-Chine- LegislatureiyCl,anjrJirnfc,f;pLoff..CI)inese.im;

lutgrattG-ShQljuJLeli- -. JThen, ,wherewoulcfHiiel""'j!ant'er3' he,r in 'case ofolh'enelemontSiOf labor failing?' Itis no use saying that such a coursewould be suicidal fro'm a nationalpoiiitj. of view tfie killing of thegoose",tirac laj's'the go 111 en egg.'Such might indeed lie its true ju

ButhQiy.ajc yoigojng--,

to bring cunvictipn of the fact, if itbe one, to those classes who canonly see that, with no reslriclion atall'&'fiUaVclliTTCBe competition withtliem in their direct Interests, theirindirect, sharu in the cuslniils andomelets, of the aforesaid gildedproduct" wfil tic snatdie'ii'iip'by thechpsticl?s of their Mongolfan s?

It really looks as if a.

constitutional amendment of thokind' '"proposed shbultf unite theplanters in common cause with thecomplaining classes. In that case,itrcquiresi no argument to demon-

strate that tho sooner the amend-

ment receives-U- s initial' impiimaturfrom the Legislature the bettor.

im-!- a.iatiUjMijltelAt! -

The case is simply that by utilisingthe legislative power now in hiuitl .only one more favorable Legislature !

would have to be tccuietl ton-ur- c

success, while the neglect of the pio i

sent opportunity would neco3sltatothe election of the two suscccding i

Legislatures upon this issue. More-

over, the former alternative makesit possible to liavo the measure takeeffect within two years, whitu thelatter defers the consummation to at At

least four vears.

The isue is certainly one thatwill stay with the country untilit is finally settled, It could hardlybe placed before the people at theelections in a more comprehensibleshape than that of a constitutionalamendment that bad passed onesession. There is no matter uponwhich native and foreign electorscould more easily find Identity ofinterests than this of Chinese restriction, bull wo admit that on

grounds lof the broadest publicpolicy an additional sitting of thepresent Legislature might not bedesirable. There arc considerationsthat might make ,tho event appearone fraught with uncaBitiess to thecountry. It is not certain, in thefirst place, that this Legislature canbe absolutely depended upon to passthe amendment, Secondly, whenconvened, the liability of membersto dabble all round in affairs andget themselves muddled over incom-

plete exhibits of the period's admin-

istration would be dangerous. Therule foi bidding any but the specificbusiness ror winch tue session iscalled would not apply, because thisit not a special but a resumption of

the regular session. With safe-

guards against such unfoitunate Je-

suits as those suggested, whichcould only be in the form of writtenpledges under the signatures of two-thir-

of the members, we shouldrejoice if the Government decidedin favor of the Legislature comingtogether long enough to pass theamendment. Otherwise, the countrymust have patience and be resignedto making haste slowly in the causeof western civilization.


Eihtok Bulletin: An article ap-peared in last evening's Bulletinreferring to the child of J. F.McLaughlin. Allow me to say, forthe benefit of whom it may concern,that I received notice of the deathof 'my child's guardian by the lastAustralia. Also that they werewaiting my orders in rcgaid to whatI was going to have done with mychild. I have answered and madearrangements to have her put inschool wheic her support and school-ing shall be paid for.

Mits. E. McLaughlin.

NOTICE.'"IMIB Mcrry.fjo-rotin- d will run at Will.X lcikf Wednecdiy and Siluuliiy even,ing; WpdneFtiny antl SntutU'aftrrnooiii'or lttdieauiul children. The Tminwayswill Tim two cars at 10.07 antl three cmsatio.ar. an iw


T7UnXt?nED Rooms to let.i HMiithwcst corner ofI'unrliliowl nnd Oeretuni'i

stroeis, would be vtiy convenient for asmall family. 236 Gm


THE Motmii Bnnch,nt Moantii,

Molokni, with somn 400licail of Cattle and about

40 HoncK anil Marc, will he sold onrci'mialile terms. Anplv toMlty II. IIAUKl'EM) & CO.

Per ibitish IJirk "Banca," now fullydue from Liverpool, au

' invoice of

Wri 1113 BROS.'

Pbrtland Gemenf!KorStle in Quintillea to Suit '


F. A. Schaefer & Co. '8.!M lw

Supreme Court of tho HawaiianIslands In Bankruptcy.

IN re ANTONTJ F. VJERRA, a Bank,nipt. Order on petition of Bank,

rupt for tlUt'hargo ftom debtn.Upon reading and filing the petition

of ANTONE F. V1ERRA, of Hono.lulu, Oaliu, nllefing that moro than sixmnutlis have elaptcil since he was ndju.dlctted a bankrupt and prajlngforadi't'liurgu from all hit debts.

it Is oi tiered that TUESDAY, tho 17thday of September, A. D. 1H89, at 10 a. m.of'tlnit day, at the Couit Room in Alilo.Ian I Hale, Honolulu, bo and Ib herebyappointed the time and place for hearingof nald petition when nnd where all ere-illto-

vlio have provnd their claimsagsht wild Bankrupt limy appear amishow chubo if any they hive why theprayer ot said Bankrupt should not bogrunted.

EDWARD PRES'l'OX,luiaicu Supreme Court.

Attests Alviied W. Oautjsu,Second Deputy Cleak.

Dated Honolulu, Aug. 31, 16BI), Oil Ot


Auction Sales by James F. Morgan.


Auction Sale

On Saturday Evening, Sept. 7thAT 7 O'CLOCK.

my Salesroom, Queen street, I willsell at Public Auction, a

varied llnu of

IVETW OOOI!CoruprUlug' 'J

Ladies ami Gents2

Silk Handkerchiefs! 1

i!oiils tfiirterwenr,Lisle Thread and Merino Socks,

JLnillcs Underwenr,Children's Dresses & Robes,

Silk Dress PatternsA largo assortment of

Lace Dress PatternsLadle" Hoc,Silk A Lace Shaw,

A new lot of

Dress Goods,Linen Table Cloths,Linen Napkins, Towel',

A very lino assortment of


Silk Umbrellas and Parasols !

Just opened,

A large assortment of

Velvet all Tapestry BibOf new designs which must be sold

nt any price.


Embroidered Table Cloths !

Etc., Etc.. fctc, Etc.

EST Kcmcmbcr thut nt this Sale, nilGoods must bo sold rcgaidletB of cost.

8-- Reserved Seats for Ladies, -- a

JAS. F. MORGAN,343 4t Auctioneer.

m : Lotsu

A.T AUCTION.By onlev of Mr. "V K. Castle I will

ell at Public Auction, at my Saleroom,Queen Miect,

On Monday, Sept. 9th,AT IS! O'CLOCK VOOX,

Adjoining the lesldeuce of Dr. Hyde oniseretauia street.

The propet ty lias a f i outage of 2."0 feetou Hcietauia street, 2.10 feut on Youngstreet, and is !00 feet ileep

For the sieconiuimlatlou of paitieswishing to obtain lots for lesldetiies thepropei ty will hu subdivided into 4 lots:2 on Young htrcet. sie 123 by 130 feetdeep, and 2 on Bcrctania stieet, 123 feetfrontage by lf0 feet deep.

EST Special attention Is called to thisMill- - of the most deniable Uuildlng Lotsoffcied for sale in Honolulu.

J6TSALE 3'0SlTIVE:-- a

For further particulars apply toW.U. CASTLE, or to

JAS. F. MOKGAN,313 41 Aiictloi)per.

ANNUAL MEETING.A NNUAL mooting of the Honolulu

Xj. Arion and election of omctisouFBI DAT, September . 1RP0.

K. PODEYX,813 :)t Secretary.


"II1E annual meeting of the stock.A holders of the Mutual TelephoneCo. will be hi Id or. WEDNESDAY,Soptember the lltl, nt 11 o'clock a. u.,at the Company's building. -

C. 0. BERGEB,3:!0 td Secretary Mutual Tele. Co.


A QUARTERLY meeting of the BoardofTiusties of tho Queeu' Hop-Pit-

will he held on SATURDAY', (he1th September, 18l0, a; 1(1 o'clock a. m.,at tliu ltooniH of the Chamber of Com.merce. llilBiness of Importance' Amend,ment of the Per order.

K. A. SCHAliFER,820 1 m Secretary.


ASITL'ATION to do general house.Geimnti sirl. Apply

at xso. n.) con 6tioi i. 1H2 li"7 WANTED

BY a Lady of middle age, n situationus seamstress or to assist in Iioufc.

kerplug, or in lbo circ of an invalid.Adrfitss "B," at this olilfc. 339 at


STU DENTS to learn Telegraphy, malefemale. For particular apply

tit the Hawaiian News Company's Htoie.840 lw


COACHMAN in private family by aantl indiiRtrioiiB young

man jiht from America; thoroughlyds ih'j cine horbcy, cHrriago and

Iiuml'bs. Addri'bs E. W,. this oilier.311 31

OSQUITO Powder Urns In fancy. itChlk'n?. for the iconomlcal burn.

ing of the Genuine Buhuch IntcctPowder, liavo boen received by Benton,Smith & Co. Mr lw


Auction Sales by Lewis J, Lovoy,


AUCTION -- SALEOf Contractor's Phut !

iy trier of the Hawaiian TramwaysCo., qui mi i oil), x win sen ai

Publlo Auction,

On WEDNESDAY, Sept, 11th,

AT 10 O'CLOCK A.M..At my Sale renins primer of Fort and

Queen street',Caning? Hori-of- , 'well.brokm to single

nifties..Cart How''.Subtle Mul..

r'O nil Me-!- .

M doz Dnithlt' IVltited l'lcfe 1 inchatiel points.

C do?, l'ohit anil Chtsel Pick- - I InchHeel ptitn'i

5 do- - Point nhd Heater Tick I Inchttiel po-n-

ISO do?. Nt k' Handle..6 d 7. Wheel fa1vnnlcl iron

Iiq'Ivs. and lr 'ii frame. ' '3 di i. Gallon Petroleum Self Gene

ruling Limp.4 only Contractor's' Cinch Gulvnn'z:d

Iron Pump,2 only Complete Set Carpenters' Tools,

bct qunli'v, nc-- and readv for usr.((Set Navilc. Tools In lirx s."1 Circular Saw, U'J inch and lilting?.

Also, a quantity of

Rain Water Head', Offsets & Elbow.

BaT'Siimplfo of Iho above nrc now onviiwuiniy Kil.trioma nnd at thu.Ha.wailan '1 rumnuyii ('o.'s olllce, King t.

Ti:ll.1IH CASH.

LEWIS J. LEVEY,313 Gt Auctioneer.

Assignee's Sale !

oidei "f JUIN II. I'A'IV.BY In

Bankmp'cy cf Meczits Dieksji,I will sell at I'ubllP Auction, at myyalcsroriin, co ntr Foit ami QueenEtieelt, on,


For Cuhh,

250 SHARKSOf the Capital Stock of the

Kawaiioa Ranch Co.

LEWIS J. LEVEY,IHOOt Auctioneer.

NOTICE.,I ISS BEKnY'S School will te open

111 MONDAY, September Oth. ntNo. 4,'l Jruma B42 01


ALL perairis ate strictly fori Idenshotting or trespassing on

the lands of A!timano and HoaeueRanches, Cwn, and Wnhinwa. Waiauae-ulia- .

A. J. CAMPBELL,JJ40 tw MaiiHL'cr.


SHOOTING or trespnEsinc on theas the Alitipuaa of

Waipio nnd the Land ot Wuikukalatintubove the road to Witinlua), in Ewn,Island of OjIiu, is hereby forbidden.841 lw C. A. 1IKOWX.


NOTICE is lirreby given that thewill not be responsible

tor any bills contracted In the nme ofChri'-tia- n Bcrtclmnnu unless upon hiswritten o'rdtr.

II. F. BERTELMANX,Altouley-in.fac-t for O

Hi noltilu, Sept. 8, If89. 84;t 3t

NOTICE.agency in Honolulu hitherto

conducted by MessrB W. L Green& G, W Wucfarlnno & Co hie beentranxfctreil, as from 1st April, toMi. G. W. Mucfarlaue & Mr. Robt.Cattou,

JOnN FOWLER & CO.,312 nt (Leeds), Limited.


REGARDING the rico plantation atEn a, Onhu, notice is

given thut Ho On and Ming Wa havesold out their interest, to the rcmainincpariner Ho Yee, who will piy all ilobuof llm company, the two retiringpartners Lulng rest ousible for tliHr owndebts. 110 YEE.



FIRST - CLASS1'hiiL'ton iu per

order. Apply ntthis oluce. 341 tf


GRAY HuhlleA Horse. Apply


W. II . WRIGHT,At Castle & Cooke's.

841 lw

Hawaiian Tramways Co.,


CONTItACTOlt'S Okfici:,Honolulu, Auj;. 27, 1880.

The accounts of MKisna SK1NNEUifc CO, fcr ibe construction, cqiiltmentand maintenance of the Tramway lineand works connected therewith will bocloii-- d ou the 1st day of October, 183H.

Al1 pusons having clalim against thetaui firm or their cgitit under the afore,paid cnnlTf ct are hetuhy notified to pre.rent llicm at the abiive add res on orbeforo tho Baid dale. Any claims pre.eeniid after the 8di day of October willhave to be forwarded to London.


Life ii aufl

ii !

lis assets Jnn. 1st. 1889. amounted


lie flu flu


puted Uescrve Fund which with future premiums nnd interest is requited forof the policies or the death of the assured, was thus leaving alidllcy holders of 57,887,030.

This Company has no capital stock. It is purely Mutual. All the belong to its members,and all the profits go to its policy holders who received since 18G8, the sura of In dividendsearned by their policies. In the same period it has also paid in death claims ; inmatured endowments nnd 8594,548.27 in annuities to living memheis; nnd besides $G8,599, 139.GG have al-

lowed for the value of discontinued policies purchased by the Company. In all since 18G3, 820have boen returned to policy holders.

This amount is Twice as Lnrge as the returns made by any other life insurance company in tho worldduring the period named.

An 6 Per

to in

To, illustrate the point to the investment of funds and the return to the policy holder, the follow-ing Illustration is given:. .

This is a statement a single premium life policy issued by this company in 18G3 :

Pomcy No. 28,342.Single Premium Life. , ,

Amount $10,000. Age 38. 18G3.Premium 1.077.00.

of PolicyAdditions CreditedAdditions Surrendered

lliilanco of

rrescnt Value of I'oliev ab n Cluiin . . . . i . i . aI. svPremium '.'. .'.'. - '.

Cash Dividends Withdrawn r.

Net Amount I'nid by Insured

Value as a Claim in l'xccss of Amount Paid.


The existing additions amount to nearly 200 per cent, of the net amount paid by the insured, and the in-

sured has realized tl ptr cent, interest on his investment."With conditions quite as lavorable to them as to the Mutual, no one of its would-b- e rivals has ever equaled

this result. a. D. THOMAS,828 tf Executive Special Agent the Mutual Life Ins. Co.

yd College-- AND-


These Schools open for (ho Hew Year

, 1880.

The faculty of Oabtt College will bethe same as lat year. The Friendsays: "We think that there lias "neverDeoii an auier lacuity at uauti college,or one better adapted to impart a highclassical and scientific education."

The Boarding Department can ac-commodate but few more than were inattendance last year, anil all who desireto enter should make an tally applica-tion.

Tho Preparatory School continuesunder the Principalsbip ofMiss Carrie A. Gilmun takes MIfsChamberlain's position, the hitter hav-ing lesiued to remoxc to the LTnitetl.Slates.

The Trustees are happy to announcat at, tbrough the gcneious interest of afiiend, they me electing a line newbuilding; nnd lcmodeling the presentone, so tbitt this school will occupy newand commodious quaiteis in Septem-ber. When thus eipiipped we believethe I'rcpaiatoiy School will offer oppor-tunities .second to none in the Kingdom.

rois all letters of inqtiliy orapplication to

REV. V. C. ilERRITT,317 lin Piesidciit.

For Sale Cheap.Cutundir Car.

just finishedand handsomely trimmed

in first clas tslyle; must besold to cloe an assignment. Apply to


To Let.

A NEAT Cttage of fourlootup, nicely naoercd

and painted, thoroughly mosquito proof and partially furnished, inperfect order, with kitchen. Conveni.cutly locntud, to rent at $20 per monthto a desirable tennnt.


Cottage To Let.one ftory Cottage

jrtEBH ou upper inn t of Lillhastieet, coutalninc G rooms

n'eely juijiered and painted, bath room,kite en, nice lawn, shade tiees, etc.Will be icuted reasonable to a good


rpHE best icmedy forJ. wounds, ulcere,

galls, proud tlesb andhoicb of everv desciln- -

2 - t Inn to tierMo'ns or mil- -

malt. Adoptetl by lending hoiso rail-road, club and livery subles, etcinthe Uni ted States and el.'en hci e. Woaie prepaid! to prove this Btatemeutbytestimonials ami leferences to plantersand liverymen lu this Kingdom.Apnlv to


Island VieAvs.

LARGE assorlmentofA and Views of theunlet nttiactUu scenery, buildings, eto,in theso islands, fin- - sale at reauouablepi ices.

HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AOENOY.Comer Foit ami .Vmclmnt sticeU,

2.103 tl

Club.'I'lHE above club will furnish Vocal

JL and InFtrumentnl Music fo- - par.ties, Inaufi, dance?, etc., at fchiut notice.Orders left with Mrs. Alluti, at .1, JWilliams' store. Fort street, will bo at--

tended to. U40 1w



S12.-Jl)4.719- . Its insurance





r I--4



I" aw,


or for




YORKOllest Active tamee Company UiM Stales Largest






Investment Returning Cent. Compound Interest.pertaining








Furiiisltcu Cottage



Ilaivaiian Quintette


New York Stiff & Opera Hats


was and the com- -llic at tliu

for s to

0057 ' & iv '57



939 31







for the

- !



CopTrloleil-- .




is the that bustho total of at any

one nnd can to bo one. &C. O.

336 l"1 Sole for the




of onAT BY

325 lin and



PH- -

forco 8182,120,184paying same, maturityclcnr surplus future dividend







Hawaiian Isl&ndj.



JiomttN,Anoi-p.Gtos- ,

Many Otiiisrp,


The Chicago Dash RegisterWITH

Automatic Adding AttachmentThis only CASH REGISTER nSelf-addin- g Attachment

which shows amount sales moment.E&-- Everybody needs nobody afford without

BERGER,Agont Hawaiian Islands.




Wgsterniayers Celebrated Uprights'MADE EXPRESSLY FOR THIS CLIMATE.


Other PIANOS Well-know- n American Factories the Way,FOR SALE MANUFACTURER'S PRICES

Ea. HOFFSCHLAEGER & Co.,King Bethel Streets.

a- - FISCHER PIANOS --saRenowned for Tone and Durability

80,000 Iu Use! Established 1840


Euokni: TiiAYEn,OI.AKA Louihu Ki:u.ociq,

jiuxj sa

HAWAIIAN NEWS CO.,Call, wiilo Catalogues.






VmF 'J?w







Solo Agonta for the Hawaiian Islands.321 lin


SEERSUCKERS & PRINTSLaces Sc 3Eixilroxxexies,


Dressmaking Department under the mnnagomont of MIBB






; i' -- Je-.

Page 3: JL - University of Hawaii · 17 Cv 71) lirottd tit., Now York City. OrOASTLE&COOKK, 827 lm Houolulu, II. I. BEATER JL SALOON Tho Bost Lunoh in Town, Tea and Coffeo at ill Houra r







flailu UttttyinTHURSDAY, SEPT. fi, 1889.


Bat kit K Ham, 30 days from PoitMakcly

Sept 5Stmr Pole from Hawaii"


Dcntchsliuid for Sim FrancUco at 10ii in

BiljjGeo II Douglas for San FrancMcoat noon

vesselsTeavincStmr C II Biahep for Wnlnnae, Waialun

and Kooluu at 9 a mStmr Kilauea llou for Hamnkiln at D


The Qermaubk Dcutschland sailed Inballast to-d- ay for Sun Francisco whoredin) will receive her orders.

Tho bk 11 K Ham, Capt J W Qove,arilvcd last evening, 80 days fiom PortBlakcly, with 720,017 (cut of lumber andone spar consigned to Allen & Robln-ao- n

The britf Geo II Douglas, (,'apt.Ia-col'se- n,

took to San Francisco this af-

ternoon 4241 bags of rico valued at 519,.OG4.74. She also took iViO empty beerkegs.

MARRIED..1AJCAS-BRF,WER--- the Roman Ca-

tholic Cathedral, September 4th, bythe Right Rev. Bishop of Olba, Te-t- er

M. Lucas of Honolulu to KmmaJosephine Brewerof San Franohco.


Drill Co. A Honolulu Rifles, at7:30.

Band concert at Emma Square,at 7:30.

Meeting Board of RepresentativesHonolulu Fire Department, at 7 :30.

Nuunuii Chapter of Rose CroixNo, 1, A. and A. S. R., at 7:30.


Yesterday evening Mr. Peter M.Lucas, the popular steward at theHawaiian Hotel, was united in mar-riage to Miss Emma JosephineBrewer of San Francisco. The cere-mony was performed by the RightRev. the Bishop of Olba at the Ro-

wan Catholic Cathedral. The highaltar was brilliantly illuminated forthe occasion and a large number ofthe friends of the contracting partieswere present in the church.

After the ceremony the newlymarried couple drove to the Hotelcottage corner of Alakca and Bere-tani- a

streets, and held a receptionin the large parlor, which was verytastily decorated with flowers, fernsand palms. At nine o'clock the in-

cited guests to the numberof thirjysat down to an elegant supper atwhich ample justice was done thegood things. The health of thebride and groom was drunk amidmuch enthusiasm. During the even-ing the Hawaiian Quintette Club,stationed Jon the front verandah,gave some excellent vocal and

selections. The bride,who i3 much esteemed by a largecircle of friends, was attired in acostume of cream colored Japanesesilk trimmed with Valenciennes lace.The bridesmaid was Miss PaulineLouis, and the belt man Mr. JamesMcQueen. After supper dancingwas indulged in and kept up withspirit for some time. The weddingcake was a rich and handsome one,and there were lots of fun over cut-ting up the, bride's cake. A mar-riageable young lady got the ring.Both eakes wcro made by Mr. F.Horn, the noted confectioner. Longlife and happiness to Mr. and Mrs.Lucas.

ANZEIGE.Missionsprediger Ilerr

Doctor Schneider w Ird am Sonntagden rt September, Vorralltaga 11 Uhr, Inder'Y. M. C. A. Hall, clncn deutschenGnttesdienst abhaltun.

Das Kaiserllch Deutsche Konsulat.844 8t H. F. GLADE.


the Creditors of P. Mclnerny,TO bankrupt, of Honolulu, Oahu,take notice:

That thoundcrslgned, Assigneo of theEstate of P. Mclni'rny, bankrupt, ofHonolulu, Oahu, has prcpawtory tohis llnnl account and dividend, submilted his account as audi Assignee andfile I the fame before Hon Ed. Preston,Associate Justicu of the Supreme Court,at Ills Chambers, to whom he will nt 10o'clock a. m. on WEDNESDAY, the 11thof September, 1880, apply for asettlemeutof said account and for a dischargefrom all liability as such Assignee, nndfor an order to make a ilnal dividend.

And that any person interested maythen and there appear and coniest thusame. Tiieo. F. LANSING,

Assiitneu Kstmo P. Mcluemv.Honolulu, Sept. 4, 18-- 0. 343 41

NOTICE.the Creditors of O. Awang, bank,TO rupt, of Luhaina, Maul, take

notice':That tho undesigned, Assljrnee of

the Estate of O. Awang, bankrupt, ofLahalua, Maul, 1ms preparatory toIds, final account and dividend, sub.milted his account as such Affilenee and tiled the eainn before Hon.,Edward Prcstou, Associate Justlco ofihe Supremo Court, at hU Chambers, towhom ho will at 10 o'clock a. m., onWEDNESDAY, the lltU of riept, 188',apply for a Huitlemunl of said accountami iiiradi-charg- u from all llibiliiy hsfaucli Assignee, and for an order tomake a fin tl dividend.

And that any person lntorectd maythen and them appear and conical thotamo. TueO.'F LANSING.

Assignee Estate V, Awang.Honolulu, Sept4, IffSO. . 818 4t

' UJCAL & OEHEHAL HEWS.It In reported that tho Kaiulanis

will challenge tho Nipsics for nnothorgame of bull. ..- '"

Tin- - time table for tho through carservice for students appears inanother column.


Oahi? College and the I'uimhouPreparatory school upon on Mondaynext for a new term.

Thk Lieut. Commander and ofliccrsof the U. S. S. Nipsic will bo at homoon board this afternoon.

Mi:ssrs. F. A. Schaefcr will rceeivoWhile- Bros. Portland cement, by thohark Banea now fully due.

Have you heen those four-in-han- d

neck tiee at M. Goldberg's store?They aro neat as well as cheap.

Tiie Kaniehnniehas and Hawaiisplay their last league game on Satur-day afternoon. It promises to bo agood one.

. - .FouitTEKN young men joined Mr.

P. C. Jones' new book-keepin- g classMonday night. Others are expectednext week.

On Monday next Mr. Mnrriui willsoil tho desirable property on Bore-tiini- a

street adjoining Dr. Hyde'sresidence.


Thgiiu will bo a meeting of theWoman's Board of Missions at thoCentral Union Church, at 2 HO o'clock


The hand gave- a fine concert atThomas Square last evening whichwas well attended. This evening itplays at Emnia Square.

Thk regular monthly mooting oftho Hawaiian Camer.i Club will beheld at tho rooms on Friday evening,Sept. Gth, at 7:30 o'clock.

Thk regular monthly meeting oftho Board of Representatives of thoHonolulu Fire Department will beheld this evening at the Bell Towcr.


In response to numerous requestsMr. Paul Isenbcrg, Jr., has consentedto sing at the ninth organ recital atKaumnkapili church, next Thursdayevening.

A notice from the Board of Edu-cation with regard to the opening ofthe Bcrctania street primary school,Kulaokahua, appears in our ByAuthority column.

The Hawaiian Tramways Companyhas a new time table elsewhere of thehalf hourly service on Bcrctaniastreet, and alterations in running ofthe Nuuanu and Fort street lines.

The Post Office despatched thefollowing mails this morning' to SapFrancisco: per brig Geo. H. Douglass93 letters and 20 packages of papers,per bark DeuUchland 50 letters and38 papers.

. .

Next Saturday evening, Mr. J. F.Morgan will hold a special sale at hissalesrooms of a varied line of newgoods, a completo list appearing inanother eolumn. The goods will beon exhibition and Satur-day at Mr. Morgan's sales rooms,Queen street.


DEruTY Marshal Crsighton, PoliceCapt. Laisen, three mounted nolice-mo- n,

three native and one Chineseofliccrs went to Mo.malua yesterdayto raid a Chinese gambling den. Theyfound the gamblers full of their fantan business, and there was quite ascene for a few moments, queues andChinese blouses flying around lively.Thetten officers of the law managedto capture threo Chinese and theyaro charged with gaming.

.Tins morning Mr. J. T. Water-hous-e,

Jr., with his two sons and Mr,E. C. Damon with his two, went toPearl River harbor in the famousbanana sloop. The vessel wbb incharge of Bill Williams, the well-know- n

Pearl harbor pilot. Theytook with them a boat load of har-poons and shark hooks and of coursesomo grub. They left with great ex-

pectations, and it is hoped by theirfriends that they won't get "hoka."


Anotiiek trip of the train on thoOahu Railway was made this morn-ing. All the assembled natives whocould ba crowded into the cars weregiven Then Mr. Dillinghamwarned everybody that tho groundat tho terminus and inside of tkocompany's forty-foo- t right of wayalong tho lino was to bo tabu againstidlors, A notice to tho same effectwill be published and tho warningmade enforceable by tho fencing ofthe line.


Yesterday the yacht Hawaii wentdown to Pcdrl River harbor with thefollowing distinguished gentlemenon board': HisiIJr. L, A. Thurston,lions. Henry Waterhouse and W.O. Smith, Messrs. P. C. Jones, K,A. Jones, George Carter, LutherWilcox, Eddie Damon and MastersWaterhouse and Smith. MinisterThurston had left word with one ofhis colleagues that ho was going toinspect roads and bridges, but thetemptation ofaboatsail was too muchfor him, and he changed his mind.The Bulletin nmde mention of bisgoing on an inspection and funnilythe Advertiser copied from us. TheHawaii after reaching Pearl riversailed nil around the lagoon, andcame across live large porpoises.The boat followed them fur soinedistance nnd at last Minister Thurs-to- n

harpooned one, hut tho harpoonhrcko and the porpoise got away.It was a. disappointed crowd ou thatboat and no mistake.

After leaving the harbor, the He-alan- i,

with Judge Dole, Mr. F. M.Hatch, Prof, Brigham and Dr.N. B.Emerson onboard, hove in sight andthe two boats raced homo to Hono-

lulu,, the Hawaii just winning.

DMhY BULJIW: HOtfOX-UM:- , W. L, SEP'J'BMB.EK 5. 1,669,


Contractor IHlllnalinin CclebrnlrsIII Hlrthitay ncrorrtlnc to Pro-inln- c.

A sort of preliminary opening ofthe Oahu Railway took place yester-day. The contractor's new engine,from the Baldwin LocomotiveWorks, with a train of two thirdclass cars, made a trial trip on therails to the Palama rice plantation,a distance of about a mile. Al-

though the track was unballasted,this trial trip had to be made in re-

demption of a promise.Mr. B. F. Dillingham, promoter

of the Oahu Railway nnd LaudCompany, on his hiithday a yearprevious, was accosted by an ac-

quaintance with thu rcmaik:"Well, Mr. Dillingham, you have

got your frnuchise: when nre yougoing to give us the railwny?""

Mr. Dillingham replied that onhis next birthday, that day one year,he hoped to treat his friends to arailway ride.

Since the giving of this promisemany things have arisen to thrententhe fadureof its fulfilment. It was"touch and go" for the baikDcutschland to arrive in time withrails from Bremen. There wereother critical circumstances attend-ing the effort, but, with a strongcompany now at bis back, theoriginator of the enterprise, havingtaken the contract to build the road,resolutely pushed operations to theirpicsent advanced stage.

When the appointed day arrivedMr. Dillingham was ready to cele-

brate. His engine had been set upsome days. Two third class cars,the best passenger accommodationas yet on the ground, were put to-

gether. They were attached to thocollision end of the locomotive, thebullsej--c headlight lamp glaring up-

on the passengers. Seated in theforward car were the following citi-zens: Hon. W. It. Castle, presidentof the Oahu Railway and LandCompany; Hons. II. M. Whitney,II. A. Widemaun, Paul Neumann,M. P. Robinson, A. Jaeger andFrank Brown ; Marshal J. II. So-pe- r,

Dr. J. M. Whitney, Messrs. E.Muller, W. M. Giftard, II. Lose,Godfrey Brown, J. G. Spencer, IV,A. Bowen, Marcus Colburn, Geo.P. Castle, J. L. Torbert, II. A.Parmelce, J. II. Fisher, C. Hammer,T. S. Southwick, John Grace, D.Logan of the Bulletin, F. J. Testa,W. G. Ashler, secretary O. R. & L.Co., and B. F. Dillingham, with afew others. The rear car was crowd-ed witli natives.

With a shrill blast from the whis-tle and the bell clanging, the enginemoved easily off with its load.Three rousing cheers were given bythe passengers, and crowds assem-bled at the staiting point respond-ed. Groups of natives were scat-tered all aloug the line, the menshouting, the women waving saluta-tions, and the children screamingwith pleasure at the advent of theiron horse. The cars ran with mostremarkable smoothness notwith-standing the absence of ballast fromthe Hack, showing very excellentwork in constructing the permanentway as well as a superior article ofsprings under the coacbeB. Indeed,many of the passengers had oftenhad rougher rides in first class carson old established railways. Thespeed given the train was high un-

der the circumstances, being esti-mated at about ten miles an hour.Mr. Kluegcl, civil engineer of thecompany, manipulated the throttloTalve and exercised the greatestcare agaiiibt accident.

When the engine started an affu-

sion of damp soot fell upon the pas-

sengers in front, giving .their facesthe appearance of having met witha powder explosion. PresidentUastlo wore a fresh-laundri- whitelinen suit, which was sooted to himin fine polka dot style, He regardedthe baptism as a pledgo of good faithfrom the road, similar to the ancientEnglish practice of scaling landsales with the delivery of a sod fromlife property to the purchaser.

It vas sot deemed advisable todetain the passengers for the returntrip, as the boiler Hue of the enginedeveloped some defect requiring alittle time to remedy. The elatedguests of the occasion, however,fuunc it no hardship to make theirway a few rods across lots to jointhe King street tramoars for town.All on the cars weio jubilant overthe success of the trial trip, and Mr.Dillingham was heartily congratu-lated on the redemption of his birth- -

daj promise.In the course of a few weeks the

line to Pearl Harbor will be com-

pleted and efficient rolling stockhave arrived from the States. Thenit is probable that the railway will

(have a grand inauguration,

bahdTcohcert.The Royal Hawaiian Baud will

give a moonlight concert this cren.ing at umma hquaie, commencingat 7:30 o'clock. Following is tkeprogramme:


March Flaker WeltbardtOvei tine llandlt Ti loUst SuppoGavotte clcome KIukhMedley War Recollections lieyer,Uu no a .Ike, Mnnnla, Jfua o 1'ilal.


Medley lllack llrlgado. , ........ UoyorWaltz-Bl- ue Lake ,.".... MlllockrrFantasia Mill lu tho Forest.. EllenbergTuigeltangel Thlulo

Hawaii Ponol.

WEEKLY BULLETINcolumns, purely lo.nl iiwuer

Mailed to foreign countrlan, $5 pnauium.


The Xlplrs Take the KntnlnnUlntoCamp.

The gnme of hasehnll at Makikiyesterday afternoon between theKaiulauis and a nine from the U. S.S. Nipiic was exceedingly interest-ing in every respect, and was wit-

nessed by a large crowd of specta-tors. The Nipsics looked very wellin their uniforms of blue and whiteand they played a good gamethroughout. The coaching by Urupp,the first baseman of the Nipsics, wasTerr amusing and caused roars ofUughter. At one time when therewere two men on bases, he said,"Nw boys, look out, the Kaiulanisarc talking kauaka, there's some-

thing wrong.". During the fourthinnings.Grupp had tlhe misfortuneto have the nail' of his little fingerbroken, but he went on playh'ig justthe same. W. Lucas of the llono-lulu- s

umpired the game. The Ka-

iulanis at the end of their ninth in-

nings were otic run, ahcidi but theNipsics went in and iwon the gameamid much enthusiasm. Specialmention must, be made of the finework- - of Brooke behind the bat forthe Nipsics. . r


The game opened with the Kaiu-lanis at the bat. Naukana, Cupidand Perry were all retired nt firstin quick order. was-hi- t

by a pitched ball, stole second andwent to third on a passed ball. Mc-Kari-

hit for two hags, sending inGallagher, got third on a wild throwand scored on a passed ball. Mc-Caf- fy

retired at first, Dixon flied toKaae and Llsey struck out.

In the second Kaao made a safehit to right field and stole second.H. Crabbe hit for ono bag nndreached second on a throw whichfailed to cut off-- Kaao reaching theplate. Moses rapped a single tocenter sending in Crabbe, but wasputouttryingto steal second. Widdi-fiel- d

flied to McCaffy and C. Crabbewent out on a foul fly. Brooke re-

tired at first from Kaae, Miller hitsafely to right field, and then stoletwo bags. Carson got his base onballs. Gallagher fiied to Widdifieldand by a double play retired Carsonat second.

Third innings: Akina foul Hiedto Brooke. Naukana retired at firstfrom Eisey. Cupid got first on Gal-

lagher's, fumble of a grounder butwas pufout trying to steal second.

McKarron fanned the air in fineetyfe three times, McCaffy retiredat first from C, Crabbe, while Dixonafter taking his base on balls wasput out at second,

In the fourth, Perry filed to n,

Kaae was out at first fromGallagher. H. Crabbe got in a sin-

gle to right and stole second, butMoses ended the innings by strikingout. Eisey retired on a foul fly,Brooke took his first on a fumble byC. Crabbe, but was put out at sec-

ond. Miller hit a fly to Widdifield,who muffed. Cat son hit to C.Crabbe who threw to second, retir-ing Miller.

Fifth innings: The Kaiulanis rt-lir- ed

quickly, Widdifield and C.Crabbe at first, Akina on a fly to Mc-

Caffy. Grupp and McKarron bothgot first on C, Crabbe's fumble ofgrounders, and aidod by a wildthrow by Perry, a fumble by Mosesand Dixon's base hit they crossedthe plate. The outs were Galla-gher on strikes, McCaffy and Milleron flies.

In the sixth, the Kaiulanis scoredfour times. Naukana got first onCarson's muff of a fly, Cupid hit toGallagher who threw to second tocut off Naukana, but McKarronfumbled. Perry hit to McKarronwho again fumbled and the threescored on Gallagher's fumble andwild throw. Kaae hit safely for onebag hut was put out at second. II.Crabbe flied to McCaffy. Moses hita fly to Carson who muffed and hetook his third base. Widdifieldrapped a two-bagg- er sending in Mo-

ses. C. Crabbe was out on a foultip. The Nipsics made thrae runs.Carson flied to Widdifield. Gruppwas given his base on halls, Galla-gher was hit by a pitched ball. Mc-

Karron hit for three bases sendingin Grupp and Gallagher. McCaffyflied to Naukana. Dixon, hit a flyto Cupid who fumbled and McKar-ron crossed the plate. Eisey washit by a pitched ball hut the inningsended by Brooke flying to Kaae.

Seventh innines: Akina foul fliedto Brooke, Naukana struck out, Cupid hit to Gallagher who fumbled,and stole second. Perry flied toMcCaffy. Kaao was put in to pitahfor the Kaiulanis, II. Crabbe goingto thiid. Miller was hit by a pitch-ed ball, to second on a wild pitchmid home on Knae'B wild tbrow.Carson fanned, Grupp retired atfirst and Gallagher on a foul tip.

In the eighth Kaae was out at firstand II. Crabbe flied to McKarron.Moses got first on Gallagher's fum-

ble. Widdifield flied to Dixon.McKarron flied to Widdifield, Mc-

Caffy died at first. Dixon hit forthreo bases, but Eisey immediatelywent out on strikes.

Ninth innings: C. Crabbe got ina single to right field. Akina hitto McKarron who made a wild throwsending in Crabbr Naukana retir-ed at first, Akina scoring in tlie out.Cupid ufter getting his base on ballsmanaged to steal the homo plate.Perry got In a hit to left field. Kaaehit a grounder but a double play re-

tired him and Perry. There wasmuch excitement when the Nipsicstook Hie bat, being one run behind.Brooke was hit by a pitched ballbut was retired at second. Millerfiied to Akina who muffed, and stole

wUr&pjfrerfaaoa.oit.nm iw nniuimuMiiiMMtf aa .

econd. Cnrson hit for trfn buses,litidiug in Miller. Grupp flied lu

Cupid. Gallagher ended the agonyby rapping for two bases, Carsoncrossing the plate and winning thegame. Following Is the score:

Nirsics.XAMI'.S. T. It. II. II. O. A. )..

Gallagher, Jlli... 1 I

.McKairoii, :!b... '.' IIMcCaffy. If I) tDixon, rf 2 1

EUcy, F.s (I I)

Brooke, e (I .1

Miller, p 1 0Caron,c. f 1 0Grupp, lb 0 10 0

Total an io 27 17 12


KAMI:. T. K. H.1I. 0. A. K.

Naukana, lb...".'., r. 1 0 7 0 0l uphl, r.t '.. 4 2 0 1 0 1

Perry, c 5 11 5 11Kaae, Ob ..V ' 12 2 12Crabbe H.,p.& 8b. 4 12 0 :t 1

Mosp,of 4 11 1 0 1

Wtddillcld, 2b (01 0 41Crabbe 0., s 4 11 1 2 4

Akina, l.f 4 10 0 11Total. ....!) 0 8 2i 12 12

By Innings.... ...1 234GG7S!)Niiish!.' ..2 00 0 2111 0 210Kniulanls ...0 2 0 0 0 1003 0

Winning run made with two out.

Earned runs Kalulanl It, N'lpslc I.Two base

McKarron, Carson,Three base hits McKarron, Dixou.Double plays Elev to McKarron to

Grupp. Wlddltlcld to Naukana.Bases ou balls By Crabbe 3, by Mil-

ler 1.Hit by pitched ball Bv Crabbe 3, bv

Miller 0, by Kaae 2.Struck out By Crabbe 3, by ICnae 2,

by Miller 2.Passed balls -- Perry 3, Brooke 0.Wild pitches Kaao 1 .Time of game 2 hours and 20 min-

utes.Umpire W Lucas.


The under named teachers whoarrived by the Mariposa and Plantera few days since, under engagementwith the Board of Education, havebeen assigned as follows :

Miss Laura Duncun, to the Bere-tnni- a

street Select Primary school.Miss Lillje Soliocn, to the Wai-he- e

English school, Maui.Mr. Louis van Ordcn, to the

Warohinu English school, Kau, Ha-waii.

Mr. II. C. Adams, to the HaouEnglish school, liana, Maui.

Mr. F. L. Woolsey, to the Wai-kap- ti

English school, Maui.'The following appointments lmve

also been made by the Boaid ofEducation, vix. :

Mr. Oliver P. Paine, to the Pa-ha- la

English school, Kau, Hawaii.Mr. A. St. Chad Piianaia, to the

Waiabole English school, Koolau-pok- o,

Oahu.Mr. D. H. Kauoeau, to the

school, Hiio, Hawaii.Mr. Abbe John Kuhaihao, to the

Kaupo English school, Maui.

POLIGE COURT PROCEEDINGS.Pears, booked as a Frenchman,

forfeited hail of 80 for drunken- -ness.

Ah Ngee, eharged with the em-bezzlement of $10, the property ofAh Look, was remanded to the Oth.

Three Chinamen, charged withgaming at fan tan, were remanded.

Hawaiian Tramways Co.,


Tliraugk Car Hervlcen for StudentsNananu A. Uerntnnla HtH.

Rot Available to tbe General Public.


A cr will leave Pauoa bridge onNuuanu street at 8:23 a. in, travel viaSchool, Fort and lieretitnia street, toarrive at Oahu College pissingForl-st- . Sohool 8:J0, Central UnionChurch 8:J5, Punahou Preparatory 8:37.

A car will lrave Oahu College 8:0(5a. m., parsing Punahou Preparatory t8:30, Central Union Church 8:33, Fort-s- tSchool 8:37, arrive Pauoa 8M4.

A car will leave Pauoa bridge onNuuanu street at l:.Vi p. m travel viaSchool, Fort and BoretanU streets, toarrjve at Oalpi Collegn 2;27, pissingF0rt.1t. School 2:0J, Central UnionChurch 2iOS, Piin'ihou Preparatory 2:07.

A car will leave Oahu Uolleire 2:flflp. m to arrivo at Central Uuioa Churchat 3:03, and Pauoa 3:12.

JWNn cash will be taken on thesocard which will he labolled "HtudenUOnly" Tickets In packets of 20 for $1,or MX) for $iJ50, can bo obtained attliii olllce.


Leave Oahu Colloge atOslC, Punahoustreet 9:20; arrive Central Union Church

MO lay over opposite Queen KmmaUall.

Leave Canlral Union Church 12:10.(Nora TnU cir will await the terml.nation of tke tcrvice),

I.-a- Oahu C illege 0:01, ahead ofordinary car expedited from Ponnacolaroad, to arrive at Union Church0:27; lay over opposite Queen .EmmaHull until leave UM or 0:"2. 34 1 01

OwnerH of Billiard Tablet.

TTAVINO had practical experience,jLi. iiiu unuerjicncu ouars mu ervice to ovtnura or Billiard Tables to

t and otktrwlso Kc.pair and Uennvnte.

Tables Set U,i, Itcmoved and Sterol.Hllllira Cms Weighted, PolUhcd and

Roil tpe I

HlUlaid UiIU Cloincd, Turned andlu order.

HillUr.l Cloths ou haul.ttSf.Vddririi W. IIOWK,

1537 Jw At O, J. McCarthy.







Tontine Policy

Equitable Life Assurance Society


From the Xbw Youk Ti.mks June '22, 1SS:).

The Equitable Life Assurance Society has ndople'd a new form ofpolicy which, like a bank draft, is a simple promisv to pay wiUout condi-tions on the back.

From theCniCAOO Ixvkstiuatoii.Always on the alert, and ever anxious to give the public tin mo3t

advantageous contract in life insurance, the Equitable Life Assurance So-

ciety of New York has, in the past, made many advances .on old methods,and has been the means to liberalize life assurance in a greater degree,perhaps, than any other organization. It is not at all surprising,' there-fore, that this great company now comes before the people with a newcontract, the like of which has not before been known in life insurance.

Fiom the Kkxtuckv IIeoihtkr, Iticliinond, Ky., .ruue 23, 1889.

The Equitable Life Assurance Society has, in the past, done more tocreate and maintain confidence in life assurance than any other company.Consequently its business is larger than that of any of its competitors.Furthermore, it has now taken a step which practically sweeps every ob-

jection of the character referred to out of the way. The result, undoubt-edly, wilt be that thousands of men who have heretofore lacked confidencein life assurance, will examine the new policy offered by the Equitable,and assure their lives forthwith.

(Train the Boston

This company has done more than any other to simplify the assurancecontract, and to maintain public confidence in lifo assurauce.

From the Pacific Umjkuwiutf.h, San Francisco, July 1. 1883 J .

The Equitable has already established a world-wid-e reputation forliberal dealings with its policy-holde- rs nnd for its prompt settlement of alllegitimate claims against it, and this new policy cannot fall to enhance itsreputation for enterprise and progressiveness in dealing with the subjectof life assurance.

For full particulars call on

ALEX. J. CARTWRICHT,General Agent for the Hawaiian Islands.330 lm







Hawaiian Tramways Co.,


Half-hourl-y Servioe on Bore-tani- a

Street.On and after Friday, Sept. Oth, the

cars will run as undfr:Leave Whaif for Punahou (via Fort

and Bcrctania streets) 0: !. 7:28, 7 :S5,8;2.ra.in., nnd half-hourl- y. Lust car8:55 p. in. Sundays the same from 9:25a. m.

Notk The cars leaving at 2.1 and 28minutes past the hour go to the College,all others to Hide Range.

Leave Rifle Range for Wharf (vialieretauia and Fort) 7:30 a. in. andhourly. Last car 8:30 p. 111. Sundaysthe same from 8:30 a. in.

Saturday and Suuday additional, 0:30p. ra. to Central Union Church only.

Leave Punahou (Corner of Bere-taa- ia

Htreet) for llcretanla street, Fortstreet and wharf, 0:05, 0:35. 7:0.'), 7:3!),8:00 a. ). aad half-hourl- Tho last carat 9 :09 p. in,, and an extra ou Saturdaysat 0:3!) p. m. run to Central UnionChurch only.

Sunday 8:39, 0:20, 9:42, 10:09,10:39 and half-hourl- y. Tho two lastcar nt 9:09 and 9 :39 p. m,, run to Cen-tral Union Church only.

Leave Oahu College (For Bcretanlastreet. Fort street and Wharf) 8:00 a.m. and hourly. The last cat-- at 9:00 p.m. runs to Central Union Church only.

Sundays 9:10, 10:00, 1U:30, U:00a.m., 12:10 and 1:08 p. m., ami thenhourly. The last oar at 9 ;00 runs toCentral Union Church only.

Alterations in Nuuanu andFort Street Running.

Leave Panoa for Wharf (via Queenstreet) 0:22 a, in. and hourly Last car7:2 p. in., also, 8:22 p. m. for Palamn,Huudava thu same from 8:22 a. m.

Leave Pauoa for Wharf and Hotel(via School and Foil street) 0:37 a. m,and hourly. Last car 8:37 p. m.. alto0:37 p. in, for Punahou. Sundays thename fiom9;37 a. m.

Leave Whaif for IMuoa (vl'i Queenhtreet) 7:02 a. 111, and liuiuly. Lit carnt:0Jp. in. Sunday the suiue from


Leave Hotel for Pauoa (via Alakcaand Fort streets) 7.01 and hourly. Lahtcar at 9:01 p, tn. Sunday.i the Minefrom 10:01 a, 111.

Xotk These two Btrvlccs to Pauoawill be doubled Id a faw days, when afull time table will bo Uiucd.

E37 A limited number of Advcrtlto-men- u

will be liihvrttid In thH TunTable and apiilloatlom for spaco idioulilh sunt to till Oltlcu wtlliuiit deluv,.' 311 0t

. -- ?



-- o-

wn Book & Stationery


Sheet Music, New Soijg Folios,

New Instrumental Folios.rvu, linb or

INTow Novels,A Large Assortment.

120 Sleets Note Paper !!

For 3 C nla.The cheapest thing in the marktt.

T. G. THKUM,(330 lw Proprietor.


3Ctfm.QE8 and PremiiessBbfc street, at a rea.ttonabhi fl'piro. Apply in

J. M. MO NS Aft at: '

Cartwright's'niook, Merchant SL204 tf

VOIl SALE or LEASETOUSF. and Premises at

Iwilol. Honolulu HomoULffifaK contains throo laree and two3iim.iouiutt and halloaed a large jmie.Cottage with three rooms on the premises; cook and liath-bnusH- . Stable'with three stalls and carriage house;altailo and fruit tree on the premises.Apply to J. M. MOU8ARRAT,

Cartwrighl's Ulook, Merchant St.291 tf

TO LET iflaSfefe TO LET

Residence ofLATB Mr. Relmaatchnehtir,Kmma street.

T ATE Residence ofMr. Frank Brown.

Kaplolanl Park.EKSIDKNCB of

Mr. James Levi,King stroet,

Residence ofLAT1T Mr. M. Green,210 Fort street.

STORE, Eto, now occupied byMr. Wolfs, Oroe-- r,

King streetSr Apply to

A. J. OARTWK1GHT,WW tf Merchant struct.



n 1



. -- s

Page 4: JL - University of Hawaii · 17 Cv 71) lirottd tit., Now York City. OrOASTLE&COOKK, 827 lm Houolulu, II. I. BEATER JL SALOON Tho Bost Lunoh in Town, Tea and Coffeo at ill Houra r





groceries, Provisions and Feed," '' EAST CORNER FORT AND KING STREETS.

Now Goods received by every Packet from tho Eastern States and EuropeFrosh California Produco by ovciy Steamer. All ordors faithfully attended toand Goods delivered to any part or the city free of charge. Island orders roll,cited. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Post Oflloo flor MJi. Telephnno No. 0'3 nov-4-8- 1

I clojnonu 240.- - - floJSJ

LEWIS & CO., Ill Fort Street,HONOLULIj, II. I.,


on iciaBy each steamer uf the O. S. S. Co. from California

Fresh Cala. Roll Butter, Frozen Oysters & Fresh Cala, Fruits,

ITiNli, Game, VcKCtublcs, 12 Le., IStc.A complete line of Crosse & Blackwell's & J. T. Morton's Canned & Bottled Goods

Always on hand. Also, just received a fresh lino of

erman Putcs & rotted MeiU & Mottled i'roscrved Fralts,i.uwla & Co.'s Maltese Brand Sugar Curctt Hams & Bacon,

Now Breakfast Cereals, Cream Oat Flakes & Crcarn Wheat Flakca,Sicily Lemons & Cala. Riverside Oranges.

Oregon Burhauk Potatoes, Etc., Etc., Etc.

ap-1- 6 Satisfaction Gruaranteed. 87



HAS JUSTKit Salmon Bellies, Block Codtish, Smoked Beef, Buffalo Hani &Bacon, Boxes Smoked Herring, Tins Norcwgiau Salt Herring,Wild Cal. Cheese, Atuiores Mince Meat, Green Turtle Soup,Terrapin Soup, Sugar Raisins, Currants, 'Walnuts, Almonds,Dried Peaches, Prunes, Dates, Honey, Cereoline Flakes,

CAPE COD CKANBERRIKS,Tomato Ketchup, Cases Sugar Corn, Cases Sugar Peas, JerseyBlue Potatoes, Ruta Bagas Turnips, Calaforuia Onions, Crackers,all kinds ; Choice Teas, Fresh Apples, Saloon Pilot and MediumBread, Wheat, Flour, Butter, Pluru Pudding, etc., etc., etc.

And a General Assortment of Canned Meats, Fruits and Other. Groceries.

mh-9- J & Leave your orders,

JOHN' Dlmond JSloclr," jVo.


ff5?ssVRSS55SS''-,K- rMir T'T-rr- r " ry..tt j.-j.'- t"

MfeSlfeyf a.

VTill be Issued on

32 Columns of Nows,

AKB- -


Cor. Hotel & Alakca Streets.

Open. every Day and Evening.

The Library consists at tho presenttime of over Five Thousand Volumes.

The Rcadlue; Room is Bupplied withabout llftyc of tho leading newspapers

A Parlor is provided for conversationgnd guinea.

Terms of fifty cents amonth, payable quarterly In advance.No required In Joining unweptsigning the roll.

Stranger from foreign countries andvisitors iron) the other islands are wel-come to the rooms at all times as guests.

This Association having no regularmeans of support except Uiu dues of

It 1b expecfd that residentsof Honolulu who desire to avail them-selves of its privileges, and all who feelan interest in maintaining an Institutionof this kind, will put down their namesand become regular contributors,

A. J. Pres.,M. M. SCOTT,II. A. Secretary,A..L. SMITH, Treasurer,O. T. M.D.,

Ctafclrautt Hall and Library Cotmalttte,

-- --P. O. Box 2U7

:r- -

or ring up 119. -- J 86

OC .& 07 KiiisT Street.




Weekly Summary,"


Tho Beat Paper to Send Abroad.

and Colonial

30 Hue de . Paris.

Executes Indents for every descriptionof French, Belgian,Swiss, German, and English' Goods, attho best Lowest Prices.

Commission, Twoand-a.llal- f per cent.All Trade and Cash Dlf.criunt allowedto Clients. Original Invoiced forwardedwhen requested.

Remittances, through a London orParis Ranker, payable on delivery ofShipping documents; or, direct to themanager.

Tho Agency Represents, Ruys, andBells, for Home and Colonial Firms.

Piece Goods, Cashmeres, Cambrics,bilks, Vclvetb, Lawns, Chintzes,Muslin.-- , Carpets, Cloths,Millinery, Laces, Gloves,Fringes, Parasols,'Gold and Sliver Lace,Flannel, Feathers, PuarU,Boots and Shoes, G)aiti, andChina-warn- , Clocks, Watches,Jonollry, Fancy Goods,Elcctro-pluto- , Musical Instrument,Fans, Ecclesiastical and


Optical Toys..Perfumery, Wines, &c,Oilman's Stores, Rooks ArtisticFurniture, Stationery, ,Chromes; Machinery. tc., fco, ''

180 ly s;

Granite, Iron and Tin Ware !

Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSE,

Keeping Goods,PLUMBIHG, TIN, COPPER AND993 Iron

The "Dail" Bulletin

Honolulu Library

Reading Association.















Sheet Work.


Vice-Preside- nt,


DAlfcY MUMw0?I3. HONOLULU, ft. '!. HMtfl'HMBlim 'firU80i . ... ' ....- -.wgsfriggg3iuagre fc2SaS5JiS2KSSES!?2S3Kgfi!S2!i

Just Received

" Forest Queen "

"Jas. Li. Harway"






"Golden Gate""Crown" FLOUR"Drifted.













Theo. H. Daviee & Co.

otic to Sportsmen !



3Porpoise JLace Bootees &; fsslioes,Guaranteed 'Waterproof. New additions constantly being made

to our Largo Stock of

, Ladies and G-ent- s Fine Goods.

The Manufacturers' Shoe Co,, 86 Hotel



1 111 "TBI

1n p r KWSA


wareliiroR'f 'rrs.oia'x





I mKl3ftC3iep



B BB laaa tf a


ETC.many kind3 of cathartic

' medicines, do not make youfeci worse before you feci better.Their operation is gentle, but thor-

ough, and unattended with disasrree- -, able effects, such as nausea, gripingpains, &c.

ScigeVs Pillsarc the best fnmilj' physic that hasever been discovered. They cleansethe bowels from all irritating sub.stances, and leave them in a health'condition.

The best remedy extant for thebanc of our lives constipation andsluggish livor.

These Pills prevent fevers and nil

kinds of sickness, by removing nilpoisonous matter from the bowels,

They operate briskly, yet mildlywithout any pain.

If you take a fjevero cold, and arethreatened with a fever, with painsin the bead, back anil limbs, one ortwo doses of Seigel's

Pills "will break up tho coldnnd prevent the fever.

A coated tongue, with a brackishtaste, is caused by foul matterin the stomach, . A few doses ofSoigel's Pills willcleanse the stoinnch, remove tb'e badtaste, and restore the appetite, andwith it bring good health.

Oftentimes diseased, or partiallydecayed food, causes sickness,nausea and dinrrliiea. If the bowelsare cleansed from this impurity witha doso of Soigol'sPillH, these effectswill vanish, and good licaltlt will

result.Seiglers Pills

prevent from excess in

eating or drinking, A good doso atbedtime renders a person fit forbubiness iu the morning.

These Pills, being Sugar-coate- d,

are pleasant to take. The disagree-ubl- o

tasto cotmnou to most pills isobviated.



PUTS,Turpontino. Etc, Etc.


Revere Rubber Co., Boston.


Mi!ir& BoiilfQtgf Call and examine our Now

Goods. Aug-5!-88




Toilet Water.


Cashmere Bouquet Soap.

Cashmere Bouquet Perfume.


Bouche, (Dentifrice.).MWPSffly

General Depot, Wholesale and Retail.










Wire Hose.



Steam Works, Sunny South,

Tolo.: Bell 186

Ocpoi, 28 Merchant Street.

Tolc: Bell 172, Mutual 360


Slodcrn 3Inchlnory.

l'atcnt GIdhb Valve Ilottlea


The only apparatus using Purified Car.bonic Acid Gas, making

high class

Tahill Lemonade

.JfTApollinnrls Water,

Croam J

Ginger t

Hop Alo

Grenadh Elo , " ffl

ri e5?"2'?3w."sjl wtc& I.iflsSS' ."JSiSlifiBliKi SI' i

And Pure, Strong Effervescing



Note. Empty BotlU's to be returnedprior to new orders being executed.

BSJrOrders delivered to any pari ofthe city. Island orders solicited. 88 tf

Oceanic Stoainsliip Cow,


Arrive at Honolulu:

Australia Septcmbor 20Kcnlundiii September 28Australia. . . . October 18Alameda October 2G

Australia November 15

Loavo Honolulu:

Australia August 110

Alameda September 21Australia September 27Mariposa October l'JAustralia October 25Zcalaudia November 10Australia November 22Alameda Doccmbcr 14

218 tf

New Zealand Jams 1

JUST received a consignment' of NowJam1, assorted chscs. For

tale at low prices bvJ. 13. BROWN CO.,

S!27 tf 28 Merchant street.


lVTR. ANTON VOGEL Is not in ouremploy nnv more nflor this dnte.E. HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO.

Honolulu, Aug. 24, 18S0. 11851m


C. APANA, of Punnluu, Koolau, iu.

tho Meiunpr of September lfith. desire-th- at

all bills acaiust him boprcsentidon or before September 10th. Sue TillWing will collect all accounts duo thesaidO. Apana. 330 lw

FOR SALENEW Wilcox & White ParlorA Orsnn with cijjht Btoi). Suitable

for rchool or church. A flno instru-ment. Apply at C7 Punchbowl btrcut,opposite N. P. Mission Institute. 373 tf


M US. MONUOK, ladies' nurse, hasremoved to No. 3, KuUui lane

Feb-14-8- 9

PASTURE for HORSEA T Ilalekou, Kanenhe, Eoolaupoko,xl b53 acres of good pasture land, allenclosed plenty of water. App'y toCharles I. Hiram, at the King's Stables,Honolulu, or at Ilalekou. tub 23 80 ly


HAS the best and cheapest BlackRock, Coral, Sand and Soil for

sale in any quantity. Apply at the lawofllceof William O. Achi, No. 8(1 Merchant street, Honolulu, II. I. 301 3m

European Billiard Parlors.

THE Handsomest Billiard Parlors incity, and fitted up in the most

approved style. Four tablgs with all thelatest improvements.

J. P. BOWEJf & CO.,370 tf Proprietors.'


New Busiaess-:-- -:- - Agency

Bell Tele. 400 1. O. Ilox 70.


Ho. .15 Kaahnmanu Street,

For the Transaction of GeneralBusiness, embracing:

Adjusting and Experting Books.Keeping Accounts anu Making Out

Bills. ?General Collection?.Unities Let and Rents Collected.Real Estate Bought nnd Sold.Searching Records.Abstracts of Title Furnished.Drawing of Qeeds, Leases, Contracts,

Agreements, Etc'.Copying and Engrossing of all des.

cripttons.Uustom Mouse Entries made and

Goods, Cleared, Etc., Etc;The varied business experience of tho

members of theflim Is n sufficient gun.ranty of capability on their part for thodischnrgc of al) matters ontriisted tothorn. By faithful and prompt attcn.tion to the snme and by reasonablechnrges for al sorvlces, they hope tomerit' general patronage.327 tf LKW1S & WHIK.



i Hawaii, March U, ISE8. f

Itlbdou Iron &. r.ocomotiva Works,Man FrniiclHro.

GuT'i.UMKK: We have used two ofyour 30 .Chambered Filler Prosses thisseason. They are' convenient, easilyhandled and are working entirely to oursatisfaction. lean recommend no im-provement on them.

Very icspec'fully yonra,(Signed) A. MOORE,

Manager Pnauliau Plantation.

These Presses mo mndo extra heavyfor high pressures, occupy 'a floorspaco ,11 feet by 4 fet. and preheut afiltering surface of 240 tquaro feel.

A limited number In stock in Hono-lulu and nre sold at very low prlcesr

Risdon Iron & loco. Works,San Francisco.

Wir For particulars enquire ofJOHN DYER, Honolulu,

Room No. u Block.2250 tf W.O.lrwio&Co.,A0nti

Australian Ml Sorvico- -

HK SAN i'RAKOISCO,Tho new nnd flno Al steel steamship

"Alameda," 'Of tho Oceanic Steamship Company, will

bo duo at Honolulu from Sydneynnd Auckland on or about

Septembcr2l, 1889.And will leave for tho above port, withmalls nnd passengers on or about thatdale.

For freight or passage, having KU.PERIOR ACCOMMODATIONS, apply

WM. G. IRWIN &C0..:'Agcntr.

For Sydney and' Auckland

The new nnd flno Al steel BtcMnnhfp

"Zealahdia."Of the OccanicSteanifhip Company, wiil

bo due at Honolulu from SanFrancisco on or nbotit

September 28, 1889.And will have prompt dbpateh withmails and passengcis for the alio v ports.or freight or passage, havlnir SUPERIOR ACCUMMODlf IONS, apPly

37 WM. G. IRWIN & CO., Afrents.if

THEO. P. SEVERIN,Pliotograp?ier,

PICTURES IN ANY STYLESrrliitlitK J)onclor Amntcure,

Cabinets $6 a Doz. Work Guaranteed.8SF" Entrance on Fort Street, -- a

122 tf- -

74 King st. --ylj 74 King st

Importers of

Rattan & Reed Furniture.

Pianos & Furniture- Moved with Care.

Matting and Carpets Laid;

CORNICE POLES.Fine UpUolstering & Bedding

A Speciality.

CHAIRS TO RENT.apr-10-S- S -

TO LEASE!The Beautiful Seaside .Resort, at Wai.

klki (formerly tho residence of Col. ,

G. W. Macfarlane); known as'


Park Beach Hotel.LtJL il iJ

FJgKEaiiSpta- -

f. Tho Premises consist of

A Main Building,Containing a

Lanal 40x40, Dining Room, Pantry,Kitchen & 6 Bedrooms,

All partially furnished.

One Kwilcliiig-- ,

' '--Containing

Bowling Alley, Billiard Room and"'Larso Bodrooma. '

One Cottage,:

'2 Large Bedrooms & Dressing ;Roomsi

One Building: on beachr'Containing ''

Ralh. Houses, WaBh Rooms, Etc,

Large and Commodious

Stables witb Carriage House.

Upper Floor Qlted witli Large AiryRooms, suitable for servants

etc.. etc Thoro aro '

Large & Well-laid-o-ut Grounds,

Connected with tho Premises on whichcould bo erected cottages for visitorsshould the pluco bo converted into ahotel, for which It is admirably adapted,The lathing facilitiesalong the lino of beach.

eey-The- so Premises will bo leased foru term of years to responMblo parlies.For further particulars apply to

W. G. IRWIN & CO.6yA Springflold Qa Machine laon the rromiios and the pipes lead intoall the above Buildings. apr.fi5 e



'vjfc.ii- - tilwt A ,.L iij- - ; hJ f