joanna koprowicz - moving the metrics, ways to monitor improvements

Moving the metrics, ways to monitor improvements Joanna Koprowicz

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Page 1: Joanna Koprowicz - Moving the metrics, ways to monitor improvements

Moving the metrics,ways to monitor improvements

Joanna Koprowicz

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What is a meaningful metric?

“Scrum requires simple metrics, e.g. measures of workremaining or business value delivered. The metrics should beused to measure truth - not to measure success or failure.Only measures of truth can be trusted not to incite quick-fixbehaviour in a team”

Tobias Mayer - The People’s Scrum


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“My personal greatest frustration with metrics is thephenomenon whereby our peers and team membersdeliberately or inadvertently find ways to achieve themetric and the rewards that come with it, but fail toincorporate the correct or desired behavior. Instead theyadopt undesirable behavior. It drives me nuts!”

Alan Nicol

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Fudging metrics

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Which key metrics to monitor?

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“There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all”

Peter. F.Drucker

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Vanity Metrics

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Burn down

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Tracking project progress

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Value Stream Map

Matthias Marschall

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Waste snake

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Limiting WIP

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Burn up

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Cumulative flow

“Agile Metrics in Action” by Christopher W. H. Davis

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Lead time and cycle time

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Defect count

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Team Satisfaction

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“The best way of learning about anything is by doing”

Richard Branson

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