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  • 8/14/2019 JOD Venice


    John O'Donoghue 06-Jun-07 -10-Jun-07 Calendar

    Wednesday, June 609:00 10:00 FF Ministers' Breakfast Meeting in Sycam ore Room10:00 14:00 CABINET MEETING confirmed by Gov Sect 28/0514:00 17:40 Depart Baldonnel for Venice on Learjet - Min, KA & TO 'C17:40 18:10 Arrive Ve nice Greeted by Susan C onlon Em bassy of Ireland to Italy.Transfer to Hotel18:10 19:00 Check in Best Western Hotel, Calle de Fsbbri, Piazza San Marco 877,Venice "

    Thursday, June 709:00 10:00 Breakfast in Best We stern Hotel10:00 12:00 Private time12:10 12:30 Depart Hotel for Opening of Northern Ireland Exhibition12:30 13:30 Opening of Nl Exhibition at Istituto Provinciale per I'lnfazia 'Santa Mariadella Pieta' Calle della Pieta, Castello 3012214:30 16:00 Lunch at Ristorante Linea d'Ombra Dorsoduro, 19 "16:00 16:15 Depart for Best Western Hotel16:30 17:00 Depart for Istituto Provinciale per I'lnfanzia 'Santa Maria della Pieta' Calledella Pieta, Castello 3012217:00 19:00 Official opening of Ireland's Ve nice Biennale. Introduction by Amb assadorO hUiginn. Speech by M inister20:00 21:00 Minister to attend joint Ireland/Northern Ireland Exhibition

    Friday, June 810:00 12:30 Depart Hotel for Arsena le. Visit to Italian Pavilion. Visit to UK Pavilion13:00 15:00 Lunch hosted by Green on Red Gallery in honour of Gerard Byrne, Trattoriada Remigio Castello 3416Saturday, June 909:00 00:00 Private DaySunday, June 1010:00 10:30 Depart Hotel for Arsena le10:30 13:00 Official Ope ning of Ven ice Biennale in the Giardini della Biennale13:30 15:00 Lunch for Irish delega tion at Cipriani Hotel17:15 18:00 Depart Hotel for airport18:00 19:50 Depart Ven ice on Learjet to Farranfore

    Printed on 24/06/2009 at 10:04:27 John O'Donog hue Page 1

  • 8/14/2019 JOD Venice


    ,e C l a i m TS 24619 4 r a g v x v x

    C o n f i r m a t i o nExpense claim number TS246194 for 591.51 has been submitted to HAUGH, Mr. CON for approval.

    E x p e n s e C l a i m T S 2 4 6 1 9 4* To send required receipts to Accounts Payable, print this page and attach all required receipts.* Make a p hotocopy of this page and the receipts for your records.* Place this page and the original receipts in an envelope, an d send to Accoun ts Paya ble via internal m ail.Your m anager (or specified a pprover) wil l be notified reque sting a pproval for this expen se claim. Uponapproval, a notification will be sent to you. This expense claim will be paid after it has been approved, andAccounts Payable verifies the receipts.Hint: Use your brow ser Back but ton to ex i t the pr in tab le pag e v iew of the Con f i rma t ionpage. . , , ! .

    E x p e n s e C l a i m S u m m a r yExpense Claim Total 591.51 EUR

    \ b

    Genera l In format ionName O DONOGHUE,Mr. JOHN(0078948)Expense Dates 06-JUN-2007 - 06-JUN-2007Cost Center M6110Purpose Attending VeniceBiennale

    Approver HAUGH,Mr. CONLines Requiring Receipt 0Submit Date 12-JUN-2007

    Exp ens e De tails Expense Summary Approval Notes [0]

    Cash and Other ExpensesReceipt -Based Expenses

    Claim ExchangeDate Am ou nt Rate Expense Type Ju^t i f i cat fotending /1 Minister/Spouse /e n ice / ,

    J Re rsable Rece iptgunY^tUR) Requi red Detai ls06-Jun-2007 591.51EUR Foreign Sub / fe ienn ale/ ? $ j .

    /Total q- i :

    Expe nse Detai ls Expense Summary ApprovalCopyright (c) 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.

    a-i c-i .W&,.?Vf.

  • 8/14/2019 JOD Venice


    j Claim TS246196

    0 / C o n f i r m a t i o nExpense claim number TS246196 for 212.91 has been submitted to HAUGH, Mr. CON for approval.

    E x p e n s e C l a i m T S 2 4 6 1 9 6* To send required receipts to Accounts Payable, print this page a nd attach a ll required receipts.* Make a pho tocopy of this page and the receipts for your records.* Place this page and the original receipts in an envelope, and send to Accounts Payable via internal mail.Your man ager (or specified approver) w ill be notified reque sting approval for this expense claim. Uponapproval, a notification will be sent to you. This expense claim will be paid after it has been approved, andAccounts Payable verifies the receipts.Hint : Use your brow ser B ack b ut ton to ex i t the pr in tab le page v iew of the Conf i rmat ionpage.

    E x p e n s e C l a i m S u m m a r yExpense Claim Total 212.91 EUR

    ! -il u

    G e n e r a l i n f o r m a t i o nName O DONOGHUE,Ms. KATE ANN(KODONOGHUE)Expense Dates 06-JUN-2007 - 06-JUN-2007Cost Center M6110Purpose AccompanyingMinister onofficial businessin Venice

    Approver HAUGH,Mr. CONLines Requiring Receipt 0Submit Date 12-JUN-2007

    Exp ens e De tails Expense Summary Approval Notes [0]

    C a s h a n d O t h e r E x p e n s e sReceipt -Based Expenses

    Claim Exchan ge Reimb ursable ReceiptDate Am ou nt Rate Expense Type Just i f i cat ion Am oun t (EUR) Requ i red Detai lsAccompanying06-Jun-2007 212.91EUR 1 Minister/Spou se Minister inForeign Sub Venice r s 212.91

    Expe nse Detai ls Expense Summary Approval NotesCopyright (c) 2006, O racle. All rights reserved.

    TotaK 212.91

    A - , ,/

  • 8/14/2019 JOD Venice


    Claim TS246189 rL i ^ t i ^ Page 1 of 1

    M , C o n f i r m a t i o nExpense claim number TS24618 9 for 473.34 has been submitted to Nl CRAITH, Ms. SUSAN forapproval.

    E x p e n s e C l a i m T S 2 4 6 1 8 9* To send required receipts to Accou nts P ayable, print this page a nd attach all required receipts.* Make a photocopy of this page and the receipts for your records.* Place this page an d the original receipts in an enve lope, and se nd to Accounts Payab le via internal m ail.Your ma nager (or specified a pprover) wil l be notified requesting approval for this expense c laim. Uponapproval, a notification wil l be sent to you. This expens e claim wil l be paid after i t has been approved, andAccounts Pa yable verifies the receipts.Hint: Use your brow ser B ack but ton to ex i t the pr in tab le pa ge v iew of the Conf i rmat ionpage.

    Expense C la im SummaryExpense Claim Total

    Genera l In format ionName O 'CONNOR, Ms.THERESE(0077275)Expense Dates 06-JUN-2007 - 06-JUN-2007Cost Center M6110Purpose AccompanyingMinister in Venice

    Approver NlCRAITH,Ms.SUSANLines Requiring Receipt 0Submit Date 12-JUN-2007

    Expe nse Detai ls Expense Summary Approval Notes [0]

    Cash and Other ExpensesReceipt-Based Expenses

    Claim Ex chang e ExpenseDate Am ou nt Rate TypeFor EU06-Jun-2007 473.34 1 Fund -EU R sub

    Jus t i f i ca t i onAccompanyingMinister at V eniceBiennaleT o t a l

    Reimbursab le Rece ip tAm ou nt (EUR) Requ i red Detai ls473.34473.34

    Expen se Deta i ls Expense SumrCopyright (c) 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.

    #Approval Notes [0]

  • 8/14/2019 JOD Venice


    >k HouserookFacsimie(01)6685901Telex91102Dubn 4

    14333301003105579000VjfJESLEY GRAHAMEfEfr QF ARTS SPORT & TOURISMKlgyvti tsttiUBLIN 2

    Executive Visa Business CardC o m p a n y N u m b e r0.069328Datie3rd Jujy,. 2007 Account Number

    CreditumitP age Number1 of 1

    G o v e j r ^ ^ t ^ t a m p D u t y o f 4 0 d u e t s t A j J o l a r uj us jl ly a r i d 6 r i . d a t e b t t f o s u r aDate .{ W N15JWM




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    , Charges . : Payments ^ . ' , .fe , - I 32? ^ ;; om [ tt.QO m DEDUCTED FR^;Y0tKA

  • 8/14/2019 JOD Venice


    txp en se L, ia im i rag e 1 ui z.

    & C o n f i r m a t i o nExpense claim number TS246202 for 426.60 has been submitted to Nl CRAITH, Ms. SUSAN forapproval.

    E x p e n s e C l a i m T S 2 4 6 2 0 2* To send required receipts to Accou nts Payable, print this page a nd attach all required receipts.* Make a photocopy of this page and the receipts for your records.* Place this page and the original receipts in an envelope, and send to Accounts Payable via internal ma il.Your manager (or specified ap prover) wil l be notified requesting approval for this expen se claim. Uponapproval, a notification w ill be sent to you . This expense claim wil l be paid after i t has been approved, andAccounts Payable verifies the receipts.Hint: Use your brow ser Bac k bu t ton to ex i t the pr in tab le pa ge v iew of the Cor fHrmat ionpage.

    Expense Cla im SummaryExpense Claim Total

    Genera l In format ionName O'CONNOR, Ms.THERESE(0077275)Expense Dates 24-APR-2007 -10-JUN-2007Cost Center M6110Purpose AccompanyingMinister to VeniceBiennale

    Approver NlCRAITH,Ms.SUSANLines Requiring Receipt 8Submit Date 12-JUN-2007

    Expense Detai ls E x pens e S um m ar y ^ / ^ A ps d^

    Cash and Other ExpensesReceipt -Based Expenses V

    C l a i m E x c i n g e & ? p e n ^ >Date A m ou n t / R a t ^ f y p e *V39.00 ^EU R9-Jun-2007



    30.00EU R45.00EU R24.00EU R130.00EU R120.00EU R1 8 . 6 0EUR

    1 OfficialEntertaT

    i f ication^ Official Surchase ofEnter tainmen^j i f tsEntranceTickets toent Exhibi tonsatGuggenheimOfficial Water Bus1 Entertainment TicketsOfficial Water Bus1 Entertainment TicketsOfficial Water Taxi - to1 Entertainment HotelOfficial Water Taxi to1 Entertainment Airport

    Lunch for1 Official Minister inEntertainment office

    Taxi from

    Reimbursab le Rece ip tAmount (EUR) Requi red Detai ls39.0030.00



    1 8 . 6 0

  • 8/14/2019 JOD Venice


    Rochestown24-Apr-2007 20.00 1 For EU Fund - Hotel to Train 20.00EUR Taxi Station Total 426.60Expen se Detai ls Expense Summary Approval Notes [0]

    Copyright (c) 2006, O racle. All rights reserved.


  • 8/14/2019 JOD Venice



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  • 8/14/2019 JOD Venice


    Venez iana Motosca f iMOTOSCAF! IN SERVIZIO PUBBLICO


    CENTRALINOOPERATIVO24ORE 716922716767UFFICIO; Cannaregio 85 - 3C12 1 Venezia - P. IVA 00608160271Tel. 041 716000 - 041 716124 - Fa* 041 716303www.venezianamotcscati. it - E-mai l into@venezianamotoscati. it

    DESCRIZIONEP. Roma - Tronchetto - Ferrovia - Lido per Centro Citta o .c t. e 's aP. Roma o Ferrovia per Lido / o viceversaCentro Citta - Aeroporto / o viceversaLido - Aeroporto / o viceversaCentro Citta - MuranoLido - Murano

    -'aialxo Venier dei Leoni701 Oorsodqro

    50123 Venezia. Italy

    P eggyGuggenheirncoLLEc O No\ OCD CO io o aj\ CN -f->9S co cs; i 5 C C N K ? I M F O U K o a. T i 0 rJ[email protected]:[email protected]://