john austin cheley foundation annual report€¦ · annual report 2014-2015 because camp matters...

Annual Report 2014-2015 Because Camp Matters JOHN AUSTIN CHELEY FOUNDATION

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Page 1: JOHN AUSTIN CHELEY FOUNDATION Annual Report€¦ · Annual Report 2014-2015 Because Camp Matters JOHN AUSTIN CHELEY FOUNDATION. 2 Report from the Board Chair Dear Friends of JACF,

Annual Report 2014-2015

Because Camp Matters


Page 2: JOHN AUSTIN CHELEY FOUNDATION Annual Report€¦ · Annual Report 2014-2015 Because Camp Matters JOHN AUSTIN CHELEY FOUNDATION. 2 Report from the Board Chair Dear Friends of JACF,


Report from the Board ChairDear Friends of JACF,

The 25th year of the John Austin Cheley Foundation was a great one! We celebrated with many of you at our memorable 25th Anniversary “Starry Nights” Gala at the Denver Botanic Gardens in September of 2014. It was a great celebration of JACF’s Founders and the organization’s storied past, as well as a look forward to our exciting future.

During this last fiscal year, we also made tremendous headway on accomplishing the objectives of our 2014-2016 strategic plan. The overarching goal of that plan was to put the building blocks in place to have “solid infrastructure and sustainable funding to support future growth opportunities.” Those future growth opportunities are housed within JACF’s national footprint models. The Trustees and the JACF staff have reviewed several different frameworks for regional/national growth that incorporate adding new camps, community alliance organizations, donors, and of course,

campers. We continue to analyze the models, finalize the Rocky Mountain Region framework, and look forward to expanding thoughtfully and strategically in the Midwest Region in the next couple of years.

Perhaps the most important work the Board has done over the last year has been to continue to strengthen our understanding of strong governance. We have implemented solid board policies and procedures, discussed the importance of fiduciary responsibilities, engaged in fundraising training, and acknowledged the importance of board composition. One of JACF’s most important strategic initiatives is to increase diversity on our board so as to more directly reflect the population we serve. We are constantly on the lookout for well-qualified board members and would welcome your nominations.

As the 2014-2015 fiscal year ends and we look into the future, we welcome two new Trustees to JACF: Ellen Wagnon from Houston, Texas, and Geoff Euston from Chicago, Illinois. They both come to JACF with strong non-profit board experience and excellent fundraising skills. We know they will make an immediate impact and we are proud to have them in our ranks! We also welcome back Barb Rosston, JACF’s Development Chair, for a special third term as a Trustee. Thank you, Barb, for all you continue to do for JACF!

And finally, as this past year concluded, I relinquished my role as JACF Board Chair after two and a half years. I am honored to have followed in the footsteps of so many strong JACF leaders and thank you for your encouragement and support along the way.

I pass the JACF gavel to my great friend, John Boylan from Houston, Texas. John has been a Trustee and the JACF Treasurer for the last several years. He is highly qualified and extremely committed to the successful future of JACF. I have no doubt that JACF will continue to expand its impact under John’s leadership as Board Chair.

Thank you for your generous support of JACF. Together we are giving each of our campers an incredible gift—the opportunity to become resilient, responsible, compassionate young leaders through the summer camp experience.

With gratitude,

Debbie Leibold

“To say that camp changed me for the better would be an understatement; it revolutionized the way I perceived life. I wanted to be a better person for the kids.”

Mission: The John Austin Cheley Foundation provides need-based camperships to high potential youth to attend extended-stay, wilderness summer camps that have a proven record of positively impacting youth development.

Board Chair, Debbie Leibold, with incoming Board Chair, John Boylan

Page 3: JOHN AUSTIN CHELEY FOUNDATION Annual Report€¦ · Annual Report 2014-2015 Because Camp Matters JOHN AUSTIN CHELEY FOUNDATION. 2 Report from the Board Chair Dear Friends of JACF,

Report from the Executive Director

It’s hard to believe that just some thirteen months ago at the start of 2014-2015, 400 guests gathered at the Denver Botanic Gardens on a

beautiful fall evening to celebrate JACF’s 25th anniversary. The celebration’s theme of “Starry Nights” evoked not only enduring camp memories of nights spent in the outdoors looking up at the skies, but also provided the opportunity to thank our founders and hear the mission-affirming life story of one of our shining star campers, Luis Ochoa. That was just the beginning of a year in which JACF took some major steps to launch into its next 25 years of advancing underserved youth towards successful futures through transformative summer camp experiences.

During the past year, we developed a comprehensive plan for growth of JACF that will allow us to increase our impact on our campers and their communities by serving a greater number of youth within a geographic region. Our “National Footprint Model” leverages the power of summer camps and youth mentoring organizations, like Midtown Educational Foundation in Chicago, and Denver Kids, Inc. to promote the success of youth. We are beginning this transformation in our home region by developing the “Rocky Mountain Region” with a network of four associate camps and formal relationships with five non-profit organizations, including Denver Kids, Inc., Escuela de Guadalupe, Impact 360, Children’s Hospital Burn Camp, and Environmental Learning for Kids (E.L.K.). Once we have built up our enrollment in this region, we’ll begin to replicate this same model in the “Midwest Region” with major service centers in Chicago, Illinois, where we already have strong relationships with several organizations, Minneapolis, Minnesota and potentially St. Louis, Missouri. While the Board of Trustees is in the process of determining a specific growth target, beyond the 100 youth we are serving currently, we have developed the structure for significantly increasing the number of youth we serve in the years to come.

Two additional critical strategic initiatives were started this past year. The first, “Defining and Measuring Our Impact,” began with developing a better understanding organizationally of why we are doing what we do. Instead of saying we want to impact our campers, what exactly is the end result we desire to achieve through our programs? That end result, or impact, has been identifed as providing a pathway to future success, one in which our campers are able to thrive in a world of constant change and can contribute meaningfully within their families and communities. We conducted our first outcomes-based evaluation of our campers using the American Camp Association’s Outcomes Battery that assesses growth in eleven developmental areas. We assessed nine of the eleven that tie directly to our organization’s interest in development of character, leadership and affinity for nature. The results came back very positively for this first year, which you can learn more about in this Annual Report.

Our second initiative, “Branding, Marketing and Communications,” has led us to deep examination of our identity and purpose and how we best communicate and represent it. One of our first steps was to gather information from our constituent groups about their views on our mission, purpose, communications, logo and name. The results of the survey were published on our website if you would like to see them and we summarized them in a recent “Camp Matters” E-newsletter. We are driving towards adopting a new brand identification statement within the next three months and will report to you once the committee’s full work has been completed.

Through visits to camps, airports and community alliances over the past year, our staff has engaged directly with over 50% of our campers. We are very proud of the fact that we know our campers personally and have become a part of their support systems. Just a few weeks ago, at our JACF reception in Chicago, camper Izabel Acosta, one of our speakers

for the evening, took it upon herself to hand out her personal “business cards” to our guests with the tag line, “Future Legal Eagle.” While it can be tricky to sort out the influences of camp, family, school and youth support programs that have enabled Izabel to work a room of grown up donors with such moxie, we know that our efforts are an important part of the mix when it comes to solidifying camp outcomes like perceived competence, friendship skills, and independence. Though our campers may have lacked access to full opportunity in their young lives, they truly stand out as exceptional youth who are developing habits of character and leadership through our collective philanthropic and volunteer efforts.

We are grateful to you, our loyal and generous donors and committed volunteers, for joining with us in making this possible.


Buffie Berger


Executive Director, Buffie Berger, and JACF and Cheley camper, Brittney Ciciliato.

Page 4: JOHN AUSTIN CHELEY FOUNDATION Annual Report€¦ · Annual Report 2014-2015 Because Camp Matters JOHN AUSTIN CHELEY FOUNDATION. 2 Report from the Board Chair Dear Friends of JACF,


First Results are in from Our Outcomes-based Evaluation

In response to our strategic goal to strengthen our camper reflection program, and to support our logic model/theory of change, we have developed

an evaluation plan to track the impact of the camp program on our individual campers. This plan includes a tool to collect outcomes data from our campers and their parents/guardians. All campers and their families were included in the evaluations conducted this summer, representing more than 14,000 individual pieces of outcomes-based evaluation data. The tool (questionnaire) is an adaptation of the Youth Outcomes Battery (YOB) developed in 2006 by the American Camp Association (ACA).

Escuela de Guadalupefounded 1999

A Catholic, dual-language school of excellence

Percentage of Campers Reporting Growth in 2015




Perceived-Competence IndependenceResponsibilityAffinity-for-Nature

Associate Camps

Community Alliance Organizations


Friendship Skills




Perceived Competence


Interest in Exploration




Problem Solving


Family Citizenship




Affinity for Nature

Page 5: JOHN AUSTIN CHELEY FOUNDATION Annual Report€¦ · Annual Report 2014-2015 Because Camp Matters JOHN AUSTIN CHELEY FOUNDATION. 2 Report from the Board Chair Dear Friends of JACF,

“The growth I had this year

was unimaginable and I am thankful

for a second trip to the beautiful

mountains of Colorado. I have

learned to be much more open

and confident.”5

“Happy Hats” for Capstone Assists Homeless

JACF and Colvig Silver Camps camper, Ella Roberts, is an enterprising and thoughtful sixteen year old young woman. Ella participated in our

Capstone Service Learning Project last winter, a program of the John Austin Cheley Foundation designed to reinforce skills of leadership and to help set our campers up to be selected to participate in our Associate Camps’ junior counselor and camper in leadership training opportunities.

For her project, Ella decided that she wanted to help the homeless population in her hometown of Boulder, Colorado. After spending her summer at camp sleeping outdoors, she started thinking about those who live outside all year long. Ella reached out to the Boulder Homeless Shelter to learn what the organization needed. High on the list were warm winter hats. Wondered Ella, “My mom sews so I thought what if I could get her to teach me how to sew and make

the hats myself?” Ella’s project was born out of this thought and she determined to do her part by donating her completely handmade items to the shelter.

Ella “repurposed” fabric from her mother’s sewing closet and got to work under the guidance of her JACF Capstone Advisor, Tandy Wood. “Tandy was always there for me. She was a tremendous, helpful resource, keeping me on track through my hectic schedule.” Over the course of several months,

Ella created over 50 hats, which she named, “Happy Hats”, that she then presented to the Boulder Homeless Shelter.

Ella’s “Happy Hats” inspired her to want to continue to make a difference. “This idea really made me see what I am made of, and how I can help the world one stitch at a time.” We congratulate Ella for all she accomplished and look forward to hearing more about what she creates in the future to change the world for the good!

Announcing Our Volunteers of the Year

JACF camper, Ella Roberts’ Capstone Project

Capstone Advisor, Tandy Wood

We are excited to announce two selections for 2014-2015 for Volunteer of the Year. Last year we created the Linda Pigg

Schroeder Volunteer Service Recognition to honor unselfish service and unwavering commitment to JACF. Linda served as a trustee from 2002-2008 and completed her term, despite being diagnosed with lung cancer. She was a strong advocate for youth and dedicated her service to making life better for children.

Charlie Godwin and Alexandra Johnson have been selected for 2014-2015 for their extraordinary service efforts. Charlie served as a trustee from 1998-2004 and has since

remained a loyal donor and member of the Campership and Application Review Committees. Alexandra is a JACF camper parent who assisted with Gala decorations and volunteer thank you gifts and has been available to assist in the office whenever called upon.

We thank Charlie and Alexandra for their many hours of volunteer service. Wish we could take a picture of them together, but Charlie lives in Lincoln, Nebraska and Alexandra lives in Littleton, Colorado. We simply could not do all the great work without both of them and the 116 volunteers around the country who contributed to the Foundation in 2014-2015!

Page 6: JOHN AUSTIN CHELEY FOUNDATION Annual Report€¦ · Annual Report 2014-2015 Because Camp Matters JOHN AUSTIN CHELEY FOUNDATION. 2 Report from the Board Chair Dear Friends of JACF,



Financial PerformanceAudited Financial Information 7/01/2014-6/30/2015

Statement of Activities Temporarily Permanently Unrestricted Restricted Restricted Total

Support and Revenue:

Contributions $ 305,706 $ 44,050 $ 349,766

Investment Income 12,990 11,492 24,483

Special events, net direct benefit to donors of $49,539 180,354 180,354

Other income 818 818

Net assets released from restrictions - Satisfactions of program and time restrictions 68,556 (68,566)

Total Support and Revenue 568,444 (13,023) 555,421


Program services - Camperships 584,998 584,998

Supporting services - Fundraising 99,787 99,787

Management & General 78,771 78,771

Total Expenses: 763,556 763,556

CHANGES IN NET ASSETS (195,112) (13,023) (208,135)

NET ASSETS, Beginning of Year 1,366,954 184,554 897,442 2,448,949

NET ASSETS, End of Year $ 1,171,842 $ 171,531 $ 897,441 $ 2,240,814

Endowment CampershipsEndowment Camperships represent donations of at least $150,000. JACF has been fortunate to have several individuals and families make sustaining gifts to the Foundation that are designated to provide an annual campership in perpetuity. The funds are invested through a professional manager with the goal of producing income each year that covers the full cost of tuition, travel and equipment for one camper.

Average Cost per Camper

Total Campers by Camp (100)

Revenues n Special Events .....................32%

n Individuals ..........................31%

n Family Foundations/ Trusts ......................................29%

n Investments ...........................4%

n Grants .....................................2%

n Other .......................................2%

$180,354 $172,903












$114,645 $105,734


$130,119$112,298 $107,050

$136,657$111,334 $112,932


n Tuition ...............$3,827

n Travel ......................$435

n Equipment ............$140 $4,402





Friendly Pines





Reverdie & Jean

Ater Memoria


Sis Cheley Memoria


Craig I.Colvig


Anna Belle Kritser


John T. Jackson


John C. Lebor


Carol & Ron

Perlard Family

Robert Perkins

Mary Wolfe Satter




JACF Board







36%n Program ...............................77%

n Fundraising .........................13%

n General & Administrative ....................10%

Page 7: JOHN AUSTIN CHELEY FOUNDATION Annual Report€¦ · Annual Report 2014-2015 Because Camp Matters JOHN AUSTIN CHELEY FOUNDATION. 2 Report from the Board Chair Dear Friends of JACF,


What Our Camps Say about Our Campers

We have been particularly impressed with the exceptional feedback we have received about our campers’ contributions

within their camp communities. Here is a sampling of what our Associate Camp directors and counselors had to say.

On Kais Padamshi at Camp Kawanhee for Boys:

“Now for your execution as a counselor here at camp, it came as little surprise to me that you did a stellar job day in and day out. You performed as an ideal counselor would; you were responsible for your actions, generous in energy and spirit, positive and outgoing and able to demonstrate authority while maintaining friendliness. In archery you were a huge asset to the group; the staff was sad to see you go because you brought so much to the activity every period. They specifically mentioned that you consistently brought an uplifting humor and a friendly yet effective mentorship to the kids. Considering this is the first time you’ve been put in this kind of position, I’d say you are a natural teacher. If I was in charge of hiring, I would sign you on as a Senior Counselor without even blinking once, even if you were under the age requirements. “

On McCarthy Fitch at Cheley Colorado Camps:

“McCarthy’s leadership and positive attitude was one thing that campers had the pleasure of experiencing on a daily basis. He never failed to disappoint when asked to step into a leadership role. On the early breakfast hike, McCarthy’s positive attitude kept campers hiking when the weather conditions were not ideal. Even though it was cold and rainy and the group did not reach its destination, McCarthy said this was his favorite day, a testament to his leadership skills.”

On Jenny Aponte at Sanborn Western Camps:

“The Alpine Valley trip was a great experience for Jennifer! She was able to use the skills she has been building by working as a Junior

Counselor. On top of the trip being a personal success marked by Jennifer’s summit, she contributed greatly to the success of the group by always asking how she could help, fielding midnight worries from younger campers and constantly maintaining positivity.”

On Madalyn English at Colvig Silver Camps:

“Madalyn had another fantastic week and has been keeping everyone happy while hiking. The campers loved following her because her leadership style is thoughtful and kind-hearted and polite.”








Page 8: JOHN AUSTIN CHELEY FOUNDATION Annual Report€¦ · Annual Report 2014-2015 Because Camp Matters JOHN AUSTIN CHELEY FOUNDATION. 2 Report from the Board Chair Dear Friends of JACF,


Honorary25th Anniversary of the Founding of JACFAbby MayoAl & Sara ZimmermanAlan AterAli & Grace KittleAmy BlevinsAnn ShinglerBarbara Baxter PillingerBill & Betty Van DusenBob & Sumi JamiesonBrian RandolphBuddy ArnheimBuffie BergerCarol WattChris BovardCinnie TomlinsonDebbie LeiboldDewey SchreinerEmma, Ellie & Izzy LucasErin MontgomeryGeorge & Raymond FrankGilmore Children – Sterling, Samantha & SerenityJACF Campers Sponsored by

Littleton Public SchoolsJane White-LewisJason RitterJohnathan StarkJulie BramowitzKirstin Eddings Sullivan & Jennifer Tipton Kyle Von EiffLisa Brock LoweLuis OchoaMarilyn HillMatthew & David AterMax BucksbaumMax, Harry & Leo RobisonMelissa Ebone’s ParentsMelissa WilsonRob Jacobs & Todd SeeleyRoger Davis-Jahnel Adopt A CampershipSally BlevinsSnailors 1959Sophie BergerSue & Tom FrostmanThe Hiner FamilyThe Sass Brothers: John, Tom & LouThor CollinsWilliam LaBahn

Memorial“Bob” Ralph McElvain, Jr.Andrew Bailey

Anna Belle KritserBarbara Moore WeberBen B. FranklinBill FullerBill RootBob JohnsonBud & Isabell Brown & Jack MayCharles JamiesonClyde & Maxine HaynesCraig I. ColvigDoralie Flutcher MillerElda MatousEllie Pryor BooherFrances “Foohey” KidwellFrancille WalkerFrank “Chief” CheleyJack & Sis CheleyJax CoxJohn BlevinsJones Schmitts Kathleen Smith WalzKen & Elsa CokelyLara RogersLinda Pigg SchroederLucas PfeiffenbergerMarcia JorgensenMarilee Long-SaxeMary BromMary Jo JacobsNancy Green McHughNorris N. EmmonsOliver E. FrasconaPatricia FlintPete GabelPiper Kelly MoelleringRhonda Joekel SharpRobert PerkinsRobert W. StaffordStephen AnspacherStephen BarkleySusan Pain LaBahn

Foundation & Corporate 1stBank Community FundAmazonSmile FoundationBedrock FoundationCommunity First FoundationThe Denver Foundation-William R. LaBahn FundFaegre Bakers Daniels FoundationAnna Belle Kritzer II FoundationMicrosoft CorporationMiller International Inc.Anna & John J. Sie FoundationSouthwest AirlinesWells Fargo Foundation

Ellie Pryor Booher Equipment FundJulie-Annabel Schaaf BaileyKristin & John BlackwellDiana Knowles Cashen & Henry C. CashenWilliam B. PryorKatherine C. RutledgeAllison Wood Von Maur

Leadership Circle Gifts of $20,000 and aboveChris & Allison BovardAnna Belle Kritser II FoundationSam Price Family Foundation

Campership Level Gifts of $5,000 to $19,999Buddy & Julie ArnheimDenise BellucciBuffie BergerGeorge E. BergerJohn & Jacolyn Bucksbaum Family FoundationButler Family FoundationDonald S. & Carole CheleyJeff & Erika CheleyAnna EngelnJohn & Kathy EnlundMelinda Mayo FinleyHaughey Family FoundationFirst Bank Community FundElizabeth A. Gard & Thomas J. FurlongJockey Hollow FoundationKarol Ann JohnsonL. & M. Charitable Foundation, Inc.Debbie & Greg LeiboldAndy & Toby LivingstonMartha D. LivingstonKarol A. Koon McArthur FundThomas J. & Georgene E. McGonagleMiller International IncThe Niemann FamilyTim RogersGregory & Barbara RosstonAnna & John J. Sie FoundationDavid H. & Betty N. StreetCynthia Beck TomlinsonJulie Van De Zande

Benefactors Gifts of $1,000 to $4,999

Sue Eckles AndersonSusanne Small Bergeron & Jerry Bergeron

Names in bold are donors who have given to JACF for five consecutive years.List of Donors


Page 9: JOHN AUSTIN CHELEY FOUNDATION Annual Report€¦ · Annual Report 2014-2015 Because Camp Matters JOHN AUSTIN CHELEY FOUNDATION. 2 Report from the Board Chair Dear Friends of JACF,


John P. BoylanPeter O. & Melanie C. BoylanBetsy Moog BrooksCamp ThunderbirdJeff & Erica ConlonJosh & Deborah CopitoAnnie CottonKyle T. CraigCrystal Waters FoundationMichael D. CummingsHarriet DaigleKen & Sally DulinJay T. & Priscilla W. EngelnHomer & Peggy EvansMary Joy Allaert FeeneyRobert P. & Lynn FletcherFriendly Pines CampThomas O. & Sam Frostman Jim & Susie FullerKatherine E. GannettDonald E. & Julie V. GardnerAnn GarnerJuliana Kindel GuentherBarbara HallRobert D. & Reine Hartley Charitable FoundationFrank J. & Cynthia HerrTimothy S. HersheyRobert D. Jamieson & Sumi K. BitnerAndrew J. JorgensenKanter Kallman Foundation Inc.Katherine & Duncan KennedyRobert & Ellen KidwellKurt B. & Brooke Cheley KlebeWilliam R. LaBahnElizabeth D. LivingstonLisa Brock LoweKarla H. MacMahonJohn & Yancey McCollumJudith H. MellyJason L. MichelAllan Neustadt Charitable TrustNicholas S. & Susan B. NoyesRowan O’RileyRonald W. & Carol Hershey PeriardJason RitterHadley & Daniel S. RobisonKathy & Peter ScheuMarcus & Joan SesselThe James & Edith Spain FoundationSourcerock Partners, LLPVirginia StaffordVincent E. StarzingerBob Allen & Pamela StreetWendy & Tom ThorpePat TuohySteve & Judy TrappNancy D. UllmannBetsey & Bob UngerAllison Wood Von MaurGeorge H. WarringtonCarol Westerman WattAlfred C. & Sara Zimmerman

Patrons Gifts of $500 to $999

Marcus Aaron IIBeulah H. AppletonJoseph L. & Kerri P. AssellAlan L. & Jill AterBedrock FoundationCraig BensonMargaret A. Berger & Michael D. FriedmanNita BitnerDavid & Gretchen BlackDoug & Marge BlattErnie BlevinsNancy CampbellDiana Knowles Cashen & Henry C. Cashen IIEdward M. & Barbara A. CorleyThe Coleman Company, Inc.Monica & Cassidy ColvigWilliam H. & Lois DeschnerAnselm “Carl” & Heidi DinesLoyal DurandLupo Family Charitable FundEric EilteljorgHelen Spidell EvansEstes Park Equestrian ClubJim & Laura HahnSolitude CabinsAndrew & Christine M. HancockWyandt HolmesJ. David & Pamela HoltJason & Ellen HornadyPeter D. & Pat HorneThomas F. & Kathryn HornbeinTom & Julie HullKaren Wallace JohnsonKim & Brad KittleLara & Frank KneuttelNancy KornblumJohn Kundtz Bebe Brown MayAnne L. MattsonPeter O. McKownJeanne M. McLaughlinRichard D. & Carol G. MinkerRebecca A. Beall-Moore & Douglas S. MooreTerri S. MorrisonJeanine & Tom MurphyGary & Bev NelsonNorth Scott Community School DistrictD. W. Wells ObrechtMarty & Ginger Burner OvensAnthony PaulPhil PerryWilliam B. PryorPalmer & Andy QuaroniRose & Don ReynoldsMark RockwellLiesl RoeschSage HospitalityRobert C. & Nancy SchorrJim Schroeder

Tim ScullBrett A. & Holly R. SpenstStafford Family Charitable Gift FundKatie StutzTopeka Community FoundationDevadas & Vaneeta VarmaPeter L. & Jane WhiteRyan Wilson

Friends Gifts of $250 to $499Charlie AbramsonGail M. AlbersAnonymousArrowhead Golf ClubBear DanceJames C. & Anne D. BoyceShari BuchananAmy CastroChet Clerihue PhotographyJohn & Barbara CliffordCostanoaJoe K. CrevistonCopper Mountain ResortCutthroat AnglersBob EssinJohn EstabrookBen L. FlintFord C. & Ann B. FrickShannon FrielThomas R. & Georgia Sue FullerNicholas HamiltonElaine H. HarveyT. HaynesJayne HedenkampThomas HigleyDan JasparRonald G. & Marjorie JoekelRobert L. Kelley Jr. & Rossell L. KelleyKind CoffeeTim & Kimberly LucasKarlagirl StudiosThe Magnolia Hotel DenverJoye Ashton McKusickSarah & Ethan MileySharon Lang MonsonJames G. & Cynthia NeighborW. Peterson NelsonKenneth R. & Jacqueline OldhamLois PaulPatricia Pease RiceKatherine C. RutledgeTom SassShari F. ShinkRobert A. & Suzanne Ullmann SteinMartha T. StokelyJeffrey D. & Rachel L. StreetAndy & Betsy ThamertAlison TomlinsonAndrew WayneTandy Craig WoodSasha & Michael Zolik


List of Donors (Continued)

Page 10: JOHN AUSTIN CHELEY FOUNDATION Annual Report€¦ · Annual Report 2014-2015 Because Camp Matters JOHN AUSTIN CHELEY FOUNDATION. 2 Report from the Board Chair Dear Friends of JACF,


Partners Gifts up to $250

Robert & Marjory AbramsLee R. AdlerTeri AkinAnna AlbonettiLaura & Jeff AlexanderErin AlkireMelissa AllenFederico C. AlvarezAmazonSmile FoundationKathleen AmbronMaggie AndersonEmmie AndresEmily ArvolaFrank F. AtwoodBlue Q Tote BagsJulie-Annabel Schaaf BaileyBaldpate InnParker BarrellSarah BartoshKristen BearJoanne S. BeckerStefan BellucciGimo & Candy BerryMegan & Cameron BertronMark & Beth BestBrayden BettsKim BettsDeb BialeschkiKristin & John BlackwellMary Lou Montgomery BlairMeredith & Brant BloombergGloria BohanJoan E. BorelBoulder Rock Club of Colorado Mountain SchoolCharles M. BovardMary Ellis BowlerCourtney BoyleBrian A. & Sarah W. BraccoElizabeth BradyAlan & Marsha BramowitzMatthew BrooksJames C. & Mary Claire BrothersAlison BrownPeter A. BrownAmie P. BryantMeggie BuikemaCoulter BumpJohn & Stephanie BurkJonathan BurkSteve M. BurnsJulia Smith ButlerJon CalcaraJ. Tyler CampbellEleanor CannonEric M. & Victoria B. F. CantorYmkje CarringtonLauren M. CashattTeresa & Jeffory CastledineCharlotte CaudillSue CedarholmCelestron

David & Jody CharmatzJackson CheleyNicholas B. ClinchMary Virginia W. CoffmanCatherine H. ColemanSandy Campbell & Sharon ColemanStewart & Elinor Humphrey ComerDavid D. Cone FoundationScott & Kristen CousinoBuffy LaBahn CrostDaniel CrottyAllison CruthisKen CurryTerrell CurtisChristian CutterJodee D’AvignonLaurie Dale MarshallMidge DallasNick DavisElizabeth DeGroodJames M. DeisterDenver Botanic GardensKathy & Chris DevenyConnie Van DoornJody & Bob DorweilerDenis Duman & Alix ShaferPeter & Elizabeth DumanianGigi DurandTravis L. DurandGreg Hurst & Amy DzurMelissa A. EboneCarolyn EcholsElizabeth EhlertJohn EliotGus Lee & Diane Elliott-LeeBarbara E. EmmonsKyrie EncinasTom Eshelman & Jeanne FinanFaith EvansMichelle EvekerGifford EwingChris Perschbacher & Travis FaschingJessica FeltnerJohn FielderCynthia M. & James H. FiniganEdward R. & Miriam Tomasek FreiterRichard B. & Judy L.S. FritzAndy & Tracy FullerBobs GardnerPeter & Lisa GergelyAmbrus GeroRalph W. GilbertsenScott & Stacie GilmoreThomas R. GiltnerSarah GlassnerGary GlockhoffStephen GoettscheJacob GoetzTory & Rob GoldsonBig 5 Sporting GoodsJerilyn GottshallJoanna GouldDrew A. & Elizabeth S. GrahamMegan Griffith

W.B. Martin GrossAnn GuhmanSheryl & Andy GurrentzRobert & Susan GuthrieGypsum Creek Golf CourseJessa HackmanMargaret Weatherly & Thomas B. Hall IIIJulianne HallBill & Toni HamillScott & Michelle HamiltonCatherine Hansen-StampHenry & Muffy HarmonJennifer HartenCarolyn J. HastingsPeggy N. HaynesElaine HazlewoodJohn M. HepburnHarry C. HersheyFrances A. HessCody HillerBill & Bonnie HinerJacob HinesGinny HittnerAshley HockLeslie HockRuthann I. HolleKathleen HooperLouise M. HopkinsCourtney HorneEmily HorneWilliam C. & Mary HorneMichael H. HornerStrater HotelDonald H. & Dorothy K. HouglandCynthia HouxThayer HubbardJudy HutchisonAmy JahnelJay Moore Studio, Inc.Karen JennemanCorey & Nancy JoekelCarol E. & Donna M. JohnsonCarolyn Cheley JohnsonScott & Jennifer JohnsonEmily JuarezAlex KalilJoey KaufmanCarol I. KellerKent & Janet KellerJaime KelloggAndy Holleman & Sharon KellyDiana & Oussama KhribecheAnne Lamkin KinderJoy S. KleinVernon KlingenbergMary Kay KnorrKnotCarmel KoeltzowNancy KomatzEric & Sarah KomppaRonald Kornish IISusan KriderBarbara J. KrippsLarry J. & Kathy Kripps

List of Donors (Continued)


Page 11: JOHN AUSTIN CHELEY FOUNDATION Annual Report€¦ · Annual Report 2014-2015 Because Camp Matters JOHN AUSTIN CHELEY FOUNDATION. 2 Report from the Board Chair Dear Friends of JACF,


Jonathan B. KruegerWalter R. LamkinBob & Elizabeth LazzeriDoug & Whiting LearyAndrew C. LeCuyerLegacy Ridge Golf CourseJohn & Patricia LeiboldRichard C. LewisDavid LindaJohn LindseyDr. Herbert B. & Carol LindsleyBruce LitakerThe Sunshine Group, LLCJeff & Laura LoeblRobert & Kathryn LohrKeaton LooneySunshine LovasJohn MacFarlaneKaren MacGeeKelly & Charles MacKeanDr. Bernard MallingerThomas D. MangelsonHarold E. & Sharon R. ManhartKristin Rae & Stephen MarkeyJill MarshallMary Mayotte Communications IncCorey MartzBrent P. & Patricia MayoJake MayoSarah McCueWilliam C. & Virginia L. McGeheeCaitlin McGonagleRobert L. McGrathGeorge K. & Janet MetzgerBrad & Cary MeuliAlex MeyerBetty D. MeyerJohn W. & Joanna A. M’GonigleRhonda L. MickelsonJack & Miriam MiddletonLindsay MillerSienna MillerNancy M. MoorTimothy S. MoorCaellagh MorrisseyEmily MossJoyce A. MuellerSusan F. MullensLuigi Horne MumfordJames W. MyttonThomas NadziejaStuart J. NewsomeW. Bruce NewsomePeter H. NortonSam NortonCarol Parker O’ReillyWhitney Hopkins & Martin OehmkeHelen OexmannJeff & Jodi OlinMary Lainson OlsenTaylor OlsenJudy OlsonChris & Mollie Oster

John & Terri OstermillerLouis OttOuterwall/RedboxEagles Nest Outfitters, Inc.Krysta PaffrathCindy ParkLuke PartenBrittney PassiniHenry Safford PeacockSteve PeetersJudy PennerJane Schorr PenoyerMark B. & Barbara PeriardBrad & Michelle PerozziChrista PetersonCora E. PetrocineAndrew R. & Bernadetta B. PfeiffenbergerJanet G. PfeiffenbergerCorrie PhillipsDustin PippinErin PippusBarbara A. PodschunPolar BottlesWilliam A. Powel III & Sandra Ives PowelBarbara Porter PrayTom PrestonMark Thompson & Marty PullamAmber RahnBrian RaschJack & Karen ReutzelDale & Patty RobertsJames W. RobertsPatricia C. RobertsAriella RoggeKelli RootDave RoshakRoundhouse SpiritsAlex RoweLisa L. Walker & William A. RudnickNicole RuggianoAstrid RuizRitzy RunningJohnny RyanRichard SalasJane SanbornSarah SandermanLee & Delphine SanksMichael & Kate SawyerBarbara Jean SayeClaire ScatesNorma I. SchalkParker SchifferMark M. SchorrSusan K. SchroederAnne Holmes SchuergerJane Miller Bell ScottMichael SeyboldChristopher ShaffnerBarry SharcotAnne ShinglerJohn & Nancy ShinglerLiz ShullHarrison Shure

Randy SlocumElizabeth E. & Steven S. SmithJay R. & Caroline L. SmithRichard A. & Mary Lou SmithSteve SmithDaniel O’Brien & Ellie SolomonFrancisco & Carlos SomozaSpa Vital at Pura Vida Finess & SpaCecilia SperryJohn & Jill SpieglemanCharlotte H. StaffordLucie StanishPhilip H. StarkLaurel StarrNancy C. SteeperBryan SternMary Allen StiflerCraig & Lora StoppelDanielle StueveZoe Ann SummersJack SweenyRaymond SwingleTallgrass SpaTerry TaylorTen Thousand WavesRoberta TerrellLynn TiptonKristin TomlinsonVic H. & Katherine TrammellScott TrathenKirsten TraulVirginia D. TroyerGaret TuckerGary L. Cukjati & Elizabeth A. TuohyMichele & Greg Van HareDavid & Kathryn VanDerWegePatricia L. VanDevanderNancy J. VaughnChelsea VazAnne VickeryAL M. & Ruthie WaldropLess Goss & Melissa WalkerHenry WarringtonPaula WarzonJacquelyn WeddellMelisa WesswickStephen WhitmoreCatharine WickmanDorothy Biram WidmannJoel WilliamsAngela WilsonPeter & Karen WinkelmanErnie & Johanna WintergerstMaryPat WoodardAli Frick & Drausin WulsinYaktraxBradley Young

The Foundation thanks sincerely any donor whose name may have been left inadvertently off this list. Please contact Development at 720-981-2532 to report omissions or errors.

List of Donors (Continued)


Page 12: JOHN AUSTIN CHELEY FOUNDATION Annual Report€¦ · Annual Report 2014-2015 Because Camp Matters JOHN AUSTIN CHELEY FOUNDATION. 2 Report from the Board Chair Dear Friends of JACF,

802 E. 19th Ave. Denver, CO 80218

Board of TrusteesRalph L. “Buddy” Arnheim

Los Altos Hills, CA

Alan L. Ater

Solvang, CA

Amy Blevins

Larkspur, CA

John P. Boylan

Houston, TX

Christopher M. Bovard

Dallas, TX

Sebastian de Atucha

Denver, CO

Todd N. Lebor

Chicago, IL

Debra Gardner Leibold

Littleton, CO

Martha D. Livingston

Columbus, OH

Phillip S. Perry

Denver, CO

Jeffrey Roberts

Denver, CO

Barbara Aaron Rosston

Menlo Park, CA

Kirstin Eddings Sullivan

Ames, IA

Jennifer L. Tipton

Denver, CO

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“I made new friends and they are some of the best people I know. We created so many wonderful memories together. Even though it was a little tough for me, I feel that I gained more perseverance and the ability to see things through.”

Because Camp Matters