josyf cardinal slipyj catholic school · 2016-11-04 · класів до kortright centre,...

Year of the Parish November, 2016 Josyf Cardinal Slipyj Catholic School Per Aspera Ad Astra – Through Hard Work We Can Reach The Stars Звернення від директора Дорогі батьки та опікуни, Жовтень ще один продуктивний і сповнений цікавими подіями в житті школи Йосипа Кардинала Сліпого місяць промайнув як один день. Ми починали з мистецької події “Відчути Мистецтво”, організованої школою Father John Redmond, де учні 7-их і 8-их класів мали можливість ознайомитися з мистецькими програмами, котрі ця школа пропонує; потім були “Cross country” - змагання по бігу (районні, регіональні та міські), прогулька 4-их класів до Kortright Centre, танцювальний майстерклас для 2-их класів, збірка харчів для організації St. Francis Table до Дня подяки, візит пана Леґо, три успішних тренувальних протипожежних тривоги; а ще – Дні піци, святкування Галовіну, відвідання класів отцем Качуром, візити Української кредитової спілки для задоволення банківських потреб наших учнів (нагадуємо, що УКС приходить до нашої школи кожен четвер. Діти можуть створити свої рахунки і класти гроші на них. І це все можуть робити тут, у школі, кожен четвер. ) Батьки-волонтери допомагали під час багатьох зі згаданих вище подій, жертвуючи свій час і зусилля. Велика їм подяка за це! Вітаємо нових вчителів у школі Йосипа Кардинала Сліпого, пана Джуліана Тестані, вчителя фізичної культури, поява котрого у спортзалі викликає гучні радісні вигуки учнів; а також, з великою приємністю, пані Наталю Мацько, котра отримала постійну позицію вихователя передшкілля і продовжуватиме працювати з п. Дзерою. Ми всі з нетерпінням очікуємо наступного місяця, місяця чудового навчання, цікавих освітніх подій та заходів, і як завжди, сімейної Служби Божої та святкування наших українських традицій східного обряду у школі. Надзвичайно приємно бачити родини наших учнів у церкві під час недільної Служби Божої. Ми дуже вдячні отцеві Качуру та отцеві Лобаю за їхні зусилля та постійну підтримку нашої школи Йосипа Кардинала Сліпого. А. Івасиків Josyf Cardinal Slipyj Catholic School 35 West Deane Park Dr. Humbert Street Etobicoke, ON, M9B 2R5 Phone:416 393 5413 Fax: 416 397 6044 Principal A.Iwasykiw Vice Principal I.Mandarino Secretary M. Maglietta Clerk Typists S. Shanahan M. Wells Superintendent Doug Yack Trustee A.Andrachuk Parish St. Nicholas Catholic Church Pastor: Fr. Roman Lobay Entrance and Dismissal: Entry 8:30 am Recess 10:12am Lunch Hour 11:15 am Afternoon Entry 12:15 pm Recess 1:40 pm Dismissal: 3:30 pm

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Page 1: Josyf Cardinal Slipyj Catholic School · 2016-11-04 · класів до Kortright Centre, танцювальний майстерклас для 2-их класів, збірка

Year of the Parish November, 2016

Josyf Cardinal Slipyj Catholic School

Per Aspera Ad Astra – Through Hard Work We Can Reach The Stars

Звернення від директора

Дорогі батьки та опікуни,

Жовтень – ще один продуктивний і сповнений цікавими подіями в житті

школи Йосипа Кардинала Сліпого місяць промайнув як один день. Ми

починали з мистецької події “Відчути Мистецтво”, організованої школою

Father John Redmond, де учні 7-их і 8-их класів мали можливість ознайомитися

з мистецькими програмами, котрі ця школа пропонує; потім були “Cross

country” - змагання по бігу (районні, регіональні та міські), прогулька 4-их

класів до Kortright Centre, танцювальний майстерклас для 2-их класів, збірка

харчів для організації St. Francis Table до Дня подяки, візит пана Леґо, три

успішних тренувальних протипожежних тривоги; а ще – Дні піци, святкування

Галовіну, відвідання класів отцем Качуром, візити Української кредитової

спілки для задоволення банківських потреб наших учнів (нагадуємо, що УКС

приходить до нашої школи кожен четвер. Діти можуть створити свої рахунки і

класти гроші на них. І це все можуть робити тут, у школі, кожен четвер. )

Батьки-волонтери допомагали під час багатьох зі згаданих вище подій,

жертвуючи свій час і зусилля. Велика їм подяка за це!

Вітаємо нових вчителів у школі Йосипа Кардинала Сліпого, пана Джуліана

Тестані, вчителя фізичної культури, поява котрого у спортзалі викликає гучні

радісні вигуки учнів; а також, з великою приємністю, пані Наталю Мацько,

котра отримала постійну позицію вихователя передшкілля і продовжуватиме

працювати з п. Дзерою.

Ми всі з нетерпінням очікуємо наступного місяця, місяця чудового навчання,

цікавих освітніх подій та заходів, і як завжди, сімейної Служби Божої та

святкування наших українських традицій східного обряду у школі.

Надзвичайно приємно бачити родини наших учнів у церкві під час недільної

Служби Божої. Ми дуже вдячні отцеві Качуру та отцеві Лобаю за їхні зусилля

та постійну підтримку нашої школи Йосипа Кардинала Сліпого.

А. Івасиків

Josyf Cardinal Slipyj Catholic School

35 West Deane Park Dr. Humbert Street

Etobicoke, ON, M9B 2R5 Phone:416 393 5413

Fax: 416 397 6044



Vice Principal



M. Maglietta

Clerk Typists

S. Shanahan M. Wells


Doug Yack

Trustee A.Andrachuk


St. Nicholas Catholic Church Pastor: Fr. Roman Lobay

Entrance and Dismissal:

Entry 8:30 am Recess 10:12am

Lunch Hour 11:15 am Afternoon Entry 12:15 pm

Recess 1:40 pm Dismissal: 3:30 pm

Page 2: Josyf Cardinal Slipyj Catholic School · 2016-11-04 · класів до Kortright Centre, танцювальний майстерклас для 2-их класів, збірка

Principal’s Message Dear Parent(s)/Guardians(s) October was yet another productive and exciting month in the life of Josyf Cardinal Slipyj School. The month seems to have just sped by! We started with the grade 7 and 8’s going to “Taste of the Arts” at Father Redmond School, Cross Country (Divisional, Regional and Cities), the grade 4’s went to Kortright Centre, Dance Workshops for the Grade 2’s, Thanksgiving Food Drive to the St. Francis Table, a visit from Mr. Lego, 3 successful Fire Drills, Pizza Days, Halloween Festivities, classroom visits from Father Kachur, and Thursday morning visits from the Ukrainian Credit Union to support students’ banking needs. Many of the events mentioned have seen a number of parent volunteers present to assist us. Your time and efforts, as always, are much appreciated. At this time we would like to welcome some new additions to Josyf Cardinal Slipyj School. Our new Physical Education teacher is Mr. Julian Testani. You can tell that the students are very excited to have Mr. Testani as evidenced by the noise in the gym. We are also extremely happy to officially and permanently welcome our Early Childhood Educator (ECE), Mrs. Nataliya Matsko, who will continue to work with Ms. Dzera in our FDK class. We are very much looking forward to another month of great learning, interesting educational events/activities, and as always, our Family Mass and celebrating our Ukrainian Eastern Rite traditions in the school. It is so very nice to see our families in church, celebrating the mass together as a Family. At this time, the school would like to thank Father Kachur and Father Lobay for their continuous efforts and support at Josyf Cardinal Slipyj Catholic School. A. Iwasykiw

Grade 8 students helping to load the St. Francis

Table van with food collected from the food drive.

Page 3: Josyf Cardinal Slipyj Catholic School · 2016-11-04 · класів до Kortright Centre, танцювальний майстерклас для 2-их класів, збірка

Entry Routines Once again we are asking for everyone’s cooperation when dropping off your child to school, both in the morning and in the afternoon when you are picking up your child. In the morning, parents are asked to say their goodbyes on the sidewalk and remain outside the fenced area, both the small fenced in area and the big fenced in area. The only adults in the school yard with the students should be the supervising staff only. This will enable the supervisors to give his/her full attention in ensuring that all students are safe. A congested area makes it extremely challenging for staff to properly supervise our students. Once the bell rings, parent/guardians are asked to say their goodbyes and not enter the school. Many parents continue to walk into the school when asked not to and this causes a disruption for all. We ask for everyone’s cooperation in this matter.

EXIT ROUTINES We ask that all parents call the school before 3:00pm if they are changing their child’s pick up arrangements. It is extremely difficult and rushed when parents call at 3:15 and ask for the child to be dismissed from class or cancelling bussing arrangements. Many students at this time are either outside for DPA, gym, and/or preparing for bus lines, especially the JK/SK and the primary classes. Again, please wait outside the fenced area or pick up your child from the little yard.

KISS and RIDE/BUS LOADING ZONE We continue to experience serious difficulties with our Kiss and Ride Zone and our Bus Loading Zone. The Kiss and Ride Zone are for cars that are quickly dropping off their children in the morning and/or picking them up in the afternoon, 10 minutes maximum. Your cooperation and assistance is essential in this matter. If you would like to walk your child to the yard, please park your car on a neighbouring street and cross the street with your child. We have had two very frightening situations within the last week or two where two of our students have been almost hit by a car or bus. Please take the time to walk your child across the street.

School Bus Information We are still experiencing some glitches with our buses. Some buses are still arriving late at the stops and other buses have a change in drivers. All inquiries about arrival times, traffic delays, departures, and lateness need to be dealt with directly with the bus company SWITZER at 905 361-1084. Switzer dispatchers will be able to provide you with up to date information, traffic information as they are in direct communication with the bus drivers. In addition, bus students will not be permitted to change buses or go on other buses at the end of the day to go home with another student to work on homework or other activities. Parents will be required to make their own private arrangements as the bus company does not allow this practice. Also, any information about school bus delays can be accessed on the Toronto School Transportation Group website at:

Weather Fall has finally arrived and with this season comes the cold temperatures. Students are reminded to dress appropriately for the cold weather as ALL students will be outdoors during these temperatures, especially before the morning school bell (jackets, gloves, mitts, scarves, hats, boots). Once the extreme weather conditions are upon us (approximately -17/-20C), recess and outdoor play will be shortened and/or held inside.

Page 4: Josyf Cardinal Slipyj Catholic School · 2016-11-04 · класів до Kortright Centre, танцювальний майстерклас для 2-их класів, збірка

DRESS CODE in the JK/SK Classes Thank You to all the parents who have already purchased navy and white clothing for their child. Even though we would like all of the children to be dressed in uniform as soon as possible, it may not be realistic at this time and requires additional time for parents to purchase navy and white clothing. We can only ask that you purchase the uniform once the stores are stocked with items. If you have already purchased the school uniform, please feel free to start dressing your child in the uniform. We look forward to the day that all JCS students are in uniform.

Reporting Progress Report Cards will be sent home on Tuesday, November 15th. Parent/teacher interviews will be held on:

Thursday, November 17 5:00 – 8:00 pm

Friday, November 18th 8:30 – 11:15 am

SMOKE-FREE ONTARIO ACT The Smoke-Free Ontario Act came into effect on May 31, 2006. Under the Act, smoking of holding lighted tobacco is prohibited inside any school building, site and facilities and on the grounds surrounding the school buildings. If caught smoking anywhere on School property could cost the individual $305.00. For additional information on this Act, please visit the web site at or call Toronto Public Health at 416 338 7600.

Pediculosis – Lice Please read the following information for facts and tips regarding Pediculosis. The most obvious sign of head lice is scratching. PREVENTION

To stop the spread of lice, we ask that you monitor and check your child’s head periodically.

A tip to prevent lice from spreading on girl’s hair is for girls to wear their hair up in a bun, a ponytail or a braid. Hair spray on the braid or ponytail is a common tip.

Rinsing with vinegar after washing your child’s hair is another common tip. TREATMENT

To check your child’s head, part the hair in sections and look for small grey or brown insects, slightly larger than a pin-head. Lice lay tiny silvery white eggs called nits. Nits can be found over the entire head but are most common behind the ears and in the nape of the neck. They stick to the hair shaft.

If your child has head lice, please make sure that the office is aware so that a notice can be sent home to the other classmates to have their parents check their hair. Rest assured, the student name will always remain anonymous.

Treat your child with a special medicated shampoo or rinse that is made just for lice. It is available at most drug stores.

Once treated, remove the nits using the special comb that is included in the kit daily over several weeks.

The child should be treated and free of head lice before returning to school.

Page 5: Josyf Cardinal Slipyj Catholic School · 2016-11-04 · класів до Kortright Centre, танцювальний майстерклас для 2-их класів, збірка

School Learning Improvement Plan This year, the School Learning Improvement Plan (SLIP) will be focusing on problem solving in Math in the junior grades, especially persevering with problems, and developing new strategies to change their mindset in Math. The staff and students are learning about the Growth Mindset and the positive outcomes of having a growth mindset on student achievement.

Growth Mindset in Math

In general, a growth mindset is the belief that intelligence and ‘smartness’ can also be learned and that the brain grows from experience and effort. The opposite, a fixed mindset, is the idea that you are smart, or you are not. In math, that translates into “some people are good at math, and some are not.” Did you know that praising efforts rather than intelligence or results can impact your child’s ability to persevere in challenges? The goal is to have children thrive on challenges and see failures, not as a sign of low intelligence, but as a learning opportunity. Brain research tells us that making mistakes actually wires more connections into the brain! When a person has a growth mindset, they accept challenges, see their efforts as worthwhile, and are open to learning from mistakes. Students with a growth mindset achieve at higher levels than those with fixed mindsets. How can you help? Some simple ways:

Adding “yet” when they claim they are “not good at this” (Respond: “You are not good at this yet.”)

Ask questions that focus on their effort and choices and get them to reflect on satisfaction of that effort (e.g. What did you learn today? What mistake did you make that taught you something? What did you try hard at today?)

Model this yourself as you share about your day

Page 6: Josyf Cardinal Slipyj Catholic School · 2016-11-04 · класів до Kortright Centre, танцювальний майстерклас для 2-их класів, збірка, hosted by Ontario Association for Mathematics Education (OAME), is designed for Ontario K – 12 students and parents. This website includes games, learning tools, activities, and additional supports for students to explore, build and enhance their mathematical thinking. A parent ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ section includes: “How can I help with the learning of mathematics?”, “What mathematics activities can we do together?”, “What digital supports are available?” and “What additional support is available?”

Stay tuned for more math tips in the December Newsletter

Math and Technology at JCS

Page 7: Josyf Cardinal Slipyj Catholic School · 2016-11-04 · класів до Kortright Centre, танцювальний майстерклас для 2-их класів, збірка
Page 8: Josyf Cardinal Slipyj Catholic School · 2016-11-04 · класів до Kortright Centre, танцювальний майстерклас для 2-их класів, збірка

Dancing at JCS

Page 9: Josyf Cardinal Slipyj Catholic School · 2016-11-04 · класів до Kortright Centre, танцювальний майстерклас для 2-их класів, збірка

Free Social Networking Safety Workshop for Parents, Movie Night for Students and Used Uniform Sale

Are your children in danger through unsafe Internet practices? Are they threatened by cyber bullies? Do they text? Are those who text back really the people they say they are? Paul Davis, with 26 years of IT experience, will explain the importance of social networking safety. Paul is an award-winning expert and speaker and has presented to schools and organizations across Canada and the United States. He has spoken with students, principals, police, at the Canadian Safe Schools Conference, the Department of National Defense, Canada Border Services and at other key stakeholder events. Please access Paul's website at The Josyf Cardinal Slipyj Parents Council (CSPC) has arranged a free workshop during which Paul will share his information. At this time, children can watch a movie (title to be determined and will be communicated shortly), and enjoy pizza, juice and snacks ($7admission which includes both meal and movie). The event will be supervised by parent volunteers. At the same time, used uniforms will be available for purchase outside the gym. Any donations for the uniform sale can be dropped off at the school office. Date: Friday November 11 Location: Josyf Cardinal Slipyj library (workshop) and gym (movie) Doors open: 6:00 p.m. for pizza and uniform sales Movies and workshop start: 6:30 p.m. Spaces are limited. Please RSVP by Wednesday November 9 to [email protected].

Dear Parents and Families, Josyf Cardinal Slipyj is hosting a Book Fair this year! We invite you to share in this celebration of books and reading with us. The students will visit the Book Fair during the week of November 14, 2016 in the library. Parents are invited to our Book Fair during the Parent/Teacher Conferences on Thursday, November 17th, 5:30-8:30 p.m., and Friday, November 18th, 9:00-10:30 a.m. During the Book Fair week students will have the opportunity to enter our Family Event Draw and win $50 in books-$25 for your family and $25 for your child’s classroom library. We sure hope you will join us at the fair! Pani Daciuk Liibrarian


Dear Parents, As we continue to fundraise for technology at Josyf Cardinal Slipyj School, we would like to take this opportunity to thank all parents and staff who have participated and purchased Christmas and/or Easter planters the last two years. As you prepare for the upcoming Christmas celebrations, we would like to remind you Christmas planters will be available for purchase. They make great gifts for family and friends. Stay tuned – Christmas order forms will be sent home in just a few weeks!!!

Page 10: Josyf Cardinal Slipyj Catholic School · 2016-11-04 · класів до Kortright Centre, танцювальний майстерклас для 2-их класів, збірка

UPCOMING EVENTS at JCS: November 2 – SIS for Grade 6’s November 3 – Officer Rich to visit Grade 1’s and 8’s November 8 – Volleyball tournament for Intermediate Boys / Dance Workshop for Gr. 1’s in AM November 9 - Volleyball tournament for Intermediate Girls November 11 - Remembrance Day, November 11 - CSPC Movie Night for students/Paul Davis Speaker for parents at 6:30pm November 14 – Grade 3’s off to Crawford Lake to visit an Iroquois Village November 14 to 18 – Scholastic Book Fair in Library November 15 – Dance Workshop for Grade 1’s in AM November 17 – Parent Teacher Interviews from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm November 18 – Parent Teacher Interviews from 8:30 am to 11:15 am November 22 to 25 – Dairy Farmers Presentation November 24 – Holodomor Bus to visit the Grade7 and 8’s November 24 – Media on the Streets for the Grade 6’s November 25 – Brent and Sarah Anti-Bullying Magic Show November 27 – Family Mass at St. Nicholas Church at 9:30am November 30 – SIS for Grade 3’s December 2 – PA Day – Provincial Educational Priorities and Faith Development December 9 – Life Skills Canada for Grades 7 and 8 December 15 – Christmas Concert in the School Gym, Grade 1 and Grade 2 families December 16 – St. Nicholas visiting JCS students December 19 - Mass at St. Nicholas Church @ 10:00 am

Page 11: Josyf Cardinal Slipyj Catholic School · 2016-11-04 · класів до Kortright Centre, танцювальний майстерклас для 2-их класів, збірка

Grade 6 students are grateful for the gift of literacy,

learning, food, play, family, school, the world and God.

Virtue for the Month of November


“Peace I leave to you, my peace I give to you” John 14:27

Page 12: Josyf Cardinal Slipyj Catholic School · 2016-11-04 · класів до Kortright Centre, танцювальний майстерклас для 2-их класів, збірка

During the month of November we will be focusing on the virtue of PEACE at Josyf Cardinal Slipyj Catholic School. The Gospel calls us to be peacemakers. Our love for all our sisters and brothers demands that we promote peace in the world surrounded by violence and conflict. What can we all do to be peacemakers in our families, our class, our schools, our

city and the world.

By opening ourselves to God, we feel peace within us.

Every person can work for peace by carefully considering how their words and actions make others feel.

Everyone wants to be treated fairly; we need to remember to treat others fairly.

Be guided by words of Paul to the Colossians – “the Peace that Christ gives is to guide you in the decisions you make.”

Peace among nations starts with peace among us.

Please note that our next Sunday Family Mass at St. Nicholas Church will be held on November 27, at 9:30am. We invite all JCS families to come and celebrate the mass. After mass, enjoy the refreshments that are offered in the church hall.

Reminder to all parents that the monthly calendar and newsletter are on the Josyf Cardinal Slipyj School

website. Please access the website for information at


If you would like to have a hard copy sent home with your child, please call the school office and let us


Monthly Update from the Board

November 2016

The Year of the Parish: The Celebration Continues We look forward to continuing the celebration of the Year of the Parish throughout the school year. It is a wonderful opportunity for our schools and parishes to connect, or re-connect, and plan activities and ongoing initiatives

together that will support the important partnership between Family, Church and School.

Parents, school administrators, parents, teachers, pastors and parish representatives were invited to sit down for some preliminary

discussions earlier this year. To see the many ideas that came forward from those Year of the Parish Conversations, visit our


More information about our pastoral plan here:

November’s Virtue is Peacemaking

Page 13: Josyf Cardinal Slipyj Catholic School · 2016-11-04 · класів до Kortright Centre, танцювальний майстерклас для 2-их класів, збірка

Find all the monthly resources associated with our virtues of the month online

Free English as a Second Language Courses for Adult Immigrants The TCDSB Adult Education Program offers free language training courses for eligible adult immigrants at various locations

across Toronto. After an assessment of language ability, eligible immigrants can enroll in our courses throughout the year. For

more information and to locate courses using our online Course Finder, visit

The 2016-2017 TCDSB Awards Season has begun! Nominations are now open for the following awards which will be presented at Awards Night on May 1, 2017:

DEADLINE: third Friday in January (January 20)

1. TCDSB Alumni Award: open to TCDSB alumni who are still active in the Catholic community and

who have distinguished themselves in their career or accomplishments.

2. TCDSB Award of Merit: open to former staff, parents and trustees who have made outstanding

contributions to the TCDSB and to Catholic education (can only be considered for award after a

three-year period has passed since departure from the TCDSB)

3. **NEW** Friends of Catholic Education Award: open to members of the general public

(individuals or organizations) who have accomplished extraordinary service to Catholic Education

but who may not be Catholic.

For nomination forms and information, click here:

Prime Minister’s Awards Do you know a terrific teacher or early childhood educator? Consider nominating them for a 2016-17 Prime Minister’s

Award! This prestigious program honours innovative and outstanding elementary and secondary school teachers and

early childhood educators who are helping prepare Canadian youth for the challenges of tomorrow.

Looking for inspiration? Check out some of our previous teaching and early childhood education award recipients.

2016-17 nomination packages are now available at

2016 OCSTA Short-Video Contest for Students

OCSTA is now accepting submissions for the fall 2016 short-video contest for grade 4-12 students in Ontario’s publicly funded

English Catholic schools. The contest theme for 2016 is: "The Story Behind the Name of our Catholic School”

This year’s theme is designed to encourage students to delve into the history of the person/saint for whom their school was named,

and to be creative in telling that story.

Deadline November 28, 2016

Humanitarian Aid for Haiti

As you are aware, Hurricane Matthew battered Haiti on October 4, 2016 causing widespread damage, flooding, and landslides.

The storm destroyed both crops and food reserves, many homes and schools, even entire villages. Our thoughts and prayers are

with all who have been impacted by this recent natural disaster. To learn more and find out how you can help, visit:

Get Your 40 Hours: Student Community Involvement Community service for our TCDSB students is more than a diploma requirement. Our TCDSB community members are

called to apply Catholic social teachings in all that we do; invited by our board vision to be people who “transform the world

through witness, faith, innovation and action”. The experience gained through community involvement allows students to

grow in knowledge and appreciation of themselves and their God-given gifts, and to find meaning, dignity and vocation in

work which respects the rights of all and contributes to the common good. It is hoped that this experience early in their high

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school years will continue to motivate our students to stay involved and to answer the call to support Catholic social

teaching by promoting peace, justice and sacredness of human life in their community involvement experiences.

All students who earn an Ontario Secondary School Diploma must complete 40 hours of community service.

Find resources, information, and volunteer opportunities here:


November Events/Observances:

November is Aboriginal Education Month

November 1--All Saints Day

November 1-7--Down Syndrome Awareness Week—“See the Ability”

November 2 --All Souls Day

November 2--Take Our Kids to Work Day

November 6-12—Treaties Recognition Week

November 8—A Catholic Call To Serve

November 11--Remembrance Day

November 14-19--Bullying Prevention and Awareness Week

November 18—PA Day

November 22--Memorial Mass to Celebrate the Lives of Staff and Students in the TCDSB

Community at 7 p.m. at the Catholic Education Centre

November 27—Advent Begins

November 28—TCDSB Caucus/Inaugural Meeting—including election of Chair, Vice-Chair

For more information or resources connected to any or all of these events/initiatives, visit the Board’s website at

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