journalism2 task 4


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JOURNALISM 2: TASK 4By Onder Aslan

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Selection of my photographs The reason why I am chose to take pictures of the Boleyn Ground is because my article is about going to different football grounds and interviewing football fans from football clubs based in London. One of my chosen football grounds is Upton Park and so that is why I chose to take a pictures of the famous footballing ground. The football ground is quite close to where I live (east London) and I have no travel problems to get there.

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Sourcing and importingI decided to create the layout of my magazine/article on InDesign as it thought that technically it was the better option for me as it is simple and I have the basic skills to try to cope with the software. I got taught how to use InDesign a while back so I managed to do everything that I was looking to do e.g. the layout and the design of my article. I opted not to use Photoshop because it is more complicated as its not easy to get around the software as most of the tools are not easy to use.

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Evidence of importingThe images I sent from my phone to my email

Saving the files as JPEG

The images that I took on my phone – my camera roll

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Experiments on InDesignBlank template Layout of my page

The first picture shows a complete blank template of what I started off with to create my page layout. As you can see on the right hand side that there is a more developed template which is full of writing and images of one of the places (Upton Park) where am I going to go to interview football fans for my article. So for the layout of my page as usual I am going to have my title at the top of the first page, headline under the title but right above the article that am I going to wright. Then on the right hand side of the second page I am going to have my image(s) of the fans/ football ground (depends which football ground I visit). My design is going to have a colourful touch to it as I don’t want it to be dull and boring. As InDesign was new to me, it took me a while to figure out how to use it but I eventually got the hang of it. I learnt how to typography and other techniques such as place which is way of pasting the image into the template. Moreover, I learnt how to select, rotate and size objects and how to use the type tool to edit text and create frames with or without borders, switching tools using the keyboard, and navigating with the hand and zoom tools.

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Evidence of my final piece

My final article

I saved my work in the journalism file and named it ‘the layout of my magazine’