jpa houses

houses john pardey architects

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Selected portfolio of jpa houses explaining our ethos & methodology.


Page 1: jpa houses

h o u s e s

j ohn pa rdey arch i tects

Page 2: jpa houses

Trewarren House

Pooley House

Hurst House

Hind House

Watson House

Duckett House

Surrey Hi l ls House

Attwood House

Spence House

Smith House

Fa i rbank Poolhouse

The Aviary

s e l e c t e d h o u s e s 2 0 0 4 – 2 0 1 4

John Pardey Archi tects was establ ished

in 1988 as a sole t rader pract ice in

conjunct ion with teaching at severa l

schools of archi tecture. The pract ice

launched in 2000 and now employs 12

staff . The commiss ions have grown over

the years but i t is the pr ivate one-off

house that has made our reputat ion and

remains where our heart l ies.

We have undertaken numerous pr ivate

house commiss ions ranging f rom

refurb ishment and extensions to large

new- bui ld houses for which we have

gained nat ional recogni t ion and received

many awards.

Being a medium-sized pract ice, we can

offer c l ients a personal serv ice with the

involvement of John at a l l stages of the

design process. Our partner ing with

large internat ional f i rms of archi tecture

a lso g ives us the unique opportuni ty to

design large schemes both in the UK and


The pract ice has gained some th i r ty-

n ine nat ional and internat ional des ign

awards and our work has been widely

exhib i ted and publ ished. John Pardey

has held post-graduate teaching posts at

Canterbury and Portsmouth univers i t ies

and been an external examiner at Cardi ff

and Oxford Univers i t ies. He is author of

two books on Danish archi tecture.

John Pardey was appointed to

the Nat ional Review Panel of the

Commiss ion for Archi tecture and the

Bui l t Env i ronment in January 2009.

RIBA Southern Reg ion Award 2001, 2009, 2011, 2012 and 2013

Shor t- l i s ted for the 2009 St i r l ing Award’s Stephen Lawrence Pr ize

Shor t- l i s ted for the 2011 Manser Meda l and Downland Pr ize

Grand Des igns Award W inner 2007

Voted one of Br i ta in ’s top ten pract ices in Grand Des igns magaz ine in 2012.

Gold Meda l for Arch i tecture in Wales 2013

a b o u t u s

Page 3: jpa houses

h o w w e w o r k

In our domest ic designs we recognise

the need to work c losely wi th c l ients to

not just create a marvel lous house, but a

home – we a im to enhance a g iven br ie f

to br ing a l i t t le soul into each space.

We see our work as contemporary and

avoid the idea of a futur ist ic aspi rat ion,

preferr ing to bui ld on what has gone

before – our ideal is to achieve a

t imeless qual i ty in each work and a

del ight in the ordinary; the joy of s imple,

natura l mater ia ls enr iched by a precis ion

or juxtaposi t ion and th is we combine

with at tent ion to the s i te, constra ints,

or ientat ion and v iews.

We genera l ly conceive a home as a

ser ies of e lements – l iv ing spaces,

s leeping spaces and work ing spaces –

and these are p lanned as d iscrete parts

that are then brought together rather

than considered as mere ly rooms in a


We enjoy the idea of uni t ing ins ide and

outs ide spaces, to create a natura l p lace

to l ive that ce lebrates v iews and the

changing weather whi le mainta in ing an

energy eff ic ient and easi ly mainta ined


At th is stage we look at your br ie f and

advise on how th is can best be ut i l ised

as wel l as establ ish ing the in i t ia l pro ject


A design concept is then developed

through a ser ies of sketches and

computer generated models, leading up

to the p lanning appl icat ion.

t h e p l a n n i n g p r o c e s s

We recognise that bui ld ing a new home

is a ser ious commitment, but i t is a

worthwhi le exper ience that wi l l g ive you

joy and pleasure for present and future

generat ions.

Planning can somet imes be stra ight-

forward, but i t can be a lso a t r icky

process as we somet imes chal lenge

t radi t ional be l ie fs in what a house should

be and look l ike. P lanning departments

and local communit ies are by nature

conservat ive, and i t is our task to dr ive

archi tecture and the bui ld ing of new

amazing houses forward.

In the last ten years, we have secured

planning permiss ion for over forty pr ivate

homes and we have an unpara l le led

reputat ion for the design and success

rate in the del ivery of award winning,

pr ivate one-off houses.

Our expert ise wi th the p lanning process,

wi l l he lp you rea l ise the dream of your

next home.

We a lways recommend commiss ioning a

cost p lan at th is stage so that aspi rat ion

and budget can be met wi thout running

into overspend later in the process.

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d e t a i l e d d e s i g n

We understand the construct ion process,

d i fferent procurement routes and ways

of bui ld ing.

We work with some of the best structura l

engineers in Br i ta in, and our jo int

exper ience ranges f rom tradi t ional

masonry bui lds to innovat ive cutt ing-

edge, engineered t imber solut ions.

By producing a very thorough set of

product ion drawings and speci f icat ions,

we are able to mainta in t ight contro l

on the bui ld ing contract and keep to

the budget. This is a lso the t ime to set

the env i ronmenta l and susta inabi l i ty

targets for the house. W ithout making

susta inabi l i ty an end in i tse l f , we a lways

incorporate an env i ronmenta l agenda

into our houses. This wi l l a lso ensure a

low running cost wi th reduced bi l ls and a

smal ler carbon foot-pr int .

Attent ion to deta i l is fundamenta l to

achiev ing a great house and we see

deta i l as part of the design process.

By producing a very thorough set of

product ion drawings and speci f icat ion,

100 x 5 mm stainless steel edge with chased drip to leading edge




Drawing No:

Scale: Date:

1:5 @ A3



S T . L E O N A R D ' S











S O 4 1 5 S R

0 1 5 9 0 6 2 6 4 6 5

0 1 5 9 0 6 2 6 5 4 7

m a i l @ j o h n p a r d e y a r c h i t e c t s . c o m


0 200 mm50 150


do not scale

cad file


t.o. UC 162.345

t.o. concrete 161.245

t.o. concrete 161.120

frame less glazing in stainless steel channel by cantifix

100 x 50 mm stgainless steel channel

lphw heaing coil with stainless steel grille above

ARMOURCOAT polished plaster onto 20 mm S/C render

225 mm waterproof reinforced concrete

75 mm celotex insulation

75 mm ashlar lime stone


u/s angle 162.225


F.F.L 162.395

200 x 50 mm SC3 joists @ 400 c-c's with 200 mm celotex insulation

nom 22 mm oak flooring

119 x 22 mm english oak t + g boarding with a 10 mm t + g


armourcoat shadow bead

152 x 152 x 37 UC with 150 x 75 mm angle

20 mm hardwood battens

stainles steel flashing


2 layers 10 mm blueclad board + polished plaster

aluminium 50.8 x 25.4mm channel GA0423

aluminium 19 x 38.1mm angle GA0332

aluminium angle and channel fixed/ bonded together to manufacturers recommendations. Powdercoated to RAL 7012



SEPT. 2003

HPH/814 C



C - 20/06/03

C1 - 15/10/03

A - 07/03/05DPC added by coping detail

B - 18/05/05- celing build up revised- polished plaster added to ceiling- build up to polished plaster wall finishes revised

C - 13/11/07- drip channel added above clere storey window

we are able to contro l the deta i l and the

qual i ty of the bui ld as wel l as effect ive ly

managing the bui ld ing contract and

u l t imate ly keep to the budget.

We l ike to use natura l mater ia ls - stone,

t imber, meta l , g lass, br ick - a l l of which

weather beaut i fu l ly wi th t ime. The r ight

choice of long last ing mater ia ls wi l l

a lso g ive your bui ld ing a t imeless fee l

ensur ing that i t wi l l look as good in

twenty- f ive years as i t does today.

c o n s t r u c t i o n d e t a i l


cad file:

© john pardey architects

• Do not Scale. Used figured dimensions only.

• All dimensions to be checked on site.• All drawings to be read in conjunction with engineer's

drawings. Any discrepancies between consultants drawings to be reported to the Architectbefore any

work commences. • The Contractor's attention is drawn to the Health &

Safety matters identified in the Health & Safety plan and on drawings as being potentially hazardous.

• These items should not be considered as a full and final list.

• The Work Package Contractor's normal Health &Safety obligations still apply when undertaking

constructional operations both on and off site.



drawing no:

scale @ A1: date:





rev date initials description



1:20 OCT 09

3 12


















500 MM NOM






























W2 W9

GROUND +38.500 AOD

TOC +38.658 AOD

TOW +42.410 AOD

SSL +36.300 AOD

TOS +41.565 AOD

SSL +41.685 AOD

SSL +38.845 AOD

TOS +38.683 AOD

TOS +43.830 AOD

TOW +43.650 AOD


FCL +41.390 AOD



















L -



Page 5: jpa houses

t h e f i n i s h e d h o u s e

We work hard to make sure that the end

product is not just wel l -bui l t , but that the

design exceeds expectat ions. We l ike to

be involved in the choice of furn i ture and

f i t t ings to make a complete work. No

deta i l is le f t unexamined.

Many of our one-off house c l ients remain

as f r iends and we have enjoyed repeat

c l ients and many recommendat ions that

have led to fur ther commiss ions.

We str ive to not just make a great house,

but a great home.

I t was a great p leasure to f ind one

of our houses used by the wr i ter and

phi losopher Ala in De Botton in h is 2007

book ‘The Archi tecture of Happiness’ .

as an i l lustrat ion of Stendhal ’s aphor ism


‘Beauty is the promise of happiness’

‘C lear ly i t i s cons idered somewhat odd in the arch i tectura l pro fess ion for the c l ients to actua l l y en joy the process wi th the arch i tect (e .g . poor o ld Ed i th Farnsworth and Mies van der Rohe) but we d id en joy the way you took us through the whole th ing - I can’t honest ly say that Jane en joyed every second of the actua l bu i ld ing! - and made c lear where you were coming f rom and what the in f luences were, a t the same t ime as push ing forward wi th a s ingu lar ly ind iv idua l house. ’ Dav id At twood

‘…(the house) is a complete joy to l i ve in and has far exceeded our expectat ions. The whole house has a grand fee l ing o f space, l ight and ca lmness so lack ing in i ts or ig ina l s ta te . You have created not on ly a beaut i fu l , but a lso a very pract ica l home. ’ W i l l i am + Rache l Bar t le t t

‘My wonder is smal l and d iscrete – w i thout inv is ib i l i t y i t wou ld never have rece ived p lann ing consent in i ts sens i t i ve New Forest set t ing. The Watson House is de l ight fu l . I t l i f ts your sp i r i ts to see a s imple yet thorough ly insp i ra t iona l house s i t t ing in i ts landscape. John Pardey’s des ign pays homage to Dan ish examples o f the mid-20th century and has been enr iched by a p lay fu l humour such as the f loor leve l w indows which g ive pr ivacy, but a lso expose the inner l i fe o f the bu i ld ing in a de l ight fu l way.The bu i ld ing is uncompl icated, e legant and t icks a l l the env i ronmenta l boxes. Th is is the opt imism of the post-war per iod made to work proper ly w i th modern and vast susta inab le techno logy. I f ind i t a poet ic bu i ld ing, wh ich is a l l too rare in the Eng l ish env i ronment for new homes. I t ’s the sor t o f ho l iday home everyone would wish for. ’ O l i ver R ichards (Bu i ld ing magaz ine Apr i l 2012) .

‘We’ve now spent a Summer (on and off ) a t Creek House and i t seems l i ke the t ime to say a BIG THANK YOU for a l l you’ve done over the last three years… I must say that we are both over the moon about the house. Every t ime we are there we have the most wonder fu l t ime’ . Jerome + Penny Spaargaren

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This house s i ts on a s loping s i te

over looking the Newport Estuary in

Pembrokeshi re. The design is based on

spl i t t ing the p lan into two e lements - a

heavy, ‘serv ice’ e lement to the roadside,

conta in ing c i rcu lat ion and serv ice rooms

as a juxtaposi t ion to the l ighter, open

‘served’ e lement to the estuary f ront.

The rear part turns i ts back to the cold

north and easter ly winds, whi le the f ront

opens up to the sun and v iews.

With bedrooms on the lower leve l , the

upper f loor prov ides a large open-

Newport , Pembrokeshi re


£974K (£3,080M2)

RIBA Wales Award 2013

Highly Commended – The Wood Awards 2013

Nat ional winner Bui ld ing Contro l Awards 2013

Gold Medal for Archi tecture in Wales 2013

l o c a t i o n

c om p l e t i o n

c o n t r a c t

t r e w a r r e n h o u s e

plan l iv ing-din ing-k i tchen-study space

opening out onto a balcony and set

beneath a cedar-raf tered fo ld ing roof

that pro jects to prov ide solar shading.

The house is anchored to the s i te by

means of a large rendered chimney

which doubles up as an outdoor

barbeque at ground leve l .

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The s i te is on the water’s edge with

d i rect access to the sea and enjoys

fabulous v iews across Chichester


Our concept begins wi th the c l ient ’s

desi re to explo i t the magni f icent

panorama f rom f i rst f loor leve l , resul t ing

in an open-plan l iv ing space that fuses

outdoor terraces and a f ramed outdoor

room – to enjoy the sea v iews and catch

the sun at a l l t imes of the day.

The ground f loor, a rendered masonry

Hayl ing Is land, Hampshire


440K (1,746M2)

RIBA Award 2012

locat ion

complet ion


p o o l e y h o u s e

construct ion, accommodates bedrooms

and bathrooms and a wet room/ d inghy

store to accommodate the c l ient ’s

passion for watersports.

The f i rst f loor is a stee l- f ramed,

cedar-c lad ‘box’ that perches on an

insulated render-c lad masonry base and

cant i levers f ront and back.

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l o c a t i o n

c om p l e t i o n

c o n t r a c t

Bourne End, Buckinghamshire


£950K (£2,960M2)

h u r s t h o u s e

Located on the edge of the v i l lage of

Bourne End in Buckinghamshire. The s i te

f ronts an area of open f ie lds that form

part of the Chi l terns Area of Outstanding

Nat ional Beauty.

The c l ient ’s br ie f was to bui ld a very

susta inable fami ly home that would have

the f lex ib i l i ty to cope with changing

fami ly condi t ions as the i r ch i ldren

grow up and leave the nest. This led

to a house where they can l ive in one

extended space at f i rst f loor leve l to

enjoy the v iews, whi le fami ly bedrooms

at ground f loor can be shut down and

lef t on t ick-over. At the southern end

of the f i rst f loor vo lume the g laz ing is

pul led back to create an outdoor l iv ing

area which is open, a l lowing the sun to

reach i t at d i f ferent t imes of day.

A smal l gas condensing boi ler, together

wi th heat recovery vent i lat ion, ra inwater

recycl ing, so lar water heat ing, a 10kW

wood burner and a 9.9kWp photovol ta ic

insta l lat ion ensure the property has an

overa l l near zero CO2 impact rat ing.









7 310

11 12


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Wargrave, Berkshi re


£620K (£2,580M2)

l o c a t i o n

c om p l e t i o n

c o n t r a c t

RIBA Award 2009

Grand Designs Best New House in Br i ta in

F ina l is t 2009

Short l is ted for the 2009 St i r l ing Award’s

Stephen Lawrence Pr ize

The s i te l ies on the west bank of the

River Loddon in Wargrave. The c l ients

wanted a house that would deal wi th

seasonal f looding f rom the r iver and that

would prov ide a large, open l iv ing space

connected to outdoor l iv ing terraces

engaging with the r iver.

Conceived as a p inwheel p lan

consist ing of three d i fferent ly ar t icu lated

inter locking e lements, the house has

a long, s leek cedar-c lad l iv ing wing, a

b lack z inc-c lad entrance/ guest room

and a two-storey bedroom block, a l l

h i n d h o u s e

connect ing around a centra l entrance

hal l .

The house was occupied in December

2008 and has deal t wi th i ts f i rst f lood of

some 1.2 metres, va l idat ing the design

concept in a v isual ly st r ik ing fashion.

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The house replaces a large suburban

sty le two-storey house in a rura l s i te

wi th in the New Forest . The design

responds to both the c l ient ’s desi re

to l ive in c lose contact wi th nature

together wi th the idea of making the

house inv is ib le f rom the publ ic rea lm

to deal wi th restr ict ive local p lanning

pol icy d i rect ives on ‘ t radi t ional form and

deta i l ’ . Th is has resul ted in a long, low

pavi l ion that ‘ touches the earth l ight ly ’ .

W ith in a north-south or ientated the box-

l ike form prov ides three bedrooms that

open up to the east and morning l ight ,

Boldre, New Forest


£640K (£2,400M2)

RIBA Award 2011

Shor t l i s ted for the RIBA Manser Meda l 2011

l o c a t i o n

c om p l e t i o n

c o n t r a c t

w a t s o n h o u s e

and a large open-plan l iv ing-din ing-

k i tchen area, together wi th a master

bedroom sui te and study, that opens up

to the west wi th v iews into a p ine copse.

The low- impact design on the s i te is

extended into the use of ground source

heat pump, ra inwater recycl ing and h igh

leve ls of insulat ion that a lso make the

house env i ronmenta l ly eff ic ient . The

house is based on the use of cross-

laminated panel construct ion and is

cedar-c lad with a sedum roof . A large

chimney and hearth bui l t in Danish br ick

anchors th is del icate pav i l ion to the s i te.

The house won an RIBA Award and was

short l is ted for the RIBA 2011 Manser

Medal (best new house in the UK).

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Set wi th in the Bur ley Conservat ion Area

of the New Forest , th is pr ivate house

a ims to achieve a contemporary out look

that s i ts wel l wi th in i ts sensi t ive rura l

context . The concept is based on the

idea of creat ing a new bui ld ing that

respects the idea of vernacular bui ld ings

by avoid ing a s ingle form in favour of

an assemblage of smal ler e lements, ak in

to the typology of farm bui ld ings. The

programme therefore d iv ides into three

funct ions; guest/study; l iv ing; s leeping.

These are seen as the e lements that

create three inter locking forms.

d u c k e t t h o u s e

Three large s l id ing doors on the ground

f loor a l low the l iv ing, d in ing and k i tchen

areas to open up and connect the ins ide

to the outs ide.

The k i tchen is the heart of the house

and is a focal point wi th a double-height

vo lume and the sta i rcase cant i lever ing

off the chimney. Openings a l low v iews

and contact wi th other parts of the


The house is largely c lad in western red

cedar and has b lack z inc roofs.

Bur ley, New Forest

completed 2003

£400K (£2,050M2)

l o c a t i o n

s t a t u s

c o n t r a c t

Grand Designs Best New House in

Br i ta in F ina l is t 2006

The Duckett House has been publ ished

in severa l magazines and books

inc luding Ala in De Botton’s ‘The

Archi tecture of Happiness’ and featured

on Channel 4’s ‘Grand Designs Trade

Secrets’ .

I t was Grand Designs Magazine f ina l is t

for Best New House in Br i ta in in 2006.

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A replacement house s i t t ing on a

spectacular 17 acre s i te in the Surrey

Hi l ls offers a spectacular opportuni ty to

fuse archi tecture and landscape.

Work ing with Tom Stuart-Smith

landscape archi tects, the design for

a 730M2 house occupies a shoulder

between three meadows, wi th d istant

v iews across woodland and s i ts on a

new stone-wal led terraced gardens.

The design creates a l inear form fac ing

due south, and the largely g lazed

Surrey Hi l ls


£2.25M (£3,080M2)

l o c a t i o n

c om p l e t i o n

c o n t r a c t

s u r r e y h i l l s h o u s e

elevat ion is deeply recessed to avoid

solar ga ins wi th in a dark t imber-c lad

volume. A concrete chimney pierces the


Two wings f rame the entrance court

prov id ing garage, housekeeper and

off ice accommodat ion – entrance

opens into a d in ing hal l wi th the centra l

f i replace d iv id ing the main l iv ing space

to one s ide. A large k i tchen and day

room is p lanned to the western s ide of

the house, which opens out onto a pool

court , complete wi th gym space. F i rst

f loor conta ins bedrooms and bathroom

sui tes.

The house is powered by ground source

heat pumps and a solar thermal array on

the roof , combined with wood-burn ing

stoves in the chimney structure that wi l l

burn wood f rom the woodland s i te.

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Descendant of the so cal led ’Case Study

houses’ of the 1960s in Cal i forn ia,

the or ig ina l house was a stee l f ramed,

s ingle-storey structure. The house is

ra ised up on stee l columns as the s i te

is an ‘eyot’ on the r iver Loddon, just

off the Thames and prone to seasonal

f looding.

The or ig ina l p lan of the house was based

on the conf igurat ion of two squares;

one for s leeping the other for l iv ing.

The addi t ion of two new wings and

refurb ishment of the house, maximises

‘ we d id en joy the way you took us through the whole th ing - and you made i t c lear where you were coming f rom and what the in f luences were, a t the same t ime as push ing forward wi th a s ingu lar ly ind iv idua l house. ’

Dav id At twood

Wargrave, Berkshi re


£320K (£1,350M2)

Grand Designs Best Remodel led House in

Br i ta in Award winner 2006

l o c a t i o n

c om p l e t i o n

c o n t r a c t

the s i te’s 270-degree v iews of the r iver

and forms a natura l p inwheel d iagram

emanat ing f rom the centra l core.

A s imple g lass pav i l ion was prov ided

for l iv ing, and a warm t imber box was

env is ioned as a conta iner for s leeping.

The house was the winner of Grand

Design Magazines Award for Best

remodel led house in Br i ta in 2006. I t has

been widely publ ished.

a t t w o o d h o u s e

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s p e n c e h o u s e

Beaul ieu, New Forest


£600K (£2,400M2)

RIBA Award 2001

l o c a t i o n

c om p l e t i o n

c o n t r a c t

Bui l t by Si r Basi l Spence (1907-76)

on the north bank of the Beaul ieu

r iver in 1961, the Spence House is

quintessent ia l ly 1960s; open plan, f lat

roofed and str ip windowed. The house

was Grade 2 l is ted in 1998. The c l ient

requi red a new ‘wing’ to prov ide two

bedrooms and a bathroom that would

l ink to the main house which was a lso

complete ly refurb ished. The cedar

c lad bedroom wing is designed with

the ambit ion to ce lebrate the sunr ise

and spectacular v iews down-r iver each

morning for the awakening owners

through a large f ramed opening. The

ex ist ing outdoor pool was replaced with

a new state-of- the-art st ructure that

ut i l ised heat pump technology housed in

an underground plant room. The house

was carefu l ly refurb ished to reta in a l l

or ig ina l features to respect i ts iconic


The Spence House won the RIBA

Southern Region Award 2001. I t has

been widely publ ished and featured in

two tv programmes for BB2 and C4.

I t features in ‘The Iconic House’ by

Dominic Bradbury, 2009.

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The c l ient ’s design br ie f was for

a ret i rement house that could be

comfortably occupied at ground leve l ,

but can then expand when fami ly

arr ive to stay by the use of f i rst f loor

bedrooms. They further wanted to have

open l iv ing spaces that had south l ight ,

whi le a lso address ing the garden ly ing to

the north.

We began with the idea of creat ing a

‘courtyard’ p lan that a l lowed an open

plan l iv ing space to straddle the s i te.

A s ingle storey bui ld ing fac ing the

street wraps a conta ined courtyard –

f ront and rear are then connected by a

serv ice wing to the eastern s ide – th is

arrangement opens up the house to the

sun and creates a ca lm centra l court that

catches the sun.

The lower volume is c lad in an insulated

external acry l ic render system to p ick

up on the seaside vocabulary of ‘whi te’

bui ld ings, whi le the upper vo lume is c lad

in western red cedar boarding.

To the garden facade, the upper

Chr istchurch, Dorset


£649K (£2,325M2)

l o c a t i o n

c om p l e t i o n

c o n t r a c t

s m i t h h o u s e

floor has a more ret icent facade with

low glaz ing onto a corr idor serv ing

bedrooms whi le one bedroom to the

east, d iscrete ly faces the garden. A large

br ick chimney anchors the bui ld ing to

the s i te.

The house employs roof-mounted

photovol ta ic panels that wi l l generate

power and the bui ld ing fabr ic is h ighly

insulated to achieve very h igh ‘U’ va lues

and a l l g laz ing wi l l be argon-f i l led t r ip le

g lazed uni ts in thermal ly broken f rames.

Page 25: jpa houses
Page 26: jpa houses

A pavi l ion bui ld ing prov id ing a swimming

pool , together wi th p laces to exerc ise

or re lax, set wi th in the grounds of a

large detached house, the poolhouse

s i ts some three and a hal f meters below

the main garden leve l , nest led into the

s loping s i te.

The archi tectura l approach uses two

contrast ing forms – a sol id, masonry

serv ice b lock that is dug into the s loping

s i te and conta ins sauna, changing,

showers and plant spaces – and a l ight ,

stee l- f ramed pool ha l l set beneath a

’ f loat ing’ roof . These two e lements are

separted by cont inuous roof g laz ing to

heighten the tension between heavy and

l ight , so l id and f loat ing.

Roofs are p lanted to s i t natura l ly wi th in

the landscape when v iewed f rom the

house and have deep overhangs above

above large s l id ing g lazed screens.

The poolhouse prov ides a t ranqui l p lace

to enjoy swimming, work ing out, re lax ing

and nature.

Uckf ie ld, West Sussex


Conf ident ia l

l o c a t i o n

c om p l e t i o n

c o n t r a c t

f a i r b a n k p o o l h o u s e

Page 27: jpa houses
Page 28: jpa houses

A new highly contemporary Country

House set wi th in a c lear ing in a

woodland, a stone’s throw f rom one

of Lutyens’ greatest Country houses,

‘Orchards’ in Munstead, just outs ide the

Surrey town of Godalming.

We a im to cont inue the t radi t ion with a

re- imagined Country house – an object-

l ike pav i l ion that f loats in i ts sy lvan s i te,

wi th a complete ly g lazed ground f loor

l iv ing space set below an overhanging

vei led volume that is ne i ther sol id nor

vo id, conceal ing

Munstead, Surrey


£6M (£3,000M2)

l o c a t i o n

c om p l e t i o n

c o n t r a c t

t h e a v i a r y

bedrooms and a garden behind a

d iaphanous screen.

L iv ing spaces are subdiv ided by

‘ f loat ing’ objects, l ike g iant p ieces

of furn i ture, that create d i fferent spaces

for l iv ing, enterta in ing, study, p lay – a l l

the whi le the t rees outs ide prov ide the

enclos ing wal l .

In the urban wor ld we now inhabi t , we

want a house that a l lows the occupants

to make a new connect ion to nature.

Work ing with Tod Longstaffe-Gowan

landscape archi tects, the design

counterpoints the bui ld ing’s geometr ic

design with p layfu l curv i lnear forms.

The house is powered by ground source

heat pumps and a solar thermal array on

the roof , combined with wood-burn ing

stoves in the chimney structure that wi l l

burn wood f rom the woodland s i te.

Page 29: jpa houses
Page 30: jpa houses

F i rs t Pr ize : Bui ld ing Centre Trust

nat ional ' Ideas for l iv ing, a housing

demonstrat ion pro ject compet i t ion' .


Jo int Premier Pr ize : Memor ia l

Advisory Bureau nat ional 'Phoenix

Awards for the design of a cemetery

for commemorat ion af ter cremat ion

compet i t ion' 1988

F i rs t Pr ize : Bi rmingham City

internat ional des ign compet i t ion for the

design of a 700 pupi l inner c i ty jun ior

school and community centre wi th

anci l lary housing. 1989

Second Pr ize : Chichester Distr ict

Counci l /RIBA nat ional des ign

compet i t ion for a 900 space mult i -storey

car park wi th in a conservat ion area.


Second Pr ize : EEC Energy Research

Group 'Work ing in the Ci ty' . European

archi tectura l ideas compet i t ion for a

design of a passive-energy urban off ice

prototype in London. 1989

Honourab le Ment ion: Comune di

Genova internat ional compet i t ion to

redesign the area of P iazza Dante,

Genoa, I ta ly. 1990

High ly Commended: RIBA/Country L i fe

nat ional des ign compet i t ion for a new

v is i tors centre at the Dulwich Picture

Gal lery. 1990

Honourab le Ment ion: Internat ional

compet i t ion for the design of a Chamber

Theatre and Arts Centre, Moscow. 1990

Th i rd Pr ize : RIAS/Scott ish Sports

Counci l hote l swimming pool

compet i t ion. 1992

Second Pr ize : Blanc de Bierges Street

furn i ture design compet i t ion. 1992

Runner up: Kent County Counci l /RIBA

nat ional des ign compet i t ion for an inf i l l

s i te in Rochester town centre. 1992

F i rs t Pr ize : Nat ional compet i t ion for the

design of a new Garden of Remembrance

at Kensal Green cemetery, London. 1993

Honourab le Ment ion: Europan

internat ional compet i t ion for medium

densi ty housing in the suburbs of

Stockholm, Sweden. 1994

Commended: Centro/RIBA nat ional

des ign compet i t ion for a new ci ty centre

bus stat ion, Walsa l l , W. Midlands. 1995

Runner up: Europan internat ional

housing compet i t ion at Pr iesth i l l ,

Glasgow. 1996

F i rs t Pr ize : RIBA susta inable school

compet i t ion in Canterbury. 2001

RIBA Southern Reg ion Cha i rman’s

Award 2001

F i rs t Pr ize : Galvanisers Associat ion

Award 2004

Chi l te rn ’s Des ign Award 2004

Runner up: The Pr ime Min ister ’s Best

Publ ic Bui ld ing Award 2005

Second Pr ize : Chr istchurch Borough

Counci l / RIBA compet i t ion for a new

cl i f f - top cafe 2005

F ina l is t : Grand Designs Magazine

Awards for Best New House in Br i ta in

2006Grand Des igns Magaz ine Award for Best Remodel led House in Br i ta in Award 2006

Shor t l i s ted: RIBA Bookshops 2005

Internat ional Book Award: for John

Pardey’s book ‘Utzon: Two Houses on

Majorca’ . 2006

F i rs t Pr ize : Southwark Counci l /

Internat ional des ign compet i t ion for a

new ‘School for the Future’ 2007

Shor t l i s ted: RIBA Bookshops 2007

Internat ional Book Award: for John

Pardey’s book ‘Louis iana and Beyond

–The work of V i lhe lm Wohlert ’ . 2007

F ina l is t : Grand Designs Magazine

Awards for Best New House in Br i ta in

2009RIBA Southern Reg ion Award 2009

High ly Commended: RIBA / Rother

Distr ict Counci l ’s Seafront shel ters +

k iosk compet i t ion. 2009

Shor t l i s ted: RIBA St i r l ing Pr ize Stephen

Lawrence Award 2009

RIBA Southern Reg ion Award 2011

Shor t l i s ted: RIBA Manser Medal 2011

Shor t l i s ted: RIBA Downland Pr ize 2011

a w a r d s

RIBA Southern Reg ion Award 2012

Shor t l i s ted: 2012 Internat ional Design + Archi tect

Awards 2012

RIBA Welsh Reg ion Award 2012

Winner : Nat ional Bui ld ing Contro l Award 2013

H igh ly Commended: The Wood Awards 2013

Gold Meda l for Arch i tecture in Wales 2013