judaism story

1* A213 Chronology charts for six world religions NB All the early dates and some of the later ones are approximate and many are disputed Judaism BCE 2000 Abraham leaves Ur and travels to Canaan 1250 Moses leads the exodus from Egypt 1243 -1000 Judges 1013 - 930 King David 930 Division of Kingdom 722 Fall of the Northern Kingdom 586 Destruction of Jerusalem and exile to Babylon 538 Return from Babylon begins 515 Temple rebuilt 450s Written Torah (Pentachench) given scriptural status 400s Malachi last of the prohetic books, written. 200s Prophets given scriptural status 167-164 Maccabean revolt 716 Distruction of Jerusalem with its temple 200s Mishnah completed 500 Jerusalem Talmud completed 600 Babylonian Talmud completed 1080-1141 Yehudah Halevi 1134-1204 Moses Maimonides 1180 Maimonides completes code of law 1290 Jews expelled from England 1300 Kabbalism evolves in S Europe 1735 Foundation of Hasidism 1800s reform movement begins in Germany 1897 First Zionist conference 1917 Balfour Declaration 1942-5 Holocaust 1948 State of Israel established 1967 Six Day War (Israel occupies Jerusalem and the West Bank) 1978 Camp David Acoords 1987 Intifada. begins 1994 Schneerson Lubavitcher rebbe, dies

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Post on 13-Nov-2015




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Judaism chronology


  • 1* A213 Chronology charts for six world religions NB All the early dates and some of the later ones are approximate and many are disputed Judaism BCE 2000 Abraham leaves Ur and travels to Canaan 1250 Moses leads the exodus from Egypt 1243 -1000 Judges 1013 - 930 King David 930 Division of Kingdom 722 Fall of the Northern Kingdom 586 Destruction of Jerusalem and exile to Babylon 538 Return from Babylon begins 515 Temple rebuilt 450s Written Torah (Pentachench) given scriptural status 400s Malachi last of the prohetic books, written. 200s Prophets given scriptural status 167-164 Maccabean revolt 716 Distruction of Jerusalem with its temple 200s Mishnah completed 500 Jerusalem Talmud completed 600 Babylonian Talmud completed 1080-1141 Yehudah Halevi 1134-1204 Moses Maimonides 1180 Maimonides completes code of law 1290 Jews expelled from England 1300 Kabbalism evolves in S Europe 1735 Foundation of Hasidism 1800s reform movement begins in Germany 1897 First Zionist conference 1917 Balfour Declaration 1942-5 Holocaust 1948 State of Israel established 1967 Six Day War (Israel occupies Jerusalem and the West Bank) 1978 Camp David Acoords 1987 Intifada. begins 1994 Schneerson Lubavitcher rebbe, dies