judy linne, monica rodriguez, mary bognoli, stephanie brown, nola drescher & paulette worthy

Judy Linne, Monica Rodriguez, Mary Bognoli, Stephanie Brown, Nola Drescher & Paulette Worthy * Gateway Community School Point-sheet 2.0

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Page 1: Judy Linne, Monica Rodriguez, Mary Bognoli, Stephanie Brown, Nola Drescher & Paulette Worthy

Judy Linne, Monica Rodriguez, Mary Bognoli, Stephanie Brown, Nola Drescher & Paulette Worthy

*Gateway Community SchoolPoint-sheet 2.0

Page 2: Judy Linne, Monica Rodriguez, Mary Bognoli, Stephanie Brown, Nola Drescher & Paulette Worthy

*Main Points

*New point value

*New Point Sheet

*Checkbook tracking in 1st period

*“Buy” items with points & coupons

*Tracking on R drive

Page 3: Judy Linne, Monica Rodriguez, Mary Bognoli, Stephanie Brown, Nola Drescher & Paulette Worthy

*New Point Value 3-2-1-0

* The team felt it was needed to have a wider range of points to pinpoint specific behavior needs.

*3- Exceptional

*A student who goes above and beyond and represents Positive, Productive, Pride & Respect

*2-Meets Expectations

*A student who does well, however was not absolutely perfect. Might have cussed a few times, or needed small re-direction; but did a good job

*1- Needs Improvement

*A student who struggled to focus, or complete work- but made it through the period

*0- Unacceptable

*Needed to be removed, cheated, slept, constantly disruptive or broke a similar classroom/school expectation.

Page 4: Judy Linne, Monica Rodriguez, Mary Bognoli, Stephanie Brown, Nola Drescher & Paulette Worthy

Daily/Weekly Student Point Sheet-Gateway Community School Name: ________________________

3- Exceptional 2-Meets Expectations 1- Needs Improvement 0-Unacceptable



Follows Directions Completes All Work ____________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________

Period 1 3 2 1 0

3 2 1 0

3 2 1 0

Period 2 3 2 1 0

3 2 1 0

3 2 1 0

Period 3 3 2 1 0

3 2 1 0

3 2 1 0

Period 4 3 2 1 0

3 2 1 0

3 2 1 0

Period 5 3 2 1 0

3 2 1 0

3 2 1 0

Room for teacher comments each period!

3rd category for extra behavior focus example: “use profanity less than 3 times” or “remain seated During direct instruction time” “Only use restroom 1 time during class periods” etc. ** Will be filled out by 1st period teacher eachWeek. Will be discussed during SST meetings.

Header is clearer

Page 5: Judy Linne, Monica Rodriguez, Mary Bognoli, Stephanie Brown, Nola Drescher & Paulette Worthy

Week # for quick reference!

Page 6: Judy Linne, Monica Rodriguez, Mary Bognoli, Stephanie Brown, Nola Drescher & Paulette Worthy

*Point Tracking for Students &


*Every Monday 1st period teachers will pass back the students point sheets (they will be in your box by Monday AM).

*Students will track/calculate points on their register.* They will treat it as a checkbook and have to add/subtract as needed

* If a student is absent, the teacher will have to hold the sheet and review it when they return- folder, binder or some other tracking system will be needed.

*Teachers may use given register or something they like better- as long as the basic principal is the same.

Page 7: Judy Linne, Monica Rodriguez, Mary Bognoli, Stephanie Brown, Nola Drescher & Paulette Worthy

*Register Example

Page 8: Judy Linne, Monica Rodriguez, Mary Bognoli, Stephanie Brown, Nola Drescher & Paulette Worthy

*R Drive Tracking

*R Drive Group GWY Point Sheets 2014_15 Quarter 1(excel)

*Look for the tab with your name

*Enter points for each student by end of day every Monday for the previous week.

*Weekly totals only

***Not tracking the points that were redeemed for incentives that is STUDENT responsibility

*Add students as needed to your class

*Will be up by Aug 29

Page 9: Judy Linne, Monica Rodriguez, Mary Bognoli, Stephanie Brown, Nola Drescher & Paulette Worthy


*Teachers will have coupons that will be used for student purchases.* Teachers will fill out the student name, points used/$, what they are

purchasing and date on each coupon and will initial on the register that it was a complete transaction

* If a teacher is absent that day the students will have to wait until they return to review points. *unless it is a long term situation.


*Receipt Books will be used to track* Must be kept in a safe place

* Only “authorized” with their homeroom teachers signature – NO para, other teacher, sub or admin can sign.

* Duplicate copies saved until the end of the quarter

* Students can save points, but can NOT give to others

* Points reset each quarter

* Coupons MUST be used by the end of the quarter (they expire)

* Coupons can NOT be given away (if a student buys something then gives that away that is their choice)

Page 10: Judy Linne, Monica Rodriguez, Mary Bognoli, Stephanie Brown, Nola Drescher & Paulette Worthy

*Receipt Example


Student Name Points Spent

Points Spent- in words please

What is being bought (ex: dress pass)

Teacher Signature

Page 11: Judy Linne, Monica Rodriguez, Mary Bognoli, Stephanie Brown, Nola Drescher & Paulette Worthy

*What can be bought

* Point value was calculated by adding all possible points for 1 week (30/day; 150/week for all 3’s in two categories)

*$600 can buy them a “relaxed” dress pass

*$300 can buy a pass to go to the food truck when staff can take them.

*$250 can buy a drink or food item at lunch (similar to student store, but will be kept separate for audit purposes)

*MUST have coupon when making purchase/using dress pass

*Must turn in coupon to appropriate staff:

* Lunch Mark/Yolanda/Jorge etc

*Dress Code Welcome Room Staff

*Turn in used coupons to Mrs. Brown * If there are emergency situations coupons can be given extensions by


Page 12: Judy Linne, Monica Rodriguez, Mary Bognoli, Stephanie Brown, Nola Drescher & Paulette Worthy

*Starting Off Small

*Looking Ahead:

*Add more incentives

*Adjust as needed

*Teachers can still do individual/independent incentives outside this plan.