jugad in indian way

Electronic copy available at: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1827622 1 THE JUGAAD TECHNOLOGY (INDIGENOUS INNOVATIONS) (A CASE STUDY OF INDIAN ORIGIN) SANJEET SINGH, LECTURER, BBSB ENGINEERING COLLEGE, FATEHGARH SAHIB, +91- 9915644774, Email – [email protected] GAGANDEEP SHMARMA, HOD, BBSB ENGINEERING COLLEGE, FATEHGARH SAHIB, +91- 9915233734, Email – [email protected] MANDEEP MAHENDRU, SR. LECTURER, GYAN JYOTI INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT, CHD, +91- 9872896504, Email – [email protected] ABSTRACT "The jugaad mindset is crucial. It's not just jargon." says Ananth Krishnan, chief technology officer of Tata Consultancy Services. Jugaad or Indigenous innovation is the tool not a jargon it is the basically a mindset of the innovator. In which he used his/her skills and traits to make things in productive way. Jugaad is the most economical way to do task or a particular work. In India there is huge problem of employment in rural as well in urban areas jugaad is the new opportunity to those youth who has some new ideas and they are willing to do the work this provide self employment to the youth in their own areas or regions it also helps in inclusive growth of the India. This study will find the scope of the indigenous innovations (Jugaad’s) and work towards the patent of the technology so that everyone can use these as per in Indian rural areas the scarcity is more for employment as well as for resources. We used the case study method for the evaluation. The cases are taken from different parts of rural India. KEYWORDS : Jugaad, Indigenous innovation, Rural India, Patent.

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Explains how hugad technology is useful


Page 1: Jugad in indian way

Electronic copy available at: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1827622







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"The jugaad mindset is crucial. It's not just jargon." says Ananth Krishnan, chief technology officer of Tata Consultancy Services. Jugaad or Indigenous innovation is the tool not a jargon it is the basically a mindset of the innovator. In which he used his/her skills and traits to make things in productive way. Jugaad is the most economical way to do task or a particular work. In India there is huge problem of employment in rural as well in urban areas jugaad is the new opportunity to those youth who has some new ideas and they are willing to do the work this provide self employment to the youth in their own areas or regions it also helps in inclusive growth of the India. This study will find the scope of the indigenous innovations (Jugaad’s) and work towards the patent of the technology so that everyone can use these as per in Indian rural areas the scarcity is more for employment as well as for resources. We used the case study method for the evaluation. The cases are taken from different parts of rural India.

KEYWORDS : Jugaad, Indigenous innovation, Rural India, Patent.

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Electronic copy available at: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1827622



Sanjeet Singh Gagan Deep Sharma Mandeep Mahendru

1. Introduction to the study.

Jugaad or Indigenous innovation is the tool not a jargon it is the basically a mindset of the innovator. In which he used his/her skills and traits to make things in productive way. Jugaad is the most economical way to do task or a particular work. Jugaad is mostly used in small scale or cottage industries in India. In India Jugaad is an Indian philosophy, but it's not unique to India.

"The jugaad mindset is crucial. It's not just jargon." says Ananth Krishnan, chief technology officer of Tata Consultancy Services. Many forgein companies come to India to for new ideas specially in the field of information technology they set up their branches in India they see that Indian minds are full of new ideas. They make close look on the Indian industries to see new innovation or jugaad.

Jugaad is the technique to add value in the product. Jugaad is the different way to do job or task which may not be performed in the present system or condition. Basically it is brainstorming process in which many ideas come in mind and taking them into feasible arena weather they are practical or not after that choosing the best alternative solution for that problem which is economical at that time.

In jugaad technology the innovator or jugaadee men have to rational in the nature. He has to thinking new ideas or finding new paths to get the mission completed these path are easy to use and easy to understand and easy to apply without much changing the current system it is the process to manage the available resources in a such a way that maximum output can be generated in many of the cases the jugadee person use the scrap stuff things in such a way that it full fill its all needs. Jugaad is not used in India but it is globally accepted thing in some nations this is might be known as innovation but in Indian context it is called as jugaad.

In India there is huge problem of employment in rural as well in urban areas jugaad is the new opportunity to those youth who has some new ideas and they are willing to do the work this provide self employment to the youth in their own areas or regions it also helps in inclusive growth of the India. Jugaad If we understand the Hindi word “jugaad” as the ingenuity and improvisation required to get around, or deal with, prohibitive rules and institutions, India’s entrepreneurs seems to embody it. Jugaad is shortcut to the approaches but it does not include the in legal work it is done in the four coroner of the law.

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The concept of jugaad technology is also related with the innovation. To understand the jugaad properly there is a need to understand that what is innovation? “First they ignore you, than they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.” Mahatma Gandhi Innovation can be defined as the application of knowledge to create additional value and wealth. Innovation involves using knowledge to find new ways to create and bring about change for the better. This definition of innovation has implications for the types of activities within businesses that can be considered innovative. First, innovation does not necessarily involve technology and technological knowledge. Successful innovation can involve the use of any type of knowledge, provided its application results in additional value and wealth. Second, innovation is not invention. Innovation may not even require the creation of new knowledge – be it to the world or to the firm. What it does require is the inspired application of knowledge (old or new) to create additional value. Given this, it is problematic to equate business innovation with business R&D expenditure. R&D involves the creation of new knowledge which can be an important, but is not a necessary component in the innovation process. Moreover, R&D is associated only with the creation of a specific type of knowledge, while innovative activities can involve the creation and use of a broader range of knowledge. While R&D is an indicator of scientific knowledge creation it says little about how that knowledge is applied to create value and wealth. For instance, the potential disconnect between expenditure on R&D and the creation of value was highlighted in a recent global survey of corporate R&D spending by Booz Allen Hamilton which found no direct relationship between R&D spending and significant measures of corporate success. R&D is undoubtedly an important innovative activity in business, but the above analysis calls into question the usefulness of business R&D expenditure as an indicator of total business innovation. This point is borne out in a number of studies that have found little correlation between business R&D expenditure and the level of reported innovation within firms.       2. Objective of the study.

• To understand the benefits of innovation in production. • To explore the concept and application of jugaad technology for innovation purposes. • To bring out suggestion for making jugaad technology more successful in the global

production scenario. • To find out the available ways for the patent (exclusive rights) of jugaad technology. 3. Need of the study. It was clearly seems that there are so many researches take places in every field whether it relates to production, marketing, human resources, fianace, these reserves take place in the western world or in the east of Asia(Japan) but in the south east Asia there is no such research is done.

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Jugaad is most popular thing in India but it has not undergone through the research field. The innovators or jugadee’s innovate them and use for self-purpose. This study will find the scope of the indigenous innovations (Jugaad’s) and work towards the patent of the technology so that everyone can use these as per in Indian rural areas the scarcity is more for employment as well as for resources. In the northern region i.e. Punjab, Haryana, there are so many villages where the people used the jugaad as the mean of transport or caring goods one place to the other place. With the help of their available resources they make the vehicle with the help of Peter engine which is used as the pump in the farm or in other course of action. In this I would explore the entire jugadee thing in my research in the context of Indian prospect. There are so many research take place but no such thing research is done in the jugaad field.This is exploratory research in which I explain the jugaad is new tool of production which would add value in the product jugaad is so much helpful to the new entrepreneur jugaad provided new idea of production which is economical.

4. Scope of the study.

Scope means that where this approach is applicable the scope is jugaad in this research is basically divided into two parts.

4.1 Geographical area. In this study geographical means study is done in north region of the India basically it includes Punjab, Haryana rural area where the people mind set is innovator they used scrape thing into the used full manner. 4.2 Success measure as innovation. In this study success is measure as new innovation it means there is no such parameter to measure the success, but changing to the new environment leads to dynamic of the person which is new innovation so success is measure as changing in the environment or adjustment in that system.

5. Research methodology

The research methodology, used for this study, is case study method because this is a new concept and there were not much study or data available so the exploratory study is the most suitable for this. I used interview method and interviewed people who are using the jugaad technology for their agriculture purpose or for others as well.

5.1 Sample

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The samples are taken from the rural Punjab. The sample was taken from the farmers or other people who are using jugaad in one way or the other.

5.2 Data Collection

Primary Data: Primary data is that data, which is collected for the first, time and thus happened to be original in nature.

The primary data has been collected through the personal interviews of the innovators of the jugaad’s. In the interview I asked them about the story behind that innovation and about the usefulness as well as about the number of people or firms using those innovations (jugaad’s).

Secondary Data: Secondary data is that data which already been collected and passed through the statistical process. Published Sources such as Newspapers and Magazines etc. This research is based on both primary data & secondary data. Secondary data are used for three research purposes. First, they till a need for a specific reference or citation on some point – perhaps in a research proposal, to demonstrate why the proposed research fills a void in the knowledge base. Research typically calls for early exploration to learn if the past can contribute to the present study. Data from secondary sources to help you decide what further research needs to be done and can be a rich source of hypotheses. Secondly, Secondary data are an integral part of a larger research study or of a research report to justify having bypassed the costs and benefits of doing primary research. Finally, secondary data may be used as the sole basis for a research study, since in many research situations one cannot conduct primary research because of physical, legal, or cost influences Retrospective research often requires the use of published data.

5.3 Data analysis.

In this study only the text tool is applied for the data analysis. Text tool is applied on the case study method this research study is also a case study on the jugaad technology so no such type of test can be conducted on this research study.

This research is done by the method of case study, in this I have consider many case where the jugaad technology is used for the value addiction or to solve the problem in the economical way. In this study I have to consider only those cases which are relevant to the jugaad technology or indeed the jugaad technology works in it.

6. Review of literature

Not much research has been done on Jugaad technology or indigenous innovation. There are only some work done by the Universities and researchers in the same context.

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Prasad Kaipa, a former manager at Apple's (AAPL) in-house training university, uses jugaad in the courses he's teaching at Hyderabad's Indian School of Business. The University of Michigan's Ross School of Business, where high profile Indian-born professor C.K. Prahalad teaches, has opened a research office near Infosys' headquarters in India so faculty members can observe how Indian software companies come up with ideas. McKinsey consultants have begun talking up jugaad principles with clients, too. Jugaad has been a colloquialism for decades throughout India. Sandeep Vij, vice-president and general manager of Cisco Systems in Bangalore who heads a new unit that makes energy-monitoring systems, says a good example is an Indian villager who constructs a vehicle to transport goats and cattle by turning an irrigation hand pump into a makeshift diesel engine for a wooden cart. Its application also can be seen in Tata Motors' (TTM) much-hyped Nano, a bare-bones subcompact car that the Indian company sells for the equivalent of $2,500 to so-called bottom-of-the-pyramid consumers who had been priced out of the auto market. "At Tata Group, we're used to thinking like this," says Ananth Krishnan, chief technology officer of Tata Consultancy Services. "The Jugaad mindset is crucial. It's not just jargon." U.S. companies are starting to put jugaad into practice. At Best Buy's headquarters, in Richfield, Minn., Kalendu Patel, the retailer's executive vice-president for emerging business, is holding Jugaad workshops to help store personnel and managers come up with new products or services that could be added easily and inexpensively to generate more sales per store. Among the ideas: home health-care equipment. Top executives at Cisco, which opened what the San Jose (Calif.) company calls a second global headquarters in Bangalore in 2007, are importing the Indian mindset as they meld teams of U.S. engineers with Indian supervisors. "The innovation agenda in India is affordability and scale," says Wim Elfrink, Cisco's chief globalization officer, who moved from San Jose to Bangalore in 2007. "People are masters of managing costs down, but not creativity. If Indian engineers find out an executive has an MBA, they will say, 'Unlearn, and observe.' " The effort is beginning to show up in the marketplace. Last January, Cisco acquired Richards-Zeta Building Intelligence, a 21-year-old company whose software measures a building's energy usage through wall sensors and displays it via the Web. Although Richards-Zeta still is headquartered in Goleta, Calif., it has been managed from Bangalore, where Cisco's emerging technologies group researches real estate and energy-related software. The Bangalore staff approaches its work with a different set of assumptions than Americans typically do: that power supplies are unreliable and that demand is surging as urban populations expand. Sensing a broader market for the Richards-Zeta technology, the Indian-led teams have, in just a few months, come up with products such as software that allows companies to monitor energy consumption across all buildings on a campus or even internationally. Clients include Google which is using the program at its Mountain View (Calif.) headquarters, and data-storage company Net App, which uses it at all its properties, from Sunnyvale, Calif., to Amsterdam. Other Jugaad proponents such as Kaipa of the Indian School of Business say companies are adopting Indiastyle innovation without even knowing it. The ex-Apple researcher points out that the iPhone maker is a champ at repurposing existing ideas and technologies in simple ways which enables it to reduce R&D outlays and produce high-margin products. "Jugaad is an Indian philosophy, but it's not unique to India," Kaipa says. "Companies in all parts of the world can learn from it and make it work for them, too."

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7. The cases and interpretation In this chapter I discuss the jugaad technology with the help of various case study along with the picture of product in which the jugaad is applied. How the value can be added by using the jugaad technology in the production.

7.1 Juggad in the agriculture

Motorbike to spray pesticide in the farm

A farmer shows with his motorbike to spry pesticide in the farm. In the upper image Cleary shows that a farmer sprays pesticides with the help of the motorbike. This is displayed at the exhibition at farmer mela.

Feature of this jugaad.

(a) Cover more area in less time. (b) Economical in use. (c) No harm to health. (d) Easy to drive in the farm. (e) Ideal for medium or small farm those are in 1acre to 5 acre. (f) Benefits in cash crops. (g) No need to refill.

How its works?

In this type there is no need to buy anything new from the market just to manage the current item in proper way. In above it Cleary shows that using the power of motorbike engine run the pump

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and create the air pressure in the tank in which the pesticide kept due to the air pressure it releases from the nozzle those are behind the rider it very easy to set the set and easy to remove from the bike for other purpose.

It easy to drive in the small space of the farm, it cover maximum area in the minimum time only one person can make all the farm pest free in his one shift. There is no need to refill the spry pump in the tradition way only the 25 to 35 liters of drug is carried but in this way capacity is increased by 4times now without any problem one man can carry 125liters to 150 liters of drug which save the time as well as the it leads to proper mixing of consternation with the water.

It also helpful in the health of the farmer, in the village most of the people fall to ill and many of them died due to inhaul the pesticide along the breath. With the use of this jugaad of spray the person not spent much time in that infected area he just passes out in quick time.

It is also economical to use only one person can spry whole the field in single shift without the help of other. It save the cost of the farmer which is spent on labour used to spry the pesticide.

In case of cash crop where the number of times of spry is used it ideal for those farmer.

Tool used to pull out the grass out of the paddy.

This is used in the west Bengal region where the main crop is paddy the phases a problem how to pull out grass from the paddy field rather to use the pesticide in the farm because the most of the framer are below the poverty line so the hardly manage the seeds to cultivate the farm. So they make a comb type tool to pull out the grass from the field.

They make this by modification in the tool which is used in dairy farming, this is commonly known as digging purposes it is very easy to use and there is no maintained cost.

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7.2 Jugaad as entrepreneurship

Dharamvir (46), who once used to pull a rickshaw in New Delhi, spent four days at Rashtrapati Bhawan last week. The middle-aged farmer from Damla was one of the 36 innovators from rural India who were hosted by Rashtrapati Bhawan at the National Grassroots Innovation Exhibition held for the first time on its sprawling campus.

As a rickshaw-puller, Dharamvir found the going tough in New Delhi and returned home in 1987. However, he had only two acres and a little more. He started growing Aloe Vera, but had no money to buy even a manual extractor to squeeze out the juice. Extracting the juice manually was expensive and time consuming.

The determined farmer resolved to jig a machine for his own use. After several years of hard work, he came up with a low-cost multi-processing unit, which works as a juicer, grinder, mixer, steamer and boiler, besides performing other tasks. “My multi-processing machine can crush and extract juice or oil from herbs, fruits and vegetables,” said Dharamvir.This was of course his first visit to Rashtrapati Bhawan, where the innovators were treated as special guests. Overwhelmed after his visit to the Mughal Gardens and a meeting with President Pratibha Patil and her husband Devisingh Patil, Dharamvir is even more elated at the response his machine received at the exhibition. Devisingh Patil and Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit evinced keen interest in the unit and wanted to buy a few of these machines. He even received orders for supplying his machines to several other countries, including Kenya. While he admits to earn Rs 60,000 to Rs 80,000 every month, he has provided employment to 30 women in his village, who help him grow strawberry, Aloe Vera, mushroom and several fruits.

The plantation and juice processing keep them busy while Dharamvir spends time in fine-tuning his machine.

7.3 Jugaad’s in Automobiles Jugaad on wheels

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The ‘Jugaad’ is the funniest looking “automobile” on the planet. It is manufactured from discarded parts of tractors, cars, and in one case, aircraft tires. It runs on a 5 horse power diesel engine and it costs under Rs. 10,000 (US $225). But it adequately serves the purpose for which it was built. It takes produce from the farm to the market. It drops children to school. It transports old people around the village. The fare is about Rs. 2 (5 cents) and can vary depending on the region and the distance involved. It’s a local transport system for farmers. It was conceived to meet a transportation need. However, the ‘jugaad’ has been banned in Haryana because automobile companies protested to the government. Madhya Pradesh also banned it, but the ban was ignored after many people complained. The lobbying for the bans was spearheaded by auto makers on the pretext of safety. That is a difficult argument to understand because the ‘jugaad’ travels at 5 miles per hour. In one sense, the ‘jugaad’ has something that no luxury automobile can claim – EVERY ‘jugaad’ is custom made because there is no individual inventor! Moreover, because it is made from waste materials, it is good for the environment. Technology must be accessible and controllable. When technology becomes too big, and is not subject to democratic and social controls, it leads to a lot of corruption. One of the greatest technology needs of urban India is non-polluting public transport that can create millions of jobs. Jugaad in three wheels

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This type is most popular in sub urban area where the first part of motorbike is used as engine and rest or rear part is the caring trolley it can easily carried five to six person and load up to 1000kg. it solve the two main issue of the villager one is the pickup truck and public transport it is not band yet because it has engine number and registration vehicle number. Because its first part is motorbike which full fill the all the obligation.

It cost to 10,000 to 15,000Rs. But in same way they are customized product which means there prices can be vary to product and feature.

Sugarcane juice extractor in moving trolley

In the summer season this the common seen in the north region a sugarcane extractor is everywhere but now there is change in that change is that it can run up to the speed of 15km per hour and it is easily to drive on the road and it can also carries the load which included sugarcane and other products it full fill the all the requirement of the juice vender.

In this jugaad a peter engine is used which done all the jobs like run the trolley and also run the juice extractor as well it consumes 5litrs diesel per day which means that it is very economical it is also certified by the MCD (municipal corporation) it is made of some scrap product it include parts of cycle and also some part of the motorbike it easily drive on the roads of city as well as on rural areas also. By using this jugaad a person can easily go to the good point where the sale can be improved, person can easily earn up to the Rs.300 to 350 per day.

Jugaad on scooter

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In the above a juice extractor or oil seed extractor is fitted on the scooter. This rear seen in the normal day. In this the rear seat of the scooter is removed and a extractor is fitted on the back seat this is easily carried to one place to another it is run by the power of scooter engine and the speed is controlled by the race of the scooter. The idea was generated when a person sold his old scooter to a scrap dealer in between a person also sold a juice extractor to him. On a mean while a person came and bought both the things and makes them into the value addiction. The wheel of the juice extractor is connected by a belt with the scooter engine from where it received the kenotic energy and comes in function.

7.4 Jugaad as shed

This type of shed is made of empty tin of ghee. These are most common in the north west area of the India this type of shed is made up of couple of empty tin they joined by the wire or same type of stuff where the empty tin are avail in the scrap it are used for these type of sheds it provide cool shadow in the days of June and July.

It is based on the significance theory that the hot air goes upward the empty tin contain hot air and rest of the area is filled with the cold air. These shads are also very durable in the life of use these are mostly seen in the Rajasthan area where the people are not above the poverty line they collect the tin tin the scrap and make them into the productive way. This is the basic rule of jugaad is adding the value in the non productive things.

8. Findings & Conclusion

Jugaad is not new tool in the production, it is not explored or defined by the user who use it first it is just used for his own, benefits and end at his own home. Jugaad is the economical way of production and used for value addiction in the production line.

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8.1 Findings

• Jugaad is very much beneficiary as well as economic. People who are using jugaad save a huge money by this so that they are earning more profit than the others.

• Jugaad is basically the mindset of the jugadee (innovator) and it is the customized technology, which means it is different from place to place. Basically jugaad is the mixture of art and science because it has no fixed rules but it needs some technical knowhow for taking its benefits. It is an art in the sense it is used in different situation according to the condition of the job in this part Jugadee person uses his own traits and skills of the person.

• There is a need that we commercialize these jugaad’s. For doing this there is a need of government initiative as well as there is a need that the innovators will not just use the innovations for themselves but provide those techniques for the well-being of the society as well. There is a requirement from the government that they identify this kind of work and provide them sufficient funds as well as infrastructure as well because in the country like India the jugaad will be very beneficiary as well as effective.

8.2 Benefits of marketing Jugaad

In the case study of jugaad as vehicle the cost of that vehicle is so cheaper that it comes in the Rs.10,000. Because it made from the scrap of tractor parts or old diesel engine parts. In the market there is huge demand of this product which can easily come in the lower level of income people. In the most of the villages where single shopkeeper provide all the products such as food items, departmental product e.tc. To full fill that demand he used to go nearby towns or city from where he buys that product. Mostly these people used scooter or bicycle as the medium of the transport or a loading vehicle. If the jugaad vehicle is marketed to those people who came in just ten thousand rupees they surely bought those vehicle.

If we consider the case of TATA Ace, or TATA Nano car these product are made to fill the gap in the market of lower income people. But these products are still very costly to those Indian who are using the bicycle. Or dreamed about ht motorbike, jugaad fill the gap of the market.

Low cost of maintenance

Jugaad is the low maintenance vehicle because it has no such complication in the operating laymen can understand all the function of the vehicle it is made up of peter engine which is used a pump in the farm. If there is any troubleshoot arises the owner or the user can easily rectified that problem.

Jugaad as the medium of transport

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In rural India most of parts are facing the problem of transport facility for their daily use or in case of medical help to the villagers all the vans are costly but he Jugaad can the solution of their problem which have the capacity to fit more than 8 to 10 person in one time and the consumption is fuel is also very low and the cost is also very cheap. It can be easily purchased by the Panchat of the village.

8.3 Conclusion.

“Where there is the will there is the Jugaad.”

According to the study the only thing is matter is the will power of the innovator or the Jugadde person. It is art of manage things in a way, so that the maximum output can be obtained.

“Demand is unlimited, but sources are scare, choosing that option which provides the maximum utility to the user.”

Choosing the best one is the jugaad.

Jugaad is the basically the mindset of the jugadee (innovator) and it is the customized technology means it is different from place to place. Basically jugaad is the mixture of art and science because it has no fixed rules and but it needs some technical knowhow for take its benefits. Art in the sense it is used in different situation according to the condition of the job in this part Jugadee person use its own traits and skills of the person.

Jugaad is the tool not a jargon it is the basically a mindset of the innovator. In which he used his/her skills and traits to make things in productive way. Jugaad is the most economical way to do task or a particular work. Jugaad is mostly used in small scale or cottage industries in India. In India Jugaad is an Indian philosophy, but it's not unique to India.

Jugaad is the technique to add value in the product. Jugaad is the different way to do job or task which may not be performed in the present system or condition. Basically it is brainstorming process in which many ideas come in mind and taking them into feasible arena weather they are practical or not after that choosing the best alternative solution for that problem which is economical at that time.

In jugaad technology the innovator or jugadee men have to rational in the nature. He has to thinking new ideas or finding new paths to get the mission completed these path are easy to use and easy to understand and easy to apply without much changing the current system it is the process to manage the available resources in a such a way that maximum output can be generated in many of the cases the jugadee person use the scrap stuff things in such a way that it full fill its

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all needs. Jugaad is not used in India but it is globally accepted thing in some nations this is might be known as innovation but in Indian context it is called as jugaad.

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