july 12 clwyd connection


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Hello and welcome to the July edition.

This month, as well as all the normal bits and details of

some of the best local companies, we have some items of

interest to people who like walking with a bit of history

thrown in.

A new project in Ruthin is looking to recruit volunteer

tour guides. See page 19. If you would rather be guided

then another project detailed on page 21, could show

you parts of Denbighshire that you hadn’t come across.

As I started putting this months magazine together, I was

reading through one of the articles - “A proverbial life”

and could really relate to it. In it, the writer recalls fond

memories of looking back through photo albums with

their children, something I have done with my children.

We’d sit and talk about happy times and places as well as

memories of relatives and pets no longer with us.

Although it’s never been easier to take quite good

photos, I wonder how many of them just stay on the

digital camera, a mobile phone or a computer, shown to

a few people and then get deleted.

If they never get printed, will our children ever be able to

sit down with their children and reminisce I wonder.

Makes you think doesn't it.

After the June magazine had gone to print, I noticed

some comments on Facebook about the Denbigh Mid

Summer Festival and the Ruthin Festival but of course, it

was too late for me to be able to include anything in the

magazines to inform the readers about them.

It saddens me that none of the organisers thought to

send me any information as I really want to help promote

local events. If you know any one organising anything

locally, please show them this magazine and suggest

they get in touch.

Hoping the sun manages to show it’s face, I’ll be back

with you next month.

Trevor Arnold



Connection Magazines Ltd


Trevor Arnold

Tel: 01824 707 013Tel: 01824 707 013Tel: 01824 707 013Tel: 01824 707 013

E: E: E: E: [email protected]

53 Haulfryn, Ruthin

Denbighshire, LL15 1HD

Whilst every care has been taken to ensure

that the data in this publication is accurate,

the publishers cannot accept any liability for

any loss or damage caused by errors or


All adverts are published in good faith using

information supplied by each company, on

the understanding that relevant permissions

have been obtained.

Copyright retained

All rights reservedAll rights reservedAll rights reservedAll rights reserved

No part of this publication may be

re-produced in any way without the

permission of the Editor

Company registration No. 6293261

VAT reg No. 928 4888 65

Contents Helfa Gelf Art trail 6

The Preverbal life 10

Sudoku puzzle 12

Local event promotion 14

Wordsearch 16

Walking tours 21

Book reviews 24

Garden tips 28

Travel - Costa Rica 32

Recipe of the month 36

What’s On 40/41

Index to advertisers 42

Puzzle answers 43


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This September brings the return of the Helfa Gelf Art Trail with Artists across North Wales welcoming you into their studios and exhibitions every Friday- Sunday throughout September. Now in its seventh year this free annual event has grown in popularity each year and this year has more than

100 artists taking part across Flintshire, Denbighshire, Gwynedd, Conwy and Wrexham.

If you are an artist or an art lover this is the perfect opportunity to experience this normally hidden world and get to chat to the artists and crafts people about their creative process. Artists will be present at each studio as they exhibit their work and demonstrate their techniques. At some of the studios you will find individual artists while at others you will find small groups that have come together to display a variety of work under one roof.

One such studio is the Cilcain Artisans Café where Flintshire artists Sharon Wagstaff, Carol Udale, Ronnie Drillsma, Helen Taylor and Helen Gittins (a ceramicist) have joined forces for the first time to offer this unique chance to view a variety of styles, mediums and working methods under one roof. You are guaranteed a warm welcome whether you are an interested artist or looking to buy. There will also be the

opportunity to purchase tea/coffee and homemade cakes in our Artisans Café. We will be open 11am-5pm on September 21st-23rd and 28th-30th at Cilcain Village Hall, Cilcain. CH7 5NN.

Across the trail there is a wide range of the visual and applied arts on display, including painting and sculpture, printmaking, ceramics, jewellery making, basket weaving, woodcarving and photography. It is an exciting opportunity for the public to not only see where and how the Artists work but to buy direct from the makers. For further details about the event, individual opening times, maps and information

about the artists go to www.helfagelf.co.uk

This project has funding through the Rural Development Plan for Wales 2007-2013 which is funded by the Welsh Government and the European Agricultural fund for Rural Development

Sharon Wagstaff

Carol Urdale

Ronnie Drillsma

Helen Taylor

Helen Gittins

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Insurance Work

Accident Repairs

Small Repairs


Courtesy Car Available

Tel 01824 705858 Email:

[email protected]


Alloy Wheel


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Fill in the grid so that every column and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9 without

repetition. That’s all there is to it.

You solve the puzzle with reasoning and logic. There’s no maths involved, It’s fun,

challenging and addictive. Solutions on page 43

The Connection SudokuThe Connection SudokuThe Connection SudokuThe Connection Sudoku

EasyEasyEasyEasy HardHardHardHard

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Where is everybody?Where is everybody?Where is everybody?Where is everybody?

From village fetes to church bazaars, from a From village fetes to church bazaars, from a From village fetes to church bazaars, from a From village fetes to church bazaars, from a

community fun day to a school PTA event. community fun day to a school PTA event. community fun day to a school PTA event. community fun day to a school PTA event.

Organising local or community events is Organising local or community events is Organising local or community events is Organising local or community events is

fraught with diGculties.fraught with diGculties.fraught with diGculties.fraught with diGculties.

For a start you may well end up sorting

everything out yourself, because all those people

who said they would help are mysteriously busy

with a host of unexpected issues. And on top of

all the arrangements, you also have to sort out

the publicity.

Well that’s easy enough these days isn’t it? Post it

on Facebook and Twitter, because everyone does

social networking, don’t they? Oh, and put a

poster up and tell your friends. Job done.

Then, of course, the event happens and the only

problem is the poor attendance. At this point it is

important to Hnd things to blame. Well it’s

because of the weather – too hot, too cold, too

wet, too windy – delete as applicable. Or, the

football was on the TV. Or, if all else fails, blame

the economic downturn.

Whatever it was, It couldn’t be the publicity -

could it?

Truth is, a large percentage of the population

don’t use social media on a regular basis and

many people might not even see the posters you

put up.

A better way to publicise your eventA better way to publicise your eventA better way to publicise your eventA better way to publicise your event

Surely there is a better way than this? Luckily, for

the Vale of Clwyd and Mold there is. Why not use

the Clwyd or Mold Connection magazine? Each

magazine is delivered to over 7,500 local homes

and additional copies are left for pick up. Even

better, they are read and kept for the month

rather than going straight in the recycling. How

much could that sort of coverage help your

eJorts to publicise your event?

If your event is aimed at residents in these areas

you will not Hnd a more eJective option.

You can have a free listing in the What’s On

section or you could consider an advertisement

at a special discounted rate for community and

non-proHt events.

Connection Magazines has successfully helped

publicise many events including the recent

Jubilee celebrations in Mold and Graigaid. The

Denbigh & District Civic Society organised an

environmental day and said the piece in the

Clwyd Connection magazine “undoubtedly

helped with the success of the day.”

So give Trevor a call at Connection Magazines

and have a chat with him about how he can help

advertise your event. You never know, next time

your biggest problem might be an overLowing

car park.

Don’t keep your event a Don’t keep your event a Don’t keep your event a Don’t keep your event a

secret secret secret secret –––– let us help get let us help get let us help get let us help get

your message outyour message outyour message outyour message out

Events that have taken place recently but Events that have taken place recently but Events that have taken place recently but Events that have taken place recently but

information was either received too late or information was either received too late or information was either received too late or information was either received too late or

not at all, include:not at all, include:not at all, include:not at all, include:---- ● Denbigh Mid Summer Festival

● Ruthin Festival

● Rhewl village show

● Trelawnyd Show & Carnival plus others.

● Route 76 Real Ale Trail

Deadline for sending information is the Deadline for sending information is the Deadline for sending information is the Deadline for sending information is the

20th of each month. 20th of each month. 20th of each month. 20th of each month.

Contact details are on page 4Contact details are on page 4Contact details are on page 4Contact details are on page 4

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For all your Carpet and For all your Carpet and

Upholstery CleaningUpholstery Cleaning

You needYou need

Call John or June on: Mob: 07944 566 147 Tel: 01490 412 924

(Cynwyd, Corwen)

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Volunteers needed to reveal ‘treasure trove’ of Ruthin history-

People with a passion for Ruthin are People with a passion for Ruthin are People with a passion for Ruthin are People with a passion for Ruthin are

being invited to sign up for classes to being invited to sign up for classes to being invited to sign up for classes to being invited to sign up for classes to

become a Volunteer town tour guide.become a Volunteer town tour guide.become a Volunteer town tour guide.become a Volunteer town tour guide.

The scheme,

being run by

Ruthin Forward

and supported

by Denbighshire


Services Council,

will oJer training

on the history of Ruthin, focusing on

landmarks such as Nantclwyd y Dre,

St Peter’s Church and Ruthin Gaol.

A spokesperson for Ruthin Forward said:

“We hope to recruit 20 volunteers to

become tour guides. The training will be

conducted by local historians and tour

guides, so we hope everyone who takes

part will learn something new about our

town. Ruthin is a real treasure trove of


Once trained, volunteers will be asked to

conduct tours, which will be free of charge

to the public. Organisers are currently

planning to run a total 32 tours a year

between April and September 2013. Each 60

-90 minute tour will be publicised in

advance and anyone wanting to join one

would need to pre-book.

Volunteers will be provided with training,

materials and a uniform.

For more information on becoming a Ruthin For more information on becoming a Ruthin For more information on becoming a Ruthin For more information on becoming a Ruthin

town tour guide contact DVSC on 01824 702441 town tour guide contact DVSC on 01824 702441 town tour guide contact DVSC on 01824 702441 town tour guide contact DVSC on 01824 702441

or [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Closing date for applications July 19th 2012Closing date for applications July 19th 2012Closing date for applications July 19th 2012Closing date for applications July 19th 2012

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TIBET DAY on Sunday July 22nd from 2.30 – 5.30pm.

At Eyarth House, Llanfair D.C, Ruthin, LL15 2EG

Please come and enjoy an afternoon of Tibet

entertainment, it is an experience not to be missed!

Sacred dance and music will be performed by

Tibetan monks in the garden (or if it is raining at

Eleanor Neuadd), Llanfair D.C. There will be teas,

stalls, Tibetan food, face painting, archery and

other activities. Funds raised will go towards

Tibetan charitable projects.

Admission £3.50. Children £1.

For further info [email protected]

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Trails with Tales guided walks

A programme of entertaining and informative themed walks

around eight of North Wales' historic towns such as Ruthin,

Rhuddlan and Llangollen.

The trails celebrate the rich heritage of these towns and tell tales

bringing history to life. Even local residents will learn new secrets

about their streets.

Join ‘Royalty and Rogues’ in Ruthin to discover fascinating stories

of people with royal connections and others who found

themselves in trouble with the law. Tours start every Wednesday

in July and August at 2.15pm from Ruthin Craft Centre Tourist

Information Point.

All walks last around one and half-hours and are suitable for all

ages. Just turn up. Adults £5, Children £3. Special walks can be

arranged for groups.

For further information about Ruthin and other walks see For further information about Ruthin and other walks see For further information about Ruthin and other walks see For further information about Ruthin and other walks see

www.towntrailswales.co.uk or phone 01824 704998.www.towntrailswales.co.uk or phone 01824 704998.www.towntrailswales.co.uk or phone 01824 704998.www.towntrailswales.co.uk or phone 01824 704998.

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All Aspects Of General Garden

Maintenance Undertaken -

Large lawns a speciality

� Lawns (up to 3 acres)

� Hedges, Pruning

� Trees, Borders,

� Power Washing Paths & Patios

� Fencing.

Friendly, Reliable

and Professional Service.

Call Phil for a free Estimate.

t: 01745 817326 (Denbigh)

m: 07881 887191

Garden Maintenance

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The Collegiate Church of St Peter, Ruthin. The Collegiate Church of St Peter, Ruthin. The Collegiate Church of St Peter, Ruthin. The Collegiate Church of St Peter, Ruthin.

Organ RecitalsOrgan RecitalsOrgan RecitalsOrgan Recitals

Wed 4th July - Roger Fisher (Chester Cathedral)

Wed 11th July - Martin Browne (Bangor


Wed 18th July - Fay Adamson (Ruthin/ Craig y


Wed 25th July to be announced

All recitals start 8pm. Tickets £5.00 on the door


CELEBRATION CELEBRATION CELEBRATION CELEBRATION ---- 7th July 2012 between 1pm 7th July 2012 between 1pm 7th July 2012 between 1pm 7th July 2012 between 1pm

and 5pm at Llanfair School. and 5pm at Llanfair School. and 5pm at Llanfair School. and 5pm at Llanfair School. Warm welcome

to everyone including former pupils, current

pupils and teachers. Tea, coJee and cake will

be provided. Meet the current teachers and

pupils and have a look around the School.

There will be a photographs on display. We

look forward to seeing you.


---- 7 GorJennaf 2012 rhwng 1y.h a 5y.h yn 7 GorJennaf 2012 rhwng 1y.h a 5y.h yn 7 GorJennaf 2012 rhwng 1y.h a 5y.h yn 7 GorJennaf 2012 rhwng 1y.h a 5y.h yn

Ysgol Llanfair. Ysgol Llanfair. Ysgol Llanfair. Ysgol Llanfair. Croeso cynnes i bawb gan

gynnwys cyn ddisgyblion, disgyblion

presennol ac athrawon. Te, coG a chacennau

ar gael. Dewch i gyfarfod yr athrawon a'r

disgyblion presennol a chael cip olwg ar yr

Ysgol. Bydd arddangosfa luniau. Edrychwn

ymlaen i'ch gweld yno.

Denbigh Musical Theatre Company. Disco Denbigh Musical Theatre Company. Disco Denbigh Musical Theatre Company. Disco Denbigh Musical Theatre Company. Disco

inferno, Theatr Twm or Nant, Denbighinferno, Theatr Twm or Nant, Denbighinferno, Theatr Twm or Nant, Denbighinferno, Theatr Twm or Nant, Denbigh

July 9th, 10th, 11th, 13th, 14th.

Doors open 7pm, curtain up 7.30

Adults £10. Conc/Children £8

Visit www.d-m-t-c.org.uk Or phone 01745

812919 for tickets.

This is an amateur Production.


An "Attic" sale and BBQ will be held in the An "Attic" sale and BBQ will be held in the An "Attic" sale and BBQ will be held in the An "Attic" sale and BBQ will be held in the

Vicarage grounds on Saturday, 21st July, Vicarage grounds on Saturday, 21st July, Vicarage grounds on Saturday, 21st July, Vicarage grounds on Saturday, 21st July,

2012 from 11.0 a.m. onwards. 2012 from 11.0 a.m. onwards. 2012 from 11.0 a.m. onwards. 2012 from 11.0 a.m. onwards.

Saleable items in good condition will be Saleable items in good condition will be Saleable items in good condition will be Saleable items in good condition will be

welcome and may be brought to the welcome and may be brought to the welcome and may be brought to the welcome and may be brought to the

Vicarage from the 2nd July onwards. Vicarage from the 2nd July onwards. Vicarage from the 2nd July onwards. Vicarage from the 2nd July onwards.

Further information may be obtained by Further information may be obtained by Further information may be obtained by Further information may be obtained by

'phoning 01745 890250.'phoning 01745 890250.'phoning 01745 890250.'phoning 01745 890250.

North Wales Deaf Association’s Mobile North Wales Deaf Association’s Mobile North Wales Deaf Association’s Mobile North Wales Deaf Association’s Mobile

Information Unit Information Unit Information Unit Information Unit will be giving out free

advice and information and showing the latest

equipment at the following venues in

Vision Support Vision Support Vision Support Vision Support is a charity oJering help,

support and advice for people with sight loss.

Our mobile information unit and trained

advisors will be visiting the area on:

Monday 30th July at Ruthin Town Square

between 9.00am and 2.30pm

For more information telephone 01745 338914

Llanrhaeadr Show Saturday 4th AugustLlanrhaeadr Show Saturday 4th AugustLlanrhaeadr Show Saturday 4th AugustLlanrhaeadr Show Saturday 4th August

Entrance oJ the main A525

Horse, dog, poultry, sheep, beef & dairy cattle.

Garden produce, Home produce & Crafts.

Tractor run with competitions, side shows.

Admission £4.00. Children £1.00

The Rotary Club of Denbigh/Club Rotari The Rotary Club of Denbigh/Club Rotari The Rotary Club of Denbigh/Club Rotari The Rotary Club of Denbigh/Club Rotari

Dinbych Dinbych Dinbych Dinbych invite potential new members to

come along and see what Rotary is all about!

We meet at The Brookhouse Mill, Ruthin Road,

Denbigh most Tuesdays, 6.45 for 7pm. If you

are interested, please ring Rotarian John

Davies on 01824 703253 (day) or 01824 703

708 (eve & w.end). e.mail

[email protected]

The Probus club meets in Ruthin Castle The Probus club meets in Ruthin Castle The Probus club meets in Ruthin Castle The Probus club meets in Ruthin Castle

every month for lunch and has a varied

programme of speakers. The next talk in July is

entitled “Changing Face of the British Army”.

Club members are retired professional or

businessmen and anyone interested in joining

should contact the club secretary or any club


New recruits are always welcome to contact

the secretary Michael Adams on 01824

710277. Typical future talk will be “The

Changing Face of the British Army”.


making new friends or just enjoying a night

out once a month you'll be more than

welcome at Clawddnewydd WI. You are sure

to Ht in - we come in all shapes, ages and sizes.

We meet in Canolfan Cae Cymro at 7.30pm on

the third Monday of the month. Why not join

us, no pressure, just come and see if it's for

you or telephone Emma Lewis on 01824

750295 to Hnd out more.

Ruthin Ladies Netball Club. Ruthin Ladies Netball Club. Ruthin Ladies Netball Club. Ruthin Ladies Netball Club. Every

Wednesday evening at 7:40-8:40pm in Ruthin

Leisure Centre. We have the privilege of a

personal trainer on some weeks. £2.50 weekly

fee. All abilities welcome. Join and aGliate for

only £12 (normally £28). also Ruthin Junior

Netball. Every Monday evening at 5:30-6:30pm

in Ruthin Leisure Centre. Ages 7 – 11.

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We are worldwide service organization of

women working to improve the lives and

status of women and girls everywhere.

(politics and religion are not part of our remit)

We meet at Brookhouse Mill Denbigh at 7pm

on the Hrst Monday of every month (except

Bank Holidays and August)

A warm welcome will be extended to visitors.

For more information about our programme,

who we are and what we do, please visit our

new website: www.clwydsoroptimists.com

or phone our members secretary

on 01978 860900

We want to thank "Ruthin Forward" and We want to thank "Ruthin Forward" and We want to thank "Ruthin Forward" and We want to thank "Ruthin Forward" and everyone in Ruthin who supported us everyone in Ruthin who supported us everyone in Ruthin who supported us everyone in Ruthin who supported us during this, our Hrst year in organizing the during this, our Hrst year in organizing the during this, our Hrst year in organizing the during this, our Hrst year in organizing the Scarecrow Competition. Scarecrow Competition. Scarecrow Competition. Scarecrow Competition. Your comments and suggestions have been

practical, positive and very encouraging. We

have learned a lot, and with your help, next

year will be bigger, better and online.

Ruthin All Styles Music Ruthin All Styles Music Ruthin All Styles Music Ruthin All Styles Music ---- We now meet every We now meet every We now meet every We now meet every

Thursday night at the Cross Keys, Mwrog St Thursday night at the Cross Keys, Mwrog St Thursday night at the Cross Keys, Mwrog St Thursday night at the Cross Keys, Mwrog St

(B5105), Ruthin. LL15 2AD. (B5105), Ruthin. LL15 2AD. (B5105), Ruthin. LL15 2AD. (B5105), Ruthin. LL15 2AD. 8pm start, all

welcome to sing play or just to listen.


every month from 1PM every month from 1PM every month from 1PM every month from 1PM ---- 4PM. 4PM. 4PM. 4PM. Local

complementary therapists oJer taster

treatments. Donations for charity appreciated,

refreshments while you wait. Come along to

Ystafell Newcome, Llys Goodman ( behind

Market St car park). For further details contact :

Sue Williams on (01824) 703792.

Tai Chi Tai Chi Tai Chi Tai Chi ---- Very Gentle Exercises suitable for Very Gentle Exercises suitable for Very Gentle Exercises suitable for Very Gentle Exercises suitable for

18 to 80+ at Erianfa Community Centre 18 to 80+ at Erianfa Community Centre 18 to 80+ at Erianfa Community Centre 18 to 80+ at Erianfa Community Centre

Denbigh. Denbigh. Denbigh. Denbigh. Wednesdays 7pm to 9pm Please

call in and have a go, you will be made very

welcome .

Every Friday in Trefnant Village Hall. Every Friday in Trefnant Village Hall. Every Friday in Trefnant Village Hall. Every Friday in Trefnant Village Hall. Positive

Steps Exercise Group meet.

Gentle exercises to music for the less agile

members of the community. Any age, any

ability. 12.30pm - 2.00pm, Wheelchair access

available. Details from 01745 730 992

The Green W.I. The Green W.I. The Green W.I. The Green W.I. meet on the second Tuesday

of the month at Eirianfa, Denbigh starting at

7o’clock.You would have a warm welcome,

make new friends, have the opportunity to

learn new skills, take up new interests. If you

wish to Hnd out more contact Jan Brady 01745

813083 or Jean Jones 01745 814031.

The Rotary Club of Ruthin. Clwb Rotary The Rotary Club of Ruthin. Clwb Rotary The Rotary Club of Ruthin. Clwb Rotary The Rotary Club of Ruthin. Clwb Rotary

Rhuthun. Rhuthun. Rhuthun. Rhuthun. (Founded 1959) If you would like to

come and join us please contact Gordon

Roberts on 01824 704186

email [email protected]

or [email protected]

phone 01824 703711

Every Friday, laugh and have fun. Every Friday, laugh and have fun. Every Friday, laugh and have fun. Every Friday, laugh and have fun.

Exercise gently to music you love every Friday

at Eirianfa, Denbigh at 9.45 and 10.45 am.

All abilities welcome.

Denbigh Town Hall Denbigh Town Hall Denbigh Town Hall Denbigh Town Hall ---- Country Market Country Market Country Market Country Market the

monthly market on Friday from 9am to

12.30pm. local foods including jams, chutneys,

cakes, pies and more! local arts, crafts,

jewellery and much more! Call in and support

your local Country Market - refreshments


St. Thomas’s Presbyterian ChurchSt. Thomas’s Presbyterian ChurchSt. Thomas’s Presbyterian ChurchSt. Thomas’s Presbyterian Church,

Vale street, Denbigh. Sunday worship every

week at 10.30am and 6pm, with Sunday school

for young people during the morning service.

Each Tuesday. 7.30pm Prayer meeting. Each

Friday, 5-7.30pm, during term-time,

Adventurers. Contact 01745 812027 for further

details - ages 5-18.

Every Friday, Ruthin Country Market (WI) Every Friday, Ruthin Country Market (WI) Every Friday, Ruthin Country Market (WI) Every Friday, Ruthin Country Market (WI)

8.30am - 12.30pm homemade cakes,

savouries, Jams, Pickles, Plants, Cut Flowers,

hanging baskets and Containers, Craft and


For further information phone 01824 702 632

Every Friday. Denbigh Country Market (WI) Every Friday. Denbigh Country Market (WI) Every Friday. Denbigh Country Market (WI) Every Friday. Denbigh Country Market (WI)

9.15am - 12.15pm homemade cakes,

savouries, Jams, Pickles, Plants, Knitwear, and

Cards For further information phone 01745

870 346


(North East Wales Dance (North East Wales Dance (North East Wales Dance (North East Wales Dance –––– NEW DANCE) at NEW DANCE) at NEW DANCE) at NEW DANCE) at

Eleanor Neuadd, Llanfair DC. Eleanor Neuadd, Llanfair DC. Eleanor Neuadd, Llanfair DC. Eleanor Neuadd, Llanfair DC.

Every Tuesday, Every Tuesday, Every Tuesday, Every Tuesday, 6.30 – 7.00 pm – Salsa

Beginners. 7.00 – 8.00 pm – Latin and


8.00 – 8.30 pm – Salsa Intermediate

Come and join us in a relaxed atmosphere,

learn some dance moves and have fun! No

partner required. For more information,

please contact Karen on 07791975375.

Page 42: July 12 Clwyd Connection

42 To advertise in this magazine or the Mold Connection call 01824 707 013

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For more than 6 years we haveFor more than 6 years we haveFor more than 6 years we haveFor more than 6 years we have

helped local companies and helped local companies and helped local companies and helped local companies and

trades people get more trades people get more trades people get more trades people get more

customers. SIMPLE!customers. SIMPLE!customers. SIMPLE!customers. SIMPLE!

Why not see how we can help you?Why not see how we can help you?Why not see how we can help you?Why not see how we can help you?

We provide EJectiveEJectiveEJectiveEJective, AJordable AJordable AJordable AJordable and Targeted Targeted Targeted Targeted advertising for local

companies and trades people - that generates results!

Want proof? Want proof? Want proof? Want proof? More than 80% of our advertisers are regulars.

Many have been with us for at least 4 years.

Deadline for August edition is 20th JulyDeadline for August edition is 20th JulyDeadline for August edition is 20th JulyDeadline for August edition is 20th July

Call Trevor now on: 01824 707013Call Trevor now on: 01824 707013Call Trevor now on: 01824 707013Call Trevor now on: 01824 707013

E. [email protected]

WIN £15! WIN £15! WIN £15! WIN £15!

Where’s Rebus

I have hidden 5 I have hidden 5 I have hidden 5 I have hidden 5

pictures of “Rebus” pictures of “Rebus” pictures of “Rebus” pictures of “Rebus”

the dragon in this the dragon in this the dragon in this the dragon in this

magazine magazine magazine magazine

Competition Competition Competition Competition and and and and puzzle newspuzzle newspuzzle newspuzzle news

For your chance to win £15, just email or write to the address on page 4 and tell me where he is hiding.For your chance to win £15, just email or write to the address on page 4 and tell me where he is hiding.For your chance to win £15, just email or write to the address on page 4 and tell me where he is hiding.For your chance to win £15, just email or write to the address on page 4 and tell me where he is hiding.

Don’t forget to include your contact details.Don’t forget to include your contact details.Don’t forget to include your contact details.Don’t forget to include your contact details.

On the On the On the On the 20th July20th July20th July20th July I will pick a winner at random and send that person £15. I will pick a winner at random and send that person £15. I will pick a winner at random and send that person £15. I will pick a winner at random and send that person £15.

Sudoku SolutionsSudoku SolutionsSudoku SolutionsSudoku Solutions

The winner of the “where’s Rebus” competition last month was:- Mrs E Jones from Parc Alafolwlia, Denbigh

Well done. Rebus was hiding on pages :-11, 16, 35, 37 and 48


Page 44: July 12 Clwyd Connection

44 To advertise in this magazine or the Mold Connection call 01824 707 013