july 17, 2011

Mission Statement " We, the Catholic Community of St. Patrick, are disciples of Jesus Christ. As stew- ards of His Gospel, we are companions on a common journey to God. We are committed to welcome one another to actively participate in worship and service. We strive to be like our patron, St. Patrick, and to be messengers of God’s Word to the Tampa Bay Area. We welcome new parishioners and visitors. The Catholic Community of St. Patrick is a stewardship parish committed to serving the Lord with our God given time, tal- ent and treasure. We invite you to participate actively in the life of the Catholic Community of St. Patrick. Pastor Fr. Angelus Migliore, TOR. Parochial Vicar Fr. Stan Holland, TOR. Assisting Priest Fr. Robert Goodwin In Residence Fr. Zygmunt Mazanowski, TOR Deacon Rev. Mr. Ben Hooks Mass Schedule Sunday : 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM (Children's Liturgy) 11:00 AM (Bilingual) 6:00 PM (Youth Mass) Saturday : 5:00 PM (Vigil) Daily : (Monday-Saturday) 8:30 AM Holy Day : 8:30 AM, 12:00 Noon, 7:30 PM Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Adoration: (Friday) 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM Benediction: (Friday) 6:00 PM Sacraments Reconciliation: (Saturday) 3:30 - 4:30 PM All other Sacraments: Please call the Parish Office for information 813- 839-5337 Welcome to The Catholic Community of St. Patrick St. Patrick St. Patrick St. Patrick 4518 S. Manhattan Ave Phone 813-839-5337 Tampa, FL 33611-2306 Fax 813-831-2778 www.StPatrickTampa.org Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 17, 2011 Faith ...The size of a mustard seed, All things are possible!

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Our Church bulletin keeps the parishioners of St. Patrick Parish informed regarding the latest events taking place throughout the year. Our Parish Religious Education Program activities, are emphasized, along with all other organization schedules and meetings. Neighboring parish activities are also featured in St. Patrick Catholic bulletin as well as local events in South Tampa and throughout Hillsborough County. Our Church bulletin keeps the parishioners of St. Patrick Parish informed regarding the latest events taking place throughout the year. Our Parish Religious Education Program ... Our Church bulletin keeps the parishioners of St. Patrick Parish informed regarding the latest events taking place throughout the year. Our Parish Religious Education Program ... Less


Page 1: July 17, 2011

Mission Statement "We, the Catholic Community of St. Patrick, are disciples of Jesus Christ. As stew-

ards of His Gospel, we are companions on a common journey to God. We are

committed to welcome one another to actively participate in worship and service.

We strive to be like our patron, St. Patrick, and to be messengers of God’s Word to

the Tampa Bay Area.

We welcome new parishioners and visitors. The Catholic Community of St. Patrick is a stewardship parish committed to serving the Lord with our God given time, tal-ent and treasure. We invite you to participate actively in the life of the Catholic

Community of St. Patrick.


Fr. Angelus Migliore, TOR.

Parochial Vicar

Fr. Stan Holland, TOR.

Assisting Priest

Fr. Robert Goodwin

In Residence

Fr. Zygmunt Mazanowski, TOR Deacon

Rev. Mr. Ben Hooks

Mass Schedule

Sunday : 7:30 AM,

9:00 AM (Children's Liturgy)

11:00 AM (Bilingual)

6:00 PM (Youth Mass)

Saturday :

5:00 PM (Vigil)

Daily : (Monday-Saturday)

8:30 AM

Holy Day : 8:30 AM, 12:00 Noon, 7:30 PM

Exposition of

the Blessed Sacrament

Adoration: (Friday)

9:00 AM to 6:00 PM

Benediction: (Friday)

6:00 PM


Reconciliation: (Saturday)

3:30 - 4:30 PM

All other Sacraments:

Please call the Parish Office

for information 813- 839-5337

Welcome to The Catholic Community of

St. PatrickSt. PatrickSt. PatrickSt. Patrick 4518 S. Manhattan Ave Phone 813-839-5337

Tampa, FL 33611-2306 Fax 813-831-2778


Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 17, 2011

Faith ...The size of a mustard seed,

All things are possible!

Page 2: July 17, 2011

Zachary Paul Rozmeski, Christopher Gray, Yolanda Parise, Noel Hike, Don Bruck-ner, Joe Becker, Debbie Becker, Paul Franks, Leo Coady, Maria Cruz, James Feighery, Jorda L. Jones, Jim Scanlon, Loretta Reno, Mary Hayes, Jim William-son, Jimmy Burke, Sally Arnold, Doris Jones, Edna Presstman, Linda Holt, Judi Klecki, Louise Burger, Dawn Turner, Price McKern, Jane Burns

Names will stay on the prayer list for 2 weeks.

Please call the Parish Office 839-5337 to add

or delete a parishioner or family member .

Please Pray for all those brave young men and women who are serving our coun-try, at home and abroad, in our na-tions armed forc-es.

Remember in your prayers those who are ill

Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary TimeSixteenth Sunday in Ordinary TimeSixteenth Sunday in Ordinary TimeSixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time All visitors and guests are welcome to St. Patrick Parish!!! We thank all who come to our parish, whether it’s for a one time experience or as a parish-ioner who joins our family. We want everyone to feel at home. For information on becoming a parishioner, please stop and meet with an usher to fill out a yellow card after Mass or contact the parish office at 813-839-5337

Adoration: You can adore Jesus in His most Blessed Sacrament every Friday promptly after the 8:30 AM Mass, with Ben- ediction at 6:00PM. If you have any questions pertaining to this devotional, please call Luis Rosario 839-5337 ex 130.

Daily Rosary: Monday thru Saturday the Holy Rosary is said at 7:40 AM in the Eucharistic Chapel. Daily Morning prayer is recited by the community at 8:10 AM and Mass follows at 8:30 AM. We invite you to join our community of prayer.

The Chaplet and Praises of Divine Mercy are said every Friday at 3:00 PM in the side chapel of church. Please come and join us in prayer and adora- tion of the Most Blessed Sacra- ment.

Reflections on Today's ReadingsReflections on Today's ReadingsReflections on Today's ReadingsReflections on Today's Readings From the PastorFrom the PastorFrom the PastorFrom the Pastor

My dear friends in Jesus,

I am writing this article just before leaving for vacation. I

will be away for two weeks and will return for the last Sunday in Ju-

ly. You will be remembered in my daily prayers and masses and I

ask, as always, a remembrance in your prayers. The last months have been per-

sonally difficult for me physically. It took me longer than I anticipated to get

on top of my health issues, but at this writing I am feeling fine and look for-

ward to returning to begin some of the things we are planning for the Fall.

Meeting with families with young children

Last week the friars (Fr. Zyg, Fr. Stan and I) met with some of the younger

families. We had a very profitable meeting and we reflected on a broad listing

of issues directly related to them.

Some of the issues covered were the 9:00 am Mass, Religious Education,

Sacramental preparation and VBS. Our meeting was general, but in August we

will meet again in order to put some concrete proposals into practice so as to

minister better to families with small children. I will keep you updated.

Today’s Gospel

Today’s gospel is taken from a section in St. Matthew’s gospel called,

“Parables of the Kingdom.” St. Matthew sees the Kingdom of God not only the

final reign of God established after Jesus returns to earth at the end of time, but

also the life of the disciples of Jesus here on earth inaugurating the eternal


Jesus’ Expectations

Jesus reflects to us his expectations of that Kingdom. As his disciples we are

to take this gift of the Kingdom he inaugurated and make it grow. He planted

the seed. We now are commissioned to work so that seed may grow and that

growth may flourish.

Practical Examples

Jesus’ very practical examples still speak to us today. A small mustard seed

can grow into a mighty bush; so our small faith can grow and with God’s help

do mighty works. A little yeast can make a large cake; a small prayer in faith

can bring sinners to repentance and repentant sinners to mighty saints. Finally,

the devil has sown his life of sin into the hearts of many. These grow in the

world together with the children of the Kingdom. They work to steal souls

from God; the children of the Kingdom work to win souls for God. Who are

we going to be? It all depends if we allow God’s word to grow in us.

Fr. Bob Goodwin

I want to thank all who came to thank Fr. Bob for all the years of service to

our parish. Your presence at our reception was a wonderful tribute to this great

man, awesome priest and good friend.

Also, I want to thank the women of the CCW helped by men from the Men’s

Club who prepared the Social Hall and hors d’oeuvres for the reception.

Fr. Bob plans to leave Tampa by the end of the month. May God’s blessings

and peace go with him.

In His Love, Fr. Angelus

Page 3: July 17, 2011


Altar ServersAltar ServersAltar ServersAltar Servers

Saturday, July 23, 2011 5:00 PM

Zachary Sabo Matthew Sabo

Sunday, July 24, 2011

7:30 AM Christopher Mohar

Joey Soletti

9:00 AM Jared Shearer Seth Shearer Anna Nicotra

11:00 AM

Christopher Duvall Josef Sanchez

Raquel Sanchez

6:00 PM Olivia Rivas

Mattias Rivas

ReadersReadersReadersReaders Saturday, July 23, 2011

5:00 PM Karen Lodato

Sunday, July 24, 2011 7:30 AM

Robert Roth

9:00 AM Donovan Pedrero

11:00 AM Rosaleen Ubinas Elba Meletiche

6:00 PM Theresa Franks

Sunday July 17, 2011 7:30 AM † Eleanor Strickland by Lilly’s Hair Salon

9:00 AM SI Marcella Walker –Happy 80th Birthday by

Marie Driscoll

11:00 AM Dedicated to the family of St. Patrick

6:00 PM SI Michael Murphy by Ann Murphy

Monday July 18, 2011 8:30 AM † James Parise by his wife and son

Tuesday July 19, 2011 8:30 AM † Nell Deignan by Jim Deignan Wednesday July 20, 2011 8:30 AM Vocations to the Priesthood & Religious Life

Thursday July 21, 2011 8:30 AM SI Marcella Walker by Tina Reilly

Friday July 22, 2011 8:30 AM † Eleanor Strickland by Lilly’s Hair Salon

Saturday July 23, 2011 8:30 AM SI Leon DePestel—Happy Birthday

5:00 PM † Sally Redden by Mary Jahle

Sunday July 24, 2011 7:30 AM † Eleanor Strickland by Helen & Jim Feighery

9:00 AM † Ronald Portsche Jr. by his family

11:00 AM Dedicated to the family of St. Patrick

6:00 PM † Kathryn O’Leary Willing

For Reflection: • I am patient like God when. . . I am impatient unlike God

when. . .

• The challenge these parables present for the way I live every day is. . .

• My daily life embodies the values of the Master of the king-dom (e.g., care, leniency, clemency, justice, kindness and hope; see first reading) in that. . .

VOCATIONS: Good and evil exist together in the

world. Pray that good may grow and take root in you like

a mustard seed that, when full-grown, is the largest of

plants. What are you doing to nurture good in our world?

(Ma hew 13:24-43)

Readings for the Week of July 17, 2011

Sunday: Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Wis 12:13, 16-19; Ps 86; Rom 8:26-27; Mt 13:24-43 or 13:24-30 Monday: Saint Camillus de Lellis, priest Ex 14:5-18; Ex 15:1-6; Mt 12:38-42 Tuesday: Ex 14:21—15:1; Ex 15:8-10, 12, 17; Mt 12:46-50 Wednesday:Saint Apollinaris, bishop, martyr Ex 16:1-5, 9-14; Ps 78; Mt 13:1-9 Thursday: Saint Lawrence of Brindisi, priest, doctor Ex 19:1-2, 9-11, 16-20b; Dn 3:52-56; Mt 13:10-17 Friday: Saint Mary Magdalene Ex 20:1-17; Ps 63; Jn 20:1-2, 11-18 Saturday: Saint Bridget of Sweden, religious Ex 24:3-8; Ps 50; Mt 13:24-30 Sunday: Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 1 Kgs 3:5, 7-12; Ps 119; Rom 8:28-30; Mt 13:44-52 or 13:44-46





Grupo de oración en Español Todos los Viernes a las 7:00 PM. En el salón 23. Ven a orar, alabar y hacerle peticio-nes al Señor .

Stewardship Reflection: “The kingdom of heaven may be lik-

ened to a man who sowed good seed in his field...He who sows

good seed is the Son of Man, the field is the world, the good seed

the children of the kingdom." - Matthew 13:24, 37-38 As children

of God, we are all "good seeds," blessed by God with the potential

to accomplish much good in this world. We fulfill God's plan for

us when we share our unique talents and our financial gifts to build

up God's kingdom. Through our stewardship we blossom!

We commend to your prayers the happy repose of the soul of Louise Burger. Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord and let your perpetual light shine upon her.

Preach the gospel at all times and when neces-sary, use words. ~~St. Francis of Assisi

Page 4: July 17, 2011

This week I made a trip to the license bureau

for my canoe and trailer. It made me won-

der if according to the state of Florida I own

the canoe, since I had to pay the bureaucrats

in order to use these items. In 1988 I signed

a legal document forfeiting my right to own

anything. Whatever is in my possession is not owned by

me. All that I have is the property of the Sacred Heart Prov-

ince of the Franciscans TOR. Then, again, all I have belongs

to God, even the Franciscans TOR.

In the same year, 1988, I also gave up my right to a wife and

family and my life as an engineer. After being a Franciscan

since 1988 I look back and see that I have been given so

much more than I have given up. It causes me to reflect on

just what is mine. God has given me one of the greatest

gifts I could have outside of my parents and sisters and

brother. God has given me my Franciscan priesthood.

When I go to the grave I will take nothing with me. All I

have belongs to God. I am merely the steward over the

many gifts presently in my possession. God may ask for

them back at any moment. God may ask me to share them

or give them away. They are all His. I possess two things

that I will take beyond the grave: my free will and my

sins. In fact Jesus took my sins away on the cross, so that

leaves me my free will, my good decisions and my bad deci-

sions. I will have to explain to God how I either used or

misused the gifts He gave me. All I am and possess are

gifts to me by God who still owns them. He gave me all

that I have for the sake of the kingdom and the spread of

the gospel, in other words, for the benefit of others. Have I

used them well? Have I loved enough to share them with

others in need? The mark of a good steward is to listen to

the Master and carry out His plans. Are we good stewards

of the many gifts God has given to us? Do we exercise

good stewardship of prayer, of our time, of our talents, and

our treasure?


W h a t w e d o a f t e r W e s a y “ I B e l i e v e ”

Offertory 7-3-11 $11,423.02

Weekly Budget $12,693.93

Envelopes Issued 669

Envelopes Used 257/262

YTD Offertory $23,048.52

YTD ACH Donations (Credit Card) 0

YTD Repair & Improvement $2,839.00

YTD Shortfall +$499.84

7-10-11 $11,625.50

Our Assessment: $132,826.00

Current Amount Pledged: $130,422.00

Current Amount Paid: $77,060.78

Registered Families: 765

Number of Participants in APA: 354

Average Gift per Participant: $368.42

Percentage of Parishioners Participating in APA:


2011 Annual Pastoral Appeal

As the 2011 Annual Pastoral Appeal continues in our parish,

we are grateful to the 354 families that have made a difference

with a generous gift. Our parish has raised $130,422.00 toward

our goal of $132,826.00. Many thanks for your participation in this

Appeal. If you have not yet made a gift, please reflect on what you

can do to also make a difference. Every gift is valued and respect-

fully used. It is not too late, and we want your participation and

need your support! Please consider a pledge, payable through

December 2011, or a one-time gift. Gift envelopes are located at

the back of the church for your convenience. May God continue to

bless you and all the wonderful parishioners of our parish, and of

our diocesan faith community, thank you for continued care and

support. Envelopes are at the back of the church. May God Bless you for your generosity.


0% >+++++++++===========> 100%


Fiscal Year Summary 7-1-10 thru 6-30-11

If you donate to St. Vincent de Paul by check, please make your check payable to St. Vincent de Paul. Thank you.

Page 5: July 17, 2011


R.C.I.A. by John V. Williams, Director, RCIA

and Adult Religious Education

Religious Education / Faith Formation News

I have just left the parish farewell reception for Father Bob Goodwin. Father Bob will be greatly missed but I would like to share some thoughts I had sitting there watching Father honored by his family, the Community of St. Patrick. I was thinking about how lucky we are as a community, and how some things may be taken for granted until we lose them. I looked at the “head table” and saw four priests, a Deacon and two Brothers all honoring their brother Bob. Father Bob came and has been with us for the past twenty years as he retired from his home Diocese in New Hamp-shire where he is now returning. Needless to say, he never really retired, living what he was called: “You are a priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek.” That is the same for each and every priest who has served us. Do we realize that for a parish of our size in today’s environment to have two full time priests and a deacon is almost unheard of? But the Franciscan Third Order Regular Province of the Sacred Heart has seen this Community of St. Patrick and has made the commitment to join us in our journey to Christ. What blessings we have received from them begin-ning with the first, Father Venard. We have this year alone witnessed a young man who ar-rived as a Deacon and will be leaving us as a priest: Father Zyg. We have the benefit of the presence of Brothers Mi-chael and David this summer. Do we truly realize the bless-ings God has bestowed on this community by our spiritual leaders who are in fact our brothers? Sure, we may not al-ways agree with the man, but… they struggle with their hu-manity just as each of us does. Remember Christ said “let the person without sin cast the first stone.” But you know what, we must respect and honor the priest for he is Christ to us (alter Christos). St. Francis once said if he saw an angel walking with a priest who was a public sinner he would kneel before the priest for it is through his hands we receive Christ. So we yet again say “until we meet again” to Father Bob who is a friend, a brother, a priest. We have said this to three others since I became a parishioner in 1994: Fathers Venard, Bob Conlin and Colman. These four men will al-ways be in our hearts and prayers, but we cannot forget to thank and praise God for giving us Fathers Angelus and Stan as well as Deacon Ben. Let us embrace, pray and love these three men who are here to serve us. Let us never take their presence for granted! Let us help them as they help us in the same journey we are on together; a journey that leads us to Christ!

FAMILY VBS This years theme is

“Mary, Teach us to pray.” Father Zyg will be with us

as Spiritual Director

Starts Aug 2 – Wed & Thu & Fri (evenings) plus all day Saturday

Aug 6. For families with children, and adults of all ages One Family VBS in 2010 was not enough, we need to do it again! Remember last year’s roaring success of a Family VBS? 60 par-ish members turned out. It’s coming back new and improved. This summer celebration is for families, and adults, and will be for three nights and one Saturday. It includes food, games, prayer, bible based activities, Mass, canoeing, swimming and crafts. Mom, the team even cooks 4 dinners for your family! A $50 donation per family is requested. To make a reservation, or make suggestions, call Kathy Sanchez or email [email protected].

What is it? 50 blue shirts 4 posters 5 green partitions 240 prayer cards 150 craft projects 4 balls 12 palm fronds Countless boxes of crackers And 10 faith filled songs about Jesus Learning what the Hail Mary means Finding God in everyday life Talking to Mary, the Mother of God Pretending we are Shepherds as in Jesus’ time And 20 campers 25 teen helpers 10 giving adults

It could only be

“Growing Up God’ly” Our summer Children’s VBS Held June 20 to 24 In the St. Patrick Social Hall Thank you to Meghan Hinson and her many, many helpers.

Page 6: July 17, 2011



12:00PM-Baptism / Church 7:00PM-Financial Peace Prgm Rm 28

8:00PM-Deeply Rooted Band / Church

6:30PM-SFO Council Mtg. /Rm21 7:00PM-SFO Reg. Mtg/Rm21

Penny Box Collection

7-10-11 Pennies for Priests $76.65

St. Michael the Archangel

Fraternity Gathering

Secular Franciscan Order

Peace and Good! It is extremely difficult for most Catholics to understand the notion of

“secular religious”, or lay persons being mem-

bers of a religious order under the Pope’s au-

thority. A “secular religious” (e.g., a pro-

fessed lay person in our fraternity) is someone who lives in the

world (e.g., our SFO’s who live in houses, apartments, etc. and

gather in fraternity). A “regular religious” (e.g., a friar here at St.

Pat’s, priest or brother) on the other hand is one who lives… in a

monastery, convent or friary (e.g., the TOR’s living in communi-

ty in our friary). While our professions/vows differ, “… Profes-

sion in the Secular Franciscan Order has the dignity of a solemn

and religious commitment entered into with God and the Church…”. Come and join us at our Gathering on Wednesday,

July 20, 2011 at 7:00 PM in Room 21 when we will discuss

Profession in the SFO: Gift and Commitment. All are Wel-

come! Come and See!

Saturday ,August 6, 2011

7:00pm to 9:00PM Fellowship to follow from

9:00pm to 11:00pm

The Lay Pastoral Ministry Institute (LPMI) is a program of Ministry Formation sponsored by the Diocese of St. Peters-burg. The aim of the Institute is to assist the laity in the development of the knowledge skills they need for a variety of

roles in ministry. Please contact the LPMI office if you would like to receive information electronically http://dosp-lpmi.catholicweb.com or pick up a brochure in the par-ish office. Classes being Sept 10, 2011.

To my dear friends at St. Patrick's, The party is over; I have gathered up my "doggie bags" (I always get one whenever I leave one of our special St. Patrick parties--and this time I got four) and I've made my way back home. There, in the comfort of my recliner, I settled down to make my way slowly through the many cards that were left for me. What an amazing variety--some large, some small, some ornate, some simple, some from adults, some from children and some from families. Inside were some monetary gifts, some spir-itual bouquets, some Mass intentions, some pictures, some holy cards. All had some kind of personal well wishes and some even had long hand-written letters. One thing every one of them had in common--they were filled with love, a love I cherish now and will take with me wherever I may be in the years to come. I read everything through slowly twice. Three hours and many tears later I put all the envelopes away and went to bed. Yes, the party is over and it was great! But my gratitude goes far beyond parties. My sincere thanks go out to Father Angelus and all the friars--now and back over the years--who have been so generous as to accept me into their Franciscan family with love and help and support. I thank all the men's and women's groups who were always so good to me and accepting of me. I thank all the ministers through the years who have assisted me in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. I thank all those through the years who have allowed me the privilege to be involved in their baptisms, their First Holy Communions (I especially love these), their confir-mations, their weddings and the burial of their loved ones. Of course, I thank those with whom I was able to have a personal friendship; I will value those always. But most of all I want to thank all of my fellow members of our St. Patrick's family. You are the ones I have had the privilege to pray for and serve--and more than that, you are the ones who have kept my ministry going with your prayers. I will never forget that. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Please continue to pray for me as I will for you. Until we meet again--and we WILL meet again--love and God bless! My address in New Hampshire which, as of August 1, will be: Rev. Robert T. Goodwin Bishop Bradley Senior Living Community 406 Court Street, Apt. 103 Laconia, New Hampshire 03246 Fr. Bob

Page 7: July 17, 2011


NO EVENTS SCHEDULED 8:30PM-Portuguese Prayer Grp / Rm 26


Operations Manager: Mr. Francis "Buzz" Bruno, S.F.O. Facility & Maintenance Supervisor: Mr. Corky Sabo Finance & Accounting Coordinator: Mrs. Nilda De La Cruz Parish Secretary/Receptionist ( Bulletin Editor): Mrs. Sue Ann DePestel ([email protected]) Director of Worship: Mrs. Marcia Seheult Assistant Music Director: Mr. Kenneth Watts Coordinator Family Life & Education: Mr. Carl Longnecker RCIA & Adult Religious Education: Mr. John V. Williams, S.F.O. Youth Minister: Mrs. Theresa Franks Outreach Minister: Mr. Hiram Rodriguez (se habla español) Infant Baptismal Preparation: Mrs. Debbie Cruz Secretary to Pastor / Administrative Assistant: Ms. Sheyla Mendoza

S t a f f C o n t a c t I n f o r m a t i o n CRAFT FAIR UPDATE We have received a number of responses con-

cerning the Craft Fair on Oct 23, 2011.

We have 36 vendors including a number of parishioners. Alt-

hough we have successfully filled the Social Hall we are creating a

backup list, if someone drops out or we get more space. If you

would like to reserve a space please contact Carol Veierstahler at

813-839-0777 or [email protected].

The cost is $20. for an 8x8 space, one 8ft table and two chairs.

There is an extra $5.00 charge if you will need to use an electrical


You are welcome to share a space with friends. All crafts must

be handmade—no thrift store, used items or commercial food

items please.

This event will be a great opportunity for you to earn some ex-tra Christmas money—and to buy some great gifts for Thanksgiv-

ing and Christmas.