july 2015 ow o less merica living righteously (v 2)july 5th: 9 & 11 am services july 19th: 9, 11...

July 2015 Sundays Worship Service (English) 9:00 am 11:00 am 6:00 pm Worship Service (Spanish) 2:00 pm Children’s Church 9:00 am 11:00 am 2:00 pm Blaze Young Adults 7:30 pm Wednesdays EMPOWER Discipleship Groups 7:00 pm Adult Bible Study Ladies Bible Study Spanish Bible Study Blaze Young Adults 4 Life Youth Service Girls Ministries Royal Rangers Website www.lifechurchsa.com Email [email protected] Living Righteously (v 2) God wants you and me to be godly, holy people, for without holiness no man shall see the Lord. We cannot live our lives in compromise or “walking on the fence.” When you walk the fence, you will eventually fall off. Yes, we live in this world, but are not to be of this world. God has called us to be separated from the pull and lure of this world living soberly and righteously before God and others. We are called to be light and the purpose of the light is shine in holy living. Witnessing Fervently (v3-4) God wants all men to be saved—not just a select few. Witnessing is presenting a witness for Christ. You and I are living epistles read and known by all men. We share Jesus and be Jesus to others. This is how we can bless America. Someone once said it well, “Nature forms us, sin deforms us, education informs us, but only Christ can transform us”. America needs to experience the transforming power of God, but that won’t happen unless we witness fervently! Yes, we are a blessed people and a blessed nation, but let us endeavor to be a blessing to America. Until then, let us continue. . . Changing Lives for Eternity! With Love, Pastor Terry & Tina Richardson “HOW TO BLESS AMERICA“I exhort therefore, that first of all intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men; for kings, and for all in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceful life in all godliness and honesty. For this good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior; who will have all men to be saved…” I Timothy 2:1-4 What a blessing we have to live in America. While some people may find fault with America or voice negative opinions, we must recognize that we live in one of the greatest countries in the world. Since its inception, God’s hand has been on America and we are recipients of the blessings and favor of God. As American believers, we can do many good things for our country. We can be good citizens, vote, be patriotic, salute the flag, sing the national anthem, obey the laws, pay our taxes, and respect our leaders. While these things are good, there is, however, something more we can do as described by the Apostle Paul in I Timothy 2. In return, we can bless America by: Praying Unceasingly (v 1-2) If we are going to see God’s blessings and favor upon America, we must be people of prayer. Samuel Chadwick once said, “The one concern of the devil is to keep Christians from praying. He fears nothing from prayer-less studies, prayer- less work, and prayer-less services. He laughs at our toils, mocks at our wisdom, but trembles when we pray.” We must pray, for the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man or woman is effective. We must pray for our country and for our leaders. When we pray faithfully, diligently, and fervently, God will change things for the better. Never doubt the power of prayer because God responds when His people pray.

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Page 1: July 2015 OW O LESS MERICA Living Righteously (v 2)July 5th: 9 & 11 am Services July 19th: 9, 11 am Services “Grace and Peace” “Revived” Series 0DQ\ SHRSO ZUHVWO ZLW JXLOW

July 2015


Worship Service (English)

9:00 am

11:00 am

6:00 pm

Worship Service (Spanish)

2:00 pm

Children’s Church

9:00 am

11:00 am

2:00 pm

Blaze Young Adults

7:30 pm



Discipleship Groups

7:00 pm

Adult Bible Study

Ladies Bible Study

Spanish Bible Study

Blaze Young Adults

4 Life Youth Service

Girls Ministries

Royal Rangers

Website www.lifechurchsa.com


[email protected]

Living Righteously (v 2) God wants you and me to be godly, holy people, for without holiness no man shall see the Lord. We cannot live our lives in compromise or “walking on the fence.” When you walk the fence, you will eventually fall off. Yes, we live in this world, but are not to be of this world. God has called us to be separated from the pull and lure of this world living soberly and righteously before God and others. We are called to be light and the purpose of the light is shine in holy living. Witnessing Fervently (v3-4) God wants all men to be saved—not just a select few. Witnessing is presenting a witness for Christ. You and I are living epistles read and known by all men. We share Jesus and be Jesus to others. This is how we can bless America. Someone once said it well, “Nature forms us, sin deforms us, education informs us, but only Christ can transform us”. America needs to experience the transforming power of God, but that won’t happen unless we witness fervently! Yes, we are a blessed people and a blessed nation, but let us endeavor to be a blessing to America. Until then, let us continue. . . Changing Lives for Eternity! With Love, Pastor Terry & Tina Richardson


“I exhort therefore, that first of all intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men; for kings, and for all in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceful life in all godliness and honesty. For this good and

acceptable in the sight of God our Savior; who will have all men to be saved…”

I Timothy 2:1-4

What a blessing we have to live in America. While some people may find fault with America or voice negative opinions, we must recognize that we live in one of the greatest countries in the world. Since its inception, God’s hand has been on America and we are recipients of the blessings and favor of God. As American believers, we can do many good things for our country. We can be good citizens, vote, be patriotic, salute the flag, sing the national anthem, obey the laws, pay our taxes, and respect our leaders. While these things are good, there is, however, something more we can do as described by the Apostle Paul in I Timothy 2. In return, we can bless America by: Praying Unceasingly (v 1-2) If we are going to see God’s blessings and favor upon America, we must be people of prayer. Samuel Chadwick once said, “The one concern of the devil is to keep Christians from praying. He fears nothing from prayer-less studies, prayer- less work, and prayer-less services. He laughs at our toils, mocks at our wisdom, but trembles when we pray.” We must pray, for the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man or woman is effective. We must pray for our country and for our leaders. When we pray faithfully, diligently, and fervently, God will change things for the better. Never doubt the power of prayer because God responds when His people pray.

Page 2: July 2015 OW O LESS MERICA Living Righteously (v 2)July 5th: 9 & 11 am Services July 19th: 9, 11 am Services “Grace and Peace” “Revived” Series 0DQ\ SHRSO ZUHVWO ZLW JXLOW

July 5th: 9 & 11 am Services

“Grace and Peace”

Many people wrestle with guilt and

condemnation, not understanding the

power of God’s grace. Understanding

God’s grace is critical in your life. In

this message Pastor will share how

experiencing God’s grace will result in

having the peace of God in your life.

When you have God’s grace, you will

have His peace.

6 PM:

Evening Service Dismissed

Enjoy the evening

with family.

July 12th: 9 & 11 am Services

“Revived” Series

“Why We Need Revival” In this message Pastor will focus on why

revival is necessary for you in

allowing the Holy Spirit to work in and

through in a powerful way. In this series

you will better understand how revival

comes and the effects revival has on you

and the church.

6 PM:

Night of Worship

If you've never been to a Life Church

Night of Worship, this is a service you

cannot miss! It's more than singing

songs together, it's a MOVEMENT! Join

us as we experience a powerful time in

the presence of God and know that you

will leave impacted and changed from it!

July 19th: 9, 11 am Services

“Revived” Series “We Must Have Revival for

Survival ”

Discover in this message why personal

revival is needed in your spiritual

survival. If we are not careful, we can

become dull in our spirits, no longer

enthusiastic about the things of God.

When believers are revived, the church

is revived and God’s power and glory manifest.


Celebrating Iglesia Vida -10 Years of Ministry

We invite you to join us in celebrating

Iglesia Vida’s 10 Years of Ministry. We

will have a banquet in the gym along

with guest speaker, Reverend Magdiel

Garcia. Brother Garcia has ministered

the powerful Word of God in 16 Latin

American nations and has been in

ministry for over 25 years. Don’t miss

this special event as we celebrate what God has done, is

doing and will continue to do through Iglesia Vida.

July 26th: 9 & 11 am Services

“Revived” Series “Revival: Visions and Dreams” Pastor concludes the series on why

revival is necessary for believers and

the church. In this message he will

focus on Joel 2:28 where God said that

in the last days he would pour out His

Spirit on all flesh, old men shall dream

dreams and young men shall see visions. As God pours out

His Spirit through revival, we will experience God’s glory

and presence as God brings forth heavenly visions and

dreams to His people.

6 PM:

Reverend Chris Moyer


Join us for a mission’s service as

Reverend Chris Moyer will be our

Guest Speaker. God is moving and

people lives are being changed. Come

and listen to the testimony of what

God is doing Northeast Asia!

Page 3: July 2015 OW O LESS MERICA Living Righteously (v 2)July 5th: 9 & 11 am Services July 19th: 9, 11 am Services “Grace and Peace” “Revived” Series 0DQ\ SHRSO ZUHVWO ZLW JXLOW

¿Que es AVIVAR? Animar, encender, atizar, tratándose del fuego. Dar nueva fuerza y vigor, hacer

cobrar vida para que las llamas crezcan. Realmente es RESUCITAR lo que se ha ido muriendo.

Muchos creen que la Iglesia de Jesucristo esta muerta. La Iglesia no esta muerta!...Solo

duerme!!!....Dice la Biblia en Efesios 5:14 Despiértate, tú que duermes, Y levántate de los muertos, Y te alumbrará Cristo.

Cuando veo la condición de la Iglesia ante los afanes, problemas y tentaciones que confrontan cada día. En vez de ver a una

Iglesia clamando a Dios por ayuda o orando por vivir en SANTIDAD. Mas bien hemos sucumbido ante las presiones del


A LAS NACIONES!.. Pudiera ser que como iglesia o individuos nuestra llama no crece, sino que cada día se va extinguiendo,

aunque lleva tiempo ardiendo, al pasar del tiempo va disminuyendo su intensidad, y llegara el momento en que se apagara,

SINO HACEMOS NADA!.¿QUÉ HARAS? El Profeta Habacuc pidió que en tiempo de aflicción y angustia para el pueblo

del Señor, Dios se acordara de ser compasivo. Su pueblo no se sostendría sin la misericordia del Señor Lamentaciones 3:22-

23: "Por la misericordia de Jehová no hemos sido consumidos, porque nunca decayeron sus misericordias, nuevas son cada

mañana, grande es tu fidelidad”. “OREMOS POR UN AVIVAMIENTO” Todos necesitamos algo FRESCO del

ESPIRITU SANTO!.. Intercedamos por un DESPERTAR!...Sin duda, se nos llego la ora de FLUIR como el ESPIRITU

DE DIOS lo quiera hacer. SEÑOR JESÚS, AVIVANOS!... Pastores Ruiz


Domingo 2:00 pm Miércoles a las 7 pm

(Estudio de la Biblia en el salón de ministerios Hispanos)

Habacuc 3:2 (RVR1960) “Oh Jehová, he oído tu palabra, y temí.

Oh Jehová, AVIVA TU OBRA en medio de los tiempos, en medio de los tiempos hazla conocer;

En la ira acuérdate de la misericordia.”

Del Escritorio del Pastor Ruiz

Día de la Independencia,

conocido comúnmente como el

Cuatro de Julio o Julio Cuatro,

es un día federal feriado en los

Estados Unidos donde

celebramos la aprobación de la

Declaración de la

Independencia, el 4 de Julio

de 1776, fue el año que

declaramos la independencia

de Gran Bretaña.

SERIE: “Avivamiento Espiritual”

Este despertar es obra del Espíritu Santo. Para lograr un

VERDADERO AVIVAMIENTO en nuestras vidas y por

consiguiente congregacional necesitamos: Confesar nuestros

pecados y Humillarnos ante Dios. Al leer estos pasajes

biblicos de 2 Crónicas 7:14; 1 Juan 1:8-10, Proverbios 28:13;

Jeremías 3:13. Realmente entendemos que para que venga un





CONECTATE Y ACTIVATE para que vengan tiempos de

refrigerio de parte de Dios. Hechos 3:19.

31 de Julio 9pm a 12am VIGILIA


Estamos de FIESTA en IGLESIA VIDA CELEBRANDO 10 AÑOS DE ANIVERSARIO de MINISTERIO HISPANO. Que tremenda bendición, aunque en sus bajas y altas todo en Orden marchando en Victoria. Predicando el mensaje de Salvación y “TRANSFORMANDO VIDAS POR LA ETERNIDAD” Con Jubilo Celebramos estos aňos de Esfuerzos y Crecimiento Espiritual. Bendecimos a los Pastores que fueron antes de nosotros. Los Pastores Pecina y Pastores Padrón. Agradecemos a Los Pastores Terry y Tina Richardson por la VISION, AMOR y FE de este ministerio HISPANO el cual nació en el corazón del Pastor Terry.

INVITADO ESPECIAL: Evangelista International Rev. Magdiel A. Garcia desde Houston, Texas. Nacido en Guatemala. Ha ministrado la PODEROSA PALABRA DE DIOS en 16 naciones de Latinoamérica. El Hno. Garcia cuenta con mas de 25 años de Ministerio habiendo formado parte del ministerio Cristo Viene del Hno. Yiye Avila

por 12 aňos. No te pierdas esta Celebración de 10 años el día 19 de Julio. Despues del Servicio tendremos la CENA DE CELEBRACIÓN A LAS 6PM en el gimnasio de Iglesia Vida.

Celebrando 10 Años De

Ministerio 19 de Julio 2015

Page 4: July 2015 OW O LESS MERICA Living Righteously (v 2)July 5th: 9 & 11 am Services July 19th: 9, 11 am Services “Grace and Peace” “Revived” Series 0DQ\ SHRSO ZUHVWO ZLW JXLOW

The Bible is our “Guidebook for Living.” It is filled with life-giving, power-packed words given to us directly from the Lord

through anointed writers over thousands of years. But, how much of the Bible do we really know?

“If owning a Bible became illegal tomorrow and the only Bible we could have was what we had memorized, how much would

the average American Christian know?” The answer is, sadly, “Not much.”

We WANT to change that. We decided to choose TEN scriptures to memorize. TEN scriptures to build a foundation of Bible

knowledge. TEN scriptures to “hide in our heart.” TEN scriptures to memorize—FOR LIFE! “TEN FOR LIFE!”

Each lesson in this series focuses on one of these TEN scriptures and the life lesson that can be learned from it. Encourage

your kids to not just learn from the scripture, but to MEMORIZE it. Test them on them. Reward them weekly for memorizing

them. It will be a life-changing experience for them—and YOU!

July 5th – “Waiting on God” (Isaiah 40:31)

July 12th – “Strong and Courageous” (Joshua 1:9)

July 19th – “Two Greatest Commands” (Matthew 22: 37-39)

July 26th – “ I Can Do” (Philippians 4:13)

If your child is attending Kids Camp, please

make plans to attend this meeting.

Mandatory Kids Camp Meeting for all parents

that plan on sending a child to camp. The

meeting will be held on Wednesday, July 8th at

8:15 am, in the Fellowship Hall.


Day Out With

Bro. Allen To the Witte Museum &

Brackenridge Park

Thursday, July 16th at

9:00 A.M.

Includes the “Discover The Ice Age” exhibit! Cost is $4.00.

Bring a picnic sack lunch and Drink.

Day Out With

Bro. Allen To Inflatable


Thursday, July 30th at

9 am– 2 pm

Cost: $10 per person. Pizza & Drinks are Included

Families are welcomed to attend.

For more information about any Spark Kidz

events, call Allen Martin at (210) 674-6784.

Page 5: July 2015 OW O LESS MERICA Living Righteously (v 2)July 5th: 9 & 11 am Services July 19th: 9, 11 am Services “Grace and Peace” “Revived” Series 0DQ\ SHRSO ZUHVWO ZLW JXLOW

At Life Church

Water Baptism Sunday, July 12th , following the evening service

Following the evening service on Sunday, July 12th you

will have the opportunity to be baptized in water. If you

have not followed the Lord in water baptism, we

encourage you to do so. A Water Baptism class will be

held at 5pm before the evening service. Please stop by

the Information Center to sign up.

Pastor’s Life Lunch

Sunday, August 2nd 1 pm in

the Fellowship Hall

If you are new, or have been

attending Life Church within the

last six months, join Pastors

Terry and Tina Richardson for a Pastor’s Life Lunch.

This will give Life Church pastors, staff, and official

board members an opportunity to “get to know you,”

and you to know us better. We look forward to

connecting with you. RSVP to Bethany Corbitt at (210)

674-6784, or via email at [email protected].


A HUGE thank you to all our Mega

Sports Camp Coaches and Volunteers!

Thank you for the dedication and hard

work you put into making this camp

awesome. You made Mega Sports

Camp a success!!

Page 6: July 2015 OW O LESS MERICA Living Righteously (v 2)July 5th: 9 & 11 am Services July 19th: 9, 11 am Services “Grace and Peace” “Revived” Series 0DQ\ SHRSO ZUHVWO ZLW JXLOW

Out To Reach By

Speech Ministries

Mondays, at 6:30pm in the

Creative Arts Room

Jesus said, “You are the salt of

the earth you are the light of the

world.” Matthew 5:13. Take your place in the body of

Christ and be the SALTSHAKER Jesus has called us to

be. Join us as we go out and spread ourselves as salt

with sa­vor and create a thirst for right Standing with

God that all would draw from the True Living Waters -

Jesus! For more information contact Gordon & Margaret

Majors at 210.857.0635 or 210.857.0563. Out To Reach

By Speech meets Mondays at 6:30 pm.

Nursing Home Ministry Fridays at 10:00am at

Lakeside Inn

God is moving through Life

Church’s Nursing Home Ministry.

Volunteers meet every Friday and

minister in music and the Word of God to the residents of

the Lakeside Inn Nursing Home. We are Jesus’ hands

extended by befriending, loving and praying for their

needs. We want everyone to have the opportunity to

receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior before their eternity

begins. We are seeing lives changed for eternity. If you

would like to be part of this life changing ministry,

contact Eva Hizon at 210-209-1112.

Men’s Breakfast Saturday, July 18th

9 am in the Fellowship Hall

Grab a buddy and join us for breakfast, a devotional,

while enjoying a time of manly fellowship. For

information, contact Steve Colman at (210) 316-8659.

Designed specifically for married

couples meets monthly to discuss

the tough issues in marriage. From communication to

addictions, this study will dive into God’s Word to see

what He has to say about marriage’s most difficult

subjects. Because of the subject matter of this study, we

ask that only married couples (without the kiddos) attend.

at the Home of : David & Lyn Thomason

1339 South Flores Street # 202 210.317.3403



Friday, July 24th, at 7 pm

Breakfast Fellowship at IHOP

Tuesday, July 7th, 9:00 am (410 & Marbach Rd.)

Game Day & Pot Luck Lunch Tuesday, July 21st, 11 :00 am

Join us for a great time of games, fellowship and

delicious food at Sunny & Dorcas Eubank’s home.

Bring a pot luck dish. For more information for either

event, call the church office at (210) 674-6784.

Senior Adult Ministry

Adults ages 50 and over

Connect1 for single moms has been cancelled for July to

celebrate July 4th festivities and spending time with

family. We will resume meeting in August. Have a

happy and safe 4th of July!!!

Connect1 has been cancelled for July

Page 7: July 2015 OW O LESS MERICA Living Righteously (v 2)July 5th: 9 & 11 am Services July 19th: 9, 11 am Services “Grace and Peace” “Revived” Series 0DQ\ SHRSO ZUHVWO ZLW JXLOW

Bootz & Heelz Dinner/ Auction Saturday, July 25th, 5pm-8pm

$ 10 per person

Save the Date for the Bootz and Heelz Dinner/Auction

Under the Stars Event. There will be door prizes, games,

and great things for you to bid on! All proceeds will

benefit the Ladies Retreat. You can begin

purchasing your ticket to the event at the Information

Center. Invite your friends/family and let the bidding

begin! For more information, please contact Michelle

Martin at 835-8861 or send her an e-mail at

[email protected].

Are you a business owner and would like the opportunity to

advertise your services/products? Or perhaps your

company can donate an item to the auction. This is a great

opportunity to advertise your business. All donations are tax

deductible. Please contact Michelle Martin for more


Grab your girlfriends for a

special evening with Kari

Jobe and Christine Caine.

Tickets are $15 and $25.

You can purchase your tickets visiting

www.premierproductions.com, and it will be mailed or

you can print it. If you purchase a ticket, leave your

name and contact numbers at the Information Center so

we can coordinate our “meeting place.” It will be a

great night, but together, it will be even greater. For

more information, contact Marilyn Emswiler at 210-685

-4502 or via email at [email protected].

Kari Jobe &

Christine Cain Wednesday, July 15

Shoreline Church in Austin

Upcoming Events

Page 8: July 2015 OW O LESS MERICA Living Righteously (v 2)July 5th: 9 & 11 am Services July 19th: 9, 11 am Services “Grace and Peace” “Revived” Series 0DQ\ SHRSO ZUHVWO ZLW JXLOW

4424 SW Loop 410 San Antonio, TX 78227

We invite you to join us in celebrating Iglesia Vida’s 10 Years of Ministry. Our

guest speaker, Reveren Magdeil Garcia has ministered the powerful Word of

God in 16 Latin American nations. Brother Garcia has over 25 years in ministry,

serving 12 years at Cristo Viene ministry. Don’t miss this special event as we

celebrate what God has done, is doing and will continue to do through Iglesia

Vida! Guest Speaker

Rev. Magdiel A Garcia

Sunday, July 19th 2 pm Service & 6 pm Banquet in the Gymnasium

Page 9: July 2015 OW O LESS MERICA Living Righteously (v 2)July 5th: 9 & 11 am Services July 19th: 9, 11 am Services “Grace and Peace” “Revived” Series 0DQ\ SHRSO ZUHVWO ZLW JXLOW