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In this issue: Poetic Talent ICT Accolade Alumni News Photographic Competition

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Easter Edition 2010


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In this issue:Poetic TalentICT AccoladeAlumni NewsPhotographic Competition

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An interesting afternoon in WhitehallDuring the course of the day a remarkable amount of mail comes into school addressed to me. Some of it is routine, some significant and – just occasionally – some can only to be described as extraordinary. Into the last named category fell an invitation received in February from 10, Downing Street. There is something rather memorable about opening an envelope to find a card beginning “The Prime Minister requests the honour of the company of…..” That honour was attributable to the work our school does in ‘community cohesion’. This incorporates the way the school provides for all its students whatever their ability or background, a further facet being how we develop understanding of, and pride in, our local and national communities and – equally importantly – an understanding of other cultures and societies. During the course of the afternoon it was cause for not inconsiderable pride to hear our school referred to by the Prime Minister as “a role model for others” in this work.

Visiting ‘Number 10’ was an interesting experience in its own right. It was difficult to arrive at the security gates in Whitehall and not sound pretentious in saying ‘I have an invitation to a meeting here’. The level of security in Downing Street can only be described as intense with a number of police officers with machine guns on patrol, but once inside the atmosphere was markedly more relaxed. The house itself is relatively small and not particularly opulent, though it would have been good to be offered one of the Turners on the walls, or perhaps one of the photographs or portraits of past Prime Ministers which line the staircase. After the meeting finished we were accorded access to all parts of the House, including the cabinet room, with an invitation from the PM to sit in his chair!During the course of the afternoon there was time for discussion with people from a range of backgrounds, all associated with community development in some way. The focus of the afternoon, though, was discussion with John Denham, the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government and an address from Gordon Brown, who spoke of the importance of the work we do in this area.I’m sure this will be the only time I find myself inside the famous front door. To do so on behalf of our school was cause for pride in what we do and achieve.Kevin Hollins, Principal

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Chocolate CompetitionMr Simms Olde Sweet Shoppe is holding a competition, open to all local school students, to design an original chocolate bar. The winner will have their chocolate bar made by the chocolatier and receive a large bar of chocolate. The other students in their Form will receive a bag of sweets each.

The competition commences on 31st March and all details are available from Mr Simms Sweet Shoppe.

Article of the IssueCongratulations to Hayley Poole 11NGN for her

winning article ‘Seeing Life Through a Lens’Thank you to everyone who contributed to


This edition of Junction’s graphics team: Susie Hough, Danni Butler and Alex KriticosStaff: Ms M Sala, Mrs S Dawson and Mr R Walker

Contents:page3 English & Lower Schoolpage 4 Internet Safety & Fashion Showpage 5 Lower School Press Roompage 8 Learning Centre Newspage 9 Cakes, Accolades & Radiopage 10 Alumni newspage 11 Snow Photo competitionpage 12 Performance

VACANCY - CBS:Kitchen Assistant required at Knutsford High School£6.40 per hour - variable hoursCall 01565 624732

Junction noun 1. the place where two or more things come together2. the state of being joined together

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The Woman in BlackOn the evening of Monday 18th of January, the English Learning Centre, along with students from Year 8 & 9 gathered in icy darkness and howling winds outside the Leisure Centre to begin their journey to the Lowry Theatre, to hear the chilling tale of ‘The Woman in Black’. Based on the book by Susan Hill (which students from Year 9 had been reading) ‘The Woman in Black’ is the story of a young Victorian solicitor who goes to the house of his dead client, linked only to the mainland by a small causeway, to sort through some paperwork . Whilst there, he sees a woman, a woman dressed in black, a woman whom the locals refuse to talk about.

Unaware of the house’s dark past, Arthur Kipps goes there as ordered by the firm. He has previously attended the funeral of Mrs Drablow, where he saw a thin woman, dressed in black and with a wasted face; when he asked who she was, apparently no one but he had seen her. He encounters her again when walking near the graveyard around the deserted house. He is constantly making excuses for a plausible answer, refusing to admit that ghosts might actually exist. As the story goes on, Arthur learns more about her, who she is, what she is here to do, and why.

This play was a perfect example of how you don’t need extensive props, extravagant special effects or even a large cast to create a macabre atmosphere and terrify the audience. This play used a few props and a cast of two, unless you count the Woman in Black herself (who didn’t bow at the end), but it plays on the audience’s imagination and the effective use of sound effects helps strain the atmosphere to an unsettling tension.

Full of twists and turns and all the ingredients for a classic ghost story, ‘The Woman in Black’ is perfect for anyone who doesn’t mind being scared stiff.

Jack Coggin 9RAN

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From a seed-bearing plant to the deception by a serpent,An image – destroyed; a perfection – flawed. Be the tree exotic A mirrored reflection of paradise, or Simply humble in its entirety, setting the scene. Be the serpent a metaphor It’s clarity smothered by the shadow of death, or A literal lurker, pummelling darkness discretely in its sly slither. Questions will be asked, claims will clash.

The bridge it deludes, disheartens and dismembers,A disparity widening for an incessant flow of purity,Yet the depth of division is ever increasingAs Inquisitiveness drowns in a murky sludge of uncertainty.The need for a blessing dismissed, and the blossoming generation Starved of the seed of Truth.Questions will be asked, answers will prevail.

From the heights of the steeple to the worth of the cross,Interpretations, denominations. Expectations.An overriding message sinking in society, shadowed by the serpent.Focus. A flawed focus on undesirable matters. Ignorance of deliverance after prophecy, and the divergence proceeds...

The light, it strives to shine in the darkness.An all-sufficient saviour – fruitful and forgiving -The road across the bridge, securing the hungry from perdi-tion?

For He promised “It is finished,”But not over.Questions will be asked, the promise will be kept.

By Carly Redhead 12DPL

An Interview with Lauren Atkinson 8DBN

Q.) What inspired you to become a photographer?

A.) The fact that you can travel around the world and show people the wonders of nature.

Q.)Why did you choose that particular picture to be submit-ted to the ‘Knutsford Guardian’?

A.) Because it is a beautiful picture and it makes it feel as though spring is on the way.

Q.)Where was the picture in question taken?

A.) I took it on the road where I live.

Q.)Are you going to continue with photography?A.) Yes, I would like to become a professional photographer.

Imogen Marsh 8DBN

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Keeping your family safe – Internet SmartRecently, I was in a Year 8 assembly during which a member of the Cheshire Police spoke about some of the dangers they could face online and how they could report problems to the Police Task Force (CEOP) on the Thinkuknow website. Part of the talk focussed on where pupils could access the internet and I was surprised, and in many ways pleased, by the variety of ways in which pupils were accessing the web. I was also a little alarmed when the group was asked the question “How many of you feel that you know more than your parents about internet security?” as around half the year group raised their hands.

I want to highlight a few good strategies to ensure that your family are Internet Smart.

• Agree a clear, simple, easy-to-read set of house rules that should be posted on or near the monitor. It should include some rules about who they allow onto their networking sites (perhaps, even include your checking their social network site). It would also help to consider rules about downloading music and images online—especially from sites where it is likely to be illegal, such as, for instance, Limewire.

• Look into safeguarding programs and a virus checker—you do not necessarily need to pay for these, check a site like www.download.com. A reasonable free virus checker is AVAST. Be alert to the fact that viruses do not always delete things from the computer but an illegal download can contain software to control or monitor your computer from another machine on the internet (a virus of this type can gather bank details or even use your webcam to broadcast what is hap-pening in your house).

• Encourage your child never to give out personal informa-tion online—the BBC Panorama programme ‘One click from Danger’

could help to provoke a family discussion about these threats.

• If your child uses chat or e-mail, talk to them about never meeting in person with anyone they first “met” online.

• Talk to your children about not responding to offensive or dangerous e-mail, chat, or other communications. It is impor-tant for them to understand that communication like this is not just bullying but can be a criminal offence.

• Keep the computer in the family room or another open area of your home.

• Let your children show you what they can do online, and visit their favourite sites.

• Know who children are exchanging e-mail with, and only let them use chat areas when you can supervise.

• Be aware of any other computers or devices (like a mobile) that your child may be using.

• Internet accounts should be in the parents’ name with par-ents having the primary screen name, controlling passwords, and using blocking and/or filtering devices.

• consider using filtering or monitoring software for your computer. Filtering products that use whitelisting, only allow access to a preapproved list of sites that are recommended for children in an age group. It is also a good idea to check the internet history—if you are unsure how to do this then you can contact me at the school. There is also software available that will show you the history even after it has been deleted.

Mr A Middleton

Art & Design Fashion Show

Thursday 25 February 2010

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Dick WhittingtonWhat would you do if you were thrown on stage in front of an audience, knowing one character has failed to be on time? This is the problem I faced a few weeks ago. Standing in the wings, I hadn’t realised my friend was missing. It was only when I stepped onto the stage and someone turned to me to ask “where’s Dick Whittington?” that I realised...oh dear. “Well...he was...eating his food...and, he, got it...all over his face, so...he had to go and, wash it off!” The cast are staring at me blankly. “He’s such a mucky pup!” Finally Dick Whittington waltzes on stage with the most unforgettable expression; and the scene continues.These are the types of problems you are faced with as an actor. Improvisation either makes you or breaks you and I’m pretty sure mine wasn’t the best! The rehearsals for my pantomime at Knutsford Little Theatre started all the way back in October, three times a week, seven until ten. Pantomime is one of the funniest things to do on stage. There’s so much room for joking around and with a live audience reacting it gives you such a buzz! Our cast consisted of thirty people, from eight year olds to...much older people! Despite all the age differences everyone gets on fantastically well. The cast aren’t the only ones who make the show either. There’s the backstage crew who are there on the night to change scenery and clothes etc. There’s also costume, the band, props (all the items that are used on stage), sound, lighting and finally the director: THE most important person! I was cast for the role of Alice, principal girl. This meant I had to be extremely girly and marry the principal boy, Dick Whittington. It sounds like a relatively simple part, but it’s so hard to keep it exciting for the audience! One of my favourite and most terrifying scenes was bidding Dick farewell as he set sail for the ocean waves. I had to sing a solo declaring that without my darling Dick “I just might as well die.” Perhaps a little bit extreme as I’ve only known him for a day or two, but that’s pantomime for you! For me the show only came together at the last moment, during our final rehearsal, the day before the opening night! With a few mistakes made during the first show, we were soon easing through another year’s pantomime. It flies by so quickly and the end is so miserable, knowing you won’t be able to be with all these people again until next year...so: here’s to the next one, hope to see you there!Penny JamesTo be a member of Knutsford Little Theatre and join productions like this, call: 01565 633000.

The Lower School Evening of Performance My first night of the Lower School Evening of Performance was a night I’m hardly lightly to forget. We had been working towards it for weeks and we were all hyped up about when the day would actually come. Unfortunately we lost a week to the snow but that did not stop us from blasting the audience away with some absolutely amazing acts that had been prepared and practised by all the students and teachers that took part. We would like to thank all the teachers who helped make the awe-some dream an even better reality. The evening consisted of many different types of performing, such as singing, dancing, music, acting, and for those who like sit-ting on the edge of their seat, a gymnastics act. All the performances had an excellent response from our lovely audience who knew just the right moments to ‘oooh’ and ‘aaah’ and give us welcomed applause. Most of the shows I’ve been in, you don’t get to watch all the acts. However the cast were positioned on the stage so they could see right down onto the floor where all the other performances were taking place. It was unlike anything I had ever experienced. In the first half the opening act was a dance and singing group set up by Mr Sheldon and Mr Lilley followed by a solo singing act and the choir. After that there were numerous dance and singing acts all of which were stunning to see. The act before the interval was a scene from the famous Shakespearian play, ‘Hamlet’, performed by a group of Year 9s. Then we had time to chat to relatives over a glass of orange squash and biscuits. Soon after was the second half. It was similar to the first except the housefactor finalists were in it. A couple of these performances wowed the whole audience because they contained some daring lifts, jumps and even the splits!!! To end this amazing evening we got Mr. Lilley’s guitar group, who blew us away with amplifiers and sound! Mr Sheldon gave a ‘Thank you’ speech and then it was all over. In a way we were all sad but we have loved the whole experience and I am so glad that the High School can do these performances! All the talk was about the per-formance the next day and we even got to stand up in assembly and got a round of applause for the work we had done towards the show. I am really looking forward to next year’s Performance Evening! By Olivia Moinuddin

SchoolParliament NewsAs part of our work with the School Parliament, James McPake and I recently visited Mobberley and Bexton Primary schools to deliver an assembly. As an extension of our work on the Anti-bullying Policy last year, we gave the children an assembly about anti-bulling, featuring a video created by all of the members of School Parliament which focused on racial equality. The first assembly, at Mobberley, was during Anti-Bullying week so the assembly was very apt for the children and will hopefully have stayed in their mind. The second assembly, at Bexton, was also appropriate as the pupils had all taken part in an anti-bullying survey, so our assembly hopefully gave them an extra insight into the different types of bullying, racial bullying specifically. We valued giving the assemblies as it gave us good practice in speaking to a young audience and also because it was a great opportunity to be able to promote the school to future pupils, and particularly awareness of the important work of the School Parliament.Emily Lunnon 10JDM

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Making MusicYou’ve probably heard of ‘Music for Life’ before but not many people take lessons or even know much about it. So, here goes: Music for Life is an innovative, non-profit making organisation that was established to promote and arrange music tuition in Cheshire’s schools. Music for Life offers a coordinated and quality controlled structure which enables students to be taught by some of the very best teachers in the North West and allows them to learn a variety of differ-ent instruments. Jennie, a Year 7 pupil who has been taking saxophone lessons for nearly three years said, “I like Music for Life because lessons are convenient and you can work at your own pace!” As well as just music lessons there are also orchestras and bands set up by Music for Life - lessons are during school time but orchestras are usually held monthly, ( alternating between Saturdays and Sundays from 10am- 12:30pm) free of charge, at Malbank High School, Nantwich - please see the website for more details. To find out more about Music for Life ask your music teacher or go to www.music forlife.org.uk where you can also book lessons.

Sara Coggin 7GWE

Snow DiaryDay 1Hour upon hour, the snow falls heavier and heavier. My snow woman, three feet tall, is now peering into the window of my living room under a layer of snow. About an hour ago, my snow girl was standing tall and proud, poor thing. Sooner or later, the ceiling is going to fall down from my little brother jumping around in his room. After all, it’s not every day that the town gets a free day off school! He, my sister and I have been sitting about all day, bored, because all of our friends are snowed in, so no snow angels today! But even with the heating and a fire on, I am absolutely freezing! Day 2Off school again. It’s kind of annoying, because we were only back one day after the Christmas holidays, then we have had two days off, to date! I am going with some of my best mates to the park today. So will write again later!Afternoon, Day 2Well, that was amusing! I went with my friends and they were filming me on their phones making a snow angel. Then as I was walking back up the hill, I slipped and did a classic ‘Run-In-The-Air’ motion, and went head-first into the snow. Ouch! I later found that they had put that little ‘fiasco’ on Facebook!!! My brother and sister are off school again tomorrow, will I be too?Day 3I am really tiring of all this ‘off school’ business. It has now been three whole days. I am getting so bored staying here on my own. The snow is dying down and I can now go outside and build things. Made four snowmen, two snow angels and had an extreme snowball fight. Siblings back in school, but it has been posted on the website that yet again, I am not. Day 4 If I am off school tomorrow, I shall SCREAM! I am really fed up with the snow now. At first it was all, ‘Oh yeah! Pretty snow’ where as now, it’s ‘Melt. PLEASE MELT!!!! I’M BORED - LET ME SEE MY FRIENDS!!!!!’ At least today I have been able to spend some time with ‘Ma Famille. ‘I have spent most of today curled up in front of the fire reading ‘Breaking Dawn’ – the last in the Twilight Saga. Have been informed that school has been re-opened for tomorrow, and it is a non-uniform day! HELP! WHAT AM I GOING TO WEAR?

Imogen Marsh, 8DBN.

This January a terrible disaster struck Haiti; an earth-quake shattered the already unsteady lives of the Haitian population. Before the earthquake 80% of the people inhabit-ing the country were homeless following a succession of natural disasters. This new problem has left mostly everyone starving, dehydrated and in need of shelter.On Thursday 28 January 2010, Cheshire East arranged for there to be a ‘Red Day’ in the local schools. A wide range of red accessories was seen around Knutsford High School, from red shoes and tights to red hair accessories. In the same week there were many people raising money for Haiti by doing sponsored activities: some did a sponsored swim on Wednesday 27 and raised an impressive £76.25 by swimming 100 lengths between them. Others raised £61.70 by walking around school at lunchtimes and collecting dona-tions. A cake sale raised £14.13. Sponsored silences were a popular choice in Lower School. Of over 60 schools in Cheshire we raised the most with around £1800. Well done Knutsford High School!By Jennie Swinton (7LBG) and Alissa Sentance (7CNH)

8 October 2009 marked National Poetry Day and to celebrate this, Knutsford High English Department ran a poetry competition. Students were asked to write a poem on the theme of ‘Heroes and Heroines’. The response was terrific with over a hundred entrants.Unfortunately there could only be a certain number of winners and below are just a few lines, selected by Helen Carter from Y8 from the winning poems:Daniel Edwards: HeroNot all heroes save othersSome must save themselves

Nazanin Akhavan: Martin Luther KingThen you came The man with a dream

Jenni Downs My heroesMy heroes and heroinesSome wouldn’t last a day

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Story CompetitionRead the stories below and if you feel you could write the next part then go ahead and send it in via Mrs Dawson’s email (SDN). Your efforts could be published!


I think it happened the summer of 1983, or perhaps the summer before. Part of my memory’s gone since leaving your world.

Every day, I would walk through the cornfields near my house alone, I preferred it that way. It happened one extremely sticky day – there was not a trace of the cool breeze I usually welcomed. Everything was still.

I heard a rustling noise behind me and spun around. What I saw then I could not say. I didn’t have a chance to think, however, the next moment an invisible force knocked me to the ground. Lying there, my body went numb, my head throbbed, pain and confusion flashed before my eyes. I thought that perhaps if I closed them I’d be able to block out my surroundings. So I did.

That was the last I saw of that summer. That was the last I saw of that entire world. I thought I was dead. Maybe I was. Maybe I am.By Eleanor Davies 7GWE


I was only twelve years old when I heard the news.The day had started well. Cissy and I had been out riding all morning on the trail around the grounds, almost completely out of sight of the house. Cissy was consistently lagging behind on her tiny black pony, Bud, meaning that every so often I had to stop to let her catch up. I was riding my chestnut stallion Victory that Father had bought for me for my twelfth birthday two months before. He was a thoroughbred which meant he had a much longer stride than Bud did.“Come on, Cissy!” I groaned, waiting yet again for her to catch up. “I could be half way to Pairs if I didn’t have to keep waiting for you!” “Oh, do be quiet, Alice!” said Cissy grumpily once she had finally reached my side. “Why not ride on your own next time?” Despite my stepsister’s constant slowness, we completed the trail around noon. We made sure that the grooms had fed and watered our horses and then departed to the garden in which my stepmother, Lady Malveena, and other stepsister, Dolly, were relaxing under a large lace parasol. Dolly, who was five years older than me, looked stunning under the midday sun; her long brown hair falling loosely down her back and dressed in a long indigo gown. “Good ride, girls?” Lady Malveena asked us lazily once we had seated ourselves beside her and Dolly. I noticed that she gave a slightly distasteful look in the direction of our sweaty riding clothes.“Mama, my pony is much too slow. He is always falling behind! What can’t I have a horse like Alice!” whined Cissy. “Please, Mama, oh please! I didn’t get one for my twelfth birthday, please Mama, please!”“Be quiet, Narcissa!” snapped Lady Malveena. “Alice’s horse was a gift, not something to abuse!” She gave me a sickly smile. “Isn’t that right, Alice darling?” Out of mere politeness, I returned the smile. Lady Malveena had always been slightly exaggerated when Father wasn’t around. Being my stepmother and Dolly and Cissy’s real Mother, she would naturally favour them over me, but she always lacked the ‘motherly presence’ that Father insisted I needed. Dolly never really gave me a second thought at all, only Cissy sometimes acted like a real sister to me, even if she was slightly arrogant and bossy.At that point, Poole, the butler, dressed in plum breeches and a golden dinner jacket came hurrying over to our spot on the lawn. His face was grave.“Erm, Mistress Malveena, could I please…have a word?” he asked, a tremble in his voice. No wonder, Lady Malveena had a very rich family but she was not the most pleasant of characters, unless of course addressing one of her daughters or Father was around.“Oh, very well!” she sighed grumpily, nevertheless rising from her armchair and accompanying the butler, to a holly bush about five metres from where the parasol stood.I darted to the now empty chair, but Cissy had got there first. Dolly smirked slightly but said nothing. “Ooh, look Cissy, it’s a Prince!” I said in mock shock. She immediately jumped and smoothed down her skirts while I leapt for-ward and took the now unoccupied seat. Dolly rolled her eyes at her sister’s gullibility. Once she realized that I was bluffing, Cissy retreated to her chair once more to find me, grinning, sitting in her chair. She stuck her tongue out at me before giving a sideways glance toward her Mother, with a slight air of guilt on her rosy pink face. I too turned my head to face where the butler and my stepmother were standing. Lady Malveena was looking in my direction, both of them looked grave. My smile faded as they came striding over to the parasol again. “Off.” She said sharply, clapping her hands. I rose from the chair and Cissy darted to take my place. It was difficult to resist the temptation of not scowling darkly, however something in the expression on my stepmother’s face froze me to the spot and sent a sudden wave of nausea across my chest.“We have some bad news, I’m afraid, girls,” she said, her tone of voice not quite matching her forlorn expression. “About…your Father.”My heart clenched. Poole’s expression told me to prepare for the worst.

By Sophie Benny 8DHD

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On a cold Saturday morning last October, four A-Level physicists travelled to Liverpool University to compete in the prestigious Physics Olympics, an international gathering of the best young minds in the world. The journey itself was eventful, with one member being abandoned in the freezing wastes while his compatriots enjoyed the luxuries of a warm Audi A6. Eventually reunited and souls strengthened by Mr Swan’s provision of delicious bacon sandwiches and cream topped hot chocolate, we headed to the Physics department buildings. Initial impressions were rocky; while the competitors were dressed in specially designed team uniforms, Knutsford’s self-declared Team 2 were defeated by the push-pull mechanism of the door.

With our team having the largest female contingent of any team present we proceeded to wipe the floor with the competition beginning with the terrifying Quantum Dots challenge. Unexpectedly Vicky completely understood the intricate workings of the physics mind and solved the first problem in record time and with incredible accuracy.

Impeccable teamwork utilised in the Bungee jump task should have secured a win for Team 2. However they were thwarted by the task marshal, who should have gone to Specsavers. The Doppler Donkey challenge did little more than anger the girls, and seemingly had no more purpose than play two annoyingly high-pitched tones for the duration. Results were estimated as quickly as possible so that we could escape for lunch. This lunch was a pleasant surprise, and the sandwiches and drinks provided proved ample sustenance to keep us engaged as we watched students from other teams fail time and time again to insert money into a vending machine. Also during this break period we completed the incredibly complex “Fermi Quiz” using nothing other than our wits and common sense (we didn’t do very well in the Fermi Quiz).

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EnterprisingWant to earn a bit extra? These guys do…At the start of this year, a select number of Year 12 Business Studies pupils were asked to join a new venture in school called ‘Young Enterprise’. The programme was introduced to KHS by Miss Martin, as it had been highly successful at her previous school.Young Enterprise consists of a group of students setting up their own business with the help of two outside mentors. Many schools from all over the country compete and are judged at the end of the academic year. However, it is not all about money-making. The business requires a successful dynamic with excellent communication to ensure total efficiency; each member has tasks to complete, with deadlines to ensure that the business keeps moving forward and reaches its targets – for which everyone involved gives up vast amounts of time. With every member purchasing a share of the business at the outset, all profit accumulated by the end of the year is shared out between all of the members!This is exactly like a business in the real world. We voted in our Managing Director (Jack Stanion, 12PST) and decided which products we, as a business, were going to retail. After many meetings, we eventually settled on which areas to explore and the group finally decided to retail ‘baby beanies’, bracelets and yearbooks. You can find a lot more information about Young Enterprise at the end of the Humanities corridor (which is complete with photos of all members!). If you wish to find out about or purchase any of our range of products, please don’t hesitate to contact Miss Martin, our Managing Director or myself.Hannah Sandbach, 12MCN.

The UKMT Senior Team Challenge promotes mathematical dexterity, teamwork and communication skills. It gives able pupils the opportunity to compete against pupils from other schools in the North West.Activities include:• Group competition • Crossnumber • Mathematical relay race This year our team consisted of Adam Clayton (Year13), Vicky Banks (Year13), Richard Arnell (Year12), Sara Middleton (Year12). In the North West regional final our team came a respectable 10th:

Four A Level students were very excited to go out to a maths competition but the excitement only came from missing an after-noon of school. We arrived to find the other competitors dressed to impress in suits, whilst we opted for the jeans and hoodie look. Due to their suits, glasses and over all geeky nature we were quite intimidated. We began to mentally prepare by an-nihilating the quavers and coke they helpfully provided before settling down as determined competitors led by the expert, Mrs Williams who used her impressive driving skills to get us to the competition…. just about! To warm up we began the starter round in which Adam’s intellect enabled us to successfully answer at least 3 of the 10 ques-tions. As the competition began we paired off to complete a number crossword in which the clues had to be numerically solved and the answers fitted into the grid. Answering every number in the table we scored highly and began to dominate the leader-board leaving the grammar school suit brigade quaking in their boots. Our confidence boosted by the success of this round we dashed to the sandwich table denying our other competitors any chance of ham or cheese.Round 3 was entitled “The Intellectual Relay” in which the answer for question 1 was needed to begin question 2 but we rarely got any of them answers right as we always got question 1 wrong. However we were fantastic at guessing, rather than solving the answers which provided a much needed point or 2. However some geeky non specific school got virtually full marks so just managed to overtake our outstanding lead on the score board. Sarah was so angered that they just pipped us to the top spot that she forgot to eat her free double chocolate muffin. To console ourselves we hoarded the free pens and made for a swift exit. However, we were not quick enough in leaving and had to congratulate our chums from King’s who boasted of their non-medal placing. Leaving with the knowledge that we were the best team we travelled back to the Knutsford maths department. Vicky Banks Y13

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Knutsford High School gets High Tech AccoladeStudents at Knutsford High School are at the forefront of using information and communications technology (ICT) to enhance their work.

Following an extensive external assessment Knutsford High School has been awarded the prestigious ICT Mark by Becta, the government-funded body responsible for promoting the use of ICT in Britain’s schools and colleges.The award recognises the school’s success in developing the strategic use of ICT in both administration and across the

curriculum. Parents will be pleased that their children are attending a school at the forefront of modern technology.Ernie Charlton, the Cheshire ICT advisor said “Cheshire East Council is determined that all local children will have the best opportunity to excel in the jobs market of the future. Knutsford High School should be congratulated on this wonderful achievement. This demonstrates the excellent ICT management and teaching that is taking place in local schools.”

Principal Mr Hollins commented “We are delighted to be awarded the ICT Mark. It recognises our positive approach to ICT and the benefits it is bringing to our

children. We believe that ICT can be used in every aspect of learning and that it is essential our children are equipped for the modern world.”

Neil McLean, Executive Director for Schools and Families at Becta said “Knutsford High School thoroughly deserves the accolade of an ICT mark. They clearly demonstrate how important it is to take a holistic approach to using ICT in schools. Their investment in new technology has contributed to substantial improvements in learning.” Mr A Middleton

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This year for Design, the Year 11W class have been doing Cake Decoration.Our teacher is Mrs White. When we first started icing, some of us found it difficult, especially making the paper forcing bags we use to put the icing in for piping decorations. Mrs White taught us how to make figurines out of sugar paste icing. We also learned how to make royal icing and to use it to write, make scrolls, bulbs, flowers and leaves to decorate a cake. The flowers looked lovely!Some of the class brought in cakes and decorated them for Christmas. It was a pleasure! We are now designing a celebration cake which we will decorate as our next project.

Daniel Jackson 11JED

Radio Times I have wanted to be a radio presenter since I was 13 years old. When I first heard about the school’s radio station - Knutsford 1350am last year, I jumped at the chance of having my own show in a professional studio. I was not disappointed. The school’s radio studio uses high quality modern equipment giving a professional radio experience. All the equipment was very user friendly and could make a novice presenter feel like they were on Radio 1! Since I started my show last year I have become closely involved with the running of the station and remain in contact with the head of the station, Mr Appleby. I host an entertainment weekly show once a week where I talk about the news in the entertainment world, discussing new film releases and the latest celebrity news. Although I first began the show as a solo act, halfway through my first year I recruited an extra presenter, Faye Dean. She started as a complete novice but was very quick to pick it up and not shy to share her views about the latest news. I soon taught her the basics and she now occasionally presents the show in my absence. Presenting at Knutsford 1350am has really boosted my self confidence. Faye and I are in control of our own show which is heard by the whole school. We decide everything that happens in the show from the discussion topics to the songs played. This has given us a great feeling of independence which is rarely attainable when you are a student. The radio has also improved my general communication skills and will look great on my CV for when I apply for jobs at bigger stations.I would thoroughly recommend Knutsford 1350am to anyone interested in the world of radio as it is an opportunity that is not to be missed and I would really have regretted it if I had not applied.Stefano Spinola 13SSI

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Kendal Sant’s Big BreakOn 8 March 2010 former student Kendal Sant, released his debut single, ‘One Night’. Many will remember Kendal’s moving performance as Judas in the school’s production of Jesus Christ Superstar.Just as Kendal was about to start a course at the Birmingham School of Acting, he booked a holiday to Chamonix, France. On arrival he was told his luggage has been lost. Luckily, he had taken his guitar on board as hand luggage. Kendal headed for a local bar. Explaining his situation, the bar’s sympathetic manager gave Kendal some promotional t-shirts to wear until his luggage was returned. Kendal returned the favour by playing a couple of songs to entertain the crowd in the bar. The owner was so impressed he offered Kendal 5 gigs a week for 100 euros a night, plus free accommodation. On his return to the UK, Kendal knew he wanted to be a singer. He landed a part in a Nokia advert, where he was required to record some of his own material at Paul Weller’s studio in Guildford with producer Stuart Epps, who was so impressed with Kendal’s material that he made it clear he would like to work with him as a solo artist and as his manager. Kendal’s big break had arrived.A charismatic and gifted singer in the classic tradition, Kendal (pictured right with Paul Gambaccini) draws on a range on influences from Bob Dylan to Ryan Adams, performing captivating and insightful material. These heartfelt songs display an insight and maturity way beyond his 22 years. Taken from his as yet untitled debut album (due for release in summer 2010), ‘One Night’ showcases Kendal as an artist of enormous potential and one to watch in 2010.


School Singer to Celebrated SopranoSuzanne McGrath ex-KHS student has taken the leap from high school to adulthood on a high. Suzie left KHS in 2005 to study Music at Edinburgh University, pursuing her passion for classical music. As part of her course, she spent last year in Milan, Italy, the home of great Opera, studying Musicology. Whilst there, she had the opportunity to work with Margaret Hayward, vocal coach at the Milanese Conservatoire and also performed in La Finta Giardiniera (Mozart) in Scheggino.Before she ventured into the world of music, Suzanne was accepted at LABAN School of Dance in London, as she was an accomplished dancer. Turning this down was a difficult decision but seems to have been the right one. Suzanne is playing Fox in The Cunning Little Vixen with Edinburgh Studio Opera this month. She is a prime example of what anyone from KHS is able to achieve and is a role model for any student.

Emily Lunnon 10JDM

Charlotte UpdateCharlotte Wakefield has been nominated for “Best Actress in a Musical or Entertainment” for her performance as Wendla in “Spring Awakening”. The ceremony will take place at Grosvenor House Hotel on 21st March and before that nominees will have come together for a special lunch on the 2nd March to celebrate their achievements and a record breaking year in the Theatre.Mr C Leigh

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Summer Ball 25 June 2010The PTA committee invite you to their first Summer Ball to be held in a marquee at Toft Cricket Club. The High School has seized the opportunity to share this popular setting with the Cricket Club. It promises to be a lovely occasion.Tickets cost £37.50 each and tables seat 8, 10 or 12.

Any queries about numbers to 07833 688426.

Numbers are limited so book now to avoid disappoint-ment.

Date for your Diary: PTA Treasure Hunt and Hog Roast Friday 21 May 2010http://www.knutsfordhs.cheshire.sch.uk/

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Some of the entries to the Snow Photo Competition.

During the recent heavy snow several students and

staff were busy taking photographs. We decided to hold a ‘Snow Photo Competition’ with the prize being a ‘Mr Simms Sweet Shop’ voucher. Here is the winning photo, together with some runners up. You will also find some more on the back page! A big thank you to all who took part.

The winning entry from

Hayley Poole11NGN

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Year 9 Girls’ BasketballThe Year 9 girls entered the inaugural SSP basketball tourna-ment before Christmas. Having won all their games, they finished in top position and progressed to the County Finals.There were 5 finalists invited to Warrington to determine the County Champions. There was some tough opposition, yet the Knutsford team applied themselves brilliantly using many of the tactics and skills from their training sessions with Miss Weigh and Mr Harrison. The girls won two of the four games played and finished in third position in the County.This was a fantastic result and we hope to see more students getting involved in girls’ basketball in the future.

PE – Gifted & TalentedI am trying to find out about pupils at Knutsford High School who take part in sport at a county/regional/national level. Whether it is dancing to wake boarding or swimming to la-crosse please get in touch.

I would really like you to write a paragraph about yourself, your training, competition achievements and aspirations. If you can attach a photo as well of you compet-ing in your sport that would be fantastic.

All information can be sent to:Mrs Ince (see her snow photo - ‘Spikey’ - right)[email protected]

Choreographic Success!It is a pleasure to have the opportunity to celebrate the success of a previous student of Dance at Knutsford High School. Charlie Ford became interested in Dance in Year 9 after becoming involved in a ‘Celebration of African Dance’ at the Bridgewater Hall. Following this he became a valued member of the school’s Boys’ Dance Company ‘Short Back n Sides’, and Able and Talented group ‘Ignition’, and continued his studies through to A Level achieving an A grade in 2009.

Charlie showed a keen interest in choreography and seized many opportunities to become involved in creative projects during his time at the school. His ultimate ambition is to launch his own company in order to pursue his passion for developing a unique choreographic experience. In December of last year Charlie was successful in his application for the ‘Young Creators’ scheme run by Youth Dance England. He overcame strong competition from over a thousand undergraduate applicants and has been awarded the prestigious creative opportunity of a performance of his work at the Royal Opera House in London on 9th April. In addition Charlie will benefit from the experience of being mentored by professional choreographer, Kevin Turner of Company Chameleon, and will work alongside his fellow winners at a three day residential at White Lodge. This is an exciting time for Charlie who said that his aim was ‘to witness others’ ability and to learn what he can bring to the dance world’. Charlie is also pleased to provide tremendous performance experience for the dancers he has chosen from our current A Level course. Hannah Bowker, Taylor Danson, Danni Hope, Josh Scott and Alisa Yarwood will be performing Charlie’s work at the Royal Opera House in April.

Charlie values the support he has received from the staff and students during his years at Knutsford High School, and hopes that this will be the springboard for a long and successful career in Dance. It is fabulous to witness the achievement of such a dedicated student and I know that he won’t be the last dancer to emerge from such a melting pot of student talent!

*Tickets for the Young Creators’ performance can be purchased from the Royal Opera House box office:Tel: 020 7304 4000

Mrs L Scott (pictured below)

Cross CountryJade Evans (Year 9) and Jess Costello (Year 7) are again on winning form in this year’s cross country competitions. The girls recently represented Knutsford High School at the Macclesfield and District Schools’ Cross Country Race and both girls won their race. This allowed the girls to compete at the Cheshire Schools’ Cross Country competition in January representing Macclesfield. Jade again won her race with metres to spare and Jess finished a very respectable ninth. Both girls again have been selected to take part in the next round to be held in Leic-ester representing Cheshire. Both girls train extremely hard and they have our best wishes for the next round. Mrs R Ince