just first nationalbankufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/uf/00/02/82/98/01524/00592.pdfdrive in tho banana...

4- l f 1- 0t I ty- s Tw t y r4- F < THE DAILY SUN GAINESVILLE FLORIDA SEPTEMBER 22 1909 8 V NEWS OF CITY AND COUNTY CONDENSED HATTERS OF GENERAL INTEREST SECURED DY SUN REPORTERS What Hat Happened and What U to Happen Personal and Social Items of the City Call on II Dowman when In mood of feed Large cans salmon lOc can at R V Bowmans phone 352 Soven styles of sardines for you to select from Saunders Earle IL V Small of Hague was trans- acting business In the city yesterday Elgin butter just arrived by express Sn pound blocks Saunders Earle- C A Dennett of High Springs was in the city yesterday on a brief busl ness visit Ooleus Japonicas Palms and Ferns Pecan and Fruit trees in va- riety H S Grave Phone 179 The woman who appreciates dainty olcsserts should use Dluo Ribbon Va- nilla Extract It flavors perfectly Scotch oat new on aho Gainesville fine Jlko meat Try it Saunders Earle Sheriff Ramsey paid a short visit lo Wacahoota yesterday to look after ftls farming interests and visit friends Havlland chinavery Buyable for wedding presents all going at a cut price for the next few days Saun- ders Earle Prof G M Lynch left yesterday 2for a short business visit to Jackson- ville In the Interest of the school In- terests of tho State r Go- ing W mealsomething marketground ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ For resin barrel staves and beading write or phone T J Cone Raleigh Fla Can make prompt ralUpment at market prices Miss Harrington will open a Music ZSUdlo September 20th Ledbetters S laae store Reference W S D JUatbetis Chicago Conservatory jjfrljfXl It a hotel will not change- to One If It Is run on bcavaag- 2oiijoprlnclple8 For uptodate t rv Ice table and general tone stop at Drown House John Kennedy who has been at nt STor tho past several days taking a rest has returned and again resumed his position at the store of W S Dorsey Co All kinds of the very best fruit at tike lowest prices and will male drive In tho banana Hue solIng them for 10 and 15 cents dozen Other traits IB proportion N Francisco Mrs JL T Kelley of Prairie Creek wko paMf ort visit to Relatives here leftvjFMterday afternoon for a trip to Jacksonville where she will irlsjter Barents Capt and Mrs J S lolley Jack Wllllania ono of the prominent Citizens of Alachua was a visitor to ctfeo city yesterday He Is also large- ly Interested In the phosphate bus- iness and feels good over the present Tbrlght outlook Jonathan Duko of Alachua was In ttho city yesterday lie says that the planters are busy gathering their corn and cotton and that they are well satisfied with the crops made outside- of cotton which has Hhcdded and will mot average a T L Brown one of the successful planters of Alachua was here yester- day transacting business He says that business Is good with the merch- ants In his section and that cotton linn revived things all round as 1- lias made ready cash much more plentiful I the Hrst class tuch needed pe- a pal half crop ¬ ¬ > For Sale Thirtygallon gasoline tank Inquire this office Drat Patent flour 21 pounds for R W Bowmans phone 352 Stenographic work and typewriting Miss L Mcllvnlne T U Ellis ofHcu Graham building Col W S Broome made a short business trip to Alnchua yesterday returning In the afternoon C W Roberts of High Springs was In the city yesterday and made a pleasant call at this office J M Guinn of Alachua was among the visitors to the city yesterday looking after business matters The Gainesville National flank has- a new advertisement In this Issue to which your attention Is Invited Balrd Theatre Motion Pictures and Vaudeville Show will begin October 1st and continue through season Mrs M Corp w left yesterday for Miami where she will upend the next several weeks visiting her daughter Chas W dMartlne deputy revenue collector left yesterday for a short business visit to points in South Flor Ida Fresh shipment of National Biscuit Companys goods Just In consisting of all the leading varitles Saunders Earle- J T Fleming senior member ol the firm of Fleming Son Archer was transacting business In Gaines vllle yesterday Mrs T M Cauthen of Waldo was In tho city yesterday on a shopping trip While here she was the guest of Mrs Geo P Morris- T H English Is sarong the new ar- rivals to the city and will In future hold the position of billing clerk In the Southern Express office s c- at Mason Tlson of Ocala was In the city for a short while yesterday on a visit to relatives and meeting his friends He returned to his Ocala home lost night Miss Willie Robertson who has been visiting friends and relatives at Worthington Springs for the past several days returned to her home hero yesterday- R E L Robinson road master for this division o the Atlantic Coast- Line has returned from a short bust ness trip to points In the southern part of the State- J D Corbett one of tho popular salesmen In the store of Salley Co has gone to South Carolina on a short leave of absence to pay a visit to rela- tives and friends at his old home Your complexlo as well as your temper Is rendered miserable by a dis ordered liver By taking Chambe- rlains Stomach and Liver Tablets you can Improve both Sold by all drug- gists Nine hundred bunches of choice bananas to arrive today which will be sold at 75 cents bunch or JO and 15 cents dozen at the Old Banana House or at the new wholesale place- In the Tucker building Free to any part of city X Francisco- S G Gay of Trenton was a visitor hero yesterday He says that all of the farmers of the West End are busy gathering their corn and picking cotton and that within a short while they will all have plenty of homemade grits and pork hence will be an Inde- pendent crowd- S H Register who has been In the employ of the Southern Express for several months id billing clerk departed yesterday for High Springs where he will make his future home having accepted the agency for the company at that oiat Mrs Register will remain here for the next week or until Mr Register- an make the necessary arrange- ments for the removal of their mouse here old deliv- ery Com- pany l gnnd ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + JUST ARRIVED A Solid Carload of the Famous JACKSON G SMITH BARNESVILLE BUGGIES We luy in car lots so as to get a better price and give our customers the advantage of it Call on us when in need of a Buggy Crawford A Davis 1 Freshlot of all kinds canned vege- tables at R W Bowmans Poatoffice block Remember our cutprice sale on canned will save you money and make you happy too Saunders Earle Dull Tlton of EarUton paid the city- a visit yesterday He came over to a short visit to his parents Capt and Mrs W 0 Tlson Mrs R L McKInstry and son who have been In Jacksonville for the past several days on a visit with her bus band returned home yesterday R C Evlns of Evinston was a vis- itor to Gainesville yesterday for a short while lie had Just returned from a trip of several days at various points of Interest Prof J E Woltz left yesterday for High Springs where he l engaged as conductor for the band and makes the trip weekly to be at the practice of the boys and assist them Capt W T Richardson who has been spending the past few days here a visit with his family returned- to High Springs yesterday to resume his duties as railway conductor Telephone Subscribers Your bills are now due and you are requested- to pay the collector at once when called upon otherwise the service will be discontinued J A Goodwin Kutchmachcr of one of the jolly good knights of the grip who makes Gainesville quite of- ten is here looking after the trade and meeting his numerous friends E C McLeod of Kendrick one of the prominent citizens of Marion county and for a number of years one of the commissioners there ar- rived in the city yesterday to pay a short visit to his wife and children goodsIt par on Jacks nlIle Chris ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Mrs W M Dale and children who have been absent for the past number- of weeks visiting various places of interest arrived In the city last night They were accompanied by Mr Dale who went over to Jacksonville to meet them Not a minute should be lost when- a child shows symptoms of croup Chamberlains Cough Remedy given as soon as tho child becomes hoarse- or even after the croupy cough ap- pears will prevent the attack Sold by all druggists The Baird Hardware Company have a change of advertisement in this is sue in which they speak of their standard grade of cutlery Pocket knives carving sets and the like are mentioned and handsomely displayed In their place of business Lost Ladles solid gold hunting case Osize watch with small scratched number- In back case en fob was a RandolphMacon pin and charm May have been lost on GalnesvllleRochelleMlcanopy road Reward for return of same to this office- M Clyatt one of the uptodate and progressive young business men of Levy county with headquarters at Otter Creek was transacting busi- ness In Gainesville yesterday He says that the pillls In his section are again resuming operations while the turpentine stills are showing renewed life and business is picking up in all lines Can be depended upon is an ex- pression we all like to hear and when- It Is used in connection with Cham- berlains Colic Cholera anti Diarrhoea it means that It never fuila to cure diarrhoea dysentery or bowel complaints It is pleasant to take and equally valuable for dill dren and adult Sold by all drug gists X 1 Waltham movement T19 half dollar 1u needy ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ A B Oliver member of the flrn of Oliver Kite has returned from the markets where he been fur the past number of days purchasing- the third carload of hones and mult which are to arrive within th mu- dn at tluir t table In this This firm has been establUhH less than two months but have succeeded in dlfcpuBlni of tv o of t xk ai ready Dean A J Farrah of the shy returned yesterday from Willis ton aud othiT points where he was successful in securing several students for the law of the Diver- sity He is delighted with the excel- lent library he has fur this institution and says that outside of the Supreme Court library it is the mutt complete to be found In the Stole Mr Far rah and family have recently moved Into the Ivers residence on car tier of East Main N and Boundary streets 8 has t I luh r city cats dclstrt newt ¬ THE GAINESVILLE NATIONAL BANK Conservative Does Not Mean Stagnation- We Are Progressive Si Lang As It Is We Slow This lank Is Nit Merely a Place ti Store Your Funds It Is a HYman OrgaiuzatWL Lending Its Aid to Its Patrons Si Ling as It Feels Safe in Doing So THE GAINESVILLE NATIONAL BANK SafeThen J o r i 1 Doll 5 Cents Per Line Each Insertloa but no advertise- ment taken for less tnan 20 cents Sla words make a line no fractional lines every word over each six courting as an additional line CASH In advance must accompany all orders for inner Ions In tLls column FOR RENT FOR RENT house near square Apply to J A Phlfer OR RENT Nice large furnished room conveniently located Apply Sun office WANTS room + FIFTY ACRES Vegetable land cue fourth mile from depot to rent for winters crop D G Edwards FOR RENT Cottage In Yeltchs Addi- tion South Gainesville to colored tenant only Apply at Sun office FOR RENT Three sixroom cottages with all modern Improvements in East Gainesville 10 month Gaines ville Furniture Co ACME APARTMENT HOTEL V J Shipman Manager Nice comfortable rooms at rates Roomers wanted by day or week Rates reasonable FOR SALE FOR SALE Thirtygallon gasoline tank Inquire this office FOR SALE Typewriter ribbons both copy and record 75 cents each Sun office FOR plants ready af- ter Oct 1st also lettuce plants for prices G A Blanc Day- tona Florida FOR 100x125 feet corner West Main and Boundary streets Half cash balance on own terms with eight per cent Interest H H McCreary LOST LOST Ladles solid gold hunting case Oslze watch with small scratched number In hack case X7170 on fob was u RnndolphMarnn pin and halfdol mar charm May have been lost on GalnesvllleRochelleMlcanopy road Reward for return of saute to this office SALECelery Write SALELot h Jack- sonville reason- able 1Valtham movement ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Typewriter ribbons for sale at this hive The best on the market cents Allcolors and on ill standard machines Only oM vents tve to- o EASY GLASSES fir UNEASY Are Your Eyes IJ They Be- ginninz to Rebel Make Them Comfortable Iut Them at Their Ease- l Prefer GLASSES- C H COLES SIN Jewelers and Opticians GAINESVILLE EYES fl J Miss Norton tik y- Are Ii y- II Wear Ntl ± + Noieltics Books Statiooeij- Sonienirs Sbeet Picture and Picture Frames 206 East Liberty Strut MJESTOJB FL0- 5MDT BOTHEI Take n hc remainder of till summer and heineKa le bad We hardly expect you to say it isaagwl as your own but way down in heart youll think eo just the same M try it anyway yon are entitled to rest as well as anybody KEYSTONE BAKERY rttne 165 Schafer Pref DEMPSEY PHONE 34 FURNITURE DEALERB- uy Fell or Exchange anal I of Furniture by Competent Men 219221 West Main St S Gainesville Dr A Dolan VETERINARIANRe- sidence Magnolia Hotel Gainesville J iutller a OIl R T H tI a Specialty AIIO Packing STORAGE 1 th Me Wile Is i War oar UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY First National Bank GAINESVILLE FLORIDA Capital 10000000 Surplus 0000000 CONSERVATIVE PROGRESSIVE We taw plruxure in placing our facilities at your disposal and will plvasnl to have you write or rail on us if you contemplate owning either- a checking or savings account FOUR PElt CENT PAID IN OUR SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Jai M Graham Pns E Baird VuePr H E Taylor Cashier U Graham Asst Cad rJ be > 1 f 4- I- >

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Page 1: JUST First NationalBankufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01524/00592.pdfdrive In tho banana Hue solIng them for 10 and 15 cents dozen Other traits IB proportion N Francisco





















What Hat Happened and What U

to Happen Personal and

Social Items of the City

Call on II Dowman when Inmood of feed

Large cans salmon lOc can at RV Bowmans phone 352

Soven styles of sardines for you toselect from Saunders Earle

IL V Small of Hague was trans-acting business In the city yesterday

Elgin butter just arrived by expressSn pound blocks Saunders Earle-

C A Dennett of High Springs was

in the city yesterday on a brief buslness visit

Ooleus Japonicas Palms andFerns Pecan and Fruit trees in va-

riety H S Grave Phone 179

The woman who appreciates daintyolcsserts should use Dluo Ribbon Va-

nilla Extract It flavors perfectlyScotch oat new on

aho Gainesville fineJlko meat Try it Saunders Earle

Sheriff Ramsey paid a short visitlo Wacahoota yesterday to look afterftls farming interests and visit friends

Havlland chinavery Buyable forwedding presents all going at a cutprice for the next few days Saun-

ders EarleProf G M Lynch left yesterday

2for a short business visit to Jackson-ville In the Interest of the school In-

terests of tho State












For resin barrel stavesand beading write or phone T JCone Raleigh Fla Can make promptralUpment at market prices

Miss Harrington will open a MusicZSUdlo September 20th LedbettersS laae store Reference W S D

JUatbetis Chicago ConservatoryjjfrljfXl It a hotel will not change-

to One If It Is run on bcavaag-2oiijoprlnclple8 For uptodate t rvIce table and general tone stop at

Drown House

John Kennedy who has been at ntSTor tho past several days taking a

rest has returned andagain resumed his position at thestore of W S Dorsey Co

All kinds of the very best fruit attike lowest prices and will male

drive In tho banana Hue solIngthem for 10 and 15 cents dozen Othertraits IB proportion N Francisco

Mrs JL T Kelley of Prairie Creekwko paMf ort visit to Relativeshere leftvjFMterday afternoon for atrip to Jacksonville where she will

irlsjter Barents Capt and Mrs J Slolley

Jack Wllllania ono of the prominentCitizens of Alachua was a visitor toctfeo city yesterday He Is also large-

ly Interested In the phosphate bus-

iness and feels good over the presentTbrlght outlook

Jonathan Duko of Alachua was In

ttho city yesterday lie says that theplanters are busy gathering their cornand cotton and that they are wellsatisfied with the crops made outside-

of cotton which has Hhcdded and willmot average a

T L Brown one of the successfulplanters of Alachua was here yester-

day transacting business He says

that business Is good with the merch-

ants In his section and that cottonlinn revived things all round as 1-

lias made ready cash much more




Hrst class

tuch needed


a pal

half crop




For Sale Thirtygallon gasolinetank Inquire this office

Drat Patent flour 21 pounds forR W Bowmans phone 352

Stenographic work and typewritingMiss L Mcllvnlne T U Ellis ofHcu

Graham buildingCol W S Broome made a short

business trip to Alnchua yesterdayreturning In the afternoon

C W Roberts of High Springs wasIn the city yesterday and made apleasant call at this office

J M Guinn of Alachua was amongthe visitors to the city yesterdaylooking after business matters

The Gainesville National flank has-

a new advertisement In this Issue to

which your attention Is Invited

Balrd Theatre Motion Pictures andVaudeville Show will begin October1st and continue through season

Mrs M Corp w left yesterday forMiami where she will upend the nextseveral weeks visiting her daughter

Chas W dMartlne deputy revenuecollector left yesterday for a shortbusiness visit to points in South FlorIda

Fresh shipment of National BiscuitCompanys goods Just In consisting ofall the leading varitles SaundersEarle-

J T Fleming senior member olthe firm of Fleming Son Archerwas transacting business In Gainesvllle yesterday

Mrs T M Cauthen of Waldo wasIn tho city yesterday on a shoppingtrip While here she was the guestof Mrs Geo P Morris-

T H English Is sarong the new ar-

rivals to the city and will In futurehold the position of billing clerk In

the Southern Express office

s c-


Mason Tlson of Ocala was In thecity for a short while yesterday on avisit to relatives and meeting hisfriends He returned to his Ocalahome lost night

Miss Willie Robertson who hasbeen visiting friends and relatives atWorthington Springs for the pastseveral days returned to her homehero yesterday-

R E L Robinson road master forthis division o the Atlantic Coast-

Line has returned from a short bustness trip to points In the southernpart of the State-

J D Corbett one of tho popularsalesmen In the store of Salley Co

has gone to South Carolina on a shortleave of absence to pay a visit to rela-

tives and friends at his old home

Your complexlo as well as yourtemper Is rendered miserable by a disordered liver By taking Chambe-rlains Stomach and Liver Tablets youcan Improve both Sold by all drug-

gistsNine hundred bunches of choice

bananas to arrive today which willbe sold at 75 cents bunch or JO and15 cents dozen at the Old BananaHouse or at the new wholesale place-In the Tucker building Free

to any part of city X Francisco-

S G Gay of Trenton was a visitorhero yesterday He says that all ofthe farmers of the West End arebusy gathering their corn and pickingcotton and that within a short whilethey will all have plenty of homemadegrits and pork hence will be an Inde-

pendent crowd-

S H Register who has been In theemploy of the Southern Express

for several monthsid billing clerk departed yesterdayfor High Springs where he will makehis future home having accepted theagency for the company at that oiatMrs Register will remain here forthe next week or until Mr Register-

an make the necessary arrange-ments for the removal of their mouse













JUST ARRIVEDA Solid Carload of the Famous



We luy in car lots so as to get a better price and giveour customers the advantage of it Call on us

when in need of a Buggy

Crawford A Davis


Freshlot of all kinds canned vege-

tables at R W Bowmans Poatoffice

blockRemember our cutprice sale on

canned will save you money

and make you happy too Saunders

EarleDull Tlton of EarUton paid the city-

a visit yesterday He came over toa short visit to his parents Capt

and Mrs W 0 Tlson

Mrs R L McKInstry and son who

have been In Jacksonville for the past

several days on a visit with her bus

band returned home yesterday

R C Evlns of Evinston was a vis-

itor to Gainesville yesterday for a

short while lie had Just returnedfrom a trip of several days at variouspoints of Interest

Prof J E Woltz left yesterday forHigh Springs where he l engaged

as conductor for the band and makesthe trip weekly to be at the practiceof the boys and assist them

Capt W T Richardson who hasbeen spending the past few days here

a visit with his family returned-

to High Springs yesterday to resume

his duties as railway conductor

Telephone Subscribers Your billsare now due and you are requested-

to pay the collector at once whencalled upon otherwise the service will

be discontinued J A Goodwin

Kutchmachcr ofone of the jolly good knights of thegrip who makes Gainesville quite of-

ten is here looking after the tradeand meeting his numerous friends

E C McLeod of Kendrick one of

the prominent citizens of Marioncounty and for a number of yearsone of the commissioners there ar-

rived in the city yesterday to pay ashort visit to his wife and children




Jacks nlIleChris






Mrs W M Dale and children whohave been absent for the past number-

of weeks visiting various places of

interest arrived In the city last nightThey were accompanied by Mr Dalewho went over to Jacksonville to meetthem

Not a minute should be lost when-

a child shows symptoms of croupChamberlains Cough Remedy givenas soon as tho child becomes hoarse-or even after the croupy cough ap-

pears will prevent the attack Soldby all druggists

The Baird Hardware Company havea change of advertisement in this issue in which they speak of theirstandard grade of cutlery Pocketknives carving sets and the like arementioned and handsomely displayedIn their place of business

Lost Ladles solid gold huntingcase Osizewatch with small scratched number-In back case en fob was aRandolphMacon pin andcharm May have been lost onGalnesvllleRochelleMlcanopy roadReward for return of same to thisoffice-

M Clyatt one of the uptodateand progressive young business menof Levy county with headquartersat Otter Creek was transacting busi-

ness In Gainesville yesterday Hesays that the pillls In his section areagain resuming operations while theturpentine stills are showing renewedlife and business is picking up in alllines

Can be depended upon is an ex-

pression we all like to hear and when-

It Is used in connection with Cham-

berlains Colic Cholera anti Diarrhoeait means that It never fuila

to cure diarrhoea dysentery orbowel complaints It is pleasant totake and equally valuable for dilldren and adult Sold by all druggists



Waltham movement

T19half dollar

1u needy





A B Oliver member of the flrnof Oliver Kite has returned fromthe markets where he been furthe past number of days purchasing-the third carload of hones and multwhich are to arrive within th mu-

dn at tluir t table In thisThis firm has been establUhH lessthan two months but have succeededin dlfcpuBlni of tv o of t xk aiready

Dean A J Farrah of theshy returned yesterday from Williston aud othiT points where he wassuccessful in securing several studentsfor the law of the Diver-sity He is delighted with the excel-lent library he has fur this institutionand says that outside of the SupremeCourt library it is the mutt completeto be found In the Stole Mr Farrah and family have recently movedInto the Ivers residence on cartier of East Main N and Boundarystreets





luh r



dclstrt newt ¬


Conservative Does Not Mean Stagnation-

We Are Progressive Si Lang As It Is We Slow

This lank Is Nit Merely a Place ti Store Your

Funds It Is a HYman OrgaiuzatWL Lending Its Aid to Its

Patrons Si Ling as It Feels Safe in Doing So







5 Cents Per Line

Each Insertloa but no advertise-

ment taken for less tnan 20 cents Sla

words make a line no fractional linesevery word over each six courting asan additional line CASH In advance

must accompany all orders for inner

Ions In tLls column


FOR RENT house nearsquare Apply to J A Phlfer

OR RENT Nice large furnishedroom conveniently located ApplySun office




FIFTY ACRES Vegetable land cuefourth mile from depot to rent forwinters crop D G Edwards

FOR RENT Cottage In Yeltchs Addi-

tion South Gainesville to coloredtenant only Apply at Sun office

FOR RENT Three sixroom cottageswith all modern Improvements inEast Gainesville 10 month Gainesville Furniture Co


Nice comfortable rooms atrates Roomers wanted by day

or week Rates reasonable


FOR SALE Thirtygallon gasolinetank Inquire this office

FOR SALE Typewriter ribbons bothcopy and record 75 cents eachSun office

FOR plants ready af-

ter Oct 1st also lettuce plantsfor prices G A Blanc Day-

tona Florida

FOR 100x125 feet cornerWest Main and Boundary streetsHalf cash balance on own termswith eight per cent Interest H HMcCreary


LOST Ladles solid gold huntingcase Oslzewatch with small scratched numberIn hack case X7170 on fob wasu RnndolphMarnn pin and halfdolmar charm May have been lost onGalnesvllleRochelleMlcanopy roadReward for return of saute to thisoffice







1Valtham movement





Typewriter ribbons for sale at thishive The best on the market

cents Allcolors andon ill standard machines



vents tve to-



Are Your Eyes


They Be-

ginninz to Rebel

Make ThemComfortable

Iut Them atTheir Ease-

l PreferGLASSES-

C H COLES SINJewelers and Opticians



fl J

Miss Norton

tik y-








Noieltics Books Statiooeij-

Sonienirs Sbeet Picture

and Picture Frames

206 East Liberty Strut



Take n hc remainder of till

summer and heineKa le badWe hardly expect you to say it isaagwlas your own but way down inheart youll think eo just the same Mtry it anyway yon are entitled to rest

as well as anybody

KEYSTONE BAKERYrttne 165 Schafer Pref




uy Fell or Exchange

anal I of Furniture byCompetent Men

219221 West Main St S Gainesville


sidenceMagnolia Hotel Gainesville





H tI

a Specialty AIIO Packing


th Me WileIs i War




Capital 10000000 Surplus 0000000

CONSERVATIVE PROGRESSIVEWe taw plruxure in placing our facilities at your disposal and willplvasnl to have you write or rail on us if you contemplate owning either-

a checking or savings accountFOUR PElt CENT PAID IN OUR SAVINGS DEPARTMENT

Jai M Graham PnsE Baird VuePr

H E Taylor Cashier

U Graham Asst Cad






