karachi: the planning dilemma! by dr noman ahmed professor and chairman department of architecture...

KARACHI: KARACHI: THE PLANNING DILEMMA! THE PLANNING DILEMMA! by by Dr Noman Ahmed Dr Noman Ahmed Professor and Chairman Professor and Chairman Department of Architecture and Department of Architecture and Planning Planning NED University of Engineering and NED University of Engineering and Technology Technology Karachi Karachi

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Page 1: KARACHI: THE PLANNING DILEMMA! by Dr Noman Ahmed Professor and Chairman Department of Architecture and Planning NED University of Engineering and Technology



Dr Noman AhmedDr Noman AhmedProfessor and ChairmanProfessor and Chairman

Department of Architecture and PlanningDepartment of Architecture and PlanningNED University of Engineering and TechnologyNED University of Engineering and Technology


Page 2: KARACHI: THE PLANNING DILEMMA! by Dr Noman Ahmed Professor and Chairman Department of Architecture and Planning NED University of Engineering and Technology


• Major port industrial commercial city of Pakistan.

• Experienced rapid growth phases.

• Young in age – a short pre British history between 1729-1839 followed by a century of British rule.

• Possessed a population of 435,000 just before the partition of the sub-continent.

• Population multiplied to 2½ times and reached 1,050,000 in 1951 due to exodus of refugees.

Page 3: KARACHI: THE PLANNING DILEMMA! by Dr Noman Ahmed Professor and Chairman Department of Architecture and Planning NED University of Engineering and Technology
Page 4: KARACHI: THE PLANNING DILEMMA! by Dr Noman Ahmed Professor and Chairman Department of Architecture and Planning NED University of Engineering and Technology
Page 5: KARACHI: THE PLANNING DILEMMA! by Dr Noman Ahmed Professor and Chairman Department of Architecture and Planning NED University of Engineering and Technology
Page 6: KARACHI: THE PLANNING DILEMMA! by Dr Noman Ahmed Professor and Chairman Department of Architecture and Planning NED University of Engineering and Technology
Page 7: KARACHI: THE PLANNING DILEMMA! by Dr Noman Ahmed Professor and Chairman Department of Architecture and Planning NED University of Engineering and Technology
Page 8: KARACHI: THE PLANNING DILEMMA! by Dr Noman Ahmed Professor and Chairman Department of Architecture and Planning NED University of Engineering and Technology
Page 9: KARACHI: THE PLANNING DILEMMA! by Dr Noman Ahmed Professor and Chairman Department of Architecture and Planning NED University of Engineering and Technology
Page 10: KARACHI: THE PLANNING DILEMMA! by Dr Noman Ahmed Professor and Chairman Department of Architecture and Planning NED University of Engineering and Technology

• Population continued to expand, far ahead of national averages.

• Being the first capital of the country, it also initially accommodated administrative functions.

• Currently possesses a population of over 19 million (World Urban Population Estimates).

• Primacy of the city has remained intact.

• It provides 15% of GDP, 25% of federal revenue; 50% of the total bank deposits and 72 percent of all the issued banking capital in Pakistan.

Page 11: KARACHI: THE PLANNING DILEMMA! by Dr Noman Ahmed Professor and Chairman Department of Architecture and Planning NED University of Engineering and Technology


Social Structure

Fully aware urban young generation (different from migrants and their culture)Fast increasing nuclear families due to young populationIncreasing frustration due to absence of adequate recreational and cultural outlets

Image of the city

Karachi is portrayed as a troubled city with recurring incidences of unrest and agitation. Media images often focus on the negative side of urban life. Foreigners receive cautious travel advices while visiting the city.

Economic setup

Informal sector major provider of employmentLand, real estate and property considered stable form of investmentCash oriented / undocumented economy on the rise Formal economy marginally catering to the society

Page 12: KARACHI: THE PLANNING DILEMMA! by Dr Noman Ahmed Professor and Chairman Department of Architecture and Planning NED University of Engineering and Technology

Physical conditions

Densification of the inner city areas – planned / unplanned neighbourhoods also densifying first Linear growth pattern persisting – illegal land subdivisions continuing without control – ribbon commercialisationSeveral prime relocation projects on the halt.

Infrastructureand services

Water inappropriately managed, distributed and producedNatural creeks and storm drains acting as city sewers – people managing their own internal systemsRecycling industry informally supporting major chunk of urban wasteInformal sector arranges for the public transport to a sizable extent – recent addition being tri-wheelers

Administrative setup

Municipalities losing their management strength – tutelage of province intact Limited management capacity of lower tiersAbsence of representative decision makingCivil administration relying an high sounding high scale development projects.

Page 13: KARACHI: THE PLANNING DILEMMA! by Dr Noman Ahmed Professor and Chairman Department of Architecture and Planning NED University of Engineering and Technology


• Six master plans prepared for the city ever since birth.

• Most of the plans prepared during the post independence period contained useful proposals. They were never notified.

• An adhoc “Package” or programme based approach was followed. Instead of integration, it gave rise to fragmentation and chaos.

• Present approach is also based on the same faulty premise. A packaged set of document and outputs shall emerge from the ongoing Karachi 2020 assignment.

• Planning and development control have been separated by law. SBCO, 1979 still remains enforced.

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Institutional capacities shrinking (KWSB-KMC and KESC are clear examples)People resorting to alternatives (own power generation)Transport service on a total break down

Growth pattern

Sprawl along major arterial roads and link roadsWestern and eastern sites major locations of urban expansion

Squatter settlement

Increasing in numberInner city squatters densifyingConsolidating and attempting to improvePeople moving into squatters from planned areas that have become slums

Urban Administration

Not willing to accept ground realities Influenced by interest groupsCentrally governed by provincial and federal governmentsLured by market forces – commercialization policy of major roads an example

Page 15: KARACHI: THE PLANNING DILEMMA! by Dr Noman Ahmed Professor and Chairman Department of Architecture and Planning NED University of Engineering and Technology

View of mini-buses operating on Karachi roads

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A view of overloading

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Qingchi – and other modes of para transit rising fast

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CNG Buses before their maiden take off – A desirable option - Far away from reality

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Open field/playground lost due to sewerage disposal

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Waste bin not utilised due to its improper design

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Water obtained through pumps and transported through carts

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Stagnant sewage in a lane

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Squatter settlement (katchi abadis)

• House more than half of urban dwellers

• Multiplying (over 700 in number)

• Government lacks initiative to control their expansions and alternatives

• Evictions and bull dozing

• Regularisation and upgrading

• Re-location and resettlement

• Workable housing options for the low and middle income groups

Major markets, whole sale and ware housing activity

• Concentrated in inner city areas and adjoining locations

• No possibility of further expansion despite pressing need

• Confront chronic problems of transportation, infra-structural services and conflict within the neighbourhoods

• Concentrated relocation to peri-urban areas (such as along Northern Bypass)

• Dispersal without planning in different parts of city

• Parallel new development (without consulting the existing stakeholders)

Page 24: KARACHI: THE PLANNING DILEMMA! by Dr Noman Ahmed Professor and Chairman Department of Architecture and Planning NED University of Engineering and Technology

Object Status Some options

City centre (Saddar and environs)

• Works as a transit camp• Weak landuse and building control • Break down of infra-structure• Cultural, recreational and social space dying out

• Traffic management leading to decongestion• Protecting existing open spaces, parks and cultural spaces• Upgrading infra-structure • Control on densification

Urban infra-structure (water & sewerage, solid waste power, telephone etc)

• Unequal distribution leading to shortages• Rampant breakdown• Very limited possibility of expansion• Heavy burden of foreign loans• Problem in revenue recovery

• KWSB to become producer of water. Distribution should be unbundled and passed on to town.• KMC to develop, maintain and upgrade existing drains/nullahs. Treatment facilities to be developed along existing conduits.• KESC to adopt standard procedures of regularisation, service provision and billing.• Monitoring of large scale power thefts• Open and standard policy of infrastructure provision

Page 25: KARACHI: THE PLANNING DILEMMA! by Dr Noman Ahmed Professor and Chairman Department of Architecture and Planning NED University of Engineering and Technology

Object Status Some options

Regularisation of illegally built buildings

• More than 1700 buildings await decisions

• Number of such structures rising – little information available

• Pressure from the builders and developers on the rise.

• Professional evaluation of all such cases

• Open standard policy for all such cases

• Vigilance to stop the landuse conversions

No urban planning process at present

• Most of the past plans never acquired legal status

• No planning law to support them

• No united planning agency for the city

• Provincial government should create a unified planning agency for Karachi

• Sindh legislature to re-visit the past proposals of planning laws

• Research based participatory planning process should be initiated

Page 26: KARACHI: THE PLANNING DILEMMA! by Dr Noman Ahmed Professor and Chairman Department of Architecture and Planning NED University of Engineering and Technology

Interest Group


Interest Group


Interest Group





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Politicians / Decision Makers

Planners & Professionals

The nexus of politicians / decision makers with planners / professionals produces the plans / projects / programmes according to their respective desires. The interest groups are not included in the process.

Figure – 1: Existing state of urban & regional planning

Page 27: KARACHI: THE PLANNING DILEMMA! by Dr Noman Ahmed Professor and Chairman Department of Architecture and Planning NED University of Engineering and Technology

Interest Group


Interest Group



Figure – 2: An ideal scenario – planners, politicians and interest groups have consensus on all the major issues.


Politicians / Decision Makers

Planners and Professionals

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Politicians / Decision Makers


Planners & Professionals

Figure – 3: The interest groups, planners and politicians / decision makers develop mutual understanding on urban & regional planning objectives accommodating differences in interests – a realistic approach to consensus building for urban and regional planning.