kas media magazine


Upload: emhill97

Post on 06-Aug-2015




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The four magazine covers above are from each member of our group however we had to decided on what one we wanted to put forward as our final

group magazine cover.

Chosen magazine


Justification For our final magazine cover we have chosen to use the ‘Red Carpet’, the overall reason for choosing this magazine cover is due to how authentic magazine cover.Within the magazine that we have chosen to be our final piece it is clear that there is an awareness of conventions of the typical layout and page design .This has been shown through how the magazine name has been placed at the top of the magazine, along with having the main feature being the image of the actor, due to the image being the largest aspect on the page as well as using direct address within the image of what is the typical convention of the images used within magazines. There is also excellent awareness of the need for variety in front and text size. In the magazine 5 different fonts have been used however they all effectively link together and are aesthetically pleasing. Different font sizes have been used in order to emphasis the important information to gain the audiences attention. In order to make the magazine cover the use of an appropriate editing software, Photoshop, was utilised in order to make the magazine as professional as possible the reason for this is because it gives the appropriate editing software to use.