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Keller Edde Studios has negotiated the rights to the extraordinary untold story of Elvis Presley’s

one true love-and the child he never knew, written by Lucy de Barbin and Dary Matera in the

book ARE YOU LONESOME TONIGHT? Keller Edde Studios in collaboration with Sony Music

and their Joint Venture Partner Nitro Group will develop and produce the Elvis film as an

independent theatrical musical motion picture. Sony Music’s participation in the project

includes their supply of all the Elvis music needs including rights clearances and production of

new music masters per the LOI from Sony Music included herein. The current budget planned for

the motion picture is 15 Million Euro. The development funds required are Euro 500 Thousand.

The development funds will be used to secure the rights to the book, supervise the development

of the script and production package, retain an award winning writer Ms. Anna Sandor, attach a

notable director /actors and prepare marketing and publicity materials and purchase industry

advertising to commence pre sales of the film upon completion of the script and creative element

attachments. Keller Edde Studios is confident that the quality and subject matter of the finished screenplay will attract high

caliber talent both for the director and the actors for the motion picture. Keller Edde Studios will work with the

most prestigious agencies in Hollywood and Europe to ensure that the production is filled with top notch talented

actors and below the line crew members.

After financing is secured for production of the film, Keller Edde Studios shall seek worldwide distribution for the

motion picture with major European and Hollywood studios. Keller Edde Studios intends to concurrently launch

the marketing of the film in Europe and the U.S. as traditionally the U.S. Marketplace constitutes the core market

for American dramatic independent motion pictures. Additionally, Keller Edde will expose the international

community to the motion picture and contract international presales based on the screenplay, director and cast set.

After production is completed, Keller Edde Studios will specialty market ARE YOU LONESOME TONIGHT?

so it can be entered and screened at film festivals throughout the world

to generate positive reception and enthusiasm for the motion picture.


The entertainment and media industry continues to expand year after year. The 2010 U.S.A. box office reflected

the continuing popularity of movie going with record box office receipts in 2010 of $10,565 billion according to

Box Office Mojo. The U.S. total receipts of the Top 10 movies of 2010 is over $8.1 billion compared to 2009‟s

$7.38 billion. 2011 is proving to be another successful year in terms of box office receipts earned with Fast Five,

Pirates of the Caribbean, Rango, Battle Los Angeles, Rio, Thor, The Green Hornet, Just Go With It,

Source Code, Adjustment Bureau, Limitless, I am number 4, and Unknown whose U.S.A. box office gross

receipts for each movie is greater than $100 million.

American movies continue to dominate the worldwide theatrical marketplace and are the highest grossing movies

in the world. The Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) reports that worldwide box office receipts

reached an all time high of over $31.8 billion in 2010 an increase of over 7% from 2009.

Over the years original music dramas based on true stories such as Ray and Walk The Line have captured the

hearts of moviegoers worldwide. Moreover, music oriented movies such as Mamma Mia!, Chicago, Evita,

Dream Girls and Annie have achieved extraordinary box office success.


The primary objective for us is to bring to life the unique love story of Lucy de Barbin and Elvis Presley utilizing

the music of Elvis Presley. We will be offering a motion picture that will cater to the millions and millions of

Elvis fans and worldwide moviegoers that seek dramatic true story films with the added element of popular music.

The financial objective for the motion picture is to obtain a Worldwide Box Office of $250 million, resulting in net

profits of $112 Million over the life of the film to be shared among the talent, producers and investors.


Keller Edde Studios has negotiated the rights to the book entitled Are You Lonesome Tonight? based on a true

story written by Elvis‟s lover Lucy de Barbin and Dary Marbera that takes place in the southern states of the USA

from 1953 to 1977. The book will be adaptd into a screenplay by an award winning writer and made into a

dramatic motion picture featuring the music of Elvis Presley to be produced, directed and starring talented

filmmakers. The logline for the motion picture is: “The untold story of Elvis Presley‟s one true love-and the child

he never knew”.

Are You Lonesome Tonight? will be distributed to worldwide audiences in all forms of entertainment media

including, but not limited to, theatrical, free and cable television, Home Video and DVD, and digital distribution.

STORY LINE Are You Lonesome Tonight? is a mainstream musical drama with a big heart.

It is said that a great movie always originates from a book or a screenplay which hooks the reader instantly and

keeps his or her interest to such a degree that he cannot put it down until completed. Are You Lonesome

Tonight? is not only a book that meets this criteria but it is also a story that hauntingly stays with the reader. Elvis

Presley was just eighteen when he fell in love with a beautiful 16-year-old French dancer - his first and

only true love. They kept their passion secret from the world for 24 years. Finally Lucy de Barbin broke

her silence and revealed all: the secret meetings, heartbreaking love scenes, tears and tenderness -

and the beautiful daughter that Elvis never knew he had. Controversial and moving, this is the

bittersweet true story that every Elvis fan will cherish forever. A compelling tale of star-crossed love, as

tender and soulful as a song Lucy met Elvis when she was 16 and he was 18. That was the year Elvis

graduated from high school - 1953. She said they were in love and he wanted to marry her, that they

did take their vows in the presence of God. He called her Desiree, which in French means desired one.

According to Lucy, she didn't see how it could work out because she realized that Elvis was headed for

success and would be in the public eye. This was the only man she ever loved and she didn't want her

"dark past" to be revealed because it would hurt his success. She encouraged him to pursue his career

because she knew how much it meant to him. She ran away so he could feel free to meet others and go

on with his life without her.

Elvis searched for Lucy and found her in 1955. He still wanted to marry her. She still couldn't see how

things could work out for them, he was more famous than ever. She ran away again in 1957 - she was

pregnant with her daughter who she named Desiree. She was afraid to tell Elvis about the child,

because he would own her publicly. She was terrified of what the press would do not only to Desiree

but to her other children, also herself and Elvis's career. This was the main reason everything was kept

so secret. Lucy has green eyes and in her book, Elvis said 'if they had a little girl she would be precious

and have green eyes and say really! actually! like Lucy.'

Elvis’s security team knew that the name "Desiree" was on the list of calls that must be accepted for

Elvis at all times. Elvis made arrangements with Lucy to meet him in Washington. Everyone in his

entourage knew he travelled there alone. They had no idea why. After he spent time with Lucy, he took

a plane and went one way and Lucy took a plane and went a different way. He did not go back to

Graceland, he contacted Jerry Schilling and Red West to meet him and he went back to Washington,

this time he met with President Nixon. According to several accounts including Joe Esposito, after

Priscilla went to live at Graceland, Elvis's feelings towards her changed. He did not want to be married

to her. She began asking regularly when will they be married and he kept stalling by saying, when the

time is right he would know. She would then complain to her stepfather, Mr. Beaulieu, who would have

it out with Tom Parker and Elvis's father, Vernon, and they in turn would put pressure on Elvis. This

went on for a while, Elvis refused to be married. Mr. Beaulieu then threatened to sue Elvis. Elvis still

refused to be married. Parker knew the situation was potentially explosive and talked Elvis into getting

married. Parker made all the arrangements and Elvis put up quite a front.

Priscilla, in her movie and television appearances, said that in her seventh month of pregnancy, Elvis

told her he wanted to have a separation. Lucy said that when Priscilla was seven months pregnant,

Elvis contacted her and wanted them to meet. He was very upset and said he wanted to have a

separation from Priscilla. Lucy talked him out of it. She said something like, Priscilla needed him at that

time and leaving at such a time would be bad and could hurt his career.

Lucy and Elvis meet through the years and finally when Lucy was ready to tell Elvis about Desiree, he

dies tragically and never knew about his love child with Lucy.

Lucy always was looking out for the interests of Elvis above her own and so goes the story of true love!!


Dramatic motion pictures with music orientation are a proven genre, with a consistent track record of

commercial success. The same holds true of biography films of classic icons such as Elvis Presley. Are

You Lonesome Tonight?, in addition to being a powerful dramatic book about a larger than life

personality, has the following attributes:

1. Are You Lonesome Tonight? is based on a well documented purported true story. Motion

pictures based on true stories such as ―Ray‖, ―Walk The Line‖ and ―Evita‖ continue to intrigue

worldwide movie audiences. Traditionally, these motion pictures enjoy robust financial returns,

providing exciting opportunities to participating investors.

2. The books main characters are Lucy De Barbin and Elvis Presley. Motion pictures that highlight

individual iconic ― larger than life ― personalities such as Elvis have always generated

tremendous levels of audience success. The name Elvis Presley has the same name

recognition throughout the world as Coca Cola.

3. The story’s primary subject matter is the love story between Lucy and Elvis augmented by the

music of Elvis Presley. The love story between them is a controversial subject matter worldwide.

Accordingly, the subject matter of our motion picture will attract a worldwide audience that is both

for and against the truthfulness of the story. Additionally, motion pictures such as ―Mama Mia‖,

―Ray‖ and ―Walk the Line‖ garner box office success and great critical acclaim for bringing music

film entertainment to the public.

Domestic Box Office


The following charts demonstrate the growth in domestic box office from $2.7B in 1980 to $10.5B in 2010.



Total % Tickets % #of Ticket

Year Gross* Change Sold** Change Movies Price # 1 Movie

2010 s10,565 -0.30% 1339 -5.20% 5:31 $7.89 Toy Story 3

2009 $10,595 10.00% 1413 5.30% 521 $7.50 Avatar

2008 $9,631 -0.30% 1341 -4.50% 607 $7.18 The Dark Knight

2007 $9,664 4.90% 1405 -0.10% 631 $6.88 Spider-Man 3

2006 $9,210 4.20% 1406 2.00% 608 $6.55 Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Ches

2005 $8,841 -5.80% 1379 -8.70% 547 $6.41 Star Wars: Episode Ill: Revenge of the Sith

2004 $9,381 1.50% 1511 -1.40% 551 $6.21 Shrek 2

2003 $9,240 0.90% 1532 -2.80% 506 $6.03 Return of the King

2002 $9,155 8.80% 1576 6.00% 478 $5.81 Spider-Man

2001 $8,413 9.80% 1487 4.70% 482 $5.66 Harry Potter & The Sorcerer's Stone

2000 $7,661 2.90% 1421 -3.00% 478 $5.39 How the Grinch Stole Christmas

1999 $7,448 7.20% 1465 -1.10% 461 $5.08 The Phantom Menace

1998 $6,949 9.20% 1481 6.70% 509 $4.69 Saving Private Ryan

1997 $6,366 7.70% 1388 3.70% 510 $4.59 Titanic

1996 $5,912 7.60% 1339 6.00% 471 $4.42 Independence Day

1995 $5,494 1.80% 1263 -2.30% 411 $4.35 Toy Story

1994 $5,396 4.70% 1292 3.80% 453 $4.18 Forrest Gump

1993 $5,154 5.80% 1244 6.00% 462 $4.14 Jurassic Park

1992 $4,871 1.40% 1173 2.90% 480 $4.15 Aladdin

1991 $4,803 -4.40% 1141 -4.00% 458 $4.21 Terminator 2

1990 $5,022 -0.20% 1189 -5.90% 410 $4.23 Home Alone

1989 $5,033 12.90% 1263 16.40% 502 $3.97 Batman

1988 $4,458 4.80% 1085 -0.30% 510 $4.11 Rain Man

1987 $4,253 12.60% 1089 7.00% 509 $3.91 Three Men and a Baby

1986 $3,778 0.80% 1017 -3.70% 451 $3.71 Top Gun

1985 $3,749 -7.00% 1056 -11.90% 470 $3.55 Back to the Future

1984 $4,031 7.00% 1199 0.20% 536 $3.36 Beverly Hills Cop

1983 $3,766 9.10% 1197 1.90% 495 $3.15 Return of the Jedi

1982 $3,453 16.40% 1175 10.10% 428 $2.94 E.T.

1981 $2,966 7.90% 1067 4.40% 173 $2.78 Raiders I Lost Ark

1980 $2,749 1022 161 $2.69 The Empire Strikes Back

Gross in millions. Total Gross is the calendar gross for that year, meaning actual revenues during the time period,

1cluding holdovers from previous year.

* Tickets sales in millions.

number of Movies for 1980 and 1981 indicate only the number of major releases that year.

) source: Box Offie Mojo



FINANCIAL PROJECTIONS We are confident that Are You Lonesome Tonight? will become a

Box Office hit for moviegoers. We believe that this film will appeal to the mass audience. We ran 3 financial

scenarios (low, base and high) over a five-year period.

Low Case





Worldwide Box Office REVENUES

Dorricatic Theatrical







International Theatrical (25% of BO) $22,500 $37,500 $50,000

Domestic Video (I) $158,556 $211,410 $176,172

International Video (75% ofInt'l BO) $16,878 $28,128 $37,500

16mm/Airlines/Military (1 % of BO) $900 $1,500 $2,000

PPV and VOD (3.5% of BO) $3,150 $5,250 $7,000

Domestic Pay TV (15% of BO) $13,500 $22,500 $30,000

Iuteruatioual Pay TV (20% of Int'l BO) $4,500 $7,500 $10,000

Network (7.5% of BO) $6,750 $11,250 $15,000

Domestic Syndication (3.5% of BO) $3,150 $5,250 $7,000

International Syndication (3.5% oflnt'l BO) $786 $1,314 $1,752

Other (3.5% of BO) $3,150 $5,250 $7,000

TOTAL REVENUES $323,820 $486,846 $543,344

Costs Negative Cost




Theatre Split (52%) $58,500 $97,500 $130,000

Domestic Distribution Fee (50/50 split) $22,500 $37,500 $50,000

International Distribution Fee (50/50 split) $5,628 $9,378 $12,500

Domestic Video Costs $20,580 $27,186 $22,532

Tnternational Video Costs (15% Int'l Vid Rev) $2,532 $4,218 $5,624

Other Costs $3,000 $3,000 $2,000

Residuals (1.5% of Net Rev) $4,860 $7,302 $8,152

TOTAL COSTS $189,594 $258,084 $278,808






Domestic Media & Advertising (40% of BO) $36,000 $60,000 $80,000

International Media (30% ofInt'1 BO) $6,750 $11,250 $15,000

Domestic Video Advertising

Tnternational Video Advertising (25% Tnt'l Vid

$42,522 $56,694 $47,248

Rev) $4,218 $7,032 $9,376

TOTAL ADVERTISING COSTS $89,490 $134,976 $151,620

Net Profit




(l) Assumes Initial POS Base = 1.5MM at $29.98 / $19.98


(1) Revenues

a. Domestic Box Office – analyzed the Domestic box office of successful feature films with similar

genre –including famous singers.

i. L o w – Assumes 40% decrease from the base scenario.

ii. Base – – Assumes same success as Walk The Line at $186 MM

iii. High- Assumes Are You Lonesome Tonight? will perform significantly below (66%)

“Mamma Mia” ($600 Million Worldwide) somewhat below (20%) “Chicago” ($306

Million World Wide) and somewhat higher than “Walk The Line” ($ 186 Million World

Wide) We averaged Mamma Mia ($600MM) with “Chicago” ($306 MM) and reduced the average by 55% to equal $250MM.

b. International Box Office – analyzed the International box office of recent feature films with similar

genre –including iconic singers.

i. L o w – 75% decrease from the Domestic box office.

ii. B a s e – Assumed the Are You Lonesome Tonight? would perform same range as Walk

The Line.

iii. H i g h – 75% decrease off Domestic box office.

c. Domestic Home Video – analyzed average initial ships of similar recent feature films. Assumes

both Blue-Ray (BD) & Standard Def (SD) DVD releases.

i. I n i t i a l Window - The first 26 weeks from street date (before any re price).

Assumptions are for the SD version and BD will follow similar patterns.

1. Base – On average a $25MM Domestic box office will sell approx. 1.5MM net

units. The initial Suggested Retail Price (SRP) for SD is $29.98, equivalent to an

Average Wholesale Price (AWP) of $19.99.

2. Low & High – Assumes +/- 25% decay or increase for initial ships at the same


3. Assumes a marketing spend with media to achieve these units.

4. Assumes Retail Marketing Fund to support account exclusives and additional price

discounts to obtain premium placement at retail.

5. Return rate = 25%

ii. C a t a l o g Windows – Assumes 3 reprices over the next 5 years. Assumptions below are

for the SD version and the BD will follow similar patterns. Assumes catalog units


30% of the ultimate units (approximately 430k for the base scenario).

1. 1st

Reprice at $11.66 / $19.98 (AWP/ SRP).

a. Accounts for 25% of all catalog units.

2. 2nd

Reprice at $9.80 / $14.98 (AWP / SRP).

a. Accounts for 32% of all catalog units.

3. 3rd

Reprice at $5.98 / $9.98 (AWP/ SRP).

a. Accounts for 43% of all catalog units.

4. Assumes additional price discounts to obtain long-term placement at retail.

5. Catalog units represent 30% of the ultimate units (same assumption for low, base &


d. International Home Video – Assumes 75% of International box office per scenario.

e. 16mm/ Airlines/ Military – Assumes 1% of Domestic box office per scenario.

f. PPV/ VOD – Assumes 3.5% of Domestic box office per scenario.

g. Domestic Pay TV – Assumes 15% of Domestic box office per scenario.

i. A s s u m e s will be part of studio output deals.

h. International Pay TV – Assumes 20% of International box office per scenario.

i. A s s u m e s will be part of the studio output deals.

i. Network – Assumes 3.5% of Domestic box office per scenario.

j. Domestic Syndication – Assumes 3.5% of Domestic box office per scenario.

k. International Syndication – Assumes 3.5% of International box office per scenario.

l. Other – Assumes 3.5% of Domestic box office per scenario.

i. A s s u m e s Digital Distribution, Merchandising, and any other forms of revenue not

captured above.

(2) Costs – All costs except marketing & advertising associated with producing the feature film.

a. Production Budget – Euro Nine Million

i. A p p e n d i x I is the detailed budget.

b. Distribution Fee – The fee the movie‟s distribution receives. This is often referred to as rentals and

is often a little less than half of the final gross with the remainder going to the movie theaters. The

contracts general favor the distributors in the early weeks and shifts to the movie theater later on.

i. W e assumed 52% of gross box office is the expense per scenario.

ii. W e assumed the same split between Domestic and International.

c. Domestic & International Distribution Fee – The fee that the studio receives to distribute the film.

i. A s s u m e s the studio & production company split the remaining box office revenue


d. Domestic Video Costs – Assumes standard DVD product expenses.

i. P h y s i c a l DVD + Merchandising + Freight = $1.41 / unit.

ii. M a s t e r i n g & Extra Content = $75k.

e. International Video Costs – Assumes 15% of International Video Revenue per scenario. f.

Other – Assumes $500k for any miscellaneous expenses or fees not accounted for above.

g. Residuals – Assumes 1.5% of Net Revenue.

(3) Advertising Costs – Costs associated with marketing the film.

a. Domestic Media & Advertising – Assumes 40% of Domestic box office per scenario.

b. International Media & Advertising – Assumes 30% of International box office per scenario

c. Domestic Video Advertising –

i. I n i t i a l Direct Marketing = 20% of Initial Net Revenue. (+/- 25% for low & high scenarios)

1. Assumes Media Spend of 75% of total marketing spend.

ii. R e t a i l Manufacturing Fund = 5% off Gross Revenue.

iii. C a t a l o g Marketing = 21%.

1. Include Cash Discount Fund & Retail Marketing Funds = 14%.

2. Includes additional money for signage, repackaging and other miscellaneous

marketing expenditures.

d. International Video Advertising – Assumes 30% of International video revenue per scenario.


The project will be funded via a combination of Private Investors, Tax Credits, “soft Money” and pre sales.


KELLER EDDE STUDIOS is an entertainment strategic alliance formed by Keller Entertainment

Group and George Edde and Yvonne Karouni.

Keller Entertainment Group was founded over 20 years ago by Max Keller and Micheline Keller. Growing

from a cinematic seed in the minds of its founders, Keller Entertainment Group has evolved into a critically

acclaimed boutique studio, specializing in the international production and distribution of feature films, television

series and movies for global viewing. Currently Keller Entertainment Group owns and distributes their library of

over 200 titles. Keller Entertainment Group‟s well established working relationships include licensing its product

to the major studios and networks including: Universal Studios, Paramount Studios, The Walt Disney Company,

Twentieth Century FOX, Sony, HBO, CBS, NBC and many more. Internationally they have licensed products to

the major theatrical distributors as well as to all of the major television networks including BBC in the U.K., TF1

in France, Telecinco in Spain, RTL in Germany, Rai TV in Italy, Nippon TV in Japan, Network 10 in Australia,

TV Globo in Latin America, and numerous other International networks.

Prestigious awards such as the Emmy and the Cable Ace have marked the group's success. On any given day, in

any country throughout the world, Keller Entertainment Group product is likely to be broadcast on television,

rented in a video store, beamed by satellite, or projected on a silver screen. Keller Entertainment Group is known

for its studio quality yet independent spirit.

(visit the website at


George Edde has been involved in financing and marketing over 22 major motion pictures including Stephen

King's Sleepwalkers, Universal Soldier starring Jean-Claude Van Damme and many more. Mr. Edde has been

involved in the financing of 4 Ritz Carlton Hotels on which he remains on the Board of Directors. He has been

involved in several entertainment companies including The Big Picture Group (USA), and The Hollywood Global

(UAE) (visit the website at


MAX KELLER – Producer

Max Keller has over 35 years experience in the entertainment industry. Mr. Keller has served as an attorney,

developing an expertise originally in the music and film industry, representing such major music figures as Donny

and Marie Osmond, Mike Curb, Michael Lloyd and Casey Kasem. He also served as outside counsel to MGM


After retiring from a highly successful law practice, Mr. Keller entered the entertainment industry as a principal in

l976 and developed extensive experience as an Executive Producer and “Packager”/Supplier t o NBC, CBS and

HBO. Mr. Keller engaged in the production, distribution and finance of motion pictures and television series on a

worldwide basis having financed and produced well over $100 million dollars worth of theatrical and television

productions which resulted in unencumbered ownership of the library by the Kellers. Mr. Keller is the principal

shareholder along with his wife, Micheline Keller, of Keller Entertainment Group which has financed, produced

and currently globally distributes numerous films and award winning movies and television series. Among them

is the Emmy Award winner Kent State and 97 episodes of Tarzan, 48 episodes of Acapulco H.E.A.T. and 22

episodes of Conan.

Additionally, Mr. Keller has produced over 20 movies for initial distribution in theaters and/or television and

cable channels in the U.S., including Dreams of Gold, Women of Valor, A Summer to Remember, Tarzan in

Manhattan for CBS, Kent State, Swimsuit, Grambling's White Tiger, Summer of Fear for NBC and Conspiracy:

The Trial of the Chicago 8 for HBO, Deadly Blessing for Polygram Pictures and many more.

Mr. Keller also developed a music company in 2003 entitled “Studio M” (see which produced

over 100 hours of music videos compilations for television broadcasting. Further Mr. Keller is a shareholder and

investor in a high-tech 3D (without glasses) display company which has developed several working prototypes.

Over the last 10 years, in addition to his entertainment activities, Mr. Keller has devoted much of his time to

Investment Banking centered around commodity and financial instrument monetization. Mr. Keller continues to

be an active member of the State Bar of California having been admitted in 1969.

Mr. Keller has also donated his time to fund raising and supporting various charitable institutions. Recently he

served on the Board of Directors of Friends of Israeli Disabled Veterans. Mr. Keller is married to Micheline

Keller and they have two children and two grandchildren.


Ms. Keller graduated from UCLA in l971 and received her Doctorate of Jurisprudence from Southwestern

University College of Law in l974. Ms. Keller has worked in the production of movies and series for the past 30


During the past 30 years, Ms. Keller served as a Producer or Executive Producer on over 20 movies and 4

television series. Ms. Keller involvement in the productions commences with working on the scripts with the

writers and directors, being on set during principal photography and thereafter actively involved in the post

production through completion of the productions.

Ms. Keller has been a Producer on locations all over the world including Australia, Mexico, St. Croix, the

Philippines, Canada, France as well as in many states including California, Oregon, Texas, Alabama, Louisiana

and Florida. She has worked closely with such talented actors as Sharon Stone, Tony Curtis, Ellen Barkin, Susan

Sarandon and Paul Sorvino, as well as talented directors such as Wes Craven (Scream, A Nightmare on Elm

Street) and Elliot Silverstein (Cat Ballou, A Man Called Horse), and distinguished writers such as Gerald Green

(Holocaust) and Pulitzer Prize-winner, Henry Denker.

Ms. Keller‟s movies have garnished such prestigious awards as the Emmy (Kent State, an NBC mini-series) and the

Cable ACE award for Best Dramatic Special (Conspiracy: The Trial of the Chicago Eight, an HBO movie special).

Additional awards include the NAACP Best Movie nomination, NY Film Festival Gold Awards, the California

Media Access Award for best television movie, Certificate of Merit from the Chicago Film Festival, the Angel

Award and numerous other awards and commendations.

Ms. Keller is a member of the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, a member of the Southwestern

University School of Law Themis Society and a former member of the American Film Institute Second Decade

Counsel. Ms. Keller is also a biographee in Who’s Who in California, and in The World Who’s Who of Women.

Recently, Ms. Keller co-authored a children‟s book entitled: “Legal Beagles: Danny‟s Yo-Yo Adventure” (visit

her website at

Ms. Keller is married to Max Keller and they have two children and two grandsons.

GEORGE EDDE - Producer

George Edde is an investment banker that brings his relationships with Hollywood stars and agents as well as his

knowledge of financial techniques that are applied to the film industry.

Mr. Edde has been financing films since his first movie Brenda Starr which featured Brooke Shields in l986. Since

that time he has been involved in financing and marketing over 22 major motion pictures including Stephen King's

Sleepwalkers, Universal Soldier starring Jean-Claude Van Damme and many more.Mr. Edde has been involved in

the financing of 4 Ritz Carlton Hotels on which he remains on the Board of Directors. He has been involved in

several entertainment companies including The Big Picture Group (USA), and The Hollywood Global (UAE) (visit

the website at

Mr. Edde also has a background in international distribution and is a partner and a Board of Director member of

Visual Factory International Film Sales (UK). The website can be viewed at Mr. Edde

is also a partner in a French music studio, 2B Music Studio Paris.

Mr. Edde has worked with and has excellent relationships with major Hollywood talent including Jackie Chan,

Don Johnson, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Steven Seagal, etc.

Mr. Edde's command of the financing world combined with his marketing and distribution skills and his special

relationship with stars makes him a perfect producer of The Woodpecker Waltz.


Ms. Karouni received her PhD Degree from the Faculty of Paris. Thereafter she completed a 3-year stage at

ISIPCA, the most known school in Europe for perfume and cosmetic studies. During that time she successfully

completed creative projects for many French known brands including L'Oreal, Guerlain, Yves Rocher and Dior.

She launched her own brand, Yvona K. Paris in 2006 for perfume, cosmetics and fashion design. She has licensed

private label fragrances for many celebrities such as Don Johnson, Faye Dunaway and Raquel Welsh. (visit her

website at

The subject matter of The Woodpecker Waltz and the quality of the screenplay has made Ms. Karouni delighted

to bring her creative and artistic sense and talent to the film world.

NANCY BEIN – Production Executive

Prior to joining Keller Edde Studios as a Production Executive, Nancy Bein is one of the key reasons

television movies and mini-series achieved their primetime dominance. As a network programmer, Ms. Bein was

Vice-President, Motion Pictures for Television at CBS. Ms. Bein selected, developed and supervised the

production and marketing of more than 400 movies, and was responsible for over 150 million dollars worth of

motion picture production each season. She made 50 to 70 new films each year, more than are produced by any 3

or 4 major film studios combined.

This represents the largest amount of production in this category for any network, a record that remains intact

today. Ms. Bein has built a strong reputation for her long-range strategic planning ability to evaluate and program

for the marketplace‟s future interests. The films produced under Ms. Bein‟s aegis consistently won their time

spots, and are deemed a major factor in the network achieving the #1 position in the annual ratings race. The

films also won numerous awards, including the National Television Academy Emmy, the Humanitas, the Women

in Film Luminas Award, the National Commission on Working Women Award, the American Women in Radio

and Television Commendation Award, the Christopher, and many others.

Ms. Bein served as a spokesperson for the network, representing CBS to affiliates, advertisers and all media, from

business and financial press to national news outlets. This included positioning the company in a favorable light

to investors, making presentations at events to top level industry groups, and representing the company to

internationally acclaimed individuals, and consumer and grassroots organizations.

She was key in originating innovative nationwide advertising campaigns, managed a staff of 19 in her Los

Angeles and New York offices, and supervised production in locations around the world, including London,

Japan, Amsterdam, Singapore, and Hungary.

At CBS and NBC, Ms. Bein worked in Drama and Comedy Series Development, Current Series, Scheduling,

Daytime, Children, Special Programs, Variety and Late Night. Ms. Bein formed The Bein Film Company, making

movies in conjunction with Warner Brothers, Kushner/Locke, Papazian-Hirsch, CBS and ABC. Included among

these productions are the original drama MEN DON‟T TELL, the first drama to depict a battered male. As a

direct result of MEN DON‟T TELL, women‟s shelters across the country set up programs to help battered men,

and numerous articles, books and college essays continue to be written crediting the film as their inspiration

source. Her continued development includes drama, comedy and reality series and feature films. She also served

as Senior Vice President for Canadian International Studios, where as Los Angeles office head she introduced and

represented the company to the U.S. market, raised equity to expand the company‟s operations, met with

International companies to form co-ventures to maximize tax credits, and created and supervised films for the

International Market.

WRITER Anna Sandor was born in Hungary, and spent her childhood in Canada. She began writing her award winning

scripts in Canada. Her films have garnered the Emmy, three Humanitas Awards, the Writers Guild of America

Award, the Gemini Award and the Margaret Collier Award for lifetime achievement. She has been a writer for

over 20 years with an emphasis on writing award winning scripts that feature wonderful characters and the

development of those characters‟ arcs in the plot of the scripts. Sandor currently lives in Los Angeles, California

and holds citizenship in USA, Canada and Hungary.


Keller Edde Studios will seek to attach an A List Director for the motion picture. Some of the directors being

considered are: James Mangold (Walk the Line, 3:10 to Yuma, Kate and Leopold); Taylor Hackford (Ray, Proof

of Life, An Officer and a Gentleman, The Idolmaker); Stephen Daldry (Billy Elliot, The Hours, The

Reader) Phyllida Lloyd (The Iron Lady (2011 with Meryl Strepp) Mamma Mia!); John Madden (Shakespeare in

Love, Proof) and Joe Wright (The Soloist, Pride & Prejudice, Atonement).


SUSTAINABILITY OF CAST The subject matter of Are you Lonesome Tonight? and the quality of the screenplay will attract well-known

actors. Keller Edde Studios recognizes that the below desired cast is not normally achievable with the

available budget. However, historically top talent in Hollywood have been known to cast aside financial

considerations and portray roles in special material in which they have a heartfelt interest. Keller Edde

Studios believe that they will be successful in casting noted actors within the budget constraints.


Female, 16 to 41. A French strikingly beautiful woman. She was auctioned at age 11 to a vicious older man who

visits her occasionally and rapes and beats her constantly. When she meets Elvis at 16 she has already given birth

to 2 children. Elvis and Lucy fall madly in love but Lucy knows that their love will forever have to be secret.

She becomes pregnant from Elvis. She is afraid that the one she calls “The Man” will kill Elvis so she runs away

from Elvis. Elvis finds her though the years and says he never stopped loving her. Many of the songs he selects

to sing are for her, including Return to Sender, Loving you, and Are you Lonesome Tonight

Astrid Berges-Frisbey Clemence Poesey Ludivine Sagnier Isild Le Besco


Male, 17 to 42. Tall, dark and incredibly handsome man. Elvis meets Lucy when he is 17 years old and falls

madly in love with her. She runs away and he cannot find her for many years. When he finally makes contact

again with her she tells him their love can never be and that he should marry Priscilla. She does not reveal that

she became pregnant and gave birth to their love child. Elvis is controlled by his manager who pushes him into a

marriage with the young Priscilla. The marriage does not work and both he and Priscilla are unfaithful in their

relationship. Elvis always returns to his first true love, Lucy, over the next twenty years. Elvis becomes

dependent on prescription drugs and his health begins to fail him. Finally in the last year of his life, Lucy and

Elvis make plans t be together and before she can tell him of his love child, he dies tragically.

Taylor Kitsch Chris Evans Channing Tatum Michael Pitt Emile Hirsch


Male, 45 TO 57. A brutal man who buys Lucy as his love slave when she is 11 years old. He places her in a

home and each time he visits her he forces himself on her sexually. He often beats her also as she does not want

to submit to him. She delivers two of his children before she is 16 years old. He learns of her love affair with

Elvis and threatens to kill them both. She therefor runs away from both Elvis and “The Man”. The Man finds

her again years later and this time she is strong enough to rebuff him and threatens him with jail time for what he

has done to her and so he finally exits her life.

Ralph Fiennes Kevin Bacon Christopher Waltz Kevin Spacey


Male, 46 to 71 years old. He discovers Elvis and makes him a star. Elvis signs with him as his manager at 17 and

Colonel Parker retains 50% of the income Elvis earns. He keeps a close hand over Elvis for his entire career until

Elvis dies at 42. Colonel Parker loves Las Vegas and gambling. It was rumored that he was born outside the

country and an illegal resident and therefor could not get a USA passport which is why he never booked Elvis on

lucrative singing engagements overseas.

Jeff Bridges John C. Reilly Paul Giamatti Christopher Walken Liam Neeson

MARY Female, 20 to 45. Mary is Lucy‟s older sister. Mary marries a tender an d loving man and moves with him to

Memphis, Tennessee. She dearly loves Lucy and is always trying to be close to her and protect her, especially

when Lucy needs to escape from “The Man”. Mary becomes Lucy‟s alibi when Lucy goes on her clandestine

meetings with Elvis in Memphis.

Clemence Poesey Ludivine Sagnier Isild Le Besco Karina Diglyte


The production process and distribution of the completed production are the two primary phases.

Production has four distinct industry-standard phases:

• Development

• Pre-Production

• Production

• Post-Production


In this first phase, a basic story outline is transformed into a detailed screenplay that fully describes the

characters, situations, and cinematic styling. With that in-hand, the producers then select a director and

obtain commitments from star actors in order to construct what is known as the film’s ―package‖ — a

presentation document that also includes a shooting schedule, preliminary budget, and whatever else

is deemed necessary to obtain support for the vision in order to advance to pre-production.


The preliminary budget is refined into a detailed budget breakdown. The production crew is selected

and secured. The size of the crew is directly proportionate to the size of the budget, varying from as

small as a dozen to hundreds of individuals. There is a special expertise in sizing the crew appropriately

to the goals and ambitiousness of the project while adhering to the realities imposed by the budget.


This phase, known as ―principal photography,‖ is the point where the movie is actually shot. Between

shots, the crew prepares equipment, actors rehearse their lines, and the director discusses scenes with

both actors and crew. When shooting is completed, it is traditional to have a ―wrap party‖ since most

crew members will have completed their work at the end of this phase and have no role beyond it.


This final phase is the culmination of all the work that preceded it, where all the creative forces come together

through the magic of movie making. This is the point where all the best elements that were captured or created in

the prior phases are combined and refined into what the public will ultimately see, the motion picture that will

grace the silver screen.

Editors digitally splice footage together into a coherent storyline as per the script. Visual effects artists add

animation and computer-generated imagery. Sound engineers add sound effects and vocal recordings. Music

teams add music to drive the dramatic or comedic aspects of every scene. The finished product is called the

“final master.” It will be the source material from which all copies of the movie, in its various formats, will be



Once the PRODUCTION process is over, a film generates revenues by capitalizing on the intellectual

property rights of the production by means of DISTRIBUTION. Whereas the budget for the production is

predetermined and generally an upfront expenditure, the returns generated through distribution efforts

are essentially unlimited — potentially lasting many years to follow.

There is a special expertise in extracting the highest returns and maximizing the film’s value in the

worldwide marketplace. The three key parameters used to drive that value are:

1. Windows

2. License Terms

3. Runs


A window refers to a period of time during which a film’s intellectual property rights are available to be

exploited in a given channel of outlet. In a standard motion picture release plan, each window is

exploited in a specific order, generally with those that offer the highest anticipated revenues going first.

Some studios have used so-called ―Alternative Release‖ schedules that deploy in a different order,

which has shown effective in certain cases. The standard domestic distribution windows and flow of

revenue is usually based on the following schedule of release. International distribution usually has a

similar flow of releases:


The first and foremost market for motion pictures is the release in movie theatres and multiplexes



Between 30 to 60 days after theatrical release, for viewing on specialized travel and tourism in-flight/in-

room entertainment networks.


Between 90 days and 6 months following theatrical release, on physical media for sale or rental to

consumers for private viewing.


Between 30 and 90 days following release to home video, the movie can be exploited on subscription

based networks and over cable systems for a fee on a per-viewing basis.


Between 90 days and 6 months after VOD release, the film can be exploited as part of a paid

subscription to pay TV channels like HBO, Showtime, and CINEMAX broadcasted through closed cable

television systems and digital satellite.


Between 6 to 12 months after the Pay Cable & Satellite window, the film can then be exploited on

channels such as USA Network, TNT, SyFy (formerly SciFi), SPIKE, and others that are part of the

same service providers’ basic lineup.


Between 6 to 12 months after the Basic Cable & Satellite window, the film can then be exploited on a

major terrestrial television network such as NBC, CBS, or FOX for one or more broadcasts.


Within 24 months after Network Television release, the film can be exploited into syndication on a

market-by-market basis to individual television stations and affiliates throughout the country for a

specific number of broadcasts of the motion picture over a period of time.


The web, social networks, virtual worlds, and handheld devices capable of downloading, streaming, and

displaying high quality video converge to open up new revenue model possibilities.


The right to distribute the music and soundtrack from the motion picture both in physical and digital

form is an ancillary window as is the right to manufacture and sell commercial items derived from

elements of the motion pictures like t-shirts, toys, and tie-in Promotional goods.


This is the defined span of actual time within the limitations of a given rights window that a distributor,

sub-distributor, exhibitor, or other licensee is authorized and permitted to exploit the intellectual property

rights of the film. Modulating the licensed term is an extremely effective means of maximizing the

revenue of the entertainment property both initially and even more so over time.

The key is to induce buyers into licensing and re-licensing the same window on the same property

multiple times. Such cycles of licensing and re-licensing last an average of 7 to 10 years; sometimes

lasting longer based on a number of deal enhancements like upfront fees, commitments to multiple

windows at once, and so on. Put simply, our aim is to make as much money on the property for as long

a period of time as possible.


A ―run‖ refers to the continuous exhibition of a motion picture in a defined geographic area for a

specified period of time. The so-called ―first run‖ is the first exhibition in that area, the ―second run‖ is

the next subsequent, and so on. ―Runs‖ refers to how many times the film is exhibited in a specific

territory during which t h e r i g h t s w i n d o w a n d licensed term allow it. ―Airings‖ is the equivalent

term used when referring to television rights.

Risk Analysis


Even though Keller Edde Studios will face the standard business risks associated with the

entertainment industry, the possibility that the motion picture will be successful outweighs these risks.


Although Keller Edde Studios believes that they have identified a feasible opportunity, the entertainment

industry is increasingly crowded and competitive. The following SWOT analysis was created to evaluate

Are you Lonesome Tonight?’s implementation feasibility.


• Based on a true story

• Successful production company


• Awareness of story

• Tragic ending


• Distribution opportunities

• Rising demand and increasing popularity for new original films

• Original film.


• Movie industry is crowded – large media companies dominate the film marketplace

• Retailers and Promotional Partners are risk adverse prefer to focus on mega well-know licensing


• Subject matter is Hot…Need to act now.

• Changes in the economy which may impact consumer spending patterns on entertainment


Theatrical movies are the heart and soul of the entertainment industry and they are thriving in 2011.

With Are You Lonesome Tonight?, Keller Edde Studios with the association of Sony Music is

poised to deliver a box office success and a classic award winning musical motion picture which will

be enjoyed by audiences throughout the world for years to come.

It should be noted that the projections herein have not taken into account the additional worldwide

revenues that will be generated from a soundtrack album that will be released concurrently with the

motion picture Are You Lonesome Tonight?


Book Rights 75,000 E

Screenplay 75,000 E

Talent Attachments: 100,000 E

Packaging Supervison: 75,000 E

Industry Marketing 175,000 E

TOTAL 500,000 E

Nir Seroussi Vice President. Marketing I A&R

U.S. Latin


May 24, 2011

Mariano Roson

Nitro Group, Inc.

30622 Lakefront Drive

Agoura Hills, California 91301

Re: "Are You Lonesome Tonight" (The Life of Lucy De Barbin and Desiree Presley} - Film Project

Dear Mariano,

Per our conversation, Sony Music is interested in participating in the above-referenced project. Our

collaboration would cover all music needs, including the production of new masters and music rights


I look forward to discussing the details at your earliest convenience.

Best regards,

Nir Seroussi

Vice President, Marketing I A&R

Sony Music Entertainment 9830 Wilshire Boulevard. Beverly Hills, CA 90212 phone 310 272 2266 fax 3! 0 272 2215

Lucy & Elvis - Are you lonesome tonight? Book – Base Story for “In My Shoes”.

A French immigrant family living in Monroe, Louisiana faces the death of its patriarch as

a victim of the tuberculosis epidemic in the late 1930‟s. At the death moment, the man is

having his three-year-old daughter, LUCY, sitting on his lap, singing beautifully for him.

She doesn‟t understand what is happening, as he coughs and dies.

The next morning, her father‟s family intentionally burns the house; with Lucy‟s father‟s

body still inside. She is left homeless, with her mother and siblings.

Taking charge of the situation, her paternal grandmother, decides to send her

grandchildren to live with uncles and aunts, scattered throughout the country, keeping

their mother / daughter in law, with her to work as a maid. This way, Lucy is sent to

Boston, where she lives with two aunts, who support her love for music hiding family

separation pain.

By the late 1940‟s, eleven-year old Lucy has developed her talent as a singer and dancer.

Her grandmother sends for her to come back to Monroe for a special family reunion at

her house, where she is to see her mother as well after almost 8 years.

At the party, Lucy‟s grandmother asks her to sing for the guests. She does so, and

captivates everyone, specially her male audience.

The following day, the real purpose of her trip is revealed, when her grandmother

announces her that she is to be married to a forty-five year old Irish man who lives far

away from Monroe. As a result of this, her mother is to be released from her duties as a

maid to the grandmother, and put to live in a new home without having to work never

again. The naïve sense of obligation to “save her mother” takes Lucy through an illogical

religious ceremony, where she becomes this man‟s child-wife.

“THE MAN”, takes her to live in a house in Monroe, Louisiana, with a housekeeper

named Mrs. Fowler to have Lucy under control through his long absences.

A violent relationship begins in the very first night when he rapes the girl for the 1st time.

Therefore, every month The Man will return for a weekend to get drunk and force

himself on Lucy repeatedly not only sexually, but also beating her up to the extreme of

needing medical assistance. Then he leaves town then for several weeks.

By the time Lucy is fourteen years old, she is giving birth to her second child from the

rapes of this monstrous relationship. During her pregnancies, she spends long months

locked away to hide, from schoolmates and neighbors. In this solace, she seeks support in

her prayers.

Cleverly, she convinces her housekeeper to allow her to visit friends from time to time.

This way she has the opportunity to put her talents to test and lands a performing job on a

local TV show. The most of the small income she makes goes directly to buy the

housekeeper‟s complicity and convinces her to secretly baby seat her girls while she is


In the early 1950‟s, during her sweet sixteenth year, and in the midst of the usual violent

visits from her husband, Lucy is invited to an event at the Monroe governor‟s house,

where something outstanding happens.

She meets a seven-teen year old singer named ELVIS with whom mutual attraction in

instantaneous. Somehow soon after, destiny puts them to meet again in Memphis, giving

start to a romantic relationship. One, that she knows, will never prosper.

She is married and almost ashamed of being a mother at such a young age and of course, she hides this from Elvis.

She tries by all means to stay away from him and keep him off her mind, but the young

lover is not willing to give her up, and she ends falling deeply in love.

Feeling the magic of love Lucy gives him a nickname. “El Lancelot” (Elvis – Sir

Lancelot) as her enchanted prince.

Elvis still feels that she hides something and senses her elusive attitude, but cannot get a

final word from her.

As his career begins to find some echo as a local singer he promises to dedicate his

romantic songs to her through the local radio stations, and insists on Lucy having a

serious commitment to him.

Feeling in-love for the first time in life, Lucy lives memorable moments with him and

changes her ideas about “men being monsters”. She decides to go away with him for a

while, and they chose a countryside place to make vows of marriage and start meeting

motels where to spend time together in secret.

Elvis starts to call her at her job Silverstein‟s Store, and visits her often.

Following Elvis‟ admiration for Marlon Brando, they watch together his movie called

“Desiree” that inspires Elvis to nickname Lucy with that name.

Interlaced with their secret encounters, Lucy gets raped again and again by The Man, to

the extreme of needing surgery. A matter that turns especially dangerous when

discovering her third pregnancy.

This puts Lucy away, abruptly disappearing from Elvis‟ life. She tries goring to attorneys

and even priests to find some help but she gets “morally” rejected. As her doctor offers to

be a witness on her behalf, she finds some help and The Man disappears, leaving her no

more financial support.

Throughout the following 9 months, Elvis insists on seeing her. He calls her at work and

sends letters, but she rejects every attempt and comforts herself with seeing him on the

TV news, where new songs are being shown.

A few months after giving birth, the Elvis finds her and tries to woe her again.

While his popularity expands on a national level together with those songs sang to Lucy,

his Desiree, he tries to ask her to escape with him.

Lucy‟s life is being far from being happy. Her husband has found out about her job as a

dancer on TV and brutally beats her. As in the meantime Elvis insists with seeing her,

Lucy decides to tell Elvis the truth. Married with an abuser that gave her 3 kids…

The discovery upsets Elvis and sets him up to go after The Man. Afraid of her

experience; Lucy stops him for his own safety. She simply prefers to keep her treasure

hidden, for no one to interfere in between them.

As Elvis‟ career keeps escalating and he travels extensively, he pays for plane tickets for

Lucy to go and visit when being on tour. The most of the times she flights just for a night,

and always in extreme secret. He always insists on her to stay with him, leaving the man

behind, but she never accepts.

This way, they spend moments of extreme romance, where they get to forget reality and,

at least for one night, detach from the real world‟s limitations when sinking into their


Along their secret relation, Elvis records new songs meant just for Lucy as "Heartbreak

Hotel", "Don't be Cruel" & "Hound Dog” and he shows her secret signals and gestures

that he would do while performing on TV, for Lucy to know that she is in his mind.

Tired of suffering, Lucy finally finds support in the law enforcement to keep The Man

restrained from reaching her and the girls and moves to a new house.

With some more freedom, Lucy starts to visit Elvis in Memphis and several other places.

Their romance grows and Elvis tries to fill her up with presents that she most likely

rejects, as she only wants his love… Even Elvis insists in moving her in with him, she explains that she must end with a few

legal matters before committing that much. She also asks Elvis to consider that a sudden

presence of 3 kids in his life from a divorced young mother may easily spoil his career.

Putting away concerns, their secret relation gets deeper, losing some control of their

sexual precautions…

Towards the end of the 1950‟s, The Man learns about Lucy‟s romance with the singer

and goes back against her, bursting into Lucy‟s house and trying to strangle her in front

of their daughters, also threatening to cut her with a knife and kill Elvis if she goes back

to him.

After The Man leaves the house Lucy goes once more to the doctor to take care of her

injuries and they discover that she is pregnant again. Number 4.

This time, it is not possible to come from The Man. The father could only be one person:


Elvis tells Lucy his relation with Colonel Parker press strategies asking him to appear in

magazines with Hollywood people.

He also tells about the Colonel project of enrolling Elvis in the Army to go to War… and

she doesn‟t dare to tell about the baby.

Lucy‟s doubts, and struggles turn bigger and bigger. She has turned him down many

times and sees Elvis‟ popularity grow even more. Through the news she sees him falling

into romances with beautiful women and getting “away” from her. All this, triggers

Lucy„s decision to escape from everything and everyone.

She loads the car with a few possessions and her children and drives towards Colorado,

looking for help from a sister. On their way, a snow blizzard cuts their way crashing

outside the road and destroying the car. Stranded in the middle of nowhere, a good man

helps the pregnant woman with three girls, but all her possessions and identifications are

lost in the accident. They are taken for dead and the news reach Louisiana. Lucy feels

protected by the confusion and finds refugee in the Colorado Mountains. She moves in to

a sister‟s vacation cabin to spend her pregnancy while home schooling her daughters.

In the meantime of her long stay, she gets news of her mother suffering a heart attack in

Alexandria, Louisiana, and she decides to go to look after her. As her mom heals, Lucy

gives birth to her fourth daughter and names her after the supposed father‟s favorite

name: Desiree. Desiree Presley. She writes Elvis a letter, but he ends keeping it foe

herself as the news about Elvis only saddens her life as their lives are separated forever.

Lucy settles in Alexandria and lands a job. Knowing that Elvis went away to war, she

learns that he comes back with a new relationship with a girl who is soon announced as

his future wife. This depresses Lucy who is frequently confused by Elvis‟ public

appearances, as she can still see those secret signals he coordinated with her in the past.

In the meantime of her adaptation to the new town and lifestyle, The Man shows up

helped by some relatives. He wants her back, playing the good man… but of course she

only feels unstoppable rejection for such a beast and has no more obligations to him.

Trying to forget everything she meets new people, and even calls her daughter Desiree

for her second name, Romaine.

She finds a new full time job and her boss and owner of the company, Jack, gets very

attracted to her and proposes to marry. She declines.

By a lucky coincidence she meets a gentleman named John who‟s very connected in

show business. They grow a special friendship and Lucy tells him her secret story with

Elvis, for the first and only time ever. Moved by the story, John insists on helping her to

contact the singer, but she feels that it would be the worst mistake…

She devotes to forget Elvis and to escape loneliness, she decides to accept to marry her

boss Jack. He is very kind to her and invests in setting up her own business. Chasing

success they move to Dallas, where they have to two children, 6 for her altogether.

Lucy can‟t avoid sadness when seeing Elvis on TV with his wife, especially because she

always sees those “signals” from him when he goes live on TV or in films, but Life for

her seems finally in peace for her and she surrounds herself with the love of her kids.

As life moves on, Lucy‟s mom passes away asking for a special request before her

departure: To tell Desiree about her father. Lucy would like to do so, but she has no

strength to do it without him in the loop. She still misses him.

After Jack‟s business failure, life gets a little sad and empty. She finds a new job and asks

Jack for divorce, but that goes nowhere…

Life keeps turning boring until one day she receives 14 Roses at her job with a note “True

Love Never Dies”, curiously, 14 years after meeting Elvis for the first time.

Very soon after, in a silent night Lucy‟s home phone rings, and she shivers as she hears

on the other end of the line… a unique and special voice. It is Elvis‟ voice.

Jack‟s presence makes her to miss lead him, asking the caller to nest day, as he would be a client…

Next day, he calls right on time.

He sounds relived and excited about “finally” finding her. Elvis tells that he has been

after her since coming back from Germany asking for her in Monroe and everywhere else

possible. Even he was told that she was dead, he never believed that and kept recording

songs about his broken heart, for her to see the signals when performing on TV and

encourage her to contact him… ("Are You Lonesome Tonight?," "Return to Sender," and

"Kentucky Rain." "You're a Heartbreaker," "My Baby Left Me" "I'm Gonna Sit Right Down and

cry" "Trying to Get to You," "That's When Your I heartaches Begin," "I Beg of You," "A Mess of

Blues," "Lonely Man," "They Remind Me Too Much of You," "It Hurts Me," "Always on My

Mind," "She is not you" "They Remind Me Too Much of You.")

Both thrilled, Lucy and Elvis make plans and meet once again to start a new chapter of

this clandestine relation, that restart in the Beverly Hills Hotel, far from those old country

side motels…

She finds a new Elvis. An Elvis, who has changed physically and has given in to the

excesses of a rock and roll lifestyle, but still a spiritual man. An Elvis that shows to still

be in love with Lucy, asking her once again to go away with him.

Lucy senses that he asks for this out of love, but also out of need. Elvis seems starving for emotional help, to get out of his altered life, full of excesses and bad company that comes

with his luxurious life… a side of him that never let in, staying away of money or

superficial interests, for only to spend time together, in secret.

Lucy is now a comfortably married woman, with children who need her and whom she

would never leave behind. Elvis has also his own life and family now, but he assures that

he has never loved anyone else but Lucy, and that he is ready to leave his wife to make is

dream com true.

Elvis calls her often to her house using the name John Jones.

Lucy starts travelling every time he asks her to come to visit him on his tours, always for

one night to love him secretly, but soon she understands that a life next to him would be


Success is taking a high toll on Elvis. He is surrounded by abuses of all kinds that are

shadowing his reason, and his inner circle seems to be after one thing only: making

money off of him.

Elvis‟ isolation takes him to reach out to Lucy even more, but her situation is getting

difficult. Her marriage is becoming unstable and hiding the affair turns harder and harder.

In the meantime, older Desiree starts to notice that she looks very different from her

siblings and suspects that her mother is hiding her father‟s real identity.

Elvis‟s decides to divorce, and his wife ruins him financially. He gets forced to give

weekly and even daily concerts to pay for debts, also keeping those around him with

luxurious salaries and lifestyle. His people push him into vice, making him look

disheveled, consumed and abandoned.

He feels there‟s only one chance for salvation: Lucy‟s arms.

As she keeps rejecting the idea, he explodes in rage and tells how frustrating has it been

to spend so many years feeling rejected by her.

Finally they explain each other‟s reasons for their behaviors and discuss a new plan.

Lucy starts making bigger plans to get divorced from Jack, but Elvis news shows him

with girls and craziness all around him… He goes to her for love and care over and over, asking her not to trust on the news, but

she begins to lose confidence on him as she repeatedly sees his relapses on the news.

She discovers her drugs consumption and threats to stay away from him for good if he

doesn‟t clean up. But he gets worst.

Lucy goes to see him in Washington and then live in Las Vegas, but she doesn‟t like the

way he looks. Her sadness gets deep in her heart, together with deception.

Elvis calls become a little hard in mood, blaming Lucy for insisting in escaping from him

after so many years of frustration…

They meet in Washington and Elvis tries to explain about her problems

His manager pushes him to work to pay his wife‟s claims and his obligations with his

huge team.

The team surrounds him with ladies for publicity, but they really work as nurses for him.

The Drugs his is having is to keep up his daily concerts that are being too many…

He asks Lucy to avoid paying attention the news about him… He also tells that he plans

to become an under covered narcotics division agent… and he is finally about to

announce his divorce. He only wants to be with Lucy.

Back and forth in her heart, Lucy understands that he is sick but really in love with her

and feels sad for giving so much pain. She also starts getting worried about Elvis‟ health

as he cancels shows… and his whole world trembles.

Lucy‟s word it isn‟t safe either.

Desiree stumbles upon a few mysterious messages about her father‟s identity and she

feels deceived by her mother. She escapes to Los Angeles with a friend and Lucy needs

to go after them in the midst of her marital crisis, started by Elvis‟ reunion.

When Lucy finds Desiree, to her shock she realizes that her daughter already knows the

truth and she have started to use her real name: Desire Presley.

Lucy keeps visiting him whenever she can, and he shows that he is taking several

measures, as paying his ex wife obligations and firing his manager… but is looking miss

cared and his entourage still stinks.

Always hoping to get things better, they meet in Memphis in “their” countryside place

where they made their marriage vows and make new plans together, including writing a


While Elvis is being treated again for his prescription drugs abuse, but keeps connected

to Lucy, she makes peace with Desiree and convinces her to go back home.

On a strange afternoon, Desiree gets involved in a serious car accident on her way to

performing at a local dance competition, on the same afternoon that Elvis collapses on

stage while performing live in front of thousands of people.

His situation becomes a matter of national scrutiny, discussed daily on Radio, TV shows

and newspapers. As Elvis struggles to heal and starts getting better, he goes to Lucy once

again. She is his only love, and his only hope to part far away from his reality.

Beyond scandals and news, Lucy still cares. She still loves him and she knows how much

he loves her. She also knows that her beloved Desiree, the child she loves most, she came

from the only real love she ever knew: Elvis.

Judging by the ages of her children and husband, Lucy feels that now is time for them to

embrace her absence to let Elvis‟s plead sink in her heart and mind.

She decides to give in going to him, but she rules that the dream of being together would

only be possible if he rests and ends with the madness of his artistic world.

He tells her about some commitments and last scheduled performances he has to go

through, before quitting and dedicate his whole life to her, only a few weeks later.

Taking this promise for real, they talk about personal details, and Elvis asks for her

children. Desiree‟s accident comes up by mistake. Surprised by the name, he calculates

her age and gets excited about meeting her… Before their farewell Elvis asks her to go

with him on this last tour. When she declines, he teases with the chance of being “her last

opportunity to see him”…

Lucy puts together a plan to give the news to her family, starting with her husband.

On the chosen day, she feels unusually dizzy and faints, making her go home for some

rest. As arriving she feels the house particularly cold. The phone rings, with Desiree in

the line with terrible news: Elvis is dead.

The only person in the world, who could ever be happy about this death, lives in her own

house: Her husband. He cynically smiles at the news saying to her: “Finally”.

Lucy bursts in rage and runs out of the house yelling, “Leave me alone!”

She runs out to nowhere in a sea of tears. She comes back to take her car to drive to the

airport looking for a flight to Memphis. She needs to get to Graceland, the place they

were supposed start a new life together in a few weeks, and now the place where Elvis‟

lies dead.

When she gets there, she finds thousands of fans outside the gates paying tribute to the

one they call The King of Rock and Roll. And after so many years in secret, Lucy can

only find herself as another anonymous fan. For what she cries defeated by grief.

A grief no one could understand. A grief, which‟s reasons, no one would believe…

With even stopping she asks the taxi to go back to the airport.

A day after, just back from Memphis, she receives a Talisman Rose, with a note.

“All my love, till I return. El Lancelot.”

LUCY & ELVIS – Principal Characters in order of appearance.

1. Lucy De Barbin: Beautiful French family girl, living a normal life with Mom, Dad and siblings ideal in Monroe, South Louisiana.

Holding to her Catholic doctrine, her father dies when she is 3 years old, and her grandmother splits the 5 kids to different cities and states Sending Lucy

to live with an aunt in Boston Massachusetts.

After returning at the age of 11, Grandmother strikes again auctioning her in secret among a group of men as a “slave wife”. That way Lucy ends

marrying a pervert 45 years old, that only wants her as an object holding her in a house in Monroe to come every month to wildly abuse her.

Without any family or friend helping her, little Lucy is victim of a cruel reality to pay her mom freedom of cleaning services moving to a nice house

also paid by this “man”. Living semi-hidden always in fear, hoping for god to save her soon, by the age of 14 she delivers her 2nd kid form the violent

rapes of this Man. This violent world tailors forever her traumatic passionate and heroic life… dreaming always to have an eternal and pure love to

arrive for her. (Heroine)

2. Madre de Lucy: Austere woman that never gets to embrace American culture, speaking only her French native language, she always end being strongly

dominated by others. Either her husband, o her Mom, her Grandmother or others.

Once released from her Mom and Grandmother oppression, her daughters come to help her, for whom she will take care pf their kids, always grateful

for the comprehension upon her mistakes.

3. Richard "Dixie" W.O. Ware, “El Hombre”: Corrupt and abusing man, violently alcoholic, he buys 11 years old Lucy for marriage as a pervert

entertainment, based in a typical southern slavery model, to use her for his monthly sexual practices when escaping from his family.

The Man enjoys drinking alcohol and then rapping the girl from the very first night of the wedding. Usually she needed to go to hospital after that

violent behavior. As nobody denounced him, he made his way out of justice, using Lucy for almost 10 years until she finally escapes and hides in

Colorado Mountains. But this possessive monster finds a way to find her trying to manipulate her to go back to Monroe. He fails and later tries for the

last time when he was scared and sad of his own upcoming death. (evil character)

4. Mrs. Fowler: Mysterious tall, dark hair and serious woman, strong in legs and arms with rough hands sent from somewhere Mississippi away from her

family to live with Lucy and control her as a guardian. As leaving her family behind for the job, Mrs. Fowler starts hating Lucy.

5. Deborah Ware: This is Lucy‟s 1st

daughter conceived from this monstrous husband and born before Lucy becoming 12 in 1949. Shy, soft and

obedient, she turns to be good for music and languages and soon becomes fan of Elvis Presley without knowing what was happening close to her

through her mother. She ends being good on the piano playing often Elvis songs.

6. Melody Ware: 2nd

daughter born from The Man as Lucy used to refer to her monstrous husband. She gives birth when being only 14 years old in 1951.

Also shy soft and obedient, she is always showing affection to her mom and becomes very good in poetry. She is the first one to sense that Lucy

changes her expression when seeing Elvis‟ pictures, often asking discretely about it...

30622 Lakefront Drive, Agoura Hills, CA, 91301 – 323 606 3756 www. nitrogroup. Net

7. Elvis Presley: Handsome and charismatic guy from a Memphis‟ humble family. He starts dreaming to become a star as a singer and be able to buy a

dream house for her mother. With this illusion he starts a road to success starting in small local theatres and events growing slowly to regional and

national environments to later reach the maximum international recognition turning into an Icon in the history of Humanity. While innocently pursuing

his career, he often risks his family and loving friends as well but always keeping a hidden anchor that keeps him alive, always dreaming with a better

life. For his is existence is only complete when being together with this person. This girl that he meets when being 17 and aspiring artists and keeps in

contact with him in his 40s. (Martyr)

8. Mary De Barbin: Lucy‟s sister that marries in her early years with tender loving man open heart and comprehensive, with whom she goes to live in

Memphis, Tennessee. She dearly loves Lucy and is always trying to be close to her, especially when Lucy needs to escape from The Man. Mary wants

Lucy to find a away to escape from her slavery even knowing the will be very hard to make it in Monroe, where that situation is standard but of course

hidden. This way, Mary becomes the 1st bridge for Lucy to meet Elvis in a closer through some planned visits to that city.

9. Mr. Silverstein: He owns a group of store under his own name, giving employment to Lucy since being very young with tender fathered and protective

feelings for her. So far that he helps her with positions in his company with unprecedented liberties, but also trying to help her to get rid of The Man. He

also helps Lucy to get financially recovered in his worst moments, when being far away from home.

10. Denise Ware: Lucy‟s third daughter from The Man‟s rapes, when being 17 years old. Different to her elder sisters she posses a strong, rebel and

challenging personality, showing early interest in humanities and later in psychology. So much, than being pre-teenager she already becomes school

counselor. Nevertheless, nothing of these set her away of being a great companion of her mom, even she escaped home when being 18. Very sagacious

she is always aware that Lucy has an affair, discovering later on thet it was with Elvis, but protecting her mom with keeping the secret.

11. Vernon Presley: Elvis‟ dad is unconditionally supporting his son. Even when Elvis being a grown up, Vernon is always close as a father and a friend

Advising him to stay on the path o good avoiding the vices of fame. He cared not only about the house for him but his economy and health, having

always him under his eye with his strong but friendly personality, devoted to live in the Memphis Country side more than a major Rock N‟ Roll city.

12. Gladys Presley: Sweet and dedicated Elvis‟ mother, with a strong religious belief, she feels enormous gratitude for having such a talented son but she

always afraid of him to get lost for the fame. She is always advising him to keep interested in the candy and settled countryside life in Tennessee, far

from perversions and vices of Ego. She dies at an early age when Elvis is in the top of his career, but he makes on time to give her the house of her

dreams, that was his inspiration at the beginning of his career, leaving an immeasurable legacy in the heart of the King of Rock N‟ Roll (Aspirational)

13. Louise De Barbin: Lucy‟s sister married in love with a boyfriend with whom she moves to live in Denver, Colorado. Her conservative and severe

husband barely agrees to help Lucy when needed. This makes Louise to help almost unknown Lucy only in emergencies, under their mom requirement,

when lucy decides to escape from Monroe and The Man with the 3 kids. Soon up to this, Louise‟s chauvinistic husband interferes with Lucy‟s new life

when bringing The Man back to find her.

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14. Desiree Presley: Lucy‟s fourth daughter, born in 1958. No doubt, from a different father. By every means this girl comes from Lucy‟s love with Elvis.

When she is born Lucy decides to name her with the Nickname Elvis uses with Lucy, Desire, after seeing together the Marlon Brando‟s movie with that

name. Lucy makes the registration at the hospital using the last name of her only probable father, Presley. As Lucy felt guilty and afraid of being

discovered, she makes Desiree to be called by her second name, Romaine. The girl Desiree grows beautiful and sweet with musical talents and an

amazing charisma. She plays piano at the age of 4 and goes everywhere with mom, but always having a weird sensation of being a stranger in the family

as seeing herself every year more different to any other Lucy‟s kid. With many mysteries in-between a friend of Lucye reveals Desiree‟s the truth aboy

her father. Elvis Aaron Presley. This makes Desiree to split from her mom until growing and almost getting married.

15. Jack Madison. Elegant Texas Oil Man instantly in love with Lucy when seeing her dancing on TV, he makes his way until getting close enough to her.,

Serious polite and patient, Jack discovers Lucy‟s details and slowly y makes his moves until having her at his mercy. First as an employee, then as a wife

for convenience. Ending in a boring relation they still end having 2 kids together. 6 for Lucy. So much Jack cares about her that does everything to keep

Lucy‟s attention, but truth is that she is and will always be in love with only one…Elvis.

16. Th o m a s The Colonel” Parker: Worldwide renowned as The Colonel, this man dedicates his life to organize Elvis‟ life after signing a contract with

Gladys and Vernon Presley as his manager. Being Elvis such a conservative person in his heart and private life, The Colonel makes his way to last

longer than any other manager in history. Almost a lifetime. Always since the contract signature until Elvis‟ death. This way he drove Elvis from

becoming the biggest star to a slave of drugs and work, keeping him away of his dear people and simple life origins, until ending with his existence.

17. Priscilla Beaulieu (de Presley): Colonel Beaulieu‟s daughter, this beautiful girl meets Elvis in becoming his official girlfriend.

Elvis‟ manager makes him to engage for a wedding asking Mr. Beaulieu to send her to live at Graceland once ending High School… The wedding finally

happens for convenience and sadly ends after Priscilla‟s infidelity due to the lack of interest from Elvis. He always seems to like a different person, trying

to change his wife to look as someone else (very similar than Lucy). After having a daughter, Priscilla has an affair with her dance teacher and later on

with her Karate teacher. This leads to their final divorce that gives her the chance to take repeatedly financial advantage of Elvis.

18. Jacques Grear: Jack & Lucy‟s son, Lucy‟s 5th

kid. Born in 1962, looking as his father in every way, he is organized, realistic but astute. Very clear his

ideas and beliefs, at his Jesuit school he works in the Library and the Country Club to be independent from his early age.

19. Jacqueline Grear: Jack & Lucy‟s daughter, Lucy‟s 6th

kid. Born in September 1965 she shows a serious and dedicated behavior using her talent to start

learning piano at 4 moving to study in London, Ontario by the age of 14, to start professionally writing and composing.

20. Lisa Marie Presley: Extremely beautiful Elvis and Priscilla‟s daughter, born early in 1968. Completely in love with her dad, she fall into her mom‟s

dominance that tries to keep her away of him in every manner. Elvis tries to avoid every conflict in order to keep his daughter close to his heart, while

traveling along the country to give concerts and pay Priscilla‟s legal claims.

21. Detective John O‟Grady: Los Ángeles super cop, Elvis‟ close friend along the most of his career, saves Elvis from many crazy situations. He tries

hardly to make Elvis get out of drugs when he sees him getting his life in danger. But Elvis‟ whole entourage succeeds over him.

30622 Lakefront Drive, Agoura Hills, CA, 91301 – 323 606 3756 www. nitrogroup. Net