king v. mckenna reinstatement of jury fee and submission of court rejected documents

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  • 7/23/2019 King v. McKenna Reinstatement of Jury Fee and Submission of Court Rejected Documents



    CHRISTOPHER KING, d/b/a KingCast/Mortgage Movies, )

    ) CASE NO. K!C"#$"#%&P'ainti(,

    v. ) *+GE O*NG


    +e0endants. )



    I. The Augu! " #$%" Pa&'en! () T*+a, Fee )(* a T*+a, S-hedu,edN(e'/e* %01 #$%" Sh(u,d N(! Reu,! +n a D*a-(n+an Ba* !(F+,+ng Fu*!he* Me'(*anda +n !h+ Cae.

    P'ainti( 1ereb2 retenders t1e 3!# Tria' 4ee a'ong 5it1 a 6o72 o0 a''

    do689ents 1ereto0ore re:e6ted b2 t1is Co8rt; P'ainti( 7aid 1is Tria' 4ee on or

    abo8t ! A8g8st, %#!. Prior to t1at ti9e, 1e never re6eived an2 noti6e 0ro9

    8dge Robert -. o8ng t1at t1e Tria' 4ee 98st be 7aid on or be0ore %$ 8'2

    %#!. In 7oint o0 0a6t, t1at Co8rt never too< adverse a6tion 8nti' a 08'' 5eeaiver o0 8r2 Tria', noting t1at 1e 0ee's

    7arti68'ar'2 8nsa0e in +e'a5are given t1e =ve ?!) 92sterio8s '2n61ing

    deat1s/98rders o0 b'a6< 9a'es t1at AG +enn 6'ai9s 5ere @s8i6ides.

    A77endiB A.

    Mean51i'e a0ter 9entioning t1ese '2n61ings in a g'oba' e9ai' to s877orters,

    State e97'o2ees, 4irst A9end9ent attorne2s and severa' 1ig1"7o5ered area

    attorne2s P'ainti( re6eived an e9ai' 0ro9 +ete6tive Hi'' in 51i61 1e de6'ined

    P'ainti(s Noti6e o0 8r2 4ee and Motion 0or 8r2 Die5 ?a66e7ted ! A8g8st%#!), P'ainti(s >aiver o0 8r2 Tria', P'ainti(s Me9orand89 in O77osition to

    8dg9ent on t1e P'eadings and P'ainti(s Me9orand89 in S877ort o0 R8'e !Modi=6ation, A'teration, Ada7tion, Reva97 or Re0as1ion o0 t1e Co8rts % 8ne%#! O7inion, P'ainti(s R8'e F# Re7'2 and P'ainti( A9ended Me9orand89 inO77osition to S899ar2 8dg9ent.

  • 7/23/2019 King v. McKenna Reinstatement of Jury Fee and Submission of Court Rejected Documents


    to 7rovide sa0et2 0or P'ainti( i0 1e 6a9e to t1e 4or89 State 51i'st

    si98'taneo8s'2 t1reatening P'ainti( t1at 1e 6o8'd be s8b:e6t to 7rose68tion

    0or t1e 6ontent o0 t1e e9ai's t1at 5as @a'ar9ing. P'ainti(, 5it1 noti6e, ta7ed

    t1e entire 6onversation and 78t it o8t 0or t1e >or'd to 1ear on F A8g8st,


    First Amendment Lawsuits Show Markell, AG Biden, AG Denn Coverup of Black Lynchins


  • 7/23/2019 King v. McKenna Reinstatement of Jury Fee and Submission of Court Rejected Documents


    9eeting 'a5. Its 6o97'ete nonsense. Here is t1e s8bstan6e o0 51at P'ainti(

    stated, and it is a'' ro6< so'id;

    The 2(+n! +1 De)endan! and !he C(u*! -ann(! hae +! /(!h

    3a&4 T1e2 6'ai9 t1at Tisda'e is @not re'evant at 7ara F o0 t1eir

    Me9orand89 be6a8se it invo'ves a 78b'i6 9eeting. -8t I0 78b'i6 bod2/78b'i6

    9eeting ana'2ses are ina77'i6ab'e now,t1en t1e2 5ere ina77'i6ab'e in t1e

    =rst 7'a6e "" and t1eres 2et anot1er 6o97e''ing reason 0or t1e S87re9e Co8rt

    o0 t1e *nited States to give t1is 6ase a 7ro97t Re9and in t1e na9e o0

    8sti6e. Gotcha.

    So no5 +e0endants 6'ai9 t1at 78b'i6 9eeting ana'2sis is @not re'evant

    to P'ainti(s 6'ai9s 5e'' t1en dang it t1at rig1t t1ere 7rovides 7roo0 t1at t1e

    Co8rts 8nder'2ing rationa'eJ. Is 5rong. Re6a'' t1at t1e Co8rt s7e6i=6a''2

    6ited to >1ite'and 5oods as @7arti68'ar'2 1e'708' and instr86tive.

    >e'' 6o9e to =nd o8t t1at P'ainti( said t1is 5as not a 78b'i6 9eeting

    6ase, ab initio, 51i'e t1e Co8rt 5as b8s2 giving 1i9 t1e b89s r8s1 ear'ier; It

    is t1e Pomykacz,Cirelli,Iacobucci and Glik6ases and t1eir 7rogen2, in6'8ding

    T1ird Cir68its Montgomery v. Killingsworth, %#! *.S. +ist. EIS

    L!% ?an8ar2 %%, %#!) t1at are 9ost ger9ane be6a8se t1e2 a'' invo've

    :o8rna'ists ='9ing 78b'i6 o6ia's in and o8t o0 t1eir o6es.

    T1eres t1e a"1a 9o9ent o0 t1is entire 6ase and +e0endants o(ered it

    87 on a 7'atter. T1at 1aving been said, P'ainti( 9aintains 1is 78b'i6

    bod2/78b'i6 9eeting arg89ents in t1e a'ternative and 7oints to t1e t1

    Cir68it Tisdale v. Gravitt, ! 4. S877. $d $L& ?N.+. Georgia %#) 6ase to

    s1o5 t1at 68rrent Co8rts disagree 5it1 t1e an6ient hiteland oods6ase.

    NeBt, at 7ara & t1e2 tr2 to dis9iss Pelo!uin, Tarus andIacobuccib2

    stating t1at t1e Co8rt a'read2 ana'2ed t1e9 in t1e 7rior order, b8t a'as t1at

    ana'2sis 5as 08nda9enta''2 5rong as 7roved b2 t1e ne5'2"dis6overed T1ird

    Cir68it 4irst A9end9ent %#! 6ases ;

    Ne5!1 !he C(u*! Pa!en! M+*e2*een!a!+(n 6*ead4 ,+e7 88 a/(u!

    Iacobucci v.

    Boulter1 %99: U.S. D+!. Le5+ :$%$1 N(. CI;.A. 908%$"-a,,& )(und !ha! an

    +nde2enden! *e2(*!e* ha a 2*(!e-!ed *+gh! unde* !he F+*!


  • 7/23/2019 King v. McKenna Reinstatement of Jury Fee and Submission of Court Rejected Documents


    A'end'en! and !a!e ,a3 !( +de(!a2e 2u/,+- 'ee!+ng and !he

    een! !ha! (--u**ed +n !he ha,,3a& () a 2u/,+- /u+,d+ng.

    -8t read 7L 4N L o0 t1e 6o8rts O7inion 51ere 8dge o8ng tries to

    'i9it t1e 1o'ding to 4o8rt1 A9end9ent Gro8nds 1e 5rites;

    ?1o'ding rested 87on 51et1er O6er 1ad 7robab'e 6a8se to arrestvideo re7orter 0or re6ording 78b'i6 event, i97'i6ating t1e 4o8rt1A9end9ent)

    JJ.. t1e 7rob'e9 is, one does not get to t1e 4o8rt1 5it1o8t t1e 4irst, asnoted b2 t1e Iacobucci Co8rt, again, so si97'e as ot1er 6o8rts 6on68r; 4ro9Iacobucci?6ited inGlik, in"ra).

    In t1e neBt de6ade, t1e SC narro5ed t1is de=nition o0 disorder'26ond86t to en6o97ass on'2 a6tivities not i97'i6ating t1e @'a508'

    eBer6ise o0 a 4irst A9end9ent rig1t. J.


    -o8'terQs re7eated de9ands t1at Ia6ob866i 6ease re6ording do not61ange t1e disorder'2 6ond86t 6a'68'8s. A 7o'i6e o6er is not a 'a58nto 1i9se'0 1e 6annot give an order t1at 1as no 6o'orab'e 'ega' basisand t1en arrest a 7erson 51o de=es it. So it is 1ere; be6a8seIa6ob866iQs a6tivities 5ere 7ea6e08', not 7er0or9ed in derogation o0 an2

    'a5, and done in t1e eBer6ise o0 1is F+*! A'end'en! *+gh!?e971asis added 'est t1e Co8rt and +e0endants 9iss it again)

    B(u,!e* ,a-?ed !he au!h(*+!& !( !(2 !he'. Id at FL&.?e971asis added to 7rote6t against t1e sort o0 inte''e6t8a' disingen8it2t1at 1as 7'ag8ed t1is 6ase, as noted in t1e 0o''o5ing video on P'ainti(s

    o8T8be 61anne', 51i61 is a77roa61ing %,!## s8bs6ribers and %Mvie5s.

    And 8ite 0ran

  • 7/23/2019 King v. McKenna Reinstatement of Jury Fee and Submission of Court Rejected Documents


    4.$d , %! ?st Cir. ). Ia6ob866i 5as arrested a0ter 1e re08sed tosto7 ='9ing severa' to5n 6o99issioners 51i'e t1e2 5ere dis68ssingt1e 7ossib'e a77rova' o0 an a77'i6antQs b8i'ding 7er9it. Id. at &.C1arged 5it1 disorder'2 6ond86t and disr87ting a 78b'i6 asse9b'2,Ia6ob866i s7ent 0o8r 1o8rs in 68stod2, t1o8g1 t1e 61arges 5ere 'aterdis9issed. Id. Ia6ob866i initiated a U &$ s8it in 51i61 1e 6'ai9ed

    0a'se arrest and eB6essive 0or6e. Id. A0ter 'osing in t1e tria' 6o8rt, t1earresting o6er a77ea'ed, 6ontending 1e 5as entit'ed to 8a'i=edi998nit2 on t1ose 6'ai9s. Id. at %"%%. Re:e6ting t1at arg89ent, t1e4irst Cir68it 1e'd t1at Ia6ob866iQs Vrig1t to a6t as 1e did 5it1o8t beingarrested 0or disorder'2 6ond86tV 5as 6'ear'2 estab'is1ed at t1e ti9e o01is arrest. Id. at %. In so 1o'ding, t1e 4irst Cir68it 0o8nd t1atVIa6ob866iQs a6tivities 5ere 7ea6e08', not 7er0or9ed in derogation o0an2 'a5, and done in t1e eBer6ise o0 1is4irst A9end9entrig1ts.V Id. at%!.

    Pea6e08' 6riti6is9 o0 a 7o'i6e o6er 7er0or9ing 1is d8ties in a 78b'i6

    7'a6e is a 7rote6ted a6tivit2 8nder t1e 4irst A9end9ent. As t1e Co8rtestab'is1ed in City o" %ouston, Te&as v. %ill, Vt1e 4irstA9end9ent7rote6ts a signi=6ant a9o8nt o0 verba' 6riti6is9 and61a''enge dire6ted at 7o'i6e o6ers.V &% *.S. !, F, #L S. Ct.%!#%, F . Ed. %d $& ?&L). T1is t27e o0 s7ee61 is ne6essar2 to7rote6t and 7reserve be6a8se VWtX1e 0reedo9 o0 individ8a's verba''2 too77ose or 61a''enge 7o'i6e a6tion 5it1o8t t1ereb2 ris

  • 7/23/2019 King v. McKenna Reinstatement of Jury Fee and Submission of Court Rejected Documents


    A66ord Gaymon v. $orough o" Collingdale, %#! *.S. +ist. EIS $# ?8'2L, %#!).

    In 6ontrast, 8a'i=ed i998nit2 5as re:e6ted 0or t1e re9aining4irstA9end9ent6'ai9 be6a8se V7ea6e08' 6riti6is9 o0 a 7o'i6e o6er t1atneit1er obstr86ts an investigation nor :eo7ardies a 7o'i6e o6erQs

    sa0et2 1as strong so6ia' va'8e, serving as a va'8ab'e 61e6< on state7o5er, and is t1ere0ore 7rote6ted 8nder t1e 4irstA9end9ent.V K+,,+ng3(*!h1 #$%" U.S. D+!. LE@IS :%"#1 #$%"WL #991at is in t1e Re6ord, is t1is;


    #. P,a+n!+ + a )(*'e* da+,& ne3 *e2(*!e* and e-*(3 a!!(*ne&

    3h( ha -,(ed ee*a, d(en -(''e*-+a, *ea, e!a!e2u*-hae and *e>nan-e. He ha u--e)u,,& !*+ed ee*a,F+*! A'end'en! Ju*& T*+a, and ha (2e*a!ed ee*a,2(,+!+-a,,& and ,ega,,&8-ha*ged (n,+ne (u*na, (e* !he 2a!de-ade1 '(! n(!a/,& Ch*+ K+ng F+*! A'end'en! Page andM(*!gage M(+e J(u*na,.

    T1at is 51at P'ainti( 1o'ds 1i9se'0 o8t to be as noted in t1e Co97'aint

    and t1ats a'' t1e Co8rt 6'ai9ed to be revie5ing, so t1e 7e:orative @g8erri''a

    no9en6'at8re is ree6tive o0 t1e s1ort s1ri0t t1at t1is P'ainti( 8'ti9ate'2

    re6eived 0ro9 t1e Co8rt. 48rt1er, P'ainti( did 7rovide t1e Co8rt 5it1 eB6er7ts

    and 9ateria's 0ro9 1is 5ebsite and s861 des6ri7tion 6o97orts 5it1 t1e

    in0or9ation on 1is 5ebsite "" 51i61 5as not on6e 9entioned b2 t1e Co8rt.

    T1e Mortgage Movies o8rna' des6ri7tion 1as read t1is 5a2 0or severa' 2ears


  • 7/23/2019 King v. McKenna Reinstatement of Jury Fee and Submission of Court Rejected Documents


    Mortae Movies !ournalChristopher King has worked in residentialand corporatereal estate in various capacities for the past fifteenyears, clearing title, filing zoning applications andreviewing wireless tower contracts. He and hisassociates are now teaming to provide video coverageof America's imploding Mortgage market. All imagesvideo and tet su!"ect to copyright.

    M(*!gage M(+e J(u*na,

    Ch*+!(2he* K+ng ha 3(*?ed +n *e+den!+a, and -(*2(*a!e *ea, e!a!e+n a*+(u -a2a-+!+e )(* !he 2a! >)!een &ea*1 -,ea*+ng !+!,e1 >,+ng(n+ng a22,+-a!+(n and *e+e3+ng 3+*e,e !(3e* -(n!*a-!. He andh+ a(-+a!e a*e n(3 !ea'+ng !( 2*(+de +de( -(e*age ()A'e*+-a +'2,(d+ng M(*!gage 'a*?e!. A,, +'age +de( and !e5!u/e-! !( -(2&*+gh!.

    So in t1e =rst instan6e, P'ainti( is not a g8eri''a 1e is a 7ro0essiona'

    :o8rna'ist as 5e'' as a 9ortgage ind8str2 7ro0essiona' 51o 1as 9ade

    18ndreds o0 t1o8sands ?i0 not 9i''ions) o0 do''ars 0or t1e ban

  • 7/23/2019 King v. McKenna Reinstatement of Jury Fee and Submission of Court Rejected Documents


    T1at is be6a8se t1e on'2 ite9s do5nstairs in t1e 78b'i6 area is a 78b'i6

    0o2er, a g8ard des

  • 7/23/2019 King v. McKenna Reinstatement of Jury Fee and Submission of Court Rejected Documents


    III. C(n-,u+(n.

    P'ainti(s ='ings 98st be a66e7ted, and t1is 8n'a508' 7attern trai's ba6