kingdoms of the ind

Warhammer Armies Kingdoms of the Ind Versio 1.0 by Markus Vilander This document is completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Limited. No challenge to their status intended. All Rights Reserved to their respective owners. 1

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Kingdoms of Ind offers commoners, royalty, elephants and even lesser deities. Characters have great impact for keeping army from running, way or another, unless playing all-elephant force that do not need or will take commands from nobody. Most characters are greatly customized. This is to cover all the possibilities of area with countless gods (and the fact that I was unable to find basically anything official about that forgotten region). Army also introduces new type of Dogs of War unit, Royal Culveneers: elephants armed with light cannon on their back.


Page 1: Kingdoms of the Ind

Warhammer Armies

Kingdomsof the Ind

Versio 1.0

by Markus Vilander

This document is completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Limited.

No challenge to their status intended. All Rights Reserved to their respective owners.


Page 2: Kingdoms of the Ind



Land of Ind......................................................4

FORCES OF IND.........................................5Ruler of the Ind...........................................5

Enlighted Ones............................................6

Lesser Deities..............................................6


Warriors of Ind............................................8






Elephants of the Ind .................................11

Royal Culveneers......................................12

Boxed Devil..............................................13

Items of Ind Origin...................................14

Heirlooms of Ind Dynasties.........................15Common Magic Items..............................15

Magic Armours.........................................15

Magic Weapons.........................................16


Enchanted Items........................................17

Banners ....................................................18

Great Powers of Ind....................................19Guru Powers ............................................19

Rakshasa Powers.......................................20

Naga Powers.............................................21

KINGDOMS OF THE IND ARMY LIST. 22Lords.........................................................23


Core Units.................................................25

Special Units.............................................26

Rare Units.................................................27



Page 3: Kingdoms of the Ind

INTRODUCTIONInd is lushful area covered by near-penetrable jungles, dangers and sources of goods even more

valuable than gold in weight: rare spices. It is also covered dozens of small, even forgotten, kingdoms. While each of them seems to be really friendly to outsiders who are possible yet quite rare customers, rulers aren't afraid of using their military might to secure their trade and control of

most suitable lands and fields.

This book is made to bring life for dozens of kingdoms who are not much more than simply city-states if even that. Land said to be home of thousands gods and many dangerous and even unknown

beings who lurk and hides within the jungles – or guard locations perhaps older than time itself.

Material in this book is not official and may have serious errors or imbalances. Any thoughts, experiences, questions and feedback would be highly valuabled.

I wish happy gaming and enjoyable time with the Kingdoms of the Ind.


Page 4: Kingdoms of the Ind

Land of IndInd is mainly covered by dense forest filled with dangerous perils – from poisonous snakes and beastmen to great monsters and fiercy daemons who are able to hide on plain sight without being detected before they attack.

Ind is divined to countless petty kingdoms and many of them to overlap with each others – sometimes even without knowing existence of other. Dangerous forest is good border and it hides its secrets well as only few would dare to venture in there without good reason.

There are only few maps have even tried to draw from land Ind and open and cared roads are even more rare within the forerst: Without unceasing upkeep, paths become non-existing in few months and even paved roads vanish within year below the undergrowth.

For this reason, Ind has countless villages that are isolated within it. For many citizens maharajas – the ultimate rulers of kingdoms – and world beyond of forests are just fairytales or old legends told by elders.

Yet tales about mighty heroes and gods are more real for them as those are part of their daily life: nobody would dare to enter forest without first praying protection from ancestor, giving gifts for gods and warding off evil spirits.

And day when such villages are accidentally contacted by local governor’s personal, most likely by prince or maharaja itself during tiger hunting, they inspires such loyalty and duty in villagers that many deities would wish for.

Sometimes even large cities are ended being isolated within forest, forgetting outside world during decades of isolation. Such kingdoms are rare but stories of wanderers who find such glorious cities, temples and palaces within dense jungle aren’t uncommon.

Of course, there are also more travelled areas, villages and cities whose location is well known and generally either next to rivers or coastline but most of settlements of Ind is till more or less unconnected dots within endless forest where one can belong within declared borders of multiple different kingdoms yet non of kingdoms are aware of such settlement.

So it is not surprise that only few maharajas can truly tell exact number of villages – or even vassal kingdoms – they rule. Yet most visitors sees inaccuracy as a imark of wealthiness and maharajas are cladly to upkeep that misbelief. Like generosity, inaccuracy makes them look weatlhier, after all.

Generosity indeed is known feature of that holds important part of life of citizens of ind. From simple isolated villagers to maharajas of greatests kingdoms are known to be really generous towards visitors and outsiders – food, shelter, clothing and even company are offered and rewards are never asked.

For many villages this is method to survive and avoid inbreeding, even few if any villagers are actually aware of that, additionally to any benefits like tales and teachings that visitors often share even without noticing it. Simply belief that good things returns is ofter motivator enough for them.

For many Maharajas reasons for generosity are are often much more selfish; it keep citizens happy and loyal, while visitors will surely remember those who served them best. Even rivals are more likely stay in line if treated well.


Page 5: Kingdoms of the Ind

Ruler of the IndLand if Ind is divined to many kingdoms of all size. Many times. it is not even clear, is territory another’s province or kingdom of their own as it is not uncommon that princes who are tired of waiting or aren’t the heir of throne will declare provinces under their command as own kingdoms and becoming first maharaja of newly found dynasty.

While few can or dare to challenge true maharaja within their full power, mere princes have significant power over dwellers of land. It is said that unknown enemy is more trusted in Ind than known ally.

Maharajas are true leaders of Ind. They have relative large territories and often at least dozen of princes – some actually their sons, some just great and trusted generals ruling vassal kingdoms as provinces – under their command. Many of maharajas just serve gods, hunt tigers from top of their favourite elephants or just enjoy simple pleasures within their palace walls and only few actually take part of warfare unless truly unavoidable.

Yet those who do are generally strong and aggressive maharajas with mind of strategist and thirst of power, not to afraid to spend their wealth for mercenaries and veterans instead just relying forces on plain sight.

Princes are law within in their provinces and only few dare to argue with them. While subordinate for ruling maharaja in theory, many of them keep their provinces so isolated from rest of the kingdom that they are more or less kingdoms of their own. And if messengers sometimes would manage to survive through hostile wilderness with orders from maharaja, they rarely manages to return to inform of such success in case of indented prince.

Yet there are always those who are loyal or scared enough to answer calls of maharaja when requested. While royal presence inspires people of Ind, rivalries between princes can cause confuse in ranks of followers.

M WS BS S T W I A LdMaharaja 4 5 5 4 4 3 4 3 8Prince 4 4 4 4 4 2 4 2 7

Loyal Servants

True Wealth of Maharaja (Maharaja only)Army may have one additional unit as a single special or rare choice for each maharaja in army.

Contest of Princes (Princes only)At beginning of each own turn, player must roll d6 for each prince he has. If double (or triple etc) 6s are rolled, Loyal Servants rule cease to function until next test.


FORCES OF INDThis section of the book details the forces from Kingdoms of Ind. It provides rules neccessery to use all elements of the army in your games of Warhammer. Every regiment and character is descripted here. Any special rules that apply to a particular model are given here.

Additionally, many units within forces of Ind are affected by following special rule:

Loyal ServantsFor each prince and maharaja on table, unit's leadership is increases by 1. If leadership would become higher than 10, unit become Immune to Fear and Panic instead.

Page 6: Kingdoms of the Ind

Enlighted OnesFor people dwelling in land of Ind man with special powers or knowledge is given title of Guru. While most of them are great healers, priests, oracles or advisors, some of gurus are good in arts that are useful in combat and they are often taking part or even leading local forces in time of need.

Citizens treat these men and women as great heroes regardless their related skills and many of them actually have whole retinue of people who wish to learn from their wisdom and skills. They are famous for their simple way of life but in truth, they rarely need anyhting anyhow as everything is bought to them even without asked.

Most interesting detail around gurus is that they are very well known regardless if there is reasonable explanation for source of such information or not. Sometimes gurus are sought out by outsiders to solve their direst troubles even if guru was living in isolated village where has not been single visitor during whole guru's life. Some belive that gurus are persons send by gods and few can arque with them.

Gurus are very potent personalies and regardless theis actions or abilitis, it is dangerous to leave such persons unchecked if they are aiding the opponent yet knowing regonizing them can be still hard – most of them are still mere commoners in all other respects and thus wearing clothing similar to any other.

M WS BS S T W I A LdLegendary Guru 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 3 9Guru 4 4 4 4 4 2 4 2 8

GuruIf part of unit, guru benefits from all special rules unit have.

Lesser DeitiesIt is said that Ind is land of thousand gods and that title hides half of the truth behind it. For people of Ind, any being possessing supernatural abilities or powers is outright deity unless being itself deny that fact. In some sense, gurus with legendary abilities would become gods themselves at the very same moment they would stop denying their nature.

Also Ind is filled with mystic, dark red glass-like orbs called devastones and for people of Ind, devastone is home for deity and when stone is glowing, its resident is resting.

While most villages do have pile of these stones to protect village, dweller of devastone is hard to identify and placing rival divinities together is more than enough to bring destrcution all around. For this reason, villagers are extremely bound to those devastones that have protected their villages for ages – and nothing raises fury in villagers more than theft or destruction of devastone.

And while devastones attract collectors and power-hungry personalities, well-treated deities are known to manifest in time of need – some even prefer living alongside with villagers in shape of mortal when not resting within own stone.

And truly there are only few who are not divinities themselves and can still resist wrath of angered deity, no matter how numerous they are.

M WS BS S T W I A LdLesser Deity 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 10

DaemonModel have 5+ ward save against non-magical attacks, causes fear, is immune to psychology and unless part of non-daemonic unit, instead breaking from combat it suffer 1 wound without saves of any kind for each point break test is failed.


Page 7: Kingdoms of the Ind


World of unseen is filled with predators of all short. Daemons seek their prey whatever they desire are in the end and restless spirits seeks their revenges – and even gods themselves do smite those who disturb or annoy them.

Raksahasas are beings that dwell everywhere where are devastones and thus far more common within Ind than anywhere else. Or – who knowns – maybe they just cannot shape their form while too far from those stones.

Rakshasas are masters of illusion, magic and - first and foremost – shapeshifting. And even if they are called to be daemons by most who finds their true nature, nobody can comfirm that for sure.

Regardless if they are daemons or merely unknown yet extremely dangerous race, only thing know for sure is that rakshasas do not possess any natural form that would connect them to ofhers of their kind.

Many of rakshases have taste for human flesh and they are cruel killers yet they may still fight against forces of evil and protect the weak. However, regardless their words or previous actions, none can trust them for sure – expecting that they know that they are dealing with rakshasa in first place.

And still, they prove powerful ally for anyone who dare to figth alongside them; if rakshasas are already on the battlefield, chances are that they are satisfied for slaying enemy alone.

M WS BS S T W I A LdRakshasas 4 5 3 4 4 3 5 4 8

DaemonModel have 5+ ward save against non-magical attacks, causes fear, is immune to psychology and unless part of non-daemonic unit, instead breaking from combat it suffer 1 wound without saves of any kind for each point break test is failed.

DangerousBeginning of any combat phase and regardless if model in combat or not, character must pass leadership test or deal single extra attack for each model – friend or woe – in base contact. Roll to hit against each model as normal.

ShapeshiftingUnless army general, character can be left in reserve during deployment. At start of any own turn, character may take leadership test. If passed, character replace any single champion on – even if champion would be in challenge from previous round! However, if test is failed, character loses single wound without saves of any kind.

If character do not appear during battle for any reason, he is treated as destroyed for purpose of counting victory points. Additionally, any model character replaced is consider as destroyed.


Page 8: Kingdoms of the Ind

Warriors of IndLiving in Ind is hard and dangerous so it is not surprising that almost every dweller of Ind is adept of basic fighting. And almost anyone except those few who live their whole life within settlements are always carrying short, blunt blades who are generally used to clear path in forest but effective as a weapon if needed.

Due commoners do feel high duty towards their legal rulers, any prince or maharaja can expect to having instantly army size equal of men hearing the call as nothing can stop them for answering that request. Of course, armies are rarely that instantly required, allowing people to arm themselves more properly to battling.

However, without clear reason or purpose they quickly dismiss themselves from meaningless fighting – in Ind, only fool takes unnecessary risks.

M WS BS S T W I A LdWarrior 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 5Master 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 5

Loyal Servants

HuntersHunters are strong individuals who live most of their life within jungle instead limits of settlements. And unlike commoners generally, they live with their weapons, not relying on them only in direst need.

They live by killing and even mighty tigers become prey for these skilled hunters as only few can outsmart old hunter in art of tracking. Surviving long enough to become such master of hunt is different story all together...

Deadly on their own, they are often called to aid and while more departed from civilization than common citizen, they serve their ruler with great enthusiasm yet aid can be still greatly delayed, as no true hunter would leave hunt that is clearly blessed by gods half done and such hunt can sometimes take weeks.

M WS BS S T W I A LdHunter 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 5Trapper 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 5

Skirmish, Loyal Servants


Page 9: Kingdoms of the Ind


Ind is land of thousands gods and every of them have at least small group of people who serve them.

Due cheer number of divinities and fact that some of them truly wander within lands in form of flesh and blood, only fool would deny existence of any of them or leave them without showing some respects to them.

And while every god or goddess is well treated in Land in Ind, everyone expect that followers of foreign gods show also respects to native deities instead such ignoring them.

And many times this disrespect showed is the reason which draw attention of people who doesn’t see any other solution to such blasphemy than elimination.

And such people do form mobs.

And member os such mobs are called Zadas.

M WS BS S T W I A LdZada 4 2 2 3 3 1 4 1 4

Loyal Servants, Skirmish, Frenzy, Hatred


Kshatriyans are caste of warriors and leaders, kind of nobility that required blessing of ruler to gain their privileges.

These men have been raised from the child to become great warriors. Unlike most elite warriors, kshatriyans do not specialize for one kind of activity but try to excel as many ways of warfare as it is possible without breaking caste code.

They can perform roles from scouts to heavy infantry if fighting on foot or if mounted, can become strange kind of heavy cavalry still that excel roles of fast cavalry.

Kshatriya-kuls are bravest of them, leading their fellow men to victories, no matter what are the odds or way of fighting. Yet they are not fools even brave they are; blindly pursuing retreating kshatriyan led by kshatriya-kul is more likely to lead own doom instead theirs.

M WS BS S T W I A LdKshatriyan 4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 7Kshatriya-kul 4 4 4 4 3 1 4 2 7

Loyal Servants

Fast in MovesUnit is allowed to perform free reform compulsory move without affecting normal moves or ability to shoot in shooting phase. However, if charge is already declare, unit must still have line of sight to targeted unit after reform is performed.

Feint RetreatIf unit chooses to Flee from Charge reaction or breaks from combat, unit is allowed to perform Rally check immediatly after flee move is performed but before chargers or pursuers are moved.


Page 10: Kingdoms of the Ind

CharioteersEven royal elephants are seen as majesty of as military technology as well as whole Ind, some princes and even maharajas still upkeep squandrons of chariots – either due special interest or just because they cannot affort or have currently access to elephants. Even chariots are marginally useful nowhere but open, solid fields that are more than rare in Ind, those still clear advantage whenever set terrain is available.

As chariots pulled by horses are faster than elephants and even more lethal on charge – as drivers can more easily aim right to the enemies – they offer excelent combat capacity that is coming much cheaper than elephants. And there is also no fear that elephant bolts and run down whole own army.

Of course, gaining full benefit out of chariot is still much more difficult thing to do than say. However, it is not unknown that some clever rulers do build their cities and even yards of their palaces so that those would favour usage of chariots – locations where elephants running in amok would be as disasterous as losing the battle anyhow. Actual benefit from such surprise would surely be more psychological but it doesn't matter as long as it brings the victory.

Regardless how chariots are planned to be used, they are always driven by kshatriyan, only men who can be expected to mastering the art of chariot handling - or having any experience from handling chariots at all.

M WSBS S T W I A LdKshatriyan - 4 4 4 - - 4 1 7Chariot - - - 5 4 4 - - -Warhorse 8 3 - 3 - - 3 1 -

Chariot, Loyal Servants

NagasNagas are native dwellers of jungles of Ind. And even they are deities in eyes of locals, more often than not they are simply dangerous monster-like beings instead nothing supernatural.

Some of nagas seems to be just like great snakes while most do have human-like torso, head and arms as well, being snakes only below the waist. Stories also tells nagas with shape of whole human – but it is hard to tell if those true or even trickery of rakshasas as many of them seems to be hold deep grudges towards the naga.

Like dragons, nagas are intellicent beings yet in their own alien way. And while they seemeingly able to understand and often help locals in times of need, it is said that they serve only their own rulers – are they nagas, gods or truly something else, nobody knows for sure.

While they are beings of water, they are adept to move on land as well. And while it is said that they protect great treasures, more often they are still encountered as guardians of lost temples of forgotten gods and seemingly random natural locations.

M WSBS S T W I A LdNaga 6 4 4 5 5 4 1 2 10

Monstrous Creature, Magic Resistance (2), Scaly Skin 4+

PoisonousAll naga's attacks of any kind are poisonous.

AquaticCharacter treats all watery terrain as open ground and gains benefit of soft cover while within such terrain feature.

Wrath of Sky GodUnless within forest or watery terrain, all warhawks, great eagles and any similar living, feathered birds causes Terror in Naga.


Page 11: Kingdoms of the Ind

Elephants of the Ind

Most civilizated beings lands treats horses as finest animals for their agricultural, travelling and military, within kingdoms of Ind elephants are replaced horses simply because they are just much more suitable to local environment: In thick jungles with full of predators, horses would be merely lucn on silver plate and eaten quickly as undergrowth prevent them running far or fast. To contrast, elephants with their notable size just make their own paths and most of predators are just more likely to flee instead trying their luck against getting walked over.

Because elephants are wise and strong animals, they can be trained to perform complex tasks or carry heavy loads. They aren’t poor swimmers either. While breeding and training do take more time than horse, they can easily live also live far longer than their more fragile counter parts.

While notable smaller than elephant often encountered in Araby or mammoths of northern tundra, full growth bulls – or simple as royal elephants – are large enough to carry howdah on their back without slowing them down.

All elephants are strong individuals who cannot be controlled just anyone. Even their trainers guiding their mounts cannot do much if elephant decide not to listen given orders. And many cases, trainers don't even try to change mount's mind, as elephants are often more aware of their surroundings than their riders are, thus is up to mount to pick safest path instead the rider and trainers are well aware of that fact.

M WS BS S T W I A LdElephant 7 3 0 5 5 4 2 3 8Royal Elephant

7 3 0 5 5 5 2 4 8

Cause Fear, Large Target, Scaly Skin 5+, Unit Strength 5

Impact HitsElephants causes d3 and royal elephants causes d6 impact hits while charging or bolting.

Strong WilledElephant and royal elephants always uses their own leadership, no matter who rides on it. It may never re-roll its leadership or break tests unless benefit is coming from magically source.

BoltingElephant or royal elephant that fails psychology or break test do not flee but bolts. Bolting elephant runs 3d6 (or 2d6 if barded) towards random direction and will continue towards that direction unless charged.

Any unit – friend or woe - may charge bolting elephant, hoping to re-direct their path. If charged, elephants will bolt immediatly.

Elephants will flee normally when broken or charged when bolting by enemies with large target special rule.

Elephant always treats any enemy unit without large target special rule as a friendly, allowing elephant run through them instead being destroyed.

When bolting, all riders are treated as fleeing and if elephant is still bolting end of the game, elephant and its riders are consired as fleeing.

Giants of the JungleAll elephants treat forests and bushes as open ground. Additionally, they ignore panic test caused by non-large friendly units.


Page 12: Kingdoms of the Ind

Royal CulveneersWhile Lands of Ind are rainy territories, making gun powder almost useless, rulers of Ind haven't made exclusion for trying benefits for its potential. Keeping powder dry is hard task but at least some royal elephants are strong enought to carry waterproof towers armed with light cannons.

These beast are rare sights indeed and their howdah is more like sealed box than a fighting platform usually carried by the largest of elephants. Only small hole covered with oiled leathers in the front of structure suggest its usage, as it is wide just enough to to push cannon's barrel out of it.

Yet it is easier to come by with royal elephant big enought than to find trainer who could control such magnificent beast artfully enought to utilize culverins with skill instead simple luck.

The trainer's duty is not only to control the elephant but also act as a lookout for the crew inside. As the angle of cannon is always set, getting barrel to point in right angle requires great skill and ability to co-work with the elephant and only few of trainers can ever hope to learn all the tricks required to make elephant kneel just right to make shots become accurate.

Those who have mastered the art often becomes mercenaries – many they end up too busy to make new contrasts and collecting payments that there is no time to actual warfare. Getting paid double to not even take part of battle is perfect scenario for any mercenary yet only few can archive that.

M WS BS S T W I A LdCulverin - - - - 6 6 - - -Royal Elephant

7 3 0 5 5 5 2 4 8

Elephant (see page 11)

Modified HowdahBecause howdah is almost fully sealed, culverin automatically passes any checks required to take due using black powder weapons in poor weather.

Apart operating culvering, crew is unable to take part to combat and they cannot be targeted either. If royal elephant is slain, howdah and culverin in it is removed as well.

Any wounding hit with Strenght 7 or higher will automatically destroy the culverin and if destroyed such attack or due misfire, royal elephant will immediatly bolt.

CulverinCulverin is light cannon placed in special howdah. It follows all normal rules of cannons except it cannot pivoted but it may be used same turn royal elephant has moved or even when elephant is in close combat.

However, if misfire occurs, roll additional dice for each 3” that elepfant moved in previous movement phase and pick the lowest result.

Culverin has maximum guess range of 30” and strength 5, doing d3 wounds without armour saves. If using grapeshot, halve value of scatter dice when strength is determined.

Dogs of WarRoyal Culveneers can be hired by any army that don't distrust usage of gun powder. However, because royal culveneers are rare indeed, they uses two rare choices instead one.


Page 13: Kingdoms of the Ind

Boxed Devil

Goblins are famous for their habit to gain crazy ideas – often due lacking the contexts what they are witnessing – and turn their ideas to deadly weaponry which are often at least as dangerous to them than their enemies.

However, there are only few who have ever witnessed method used by goblins or used them as a inspiration to their own military technology.

Still, estalian mercenary captain Alcardo José was granded at least seven provinces as a rewards of various maharajas after introducting waterproof method to solve problem caused by lack of dry gun powder.

Seven years earlier during, José had become bit too familiar night goblin fanatics, as one of then cost him his finest unit of heavy cavalry. And thus power caused by mere gobling was left haunting his thoughts.

Those thoughts yield profict when he learned true nature of rhinoxes that were used as a mount by ogres under his command. Even only ogre was large and powerful enough to control such beast, simply directing rhinox to right direction was often enought...

Rulers of Ind immediatly understanded the potential of set-up. They were used to damage caused by bolting elephants and rhinoxes running wild weren't nothing to compare to that yet rhinoxes were still powerful tool with less price. Sadly for José's businesses, only after few dozens of deals he was forced to take oath not to sell idea to anyone else..

M WSBS S T W I A LdThe Cage - - - - 5 4 - - -Rhinox 7 3 0 5 5 3 2 3 5Bull Rhinox 7 3 0 6 5 3 2 4 5

Scaly Skin 5+

The CageRhinox is transported inside the cage and it is treated as character riding in chariot. Cage can be placed within the unit and.for each 5 points of unit strength in base contact with cage it can be moved 2” in movement phase. However, unit pushing cage cannot charge or march.

As long as rhinox remains within cage, it attacks cage in every close combat phase, hitting it automatically.

Open the Cage!During shooting phase, rhinox can be released by any model in base contact with the cage. Roll artillery dice and see how far rhinox burst when freed. If cage is destroyed while unopened or misfire occurs during opening, rhinox suffer d3-1 wounds and will bursts 2d6” to random direction.

Any model under rhinox's path takes single hit same way aas they would be hit by cannon and any unsaved wound causes d3 wounds instead. If base contact with any model after move, rhinox is treated as charging.

Free RhinoxOnce free, nobody hold control over rhinox and it will move 2d6+2” towards nearest model within Line of Sight. If none, it moves d6” in random direction instead. If making base contact, rhinox is treated as charging.

Rhinox treats all models as enemy and magical effects or non-voluntary moves do override random moving if other quidelines are fulfilled.

Free rhinox causes fear. Bull rhinox causes terror and is counted as Large Target. Any rhinox that charges more than 7” causes d3 impact hits.

Fate of rhinox determines the victory points regardless if the cage is broken or not.


Page 14: Kingdoms of the Ind

Items of Ind Origin

Elephant's ArmourElephants are regarded as most useful beings in Ind. However, they are also expensive and requires decades to be useful. Also, when most of fortifications in Ind are protected against those living batterting rams, many forms of bardings are created to counter the counter.

Elephant's Scaly Skin is increased to 4+ but movement is reduced to 6. Additionally, enemies gain no advantage for being behind a defensive obstacle. Due reduced speed, elephant may pursue or bolt only 2d6 instead 3d6.

Bow of CobrasThese heavily curved bows almost always featured with two cobras twisted together either with by their tails or just below their open hoods, forming durable but stiff bow. Not surprisingly, all these bows are said to be related to naga.

Bow of Cobras is bow with range of 24” and strength equal to user's strength.

HowdahOnly royal elephants are strong enought to carry howdah yet such sight is impsiring indeed. Without exceptions, it is safest possible location to take part to tiger hunts but also serve similar duty during battles as well.

Howdah has room for five kshatriyans - any character riding in howdah replaces one of them - and offers 5+ armour save with can be combined with other armours normally. If royal elephant is also wearing elephan'ts armour, armour save provided by howdah is increased to 4+.

All models riding in howdah are treated as riding on monsterous creature but even if all models in howdwh are slain, elephant is never treated as unridden.

ChakramChakrams are round metal discs with hollow middle, sometimes thougth as oversized wrist bands by outsiders yet those are lethal weapon in hands of skilled, both in melee and ranged.

Chakram is thrown weapon. It can be also used as Additional Hand Weapon in close combat.


Page 15: Kingdoms of the Ind

Heirlooms of Ind DynastiesIn this section the common magic items are listed first (see page 122 of the Warhammer rulebook for a complete description).

‘Ind only’ magic items are also listed and these can only be used by models from this book. Any magic items chosen must be selected within the point limitations set by the army list section. All the rules on magic items presented in Warhammer rulebook also apply to the ‘Ind only’ magic items.

Common Magic ItemsSword of Striking:...……………..…… 30 ptsWeapon; +1 To Hit.

Sword of Battle:……...………..……… 25 ptsWeapon; +1 Attack.

Sword of Might:…...………….……… 20 ptsWeapon; +1 Strength.

Biting Blade:..………………..……….. 10 ptsWeapon; -1 Armour save.

Enchanted Shield:…..……..…………. 10 ptsArmour; +5 Armour save.

Talisman of Protection:....…………… 15 ptsTalisman; 6+ Ward save.

Dispel Scroll:……………….………… 25 pts Arcane; One Use Only; Automatically dispel an enemy spell.

Power Stone:………………..………… 25 pts Arcane; One Use Only; +2 dice to cast a spell.

Staff of Sorcery:………….…………... 50 ptsArcane; +1 to dispel.

War Banner:..................……………… 25 ptsBanner; +1 Combat Resolution.

Magic ArmoursThousand Scales of Butterflyies 50 pointsJunlges of Ind are home many large insects. Huge butterflies of Ind are known for their scaled wings that are said to turn even powers of chaos even more chaotic.

Heavy Armour. If character wearing this armour is affected by any spell, spell scatters like shot of catapult. Spell takes effect on any model or unit below the scattered location. Misfire is treated as miscast.

Shield of Sun 40 points This small, round shield made from gold is said to be as bright to look upon than the sun in the cloudless sky.

Shield. Opponents wishing to attack character with shield of sun must pass iniative check or their weapon skill is reduced to 1 for remaining of that phase.

Skin of Living Rakshasa 30 pointsWhile rakshasas are often said to wearing skins of men, they don't have hides of their own – only wearing someone's else. However, if able to gain strip of their skin, it said to hold powers of Rakshara while it is still alive.

Skin of Rakshasa gives Scaly Skin d6+ (rolled once per phase if needed) and Ward Save of 5+ against non-magical attacks.

Royal Hide 25 pointsArmours made from hides of royal elephants are durable indeed yet they are undamaged by the moisure of the Ind. When formed to brigandine, armour is offer great protection – even before the enchantments...

Light Armour. Gives Scaly Skin 5+ that cannot be reduced by strength of attack.


Page 16: Kingdoms of the Ind

Magic Weapons

Blade of Three Maharajas 65 pointsThis blade said to belong to three maharajas of Kingdom of Lost Springs, blessed by powerful deva before pride of third spelled doom of whole kingdom. While blade is guided by wisdom and prowess of first two, it also carries pride of the third.

Hand weapon. Adds +1 to character’s Strength, Attack and Leadership. Character carrying the sword must always accept any challenge issued.

Circle of Thirst 50 pointsWhile untouched, it simply looks nothing more than rusty chakram. However, stains will start to glow if touched – and when clowing, weapon cannot be put down until each glowing spot is covered by blood.

Chakram. Character gains +2 its strenght and ability to Always Strike First. However, model is affected by Dangerous rule (see page 7).

Trustful Servant 45 pointsThis bow is said to be living and still serving the purposes of naga instead one who carry it, biting the archer if shot would bring more harm than good for their true masters.

Bow of Cobras. Each hit has treated having poisonous and killing blow special rules. If natural one is scored when rolling to hit, character suffer poisonous hit instead.

Beast's Bane 35 pointsNo matter if man, elephant or ghost is hit, each and everyone of them are slayed alike.

Spear. Always wounds targets on 3+ regardless strength of user. Attacks ignores all armour saves gainerd throught scaly skin.

Arrow of Wounded God 25 pointsOne Use OnlyIt is said that even gods can die in Lands of Ind – as there are many others of their kind and struggles are solved personally, not throught the followers.

If character hits daemon, spirit or undead with bow of any sort, instead rolling to wound, victim is treated as it would have lost combat with amount to equal of hit's strenght.

Spear of Tiger Hunt 10 points One Use OnlyHunting tigers is common hobby for aristocracy of Ind, while safely mounted on elephant of course yet it is said that only tip of spear blessed by gods can stop tiger when already leaping towards.

Javelin. Always Stand and Shoot. It doubles strength and causes d3 wounds against large targets.


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Devi's Blessing 50 pointsThis amulet is told to be blessed by goddess to protect her mortal lover. In the end, this token was traded for man's divinity.

Gives wearer 4+ Ward Save and Magic Resistance (1).

Eye of Dragonfly 35 pointsDragonflies of Ind are large, aggresive and swift predators. However, their presence is good omen – at least if dragonflies are not offended. It is said that gurus can not only understand how dragonflies react but even borrow their sight and use it as their own.

Forest and similar terrain features do not block character's line of sight.

Icon of Sky God 35 pointsCharacter on foot onlyThis seemingly crude and fragile amulet holds powers that shouldn't be underestimated.

Character become immune to poison and gains ability to fly.

Lucky Amulet 15 pointsThere are many of these around and most of time one cannot tell if they actually working or not. Yet sometimes simply physical presence of amulet is lucky indeed.

Character ignores first non-magical hit he suffers.

Enchanted Items

Devastone 50 pointsThere are hundreds of these orbs around the lands of Ind, often collected to altars middle of settlement to bring good fortune and protection against evil. Powers of such orbs varies, maybe giving a hint about personality god or goddess living within the orb. Sometimes they allow twist reality around making wishes of carrier true.

Treat character is treated as level 1 wizard. If miscast occurs, opponent may nominate target of the spell instead the caster.

Enchanted Collar 45 pointsMany rulers do have personal pet or dozen. And when there is option for exotic beasts, why take house cat if you can have a tiger?

Depending the mood of the pet, it adds d3-1 to models Weapon Skill, Initiative and Attacks. Roll each one once and result last whole battle.

Quiver of the Guardian 20 pointsIt is said that this quiver was gifted for young mortal hero to battle raving band of rakshasas. While gifter's personality was never revealed, quiver that sheds its scales and envenom anything placed in it are notable hints of quiver's origin.

Any bow or javelin used by character is treated as poisonous.

Horn of the Hunt 20 pointsNothing is more inspiring that sound of horns used to gather men to tiger hunt. It is not only voice as its deep, low voice is felt in the bones as well. Nothing remind's man about his duty as such call.

Bound Spell: Power Level 5. If successfully cast, new Contest of Princes is taken immediatly.


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Banner of Scale Wings 75 pointsUndamaged butterfly wings are valuable components of many magical items of Ind – or more often, to counter such powers.

If model with this banner or unit he is within is affected by any spell, spell scatters like shot of catapult. Spell takes effect on any model or unit below the scattered location. Misfire is treated as miscast.

Guardian's Resolve 50 pointsOne Use OnlyLone nagas are known to defend their posts against overhelming odds, even whole armies alone: There is simply nothing one can do to break the presence of snake eyes.

Instead rolling the break test, unit may choose to use power of this banner. If so, unit is treated as it would have rolled double ones (Insane Courage!) as its break test result.

Dragonfly Banner 40 pointsDragonflies are creatures of superiour ability to flight yet lack of skill of walking. And those love to rest on silken fabribs, staying unmoving for hours unless shrugged off.

If broken from combat, opponent must halve their pursuing distance. Banner itself holds no victory point.

Banner of Distances 40 pointsOnly few can navigate throught jungles of Ind with accuracy of elephants. This banner was made to guide rulers on their hunts but it proved useful on battlefield also.

If unit fails to reach the enemy, instead performing failed charge, unit is treated as it wouldn't have declared charge at all.

Standard of Champions 35 pointsKshatriyan onlyThese standards are not unique yet extremely rare on battlefields as those is carried only the bravest soldiers in ruler's servidute.

Any model within unit may declare and accept challenges as they would be champions.

Banner of True Servant 25 pointsThere is few can deny their duty while they are carrying physical evidence to remind them reason they are fighting.

Unit always benefits from Loyal Servants rule regardless the result of Contest of Princes.

Banner of Hunt 25 pointsFor many, battlefields have little difference from tiger hunts. The prey is lethal and will fight back; and best moment to catch the beast is when it flees.

Unit rolls additional d6 when rolling pursues, discarding the lowest score.


Page 19: Kingdoms of the Ind

Great Powers of IndMany beings in Ind holds extraorginary or supernatural powers in their use. These powers are treated as additional special rules instead magic items and are not limited one per army.

Guru Powers

Master of Martial Arts 85 pointsEven if blindfolded, guru who has mastered secrets of martial arts is dangerous and fast.

Character’s Weapon Skill and Initiative is raised to 9 and is treated as armed with additional hand weapon.

Master of Mind 65 pointsGuru can ignore feelings of fear and despair by emptying his mind with mediation.

Character is stubborn and immune to psychology. Unit he joins may re-roll any failed psychology.

Master of Bow 50 pointsOnly elven marksman can challenge guru who has mastered wielding of bow.

Character is armed with longbow. He always hit 2+ when using any bow. Character may also pick any single model within line of sight, even if within unit, as long as model is within short range. Victim cannot use Look Out, Sir! -rule against such shots.

Master of Inner Powers 45 pointsGurus are known their powers to utilize their inner energy to perform deeds of legendary.

All attacks made by character are considered as magical and character gains 5+ ward save.

Master of Unseen Eye 30 pointsGuru can see things that are beyond normal eyes.

No scenery, models or non-magical effects can block guru’s line of sight on table. This bonus ably also any unit he joins. However, any other restrictions will still ably normally and shooting targets outside normal line of sight causes additional –2 to hit modifier.

Master of Knowledge 25 pointsGuru known almost everything he can from powers he uses.

Character gain additional spell to those he gains from his wizard levels. This power can be taken multiple times.

Master of Lores 20 pointsGuru has mastered many different forms of magic or ki.

Character may choose additional lore. He divines number of his spells between original and new lore as he wish exception that character has to known at least single spell from every lore he knows. This power can be taken multiple times.

Master of Body 15 pointsGuru’s every muscle, bone and drop of blood is under his control.

Character automatically passes any characteristic test (excluding leadership). Additionally if he makes opposite characteristic roll, he rolls extra dice and picks better one.


Page 20: Kingdoms of the Ind

Rakshasa Powers

Master of Shapes 100 pointsShape shifting is said to be first of three main powers of rakshasas.

Character may use rakshasa's shape-shift ability to replace any single friendly character or enemy champion on table. If enemy champion is replaced, character is placed front of champion's unit and unit is treated as they would have charged.

Master of Illusion 50 pointsIllusions is said to be second of three main powers of rakshasas.

Character adds +2 to any cast rolls when casting any spell from Lore of Shadows.

Master of Magic 125 pointsMagic is said to be third of three main powers of rakshasas.

After character has made casting roll, he may roll additional dice or re-roll single dice part of the roll. This may prevent miscast or result irresistable force.

Pairs of Arms 30, 70 or 140 pointsThere is no such thing as true self for rakshasas they can become anything. Yet using multiple pairs of hand is tricky but deadly if learned.

Character gains 2, 4 or 6 extra attacks to his profile for respecting costs of 30, 70 or 140 points.

Unnatural Strength 75 pointsSome forms of raksaras are truly potent, able to cut men down, as they would be wheat.

Character gains additional d6 points to his strength quality, rolled when first time required.

Utmost Horror 50 pointsRaksaras sometimes takes forms of worst nightmares of their prey from jolliest boogiemen to wrathful, animal-headed personified image of death.

Character causes terror.


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Naga Powers

Scales of Steel 70 pointsOlder naga grows, harder it scales becomes, thus formong strong armour.

Model gains +1 to his Toughness, Wounds and Scaly Skin armour saves. This power can be taken multiple times.

Master of Poisons 65 pointsIs said that only naga’s poison is strong enough to slay elephant in seconds.

Model is immune to poisons and any successful poisonous attacks made by character will cause d6 wounds instead 1.

Patience of Snake 50 pointsNagas guarding their site can stay unmoving for years; yet strike faster than eye when prey is off-guard.

Model gains Always Strike First rule.

Creature of Lakes 50 pointsMore often than not, nagas do not fight alongside with other beings, they just happen to be in same place against common enemy.

After all terrain features are deployed but before side is chosen, player may place single lake feature to table.

Shedding of Skin 50 pointsSometimes nagas has soft slimy scales below harder ones and easily cover and stops otherwise lethal wounds.

Model has regeneration.

Guardian’s Duty 45 pointsIt is said that duty means more for Naga than its own life.

Model and is allowed to roll one extra die when making psychology or break tests and discard the highest score.

Call of Geyser 40 pointsFor being creatures of water, Nagas are rarely far away from it, even not visible for plain eyes.

Bound Spell (3). Place 5” template centered over model using this power. Area covered by template is treated very difficult watery terrain until beginning of player's next turn.

Cry of Cobras 40 pointsNagas are often prayed for protection against cobras, as they have power over them.

Bound Spell (3). Each unit or model (friend or foe) within 2d6 will suffer d6 wounds. Nagas or models immune to poison are unaffected.

Home in Waters 35 pointsNaga is living within the area and ready to deal any intruder distrubing its slumber.

Model may be placed within any watery terrain feature on table.

Gaze of Cobra 35 pointsMany tales are told about petrifying gazes that can turn man to stone. No naga has such power yet its gaze can still freeze the prey.

At start of the combat phase, single opponent chosen by naga must pass Initiative check or his Weapon Skill is reduced to zero for that phase. This power has no effect against models immune to psychology.


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This section is here to build your own army. As descripted in Warhammer rulebook, the army list is divined into four sections: Characters (Lords and Heroes), Core Units, Special Units and Rare Units.

Army List Entries

Profiles: The characteristic profile for the model(s) in each unit are provided as a reminder. Where several profiles are included, these are also given even if they are optional.

Unit Size: Each troop entry specifies the minimum number size for each unit, which is smallest number of models needed to form that unit. In some cases, this also includes the maximum number of models.

Equipment:Each entry lists the standard armours and weapons for that type of unit. The cost of those items is included the base point value. Additional or optional equipment cost extra and are covered in the Options section of the unit entry.

Special Rules: Many troops have special rules that are fully descripted earlier in this book. The names of these rules are listed as a reminder.

Options: Many entries list different armours, weapons and equipment options, along with any additional point cost for giving then in the unit. This includes magic items and other upgrades for characters. It may also include the option to upgrade unit member to chaption, musicant or standard bearer.

Choosing Characters

Characters are divined into two gategories: Lords and Heroes. The maximum number of characters an army can include is shown on the chart below. Of these, only certain number can be lords.

Arny Point Value

Max Total Character

Max Lords

Max Heroes

Less than 2000 3 0 32000 or more 4 1 43000 or more 6 2 64000 or more 8 3 8Each +1000 .+2 .+1 .+2

Kingdoms of Ind army must always have one character to act as a general. Character with highest leadership is treated as general but model may not be also a battle standad bearer. If multiple characters with equal leaderships, player is free to choose who is leading.

Choosing Troops

The number of each type of unit allowed and required depends on the army's point value

Arny Point Value

Core Units

Special Units

Rare Units

Less than 2000 .4+ 0-4 0-12000 or more .6+ 0-5 0-23000 or more .8+ 0-6 0-34000 or more .10+ 0-7 0-4Each +1000 .2+ +0-1 +0-1


Page 23: Kingdoms of the Ind



80 points

M WS BS S T W I A LdMaharaja 4 5 5 4 4 3 4 3 8Warhorse 8 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 5

Special Rules Equipment True Wealth of Maharaja Hand WeaponLoyal Servants

Options May be armed with halberd (+6 pts), additional hand weapon (+6 pts) or great weapon (+6 pts).

May be armed with javelin (+5 pts), chakram (+10 pts), bow (+5 points) and/or bow of cobras (+10 pts).

May have light armour (+3 pts), heavy armour (+6 points) and/or shield (+3 pts).

Can be mounted on warhorse (+15 points), which may have barding (+6 points), on chariot (+70 points), which may have scythed wells (+10 points) or on howdah of royal elephant (+140 points) which may also have elephant's armour (+ 20 pts).

May choose up to 100 points of magic items chosen from Ind or Common magic items.

Legendary Guru

60 points.

M WS BS S T W I A LdLegendary Guru 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 3 9

Special Rules Equipment Guru Hand Weapon

Options May choose up to 100 points of magic items chosen from Common magic items or powers from Guru power list.

May become level 1 wizard at cost 50 points, level 2 wizard at cost of 85 points, level 3 wizard at cost 135 points or level 4 wizard at cost of 170 points. Regardless wizard level, guru uses common lore from rulebook

Lesser Deity

150 points. Counts as rare choice as well.

M WS BS S T W I A LdLesser Deity 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 10

Special Rules Equipment Daemon Hand Weapon

Options May choose up to 300 points of powers chosen from Guru, Naga or Rakshasa power lists.

May become level 1 wizard at cost 50 points, level 2 wizard at cost of 85 points, level 3 wizard at cost 135 points or level 4 wizard at cost of 170 points. Regardless wizard level, lesser deity uses common lore from rulebook


100 points.

M WS BS S T W I A LdRakshasas 4 5 3 4 4 3 5 4 8

Special Rules Equipment Daemon, Dangerous Hand WeaponShapeshifting

Options May choose up to 200 points of powers chosen from Guru or Rakshasa power lists.

May become level 1 wizard at cost 50 points, level 2 wizard at cost of 85 points, level 3 wizard at cost 135 points or level 4 wizard at cost of 170 points. Regardless wizard level, rakshasa uses common lore from rulebook


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40 points

M WS BS S T W I A LdPrince 4 4 4 4 4 2 4 2 7Warhorse 8 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 5

Special Rules Equipment Contest of Princes Hand WeaponLoyal Servants

Options May be armed with halberd (+4 pts), additional hand weapon (+4 pts) or great weapon (+4 pts).

May be armed with javelin (+5 pts), chakram (+8 pts), bow (+5 points) and/or bow of cobras (+10 pts).

May have light armour (+3 pts), heavy armour (+6 points) and/or shield (+3 pts).

Can be mounted on warhorse (+10 points), which may have barding (+4 points), on chariot (+70 points), which may have scythed wells (+10 points) or on howdah of royal elephant (+140 points) which may also have elephant's armour (+ 20 pts).

One prince may become battle standard bearer (+25 points).

May choose up to 50 points of magic items chosen from Ind or Common magic items. Battle standard bearer may have single magical standard with any cost instead.


40 points.

M WS BS S T W I A LdGuru 4 4 4 4 4 2 4 2 8

Special Rules Equipment Guru Hand Weapon

Options May choose up to 50 points of magic items chosen from Common magic items or guru powers from Guru power list.

May become level 1 wizard at cost 50 points or level 2 wizard at cost of 85 points. Regardless wizard level, guru uses common lore from rulebook


Page 25: Kingdoms of the Ind

CORE UNITSWarriors of Ind

3 points per model

M WS BS S T W I A LdWarrior 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 5Master 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 5

Unit Size Equipment10+ Hand Weapon

Special RulesLoyal Servants

OptionsMay have spears at +1 pts/model, flails at +2 pts/model or halberds +1 pts/model

May have light armour at +1 pts/model and/or shield at +1 pts/model.

One warrior may be promoted to master at +8 pts

One warrior may be promoted to musician at +4 pts

One warrior may be promoted to standard bearer at +8 pts


6 points per model

M WS BS S T W I A LdHunter 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 5Trapper 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 5

Unit Size Equipment10+ Hand Weapon, Bow

Special RulesLoyal Servants, Skirmish

OptionsMay exhange their bow to javelin and spear for free

One hunter may be promoted to mucician at +5 pts

One hunter may be promoted to trapper +10 pts.

Any unit lead by trapper may have scout rule at +3 pts/model


5 points per model

M WS BS S T W I A LdZada 4 2 2 3 3 1 4 1 4

Unit Size Equipment10+ Hand Weapon

Special RulesLoyal Servants, Skirmish, Frenzy, Hatred

OptionsMay have flails at +2 pts/model or chakrams at +3 pts/model


60 points per model

M WS BS S T W I A LdElephant 7 3 0 5 5 4 2 3 8

Unit Size Equipment1+ Hand Weapon

Special RulesElephant (Cause Fear, Large Target, Scaly Skin 5+, Unit Strength 5, Impact Hits d3, Strong Willed, Bolting, Giants of the Jungle)

OptionsMay have elephant's armour at +10 pts/model


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12 points per model

M WS BS S T W I A LdKshatriyan 4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 7Kshatriya-kul 4 4 4 4 3 1 4 2 7Warhorse 8 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 5

Unit Size Equipment5+ Hand Weapon, Bow, Spear

Light Armour, Shield

Special RulesLoyal Servants, Fast in Moves, Feint Retreat

OptionsMay exhange their spears to halberds for free.

May exhange their bows to chakrims at +2 pts/model.

May be mounted on warhorse at +8 pts/model which may have have barding at +6 pts/model.

One kshatriyan may be promoted to Musician at +8 pts

One kshatriyan may be promoted to Standard Bearer at +12 pts and he may have magic standard up 50 points.

One kshatriyan may be promoted to Kshatriya-kul at +12 pts.

Any unit on foot led by Kshatriya-kul may have scout rule at +3 pts/model.

Royal Elephants

80 points per model

M WS BS S T W I A LdRoyal Elephant 7 3 0 5 5 5 2 4 8Kshatriyan 4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 7

Unit Size Equipment1 Hand Weapon.

Special RulesElephant (Cause Fear, Large Target, Scaly Skin 5+, Unit Strength 5, Impact Hits d6, Strong Willed, Bolting, Giants of the Jungle)Loyal Servants (Kshatriyan only)

OptionsMay have elephant's armour at +20 pts.

May have howdah and five kshatriyans at +60 pts.

Kshatriyans are armed with spear, bow and light armour and they may exchange their bow to shield for free.


70 points per model

M WS BS S T W I A LdKshatriyan - 4 4 4 - - 4 1 7Chariot - - - 5 4 4 - - -Warhorse 8 3 - 3 - - 3 1 -

Unit Size EquipmentSingle chariot with 2 Hand Weapon, Bow, Spearkshatriyans as crew anddrawn by 2 warhorses.

Special Rules Armour SaveChariot 3+Loyal Servants

OptionsMay have scythed wheels at +10 pts.


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80 points

M WS BS S T W I A LdThe Cage - - - - 5 4 - - -Rhinox 7 3 0 5 5 3 2 3 5Bull Rhinox 7 3 0 6 5 3 2 4 5

Unit Size Equipment1 Hand Weapon (Rhinox only)

Special Rules Armour SaveThe Cage, Open the Cage! 1+ (the Cage only) Free Rhinox 5+ Scaly Skin (Rhinoxes only)

OptionsRhinox can be upgraded to Bull Rhinox at +45 pts.


75 points.

M WS BS S T W I A LdNaga 6 4 4 5 5 4 1 2 10

Unit Size Equipment 1 Hand Weapon

Special RulesMonsterous Creature, Magic Resistance (2)Scaly Skin 4+, Poisonous, Aquatic, Wrath of Sky God

Options May choose up to 200 points of powers chosen from Guru or Naga power lists.

May be armed with javelin at +5 points, long bow at +5 points or bow of cobras at +10.

Royal Culveneers

200 points per model.

M WS BS S T W I A LdRoyal Elephant 7 3 0 5 5 5 2 4 8Culverin - - - - 6 6 - - -

Unit Size Equipment1 Hand Weapon, Culverin

Elephant's Armour

Special RulesElephant (Cause Fear, Large Target, Scaly Skin 5+, Unit Strength 5, Impact Hits d6, Strong Willed, Bolting, Giants of the Jungle), Modified Howdah, Dogs of War

Special NoteUp to 0 Royal Culveneers can be taken as a single rare choice. So Unless True wealth of Maharaja special rule is increased single rare choise upper limit to 1 or more, all royal culveneers are treated as a Dogs of War like they are treated for any other army.

Dogs of War Army of Ind may include any Dogs of War unit regardless their origin as long as Dogs of War unit is available for any human force.


Page 28: Kingdoms of the Ind


Lords M WS BS S T W I A Ld Special Rules BaseMaharaja 4 5 5 4 4 3 4 3 8 True Wealth of Maharaja, Loyal Servants 20x20Legendary Guru 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 3 9 Guru 20x20Lesser Deity 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 10 Daemon 40x40Rakshasa 4 5 3 4 4 3 5 4 8 Daemon Dangerous, Shapeshifting 20x20

Heroes M WS BS S T W I A Ld Special Rules BasePrince 4 4 4 4 4 2 4 2 7 Loyal Servants 20x20Guru 4 4 4 4 4 2 4 2 8 Guru 20x20

Troops M WS BS S T W I A Ld Special Rules BaseWarrior of Ind Master










Loyal Servants 20x20

Hunter Trapper










Loyal Servants, Skirmish 20x20

Zara 4 2 2 3 3 1 4 1 4 Loyal Servants, Skirmish, Frenzy, Hatred 20x20Kshatriyan Kshatriya-kul










Loyal Servants, Fast in Moves, Feint Retreat


Naga 6 4 4 5 5 4 1 2 10Monsterous Creature, Magic Reistance 2, Scaly Skin 4+, Wrath of Sky God, Aquatic, Poisonous


Elephant 7 3 0 5 5 4 2 3 8Cause Fear, Large Target, Scaly Skin 5+, Unit Strength 5, Impact Hits d3, Bolting, Strong Willed, Giants of the Jungle


CulveneerRoyal Elephant










Modified Howdah, Dogs of WarRoyal Elephant (see mounts)


Mounts M WS BS S T W I A Ld Special Rules BaseWarhorse 8 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 5 25x50

Royal Elephant 7 3 0 5 5 5 2 4 8Cause Fear, Large Target, Scaly Skin 5+, Unit Strength 5, Impact Hits d6, Bolting, Strong Willed, Giants of the Jungle


Chariot - - - 5 4 4 - - - Chariot 50x100

Other M WS BS S T W I A Ld Special Rules BaseThe Cage - - - - 6 6 - - - The Cage, Open The Cage! 50x100Rhinox 7 3 0 5 5 3 2 3 5 Free Rhinox, Scaly Skin 5+ 50x50Bull Rhinox 7 3 0 6 5 3 2 4 5 Free Rhinox, Scaly Skin 5+ 50x100

Personal Equipment of Ind

Bow of Cobras Bow. Strength equal to its user.

ChakramThrow weapon as well as additional hand weapon.