kingsley park primary school - parents sentral portal thanks to … · 2017-09-04 · pleased with...

Friday 11th August School Disco - Years 3 to 6 Tuesday 29th August Fathers Day Stall Fathers Day Activities Morning 8.15-9.15am Wednesday 30th Aug - Friday 1st Sept Year 4 Camp to The Briars Friday 1st September District Athletics Tuesday 12th September Prep Places in the Community Excursion Thursday 14th September Interschool Chess Competition 12th September - 21st September Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Junior YMCA Swimming Friday 22nd September Footy Colours & Pie Fun Day Last Day of Term - 2:30pm dismissal Email address: [email protected] Website address : 10th August 2017 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 HARVEY COLE FLINTOFF MOTTRAM HOUSE POINTS TALLEY Student absences are on the rise. Thank you to the many parents who have explained absences since Parent-Teacher meetings. If your child is absent it is a legal requirement that you explain their absence and that it is a legitimate reason. Learning happens when we are at school however, if we are sick, bedrest at home is needed. Parents Sentral Portal Thanks to all the parents who turned out in the Library during the launch of the Parent Sentral App last Wednesday. Over 100 parents were able to be acvated with a Sentral Account and we were really pleased with the response from Kingsley Park Parents. The idea of the Portal, which has just been updated this month in an App form, is to allow parents to message their childs teachers, report absences, view studentsacademic reports, aainment with the connuum tracker and students own aendance and acvies. It also allows the school to nofy parents of events that are happening. Unfortunately the App is having a few issues at present. If you did create an account on the day you can access the portal through a web browser at hps://!/login We will provide an update for parents either wishing to sign up for an account or those having trouble with the App when we have instrucons from Sentral. Thanks Mr Brand SCHOOL DISCO REMINDER Years 3 - 6 Friday 11th August 7.00 - 9.00pm $5.00 Entry To make this a great night for our children we need lots of volunteers to help in the cloakroom, canteen and supervising children on the dance floor and in the toilets. Congratulations to all our wonderful Wakakirri performers. What a long but great day you had finishing with a super performance. Thank you for your great performance. Congratulations to you all, it was a fabulous night. Thanks to Mr Bloomfield, Ms Westhead, Mrs Gilbert, Mr Gardner, Mrs Heeley and Lyn (Deb’s mum who did lots of sewing, preparation, photos, etc, etc) for all their efforts with choreography, costumes, lighting, hair and make-up. A super team effort, well done to you all.

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Page 1: Kingsley Park Primary School - Parents Sentral Portal Thanks to … · 2017-09-04 · pleased with the response from Kingsley Park Parents. The idea of the Portal, which has just

Friday 11th August

School Disco - Years 3 to 6

Tuesday 29th August Fathers Day Stall

Fathers Day Activities Morning 8.15-9.15am

Wednesday 30th Aug - Friday 1st Sept

Year 4 Camp to The Briars

Friday 1st September District Athletics

Tuesday 12th September

Prep Places in the Community Excursion

Thursday 14th September Interschool Chess Competition

12th September - 21st September

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Junior YMCA Swimming

Friday 22nd September

Footy Colours & Pie Fun Day

Last Day of Term - 2:30pm dismissal

Email address: [email protected] Website address :

10th August 2017











Student absences are on the rise. Thank you to the many parents who have explained absences since Parent-Teacher meetings. If your child is absent it is a legal requirement that you explain their absence and that it is a legitimate reason. Learning happens when we are at school however, if we are sick, bedrest at home is needed.

Parents Sentral Portal Thanks to all the parents who turned out in the Library during the launch of the Parent Sentral App last Wednesday. Over 100 parents were able to be activated with a Sentral Account and we were really pleased with the response from Kingsley Park Parents. The idea of the Portal, which has just been updated this month in an App form, is to allow parents to message their child’s teachers, report absences, view students’ academic reports, attainment with the continuum tracker and students own attendance and activities. It also allows the school to notify parents of events that are happening. Unfortunately the App is having a few issues at present. If you did create an account on the day you can access the portal through a web browser at!/login We will provide an update for parents either wishing to sign up for an account or those having trouble with the App when we have instructions from Sentral. Thanks Mr Brand


Years 3 - 6 Friday 11th August

7.00 - 9.00pm $5.00 Entry

To make this a great night for our children we need lots of

volunteers to help in the cloakroom, canteen and supervising children on the dance floor and in the toilets.

Congratulations to all our wonderful

Wakakirri performers.

What a long but great day you had finishing with a super performance. Thank you for your great performance.

Congratulations to you all, it was a fabulous night. Thanks to Mr Bloomfield, Ms Westhead, Mrs Gilbert, Mr Gardner, Mrs

Heeley and Lyn (Deb’s mum who did lots of sewing, preparation, photos, etc, etc) for all their efforts with choreography, costumes, lighting, hair

and make-up. A super team effort, well done to you all.

Page 2: Kingsley Park Primary School - Parents Sentral Portal Thanks to … · 2017-09-04 · pleased with the response from Kingsley Park Parents. The idea of the Portal, which has just

ACTIVE LEARNERS — Junior Class Big Writes

The Spider Gets Lost By Jack J5 The spider really wanted to be king, but the other insects laughed at him. So he ran and ran until he could not hear them, but he got lost. He was scared because he ran too far from the kingdom. Then he found some footprints and he followed them back to the kingdom. Then he was king.

The Dragonfly Who wanted To Be King By Georgia J5 Once upon a time there lived a dragonfly that wanted to be king because all the other bugs kept picking on him. One day the queen needed a king, so all the bugs came and the queen chose a king. It was a horrible, terrible, ugly, slimy worm! The dragonfly was extremely upset! A few years later the worm died. The dragonfly was made king and they all lived happily ever after.

Ruby J6 Once there was a bug named Max and he was very happy. So, he went to the King Bat. The King was very selfish so Max wanted to teach the king a lesson by becoming King. So Max gave the poor bugs all of his stuff. Then he yelled “MAKE ME KING AND I WILL GIVE YOU MONEY!” Suddenly the King yelled “I CHALLENGE YOU TO A VOTE!” The bugs wanted to choose Max but the King stopped them from voting. So Max challenged him. Max fought and fought. Finally Max won and Max became King. The old King wasn’t very happy but Max was happy!

Jhett J6 Once there was a huntsman named Fred who lived in Bugland. Fred always wanted to be King of Bugland. He saw a poster. It said… The King is retiring. He has been King for seven years. There will be an election on the tenth of June. Fred shouted “I WILL GO!” Then he went for a walk. Fred met a fly named Jeff. He whispered to Fred “Sure you won’t run for King?” Fred whispered “Yes...” The election was the next day so Fred got ready. Jeff was going to support Fred but Jeff got stuck in the spider’s web! So Fred went to get help. He found a bee named Jai. Fred took Jai to Jeff.

Jai and Fred got Jeff out of the web. They saw a spectacular, amazing and beautiful Kingdom. They all ran in the election where they worked hard. Fred won! He was King! He got to keep the Kingdom and they had a party.

Leah J6 One day there was a spider named Jarrod and a King named Jacob, who was afraid of spiders. The King lived in a Kingdom and the spider lived in a web. During the day the spider thought about stealing the King’s crown but it was night-time so he went to bed. In the morning he went to the big kingdom to find the crown but he was ravenous so he caught a fly instead. Then he went to steal the crown. When the spider got to the kingdom the King saw him and screamed, “AAAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHHGGGGGG!” Then the spider crawled up on him and the Butler tried to get him off of him! The spider needed a new plan. He decided to go into the castle to get the crown so he did that. He went into the castle and the crown was there, but how could he get it? Then he had an idea… he could just get it when they opened up tomorrow. So he went back to his web and caught another fly for dinner. Then he watched some TV, but before he went to bed he had to laugh about how the king had screamed! Then Jarrod the spider went to bed and thought to himself, “I could just build my own Kingdom!” and with this he fell asleep. In the morning he caught a fly and he started to build a lot. He was finally done and he had his very own Kingdom and made himself King Bug. Why didn’t he do that in the first place? Every single bug was good and they were very happy. No one got hurt and nothing happened. That was the end of King Jacob being afraid of spiders because he never saw Jarrod again, and he was very happy about that.

The Bug Who Wanted

to be King

Page 3: Kingsley Park Primary School - Parents Sentral Portal Thanks to … · 2017-09-04 · pleased with the response from Kingsley Park Parents. The idea of the Portal, which has just

Woolworths Earn and Learn We are once again participating in Woolworths Earn and Learn program which runs from Wednesday 26th July through to Tuesday 19th September. A collection box will be located in the school office for sticker returns. Our sticker tally from last year was 45,900 - lets aim to beat that in 2017 ! School Rewards - Karingal Hub The School Rewards promotion runs from July 26th - 6th September. Customers who shop during this time at Karingal Hub/Star Zone can allocate every dollar spent as points towards our school. Local schools with the most points allocated will win a share in $10,000. Further information is included in flyer on back page of this newsletter. Father’s Day Stall Wrapping We will have another wrapping morning on Thursday 17th August. We would greatly appreciate parent helpers on this morning so come along have a cuppa and a chat while wrapping presents. ‘More hands make light work’.

Save the date: Saturday 14th October

‘Dolly Disco’ Parents Night

KPG NEWS KPG Committee Coordinators

Hayley Laird Joanna Abbott (0438 250 611)

Jane Taylor

Current parents - Do you have another child starting at Kingsley Park next year ?

A reminder to our Kingsley families to please make arrangements to enrol your kindergarten child for Prep 2018. Transition begins soon so please get them enrolled. Please see Ros or Jo in the office to complete the necessary paperwork - a copy of your child’s birth certificate and immunisation form is required. Thank you.

Lost property is now located in the gym foyer!

Has your child lost their jumper? Has your child lost their drink bottle or

lunch box? Please come in and have a look for your

child’s jumper. Items that are clearly labelled with names have been returned to classrooms. All items left after week 2 of next term will be washed and sold as

second hand uniform.

Secret dad’s business………

DAD’s, please keep the morning of

Tuesday 29th August free between

8.15am and 9.15am

for some fun activities

with your kids.

Be prepared to be spoilt and have fun.

Thumbs Up to: Our wonderful Wakakirri team for their fabulous performance and for winning the Wakakirri Spirit Award—showing great all round teamwork, kinship and great spirit through the event. Our wonderful Wakakirri parent helpers for hair, costumes, photos, make-up. Thanks for your support! Our breakfast club helpers, your support each Thursday to help provide our students with breakfast is fabulous. Many thanks! Our morning toast mums—we have started providing toast each morning (along with the with the big breakfast each Thursday) and have had some wonderful parent volunteers. More would be great! Ros in the office who has been super in getting bread donations for our families each Thursday—thanks Ros, they make great sandwiches and toast! All our families who have already brought in many Earn and learn stickers!! Keep up the great work! Lets help the KPG get some great goodies for our school.

Next KPG Meeting 9:00am

Thursday 17th August

Page 4: Kingsley Park Primary School - Parents Sentral Portal Thanks to … · 2017-09-04 · pleased with the response from Kingsley Park Parents. The idea of the Portal, which has just
Page 5: Kingsley Park Primary School - Parents Sentral Portal Thanks to … · 2017-09-04 · pleased with the response from Kingsley Park Parents. The idea of the Portal, which has just

Senior Team News



th July the Year 5/6s were invited to a Forensic Science investigation session at Mt Erin Secondary

College. Children had an amazing time exploring the outstanding Science Lab and engaged in hands on investigation to solve the mystery of the catnapped Percival. Children studied fingerprints, hair samples,

cryptography and chromatographic analysis. They looked very impressive in their lab coats!

Who Catnapped Percival?



Tuesday 1st August a trained energy auditor from Planet Savers visited our school. Eight Year 6 students

and five Year 5 students accompanied him on his inspection. The students had fun gathering data using a Lux meter (to measure light levels) and an infrared temperature gun. They also learnt a lot about the Energy Footprint of our school and how our existing solar panels can reduce greenhouse pollutions and our energy costs. Those who participated look forward to presenting to the students and staff a report that details our current energy usage as well as provide suggestions to become a more sustainable school.


Mt Erin have invited all Year 5 & 6 students to a free preview of their musical production Grease. We look forward to spending the day up there on Thursday 17th August to watch the talented students of the Arts

Academy in their performance.

Page 6: Kingsley Park Primary School - Parents Sentral Portal Thanks to … · 2017-09-04 · pleased with the response from Kingsley Park Parents. The idea of the Portal, which has just

DON’T FORGET: Have you changed your address, medical details

or phone numbers recently? If so, it is vital that you provide updated details

to the school.

This fortnight’s focus is :

Getting Along

I can get along with other children, teachers and people in the community.

Getting along means working well with teachers and classmates, resolving problems peacefully and contributing positively to the community. When I am getting along: I demonstrate the best way to be a good friend, in the

class-room and in the playground.

I am a positive role model to people around me.

I show generosity and kindness.

I interact with people and show them respect.

I am helpful.

I am a friend to someone if they are alone at school.

I show manners wherever I go, especially when in school uni-form.

I take pride in who I am, a Kingsley Park Kid.

Module Assemblies - Prep, Junior, Middle and

Senior School

Module assemblies are held each fortnight and commence at 2:45pm, with the next date being 18th uagust. Prep & Junior Assembly is in the gym, Middle Assembly is in the Prep Gallery and Senior assembly is in the BER Building (Senior rooms). Full school assemblies are held each alternate week in the gym. We hope to see you there tomorrow.

Parents are welcome to attend all assemblies.

Once a week, take a peek !

Have you checked your

child’s hair for head-lice today ?

Page 7: Kingsley Park Primary School - Parents Sentral Portal Thanks to … · 2017-09-04 · pleased with the response from Kingsley Park Parents. The idea of the Portal, which has just

School Term dates: 2017

Term 1: 30 January to 31 March *

Term 2:

18 April (Tuesday) to 30 June

Term 3: 17 July to 22 September

Term 4:

9 October to 22 December

Breakfast Club

Term 3 Reminder

All children are invited to participate in Breakfast Club for Term 3.

This is a whole school activity and we encourage children from all year levels to attend.

Breakfast Club operates from 8am each Thursday morning and is held in the school hall.

We are very happy to celebrate our second anniversary of providing our Kingsley Kids with weekly Breakfast Mornings. So far the Breakfast Mornings have provided more than 1600 serves of breakfast to our students, encouraging a healthy and happy start to their day. We will mark our anniversary with a ‘celebration breakfast’ in Week 5, Thursday 17th August.

We are extremely grateful to continue our partnership with a local Indian Community based in Carrum Downs. The MA Centre (Aust) is continuing their generous support of our program. Kingsley Park has also continued to be supported from a government-funded program, Foodbank Australia, which has added extra value to our program. Our Breakfast Mornings run on Thursdays from 8:00am to 8:30am in the School Hall. Parents are asked to bring their children participating in the breakfast to the hall. Teachers will be supervising children and serving the breakfast. Parent helpers are most welcome. Children are encouraged to be involved in this whole school program to promote a healthy start to their school day. In addition to our normal program we are extending our breakfast morning to include ‘toast and talk’ mornings where children have the opportunity to receive nice warm toast from the canteen, particularly nice for these chilly mornings. Look out for the days this is on offer. The KPPS Breakfast Team would like to extend a heartfelt thanks to our staff and parent helpers who have worked along side us to enable this program to run successfully. We look forward to our continued journey together as we head towards our third anniversary.

KPPS Breakfast Team



Page 8: Kingsley Park Primary School - Parents Sentral Portal Thanks to … · 2017-09-04 · pleased with the response from Kingsley Park Parents. The idea of the Portal, which has just

Full Page $50

Half Page $30

Quarter Page $20

For Sale Items $10 (Business card size)

Flyers $40

Lunchtime activities with parents Each term we run lunchtime activities for our students. If there are any parents who would like to offer a lunchtime club due to having a particular interest or hobby (gardening, sewing, football, netball), we would love to hear from you. All parents will be supervised by our staff and must have a Working with Children’s check. If you are keen to share your talents/interests and help offer our students some additional interests during their lunchtimes one day per week, please contact the office.


Computer time in the library for Prep & Junior students Ms Gray

Page 9: Kingsley Park Primary School - Parents Sentral Portal Thanks to … · 2017-09-04 · pleased with the response from Kingsley Park Parents. The idea of the Portal, which has just

For parents interested in opening a bank account for their child we have application forms available at the office for Student Banking with the Bendigo Bank. A Piggy Saver account is a great opportunity to teach children the value of saving.

Page 10: Kingsley Park Primary School - Parents Sentral Portal Thanks to … · 2017-09-04 · pleased with the response from Kingsley Park Parents. The idea of the Portal, which has just

The RACV Challenge is an exciting educational program where we design and make a push cart and human powered vehicle. RACV gives stu-dents opportunities to work together to design and construct a pushcart and/or HPV with materials sourced from school or donations from sponsors. In November we take our vehicles to Maryborough and race against other schools involved in the RACV Challenge.

A very big THANK YOU to our sponsors.