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Kingsley Primary Academy Home Learning Activities for Year 6 Whilst we are still facing school closures, please see the information below for the work your child can access at home during next week. We know this is a difficult time for everyone and the well-being of our children at Kingsley is paramount to us. The activities we have provided here are a mixture of some ‘pen and paper’ as well as ‘active and family orientated’ ones. Please try to complete as many as you can – we understand that it may be difficult to complete all of these tasks, so ask that you do what you can in your family. Stay Safe! A suggested timetable for you to follow this week could be: Week 2: 15/6/20 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 0900 PE PE PE PE PE 0930 Maths Maths Maths Maths Maths 1000 English English English English English 1030 BREAK 1100 PSHE/RSE Geography Computing French Art 1130 Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading

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Page 1: Kingsley Primary Academy Home Learning Activities for Year ... · Kingsley Primary Academy Home Learning Activities for Year 6 Whilst we are still facing school closures, please see

Kingsley Primary Academy Home Learning Activities for Year 6

Whilst we are still facing school closures, please see the information below for the work your child can access at home during next week. We know this is a difficult time for everyone and the well-being of our children at Kingsley is paramount to us. The activities we have provided here are a mixture of some ‘pen and paper’ as well as ‘active and family orientated’ ones. Please try to complete as many as you can –

we understand that it may be difficult to complete all of these tasks, so ask that you do what you can in your family. Stay Safe!

A suggested timetable for you to follow this week could be:

Week 2: 15/6/20

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday


0930 Maths Maths Maths Maths Maths

1000 English English English English English

1030 BREAK

1100 PSHE/RSE Geography Computing French Art

1130 Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading

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Kingsley Primary Academy Home Learning Activities for Year 6


PE Maths Writing Foundation Subjects

Reading Week 2



Participate in Joe Wicks’ live PE sessions every morning from 9 – 9.30 to get those endorphins running through your body and it will help with your focus!! The Body Coach PE session in on YouTube. Simply type in: @thebodycoach and click on The Body Coach TV-YouTube

Day 1 Fractions This week we will be continuing on our fractions work. The NCETM website has fantastic videos and resources. See the link below for the lesson. This lesson will be Lesson 5 Remember, throughout the week continue practising the children’s times tables every day. Instant recall of all times tables up to and including 12 x 12 is the expectation by the end of Year 6. Times tables games:

Day 1 For your writing this week we are going to be learning how to write a newspaper report. Science for the half term is based on the human body and the effects that different things have on the respiratory system. One thing that is often in the news surrounding athletes are performance enhancing drugs. Some athletes use these to help them become better at sport and outrank their competition. In many sports these are illegal, and athletes are often banned because of them. We would like you to write a newspaper report about performance enhancing drugs and what happens to the human body when they are taken. But before that, we need to look at the features of a newspaper article and learn how to write on successfully. Below is a newspaper article on performance enhancing drugs. Have a read and think about the literary techniques that are used. Create a list of the different techniques used in this newspaper article. This could be paragraphs, facts, quotes, repetition, etc.

PSHE This week, we would like to talk about the Black Lives Matter campaign. As I’m sure you know, lots of protests have been going on around the world; London, Washington DC, Bristol, Australia and Germany have all had protests over the last few weeks. We want to explore what the true meaning is of BLM and what we as individuals can do to help the cause and recognise the privilege that some people have over other people from different ethnic backgrounds. What key questions can you think of that need to be asked regarding this issue?

Day 1 This week we are going to go back to our story that we were looking at before half term. We thought you might want a little break, but also would want to finish it off! Start at Chapter 25.




Participate in Joe Wicks’ live PE sessions every morning from 9 – 9.30 to get those endorphins running through your body and it will help with your focus!! The Body Coach PE session in on YouTube. Simply type in: @thebodycoach and click on

Day 2 Fractions This week we will be continuing on our fractions work. The NCETM website has fantastic videos and resources. See the link below for the lesson. This will be Lesson 6 in the sequence

Day 2 Yesterday you looked at a newspaper article and you identified some of the literary techniques that are found in a newspaper article. Today we are going to be looking at a newspaper article and seeing how we can improve the writing. Starter Have a look at some newspaper headlines online. Think about the things that they use to grip a reader’s attention. Activity Have a look at this newspaper article and have a go at seeing if there are any mistakes and write down things that you could do to improve it.

Geography Today’s lesson is going to be able identifying the human and physical features of a place or location. For example, if I was to say can you name a physical feature of the local area, what would you say? The school building? A park? Box Park? What would a human feature be? This link to the BBC Bitesize website will help you understand what physical geography entails.

Day 2 Continue with Chapter 25 and recap what you have read to complete the tasks below.

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Kingsley Primary Academy Home Learning Activities for Year 6

The Body Coach TV-YouTube

This link will help you understand human geography. Have a read through them and think about the differences between human and physical features in relation to the different types of geography you study. Here is something to help, just in case you’re not sure still! It’s very clear and concise. You can’t see the full video unless you register, but the beginning is really good to help you with understanding the differences! Task We would like you to find 5 physical features and 5 human features in 3 different countries.

• India • America • China

Write them out in a table and explain how you know whether they are a human or physical feature. Have fun!




Participate in Joe Wicks’ live PE sessions every morning from 9 – 9.30 to get those endorphins running through your body and it will help with your focus!! The Body Coach PE session in on YouTube. Simply type in: @thebodycoach and click on The Body

Day 3 This week we will be continuing on our fractions work. The NCETM website has fantastic videos and resources. See the link below for the lesson. This is going to be Lesson 7

Day 3 Today we are going to be looking at the features of a newspaper in full and ensuring that we are writing our newspaper article including all of the features. Starter Compile a list of different sentence starters and subordinating conjunctions that you could use in the different paragraphs of your text. Activity Today I am going to present you with a newspaper article based on the novel The Hobbit.

French For your French lesson today, we want you to have a look at some creative crafts! BBC Bitesize have great lessons every day. Have a go at these lessons and enjoy! As well as this, be sure to have a look at Language Angels again and explore some of the categories and games on there. The login details are: Username: KPAfrench Password: Speakfrench

Day 3 Start with Chapter 26.

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Kingsley Primary Academy Home Learning Activities for Year 6

Coach TV-YouTube

As well as this there is a great app called Duolingo that you can download and learn lots of different languages.

Page 5: Kingsley Primary Academy Home Learning Activities for Year ... · Kingsley Primary Academy Home Learning Activities for Year 6 Whilst we are still facing school closures, please see

Kingsley Primary Academy Home Learning Activities for Year 6

Please go through the checklist below and see if the newspaper article includes all of the features!

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Kingsley Primary Academy Home Learning Activities for Year 6

Does it include all of or most of the features below? If you think that things are missing, try rewriting a section to include any missing features.




Participate in Joe Wicks’ live PE sessions every morning from 9 – 9.30 to get those endorphins running through your body and it will help with your focus!! The Body Coach PE session in on YouTube. Simply type in: @thebodycoach and click on The Body Coach TV-YouTube

Day 4 This week we will be continuing on our fractions work. The NCETM website has fantastic videos and resources. See the link below for the lesson. Today’s lesson is going to be Lesson 8 in the sequence.

Day 4 Today you are going to plan your newspaper article. First of all, you are going to need to research your subject. In this case, it is the effect of performance enhancing drugs on the human body. You can contextualise the work too, so you might decide to write about a case where an athlete has used performance enhancing drugs or even some research that has been done about one drug to test its ability to help or hinder someone. Spend some time looking things up online or in the newspapers. There are lots of news articles online that you can use. Activity Today you are going to plan the first part of the newspaper article. You need to plan;

• The name of the newspaper • The headline • The sub-headline • An introductory paragraph- including the 5 w’s • The first 2 paragraphs

Be sure to include facts, quotes, dates.

Computing This week’s work is going to continue from last lesson. If you have finished Course D then you can move onto Course E. As well as this, there is some great activities that you can do on Scratch! This lesson is all about boat racing! Have a go and see what you can come up with.

Day 4 Continue with Chapter 26 and recap what you have read to complete the tasks below.

Page 7: Kingsley Primary Academy Home Learning Activities for Year ... · Kingsley Primary Academy Home Learning Activities for Year 6 Whilst we are still facing school closures, please see

Kingsley Primary Academy Home Learning Activities for Year 6



Participate in Joe Wicks’ live PE sessions every morning from 9 – 9.30 to get those endorphins running through your body and it will help with your focus!! The Body Coach PE session in on YouTube. Simply type in: @thebodycoach and click on The Body Coach TV-YouTube

Day 5 Arithmetic Challenge Every Friday there will a list of 27 arithmetic questions for you to attempt. To challenge yourself make sure you time each session and keep a record of how long it took you to complete the questions. If you get stuck on a question move on and after attempting them all – research how to answer the calculation! Remember practise makes perfect and improves the score!

Day 5 Today you are going to continue planning your newspaper article. You will be writing, editing, illustrating it and producing a final piece! Activity Today you are going to be finishing off the plan. Yesterday you should have completed the headline, sub-headline, your introductory paragraph and the first few paragraphs. Today you need to complete the rest of your plan. This should include the last few paragraphs of your article and a conclusive paragraph to explain what may come of the situation next. Be sure to refer back to the example text above and even articles that you have looked at in your research. Don’t forget the checklist above too!

Art For your artwork this week, we would like you to continue with the science themed art! You have previously completed a sketch of the heart as well a 3D model. Today we would like you to continue with the sketching of the respiratory system. The lungs are a vital part of the respiratory system. Have a look at the video below: This will show you how to draw and label the lungs. Once you have drawn and labelled them, colour them using shading techniques that you looked at in the last lesson. If you do not have colours, then just shade using a pencil! If you are feeling brave, add in the heart too!

Make sure that you are reading for 15 minutes every single day and recording in your reading diary. For the final day you can choose your favourite book and write a book review about it.

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Kingsley Primary Academy Home Learning Activities for Year 6


Week 3

8 x 21 = 9264 + 1822 = 123= 24 x 81 = 7 - 1 x 0 + 9 = 245 x 12 = 10 divided by 1200 = 4/5 of 100 = _______ % 12 x 18 = 83= One sixth of 66 = Write 3/5 as a decimal 17544 + 433 = 41 x 6 = 12 x 26 = 2 + 33 x 2 = 6.5 divided by 10 = ______ - 19 = 31 110 x 9 = 42= 27 – 3 x 9 = Three quarters of 200 = ____ 67 x 7 = 1099 + 1 = _____ + 412 = 2000 3245 - _____ = 599 17.2 divided by 100 =

Added Extras

Reading If you have been reading lots – fantastic! Keep it up. Remember there are also great websites that are offering books! You could listen to books free on: Times Tables Keep your recall skills going with regular practise of your times tables. Practise them in order with a Sporcle quiz. If you google: Times Tables (1-12) Quiz – By EthanMaths-Sporcle This will allow you to practise them in order. If you would like more of a challenge and to be tested at random then google: Multiplication Table Quiz – Sporcle You can time yourself or just keep going until you have finished! If you want a timed test – use this link! Remember Hit the button is great for times table practise. You can also practise number bonds, halves, division facts and square numbers on the site as well! Art Mo Willems has been inviting students into his studio every day for his LUNCH DOODLE. Learners worldwide can draw, doodle and explore new ways of writing by visiting Mo’s studio virtually. Grab some paper and pencils, pens, or crayons and join Mo to explore ways of writing and making together If you google: Lunch Doodles with Mo Willems and find many Episodes and you can begin to learn many great art techniques BSL Learning

Learn basic BSL Natasha & Kelly-Ann

Free. New lesson each day. Easy to follow.

Learn BSL with family.

12 weekly lessons- for families

Aimed at families with deaf child. Free.