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Sample of presentation slide on: Reliable and Efficient Routing Protocols for Vehicular Communication Networks.


Reliable and Efficient Routing protocols for Vehicular Communication Networks

Reliable and Efficient Routing Protocols for Vehicular Communication NetworksKatsaros Konstantinos PhD Student Supervisor: Dr. M. Dianati Co-supervisor: Prof. R. TafazolliTransfer PresentationCross-Layer Designs (1)Network layer with PHY and MAC: Use channel/link quality information for routing decisionLink Residual TimeSNR info for MuiltiPoint Relay selectionMAC layer position information for predictionMAC retransmissionsDeReHQ [1]: Delay, Reliability and Hop countPROMPT [2]: Delay aware routing and robust MACMAC collaboration for heterogeneous networks

[1] Z. Niu, W. Yao, Q. Ni, and Y. Song, Study on QoS Support in 802.11e-based Multi-hop Vehicular Wireless Ad Hoc Networks, in IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control, pp. 705 710, 2007.[2] B. Jarupan and E. Ekici, PROMPT: A cross-layer position-based communication protocol for delay-aware vehicular access networks, Ad Hoc Networks, vol. 8, pp. 489505, July 2010.

Konstantinos Katsaros33ScopeIntelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)Application of Information and Communication Technologies for future transport systemsIn order to:Improve safety and traffic managementProvide infotainment services. Vehicular Communications is an important part of ITS.Cellular (3G, LTE) and Dedicated Short Range Communications (IEEE 802.11p / WAVE)

Konstantinos Katsaros3VANETs: Challenges & OpportunitiesAre a category of Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs) with specific characteristics:

Less strict energy and computational constraints

Highly dynamic

Predictable mobility patterns High density of nodes

Konstantinos Katsaros4Objectives of this workTo design reliable and efficient routing protocols by exploiting:Position and mobility information in order to increase efficiencyPHY and MAC information in order to increase reliabilityTo design a Location Service that can provide position information for the routing protocols

Konstantinos Katsaros5BACKGROUNDOverview of routing and forwarding protocols for MANETs and VANETs

Konstantinos Katsaros6Routing TaxonomyAdvantagesDisadvantagesRouting Protocols for VANETs

Topology BasedProactiveDo not flood entire networkFast path selectionOverhead to maintain tablesReactiveDo not maintain routing tablesInitial delay for route discoveryFlood a route requestHybridCombination of proactive and reactive in different operation stagesHierarchicalExploit clusters with similar characteristicsOverhead to maintain clustersFloodingLow complexity, high data receptionFlood entire networkPosition BasedWithout NavigationRely on local information onlyNeed a location service (LS), more prone to local maximum problem With NavigationExploit mobility of nodes, less prone to local maximumNeed a LS, increased overhead due to enhanced beaconing

Konstantinos Katsaros7Position-based Forwarding without Navigation

Konstantinos Katsaros8S3512D4678Greedy ForwardingMost Forward in RadiusNearest Forwarding ProgressCompassRandom Positive ProgressLocal Maximum Problem & Recovery Techniques

Konstantinos Katsaros9SDRecovery strategies:Drop packetEnhanced Greedy (random retransmission once)Carry-n-ForwardColoringLeft hand rulePerimeter routing

Position-based Forwarding with Navigation

Konstantinos Katsaros10Anchor points at junctions with coordinator nodesEnhanced beacon messages with velocity/headingPosition prediction policy (dead reckoning)Estimation of link lifetimeVehicle traffic information (max velocity, traffic density)

Recovery From Local MaximumRe-route using different anchor points (with or without deletion)

Cross-Layer Optimization of Routing ProtocolsNetwork layer with PHY and MAC: Use channel/link quality information for routing decision

Network layer with Transport and Application: Provide different levels of priorities on packets

Konstantinos Katsaros11CROSS-LAYER POSITION BASED ROUTING (CLWPR)Proposed routing protocol: system model and design characteristics

Konstantinos Katsaros12System ModelImportant Assumptions:

Position and navigation information are available (e.g., using GPS)

Nodes are equipped with the IEEE 802.11p based communication facility

Konstantinos Katsaros13Main Features of CLWPRUnicast, multi-hop, cross-layer, opportunistic routingNeighbor discovery based on periodic 1-hop HELLO messagesHELLO message content: position, velocity, heading, road id, node utilization, MAC information, number of cached packetstotal size 52bytesUse of position prediction and curvemetric distanceUse of SNIR information from HELLO messagesEmploy carry-n-forward strategy for local-maximumCombine metrics in a weighting function used for forwarding decisions

Konstantinos Katsaros14Weighting Function for Next Hop Selection

Konstantinos Katsaros15PERFORMANCE EVALUATIONSimulation setup, initial results, performance analysis and comparison

Konstantinos Katsaros16Simulations SetupPerformance metricsPacket Deliver Ratio (PDR), End-to-End Delay, network overhead.Use ns-3 for simulations5x5 grid network, 200 and 100 vehicles scenarios10 concurrent vehicle-to-vehicle connections UDP packets (512 Bytes) with 2 sec intervalIEEE 802.11p, 3Mbps, RTS/CTS enabledTwo-Ray-Ground model

Konstantinos Katsaros17

Comparison with GPSR

Konstantinos Katsaros18

Increased PDRReduced end-to-end delayIncreased overhead due to larger HELLO messagesImpact of HELLO interval and prediction

Konstantinos Katsaros19Prediction improves PDRMore frequent HELLO increases PDRNetwork overhead could be reduced by increasing HELLO interval for the same PDR threshold.

Influence of navigation

Konstantinos Katsaros20

Navigation improves PDRIncreasing weight of navigation information has positive effect in higher vehicle speeds

Influence of SNIR

Konstantinos Katsaros21SNIR information reduces end-to-end delayDue to propagation model used, not big improvementsExpect more when shadowing is included

Influence of Carry-n-Forward

Konstantinos Katsaros22Increased PDR with time of cachingIncreased end-to-end delay with time of caching

FUTURE WORKCWPR optimization, proposed location service, impact assessment and security issues

Konstantinos Katsaros23Future Work (1)CLWPR OptimizationUse realistic propagation modelOptimize all weighting parametersLocation Service (a)RSUs as distributed databaseCo-operation between nodesReduce number and latency of queries

Konstantinos Katsaros24

Future Work (2)Location Service (b) heterogeneous networkUse of UMTS technologies for control and signaling to provide location serviceImpact AssessmentAsses impact of ITS applications on network reliabilitySecurity IssuesAnalyze potential threats on reliability of vehicular networks, specially for Location services

Konstantinos Katsaros25Work Plan

Konstantinos Katsaros26PublicationsCurrent:K. Katsaros, et al. CLWPR - A novel cross-layer optimized position based routing protocol for VANETs", in IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference, pp. 200-207, 2011K. Katsaros, et al. Application of Vehicular Communications for Improving the Efficiency of Traffic in Urban Areas", accepted in Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 2011.K. Katsaros, et al. Performance Analysis of a Green Light Optimized Speed Advisory (GLOSA) application using an integrated cooperative ITS simulation platform", in Proceedings of IEEE International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC), pp. 918 - 923, 2011Planned:Survey Paper on routing protocols for VANETsConf. paper @ NS-3 Workshop in SIMUTools 2012, regarding the architecture and implementation (Nov. 11)Journal article @ JSAC on Vehicular Communications extending CLWPR paper (Feb. 12)

Konstantinos Katsaros27Questions

Konstantinos Katsaros28

Email: [email protected]: info.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Personal/K.Katsaros/Winner B1 model for urban V2V

Konstantinos Katsaros30[1] IST-WINNER D1.1.2 P. Kysti, et al., "WINNER II Channel Models", September 2007. Available at: https://www.ist-winner.org/WINNER2-Deliverables/D1.1.2v1.1.pdf

Use propagation models from [1] taking into account buildings and shadowing with LOS and NLOS componentsTwoRayGround Vs. Winner in network graph / connections

Konstantinos Katsaros31TwoRayGround Vs. Winner in PDR

Konstantinos Katsaros32Cross-Layer Designs (2)Network layer with transport and Application: Provide different levels of priorities on packetsVTP (Vehicular Transport Protocol)Optimization of TCP and GPSR with vehicle mobility (adaptive beacon interval)Network layer with multiple layersJoint MAC, Network and Transport [1]

Konstantinos Katsaros34[1] L. Zhou, B. Zheng, B. Geller, a. Wei, S. Xu, and Y. Li, Cross-layer rate control, medium access control and routing design in cooperative VANET, Computer Communications, vol. 31, pp. 28702882, July 2008