klout perks one-pager

Content produced by Klout influencers garners 4x as many retweets as content posted by average social media users. People who visit product pages recommended by Klout influencers spend more than 2x as long on site. People who see content from Klout influencers are more than 2x as likely to click through to an advertiser page. 4x 2x 2x Get Results 1 Easily generate earned media for a product launch or event Klout Perks enable brands to offer an exclusive product or experience to a select group of influencers to generate earned media around a product launch or event. We have launched over 1 Million Perks to-date and the benefits are two-fold; Brands get their message heard via trusted sources, while consumers get recognized for their influence. business.klout.com How it Works Identify and target groups of top influencers in your audience AUDIENCE TARGETING Targeted influencers share their excitement and generate earned media CONTENT CREATION View campaign progress and results CAMPAIGN ANALYTICS Engage the group by offering exclusive rewards INFLUENCER OUTREACH

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Post on 17-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Klout Perks one-pager

Content produced by Klout

influencers garners 4x as many

retweets as content posted by

average social media users.

People who visit product pages

recommended by Klout influencers

spend more than 2x as long on site.

People who see content from

Klout influencers are more than

2x as likely to click through to

an advertiser page.

4x 2x 2x Get Results


Easily generate earned media for a product launch or eventKlout Perks enable brands to offer an exclusive product or experience to a select group of

influencers to generate earned media around a product launch or event. We have launched over

1 Million Perks to-date and the benefits are two-fold; Brands get their message heard via trusted

sources, while consumers get recognized for their influence.


How it Works

Identify and target groups of top

influencers in your audience


Targeted influencers share their

excitement and generate

earned media


View campaign progress

and results


Engage the group by offering

exclusive rewards


Page 2: Klout Perks one-pager


• Dedicated account management

• On-going campaign reporting

Perk Packages

For the greatest return on investment we offer perk packages that include a series of perks in addition to single,

limited-time engagement campaigns. Benefits include:

• Discounted Perk rate

• Re-engagement with high performing influencers

Klout is the standard for online influence and has the largest collection of passionate influencers in the industry. Klout Perks enable

marketers to easily tap into these influencers to generate scalable, organic earned media through trusted sources. Over 300 of

the world’s top brands including 42% of the Ad Age 100 rely on Klout to find the most relevant people for their campaigns and

increase brand awareness.


Increase word-of-mouth by

offering a reward to the most

valuable influencers, enticing

them to share more broadly.


Expand the reach of your

campaign by encouraging certain

top influencers to share their Perk

with their followers.


Combine Klout’s influencer data

with Twitter’s @handle targeting

to effectively reach the most

relevant people.

Ways to Enhance a Perk

