knbc easter 2020you is born . . a saviour, who is christ the lord." — they then went to see...

Good News For those in fear, uncertainty and confusion

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Page 1: KNBC Easter 2020you is born . . a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord." — They then went to see the new born Saviour and afterwards spread the good news. Why we need a Saviour The Lord

Jesus died, was buried,....and rose again!

Good News

Good NewsJesus, rejected by men was handed over to death. Yet he’s now alive and bringing new life and hope to millions of people.

For those in fear, uncertainty and confusion

Page 2: KNBC Easter 2020you is born . . a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord." — They then went to see the new born Saviour and afterwards spread the good news. Why we need a Saviour The Lord

Kings Norton Baptist Church

Wharf Rd. B30 3LN, [email protected], 0795 1866 124


best choice in life

We live in a sad and suffering world. The newspapers and television reports are full of bad news. — Thousands are suffering havoc, mayhem and death through the evil deeds of fanatical terrorists. War clouds hang over the Middle East, and there is conflict and starvation in many African countries!Closer to home, the peace process is in trouble in Northern Ireland. We cannot walk safely along many of our streets. Hospital waiting lists grow longer and there is crisis in our schools.

We all need to hear some good news this Christmas! The good news is that evil will not have the last word. God has not left us without hope! He sent the Lord Jesus Christ into the world to save sinners. When he was born as a baby in Bethlehem just over 2000 years ago, his birth was announced to some shepherds as "good news of great joy . . for all people . . for unto you is born . . a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord." — They then went to see the new born Saviour and afterwards spread the good news.

We are all sinners in the sight of God. We sin when we fail to obey his commandments which are found in the Bible. We sin when we are selfish, proud or unthankful to God. He is angry with us on account of our sin and he will justly punish us on the day of judgement. The Bible speaks as much of the wrath of God as of his love. This is why we all need a Saviour.How Jesus is the SaviourThe Lord Jesus is holy and sinless. He gave his perfect life as a sacrifice on the cross to save us from the consequence of our sins. The Bible declares, Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring us to God. (1 Peter 3:18).How to become a Christian

Good news!

Jesus died but then rose from the dead. To be a Christian, you must follow him as your Lord and Saviour. Jesus saves all who repent of their sin and ask him for forgiveness. The good news does not end with forgiveness, however. Christians have peace with God, joy, hope for the future, and eternal life.

Why we need a Saviour

Everyone does wrong, others can see it and my conscience confirms it. We sin when we fail to obey God's good commandments. Sin is being selfish, proud or unthankful to God. The evils in the world anger God who will justly punish us on the day of judgment. The Bible speaks as much of the wrath of God as of his love. This is why we all need a Saviour.

The Lord Jesus, holy and sinless, gave his perfect life

as a sacrifice on the cross to save others from the consequence of sin. The Bible declares, “Christ also

suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring us to God”. (1 Peter 3:18).

To be a Christian, is to follow Christ as Lord and Saviour. Jesus saves all who turn from their sin and seek him for forgiveness. Those who follow him have peace

with God, joy, hope for the future, and eternal life.

After Jesus was crucified on the cross he was buried. Three days later he rose from the dead just as he predicted. He appeared to his disciples and also to over 500 people at the same time. (1 Corinthians 15:6)

Tired of hearing

We know for certain there is an afterlife because Jesus spoke of it and came back from the dead to prove it.

We all need some good news! The good news is that evil will not have the last word. God has not left us without hope! The Lord Jesus Christ came from heaven into this world to save sinners. Born in Bethlehem just over 2000 years ago, his birth was announced to shepherds as "good news of great joy . . for all people . . for unto you is born ... A Saviour, who is Christ the Lord". After they had seen the new born Saviour they went out to spread the good news.

There’s often a disaster somewhere; bush fires out of control, a surprise attack leaving a number maimed or dead. There’s the increasing scourge of knife crime, and of course there's the deadly Coronavirus popping up in the most unpredictable places. As a result, many live in fear.

bad news?

While some suffering is a direct result of people's selfishness or greed, most seems quite indiscriminate. Suffering, sickness and death comes to everyone.

Jesus died but then rose from the dead showing that God has accepted this punishment for sin.

The Bible says the cause of misery in the world is consequence of mankind’s rebellion against a Holy God.

Like to know more? Text: 0795 1866 124 for a free U l t i m a t e Q u e s t i o n s booklet.

Jesus gives a sure hope to those who turn to follow him of being in heaven, with no more pain, sorrow, sickness or death. It is a place of perfect peace and everlasting joy.

After death every one of us will have to give an account of our life to God. “It is appointed for man to die once, and after that the judgment”. (Hebrews 9:27)

Everyone does wrong, others can see it and my conscience

confirms it. We sin when we fail to obey his commandments, we sin when we are selfish, proud or unthankful to God. He is angry with us on account of our sin and he will justly punish us on the day of judgment. The Bible speaks as much of the wrath of God as of his love. This is why we all need a Saviour.

What do you think of the news?

How much of the news that you hear is bad news? Most of the time it is not good, there is a disaster somewhere, bush fires out of control, a surprise attack that has left a number dead or maimed. Then there’s the increasing scourge of knife crime. And of course there's the deadly Coronavirus popping up in the most unpredictable places. All these produces fear. The more we know of what is happening around the world, around the country and in towns and homes - and people's lives the more it turns up as bad news. Much of the suffering is a direct r e su l t o f o the r peop le ' s selfishness or greed. Often it seems quite indiscriminate, we seem to be all in this together, suffering, sickness and death comes to everyone of us in the whole human race. The cause of misery in the world is a global one but also an individual , personal one. Everyone of us are both victims and culprits at the same time!

We all need some good news!The good news is that evil will not have the last word. God has not left us without hope! He sent the Lord Jesus Christ into the world to save sinners. When he was born as a baby in Bethlehem just over 2000 years ago, his birth was announced to some shepherds as "good news of great joy . . for all people . . for unto you is born . . a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord." — They then went to see the new born Saviour and afterwards spread the good news.Why we need a Saviour

The Lord Jesus, holy and sinless gave his perfect life as a sacrifice on the cross to save us from the consequence of our sins. The Bible declares, Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring us to God. (1 Peter 3:18).Jesus died but then rose from the dead. To be a Christian, is to follow him as Lord and Saviour. Jesus saves all who repent of their sin and seek him for forgiveness. The good news does not end with forgiveness, however. Christians have peace with God, joy, hope for the future, and eternal life.

The question of an afterlife is important, it affects all of us. We know for sure that we will all die someday. Then what? Some people believe that this is the only life there is. They say, when you are dead, you are dead. For them, the most important thing is to make the most of this life and enjoy themselves as much as possible. But how can they be sure there is nothing beyond death?We know for certain there is an afterlife because Jesus spoke of it and came back from the dead to prove it. Easter is all about the afterlife. Consider these facts: When Jesus was on earth, he told his disciples on a few occasions that he would be killed in

Jerusalem and three days later, will rise again. That was exactly what happened. He was crucified on the cross where he died. He was buried in the sight of many people but three days later, he rose from the dead just as he had said. He appeared to his disciples. He also appeared to over 500 people at the same time. When Jesus was crucified, two robbers were crucified with him. One of them realised who Jesus was and confessed him. Jesus said to him, “Today you will be with me in paradise”. The Bible also teaches that after death, everyone of us will have to give an accounts of our life to God. “It is appointed for man to die once, and after that come judgment”1. Jesus said to a woman whose brother had died, “I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in me, will live, even though he dies.”2 Jesus made it clear that death is not the end; that there is life beyond the grave.

Like to know more? Text 0795 1866 124 for a free Ultimate Questions booklet. Our normal Sunday service is at 10 am).

Jesus promised that those who believe in him, commit their life to him and follow him will have an afterlife with him in heaven. Heaven is a wonderful place. It is unlike this world. In heaven, there will be no more pain, no more sorrow, sickness or death. It is a place of perfect peace and everlasting joy. This is what awaits those who trust in Jesus Christ in the afterlife. Would you like to be there?

(Our normal Sunday service is 10 am.)