komunikasi dan etika bisnis - lecture 1

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  • 8/2/2019 Komunikasi Dan Etika Bisnis - Lecture 1


    Komunikasi dan Etika Bisnis

    TUP 401

  • 8/2/2019 Komunikasi Dan Etika Bisnis - Lecture 1


    After studying this chapter,

    you should be able to:1. Define the meaning of communication

    2. Describe the communication process and model.

    3. Understand the communication channel and direction4. Contrast the advantages and disadvantages of oral versus

    written communication.

    3. Explain the importance of channel richness to improving

    communication effectiveness.

    4. Identify common barriers to effective communication.

    5. Describe the potential problems in cross-cultural


  • 8/2/2019 Komunikasi Dan Etika Bisnis - Lecture 1



    From the Latin word communicare, meaning to impart,share, or make common.

    The transference and the understanding ofmeaning

    Intercourse by words, letters, or messages;

    interchange of thoughts or opinions, by conferenceor other means; conference; correspondence.

    [1913 Webster Dict.]

  • 8/2/2019 Komunikasi Dan Etika Bisnis - Lecture 1



    HAROL D. LASWELL described communication in onesentence:


    This concept is largely known as 5W + 1 H formula.This formula tell us that communication consists of 5key elements : Communicator = who [source, sender]

    Message = what [contents] Media = in which channel [channel, media]

    Comunicant = to whom [reciever, recipient]

    Influence = what effect [impact]

  • 8/2/2019 Komunikasi Dan Etika Bisnis - Lecture 1


    Process Types

    Primary ProcessThe process of transferring idea by using symbol as a media

    The symbol can be a language, gesture, picture, colour, etc. in:

    [dictionary meaning]

    [emotional or evaluate meaning]

    Secondary Process

    The process of transferring idea by using tools/technology as

    a mediaThe media can be mail, telephone, fax, magazine, radio,TV, internet, etc. [mediated communication]

  • 8/2/2019 Komunikasi Dan Etika Bisnis - Lecture 1


    Elements of the Communication

    Process The sender


    The message

    The channel


    The receiver



  • 8/2/2019 Komunikasi Dan Etika Bisnis - Lecture 1


    The Communication Process Model

    Communication Process

    The steps between a source and areceiver that result in the transferenceand understanding of meaning.

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    The Communication Process Channel

    The medium selected by the sender through which themessage travels to the receiver.

    Types of Channels

    Formal Channels

    Are established by the organization and transmit messagesthat are related to the professional activities of members.

    Informal Channels

    Used to transmit personal or social messages in theorganization. These informal channels are spontaneous andemerge as a response to individual choices.

  • 8/2/2019 Komunikasi Dan Etika Bisnis - Lecture 1


    Direction of Communication




  • 8/2/2019 Komunikasi Dan Etika Bisnis - Lecture 1


    The Nature of CommunicationCommunication can be broadly divided into two categories.

    Verbal CommunicationWhen words are used as tools of interaction between two or more individuals, it is known as

    verbal communication. It can be oral or written.

    Researchers have found that, on an average, a person spends 10 to 11 hours everyday in verbalcommunication i.e. speaking, listening, reading or writing. Some common forms of verbalcommunication are conversations, speeches, letters, newspapers, magazines, cassettes both

    audio and video, telephonic conversation etc.Non-Verbal CommunicationWhen the alarm clock rings in the morning, it communicates to you the message that it is time

    to wake up. Communication can also occur without words. Our senses- ears, eyes, touch andsmell work as codes of communication. You look out of the window, your eyes tell you aboutthe weather outside. The smell tells you what is cooking for breakfast. Pictures, images,

    models, gestures are also nonverbal means of communication. A simple nod of head canconvey your yes or no. with a waive of hand you can show your disinterestedness. Eyes cantransmit feelings like love, hate, anger, sorrow etc. Artists use their art as a means ofcommunication. A painting is a painters medium, a photograph is a photographers anddance performance is a dancers non-verbal medium of communication. Silent thinking isalso non-verbal interaction with oneself.

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    Types of Communication based on

    Sender and Receiver

    Personal Communication

    intrapersonal communication

    interpersonal communicationGroup Communication

    small group communication, lecture, discussion,symposium, brainstorming, large group

    communication, public speakingMass Communications

    Printed, electronic and digital press

  • 8/2/2019 Komunikasi Dan Etika Bisnis - Lecture 1


    Communication Techniques

    Informative communication

    Persuasive communication


    Human relation

  • 8/2/2019 Komunikasi Dan Etika Bisnis - Lecture 1


    The Aims of CommunicationAttitude change

    Opinion change

    Behaviour change

    Social change

  • 8/2/2019 Komunikasi Dan Etika Bisnis - Lecture 1


    The Function of Communication

    to inform

    to educate

    to entertain

    to influence

  • 8/2/2019 Komunikasi Dan Etika Bisnis - Lecture 1


    Features of Effective CommunicationCommon frame of reference

    The sender and the receiver should interact at a common level of understanding.

    Mutual InterestContents of Communication should be of mutual interest to the sender and the receiver.

    Common language

    Language is the strongest means of verbal communication.

    Common environmentCommon environment promotes successful communication.People with a similar background receive the intended message without any hassle.Common environment would cover areas/activities like the following: Common nationality,

    Common economic status, Common culture, Common social interests,

    Common age group, Common professions, etc.

    Thus commonness is an important element in communication. Common language,common interests, common environment, common experiences promote successfulcommunication.

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    Propaganda and RumourPropaganda = the organised spreading of doctrine, true or

    false, information, opinions etc. to bring about change.Rumor = common talk, a current story or statement passing

    from one person to another without any known authorityfor truth of it.

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    Computer-Aided Communication


    Advantages: quickly written, sent, and stored; low cost

    for distribution. Disadvantages: information overload, lack of emotional

    content, cold and impersonal.

    Instant messaging

    Advantage: real time e-mail transmitted straight to thereceivers desktop.

    Disadvantage: can be intrusive and distracting.

  • 8/2/2019 Komunikasi Dan Etika Bisnis - Lecture 1


    Computer-Aided Communication

    (contd) Intranet

    A private organization-wide information network.


    An information network connecting employees withexternal suppliers, customers, and strategic partners.

    Videoconferencing An extension of an intranet or extranet that permits

    face-to-face virtual meetings via video links.

  • 8/2/2019 Komunikasi Dan Etika Bisnis - Lecture 1


    Choice of Communication Channel

    Characteristics of Rich Channels

    1. Handle multiple cues simultaneously.

    2. Facilitate rapid feedback.

    3. Are very personal in context.

    Channel Richness

    The amount of information that can be transmittedduring a communication episode.

    f h f

  • 8/2/2019 Komunikasi Dan Etika Bisnis - Lecture 1


    Information Richness of

    Communication Channels

    Low channel richness High channel richness

    Routine Nonroutine

    Source: Based on R.H. Lengel and D.L. Daft, The Selection of Communication Media as an Executive Skill,Academy ofManagement Executive, August 1988, pp. 22532; and R.L. Daft and R.H. Lengel, Organizational InformationRequirements, Media Richness, and Structural Design,Managerial Science, May 1996, pp. 55472. Reproduced from

    R.L. Daft and R.A. Noe, Organizational Behavior(Fort Worth, TX: Harcourt, 2001), p. 311.

    Barriers to E ecti e

  • 8/2/2019 Komunikasi Dan Etika Bisnis - Lecture 1


    Barriers to E ective


    FilteringA senders manipulation of information so that it willbe seen more favorably by the receiver.

    Selective PerceptionPeople selectively interpret what they see on thebasis of their interests, background, experience, andattitudes.

    Information Overload

    A condition in which information inflow exceeds anindividuals processing capacity.

    B i t Eff ti

  • 8/2/2019 Komunikasi Dan Etika Bisnis - Lecture 1


    Barriers to Effective

    Communication (contd)

    EmotionsHow a receiver feels at the time a message is receivedwill influence how the message is interpreted.


    Words have different meaningsto different people.

    Communication Apprehension

    Undue tension and anxiety about oralcommunication, written communication, or both.

    C i ti B i

  • 8/2/2019 Komunikasi Dan Etika Bisnis - Lecture 1


    Communication Barriers

    Between Men and Women

    Men talk to:

    Emphasize status,power, andindependence.

    Complain that womentalk on and on.

    Offer solutions.

    To boast about theiraccomplishments.

    Women talk to:

    Establish connectionand intimacy.

    Criticize men for notlistening.

    Speak of problems topromote closeness.

    Express regret andrestore balance to aconversation.

  • 8/2/2019 Komunikasi Dan Etika Bisnis - Lecture 1


    Politically Correct Communication

    Certain words stereotype, intimidate, and insultindividuals.

    In an increasingly diverse workforce, we must be sensitive

    to how words might offend others. Removed: handicapped, blind, and elderly

    Replaced with:physically challenged, visually impaired, andsenior.

    Removing certain words from the vocabulary makes itharder to communicate accurately. Removed: death,garbage, quotas, and women.

    Replaced with terms: negative patient outcome,postconsumerwaste materials, educational equity, andpeople of gender.

  • 8/2/2019 Komunikasi Dan Etika Bisnis - Lecture 1


    Cross-Cultural Communication Cultural Barriers


    Word connotations

    Tone differences

    Differences amongperceptions

    Cultural Guide

    Assume differences untilsimilarity is proven.

    Emphasize description ratherthan interpretation orevaluation.

    Practice empathy.

    Treat your interpretations asa working hypothesis.

  • 8/2/2019 Komunikasi Dan Etika Bisnis - Lecture 1


    Hand Gestures Mean Different

    Things in Different Countries

  • 8/2/2019 Komunikasi Dan Etika Bisnis - Lecture 1


    2005 Prentice Hall Inc. Allrights reserved. 1027

    Things in Different Countries


    E X H I B I T 109


  • 8/2/2019 Komunikasi Dan Etika Bisnis - Lecture 1


    Communication Barriers and

    Cultural ContextHigh-Context Cultures

    Cultures that rely heavily onnonverbal and subtlesituational cues tocommunication.

    Low-Context Cultures

    Cultures that rely heavily onwords to convey meaning incommunication.

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