kotelawla defence university, sri lanka by mobisher rabbani

A STUDY ON RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN SRI LANKA - CHINA & SRI LANKA - PAKISTAN Kotelawla Defence University, Sri Lanka By Mobisher Rabbani

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Page 1: Kotelawla Defence University, Sri Lanka By Mobisher Rabbani



Kotelawla Defence University, Sri Lanka


Mobisher Rabbani

Page 2: Kotelawla Defence University, Sri Lanka By Mobisher Rabbani


Charles De Gaulle once said 'Nations do not have friends, they have only interests'. Two nations that prove this theory wrong are Pakistan and Sri Lanka. Although they are not neighbors and are separated by geographically larger India which has a coastline of 7,517 kilometres yet they are the closest of friends and true allies.

The foundation of their relationship goes back to 1948 when father of nation of Pakistan Muhammad Ali Jinnah and Sri Lanka's first Prime Minister D S Senanayake met and laid forth the vision for the deepest and closest friendship between both their nation states based on mutual respect.

Page 3: Kotelawla Defence University, Sri Lanka By Mobisher Rabbani


When Sri Lanka faced stiff resistance in crushing the foreign backed and funded Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), the world was unwilling to supply it with the kind of weapons it was looking for. Pakistan extended immense valuable support to Sri Lanka in its very difficult phase of national history. Pakistan also assisted Sri Lanka in supplying High-Tech military equipment, training and defense advisors.

Shortly after the defeat of the Tamil Tiger rebels in Sri Lanka, Pakistan congratulated Sri Lanka and the Foreign Affairs Deputy Minister Hussein A Bhaila of Sri Lanka said "The government and the people of Sri Lanka have considered Pakistan as a true friend of Sri Lanka, which has always stood by it in times of need."

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Pakistan is the second largest trading partner of Sri Lanka in South Asia. Sri Lanka was the first country to sign a Free Trade Agreement with Pakistan, which became operational from June 12, 2005. 4,000 items can be imported to Pakistan from Sri Lanka.

Bilateral trade between the two countries was US$400 million in early 2010, and is expected to increase to US$2 billion by 2012. In November 2010, President Asif Ali Zardari mulled a 250 million dollar export credit line that Pakistan would extend to Sri Lanka. Trade between the two countries reached $500 million by the end of 2010.

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Pakistan and Sri Lanka enjoy convergence of views on almost all matters of regional and international significance. The two countries had been closely cooperating in multilateral forums, including South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC). It is nevertheless discouraging that SAARC had not been able to move beyond a certain point although Pakistan and Sri Lanka have been playing a very active role in making SAARC an effective and result-oriented organization.

MOUs have been signed between Sri Lanka and Pakistan to co-operate on tourism and archeology which is expected to open a new window of opportunity for both countries. 70 percent of the Sri Lankan population is Buddhist and Pakistan has loaned Buddhist relics to Sri Lanka for displaying at the Colombo museum.

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The sports history of Pakistan and Sri Lanka goes back to April 1949 when the Pakistan national cricket team visited Sri Lanka to play two first-class matches with their hosts.

Till date large number of Pakistani cricket fans support the Sri Lanka team and vice versa. Also during the 2009 T20 cricket world cup finals when both teams played each other yet both the country's fans watched the game together united by the love of cricket.

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Both countries came forward to help and defended each other when difficult times confronted them. When the convoy carrying the Pakistani High Commissioner to Sri Lanka, Bashir Wali Mohamed on August 14, 2006 was attacked by the LTTE. The High Commissioner escaped unhurt, but seven people (including four Army commandoes) were killed and a further seventeen injured in the blast. Pakistan as a token of appreciation and friendship supported the families of the Sri Lankan army commandoes and civilians who were killed and injured in the terrorist attack.

Similarly after a terrorist assault on the Sri Lankan cricket team's bus on March 4, 2009 in Lahore. President Mahinda Rajapaksa, who cut short a visit to Nepal to return home, condemned the "cowardly terrorist attack", dispatched his Foreign Minister to Pakistan who stated the attack would not affect ties between the island nation. Meher Mohammad Khalil the bus driver who saved the lives of the Sri Lankan cricket players was given a heroes welcome when he visited Sri Lanka.

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When Pakistan faced its worst floods in its history in 2010, Sri Lanka sent dry rations of rice, sugar, lentils and tea worth over Rs 3 million. Even overseas Sri Lankans living in the Gulf State of UAE sent relief aid.

Pakistan also sent a consignment of aid of blankets and tents for the flood victims in Sri Lanka even though it was still suffering of the aftereffects of floods in its own country.

Page 9: Kotelawla Defence University, Sri Lanka By Mobisher Rabbani

The people of Sri Lanka have great appreciation for Pakistan and its people which I personally experienced during my stay in Sri Lanka. For the love and friendship I received from the Sri Lankan people I was inspired to write my book and have this quote from it

"If Hajj pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia is obligatory for every Muslim then visiting Sri Lanka should be obligatory for every Pakistani"

Page 10: Kotelawla Defence University, Sri Lanka By Mobisher Rabbani


Sri Lanka and China accorded each other diplomatic recognition in January 1950. In April 1952 both countries entered into the historic Rubber-Rice Agreement, whereby Sri Lanka supplied rubber to China under a barter arrangement, receiving rice from China in return. This agreement was entered into at a time when certain countries had imposed a ban on the supply of strategic materials, which included rubber, to China.

Two countries established full diplomatic relations on 7th February 1957 and both countries took a number of steps in the political, economic, trade and cultural fields to strengthen their bilateral relations. Relations between Sri Lanka and China were brought to a record height during 2007, completing a mile-stone of 50 years of establishing diplomatic relations between the two countries.

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As the west condemned Sri Lanka, the US withdrew all funding from the county and part of India wants to impose economic sanctions, China has stood by Sri Lanka.

Sri Lanka has expressed unwavering support for the China’s "One China" policy. It has consistently supported China at the UN. Both countries have been cooperating in multilateral fora on various bilateral and international issues. In 1996, Sri Lanka welcomed the transfer of sovereignty of Hong Kong to China and had representation at the Hong Kong hand over in July 1997.

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COOPERATION The most prominent symbol of Chinese cooperation assistance

to Sri Lanka remains the Bandaranaike Memorial International Conference Hall (BMICH), which is an enduring monument to Sri Lanka-China relations. China has also funded several other projects including the Supreme Courts Complex, the Central Main telecommunication Exchange, the Ginganga Flood Protection Scheme, the re-development of the Lady Ridgeway Children's Hospital, among others.

Since 2007, China has featured prominently in Sri Lanka's socio - economic development efforts by funding key infrastructural projects. These include the Norocholai (Puttalam) Power Project, the Hambantota Port and airport, the Colombo - Katunayake Express Way. The Performing Arts Theatre is another key project that has commenced in Sri Lanka with Chinese assistance, which upon completion will stand as a symbol of enhancing 50 years of friendship between the two countries.

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Trade relations between the two countries were formalized by the signing of a General Trade Agreement and Trade and Payment Agreement in 1952.

In 1982 both countries signed a trade Agreement with a view to setting up a Joint Trade Committee.

In 1984 an Agreement on Economic and Trade Cooperation was signed.

In 1991 the two Joint Committees formed under the Agreement of 1982 and 1984 were amalgamated to constitute the Sri Lanka-China Joint Commission for Economic and Trade Cooperation.

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Sri Lanka needs to foster a strong mutual relationship with Pakistan and China to maintain strong economic and military development. The need of the hour is that all three countries come together to form a new association so that they all can benefit from each others expertise with this new friendship block in Asia. The friendship block would be a continuation, evolution and institutionalization of old prevailing realities. Infact, it would be a practical answer to the challenges of security and economic development member states currently face.

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People-to-People Contacts Political Affairs Military Cooperation Security Cooperation International Legal and Judicial Cooperation Information, Communication and Media Economic Cooperation Science and Technology Cooperation in the field of Human and Environment Affairs Economic Relations with the Other Countries and Economic

Groupings Social Welfare & Development Tourism Common Market Disaster Management

Page 16: Kotelawla Defence University, Sri Lanka By Mobisher Rabbani


The national interest of a state is the state's survival and security. Also

important are the pursuit of wealth, economic growth and the future of its people. As the saying goes ‘One loyal friend is worth ten thousand’ in this region Sri Lanka has two Pakistan and



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