lab lecture3 intro to labview

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  • 8/7/2019 Lab Lecture3 Intro to LabView


    MCEN 371 Mechanical Engineering Lab

    Chapter 6:Chapter 6:


    Part 1: Introduction

  • 8/7/2019 Lab Lecture3 Intro to LabView


    MCEN 371 Mechanical Engineering Lab

    Obje ctiv esObje ctiv es What i s Data Acqui sition and Why use it?

    Overview of La bVIEW Develop an id ea of what La bVIEW r eally is Learn what grap hica l programming languag e and

    dataf low mean Get a f eel for t he La bVIEW environm ent

    Learning VI programming t hroug h examp le

  • 8/7/2019 Lab Lecture3 Intro to LabView


    MCEN 371 Mechanical Engineering Lab

    Wh at is Data Acqui sition and Why use it? Traditiona l Ex periments signa ls from sensor s ar e sent to

    ana log or digita l meter s, r ead by the ex perimenter , andr ecord ed by handIn automat ed data acqui sition systems the sensor s tran smit avoltag e or curr ent signa l dir ectly to a comput er via a dataacqui sition board.

    Softwar e such as La bVIEW contro ls the acqui sition and

    proc ess ing of such data The benefits of automat ed sys tems ar e man y:

    Improv ed accurac y of r ecording Incr eased fr equency with wh ich measur ements can be tak en Potentia l to automat e pr e and po st proc ess ing and build in qua lity contro l

  • 8/7/2019 Lab Lecture3 Intro to LabView


    MCEN 371 Mechanical Engineering Lab

    Overview of La bVIEW

    La bVIEW La borator y Virtua l Instrum entEngin eering Work bench

    Grap hica l programming languag e that a llows for

    instrum ent contro l, data acqui sition , and pr e/ po st proc ess ing of acquir ed data

  • 8/7/2019 Lab Lecture3 Intro to LabView


    MCEN 371 Mechanical Engineering Lab

    Graphica l programming languag e& Data f low

    La bVIEW r elies on grap hica l sym bols rather thantex tua l languag e to d escri be programming action s

    The princip le of dataf low, in wh ich function s exe cute on ly after r eceiving t he necessar y data , gov erns exe cution in a straig htfor ward mann er.

  • 8/7/2019 Lab Lecture3 Intro to LabView


    MCEN 371 Mechanical Engineering Lab

    H ow does La bVIEW work?

    La bVIEW program s ar e ca lled:

    Virtual Instruments (VIs) becau se the ir app ear ence and op eration imitat e actua l instrum ents.

    H owever , they ar e ana logou s to main program s, function s and su broutin es from popu lar languag e lik e C, Fortran , Pasca l,

  • 8/7/2019 Lab Lecture3 Intro to LabView


    MCEN 371 Mechanical Engineering Lab

    What does a VI look like?

  • 8/7/2019 Lab Lecture3 Intro to LabView


    MCEN 371 Mechanical Engineering Lab

    In La bVIEW you can cr eate or u se virtua l instrum ents (VI) for

    data acqui sition. A VI a llows your comput er scr een to act a s anactua l la borator y instrum ent with charact eristics tai lor ed to your

    particu lar needs.

    You can a lso u se built-in examp les, or u se standard t emplates

    for setting up your data acqui sition input c hann els .

  • 8/7/2019 Lab Lecture3 Intro to LabView


    MCEN 371 Mechanical Engineering Lab

    A VI has thr ee main part s:1. T he front panel:

    an interactiv e user int erfac e of a VI, so nam ed becau se itcan simu lates the front pan el of a p hys ica l instrum ent.

    2. T he block (or wiring) diagram:It is the VIs sourc e cod e, con struct ed in La bVIEWs grap hica l programming languag e, G. It i s the actua l

    exe cuta ble program .Su broutin e in the block diagram of VI.

    3. Icon/connector

  • 8/7/2019 Lab Lecture3 Intro to LabView


    MCEN 371 Mechanical Engineering Lab

    Chapter 6:Chapter 6:


    Part 2: The La bVIEW Environm ent

  • 8/7/2019 Lab Lecture3 Intro to LabView


    MCEN 371 Mechanical Engineering Lab

    O bjectivesO bjectivesLearn how the thr ee main part s of t he La bVIEW environm ent the f ront panel , block diagram , and

    icon/connector work tog ether.Learn t he diff er ence betwee n controls andindicators & Be a ble to r ecogniz e the ir block diagram terminals .

    Learn a bout t he capa bilities and u ses of t he toolbar , tools palette , controls palette , f unctions

    palette , and subpalettes .

  • 8/7/2019 Lab Lecture3 Intro to LabView


    MCEN 371 Mechanical Engineering Lab

    Front Pan elsSimp ly put , the f ront panel is the windo w throug h wh ich

    the user int eract s with the program .

    When you run a VI, you mu sthave the front pan el open sothat you can input data to t he exe cuting program.

    The front pan el is whe r e yousee your program s output.

  • 8/7/2019 Lab Lecture3 Intro to LabView


    MCEN 371 Mechanical Engineering Lab

    Compon ents of a front pan el:

    The f ront panel is primari ly acombination o f controls and indicators .

  • 8/7/2019 Lab Lecture3 Intro to LabView


    MCEN 371 Mechanical Engineering Lab

    Contro l? or Indicator?

    Controls = Input s from t he user = Sourc e Termina ls

    Indicators = Output s to t he user = D estination s

  • 8/7/2019 Lab Lecture3 Intro to LabView


    MCEN 371 Mechanical Engineering Lab

    M anipu lating Contro ls and Indicator s

    R ight c lick on an indicator to Chang e to contro l Chang e format or pr ecision

    R ight c lick on a contro l to

    Chang e to indicator Chang e mechanica l action ( whe ther to latch open

    or c losed, and what to u se as defau lt)

  • 8/7/2019 Lab Lecture3 Intro to LabView


    MCEN 371 Mechanical Engineering Lab

    Block Diagram sThe block diagram windo w holds the grap hica l sourc e

    cod e of a La bVIEW VI it is the actua l exe cuta ble cod e

    You con struct t he block diagram by wiring tog ether o bjects that p erform s pecific

    function s. The variou s compon ents of a

    block diagram ar e terminals , nodes and w ires.

  • 8/7/2019 Lab Lecture3 Intro to LabView


    MCEN 371 Mechanical Engineering Lab

    Te rmina lsWhe n you p lace a control (or indicator ) on t he


    La bVIEW automatica lly

    cr eates a corr es pondingcontrol (or indicator )terminal on t he BL OCK DIA GR AM

  • 8/7/2019 Lab Lecture3 Intro to LabView


    MCEN 371 Mechanical Engineering Lab

    Contro l or Indicator Te rmina l?

    Control terminals havethick bord er s

    Indicator terminals havethin bord er s

  • 8/7/2019 Lab Lecture3 Intro to LabView


    MCEN 371 Mechanical Engineering Lab

    Dele ting B lock Diagram Te rmina ls

    By defau lt, you cannot d ele te a block diagram t ermina l that belong s to a control (or indicator ).

    The terminal disapp ear s only whe n you d ele te its corr es ponding control (or indicator ) on t he FRONT PA NEL.

  • 8/7/2019 Lab Lecture3 Intro to LabView


    MCEN 371 Mechanical Engineering Lab

    Nodes Node is just a fanc y word for a program exe cution element Nodes ar e ana logou s to statements, operators, f unctions and

    subroutines in standard programming languag e: The add and subtract functions r e pr ese nt on e type of node .

    A structure is an ot her ty pe of node . Structur es can exe cut e cod e r e peatedly or conditiona lly, simi lar to loop s and ca se

    statements in traditiona l programming languag es.La bVIEW has also s pecia l nodes , called formula nodes , wh ich ar e useful for evaluating mat hematica l formu las or ex pr ess ion s.

  • 8/7/2019 Lab Lecture3 Intro to LabView


    MCEN 371 Mechanical Engineering Lab

    Wir es

    A La bVIEW VI is hel d tog ether by wires conn ecting nod es and t ermina ls; they deliver data from on e sourc e termina l toone or mor e destination t ermina ls.

  • 8/7/2019 Lab Lecture3 Intro to LabView


    MCEN 371 Mechanical Engineering Lab

    Basic wir es used in block diagram sand corr es ponding t y pes

    Eac h wir e has diff er ent style or co lor , de pending on t he data

    ty pe that f lows throug h the wir e:Scalar 1D arra y 2D arra y Color

    Floating-pointnum ber

    orang e

    Integer num ber blue

    Boo lean gr een

    String pink

  • 8/7/2019 Lab Lecture3 Intro to LabView


    MCEN 371 Mechanical Engineering Lab

    Brok en wir esIf you conn ect mor e than

    one sourc e or no sourc e

    at a ll to a wir e,

    La bVIEW DISAGR EES with what

    your e doing , and t hewire will app ear broken

  • 8/7/2019 Lab Lecture3 Intro to LabView


    MCEN 371 Mechanical Engineering Lab

    Compon ents of a block diagram Review !

    Nodes : program exe cution

    elementsTerminals : Port s throug h wh ich data pa sses betwee n the block diagram and t he front pan el and betwee n nod es of t he block diagramWires : Data pat hs be twee ntermina ls

  • 8/7/2019 Lab Lecture3 Intro to LabView


    MCEN 371 Mechanical Engineering Lab

    Dataf low Programming Goingwith the f low

    Stated simp ly, a nod e exe cut es on ly whe n dataarriv es at a ll its input t ermina ls; the nod es supp lies data to a ll of it s output t ermina ls whe n it fini shes exe cuting ; and t he data pa ss imm ediat ely from sourc e todestination t ermina ls.

  • 8/7/2019 Lab Lecture3 Intro to LabView


    MCEN 371 Mechanical Engineering Lab

    Icon s and Conn ector s

    The icon is the grap hica l

    r e pr ese ntation of t he VIin the block diagram.


    the connector defines the input s and output s

    more on this later

    The icons and connectors s pecif y the pathw ays for data to f low into and out of VIs.

  • 8/7/2019 Lab Lecture3 Intro to LabView


    MCEN 371 Mechanical Engineering Lab

    Front Pan el & Wiring Diagram.It is often hel pfu l to vi ew both simultaneously using t he Windo ws-Tile Left and R ight command from t he pull down menu.A new (empt y) VI is shown below with the k ey pull-down m enu

    pallets visi ble.

  • 8/7/2019 Lab Lecture3 Intro to LabView


    MCEN 371 Mechanical Engineering Lab

    Modif ying a VI

    Only one of t he two windo ws (front pan el or wiring diagram)is activ e at an y point in tim e. To activat e one simp ly mov e the mou se over it and c lick a mou se button.

    To di s play any of the pallets (too ls, contro ls, or function s)you can u se the Windo ws pull down m enu or simp ly left or right click your mou se.

    When you fir st pu ll up a pa llet an imag e of a pu sh pin i s dis played in t he upp er left hand corn er. C lick on it to k ee p the

    pa llet continuou sly dis played.

  • 8/7/2019 Lab Lecture3 Intro to LabView


    MCEN 371 Mechanical Engineering Lab

    Add /edit t ext

    Wir e f eatur es tog ether tocontro l f low of data

    Sele ct a f eatur e toedit or mov e

    O perate a contro l

    Pro be Data(trou blesh oot)

  • 8/7/2019 Lab Lecture3 Intro to LabView


    MCEN 371 Mechanical Engineering Lab

    Insert a digita l indicator or contro l

    Insert a boolean contro l

    ( button or switch)

  • 8/7/2019 Lab Lecture3 Intro to LabView


    MCEN 371 Mechanical Engineering Lab

    Add a structur e such as for , wh ile, and ca se statements

    Add a num ericoperator (+ ,-,)

    File I/O

    Add a booleanoperator (and , or)

    Data Acqui sition

    Signa l ana lysis

    Compari son

    M athematica l Function s

    Timing /dia log

  • 8/7/2019 Lab Lecture3 Intro to LabView


    MCEN 371 Mechanical Engineering Lab

  • 8/7/2019 Lab Lecture3 Intro to LabView


    MCEN 371 Mechanical Engineering Lab

    Reord er o bjects

    R un

    Continuou s run

    Pau seStop

    Font ring

    Alignm ent ring

    Distri bution ring

    Debugging f eatur esmore on this later

  • 8/7/2019 Lab Lecture3 Intro to LabView


  • 8/7/2019 Lab Lecture3 Intro to LabView


    MCEN 371 Mechanical Engineering Lab

    Chapter 6:Chapter 6:


    Part 3: E xamp les

  • 8/7/2019 Lab Lecture3 Intro to LabView


    MCEN 371 Mechanical Engineering Lab

    Examp le 1: Crap s

    From t he function s num eric pan el insert a pair of dic eFrom t he Contro ls pan el insert a

    num eric digita l indicator (on t he front pan el) Use the wiring too l to conn ect

    the two (in t he wiring diagram)and c lick t he run buttonr e peatedly.

    Num ber s from 0.00 to 1.00should be dis played in t he front

    pan el

  • 8/7/2019 Lab Lecture3 Intro to LabView


    MCEN 371 Mechanical Engineering Lab

    Examp le 1: Crap s (continu ed)

    Dele te the wir eAdd a mu ltiplication nod e and anum eric con stant to a llow multip lication by 5

    Add an addition nod e andnum eric con stant to a llow addition of 1Add a mat hematica l R ound to Near est nod e.M ak e a second cop y of t his structur e to r e pr ese nt a seconddie and wir e them tog ether throug h an addition nod e with anoutput to a num eric con stant

    This wiring diagram simu lates the rollingof 2 dic e and t heir addition to form a num ber

    from 2 t hroug h 12.

  • 8/7/2019 Lab Lecture3 Intro to LabView


    MCEN 371 Mechanical Engineering Lab

    Examp le 2: Ana log & Digita l

    Voltmeter (simulated signal)

    Uniform noi se used as simu latedsigna l Function s Signa l

    Proc ess ing Signa l GenerationmenuA bsolute value function fromfunction s num eric m enuM ean va lue of data series fromthe function s mat hematic s Pro ba bility and Stati stics menu

    The 250 m s wait imp lementedfrom t he time and dia log m enuslows the f lutter of t he meter.

  • 8/7/2019 Lab Lecture3 Intro to LabView


    MCEN 371 Mechanical Engineering Lab

    Examp le 3: Reading an ana log input signa l Requires A/D board to implement

    From t he function s menu sele ctdata acqui sition and t hen ana log

    input. The n sele ct either Samp le Chann el or Samp le Chann els

    This places the samp ling icon inyour wiring diagram

    You t hen need to configur e the chann el(s) and wir e the output toother part s of your program.

  • 8/7/2019 Lab Lecture3 Intro to LabView


    MCEN 371 Mechanical Engineering Lab

    Examp le 4: Signa l Ana lys is (continu ed)

  • 8/7/2019 Lab Lecture3 Intro to LabView


    MCEN 371 Mechanical Engineering Lab

    Examp le 5: Cr eating Su b-VIsIn wiring diagram u se sele ction too l (mou se box) to sele ct a ll items to be in t he

    Su bVI.From Edit m enusele ct Cr eate Su bVIDou ble click on n ew icon and save it a s ase parat e VI.Cut-and-pa ste it atwill or in sert it u singFunction s SelectVI menu