ladies' costumes. white dresses. jerseys. jerseys ... · nental pres3. tiik cyclones and...

i IP TV 7 A IT IE MEMP s ESTABLISHED 1840 MEMPHIS, TEN-ST- ., FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 1885. VOL. XLV-N- O. 93 As Anglo-Russia- n war is now consid- ered a foregone conclusion by the conti- nental pres3. Tiik cyclones and floods of Wednesday and Thursday were very destructive in Kansas and Texas. The season opens Gks. (j bast's sixty-thir- d birlhday is to be celebrated wilb enthusiasm in all the Northern cities 01. Monday next. Louis- ville Is to have a special celebration. - One of the most sympathetic messages received by Gen. Grant during his recent ssvere attack came irom Gen. Buell. Peace hath its victories no less renowned than those of wnr. Tun Savannah Sent heartily condemns dueling, aud says that "a man ho killed his autuiionUi in a duel was once consid- ered a3 a hero. Now he is looked npon as little less than an assassin." We juin the Chattanooga Tiu$ in the hope that Gov. Bate will include the regis- tration bill in the subjects he submits to the Legislature in extra session. The runawav kids should have another chance. The State Democratic Executive Com- mittee cf Mississippi yesterday called a Slate convention, to nominate candidates for .State otlices, to be held at Jackson on ihe lt'th of Auaist. I.iU-- are now in order. Gln J. C. Cupk, with a nnmber of the officers and directors of the Illinois Cen tral railroad, are in Yazjo City, consulting as to r.a extension of that road to this citv. which it is no certain will be made at an earlv dsy. Da. Charles H. Hall, a Erooklyn min- ister, declares it S3 his belief thut the rumor of A. T. Stewart's body having been stolen wag put in circulation by the SteW' art family to keep robbers from taking it. If this is true, it was a very shrewd idea. The water served to the people of Thil adeiphia every day from the Schuylkill river is pcioced byjuliid sewage and emits a most offensive odor. The victims of thU nasty nuieance are howliag about it, but the authorities are slow about abat ing it. True cx plosion of an infernal machine yesterday, in one of the rooms of the Ad- miralty building, London, was the occa- sion of a great deal of excitement in the British metropolis. The wh- - and whore-for- e of it is still a riddie for the tioiice to unravel. Tub Milwaukee Journal e.iys that Sena tor Sawyer has not yet decided whether or not he will himself to the United States Senate vears hence. Mr. Saw yer ha more censidcrauoa for the wishe; of the people than he has bten given credit f :r. Yesterday was a ira'a dsy at the New MeabU Jockey Club course. The trac was tn jzood cor.diti sn notwithstanding the raiu, the attendance was large, the betting f .;ritfcd and the running waa as good ts that of either of tha preceding iluva. Tie urograinme for y is a su- perb one. It ii earnestly to be hoped the effort new being nado to open the New Orleans Exposition in November may b? succersfal. Notwiit etatiding the ex jens that would be entailed daring the five months iuUr-.-puiri!- ; between the clos ing and reopecin;: of the buildings, in tl way ot insurauce, repairs ar.d pclice, it ii believed that the enterprise may ba mad to pay. Tin Women's Silk Cuituro Association' of 1'hiiadelphia, Las secured the German pavilion ia the Centennial grounds for an educational esiab'ishxent. Ail the ap pliances for a school of silk culture wi;l be introduced, and a number of hand and steam ree;s will be put in. Agriculturists and others are to bs invited to attend th school, and observe the processes con netted with the imltinti. Ie. Walker Flacr, formerly of Hunts- viile. All., but now a citizsn of New Or- leans, wuo has been appointed Minister to Greece by "resident Cleveland, is, as we learn from tbe , berieen Examiner, an accomplished schoiar isd linguist, and commenced his diplomatic career sa rec-ietr- y of legation in early iife. He vas, lor a ticie, associated with Secretary La- mar in Paris in the diplomatic service of the Confedef&te States, and, no doubt, owes his appointment to that gentleman. Tns Latin Union for the maintenance of silver composed of France, Bel gium, Italy, Switzerland and Greece, wili hold an adjourned meeting in Paris this week. Tnough our "overnment has sent no representative to thib council, the Sec retary of State baa instructed or uipio malic representatives in Europe to express to the several powers cur readiness to join with them in fixing a common rate be- tween gold and silver, with a view to the Jree and unlimited coinage of both metals. ?iK.CnA.i.GAYAitKE, the eminent his- torian of Louisiana, is delivering a series of lectunjsin NewOrlesiis on the "Creoles of Ilaaiance and the Creoibs cl History," Lis purpose being to corn ct tuts falue and erroneous impression made by Mr. George W. Cable ia hia recently published novels. Jlr. Gayarra ie, himself, a Creole, aud therefore knows whereof he proposes to speak. He occupies an enviable position In Louisiana, and is in every way veil .jHilified to defend the Creoles. Fektiset to the meeting in thiacily of the Grand Lods of the Knights of Honor of Tennessee, comes the information that the order, orifanuad June 20. Ifc73, had paid, up to April 1, lsS, $I4,0O0.0(K) from the bc&efit fund, to over 70(h) families. The membership last June was 1315,227 The number of assessments that had been levied np to the close of laat December (ten years and a half) was 1'tO, an average of less than nlteea per ysar. The toia namber of deaths at tho close cf bs-- 4 had iien Ij'JM. The largeHt number of assess- ments in any one year has been twenty, which Ua yearly premium of but one per tcent. on the amount of insurance. LiEtrf. Tiiomtson-- , of the ireeond United Slate Artillery, detailed by Gen. Han cock to act az one of the judges at the &p prize Jrilii at Mobile, at which ill! tie crack companies of tbe country, in cluding the Chickasaw Guards of this city, are to compete, takes a great intercut in the contest. He says that such aftaiis liave the effect of "greatly increasing the etliciency of the militia by creating uplf.t of emulation in the men caut- ing batter discipline. They abio dra public aLLention to the militia and con vince the public of the utility of a slanl-jn- ; militia and induce a much-neede- d (iipport, for it is a lawutable fact that in very few instances indeed LbSuHicient aid .and encouragement given to the militia. Tho drills a o tend to do away with sectkmalism and pojGto giod fellowship imong the men by picia them in friendly rivalry, and in almost every ay in which they are regerded the drill are of juimenae UenetU." THE BLUFF GAME Between England and KaJa Milking Slow I'rogress Toward a Settl- ementBoth Powers Talking War at Long Ranee, bnt Each Evidently Trjiug to Shirk the BefpouMbilitj of Taking the Initiative tn Open Hostilities The Feeling on the Continent Sensational Rumors. LoxnoN, April 2X The European preps genemlly coxment favorably upon the neecu ininie ty Sir. Uladstote in uie House of Commons. Tuesday afternoon. on the occasion of asking for the vote of credit. His statement is characterized as dignified and resolute. There is a general revulsion of feeling toward the belief that war is now inevitable. ATTACK PS THK GOVERNMENT. Sir Stafford Northcote, tbe Conservative leader in the House of Commons, made a speech in this citj last evening in which he attackeii the government programme as indicated by Mr. Gladstone in moving the vote ol cret:t last nignt, ot abandoning the Soudan. He said that the retention of Egypt was all important. It was a duty inch Lnjiand owed to the reople ot India to maintain her proper position aud prestige in Egypt, and especially to keep the Suez canal a! save available for the transportation o! British troops. GVERAWINC, THE ITALIAN GOVERNMENT. A Paris dispatch to the Exchange Tele graph Company states that it is rumored ttitre that a powerful Kus3ian squadron has been ordered to cruise olf the coast of Italy for the purpose of overawing the Italian government in its suspected worn of secretly preparing to assist England in the event of an Anglo-ltussia- n war. LACTONE'S STATEMENT IS T1IE COMMONS. In the Houee of Commons today Mr. Gladstone, in repliDg to inquiries made bv Sir Sladord JSorthcote, said that mere was no intention of laying further papers touching the Afghan situation upon the table before as1- ing for a vote npon the war credits already submitted to the House. the government." Air. Ulaustone con tinued, "were engaged in a correspond ence of extreme sravitv with liussm. 1 was impossible to make now a complete statement of the naiure ot the correspond ence, while no partial statement could be given without the greatest risk of creating misapprehension. NEGOTIATIONS IMI'EBILED. The Pom's correspordent at St. Peters burg telegraulis that lius.-i-a has declared that Mr. Gladstone's statement to the 1Iouf? of Commons in asking for the vote of credit has compromised the negotiations between England aud Kutsia and linper- - 1 ed their success. THE I'l.f.l.ISU IS KCSSIA. A Bawtan Itetlrir of Kir I'eter I.uiux- - uu I'orf. Sr. Pe.tek.-hir- g, April 23. The Journal rle ,S'!. 1'tltnl-urg- , in review of Sir Peter Lnmsi'eii's report to Mr. Gladstone upon the aliiir between the ltiiisian and Atgnan troops at Peri !eh. savs the repoit is based upon statements from Afghan Boiirces, and if i' contradicts the precise and complete report previously made by Gen. Komarcfl', commander cf the Kussian forces operating noon the border of Afghanistan, then Mr. Gladstone need not be surprised if Kussia prefers to rely upon the testimony of her generals. Ihe J.urnal adds: 'It is useless to pur sue the polemics or subsidiary points when the oi.iiu question to be settled is the delimitation ol the boundary between Kussia and Afghaatan. As to her war credits. V.ngisud is free to bestir herself. Russia remains calm, conscious of the gravitv of the situatiou and confident of abi itv to cooe with the emergency. Russia will be hpppv to Fee realized Earl Granvil e'a with mat ail existing differ ences hatwesa England and Kussia eta! be settled peacefully." a tub t irum St. at Vienna Vienna. Auril 23. Information wind has been received here from St. Peters burg pn itical c rchj3 creates a great sensa- tion. Ii is to the eif itt that the only con dition o5 which peace can be assured is that KnirUud shall acknowledge the com pute neutrality c..f Afghan Stan and the extincti ;n ot English intluence on the Auieer's country. In this case oniy, it is said, is a peaceful unders'anding between England and Kmsia possible. This de mand on the uait of Russia has been coin muuicaled as an ultimatum to London The highest militarv circles in Russia are bringing great preesuie to bear on the to declare war. They say that tbe chances of victory for Russia were never so avorab!e as at the present time. Russia, it is further said, is only when the olgashall h lr nf i .n this river is eesenbal for the transponatton ol troop?, as soon as the river is opened Uussi will cast aside further attempts at diplomatic negotiation?. It is said here in diplomatic ciri lfcs that England is endeavoring to vita tbe Porto abont the passage oi the Dardanelles f jr the war ships. The ontimolal powers, hotrever, inpist on maintaining tha nentiwlity ol its straits. Tbiak War iv Invcltafeie. Berlin, April 23. The continental press apper.r to tliirik that war between Kussia 0,,i L'n .lor,.! is inevitable. The Kolnische sitting ea,-- thi't both England and Russia deaire reace, ht Uit "either knows now to go el out obtaining it. MI s!S. A 'hotesa!e I.iqnor maler lloet bj SIT.CIAL TO )Uk fRAL-- l Canton, April 23. A. Tutelar whole- - cam and retta liquor dealer, was ciosad Meul:en Bros., of Memphis, at tached for a tk-b- t raa them by 1 uteler, w ho is eDgai'td also in merctiaudifling at Ccldwater. o.vrixExr. felerabury. CAXT0X, Attxrliiietr J UKSOX, MISS. Mtate Democratic Convention Called for August itb. UrilOHL TO THK APPEAL. Jackhok. 23 Tbe State Dcmo- - ciatic Conservative Executive Committee met here y in the nail of the House of Representatives pursuant to tho call of the chairman. There was a large attend ance. The committee called a Democratic State Convention, to meet in the c ty of Jackson, Augns'. I'.hh (Wednesday), to no.Miinate candidates lor State ollict s. IIUXltOLUT, TESX. neatb of Jtclne Wra. lunibu. Koccived it. Vanee, or Co- - My. PEC;AI. TO THK APPEAL. 1 IL'tt.'ioLiiT, April 23. Judge Win. R. Vance, of Colnmbus. Ky.. died at the res idence of Col. Trios. Brawn, at 8 o'clock ain., aged eighty years. He was born in Jt county, Ky., and was a rodent of Louisville, Ky., for many years, JaC-SO- X, tens. A hrrlon AreMent to a RaiHoad Man Ueliirlona Revival. lerHCIAL TO T2I APPIAL.I Jackson. April 23. Charley Eritt, young brakeman on the Mobile and Ohio railroad, from this city, while coupling tars at Oayce this morning made a misstep and full acros3 the track. The car- - wheels passe-- J ever his left leg, breaking the bone, causing a coaponnd fracture and lacerating the muscles badly. He was bromrh-- . home and medical attention Kiveu him. The bit b Las not been amrutated. I he wounded man is in a critical condi tion. h.t iav survive. The levival at tho Presbyterian church, led by Ihe famous West Teaicsree evan- "elist, W. M. Robinson, of Milan', iriosfo There has been about fifty con version;. TUB KAILKOADS. In tlie Ilunda of Kcrrlvrrm. Cuictno, April 23. The Uailwuii Age to- day pcblifthcs a list oi twenty railroads luat have been placed in the hands of re- ceivers!, January 1 to March 31,1885. The to al capital stoci; and bonds of these corporations ncsrejfale $'2'h,2oi CO. The Ay gays: ' Our record for 1SS4 gave the total namber of roads placed in receivers' hands at thirty-seve- embracing; 11,033 miles of line and $715,000,000 of capital and debt. The first quarter of this year already shows more than one-ha- lf aB many roads, "more than thirty-seve- n per cent, of the mileage and about forty pel cent, of the total amount of capital stock involved by the receiverships of tbe entire preceding year. Should the ratio for the remaining nine months be the same, the record of the year will probably indicate a greater aggregate of railway insolvencies than any previous year in the history of the country." Knllrond LpkiIhiIou in lllinol. Springfield, April 23. la the House to-d- Hill's bill for the consolidation of railroad corporations was passed by a vote of 82 to 47. The bill provides that all railroad companies in the State are em- powered to consolidate their property, franchises and capital stock with that of any companies with whose iine3 they con- nect at the State boundary upon such terms as may be agreed on by the directors and approved by the stockholders owning not less than two-thir- of the capital stcck of the respective companies becom- ing parties to such consolidation, provid- ed that no tin li railroad shall consolidate with any company owning a parullol or competing line. la tuc senate the relorm election bill. presented by the Citizjns' Association of Chicago, was passed. A bill was introduced limiting the price of telephones to $3 a month. THE XAUOXAL CAriTAL. by tbe I'rfMlrteut Xrw Rational Vault. TranNpartatlou of foltl 'ot- - Klute Bribery I'aMea. Washington. April 23. The President signed the commissions of the fol- - owing pnstmasters : George . Sutler at Mansfield, O. ; Edward R. Debray at Clyde, Ks., and benj. i. Mack.ill at Moose-hea- Minn. Postmastere Apiiointed G. I. Falconer at Minneapolis, ks , rice Vrni. M. Harvey, term expired. lluiih . Ctamaou, at Columbus, Kp., ncf . . Coulter, resigned; James Jt. Stewart, at Van Ittirke, i ir' Al vis B. Smith, resigned ; h. ii. lllianip, at Ketchtitn, Idaho, rfce.II. S. Stewart, resigned. 1 he President made the iihow;ng ap pointment y to be collector ot inter nal revenue: Samuel I!. Cooper, Eirtt District of Texas. t a nil lied far Ilia 1 illion. Washington, April 23. Bavliss W, Hanna, of Indiana, recently appointed United States Minister to Persia, qaalitied to-d- at the Department of State. KeJ(riiet. Wasbington, April 23. Joseph K. Mc-- Cammon, Assistant Attorney-Gener- al for the;Interior Department, resigned jester-day- , to take effect on the 4'.h;proximo. Kew National Hank. Washington, April 23. Tne Comp troller of the Currency today authorized tbe First National Bank of Eaimettfbu-g- , la., to begin business with a capital of Tooli FossesNlon of tils Ofliee. Washington, April S3. Frank C. Ncs- - bitt, cf Mitsouri, the new chief clerk o! the .Agricultural Department, arrived in Washington and lmmodmtciv qaalititd and took possession of his cilice. I'rrsculi'tl toltie Prenident. Washington, April 23. Srnor Manuel M. de Peralta,tho newly accredited Minis- ter to the United States from the republic of Salvador, was presented to Piesidtnt Cleveland Secretary Bayard made the presentation. Ktar-Koiil- e Zlrlbcry Cnes. Washington, April 23. In tiie Star- - ronte jurv briberv trial to-d- defendant William Dickson, who was foreman ol th" firet jury, was examined. Capt. Charles Henry, of the District, and others were also examined. Koutbcra I'actnc Land Grant. Washington, April 23. The Southern Pacific Railroad tompsiiv has airected its attorney in this city to take an appeal from the decision of tho Commissioner of the General Land Office, throwing open to settlement laud c.'aimed by the company as part ol its land grant. American Kiiricleal Atutoclatlon. Washington, April 23. At the so ion of the American Surgical Association to day Dr. J. Col'ins, of Boston, delivered an address on the surq 'ct of healing olar teries in men and animalE after ligature, and a general discussion of the sut jct was had. Papers were read on the tti ology of Tetanus," by Dr. P. S. Conner, of Cincinnati, and on ''Experimental and Clinical Study of Air Emhoiism." Counting the Catb. Washington, April 23 A committee of three will he appointed by the secretary of the Treasury in a few davs to supervise tho count of all the cash and other secu rities in the treasury of the United States incident to the transfer of the oflice of Treasurer from Mr. Wvtnan to Mr. Jor dan. The committee will be composed of a representative ol the Secretary, who will he selected lrom the public moneys di vision, a representative of Mr. Wyinsn, who vail be selected from tbe 1 s oflice", and a representative of Mr. Jordan, who will be tja.ected from the outside The count will commence nt the clcsa cf business on April 30ih, and will probably take about tnree weeKi. TranHtortntlon of Hold Coin. Washington, April 23. The Secretary of tho Treasury has under consideration Beyeral propositions for the transportation of a lare amount of pold coin from tbe sub'treasury at ban 1. rauciico to the sub-- treasury at New York. The transfer of aijout $35,000,000 of gold is contemplated, Connrtss at its last session appropriated $100,000, which was made immediately available for the transportation ol this otti. Tbe rates submitted by the express compan'lca aio all in excess of the eslimates made when the apwopnailon s asktd It was estimated that the golii would ba trans'eried at the rate of ?2 bO p ?r JiOOO. The lowest bid made by the epres com- - pan.rfj nowever, ia ! j per ww. addition to th5 bid from the express com- panies there is one the Pacific Mail Siloomaliir.; trhifh fillers in tiTk.6 . r 1 ' . . . I t . Dn.i transfer reduced v 4 . 1 V. ,. ' craui. leiuio jiivjiuaoii vy ijivaii.3ujj, company are nut known. The reason for the transfer is to relieve tbe vaults at San Francisco, which are taxed to ll;cir ut- most capacity, and also to have the gold New York where it would be more needed in case of a sudden demand. It is expected that the Secretary will decide cn the matter ol transportation in a a ay?. THE MOBILE DRILL. Fall Lint or Ibv 'cminnlea Hint will rarticlni. Mobile, Ala., April C3. The followics companies will take part in the drill and encampment which begins here May 4th: Chickasaw Guards, ot Memphis, Killes, of Mobile; Washingt-j- Artillery, balteri-sA- , H and C, of prleaus; National K;ll-s- , of Washington : liusi h juayes, of St. Louis; Greys, of Montuomerv. Ala.; Guards, of Jasnesviile, Wis.; Crescent Kitles, of New Orleans; ouaves, ot Chicago; Company F, Louisville ; Legion, of Louisville; Light Guards, of Houston; Company C, of Mueca'ine, Ia. ; Burns Artillery, of Nashville ; Richardson Zou- aves, of Indianapolis; l'a:tery G, Ala bama State Artillery, of Mobile; Light Guards, of Detroit; Branch Guards, of Columbus, Ga. ; Field Buttery B, of New Orleans; urue lliues.of Montgom- ery, Ala.; Kscambia li lies, of Pensacola, Fla. : Guards, of Monmoutfl, 111.; Guards, of fcelina, Ala; Trecdway Ritlss, of Louis; Guard?, of Tayloravillo, 111.; Lonjax Rides, of Mobile; Light Artillery, In- dianapolis; F.ver.reen City Guards, oi Shebovgan, Mich.; Pettus Rifles, of Selma, Ala.; Light Infantry, o! Paris, 111.; Butler R:ll?s, Greenville, Ala., and Soutkern Cgd?ts, of Macon, Ga. Central faxateuf Ciscinnati, April 23. The Central Tai-gene- Committee lias been in session for the past three days perfecting uetansof its lais. There was largs representa- tion, and it is (,,"too4 that all the Clii-ca- o lines, except the sew ork, Clijcr-- o and St. Louis road, are to come in if thtii' competitors do. PRAW-POKE- R much doaror4han a draw of an Vyr& run Cigarette: 5 cents for Ibe IllluwM jilKtnrr. Sprixokield, April 23. the joint as- sembly forty-liv- e senators and 13) Repre- sentatives answered the roll-cal- l. Of these HX) Repablicjna were present, and their ntire vote was cast Logan. a sec- ond call the vole wca the same as at lirgt, and tbe assembly adjourned. WALES IX IRELAND. Enthusiast ic Heceptiou or the PiUce aud Princess oT Wales at Belfast The Eojal Tarty Received at the Railway Station by the Ulajor and Municipal Council Address of Weldoiue. The 321st Anniversary of the lilrtli of Miakospeare Celt-bru- t Ia nt Belfast, April 23. The Trince and Princess of Wales arrived hereat3 o'clock this afternoon. They were met at the railway Btation by an irameuse assembly of citizens and vere received by the may- or. The mayor and municipal escort con- ducted the royal visitors threngh the densely packed "streets to Ulster Hall, and all along the way the ecene was one of tbe wildest enthusiasm. So demonstrative were the peoplo that it was as much as the' police could do to keep a way open for tha progressof the royal carriage. At Ulster Hall the various bodies of Bel- fast presented addresses of welcome to their royal highnesses. The 1'rince made personal replies to the different addresses. At Portadown and Dundaik, on their way here, the Prince aud Princess of Wales received ovations. At nil the railway stations along the route demonstra- tions of loyalty were made. At most of the citations the buildings wero decorated with the Orange colors and banners. At every depot where the train stopped long enough to permit it, addie3?es of welcome, were pre- sented. Along the whole route dwellings, public buildings and farm structures bore banners, Hags, wreaths and inscriptions, expressive of loyalty and welcome. In many instances thousands of persons fol- lowed the train after it left tbo station and got under strong headway, cheering the royal couolo and bidding them God speed. ThiB eveniug the Prince and Princess embarked on ihe royal yacht Osborne for Carrit k Fergus Roads, where the yacht will be moored the night. The en- thusiasm throughout the evening was un- bounded. Immense crowds ansembled at the pier from which the visitors departed. Not the slightest hestiii'y was manifested. The town was brilliantly illuminated and hege bonfires were bruit npon the mils overlooking tho harbor. A large number of university students chartered a steamer and serenaded the royal yacht. They all carried torches. Nttakenpeare'i! Itlrttiday. London, April 23. The 321st anniver sary of the birth of Shakespeare was cele- brated with much ceremony and a festival day in stratford Ihe town was brilliantly decorated and the church belis chirred all day. Hun dreds of strangers thronged the place, visitinw aud inquiring about tvervthing Shakespearean with the leal of pilgrim?. The vic3r of Stratford church, in the liont chancel ol which- Shakespeare's dust reposes, announced during memorial serviuea that the Shakes peare window, presented by American itors to the poet s tomb, was com- - pSeted but not yet fixed in its p'ace. The window is to be Bet immediately over Siiaketpeare's grave. The committee which lias the unveiling ceremonies in charge, the vicar said, are making c tlurtB to havo the dedication address pre pared and delivered by James Kiiosell Lowell. Ihe decorations represent even Ages of Man, and lor the llln tration of Shakespeare's text describing each a Scriptural subject has been chosen The window is said by the best critics to be a marvel ol art. Sfnzzliufr tbe lkreMM In Anstrla. Vienna, April The government to- - dev seized an entire edition of the Iran- dirltlati and four oiher newspapers for printing the text of manifests issued by tbe 1. mted Lett, or German Oitcsition in tho Reichsrnth, criticis ng the policy ot tno present laate Ministry. The pub lishers of the five papers at once issued lalcr editions in which the entire space occupied by the manifests was lett blank Tbe AiiHlralian federation. London, April 2 The bill to federate the BritiBh-Auttralia- n colonies was read a second time in the House of Lords this afternoon. At present the bill includes t five of the fix colonies, New South Wales stiil refusing to enter the federa tion. It ia believed, however, that New South Wales ill soon overcome her pres ent objections to the lederation scheme. Queen Victoria at Iarm&tndt. Berlin, April 23. Queen Victoria has arrived at IJarmstadt. Kagwacrela Cambodia. 1'aris, April 2t. JNews has been re ceived from Cambodia, way of Saigon to the effect, that the insurgents have sur- prised a French post, captured sevtial guns and massacred many Europeans. Trouble Imminent in Fanainn, Colon, April 23. Trouble ib imminent in l'anama. Aizpura has issued a pro- - nuuciamenio against Americans, ltiei pickets have been tired on. One hundred marines nave ben ordered to reinforce Hevward. Refugees are leaving the city, Aizpura has sGO men. He wiil probably remain quiet until tnc arrival ol tne gov ernment corps, which are embarking at Buena entura. "The BoMptiore liryptjen 4?ase.M Tabis, April 23. The Cabinet at its ses sion took up the liospluire Egiiptit case, aiid after a lull discuLijion ajoitcd line ot action to be pur? ued concerning tbe afl'air and telfgraphed full instructions as to how the matter Ehould be treated to M, 15arre, French Consul-liener- at Cairo. France conaiiiers Ejypt'a reply to the French demand for the rehabilitation of the Jlufphore Eg'jplien evasive and nneat-iyaojer- and )n resolved to dispatch an- other ncti! to l ;Tpt awoutjba (jiattei-- . It is st.Ved that tlje form of this note' wti aatctd upon by the French Minis- ters, aud it is aaid'that the note threatens tbftt naleBS gives satifclaction i ranee mnaanraa frt m if the at a much rrie. ine win ai;: v' ....... tl.n ';.:n in tew Isiew St. o of here a is lo. .e In for a for the 23. by London, April 'ii. ihe Mari.uiB of Sal- - iB'ouiy, in a Speech in Wales last evening, tne probable Conservative fiatforruSt the next general election. to the present scheme of taxation, which imposed taxes upon British houbes and lands but allowed those who annually drew large fortunes from foreign eecuriiies, consols, etc., to go free. The inequality, he said, caused the prevailing depression in trade, and its abolition would furnish the only practical joluMon of the vexatious question cf hooaicj the poor, Jn reply to a nuestioa aa to his views in regard to protection, Lord Salisbury said he would never tho duty upon corn, t'ut he aakod : "Could not Kngldnd meet the protective legislation of continental Europe by some-- hat similar weaponB?" AMERICAS Sl'ECl'LATQKS IKitalpnlntltisr l:ttsllHli Coasola to 4',,B-Ir- ul the Whral Marbrt. ciiKAoo, Auil .i. luo statement is published here that a powerful syndicate of New York and Chiiago capitalifttic sneculators have been bulling and bear ne EnuliBh cobboIs throuiih a large speculator in London, and have ben advieed in ad vance of tho probable course of the mar ket to enable successful speculation. The consols move wheat np when they go down, and move wheat down when they go up. 'i he moat retnar'rable feature about them ia that they have Hone up and down witn a sort 01 regular irregularity, iror fortnight they have opened very low down. Then they have strengthened and finally have closed steady and composed. Perhaps more remarkable than Rnythine elee, however, has been the other fact hr.t certain Chicaco and New York traders have known in ad,arce of inst what consols were doinc ii they have not, as iBc'aimed ia some qnarteiu,knciwn what consols were K'jing to do. PES. ti!?lJiT. AnuMier ttrive Wtihoni Any Dud Eilci --Win WelKtit. New York, Ap-i- l :!. Gen. Grant look another lon; drive y, ret'irninir at 12,50 o'clock p:m. While returning tbe general was wci bed. Ilia weight wan 141 pounds. When last weighed, nearly three months aso, hia weight was 102 pounds. At 4 o'clock p.m. the genera), accompa- nied by '"Buck" Grant, walked from tie house to the corner of Madison avenua J. 1 .JU.IMUI.IJ. ..LiJPIjJU. .MBBajSifcflteMaiS in as well as on the last two days, and seemed more feeble in ascending the steps to the mansion. Gen. Urani a Nnnimer Trip. Philadelphia, April 23. The following will appear in the Inquiier "The invitation to spend the summer at the Hotel KaaterskiU. Catskill Mountains, N. Y., extended to Gen. Grant and his family, has been accepted through the general's son, Col. Fred Grant, who writes to Mr. I'aige, maneger of the hotel, as follows: 'Gen. Grant directs me to answer your letter of yesterday and say that it is his intention if alive to visit the Ca'skills during the month of Au.-ust- and if con- venient will accept your kind invitation for that month.' " MEMPHIS SCHOOLGIRLS At the Cireat World's Fair at Kc leans, Ijoder tbe Care of M ita Hlgbee aud MIbs Clara CoawBi- - ArkBBUu Day on tbe trStb. ICOKUkMPOMItlKCK OP THK APPEAL. New Orleans, April 21. The past and present wetk have been fraught with un usual leatures ol interest, ine grounds at the great fair are a wilderness abloom of rich, sweet-breathe- d magnolias, fusca-ta- s, and all the brilliant-hoe- d buret of tulips and hyacinths. Among the pearl-whit- e paths weaving though odor and hue of Southland loveliness have been seen Tennessee's fair representors of education in Misses Higbee and Conway, of Mem- phis, leading a beau tied troop of school- girls. The New Orleans Board of Man- agement have manifested an especial in- terest in the attendance ot local or distant teachers and pupils, for not only did they realize tne deugnt attendant upon so beau- tiful a show for tho youthful sight-see- r, but the great educational advantages pread out as impressive object lessons of massive groupings of tbe world's excel- lences, in nature, science and ait. Too much cannot be done in pleasurable ben- - nt lor the noble women of our land who wield that highest privilege of mind-cultur- e to the young. it was a tact of general pleased gratifi cation to learn that the trip was one of pleasure for these lady representatives and pupils of Tennessee education, and several States vied with their own in ex- tending cordial courtesies in their depart- ments after their arriving. Florida, al- ways by her whole-soule-d commissioner to the front in warm welcome, led the two interesting bands with pride through her treasures of tinting sea and orient sun, yet n rb an apparent iaci mat, ine cultured bevy stepped right gladly into Arkansas's realm to taste a crystal sip of the "Fount- ain of Youth" Eureka ! It was with in- finite regret we learned of a call at our commissioners' room during our absence irom jmiss riigoee. ller name for many years has been a synonym for education. Through others we learned of her excel lent qualities and of the pleasures and courtesies heaped upon her and her work ing band ot pupils. Mis3 Clara Conway was received and warmly welcomed in our Arkansas. A lady of superior mind and cultured ad- dress must needs win hosts of friends, and her gentle-mannere- d and intelligent pu- pils glided in pleased delight through the fruited grandeur of Arkansas's pomological display, h?r minerals and crystal dia monds. All expressed a pleasure trip of delightful privileges at the great World's uair. Among the hundreds of Tennessee excutsionists we note one of Mem phis s most noble landmarks, Maj. J. J. Murphy, a'tended by his family; our estimable friend Mr, Frank Nortleet. of the firm of Sledge & Nortleet; Mrs. James vuiie, jur. j. rorter and wile and Mrs. Alsup, of Galloway, . Following i ennessee was ine great Ar ansas excur sion, among them Drs. I cKenny and Gabbert. Gen. Collins. Jnatre Wnll nH family, the latter of whom, after a season- able stay of pleasure at the World's Fair, ielt lor a visit to Germantown. Tenn.. among relatives, lnis week a Texas ex cursion numbering about MOO has Donred in. To-da- y was celebrated in memory of San Jacinto as Texas day. Gov. Ireland was present, delivering an interesting speech. The stand was crowded with dis tinguished visitors. Gen. Burke, recently returned from t ashington, is much improved in aonear- - ante by the rest from the tax of the great cares of the Exposition. The press of Ar kansas, together with the United States commissioners, Dr. C K Taylor, Col. Cor coran, Gov. Hughes and embers of the Legislature will arrive the last of the week to celebrate "Arkansas day," the 2Sth instant. Louisiana day occurs the 30th instant. and grand and extensive Drenarations are on hand to have the day one of the most brilliant ot tne World s Fair. The question is nndertonelv airitated whether the Exposition will not be opened in October. ' lis eaid the reality only ninges on ueu. liurte s signature. The 20th instant was incidented by a reception in that of Gov. Hoadlv. of Ohio. Charming crimson ailk ouwmr, clasped by a gilt eagle, and in bold black lettering umo adorned each presentee to Gov. Hoadly and wife and Commis- sioner Stultz and Mrs. Stultz, lady Mrs. G. B. Collins. 1UE VICKSBURG FICE. Ibe Bearch for liuilr. covered. Six So Far Ke- - Vicksecbg, April 23. The search for bodies has been prosecuted all (lay among the ruins of the late fire. Six were recov- - ' ered, and have been identified as follows: ' William R. Mulcaby, William H. Phelan and Joeei h Dent, white, and Hayden Can- -' adapKichard Johnson and Eph Bell, col ored. The search will be continued nntil the dfbrit is cleared away. It is now thought more thun twenty lives were lost. Hale of Thoroughbreds. Lexington, April 23. The combination sale of Messrs. Brasfield, Johnston & Ed- monson commenced with fine weather and a large attendance of buyers, among them Senator George F. Edmunds, of Vermont. A fifty-nin- e lot were sold for $2i)iH), an average of iOu. The highest price was paid by Dr. J. H. Bennetts, yisuO for Vatican, by Belmont. Steve Maxwell, of Louisville, Ky., paid $1300 for Noaman, a stallion by Harold. A. J, Alexander paid $830 for Petnee. by Onward. R. v,. ?f Jackson, Mich., was a large purchaser. i he sa3 wiil conunuo two aavs. to De el by other sales net week. Uear HiXI horses still remain to be sold. Old Deacon Dobson boasted that he ws always "prepare 1 for the worst;" and so be w. s, for he always kept Dr. Bull's Congh Syrup in the house, regarding it the only safe remedy for coughs and colds. The Prrller Tiue. St. Lot-is- , April 23. The coroner's in- - ouest in the l'reller case was resumed this afternoon and the testimony of Dr. pharles j Luedking, who has been analyzing the ' stomach and lungs of the deceased, was taken. 1 ha doctor made a lengtny report, detailing his investigations, ascribing the death of l'reller to chloroform and stating that he wiil make further examination for the presence of alkaloid poisons. Af er bearing the report, the jury returned a verdict that l'reller came to bis death from chloroform, administered by Maxwell with murderous intent. OPERA PlTFF CIGARETTES ere nnw fold at tfae popular price; 5 cent" for 10; 10 cents fur IB). Torrid Weathrr la Vermont. White Kivkb Junction, Vt., April 23. The mercury y at 11 o'clock a.m. reg- istered (12 in the shade, and 4 o'clock p.m. 91. Lcxdbobg's perfume, Kdenis. Tundbor.-j'- s perfnme, llarchal Niel Jiose. Lundborg's perfume, Alpine Violet. I.nndborif's perfnme, Lily the Valley. IIAHTON At the residence of F. H. Barton, Crittenden county. Ark., April 23, Mrs. E. W. Larton, mother of the late James K. Barton, atreii eighty ioven years and three months. Funeral services at Elmw xd Cemetery this ttiRIDAV) inoirLnjt at 10 o'clock. Friends are invito n nenf. T.ODOE No. 299, F. DESOTO Will hold a special i.ication this (ITlDAY)even 2Uli,st 7:31l o'clWK. for wora i C. dpirreB. All r.C. i ut aood iD A. ft !ommn- - ff ng, April "V i in ihe K, itaQd:n;' are Ira.ernalU inTileii. By order rJEO. K. RUDISILL, W.M. Attest: R. C Williamson. Secretary. "IIITPTIO MASONRY EUREKA J COUNCIL No. ti, R. and 8. Will UHt in staled assembly this (FRI- - i JT DAY) .veninic, April Wth, at 8 lAV A' fnr f r.eular ' montbiy business, couferritiR degrees, ato. Via-iti- contpaniuos fraternally invited. lly order S. A. TAYLOR. T. I. M. I), C. Ikidie, Recorder. lsA ON MONDAY MORNING, April 20tli, wo will begin our Animal Clearance sale ot Ladies' Spring Wraps, Ladies', Spring Costumes. Ladies' Clack Silk Costumes, Misses' and Children's Spring Dresses, and all the Ladies' and Misses' Dresses left over from last year. This is positively a clearance sale. The goods will he placed on our cheap counters, and SOLD RE- GARDLESS of COST. Read carefully each of the following items, then call and convince yourself that the half has not been told LADIES' COSTUMES. 100 Black Silk Mantles Visitel and short Dolmans, trimmed with fine lace and ChcmJlo inn go, at ffy 10 eaca. former lrioe $L8 and $- each. 50 Light colored Spring Wrapf, with beautiful Chenille fringe to watch, $4 Former rrico $3, All of our Imported Kilk WraT. each a pattern garment, now marked al idu r. e win ouor ai 511. All of our finest Paris and Itrrlin Wrapt , includtnr extra tP, just received, in 44 and 4 inchei bust measure, re- duced to exact cont of importation. 11)0 Ladies Sprint 'oftamo, newest fabrics and latest styles. 5V to Jea-n- . Hert; iojh. fin Tailor-mud- e Costume at jfhi f0. reduced from f5. 1MU blarSt Siik Costumes at lf, 3 it and -0 each. Former price fr- to 4U. J9 of theso Goods are and will do well to make early selection. STATE TREASURER'S Quarterly Report. STATE TREASURER'S OFFICE, April 1. ls5. I To Ilis ExcelVney, Wm. B. Bate, Governor of the Estate of lennenaee; biR 1 hereby make to you my Quarterly Re port as btate Treasurer, from January 1, to April 1, lS5o. To balance in Trea'nry Jan. 1, 1SS5...I 03 AO amount received irom an G07,2J0 1 run tees County Court Clerks w Circuit Court Clerk . Criminal Court Clerks Supreme Court Clerks Chancery Court Clerks M. Law Court Clerks Revenue Collectors... Lad redemption btate tax. insurance Hxilroad State tax btate tax, banks .... btate prosecut ona rei'indcd . Lesset-- State penitenti-ir- w btate tux, mutual ins. aRents..., 51- X. l'ulk account Kxire?8 coiui aniea' tax . In u ranee fees HSBURSEMESTS By amoDQt paid Stat proiiecutionli Xntere8tbtute dvit lutoredt. school l'und . Judicial Kalarie - CoiuinidioQ of Referees' balarics-...- . Executive salaries n Otlirers penitentiary, salaries . Hupt. Pub. last'n, ta'ary hailroad Coiumissioneri)' salaries... Superintendent Capitol, salary AJiutant tieneral's salary Att'y-lien- 'l and Keps. salarios .. Librarian's salary . Assistant Librarian's salary bupt. llosp'l Insane Mid. Teuo v Clerk hire, Comptroller's otiicc Clork hire, See'y State's orlice Clerk hire. Treasurer's office t'lerk hire. Supt. Initt'n onice . Expense, Treasurer's oflice - r.xpene, Louiptrollcr s onioe.... Expense, bee y state s onice.... j'.xpenKe, n.n ma n ouice...Hw.. Expense, Capitol n Expente, Suurem. Court Expense, Court of Referees.... Expense, Eecutivp. Kxponso, LeKtslative Mis. Expense, J; unding Boatd - Expense, Library Exinso. coaimon schools -- . Pension to blind Publisbinir Governor's proc'ino Bureau Aft'r SUb. and Mines. Jackson's totnb, repairs, etc Bank ot lennessce, new lsue cer tificates cancelled of Tennessee, old issue cer tibcates cancelled r Treasury warrant cancelled llosrital Insane. East Tenn Arresting s l'ublic Printing; Ksilroad assessment State Board of Health llerenue refunded. Express charfea Land sales . Tax .EfrreKates - Bank of Tenn. new issues cancell'd-- State formal Colleire McMinnville and Manchester K. H. Attorneys' (tes. - : Tennessee School for Blind Balance in Treasury ... following Schedule 3ol,0 64 Vmv tinr diem and mileage Legis'atar. - .. .. 32.2V1 Cash -- . Bespectfully submitted, JaS. All you companies..... W. 772 41'S Hrt am 7,1 llV) VM fti) 749 K'4 1!7S 270 aw :'.ii Thn tlia per No 1... mem THOMAS, Treasurer. Sohednle No. 1, Showing balances Banks which are State De .tns.tnriftl. of Athens - 8.0fil National Bank of Bristol sville Savings ,!? Chaxteson . First KatK.nal Bank. Chattanuog- - Third NmtioDal Bank Ch.ttanooga... Fmnkilm Bank. Ctarksville Bank of t'oluu.bia tirit National Columbia Second National, Columbia Cleveland National Bank Fint National Ceaterville.- - ISationai Bank, r rankun....- - ... t Lincoln Savin 8 Bank... i National Bank. "a"ette .ille... L.Bnu cn' liatlutin J raruiers Traders Gallatin, Bank of ilitrt viile Bank of Jackson. Eatl Tennessee .atiunal Bank, Knoxville Mechanics National Bauk, Knoxville l'oopl-- e Bank, Knoxville... Bank of Lewisburg Bank of Lebanon National Bank, Lebanon - National Bank, Lebanon 'a:nnfc.l Bark of McM:nnvill3 - xfeopUs NatfOfial vf McMin- - ' Bauk of Commerce, Meinphi...., First atiunal Bank, Memphis Mercantile Bank. Memphis Suite National Merphis First National Bank, Murfrcesboro... Stones Kiver Rational Bank, Mur-- ..oow6f6 " .(..;.- -. J Lookout Bank, Morristown . Union Planters Bank, Momphu... FL-- .t Nal' Bank, shvile ... Fourth Ktlohal Nash.Mie American Kationat Bank, Narhville Comiuercial National Bank, Tille i- Safe, Deposit Trust and Banking Company - Commercial Bank, Varls Ciiles National Bank, Pulaski Peot.les National Bank, Pulaski Shollivville Kavinss Bank National Ban, fcihelby viile Springfield National Bauk ... Bnk of Sweetwater ........... National Bank, Tnlli.homa.. .. tJil.son County Bnk. Trenton JCgctiamcs l.any, viuv.. :.. in 7S 3.7117 7i) SI 3.172 SI 1.S..J 1 S 2i 2.'A'5 49 G,07,r) IS 1S7S i.lM U0 4 S7 0u 15 00 Sli.SU 1H l.m1!! (10 1.9H) UO Jl,U'i,it71 67 19 00 M t.J 4,lou ID 3,'.'T0 M 1,4 75 3 M ( ;vio isj IV t6 i'S mi 111 W oo :i '."i 4 911 I" f)4 72 1.0S7 41 1,575 74 4 .Ml 7:i ii, i,M 01 2.112 74 3 HO 25 110 Oil 67 V) rtl W 2 00 3.2S2 00 ill 1.1:17 no tr 3,J7 U5 24 hi 17 l.ifV. 8. 4. (i 9,Mi2 IV) 75 3S.5H7 00 6,S.S 11 ID ifi 470u 00 April 1, HS5 M'.'t7t So nhn. hnlaoiiA of f7 Cash in as roll, 55 on hand l.l'.'l 66 S5 in Bank 42 '3 1 Prowi Bi.r.k 8 t y;rst and Hunk liank vills Bank and ualii'. Nash- - F'irst xv.noj (Vi.i'Hi 24,113 2,l'-- l Conaistii bors S.T! So t; 11,7)1 36 7,773 : 10.2-i- 25 K.ltil S3 1,','H W 22 '.'72 6 2, V" ?i 3,li l &,il;4 2ii st 7 2,?2M OH 'J,S t 5,5ti 2! H2r". 14 1 11 7i 5.7,i5 04 f,SH7 2 2, t(i0 HO H2 S4 .U Sl.'J Hi fi.i'O (l 27 lt.t"i M l.OtlU lit) 3, S7 411 No f l,',2a 2 3,5'J7 OA 9S 1 .O'O W. ll,7(i m SI76 it 611 10.MH (111 5,H.rS l 3,:Uli 55 3.1H1 If. Icl.lrill l!7 4,1.16 41 t fit Th. above amennt, T4, in is to lees in Mechanics Bank of Knoxville, 41, which ie in suit. This is to that I have compared the above statement of the and disburse- ments in the Treasurer's oliice for the beginning January 1, lHS-- and April 1. 1V, with the in ?ny own oflice as Ovuiprcller, and tind the aame lo be 1 aUo examined the 'statement by the ditferent depositories of tbe and find their resiKictive statemenUi to agree with the an set forth in the appended sched- ule. 1 have ulso made count of all the cash on hand in tho Treasurer's oltice, and find tbe to be as reported in the and that said is in every 2, 1885. 73 n r. 1 comptroller. ExKrirTiTie Kaprville. Anril 1. 115. Th forcfminir of ntl mofievs now in Treasury of tbe State of Tennessee, and such as have been and been dis- bursed thereirom, for the get forth in it beins from January li 1 to A;ril 1. i J, ti.ade b W . Thomas", Treasurer, and CRTtifieaby P P. Pickard,ComptrolI;r, in conform- ity to requirements of the Legislative act , lHrvi, been examined by me and found and the same Is certified and ordered published. M M B. Governor, E. L FLANAGAN -- DEALER IH Watches, Jewelry, .2(0 the si-- l hsu Silverware, FISK x).m 104,1'w iWi 25.SV) 51,.V0 10,ll ".,271 Bank, Bank, Bank, becond S4'J,7Ud l:t,5si) 2l.wil 10,320 14,1".2 21,1(55 lft,82n ,l,ill aM.5,220 bank, sub- ject check, amount $21,141 certify receipts quar- ter ending account 'correct? Luve' ren- dered State, amounts actual ainonnt above, reiKrt respect correct. April IVftflftUi Opftck. Tesn.. fitfltemont received therein, period report, Jime8 parsed March correct; hereby BATE, CLOCKS and SPECTACLES 313 MAIN STREET, Corner Mouroe,Meiuplil: fenn. REPAIRIN9 A 6PBCIALI. KOWtLL, anil Y Pipe Steam i n ltatMl WHITE DRESSES. Ia order to make room for our new stock of Miss.1' nd Chi! dren's White we will sell all that weu !eit vr from last teason Uomo of are ,iied , al on the dollar. We especially your to a line of Misses White Dresses placed on oar Cheap Counter (apos 12, 14 and lti yearn), in price from 91 r0 to f4 each. These were sold last seaoo at more than three times then prices. 50 Children's Cloth and Cashmere (4. 5 and 6 years), at $1 &U each. Irom H and fr each. . W. ( ALSTON, OROWELL & 00. Grain HDoiilor Commission Merchants. Haj, Corn Bran, Feed, l, Lime, Cement. 1'laater, Building Brick, Cor. Front and Union, No. IIo ward's Row. Memphis. S. LIVERMORE, Prersident. The FOUNDRY&IACHINE Co & BRASS CASTI(iS, RAILROAD woitu. Shaftincs andFitt Pumps, General Repairs. 1 Irees, slightly attention ranging Dresses JUduoed Jery, Oats, Chop IROX ill""-- " And ererythin House Fronts. m ISO to 174 ArtCTrv- - Street FURS AC a'l i ea TVTcitiphlwi, SURE IOAJ? Perreotly from adalteration. Kiitirely Vegetable no diHeased fn.W. Surely I'ure no ground clay resin it. For .aiiiidry. liatli tUoea fn rlli win longer. from any Grocer. g II-- - t--l rxij IV tli lj. rvtcrop -- J III 9 m nn 1-- .S.I uniniii-- . uui St., an b r I -- i v and fiola Fint-Clan- ti Instmmrr.ti: It. T. .MOM eft HAHI.IS Green ( AMI as-- A NEW PIAEff EuA 8lto.- - CO JERSEYS. JERSEYS. Our b;xt plain ti tUttU $1 in i ii ii to $1 50 do, fine and bat only in sites 32 and 4 bust, at c each . When we had a line of this they ld CI Our t2 50 back to tl 50 each. Our finest Fan back how of Satin or Gros Orain Kibbon, reduced from $i U i lb each. Our of In Jerseys reduced to actual cost. dog. at 12 25 to f4 each. dox. Linen $1 to2 2f each. Extraordinarily HI. T. roOPKR, 11. Mll KV. and l ire Etc 1 A. Brass Goods which inrite blarV And H. A. SecreUry ard Treasurer. LlVERFilORE i. fT ERrJTAIi Ten 11 . or or lit n.1 1. ,. i Cotton Factors and Wholesale Grocers S9G-29- S Front Memphis, Tenn. nMinfli s Ul JU-- ii Aranta far the TAT YFORK. WORK, Pure, animal ntone, JIiinu. Toilet. Cotton Factors. Commission Merchants, lio. HO Sionth Main St.. r.onisu 'MAKM & CO WlioIerUile Dealers Publisher, Steinway and -- 23.T ttitGMS MlAfeE AMI WARUF.JI. BET II.. KM1TH for ratAlo,. rVo.&i mid 225 sr'. ST.. MEWl'HIS PUB1KU. Successors to POBTEBj T4i.0 Fact AJ5D Ut j STEAJIKOAT is KM WHOLESALE GBOCEBS, PKOWT STREET. MEMPTITS. J. T. LaPRADE fc Co HASrrACTl BliRS OF a in were fur superb 100 Ladies' luO Ladies' Dusters Iff. r 4 l l)., A l FJO. saddles. Harness ana bouars Xos. 301 and 303 Main Street, Memphis, Tenn. (HIDES PBABODT HOTEL). TK mk tlieeialtiel of 1I kinds of Horse and Mala Collars, Blind Bridles. r Back Ilam. Strinn, Sinijle and Lap-rin- and Koie, U l,ir klnrk f. now f.mpl.t. ur sti Wprlnsr Trails. ANDRKW STEWART, New Orleans. AKDEEW D. Q WYNNE, Memphla, STEWART, mWi Si CO., Wholesale Grocers, Cotton Factors 356 35S FROTfl" STBET, PUIS, TEVS, STEWART BROTHERS & COMPANY (XOTO-- N FACTORS COXMISSION HEKCIIANTS, GROCERS, COTTON FAGTORS - 2000 N.Y. Pure 100 1000 1000 kegs and boxes fcona 1:1 ou 50 nags AND N And Commission Merchants, S60 and 2G2 Front Street. Memphis, Tenn. 1000 bags Dark Coffee, barrels Sugars. barrels Molasses, barrels Sugar Syrup, tierces Canvassed Hams, packages Lard, TATUM. St. tXOl'JH AMtUCAS. MEM kegs Nails, kegs Steel Nails, lOOOestfos Snuff. Bnlldiug barrels Pure Cider Tinepar, oarreis uaer, barrels Cider, l'eanuts, BOXES LEMONS OUANUES. fitting, never sold each. Jersey, complete Jersey Coaching reduced with line Novelties PLiX ION Work. and free aud Ituy following Fi:LOf ii g2 Chains Double Trees, Cotton SO. AND AND I.a. and 500 150 2000 balk 1000 perfect colors, oOeach. Jersey Jersey, elegant Mohair Dusters otin. sort t; Hames. Bands, Links, 500 200 suuu Jo)n T5 yrv $5 STCIlXBEBe, PLEDGE BROS., Miss. Street, BAILET. SAP PARASOLS. PARASOLS. Alps. a, i.nilla and Cambric Tsrasols, Vie to 11 ncb. Coar-'aie- 1'arnHoU. all ciiors, tiat tups, square tops, canopy tops, 011., y c tn Putin lacc-t- ! i mined Faruoli, 1 to 7 V)tch. The gran find culy complfte line of imitorted Novelties in FarKs..!- - in the t ity . We will sell Novelties during Rnre nt cvt. Eerice I'araaol-an- d double faced Sun Umbrellas in endless variety aod at prices. wn-YPPEn-- s. M dog. ClifO Wrappr..oScea'-h- . U dos. lit Calico rpier, 7'cet h. Hi dot. Itet Percale I'rin.-en- Writperf, gl eoh. 50 dus. Ilett 1'ercale MoLhcr llubtmrd Wraprs,l 25 each. Cheap, & Co.'s Five Dollar $5 Gents' Shoes! THE BtST, 0T SIYLISII k C11EAPEST Ever at Five $5 Dollars! o W We hnvr them la tb Khepsii hrelilatraf.l, ur My hn.e lo wait year lft.le. Ker body honll not fnll la try a pair. 'I are eunel otbt-- r there at aud 7. LADIES', BOYS', AMI IIILDHEX-- S Boots. Shoes & Slippers! In Endless Variety. Alwiyt on Hand. Order frvin Abroad Will Receive Oar Prompt Attentton. 1001S Nent C.O.O. IZVr.HYU IIEHK Onr IllaMtritfe1 fmnloineiiDd Prlee-IJu- t will b euh11-- free to mtj tUdroM seaii ZELLNER & CO. 3QO Main St., Memphis. DISSOIjUTION. TIIE coriartnernhip heretofore exinting between tho underlined, under the ntyle of Stern berr k ib thi. day dissolved. 8. L. Lee retiriuif. S. HternKerc continue, the fcuiinexi and in -- ion authorized to collect all dnbu due to the late firm. No liabilities. 6. tilKKNUKtf. Memi-hi- lenn., April 14, lvi. 8. L. LKK. - I have thin dav -.-HUofMntA 1 with mvMl. In hrminnii mv n'llntt J A . KT KH V RK Hil n .!- - the firm name of bierubrs& Sun, who will continue thebudiue-- s of the Late firm of Stern berg Jt I. S. STEMBE lellner fit ea i I hTKRSBEHU. RG & SOI WKOIsESAIsE TOBACCO, CIGARS AND PIPES, 33fi Front Street. Cor. Union. Memphis. Tonn. WHOIXSAXJS ury mm, imm uiotomg AXD- - NTLEMEN'S FURNISH GOODS Noa. 326-32- 8 J-a- ln Street tleraphlg, Tenxu WB ARS IN DAILY RKCETPX O? DESIRABLE hPKIXJ AS n HVH M KB IHMtM, WHTCH nn., ,A th.H-.- . nn. i. r...Bi.i. . i- -. ...inu. .in MnmT.. r..MM. t.l, h of spy TntT-he- in thetTeilcl States. Hpecisl in'lnccmcpts to Cnh fto.y.. I.twntl' simi.K. Comof F. Kosldent Partner. B f I B R Ml S B E ol-U- ul a mm J. T. FAROAS0N. J. A. tie-- 1 all all Cotton 365 Front Produced Im be. to KEN'S, MISSES' mm. Bin. & 305-30- 7 MAIN Suits Made to Order. Shirts Mad.o to Order. 1. A. UUKT. 0. C. HKIB. J. A. SOKFLEET, : R. L. 369 1 I'd. Cotton onalKned to ai will havooor erafal atUnttoa. W osxry t L1 tiiv,sc ttok and and a M. 318 DEALERS IX - P. W. P. DUN AVAST. J. r rex ibllli Factors, Memphis, JOHNSTON YANCE, STREET, TAILOR-MAD- E CLOTHING, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. T. FARGASO inn APARKER. . V00D80N a GO, Wholesale Grocers and Factors, Front Street, Memplii, Term. Cott'ti icU-tlet- d Staple Fancy Groceries, Wines, Liquors, Tobacco Cigars, FRONT STREET, MEMPHIS. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT. GRAIN, HAY AND PRODUCE. i. . WITT. J. A. BAIIiEY Sz CO. Oas aud SieaulFitter., Materials!. Pump, HTcII-Poiul- I tc 1 338 Sooond. Ooroor TTnloii, Iktem phis, Teun. h.em:qi7 at.. IfeCAQSEa. f.mcCabb: MAItTIH KEI.LT. &CO. GR0CEBS&C0TT0K FACTORS, No. S66-36- S front Street. 3eiusi.l, Tenxu

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Page 1: LADIES' COSTUMES. WHITE DRESSES. JERSEYS. JERSEYS ... · nental pres3. Tiik cyclones and floods of Wednesday and Thursday were very destructive in Kansas and Texas. The season opens



ESTABLISHED 1840 MEMPHIS, TEN-ST- ., FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 1885. VOL. XLV-N- O. 93As Anglo-Russia- n war is now consid-

ered a foregone conclusion by the conti-nental pres3.

Tiik cyclones and floods of Wednesdayand Thursday were very destructive inKansas and Texas. The season opens

Gks. (j bast's sixty-thir- d birlhday is tobe celebrated wilb enthusiasm in all theNorthern cities 01. Monday next. Louis-ville Is to have a special celebration. -

One of the most sympathetic messagesreceived by Gen. Grant during his recentssvere attack came irom Gen. Buell.Peace hath its victories no less renownedthan those of wnr.

Tun Savannah Sent heartily condemnsdueling, aud says that "a man ho killedhis autuiionUi in a duel was once consid-ered a3 a hero. Now he is looked npon aslittle less than an assassin."

We juin the Chattanooga Tiu$ in thehope that Gov. Bate will include the regis-

tration bill in the subjects he submits tothe Legislature in extra session. Therunawav kids should have another chance.

The State Democratic Executive Com-

mittee cf Mississippi yesterday called aSlate convention, to nominate candidatesfor .State otlices, to be held at Jackson onihe lt'th of Auaist. I.iU-- are now inorder.

Gln J. C. Cupk, with a nnmber of theofficers and directors of the Illinois Central railroad, are in Yazjo City, consultingas to r.a extension of that road to thiscitv. which it is no certain will be madeat an earlv dsy.

Da. Charles H. Hall, a Erooklyn min-

ister, declares it S3 his belief thut therumor of A. T. Stewart's body having beenstolen wag put in circulation by the SteW'

art family to keep robbers from taking it.If this is true, it was a very shrewd idea.

The water served to the people of Thiladeiphia every day from the Schuylkillriver is pcioced byjuliid sewage andemits a most offensive odor. The victimsof thU nasty nuieance are howliag aboutit, but the authorities are slow about abating it.

True cx plosion of an infernal machineyesterday, in one of the rooms of the Ad-

miralty building, London, was the occa-

sion of a great deal of excitement in theBritish metropolis. The wh- - and whore-for- e

of it is still a riddie for the tioiice tounravel.

Tub Milwaukee Journal e.iys that Senator Sawyer has not yet decided whether ornot he will himself to the UnitedStates Senate vears hence. Mr. Saw

yer ha more censidcrauoa for the wishe;

of the people than he has bten givencredit f :r.

Yesterday was a ira'a dsy at the New

MeabU Jockey Club course. The trac

was tn jzood cor.diti sn notwithstanding

the raiu, the attendance was large, thebetting f .;ritfcd and the running waa as

good ts that of either of tha precedingiluva. Tie urograinme for y is a su-

perb one.

It ii earnestly to be hoped the effortnew being nado to open the New OrleansExposition in November mayb? succersfal. Notwiit etatiding the ex

jens that would be entailed daring thefive months iuUr-.-puiri!- ; between the closing and reopecin;: of the buildings, in tlway ot insurauce, repairs ar.d pclice, it ii

believed that the enterprise may ba madto pay.

Tin Women's Silk Cuituro Association'of 1'hiiadelphia, Las secured the Germanpavilion ia the Centennial grounds for aneducational esiab'ishxent. Ail the appliances for a school of silk culture wi;l

be introduced, and a number of hand andsteam ree;s will be put in. Agriculturistsand others are to bs invited to attend thschool, and observe the processes connetted with the imltinti.

Ie. Walker Flacr, formerly of Hunts-

viile. All., but now a citizsn of New Or-

leans, wuo has been appointed Ministerto Greece by "resident Cleveland, is, aswe learn from tbe , berieen Examiner, anaccomplished schoiar isd linguist, andcommenced his diplomatic career s a rec-ietr- y

of legation in early iife. He vas,lor a ticie, associated with Secretary La-

mar in Paris in the diplomatic service of

the Confedef&te States, and, no doubt,owes his appointment to that gentleman.

Tns Latin Union for the maintenance of

silver composed of France, Belgium, Italy, Switzerland and Greece, wili

hold an adjourned meeting in Paris thisweek. Tnough our "overnment has sentno representative to thib council, the Sec

retary of State baa instructed or uipiomalic representatives in Europe to expressto the several powers cur readiness to joinwith them in fixing a common rate be-

tween gold and silver, with a view to theJree and unlimited coinage of both metals.

?iK.CnA.i.GAYAitKE, the eminent his-

torian of Louisiana, is delivering a series oflectunjsin NewOrlesiis on the "Creoles of

Ilaaiance and the Creoibs cl History,"Lis purpose being to corn ct tuts falue anderroneous impression made by Mr. GeorgeW. Cable ia hia recently published novels.Jlr. Gayarra ie, himself, a Creole, audtherefore knows whereof he proposes to

speak. He occupies an enviable positionIn Louisiana, and is in every way veil.jHilified to defend the Creoles.

Fektiset to the meeting in thiacily of

the Grand Lods of the Knights of Honorof Tennessee, comes the information thatthe order, orifanuad June 20. Ifc73, hadpaid, up to April 1, lsS, $I4,0O0.0(K) fromthe bc&efit fund, to over 70(h) families.The membership last June was 1315,227

The number of assessments that had beenlevied np to the close of laat December(ten years and a half) was 1'tO, an averageof less than nlteea per ysar. The toianamber of deaths at tho close cf bs-- 4 hadiien Ij'JM. The largeHt number of assess-ments in any one year has been twenty,which Ua yearly premium of but one pertcent. on the amount of insurance.

LiEtrf. Tiiomtson--, of the ireeond UnitedSlate Artillery, detailed by Gen. Hancock to act az one of the judges at the &p

prize Jrilii at Mobile, at whichill! tie crack companies of tbe country, including the Chickasaw Guards of thiscity, are to compete, takes a great intercutin the contest. He says that such aftaiisliave the effect of "greatly increasing theetliciency of the militia by creatinguplf.t of emulation in the men caut-

ing batter discipline. They abio drapublic aLLention to the militia and convince the public of the utility of a slanl-jn- ;

militia and induce a much-neede- d

(iipport, for it is a lawutable fact that invery few instances indeed LbSuHicient aid

.and encouragement given to the militia.Tho drills a o tend to do away withsectkmalism and pojGto giod fellowshipimong the men by picia them infriendly rivalry, and in almost every ay

in which they are regerded the drill are of

juimenae UenetU."


Between England and KaJa Milking

Slow I'rogress Toward a Settl-ementBoth Powers

Talking War at Long Ranee, bnt Each

Evidently Trjiug to Shirk theBefpouMbilitj of

Taking the Initiative tn Open Hostilities

The Feeling on the Continent

Sensational Rumors.

LoxnoN, April 2X The European prepsgenemlly coxment favorably upon theneecu ininie ty Sir. Uladstote in uie

House of Commons. Tuesday afternoon.on the occasion of asking for the vote ofcredit. His statement is characterized asdignified and resolute. There is a generalrevulsion of feeling toward the belief thatwar is now inevitable.


Sir Stafford Northcote, tbe Conservativeleader in the House of Commons, made aspeech in this citj last evening in whichhe attackeii the government programmeas indicated by Mr. Gladstone in movingthe vote ol cret:t last nignt, ot abandoningthe Soudan. He said that the retentionof Egypt was all important. It was a duty

inch Lnjiand owed to the reople otIndia to maintain her proper position audprestige in Egypt, and especially to keepthe Suez canal a! save available for thetransportation o! British troops.


A Paris dispatch to the Exchange Telegraph Company states that it is rumoredttitre that a powerful Kus3ian squadron hasbeen ordered to cruise olf the coast ofItaly for the purpose of overawing theItalian government in its suspected wornof secretly preparing to assist England inthe event of an Anglo-ltussia- n war.


In the Houee of Commons today Mr.Gladstone, in repliDg to inquiries madebv Sir Sladord JSorthcote, said that merewas no intention of laying further paperstouching the Afghan situation upon thetable before as1- ing for a vote npon the warcredits already submitted to the House.

the government." Air. Ulaustone continued, "were engaged in a correspondence of extreme sravitv with liussm. 1was impossible to make now a completestatement of the naiure ot the correspondence, while no partial statement could begiven without the greatest risk of creatingmisapprehension.


The Pom's correspordent at St. Petersburg telegraulis that lius.-i-a has declaredthat Mr. Gladstone's statement to the1Iouf? of Commons in asking for the voteof credit has compromised the negotiationsbetween England aud Kutsia and linper- -1 ed their success.

THE I'l.f.l.ISU IS KCSSIA.A Bawtan Itetlrir of Kir I'eter I.uiux- -

uu I'orf.Sr. Pe.tek.-hir- g, April 23. The Journal

rle ,S'!. 1'tltnl-urg- , in review of Sir PeterLnmsi'eii's report to Mr. Gladstone uponthe aliiir between the ltiiisian and Atgnantroops at Peri !eh. savs the repoit is basedupon statements from Afghan Boiirces, andif i' contradicts the precise and completereport previously made by Gen. Komarcfl',commander c f the Kussian forces operatingnoon the border of Afghanistan, then Mr.Gladstone need not be surprised if Kussiaprefers to rely upon the testimony of hergenerals.

Ihe J.urnal adds: 'It is useless to pursue the polemics or subsidiary pointswhen the oi.iiu question to be settled isthe delimitation ol the boundary betweenKussia and Afghaatan. As to her warcredits. V.ngisud is free to bestir herself.Russia remains calm, conscious of thegravitv of the situatiou and confident abi itv to cooe with the emergency.Russia will be hpppv to Fee realized EarlGranvil e'a with mat ail existing differences hatwesa England and Kussia eta!be settled peacefully."

a tub

irum Vienna

Vienna. Auril 23. Information windhas been received here from St. Petersburg pn itical c rchj3 creates a great sensa-tion. Ii is to the eif itt that the only condition o5 which peace can be assured isthat KnirUud shall acknowledge the compute neutrality c..f Afghan Stan and theextincti ;n ot English intluence on theAuieer's country. In this case oniy, it issaid, is a peaceful unders'anding betweenEngland and Kmsia possible. This demand on the uait of Russia has been coinmuuicaled as an ultimatum to LondonThe highest militarv circles in Russia arebringing great preesuie to bear on the

to declare war. They saythat tbe chances of victory for Russiawere never so avorab!e as at the presenttime. Russia, it is further said, is only

when the olgashallh lr nf i .n this river is eesenbal forthe transponatton ol troop?, as soonas the river is opened Uussi willcast aside further attempts at diplomaticnegotiation?. It is said here in diplomaticciri lfcs that England is endeavoring to

vita tbe Porto abont the passageoi the Dardanelles fjr the war ships. Theontimolal powers, hotrever, inpist onmaintaining tha nentiwlity ol its straits.

Tbiak War iv Invcltafeie.Berlin, April 23. The continental press

apper.r to tliirik that war between Kussia0,,i L'n .lor,.! is inevitable. The Kolnischesitting ea,-- thi't both England and Russia

deaire reace, ht Uit "either knows nowto go el out obtaining it.

MI s!S.

A 'hotesa!e I.iqnor maler lloet bj


Canton, April 23. A. Tutelar whole- -cam and retta liquor dealer, was ciosad

Meul:en Bros., of Memphis, attached for a tk-b- t raa them by 1 uteler,w ho is eDgai'td also in merctiaudifling atCcldwater.






Mtate Democratic Convention Called forAugust itb.

UrilOHL TO THK APPEAL.Jackhok. 23 Tbe State Dcmo- -

ciatic Conservative Executive Committeemet here y in the nail of the Houseof Representatives pursuant to tho call ofthe chairman. There was a large attendance. The committee called a DemocraticState Convention, to meet in the c ty ofJackson, Augns'. I'.hh (Wednesday), tono.Miinate candidates lor State ollict s.


neatb of Jtclne Wra.lunibu.


it. Vanee, or Co- -My.


IL'tt.'ioLiiT, April 23. Judge Win. R.Vance, of Colnmbus. Ky.. died at the residence of Col. Trios. Brawn, at 8 o'clockain., aged eighty years. He wasborn in Jt county, Ky., and was arodent of Louisville, Ky., for many years,

JaC-SO- X, tens.A hrrlon AreMent to a RaiHoad Man

Ueliirlona Revival.lerHCIAL TO T2I APPIAL.I

Jackson. April 23. Charley Eritt,young brakeman on the Mobile and Ohiorailroad, from this city, while couplingtars at Oayce this morning made a misstepand full acros3 the track. The car- -wheels passe-- J ever his left leg, breakingthe bone, causing a coaponnd fractureand lacerating the muscles badly. He wasbromrh-- . home and medical attention Kiveuhim. The bit b Las not been amrutated.I he wounded man is in a critical condition. h.t iav survive.

The levival at tho Presbyterian church,led by Ihe famous West Teaicsree evan-"elist, W. M. Robinson, of Milan', iriosfo

There has been about fifty conversion;.

TUB KAILKOADS.In tlie Ilunda of Kcrrlvrrm.

Cuictno, April 23. The Uailwuii Age to-

day pcblifthcs a list oi twenty railroadsluat have been placed in the hands of re-

ceivers!, January 1 to March 31,1885.The to al capital stoci; and bonds of thesecorporations ncsrejfale $'2'h,2oi CO. TheAy gays: ' Our record for 1SS4 gave thetotal namber of roads placed in receivers'hands at thirty-seve- embracing; 11,033

miles of line and $715,000,000 of capitaland debt. The first quarter of this yearalready shows more than one-ha- lf aB manyroads, "more than thirty-seve- n per cent, ofthe mileage and about forty pel cent, ofthe total amount of capital stock involvedby the receiverships of tbe entire precedingyear. Should the ratio for the remainingnine months be the same, the record ofthe year will probably indicate a greateraggregate of railway insolvencies thanany previous year in the history of thecountry."

Knllrond LpkiIhiIou in lllinol.Springfield, April 23. la the House

to-d- Hill's bill for the consolidation ofrailroad corporations was passed by a voteof 82 to 47. The bill provides that allrailroad companies in the State are em-powered to consolidate their property,franchises and capital stock with that ofany companies with whose iine3 they con-nect at the State boundary upon suchterms as may be agreed on by the directorsand approved by the stockholders owningnot less than two-thir- of the capitalstcck of the respective companies becom-ing parties to such consolidation, provid-ed that no tin li railroad shall consolidatewith any company owning a parullol orcompeting line.

la tuc senate the relorm election bill.presented by the Citizjns' Association ofChicago, was passed.

A bill was introduced limiting the priceof telephones to $3 a month.


by tbe I'rfMlrteut XrwRational Vault.

TranNpartatlou of foltl 'ot- -

Klute Bribery I'aMea.

Washington. April 23. The Presidentsigned the commissions of the fol- -

owing pnstmasters : George . Sutlerat Mansfield, O. ; Edward R. Debray atClyde, Ks., and benj. i. Mack.ill at Moose-hea-

Minn.Postmastere Apiiointed G. I. Falconer

at Minneapolis, ks , rice Vrni. M. Harvey,term expired.

lluiih . Ctamaou, at Columbus, Kp.,ncf . . Coulter, resigned; James Jt.Stewart, at Van Ittirke, i ir' Al vis B. Smith,resigned ; h. ii. lllianip, at Ketchtitn,Idaho, rfce.II. S. Stewart, resigned.

1 he President made the iihow;ng appointment y to be collector ot internal revenue: Samuel I!. Cooper, EirttDistrict of Texas.

ta nil lied far Ilia 1 illion.Washington, April 23. Bavliss W,

Hanna, of Indiana, recently appointedUnited States Minister to Persia, qaalitiedto-d- at the Department of State.

KeJ(riiet.Wasbington, April 23. Joseph K. Mc--

Cammon, Assistant Attorney-Gener- al forthe;Interior Department, resigned jester-day- ,

to take effect on the 4'.h;proximo.

Kew National Hank.Washington, April 23. Tne Comp

troller of the Currency today authorizedtbe First National Bank of Eaimettfbu-g- ,la., to begin business with a capital of

Tooli FossesNlon of tils Ofliee.Washington, April S3. Frank C. Ncs- -

bitt, cf Mitsouri, the new chief clerk o!the .Agricultural Department, arrived inWashington and lmmodmtcivqaalititd and took possession of his cilice.

I'rrsculi'tl toltie Prenident.Washington, April 23. Srnor Manuel

M. de Peralta,tho newly accredited Minis-ter to the United States from the republicof Salvador, was presented to PiesidtntCleveland Secretary Bayard madethe presentation.

Ktar-Koiil- e Zlrlbcry Cnes.Washington, April 23. In tiie Star- -

ronte jurv briberv trial to-d- defendantWilliam Dickson, who was foreman ol th"firet jury, was examined. Capt. CharlesHenry, of the District, andothers were also examined.

Koutbcra I'actnc Land Grant.Washington, April 23. The Southern

Pacific Railroad tompsiiv has airected itsattorney in this city to take an appealfrom the decision of tho Commissioner ofthe General Land Office, throwing open tosettlement laud c.'aimed by the companyas part ol its land grant.

American Kiiricleal Atutoclatlon.Washington, April 23. At the so ion

of the American Surgical Association today Dr. J. Col'ins, of Boston, delivered anaddress on the surq 'ct of healing olarteries in men and animalE after ligature,and a general discussion of the sut jctwas had. Papers were read on the ttiology of Tetanus," by Dr. P. S. Conner, ofCincinnati, and on ''Experimental andClinical Study of Air Emhoiism."

Counting the Catb.Washington, April 23 A committee of

three will he appointed by the secretaryof the Treasury in a few davs to supervisetho count of all the cash and other securities in the treasury of the United Statesincident to the transfer of the oflice ofTreasurer from Mr. Wvtnan to Mr. Jordan. The committee will be composed ofa representative ol the Secretary, who willhe selected lrom the public moneys division, a representative of Mr. Wyinsn,who vail be selected from tbe 1 soflice", and a representative of Mr. Jordan,who will be tja.ected from the outsideThe count will commence nt the clcsa cfbusiness on April 30ih, and will probablytake about tnree weeKi.

TranHtortntlon of Hold Coin.Washington, April 23. The Secretary

of tho Treasury has under considerationBeyeral propositions for the transportationof a lare amount of pold coin from tbesub'treasury at ban 1. rauciico to the sub--treasury at New York. The transfer ofaijout $35,000,000 of gold is contemplated,Connrtss at its last session appropriated$100,000, which was made immediatelyavailable for the transportation ol this

otti. Tbe rates submitted by the expresscompan'lca aio all in excess of the eslimatesmade when the apwopnailon s asktdIt was estimated that the golii would batrans'eried at the rate of ?2 bO p ?r JiOOO.

The lowest bid made by the epres com- -

pan.rfj nowever, ia ! j per ww.addition to th5 bid from the express com-

panies there is one the Pacific MailSiloomaliir.; trhifh fillers in tiTk.6

. r 1 ' . . . I t . Dn.itransfer reduced v4 . 1 V. ,. 'craui. leiuio jiivjiuaoii vy ijivaii.3ujj,

company are nut known. The reason forthe transfer is to relieve tbe vaults at SanFrancisco, which are taxed to ll;cir ut-most capacity, and also to have the gold

New York where it would be moreneeded in case of a sudden demand. It isexpected that the Secretary will decide cnthe matter ol transportation in a a ay?.


Fall Lint or Ibv 'cminnlea Hint willrarticlni.

Mobile, Ala., April C3. The followicscompanies will take part in the drill andencampment which begins here May 4th:Chickasaw Guards, ot Memphis, Killes, ofMobile; Washingt-j- Artillery, balteri-sA- ,

H and C, of prleaus; National K;ll-s- ,

of Washington : liusi h juayes, of St.Louis; Greys, of Montuomerv. Ala.;Guards, of Jasnesviile, Wis.; CrescentKitles, of New Orleans; ouaves, otChicago; Company F, Louisville ; Legion,of Louisville; Light Guards, of Houston;Company C, of Mueca'ine, Ia. ; BurnsArtillery, of Nashville ; Richardson Zou-aves, of Indianapolis; l'a:tery G, Alabama State Artillery, of Mobile; LightGuards, of Detroit; Branch Guards, ofColumbus, Ga. ; Field Buttery B,of New Orleans; urue lliues.of Montgom-ery, Ala.; Kscambia li lies, of Pensacola,Fla. : Guards, of Monmoutfl, 111.; Guards,of fcelina, Ala; Trecdway Ritlss, ofLouis; Guard?, of Tayloravillo, 111.; LonjaxRides, of Mobile; Light Artillery, In-

dianapolis; F.ver.reen City Guards, oiShebovgan, Mich.; Pettus Rifles, of Selma,Ala.; Light Infantry, o! Paris, 111.; ButlerR:ll?s, Greenville, Ala., and SoutkernCgd?ts, of Macon, Ga.

Central faxateufCiscinnati, April 23. The Central Tai-gene-

Committee lias been in sessionfor the past three days perfecting uetansofits lais. There was largs representa-tion, and it is (,,"too4 that all the Clii-ca- o

lines, except the sew ork, Clijcr-- o

and St. Louis road, are to come in if thtii'competitors do.

PRAW-POKE- R much doaror4han a draw ofan Vyr& run Cigarette: 5 cents for

Ibe IllluwM jilKtnrr.Sprixokield, April 23. the joint as-

sembly forty-liv- e senators and 13) Repre-sentatives answered the roll-cal- l. Of theseHX) Repablicjna were present, and their

ntire vote was cast Logan. a sec-

ond call the vole wca the same as at lirgt,and tbe assembly adjourned.


Enthusiast ic Heceptiou or the PiUceaud Princess oT Wales at Belfast

The Eojal Tarty

Received at the Railway Station by theUlajor and Municipal Council

Address of Weldoiue.

The 321st Anniversary of the lilrtli ofMiakospeare Celt-bru- t Ia nt

Belfast, April 23. The Trince andPrincess of Wales arrived hereat3 o'clockthis afternoon. They were met at therailway Btation by an irameuse assemblyof citizens and vere received by the may-or. The mayor and municipal escort con-ducted the royal visitors threngh thedensely packed "streets to Ulster Hall, andall along the way the ecene was one of tbewildest enthusiasm. So demonstrativewere the peoplo that it was as much asthe' police could do to keep a wayopen for tha progressof the royal carriage.At Ulster Hall the various bodies of Bel-fast presented addresses of welcome totheir royal highnesses. The 1'rince madepersonal replies to the different addresses.At Portadown and Dundaik, on their wayhere, the Prince aud Princess of Walesreceived ovations. At nil the railwaystations along the route demonstra-tions of loyalty were made. Atmost of the citations the buildingswero decorated with the Orange colorsand banners. At every depot wherethe train stopped long enough to permitit, addie3?es of welcome, were pre-sented. Along the whole route dwellings,public buildings and farm structures borebanners, Hags, wreaths and inscriptions,expressive of loyalty and welcome. Inmany instances thousands of persons fol-lowed the train after it left tbo station andgot under strong headway, cheering theroyal couolo and bidding them God speed.

ThiB eveniug the Prince and Princessembarked on ihe royal yacht Osborne forCarrit k Fergus Roads, where the yachtwill be moored the night. The en-thusiasm throughout the evening was un-bounded. Immense crowds ansembled atthe pier from which the visitors departed.Not the slightest hestiii'y was manifested.The town was brilliantly illuminated andhege bonfires were bruit npon the milsoverlooking tho harbor. A large numberof university students chartered a steamerand serenaded the royal yacht. They allcarried torches.

Nttakenpeare'i! Itlrttiday.London, April 23. The 321st anniver

sary of the birth of Shakespeare was cele-brated with much ceremony and a festival

day in stratford Ihe townwas brilliantly decorated and thechurch belis chirred all day. Hundreds of strangers thronged theplace, visitinw aud inquiring abouttvervthing Shakespearean with theleal of pilgrim?. The vic3r of Stratfordchurch, in the liont chancel ol which-Shakespeare's dust reposes, announcedduring memorial serviuea that the Shakespeare window, presented by American

itors to the poet s tomb, was com- -pSeted but not yet fixed in its p'ace.The window is to be Bet immediately overSiiaketpeare's grave. The committeewhich lias the unveiling ceremoniesin charge, the vicar said, are makingc tlurtB to havo the dedication address prepared and delivered by James KiiosellLowell. Ihe decorations represent

even Ages of Man, and lor the lllntration of Shakespeare's text describingeach a Scriptural subject has been chosenThe window is said by the best critics tobe a marvel ol art.

Sfnzzliufr tbe lkreMM In Anstrla.Vienna, April The government to- -

dev seized an entire edition of the Iran-dirltlati and four oiher newspapers forprinting the text of manifests issued by tbe

1. mted Lett, or German Oitcsition intho Reichsrnth, criticis ng the policy ottno present laate Ministry. The publishers of the five papers at once issuedlalcr editions in which the entire spaceoccupied by the manifests was lett blank

Tbe AiiHlralian federation.London, April 2 The bill to federate

the BritiBh-Auttralia- n colonies was reada second time in the House of Lords thisafternoon. At present the bill includes

t five of the fix colonies, New SouthWales stiil refusing to enter the federation. It ia believed, however, that NewSouth Wales ill soon overcome her present objections to the lederation scheme.

Queen Victoria at Iarm&tndt.Berlin, April 23. Queen Victoria has

arrived at IJarmstadt.

Kagwacrela Cambodia.1'aris, April 2t. JNews has been re

ceived from Cambodia, way of Saigonto the effect, that the insurgents have sur-prised a French post, captured sevtialguns and massacred many Europeans.

Trouble Imminent in Fanainn,Colon, April 23. Trouble ib imminent

in l'anama. Aizpura has issued a pro- -nuuciamenio against Americans, ltieipickets have been tired on. One hundredmarines nave ben ordered to reinforceHevward. Refugees are leaving the city,Aizpura has sGO men. He wiil probablyremain quiet until tnc arrival ol tne government corps, which are embarking atBuena entura.

"The BoMptiore liryptjen 4?ase.MTabis, April 23. The Cabinet at its ses

sion took up the liospluire Egiiptitcase, aiid after a lull discuLijion ajoitcdline ot action to be pur? ued concerningtbe afl'air and telfgraphed full instructionsas to how the matter Ehould be treated toM, 15arre, French Consul-liener- at Cairo.France conaiiiers Ejypt'a reply to theFrench demand for the rehabilitation ofthe Jlufphore Eg'jplien evasive and nneat-iyaojer-

and )n resolved to dispatch an-other ncti! to l ;Tpt awoutjba (jiattei-- . Itis st.Ved that tlje form of this note' wti

aatctd upon by the French Minis-ters, aud it is aaid'that the note threatenstbftt naleBS gives satifclaction i ranee

mnaanraa frt m ifthe at a much rrie. ine win ai;: v'....... tl.n ';.:n











for a





London, April 'ii. ihe Mari.uiB of Sal- -iB'ouiy, in a Speech in Wales last evening,

tne probable ConservativefiatforruSt the next general election.

to the present schemeof taxation, which imposed taxes uponBritish houbes and lands but allowedthose who annually drew large fortunesfrom foreign eecuriiies, consols, etc., to gofree. The inequality, he said, caused theprevailing depression in trade, and itsabolition would furnish the only practicaljoluMon of the vexatious question cfhooaicj the poor, Jn reply to a nuestioaaa to his views in regard to protection,Lord Salisbury said he would never

tho duty upon corn, t'ut he aakod :

"Could not Kngldnd meet the protectivelegislation of continental Europe by some--

hat similar weaponB?"


IKitalpnlntltisr l:ttsllHli Coasola to 4',,B-Ir- ul

the Whral Marbrt.ciiKAoo, Auil .i. luo statement is

published here that a powerful syndicateof New York and Chiiago capitaliftticsneculators have been bulling and bear neEnuliBh cobboIs throuiih a large speculatorin London, and have ben advieed in advance of tho probable course of the market to enable successful speculation. Theconsols move wheat np when they godown, and move wheat down when theygo up. 'i he moat retnar'rable feature aboutthem ia that they have Hone up and downwitn a sort 01 regular irregularity, irorfortnight they have opened very lowdown. Then they have strengthened andfinally have closed steady and composed.Perhaps more remarkable than Rnythineelee, however, has been the other facthr.t certain Chicaco and New York traders

have known in ad,arce of everybodye.seinst what consols were doinc ii they havenot, as iBc'aimed ia some qnarteiu,knciwnwhat consols were K'jing to do.

PES. ti!?lJiT.AnuMier ttrive Wtihoni Any Dud Eilci

--Win WelKtit.

New York, Ap-i- l :!. Gen. Grant lookanother lon; drive y, ret'irninir at12,50 o'clock p:m. While returning tbegeneral was wci bed. Ilia weight wan 141pounds. When last weighed, nearly threemonths aso, hia weight was 102 pounds.

At 4 o'clock p.m. the genera), accompa-nied by '"Buck" Grant, walked from tiehouse to the corner of Madison avenua

J. 1 .JU.IMUI.IJ. ..LiJPIjJU. .MBBajSifcflteMaiS

inas well as on the last two days, and seemedmore feeble in ascending the steps to themansion.

Gen. Urani a Nnnimer Trip.Philadelphia, April 23. The following

will appear in the Inquiier"The invitation to spend the summer atthe Hotel KaaterskiU. Catskill Mountains,N. Y., extended to Gen. Grant and hisfamily, has been accepted through thegeneral's son, Col. Fred Grant, who writesto Mr. I'aige, maneger of the hotel, asfollows: 'Gen. Grant directs me to answeryour letter of yesterday and say that it ishis intention if alive to visit the Ca'skillsduring the month of Au.-ust- and if con-venient will accept your kind invitation forthat month.' "


At the Cireat World's Fair at Kcleans, Ijoder tbe Care of

M ita Hlgbee aud MIbs Clara CoawBi- -ArkBBUu Day on tbe trStb.


New Orleans, April 21. The past andpresent wetk have been fraught with unusual leatures ol interest, ine groundsat the great fair are a wilderness abloomof rich, sweet-breathe- d magnolias, fusca-ta- s,

and all the brilliant-hoe- d buret oftulips and hyacinths. Among the pearl-whit- e

paths weaving though odor and hueof Southland loveliness have been seenTennessee's fair representors of educationin Misses Higbee and Conway, of Mem-phis, leading a beau tied troop of school-girls. The New Orleans Board of Man-agement have manifested an especial in-

terest in the attendance ot local or distantteachers and pupils, for not only did theyrealize tne deugnt attendant upon so beau-tiful a show for tho youthful sight-see- r,

but the great educational advantagespread out as impressive object lessons of

massive groupings of tbe world's excel-lences, in nature, science and ait. Toomuch cannot be done in pleasurable ben--nt lor the noble women of our land

who wield that highest privilege ofmind-cultur- e to the young.

it was a tact of general pleased gratification to learn that the trip was one ofpleasure for these lady representativesand pupils of Tennessee education, andseveral States vied with their own in ex-tending cordial courtesies in their depart-ments after their arriving. Florida, al-ways by her whole-soule-d commissionerto the front in warm welcome, led the twointeresting bands with pride through hertreasures of tinting sea and orient sun, yetn rb an apparent iaci mat, ine culturedbevy stepped right gladly into Arkansas'srealm to taste a crystal sip of the "Fount-ain of Youth" Eureka ! It was with in-finite regret we learned of a call at ourcommissioners' room during our absenceirom jmiss riigoee. ller name for manyyears has been a synonym for education.Through others we learned of her excellent qualities and of the pleasures andcourtesies heaped upon her and her working band ot pupils.

Mis3 Clara Conway was received andwarmly welcomed in our Arkansas. Alady of superior mind and cultured ad-dress must needs win hosts of friends, andher gentle-mannere- d and intelligent pu-pils glided in pleased delight through thefruited grandeur of Arkansas's pomologicaldisplay, h?r minerals and crystal diamonds. All expressed a pleasure trip ofdelightful privileges at the great World'suair.

Among the hundreds of Tennesseeexcutsionists we note one of Memphis s most noble landmarks, Maj. J. J.Murphy, a'tended by his family; ourestimable friend Mr, Frank Nortleet. ofthe firm of Sledge & Nortleet; Mrs. Jamesvuiie, jur. j. rorter and wile and Mrs.

Alsup, of Galloway, . Followingi ennessee was ine great Ar ansas excursion, among them Drs. I cKenny andGabbert. Gen. Collins. Jnatre Wnll nHfamily, the latter of whom, after a season-able stay of pleasure at the World's Fair,ielt lor a visit to Germantown. Tenn..among relatives, lnis week a Texas excursion numbering about MOO has Donredin. To-da- y was celebrated in memory ofSan Jacinto as Texas day. Gov. Irelandwas present, delivering an interestingspeech. The stand was crowded with distinguished visitors.

Gen. Burke, recently returned fromt ashington, is much improved in aonear- -

ante by the rest from the tax of the greatcares of the Exposition. The press of Arkansas, together with the United Statescommissioners, Dr. C K Taylor, Col. Corcoran, Gov. Hughes and embers of theLegislature will arrive the last of the weekto celebrate "Arkansas day," the 2Sthinstant.

Louisiana day occurs the 30th instant.and grand and extensive Drenarations areon hand to have the day one of the mostbrilliant ot tne World s Fair.

The question is nndertonelv airitatedwhether the Exposition will not be openedin October. ' lis eaid the reality onlyninges on ueu. liurte s signature.

The 20th instant was incidented by areception in that of Gov. Hoadlv. ofOhio. Charming crimson ailk ouwmr,clasped by a gilt eagle, and in bold blacklettering umo adorned each presenteeto Gov. Hoadly and wife and Commis-sioner Stultz and Mrs. Stultz, lady

Mrs. G. B. Collins.

1UE VICKSBURG FICE.Ibe Bearch for liuilr.

covered.Six So Far Ke- -

Vicksecbg, April 23. The search forbodies has been prosecuted all (lay amongthe ruins of the late fire. Six were recov- - '

ered, and have been identified as follows:'

William R. Mulcaby, William H. Phelanand Joeei h Dent, white, and Hayden Can- -'

adapKichard Johnson and Eph Bell, colored. The search will be continued nntilthe dfbrit is cleared away. It is nowthought more thun twenty lives were lost.

Hale of Thoroughbreds.Lexington, April 23. The combination

sale of Messrs. Brasfield, Johnston & Ed-monson commenced with fineweather and a large attendance of buyers,among them Senator George F. Edmunds,of Vermont. A fifty-nin- e lot were sold for$2i)iH), an average of iOu. The highestprice was paid by Dr. J. H. Bennetts,yisuO for Vatican, by Belmont. SteveMaxwell, of Louisville, Ky., paid $1300for Noaman, a stallion byHarold. A. J, Alexander paid $830 forPetnee. by Onward. R. v,. ?fJackson, Mich., was a large purchaser.i he sa3 wiil conunuo two aavs. to De el

by other sales net week. UearHiXI horses still remain to be sold.

Old Deacon Dobson boasted that hews always "prepare 1 for the worst;" andso be w. s, for he always kept Dr. Bull'sCongh Syrup in the house, regarding itthe only safe remedy for coughs and colds.

The Prrller Tiue.St. Lot-is- , April 23. The coroner's in- -

ouest in the l'reller case was resumed thisafternoon and the testimony of Dr. pharles j

Luedking, who has been analyzing the 'stomach and lungs of the deceased, wastaken. 1 ha doctor made a lengtny report,detailing his investigations, ascribing thedeath of l'reller to chloroform and statingthat he wiil make further examination forthe presence of alkaloid poisons. Af erbearing the report, the jury returned averdict that l'reller came to bis death fromchloroform, administered by Maxwellwith murderous intent.

OPERA PlTFF CIGARETTES ere nnw fold attfae popular price; 5 cent" for 10; 10 cents fur IB).

Torrid Weathrr la Vermont.White Kivkb Junction, Vt., April 23.

The mercury y at 11 o'clock a.m. reg-

istered (12 in the shade, and 4 o'clockp.m. 91.

Lcxdbobg's perfume, Kdenis.Tundbor.-j'- s perfnme, llarchal Niel Jiose.Lundborg's perfume, Alpine Violet.I.nndborif's perfnme, Lily the Valley.

IIAHTON At the residence of F. H. Barton,Crittenden county. Ark., April 23, Mrs. E.W. Larton, mother of the late James K. Barton,atreii eighty ioven years and three months.

Funeral services at Elmw xd Cemetery thisttiRIDAV) inoirLnjt at 10 o'clock. Friends areinvito n nenf.

T.ODOE No. 299, F.DESOTOWill hold a speciali.ication this (ITlDAY)even2Uli,st 7:31l o'clWK. for wora iC. dpirreB. All r.C. i ut aood

iD A. ft!ommn- - ff

ng, April "V iin ihe K,itaQd:n;'

are Ira.ernalU inTileii.By order rJEO. K. RUDISILL, W.M.Attest: R. C Williamson. Secretary.


Will UHt in staled assembly this (FRI- - i JTDAY) .veninic, April Wth, at 8 lAVA' fnr f r.eular 'montbiy business, couferritiR degrees, ato. Via-iti-

contpaniuos fraternally invited.lly order S. A. TAYLOR. T. I. M.I), C. Ikidie, Recorder.


ON MONDAY MORNING, April 20tli, wo will begin our Animal Clearance sale ot Ladies' Spring Wraps, Ladies', SpringCostumes. Ladies' Clack Silk Costumes, Misses' and Children's Spring Dresses, and all the Ladies' and Misses' Dresses leftover from last year. This is positively a clearance sale. The goods will he placed on our cheap counters, and SOLD RE-

GARDLESS of COST. Read carefully each of the following items, then call and convince yourself that the half has not been told


100 Black Silk Mantles Visitel and short Dolmans, trimmedwith fine lace and ChcmJlo inn go, at ffy 10 eaca. formerlrioe $L8 and $- each.

50 Light colored Spring Wrapf, with beautiful Chenille fringeto watch, $4 Former rrico $3,

All of our Imported Kilk WraT. each a pattern garment, nowmarked al idu r. e win ouor ai 511.

All of our finest Paris and Itrrlin Wrapt , includtnr extratP, just received, in 44 and 4 inchei bust measure, re-

duced to exact cont of importation.11)0 Ladies Sprint 'oftamo, newest fabrics and latest styles.

5V to Jea-n- . Hert; iojh.fin Tailor-mud- e Costume at jfhi f0. reduced from f5.

1MU blarSt Siik Costumes at lf, 3 it and -0 each. Formerprice fr- to 4U.


of theso Goods are and will do well to make early selection.



April 1. ls5. I

To Ilis ExcelVney, Wm. B. Bate, Governor ofthe Estate of lennenaee;biR 1 hereby make to you my Quarterly Re

port as btate Treasurer, from January 1, toApril 1, lS5o.

To balance in Trea'nry Jan. 1, 1SS5...I 03AO amount received irom



1 run teesCounty Court Clerks wCircuit Court Clerk .Criminal Court ClerksSupreme Court ClerksChancery Court Clerks M.Law Court ClerksRevenue Collectors...Lad redemptionbtate tax. insuranceHxilroad State taxbtate tax, banks ....btate prosecut ona rei'indcd .Lesset-- State penitenti-ir- wbtate tux, mutual ins. aRents...,51- X. l'ulk accountKxire?8 coiui aniea' tax .In u ranee fees


Stat proiiecutionliXntere8tbtute dvitlutoredt. school l'und .Judicial Kalarie -CoiuinidioQ of Referees' balarics-...- .

Executive salaries nOtlirers penitentiary, salaries .Hupt. Pub. last'n, ta'aryhailroad Coiumissioneri)' salaries...Superintendent Capitol, salaryAJiutant tieneral's salaryAtt'y-lien- 'l and Keps. salarios ..Librarian's salary .Assistant Librarian's salarybupt. llosp'l Insane Mid. Teuo v

Clerk hire, Comptroller's otiiccClork hire, See'y State's orliceClerk hire. Treasurer's officet'lerk hire. Supt. Initt'n onice .Expense, Treasurer's oflice -r.xpene, Louiptrollcr s onioe....Expense, bee y state s onice....j'.xpenKe, n.n ma n ouice...Hw..Expense, Capitol nExpente, Suurem. CourtExpense, Court of Referees....Expense, Eecutivp.Kxponso, LeKtslative Mis.Expense, J; unding Boatd -Expense, LibraryExinso. coaimon schools -- .Pension to blindPublisbinir Governor's proc'inoBureau Aft'r SUb. and Mines.Jackson's totnb, repairs, etcBank ot lennessce, new lsue cer

tificates cancelledof Tennessee, old issue cer

tibcates cancelled rTreasury warrant cancelledllosrital Insane. East TennArresting s

l'ublic Printing;Ksilroad assessmentState Board of Healthllerenue refunded.Express charfeaLand sales .Tax .EfrreKates -Bank of Tenn. new issues cancell'd--State formal ColleireMcMinnville and Manchester K. H.Attorneys' (tes. - :Tennessee School for Blind

Balance in Treasury ...following

Schedule 3ol,0 64Vmv tinr diem and mileage

Legis'atar. - .. .. 32.2V1Cash -- .

Bespectfully submitted,JaS.

All you













Thn tliaper No 1...



Sohednle No. 1,Showing balances Banks which are State De

.tns.tnriftl.of Athens - 8.0fil

National Bank of Bristolsville Savings ,!?

Chaxteson .First KatK.nal Bank. Chattanuog- -Third NmtioDal Bank Ch.ttanooga...Fmnkilm Bank. CtarksvilleBank of t'oluu.biatirit National ColumbiaSecond National, ColumbiaCleveland National BankFint National Ceaterville.- -ISationai Bank, r rankun....- - ...

t Lincoln Savin 8 Bank...i National Bank. "a"ette .ille...

L.Bnu cn' liatlutin


raruiers Traders Gallatin,Bank of ilitrt viileBank of Jackson.Eatl Tennessee .atiunal Bank,

KnoxvilleMechanics National Bauk, Knoxvillel'oopl-- e Bank, Knoxville...Bank of LewisburgBank of LebanonNational Bank, Lebanon -

National Bank, Lebanon'a:nnfc.l Bark of McM:nnvill3 -

xfeopUs NatfOfial vf McMin- -'Bauk of Commerce, Meinphi....,First atiunal Bank, MemphisMercantile Bank. MemphisSuite National MerphisFirst National Bank, Murfrcesboro...Stones Kiver Rational Bank, Mur--

..oow6f6 " .(..;.- -. J

Lookout Bank, Morristown .Union Planters Bank, Momphu...FL-- .t Nal' Bank, shvile ...Fourth Ktlohal Nash.MieAmerican Kationat Bank, NarhvilleComiuercial National Bank,

Tille i-

Safe, Deposit Trust and BankingCompany -

Commercial Bank, VarlsCiiles National Bank, PulaskiPeot.les National Bank, PulaskiShollivville Kavinss BankNational Ban, fcihelby viileSpringfield National Bauk ...Bnk of Sweetwater ...........

National Bank, Tnlli.homa.. ..tJil.son County Bnk. Trenton

JCgctiamcs l.any, viuv.. :..


3.7117 7i)SI

3.172 SI1.S..J

1 S 2i2.'A'5 49G,07,r) IS


i.lM U0

4 S7

0u15 00

Sli.SU 1H

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3 HO

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2 00

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3,J7 U524 hi

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4. (i9,Mi2 IV)

753S.5H7 006,S.S 11

ID ifi

470u 00

April 1, HS5 M'.'t7t So

nhn. hnlaoiiA of


Cash in asroll,

55on hand l.l'.'l 66



Bank 42'3 1

Prowi Bi.r.k 8 t


and Hunk




ualii'.Nash- -




2,l'-- l



S.T! So

t;11,7) 367,773 :

10.2-i- 25K.ltil S31,','H W

22 '.'72 62, V" ?i3,li l&,il;4 2ii

st 72,?2M OH

'J,S t

5,5ti2! H2r". 14

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ll,7(i mSI76 it


10.MH (111

5,H.rS l

3,:Uli 553.1H1 If.

Icl.lrill l!7


t fitTh. above amennt, T4, in is

to lees in Mechanics Bank ofKnoxville, 41, which ie in suit.

This is to that I have compared theabove statement of the and disburse-ments in the Treasurer's oliice for the

beginning January 1, lHS-- and April1. 1V, with the in ?ny own oflice asOvuiprcller, and tind the aame lo be1 aUo examined the 'statement

by the ditferent depositories of tbeand find their resiKictive statemenUi to agree withthe an set forth in the appended sched-ule. 1 have ulso made count of all thecash on hand in tho Treasurer's oltice, and findtbe to be as reported in the andthat said is in every

2, 1885.



r. 1 comptroller.

ExKrirTiTieKaprville. Anril 1. 115.

Th forcfminir of ntl mofievs now inTreasury of tbe State of Tennessee, and such

as have been and been dis-bursed thereirom, for the get forth in

it beins from January li 1 to A;ril 1.i J, ti.ade b W . Thomas", Treasurer, andCRTtifieaby P P. Pickard,ComptrolI;r, in conform-ity to requirements of the Legislative act

, lHrvi, been examined by me andfound and the same Is certifiedand ordered published.

M M B. Governor,




thesi-- l




















aM.5,220 bank, sub-ject check, amount



quar-ter ending


Luve' ren-dered State,


ainonnt above,reiKrt respect correct.




received therein,period



correct; hereby



Corner Mouroe,Meiuplil: fenn.REPAIRIN9 A 6PBCIALI.


anil YPipe


i n



Ia order to make room for our new stock of Miss.1' nd Chi!dren's White we will sell all that weu !eit vrfrom last teason Uomo of are ,iied , alon the dollar.

We especially your to a line of Misses WhiteDresses placed on oar Cheap Counter (apos 12, 14 andlti yearn), in price from 91 r0 to f4 each. Thesewere sold last seaoo at more than three times then prices.

50 Children's Cloth and Cashmere (4. 5 and6 years), at $1 &U each. Irom H and fr each.

. W. (


Grain HDoiilorCommission Merchants. Haj, Corn Bran, Feed, l, Lime,

Cement. 1'laater, Building Brick,Cor. Front and Union, No. IIoward's Row. Memphis.

S. LIVERMORE, Prersident.






Pumps,General Repairs.







Oats, Chop


ill""--" And ererythin

House Fronts. m

ISO to 174 ArtCTrv-- Street



a'li ea



Perreotly from adalteration.Kiitirely Vegetable no diHeased fn.W.Surely I'ure no ground clay resin it.For .aiiiidry. liatlitUoea fn rlli win longer. from any Grocer.

g II-- - t--l rxij IV tli lj. rvtcrop --J


m nn1--

.S.I uniniii-- . uui


an b rI --i v


fiola Fint-Clan- ti Instmmrr.ti:

It. T.



( AMIas-- A NEW PIAEff EuA 8lto.- -



Our b;xt plainti tUttU $1


i ii ii

to $1

50 do, fine and bat only in sites 32 and4 bust, at c each . When we had a line of this

they ld CI

Our t2 50 back to tl 50 each.

Our finest Fan back how of Satin or GrosOrain Kibbon, reduced from $i U i lb each.

Our of In Jerseys reduced to actual cost.

dog. at 12 25 to f4 each.dox. Linen $1 to2 2f each.


HI. T. roOPKR,11. Mll KV.

and l ire Etc1


Brass Goods





H. A. SecreUry ard Treasurer.


i. fT


Ten 11 .

oror lit

n.1 1.


Cotton Factors and Wholesale GrocersS9G-29- S Front Memphis, Tenn.

nMinflisUl JU-- ii

Aranta far the





ntone,JIiinu. Toilet.

Cotton Factors. Commission Merchants,lio. HO Sionth Main St.. r.onisu

'MAKM & COWlioIerUile Dealers Publisher,

Steinway and --23.TttitGMS



for ratAlo,. rVo.&i mid 225 sr'. ST.. MEWl'HIS


Successors to POBTEBj T4i.0


Ut j


is KM


J. T. LaPRADE fc CoHASrrACTl BliRS OFa in

were fur


100 Ladies'luO Ladies' Dusters



4 l l).,A



saddles. Harness ana bouarsXos. 301 and 303 Main Street, Memphis, Tenn.

(HIDES PBABODT HOTEL).TK mk tlieeialtiel of 1I kinds of Horse and Mala Collars, Blind Bridles.r Back Ilam. Strinn, Sinijle and Lap-rin- and Koie, Ul,ir klnrk f. now f.mpl.t. ur sti Wprlnsr Trails.



Wholesale Grocers, Cotton Factors356 35S FROTfl" STBET, PUIS, TEVS,





2000 N.Y.


10001000 kegs and boxes fcona





And Commission Merchants,S60 and 2G2 Front Street. Memphis, Tenn.

1000 bags Dark Coffee,barrels Sugars.barrels Molasses,barrels Sugar Syrup,tierces Canvassed Hams,packages Lard,





kegs Nails,kegs Steel Nails,

lOOOestfos Snuff.


barrels Pure Cider Tinepar,oarreis uaer,

barrels Cider,l'eanuts,


fitting, never soldeach.



Coaching reduced


line Novelties



and free






ChainsDouble Trees, Cotton



I.a. and500150








Jersey, elegant

Mohair Dusters


sort t;

Hames.Bands, Links,





T5yrv $5







Alps. a, i.nilla and Cambric Tsrasols, Vie to 11 ncb.Coar-'aie- 1'arnHoU. all ciiors, tiat tups, square tops, canopy

tops, 011., y c tnPutin lacc-t- ! i mined Faruoli, 1 to 7 V)tch.The gran find culy complfte line of imitorted Novelties

in FarKs..!- - in the t ity . We will sell Novelties duringRnre nt cvt.

Eerice I'araaol-an- d double faced Sun Umbrellas in endlessvariety aod at prices.

wn-YPPEn-- s.M dog. ClifO Wrappr..oScea'-h- .

U dos. lit Calico rpier, 7'cet h.Hi dot. Itet Percale I'rin.-en- Writperf, gl eoh.50 dus. Ilett 1'ercale MoLhcr llubtmrd Wraprs,l 25 each.


& Co.'sFive Dollar $5 Gents' Shoes!


Ever at Five $5 Dollars!o

W We hnvr them la tb Khepsii hrelilatraf.l,ur My hn.e lo wait year lft.le. Ker bodyhonll not fnll la try a pair. 'I are eunel

otbt-- r there at aud 7.



Boots. Shoes & Slippers!In Endless Variety. Alwiyt on Hand.

Order frvin Abroad Will Receive Oar PromptAttentton.

1001S Nent C.O.O. IZVr.HYU IIEHKOnr IllaMtritfe1 fmnloineiiDd Prlee-IJu- t will b

euh11-- free to mtj tUdroM seaii

ZELLNER & CO.3QO Main St., Memphis.

DISSOIjUTION.TIIE coriartnernhip heretofore exinting between tho underlined, under the ntyle of Stern berr k

ib thi. day dissolved. 8. L. Lee retiriuif. S. HternKerc continue, the fcuiinexi and in -- ionauthorized to collect all dnbu due to the late firm. No liabilities. 6. tilKKNUKtf.

Memi-hi- lenn., April 14, lvi. 8. L. LKK.- I have thin dav -.-HUofMntA 1 with mvMl. In hrminnii mv n'llntt J A . KT K H V R K Hil n .!- -the firm name of bierubrs& Sun, who will continue thebudiue-- s of the Late firm of Stern berg Jt I.S.



fit ea i I



TOBACCO, CIGARS AND PIPES,33fi Front Street. Cor. Union. Memphis. Tonn.


ury mm, imm uiotomgAXD- -

NTLEMEN'S FURNISH GOODSNoa. 326-32- 8 J-a-ln Street tleraphlg, Tenxu

WB ARS IN DAILY RKCETPX O? DESIRABLE hPKIXJ AS n HVH M KB IHMtM, WHTCHnn., ,A th.H-.- . nn. i. r...Bi.i. . i- -. ...inu. .in MnmT.. r..MM. t.l, hof spy TntT-he- in thetTeilcl States. Hpecisl in'lnccmcpts to Cnh fto.y.. I.twntl' simi.K.

Comof F. Kosldent Partner.

B f I B R Ml S B E

ol-U-ul a mm


J. A.

tie-- 1



Cotton365 Front


Imbe. to




&305-30- 7 MAIN

Suits Made to Order. Shirts Mad.o to Order.

1. A. UUKT. 0. C. HKIB.





R. L.

369 1 I'd.Cotton onalKned to ai will havooor erafal atUnttoa. W osxry t L1 tiiv,sc ttok

and and







r rexibllli







a GO,

Wholesale Grocers and Factors,Front Street, Memplii,


Cott'tiicU-tlet- d

Staple Fancy Groceries, Wines, Liquors, Tobacco Cigars,




Oas aud SieaulFitter., Materials!. Pump, HTcII-Poiul- Itc 1

338 Sooond. Ooroor TTnloii, Iktem phis, Teun.h.em:qi7 at..


f.mcCabb:MAItTIH KEI.LT.


No. S66-36-S front Street. 3eiusi.l, Tenxu