landing a job using social media

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This is the presentation that I gave to the Joseph Project on March 30, 2011 on organizing social media to help in a job search.


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Service Overview

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Companies Are Using Social Media to Recruit

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Where are you at now? After looking at your

resume, what do your employers look at next?

One-third of respondents always check out candidates' social media profiles when vetting them.

How do you want to be perceived?

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Think Of Yourself As A Brand Reputation building Knowledge


Social media tools make it much easier to make your brand more visible.

Be more competitive by differentiating yourself.


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Define Your Goal Clearly define the

industry you’re interested in.

Identify 10-20 keywords that apply to your job search.

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Pick Your Targets Identify the top five companies that

you would like to work for.

Does the company have an outpost on social media networks?

Follow on Twitter.

Join Facebook Fan Pages.

Join LinkedIn Groups.

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Organizing Your Social Media Presence

Home Base – The central place you want to interact with people.

Outposts – place where you have a presence and participate and promote yourself.

Passports – where you have profile but don’t take part in the conversation.


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Where to Begin?


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Pick Your Home Base WordPress




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Reserve You Internet Real Estate Buy your user name-

preferably .com but .name or .info are fine.

Relatively inexpensive at about $10 per name.

Search engines like it better, which could be important if you have a common name.


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Set Up Outposts/Passports LinkedIn is the office

Facebook is the home

Twitter is Happy Hour


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Don’t Forget Industry Specific Networks

NurseLinkup - Nursing

Model Mayhem - Modeling

FohBoh - Restaurant Industry

ActiveRain - Real Estate

Decorati - Interior Design

Fashionising - Fashion

TheBoaters - Boating

TappedIn - Education

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Complete Profiles Fully Make sure your target

keywords and location are in your profile.

Link back to one place, your “home base” that has all the details about you.

Be real Use a picture.

Talk about your personal life…a little.


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Remove Inappropriate Material

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Clean Up Unwanted Content Clean up not only your wall but what you’ve put on

other’s walls

Pages you follow: remove your tag from photos which don’t reflect so well on you

Search for groups that people have added you to without your consent or knowledge.

In privacy center, make sure that pictures others tag you in do not show up in the large picture strip at the top of your profile and that people can’t check you into places.

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Show yourself as an expert Provide differentiation

between you and other candidates.

Can you think of an industry where you are a <insert your field> and an engaged social media user isn’t a good thing?

Refer direct contacts to your home base and users Outposts/Passwords as a passive net to catch attention.

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Plan Your Content Think of at least 50

awesome things to write about your industry.

Write them down before you start.


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Don’t Know What To Say? Find something cool, link

to it on your Homebase, and comment on it. It could be as simple as adding “This is a great article because ____.”


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Post Consistently and Frequently Start using the 50 topics

you’ve already written down.

Post at least weekly.

Ask people in the industry what they’d like to know and create content around that.


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Weapons of Choice - Text Easiest to do.

Lots of free tools to get your content out there.

Search engines like text.


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Weapons of Choice – Audio/Video Most computers and many

cell phones can capture decent video/audio

Most YouTube video is still standard definition. Many cell phone cams can do that resolution.

Imperfections makes it real as well.


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Video Resume

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Video Resume – DON’T

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Other Ways To Be Creative Make a presentation

about your industry and put it on SlideShare.

Share it with your network and ask your followers to give feedback


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Other Ways To Be Creative Create a Facebook Ad targeting those:

Who live in the United States Who live within 25 miles of Austin, TX Who are between the ages of 25 and 55 Who like advertising, advertising manager,

branding, ceo, community building, corporate recruiter, director marketing, director sales marketing, founder ceo, human resources, marketing coordinator, marketing director, marketing executive, vice president marketing, etc.

Who graduated from college

Cost: less than $5 day. Only need to run it for a few days

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Use Google Ads

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Make Connections Social media is an

extension of face to face networking.

Import all your contacts from Outlook, Gmail, etc.

Don’t be afraid to introduce yourself to strangers.

Tell everyone what you’re doing.

Exploit Strength of Weak Ties.


---- Strong Ties---- Weak Ties

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Keep track of the conversation: Google Alerts

Twitter Search

Use your keywords and locations to narrow down results.

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Parting Thoughts Social Media is not a

replacement for traditional job searching techniques.


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Be not afraid Don’t be afraid to do

something different.

Stand out; you’ll be easier to see.

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Be Patient Social media is an

indirect method of marketing. Sometimes its hard to see concrete results quickly.

Continuously cultivate your network to expand your reach.


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Converse Social media is a

conversation not broadcast medium. It is two- way communication.


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Get Involved Employers are using

social media to find talent. You can’t be found unless you are in the game.


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