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Landscape design for bird conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia CSIRO report on Component 1 of Project CSE9: Testing approaches to landscape design in cropping lands for Land & Water Australia and WA Department of Conservation and Land Management June 2004

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Landscape design for bird conservation in

Buntine-Marchagee Catchment,

Western Australia

CSIRO report on Component 1 of Project CSE9: Testing approaches to landscape design in cropping lands

for Land & Water Australia and WA Department of Conservation and Land Management

June 2004

Landscape design for bird conservation in

Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western


Component 1 Report Andrew Huggett Blair Parsons Lyn Atkins John Ingram CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems Private Bag 5, PO Wembley WA 6913 [email protected] © CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems, 2004 Photographs courtesy of CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems and WA Department of Conservation and Land Management Cover photographs (clockwise from top left): Western Yellow Robin – the focal species for remnant condition in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment (Photo courtesy Bert and Babs Wells, CALM); Malleefowl – a threatened species recorded during CSIRO surveys in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment (Photo courtesy Bert and Babs Wells, CALM); Southern Scrub-robin – a species that prefers large areas of shrubland that are well connected and is most sensitive to shrubland patch size and isolation distance in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment; Centre map – suggested sites (shown in red) for habitat linkages in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment.

Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia


This document reports on Component 1 (focal bird species analysis and landscape design)

of Project CSE9 (Testing approaches to landscape design in cropping lands). This was

commissioned and funded by Land & Water Australia (Native Vegetation R&D Program)

and Western Australian Department of Conservation and Land Management (CALM).

The CSIRO Component 1 study team comprised Dr Andrew Huggett, Blair Parsons, Lyn

Atkins, and John Ingram. Andrew managed the project, undertook statistical analyses,

contributed text and prepared this report. Blair performed the focal species analysis from

bird survey data collected by John, Andrew and Blair, developed the landscape design,

and contributed associated text. Lyn carried out and supervised field vegetation surveys,

contributed associated text, and photographed vegetation associations shown in Appendix

3. John prepared report appendices.

We acknowledge the cooperation and assistance of many individuals and organisations in

the preparation and communication of this report. They include Alison & John Doley,

Vern Muller, the Crago family, Helen Nankivell, Michael O’Callaghan, Neil and Joanne

Diamond, Alan Barnes, John & Robyn Stacy and other farming families in the study area.

We especially thank Alison & John Doley and the Diamonds for their hospitality during

fieldwork. Jodie Watts (Buntine-Marchagee Recovery Catchment Officer), Kelly Gillen,

Anthony Desmond, Stuart Halse, Susie Murphy-White, Ken Atkins, and Ken Wallace of

CALM provided key biophysical data, management insights, practical advice to, and

stimulating discussions on, the project. Fiona Falconer advised on community

consultation issues. Ted Griffen, Mike Clarke and Russell Speed of WA Department of

Agriculture provided some helpful insights and useful data. WA Department of Land

Administration supplied salinity hazard data.

We also thank CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems’ Drs David Freudenberger (Principal

Investigator, Project CSE9), Ted Lefroy and Jeff Short (project proposal development and

advice), Lesley Brooker (spatial analysis and landscape design advice), Michael Brooker

(some bird surveys), Drs A.O. (Nick) Nicholls and Mike Austin (statistical analysis and

advice), and Margaret Cawsey (database development). To all we are grateful.


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia


Autecology: The study of the individual organism in relation to its environment (Krebs


Connectedness, Connectivity: The degree to which remnants are linked to one another

by intervening native or other perennial vegetation such as road verges, vegetation

linkages, corridors, windbreaks, etc.

Core habitat, Core habitat patch: An area of habitat within a single remnant that is

sufficiently large or well connected for a focal bird species to have a 10% chance of


Corridor: Linear strip of vegetation in fragmented landscapes used by animals as habitat

and/or travel routes (Sieving et al. 2000) typically featuring structurally complex and

floristically diverse vegetation and microhabitat.

Declining species: Bird species identified by Saunders and Ingram (1995) as "decliners"

in the Western Australian wheatbelt.

Farmland species: Bird species identified by Saunders and Ingram (1995) as "farmland

species" in the Western Australian wheatbelt.

Focal species candidate: For the purposes of this report, a resident, declining bird

species, that is not a farmland, water or nocturnal bird species.

Isolation distance: The minimum straight-line distance between remnants, measured

from the edge of the remnant.

Key habitat: All habitat of sufficient size or connectedness in which the focal bird

species least sensitive to a specific threat has a 10% chance of occurring.

Linkage: A linear strip of vegetation that connects two or more remnants; this strip may

in time provide a corridor function to facilitate the movement of animals between

remnants providing adequate structural complexity and habitat diversity is available.

Neighbourhood: A set of habitat patches falling within a given radius of core habitat, as

defined by the requirements of the focal species

Occupied remnant: A remnant of native vegetation in which a bird species was recorded

at least once during survey.


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

Patch: A discrete area of bird habitat type, vegetation association, or vegetation sub-type

within a remnant of native vegetation.

Proximity: The minimum straight-line distance between remnants, measured from the

edge of the remnant.

Reconstruction: The re-building of a landscape involving the planting of native

vegetation to re-connect remnants, usually for the purposes of biodiversity conservation,

soil conservation and/or water management.

Remnant: A discrete or semi-discrete area of native vegetation surrounded by cleared or

otherwise alienated land.

Resident species: For the purposes of this report, a sedentary bird species that usually

lives within a relatively small area of bush (home range).

Restoration: The gradual return of ecological structure and function to bushland or

wetland previously fragmented by clearing, habitat modification, etc, and usually

involving the protection of existing habitat and the planting and maintenance of new


Sedentary: For the purposes of this report, a bird species that lives its whole life within a

relatively small area of bush, usually no more than 1-10 ha.

Study area: The study area referred to in this report is Buntine-Marchagee Catchment

(as shown in Figures 1 and 2).


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia


This is a study of the spatial and habitat requirements of sedentary birds occupying

remnant native vegetation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment. The study presents a

landscape design for the conservation of this avifauna based on a modified focal species

approach (Lambeck 1997). This study is Component 1 of the Testing approaches to

landscape design in cropping lands project. It has been undertaken by CSIRO Sustainable

Ecosystems for Land & Water Australia and WA Department of Conservation and Land

Management (CALM).

Buntine-Marchagee Catchment (181,008 ha) is situated in the northern wheatbelt of

Western Australia, approximately 280 km north of Perth. Farmed principally for wheat

and sheep, this catchment consists of sandplain shrubland, heath and Banksia woodland

and shrubland, York Gum, Gimlet and Salmon Gum woodlands and mallee on valley

slopes and lateritic ridges, and Acacia/Melaleuca shrubland and samphire-dominated

wetland (13,500 ha) in the saline valley floors. Buntine-Marchagee Catchment was

identified as one of six Natural Diversity Recovery Catchments by CALM in 1999

because of significant biodiversity values associated with its system of saline braided


This study used presence/absence bird data for a focal species analysis obtained from 316

remnants in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment studied by CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems

from 2001 to 2002. Resident bush birds identified as ‘decliners’ (Saunders and Ingram

1995) were treated as focal species candidates (42 species) and divided into generalists,

heath/shrubland/mallee specialists and woodland specialists. Point-count surveys were

conducted across saline drainage lines to evaluate focal bird species’ use of these zones. A

total of 18,068 individual birds from 110 species were recorded during this study.

Detailed vegetation surveys were conducted in all 503 remnants in the catchment.

Five bird species were selected as focal species based on their sensitivity to key landscape

attributes: Grey Butcherbird Cracticus torquatus (remnant area), Southern Scrub-robin

Drymodes brunneopygia (heath/shrub/mallee habitat patch size and isolation), Red

Wattlebird Anthochaera carunculata (woodland patch size), Brown-headed Honeyeater


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

Melithreptus brevirostris ssp. leucogenys (woodland patch isolation), and Western Yellow

Robin Eopsaltria griseogularis (remnant condition).

Focal bird species knowledge gained from the analysis was used in a comprehensive 10-

step landscape design procedure aimed at retaining existing avifauna and enhancing and

re-connecting their habitat. The design recommends:

• A total of 1,361.5 ha of new native vegetation in the catchment, equating to 6.1%

of existing remnant native vegetation (22,340 ha);

• Of this new vegetation, 1,093 ha of ‘stepping stone’ habitat should be planted to

link neighbourhoods. This comprises 712 ha of heath/shrub/mallee habitat (see

map below) and 381 ha of woodland habitat;

• A total of 268.5 ha of new 60 metre-wide linkages to increase the connectedness

of habitat within neighbourhoods; and

• Priority habitat protection and management of 4,568 ha of existing remnants.

This study has contributed several new elements to the design of Western Australian

farming landscapes for bird conservation. These include innovative field survey and

spatial and focal species analyses (including an assessment of remnant condition), and the

provision of a practical, ‘road-tested’ landscape design for habitat restoration.

There have also been some important collective lessons learnt from these catchment-

based studies in Western Australia. These include understanding the importance of spatial

and temporal variation in scale on the identification of focal species and the development

of effective landscape designs, avoidance of heavily prescriptive landscape designs,

recognition of the need to assess other threats (and interactions between these threats) to

the survival of declining sedentary birds, and reiteration of the need for ongoing

monitoring and evaluation of the performance of landscape designs.

Regional scale focal species analysis offers some potential advantages over catchment-

based studies. These include accounting for the effects of spatial and temporal scale on

especially bird-based applications of the focal species approach, estimation of long-term

population and metapopulation viability of focal species, timely provision of regional

scale focal species knowledge for on-ground use by catchment groups, and utility as a


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

regional conservation planning tool to help prioritise action and efficiently allocate scarce

conservation management resources.

A suite of recommendations for the conservation of avian diversity and sustainable

management of Buntine-Marchagee’s natural resources are put forward. These utilise the

results of the landscape design procedure together with stakeholder consultations

conducted during development of the design. They include general guidelines for

understanding the importance of landscape management planning in the conservation of

natural resources and a suite of monitoring and review actions. In addition, a number of

priority actions are recommended for adoption in the catchment. These focus on

protecting and retaining existing native bird assemblages while also improving their

prospects of survival and possible long-term recovery. Finally, this study presents some

directions for future research in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment. These include focusing

the landscape conservation effort, new ecological research, landholder participation and

training, and working together with other organisations.

Suggested heath/shrub/mallee ‘stepping stones’ to link neighbourhoods in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment.

±0 10 205 km

Suggested "stepping stones"

Core heath/shrub/mallee habitat

Heath/shrub/mallee neighbourhoods

Catchment Boundary


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia







1.2. STUDY AREA 10





2.3. THE FOCAL SPECIES APPROACH 23 2.3.1. Development and application of the focal species approach 23 2.3.2. Focal species analysis procedure 24 2.3.3. Statistical analysis 28

2.4. LANDSCAPE DESIGN 28 2.4.1. Designing landscapes for birds and people 28 2.4.2. The landscape design procedure 29



3.2. BIRD SURVEYS 37 3.2.1. Area searches 37 3.2.2. Point-count transects 37 3.2.3. Birds of conservation significance 40

3.3. VEGETATION OF THE STUDY AREA 43 3.3.1. Vegetation association classes and floristics 43 3.3.2. Conservation status 44

3.4. FOCAL SPECIES ANALYSIS 46 3.4.1. Candidate focal bird species 46


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

3.4.2. Remnant area 48 3.4.3. Habitat patch size 50 3.4.4. Habitat patch isolation 53 3.4.5. Remnant condition 56

3.5. LANDSCAPE DESIGN 58 3.5.1. Design overview 58 3.5.2. Creation of habitat ‘stepping stones’ 58 3.5.3. Creation of habitat linkages within neighbourhoods 65 3.5.4. Habitat protection and management 69




5.2. PRIORITY ACTIONS 79 5.2.1. Overview 79 5.2.2. Priority 1: Protect and enhance existing habitat and species of conservation

significance through on-ground action 79 5.2.3. Priority 2: Prioritise habitat protection and management activities 81 5.2.4. Priority 3: Create habitat ‘stepping stones’ to link neighbourhoods 81 5.2.5. Priority 4: Establish linkages to improve the connectedness of habitat within

neighbourhoods 82




7. APPENDICES 93 APPENDIX 1: Communication activities completed during this study 94

APPENDIX 2: Land birds found in the Western Australian wheatbelt 97

APPENDIX 3: Descriptions of native vegetation associations recorded in

Buntine-Marchagee Catchment 101

APPENDIX 4: Perennial plant species recorded in quadrat-based floristic

surveys of selected remnants in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment 115

APPENDIX 5: Native vegetation associations and bird species recorded in each

remnant surveyed in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment 129


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia



This report presents a landscape design for conserving native birds in Buntine-Marchagee

Catchment. This design provides an improved “focal species” (sensu Lambeck 1997)

approach for determining where to strategically revegetate this catchment to assist the

long-term survival of bird species considered to be most at risk of decline and local

extinction in this fragmented agricultural landscape.

The specific objectives of this study are therefore to:

• Construct logistic regression models to identify focal bird species using data from

bird and vegetation surveys undertaken in this project;

• Use these models to assess the predicted probability of occurrence of focal bird

species according to the key variables of remnant area, habitat patch size, habitat

patch isolation, and remnant condition;

• Develop a landscape design for bird conservation in the study area based on

ecological information provided by the focal species analysis;

• From this design and community consultation, provide practical recommendations

for strategic revegetation within the catchment that seek to retain the existing

complement of native avifauna, protect, enhance and, where possible, re-connect

their habitat, and promote their long-term recovery.

This study is Component 1 in a series of three reports prepared under Project CSE9 –

Testing approaches to landscape design in cropping lands. Components 2 (Habitat

neighbourhoods for conserving viable populations of birds – Brooker and Lefroy 2004)

and 3 (Application of the focal species approach to other taxa) are reported separately.


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia


The study area comprises two sub-catchments – Buntine and Marchagee – situated within

the Moore River Catchment in the northern wheatbelt of Western Australia,

approximately 280 km north of Perth (Figures 1 and 2). These catchments cover an area

of 181,008 ha (181 km2) and together are approximately 40 km long and 60 km wide. A

series of braided channels featuring salt lakes drain Buntine-Marchagee Catchment. These

saline drainage lines mildly incise broad valleys separated by gently undulating rises and

breakaways. The catchment lies about 65 km east of the Darling Fault on the Archaean

granite and granitic gneisses of the Yilgarn block (Kitchener 1979). Main soil types are

sands underlain by laterite in places, grey clays (on decaying granite), and red soils of

colluvial origin or formed on granite (see Kitchener 1979).

Figure 1: Location of the study area within the Western Australian wheatbelt, showing a total of nine sub-catchments used in focal species studies by CSIRO (Landsat TM satellite image courtesy CSIRO Mathematical & Information Sciences)


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

Figure 2: Location of the study area showing towns, remnant native vegetation, and the chain of braided lakes (Landsat TM satellite image courtesy CSIRO Mathematical & Information Sciences)








Remnant VegetationBuntine Marchagee Catchment0̄ 10 205


Mean annual rainfall in the study area is 362 mm of which 225 mm falls in May-August

(Anon 1975). Mean daily maximum temperature is 25.8°C while the mean daily

minimum temperature is 12°C with frost possible from May-September (Anon 1975).

Winds are generally light (1-10 kph) and from the south-east in summer but directionally

variable in winter (Anon 1975).

The native vegetation of Buntine-Marchagee Catchment is floristically diverse,

comprising 24 associations from six broad formations - heathland, shrubland, sedgeland,

grassland, woodland and wetland (Section 3.3.1). The current conservation status of this

vegetation is discussed in Section 3.3.2. There are at least six CALM reserves (Buntine

Nature Reserve [NR], Nugadong NR, Bryant Park NR, NR 21175, NR 28669, and NR

38401), two large shire reserves (Wubin townsite and Wubin Rocks), and several smaller

shire reserves set aside for sand and gravel extraction in the study area. Much of the

native vegetation in the catchment however occurs on privately owned land, especially in


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

the southwest and northwest of the catchment (see Section 3.1). Approximately 12.3%

(22,340 ha) of the study area supports native vegetation.

In biogeographical terms, native vegetation of the study area can be divided into two

distinct groups that correspond with the Interim Biogeographical Regions of Australia

(IBRA – Environment Australia 2000) classification. Vegetation of the Avon Wheatbelt

IBRA occurs within the Avon Botanical District (Beard 1990) on Archaean granites of the

Yilgarn Block. The uplands feature yellow sands and laterite with Tamma (Allocasuarina

spp.), Wodjil (Acacia spp.), and Melaleuca shrublands occurring on the shallower lateritic

soils. The deeper sands typically support Acorn Banksia (Banksia prionotes) and Woody

Pear (Xylomelum angustifolium). Granite outcrops occur in parts of the catchment with a

mosaic of tamma, Acacia shrubland and York gum/Jam woodland. Woodlands of

commonly Salmon Gum, York Gum or Gimlet occur on the red loamy soils of midslopes

and ridges. Mallee vegetation of typically Eucalyptus subangusta over Melaleuca shrubs

usually occupies the transition zone between shrublands and woodlands on shallow

duplex soils (Beard 1990). In the valley floors, saline grey sandy soils support salt-

tolerant samphires (Halosarcia spp.), sedges, Melaleuca and Acacia species, often with

adjacent York Gum woodlands.

Vegetation of the second IBRA group, the Geraldton Sandplain bioregion, is situated

within the Irwin Botanical District (Beard 1990). This occurs in a broad arc from the

study area’s northwest corner to its central southern boundary. Soils supporting this

vegetation are deep yellow aeolian sands deposited higher in the landscape and greyish

sands in the lower parts (Beard 1990). The yellow sands feature Banksia woodlands,

commonly of B. prionotes, Candle Banksia B. attenuata, and Firewood Banksia B.

menziesii, and often in association with Woody Pear, Sandplain Cypress Actinostrobus

arenarius, and Adenanthos strictus. Mixed stands of Pear-fruited Mallee Eucalyptus

pyriformis over Eremaea and Melaleuca dominated shrub and heathlands also occur on

these soils. Along interconnected lakes and playas low in the landscape the vegetation is

characterised by Halosarcia communities, Swamp Sheoak Casuarina obesa fringing

Melaleuca thyoides stands in saline areas, and River Red Gum E. camaldulensis in

brackish or less saline zones.


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

The first recorded European exploration of Buntine-Marchagee catchment was by the

Gregory brothers in 1846 (Beard 1976). From 1894 settlers arrived in the western part of

the district upon completion of the Midland Railway which linked Perth with Geraldton

(Kitchener 1979). From 1913 the Government Railway through Wubin and Perenjori

brought settlers to the eastern part of the catchment (Kitchener 1979). The last phase of

clearing native vegetation for wheat and sheep farming in the catchment was the 1970s

(Kitchener 1979) and probably the early 1980s. In recent years, a number of new farming

systems aimed at mitigating the loss of productive agricultural land to salinity such as oil

mallees and lucerne cropping have been pursued in the parts of the study area.

A major initiative to protect and recover the natural biodiversity values of the study area

commenced in 1999. This project – Buntine-Marchagee Natural Diversity Recovery

Catchment – began under the WA State Salinity Strategy and is run by a steering

committee of government agencies, universities, and landholder groups. Principal partners

include CALM, WA Department of Agriculture, CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems, CSIRO

Plant Industry, WA Department of Environment, Marchagee Catchment Group, Waddy

Forest LCDC, Liebe Group, Moore Catchment Council, University of Western Australia

and Murdoch University. A range of specialist hydrological, agronomic, farm forestry and

biodiversity studies are being undertaken as part of this initiative, together with intensive

community consultation and planning for strategic on-ground revegetation and habitat

restoration programs (see Section 5).


There are approximately 106 landholders in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment with an

average property size of 1,879 ha (CALM 2003). Privately owned property covers 93.7%

(169,527 ha) of the catchment and there are 2,225 ha (1.2% of the catchment) of land

managed by CALM, principally as nature reserves (CALM 2003). There are also 1,726 ha

of unallocated crown land which comprises mostly salt lakes and 4,888 ha of ‘other’ type

reserves in the study area (CALM 2003). These ‘other’ reserves include parcels of land

managed by Coorow, Dalwallinu and Moora Shires, water reserves managed by WA

Water Authority, road reserves (Main Roads WA) and old railway reserves. Several of

these reserves contain remnants of native vegetation that provide important habitat for

sedentary bush birds and other fauna (see Sections 3 and 4).


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

Mixed cropping and sheep grazing are the main agricultural enterprises in the study area.

Some farms have commenced investigating the use of other crops such as oil mallees and



CSIRO Division of Wildlife and Rangelands Research (now CSIRO Sustainable

Ecosystems) commenced studying the biology of Western Australian wheatbelt lands in

1969. Ian Rowley started working on the Galah Cacatua roseicapilla at Manmanning in

the north-central wheatbelt and on Major Mitchell’s Cockatoo C. leadbeateri (with

Graeme Chapman) at Mukinbudin in the north-eastern wheatbelt (Rowley, pers comm).

The emphasis on cockatoo biology continued through the 1970s largely in response to the

agricultural ‘pest’ status of cockatoos in the wheatbelt. Denis Saunders studied the

reproductive biology of the Short-billed Black-Cockatoo (Carnaby’s Cockatoo)

Calyptorhynchus latirostris at Manmanning and Coomallo Creek near Jurien Bay. Denis

also commenced a study of the reproductive and foraging biology of Red-tailed Black-

Cockatoo C. banksii ssp. samueli in 1975 at Three Springs in the northern wheatbelt. In

1978, this study was extended to four other cockatoo species in remnant Salmon/York

Gum woodland in this part of the wheatbelt and at Kirwan, south-east of Dalwallinu, by a

number of CSIRO wildlife biologists including Ian Rowley, Denis Saunders, Graeme

Smith and John Ingram.

In 1985, the emphasis shifted to landscape-based ecological research. Denis Saunders and

colleagues - Richard Hobbs, Graham Arnold and Graeme Smith – studied the effects of

habitat loss and fragmentation on native plant and animal communities at and near

Durokoppin Nature Reserve north of Kellerberrin in the central wheatbelt. They

investigated the conservation potential of native vegetation remnants and ways of

integrating nature conservation into agricultural land management. Their ground-breaking

research applied ecological theory to the management of fragmented ecosystems based on

the retention of existing biota and inclusion of conservation farming practices.

By 1998 the first of several catchment-based studies of the spatial and ecological

requirements of birds and their habitat was underway at Wallatin Creek in the central


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

wheatbelt. These studies sought to apply the principles and practices of landscape

ecology, spatial analysis and landscape design for nature conservation to the management

of declining woodland, shrubland and heathland birds by farmers on their properties.

Denis Saunders, Robert Lambeck, Richard Hobbs, Lesley Brooker, Lyn Atkins, John

Ingram and Greening Australia (WA) were involved in this work. A total of nine

catchments, including Dongolocking (Lambeck 1998), Wallatin Creek (Lambeck 1999;

Parsons et al. 2003), South Tammin (Frost et al. 1999), Tin Dog Creek/Dowerin Lakes

(Frost et al. 1999), Wyalkatchem (Brooker et al. 2001b), Morbinning (Brooker et al.

2001a), Gabbi Quoi Quoi (Brooker et al. 2001b), Latham (Brooker et al. 2002), and

Buntine-Marchagee (current study) have now been studied in this way.

Central to these studies has been the development of the focal species approach, an

extension of the umbrella species concept (see Simberloff 1998). Robert Lambeck

introduced the focal species approach (Section 2.3 this study) to help develop

recommendations for the conservation of woodland birds and their habitat in the

Dongolocking, Wallatin Creek, and South Tammin and Dowerin Catchments. Lesley

Brooker modified the focal species approach and used spatial analysis of simulated and

field data and modeling techniques to develop landscape designs for bird conservation in

Morbinning (Brooker et al. 2001a), Gabbi Quoi Quoi (Brooker et al. 2001b), and Latham

Catchments (Brooker 2002; Brooker et al. 2002). It is important to note that CSIRO focal

species studies have not yet examined all threats to the conservation of bird and other

fauna in agricultural landscapes. Thus, these studies represent an incomplete application

of the focal species approach (see Section 2.3).

Other CSIRO wildlife ecology projects undertaken in the Western Australian wheatbelt

have included work on plant populations and communities (Colin Yates, Lyn Atkins, Joe

Leone), mammals (echidnas - Max Abensperg-Traun; kangaroos - Graham Arnold, Dion

Steven, John Weeldenburg), reptiles (geckoes – Stephen Sarre), and invertebrates

(scorpions - Graeme Smith, Jana Ross; ants and termites - Max Abensperg-Traun, Lisa

Lobry de Bruyn, H.C. Park).

Recent ornithological research and landscape design studies have been undertaken in the

northern and central wheatbelt zones by Andrew Huggett and Blair Parsons (Buntine-


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

Marchagee and Wallatin Creek Catchments). This work has further refined the bird-based

focal species approach and provided practical guidelines for farmers to strategically

protect, enhance and re-connect remnant native vegetation on their properties (see Parsons

et al. 2003; Section 5 of this study).


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia



Bird data used in the focal species analysis for Buntine-Marchagee Catchment were

obtained from extensive surveys carried out between August 2001 and October 2002. The

first round of surveys sampled 149 remnants (over 12,700 ha) in spring/early summer

(late-August to early-November 2001). Surveys conducted during autumn 2002 (April-

May 2002) sampled 99 remnants (over 2,600 ha). The final round of surveys was

conducted during spring (September-October) 2002 in 213 remnants (over 16,000 ha). A

total of 316 or 62.8% of the 503 remnants (18,500 ha) of native vegetation in the study

area was surveyed for birds over 25 weeks of field effort. These remnants were selected

from two spatially and geographically discrete zones of remnant native vegetation in the

study area – the eastern and western sectors. Time and associated cost constraints did not

permit all 503 remnants to be surveyed for birds.

Remnant native vegetation was surveyed for birds using the area search technique (see

Shields and Recher 1984; Loyn 1987; Huggett 2000). Satellite images were used to

identify the boundaries of different vegetation communities present in remnants before

surveys were undertaken. A survey route was planned that comprehensively sampled the

avian diversity of each major vegetation community in remnants (Figure 3). A

proportional rather than fixed survey effort was undertaken. This involved the expenditure

of more survey time in large remnants covering a greater area than undertaken in smaller

remnants. The presence or absence of bird species was recorded for each sampled

remnant. In the spring 2002 surveys, the relative abundance of sampled bird populations

was also recorded.

Transect-based point-count surveys (see Shields and Recher 1984) were conducted across

saline drainage lines in spring 2002 to determine if focal bird species were using these

areas as habitat or conduits for movement. Saline wetlands, braided channels and

associated samphire vegetation cover 13,500 ha of the study area and so represent

important potential bird habitat. Four 1-2 km long transects were positioned across a

major saline drainage channel in the centre of the catchment (Figure 4). Ten-minute point-


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

counts were made of all birds observed or heard within a 100 m radius in each compass

direction of each count station located at 200 m intervals along each transect. The

transects started in upland vegetation communities adjacent to the saline channel (e.g.

York Gum woodland, Melaleuca/Acacia shrublands), moved through saline communities

such as samphire vegetation, descended into salt pans in the centre of the channel and then

emerged into upland vegetation on the other side.

Figure 3: An example of a bird survey route undertaken during an area search in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment. The remnant shown in this example is Nugadong Nature Reserve, situated in the south-east of the catchment.

Mixed woodlandTamma/Wodjil/Melaleuca shrublands

Melaleuca/Acacia shrublands

Mallee (with understorey)

± 0 0.5 10.25km


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

Figure 4: Location of point-count transects across a saline drainage channel within Buntine-Marchagee Catchment. Note the salt pans in the centre of the channel.









! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

± 0 2.5 51.25km

Transect 1

Transect 2

Transect 3

Transect 4


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

Previous focal species studies conducted by CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems (e.g. Brooker

et al. 2002; Parsons et al. 2003) used combined presence/absence data from several

catchments. In this study only data from Buntine-Marchagee Catchment were used in the

focal species analysis because of compositional differences between the avifauna of this

catchment and those of the other catchments. A possible reason for this contrast is that

Buntine-Marchagee Catchment comprises mainly shrubland/mallee communities while

the other catchments support mostly woodland communities (Section 3.3). Buntine-

Marchagee Catchment also contains substantial areas of Banksia woodland which are

generally absent from the other catchments studied.


Two different sampling approaches were used to survey and map the native vegetation of

the study area – vegetation association surveying and quadrat-based floristic surveys.

Both methods provided information about the attributes and spatial configuration of

remnant native vegetation which was needed to undertake the focal bird species analysis

and landscape design components of this study (Sections 3.4 and 3.5).

The vegetation associations of all 503 remnants of native vegetation were surveyed and

association boundaries mapped by CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems (Lyn Atkins) and

CALM contractors from September 2001 to December 2002. Landsat TM satellite images

and aerial photographs were used to identify and map the boundaries of a suite of plant

communities or patches present in each remnant (see Figures 5 and 6). Each remnant was

visited to confirm the accuracy of patch boundaries assigned from Landsat images and

describe the vegetation associations present. Patch boundaries were then digitised using

hand-drawn maps prepared during this ground-truthing process. The different associations

(patches) identified were assigned to broader vegetation association classes (Section


Bird habitat boundaries of heath/shrub/mallee and woodland were derived from

vegetation association boundaries. Landscape variables of remnant area, habitat patch

area, and distance to nearest bird-occupied remnant were obtained from GIS calculations

of the digitised remnants (ArcView GIS version 8.2, 2002). Bird and vegetation survey


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

data were linked to the remnant vegetation dataset which facilitated spatial analysis of all

data (Figure 7).

A range of other data were collected during these surveys, including dominant plant

species present, topographic position, soil type and disturbance, vegetation strata

(percentage projective foliage cover and shrub height), ground microhabitat (fallen

timber, leaf litter, rocky outcrops), weediness, tree health, logging and grazing history,

and intactness of understorey (Figure 8). This information enabled a remnant condition

score to be calculated for most surveyed remnants (Section 3.4).

Figures 5 (left) and 6 (right): Figure 5 shows a Landsat TM image of a remnant (BM313 – 140 ha) - the dark areas are shrubland and the bright green areas are mallee/ mixed woodland; contrast this with Figure 6 - an aerial photograph of the same remnant but with less distinct delineation between woodland and shrubland associations.


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

Figure 7: An example of the bird and vegetation survey data as applied to a specific remnant (BM428 – 56 ha of Gimlet woodland, mallee and shrubland, Wubin-Gunyidi Road).

±0 0.5 10.25 km

Vegetation Association

Gimlet Woodland

Mallee with understorey

Tamma Wodjil Melaleuca shrublands

Bird List Common Bronzewing Crested Pigeon Galah Long-billed Corella Australian Ringneck Variegated Fairy-wren Striated Pardalote Weebill Western Gerygone Inland Thornbill Chestnut-rumped Thornbill Yellow-rumped Thornbill Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater Yellow-throated Miner Singing Honeyeater Brown-headed Honeyeater Brown Honeyeater White-fronted Honeyeater Red-capped Robin Southern Scrub-robin White-browed Babbler Rufous Whistler Grey Shrike-thrush Willie Wagtail White-winged Triller Pied Butcherbird Tree Martin

Figure 8: A sample vegetation survey datasheet used in the Buntine-Marchagee Catchment study.


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

The second vegetation sampling approach used in this study was quadrat-based floristic

surveys. A total of 162 quadrats (10x10 m) were placed in 66 bird-surveyed remnants

across the catchment. All perennial plant species present in each quadrat were recorded,

together with data on percentage projective foliage cover, shrub height, soil type, and

vegetation strata attributes. This information was collected to help characterise the

structural complexity and floristic composition of bird habitat in the study area.


2.3.1. Development and application of the focal species approach

In Australia, the focal species approach has been principally applied in agricultural

landscapes such as the Western Australian wheatbelt (Lambeck 1998, 1999; Frost et al.

1999; Brooker et al. 2001a, b; Brooker et al. 2002; Parsons et al. 2003; current study),

ACT/NSW southern tablelands (Freudenberger 1999; Watson et al. 2001) and NSW

southwest slopes (Freudenberger 2001). Birds have been the target taxon for these

applications, primarily because they are relatively easy to detect, identify and

systematically survey.

The focal species approach as used in this project has been refined from Lambeck’s

earlier work conducted by CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems (see Lambeck 1997; Lambeck

1998; Brooker et al. 2001a, b; Brooker et al. 2002; Parsons et al. 2003). The original aim

of the approach was to “define the attributes required to meet the needs of the biota in a

landscape” (Lambeck, 1997). There have been several in-depth reviews of the focal

species approach and its application in both eastern and western Australian landscapes

(see Brooker 2002; Lambeck 2002; Lindenmayer et al. 2002; Lindenmayer and Fischer

2003; Maron and Lill submitted ms).

The focal species approach involves assessing the threatening processes for a given area

and then selecting a number of “focal species” that are most sensitive to these threats.

Commonly these threats include habitat loss, habitat fragmentation, habitat degradation

from livestock grazing, predation from introduced predators and fire (in this study, we

consider the loss of remnant condition or quality – see below). By focusing on the most


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

sensitive species, it is assumed that the needs of all other species (i.e. those who are less

sensitive to the given threats) present in the landscape are also met. The group of species

selected whose combined needs address the threats identified have been termed a “focal

community” (sensu Brooker 2002).

2.3.2. Focal species analysis procedure

Identify threats In agricultural landscapes of Western Australia the major threats to the persistence of

native plants and animals are the loss, modification and fragmentation of habitat, the loss

of critical resources, and inappropriate rates and intensities of ecological processes such

as fire, nutrient cycling and predation (Saunders et al. 1991; Lambeck 1997). In Buntine-

Marchagee Catchment three threats that apply specifically to birds were addressed during

the focal species analysis. These are:

• Insufficient habitat size;

• Isolation of habitat and lack of habitat connectivity; and

• Degradation of habitat (ie. loss of condition).

Insufficient habitat size: Each breeding unit of animals requires some minimum area of

habitat in which to obtain essential life cycle resources. Fragmentation of the agricultural

landscape in Western Australia has drastically reduced the amount of habitat available for

fauna breeding, foraging and refuge over the past century to a point where single blocks

of remnant bushland are not sufficient to support a viable population of some animal

species (see Arnold and Weeldenberg 1998; Cale 1999, 2003; Brooker and Brooker


For some taxa such as invertebrates, the minimum required area of habitat may be small

and consequently they may be relatively unaffected by habitat fragmentation. For others

such as mammals, their total area requirements may be considerably larger. However, if

fauna are able to move over greater distances they may be able to utilise several remnants

to satisfy their daily requirements and therefore tolerate higher levels of habitat

fragmentation (see, for example, Loyn 1987; Lindenmayer 1993; Radford et al. submitted

ms). Species between these two extremes will be most affected by habitat fragmentation.


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

That is, species that are greater in size than invertebrates and require more resources but

are unable or unwilling to move between remnants to access these resources (see St. Clair

et al. 1998; Cale 1999; Huggett 2000). The daily resource requirements of these small-

and medium-sized sedentary species often need to be obtained from within a single

remnant (see Huggett 2000; Lambeck 2002). Therefore, focal species limited by habitat

size will be those organisms with an insufficient area of intact habitat to meet their daily

resource requirements.

Isolation of habitat and lack of habitat connectivity: Although some species may have

sufficient habitat for their daily resource requirements, this habitat can be too isolated to

support a viable population in the long-term. That is, the population may be too far away

from others for recruitment of new dispersing individuals into the breeding stock. Focal

species limited by isolation will be those with the least ability to travel long distances (see

Brooker et al. 1999). Other species may be able to travel long distances between remnants

only if those remnants are not separated by a matrix that is too hostile to permit movement

(Law and Dickman 1998; St. Clair et al. 1998; Fahrig 2001), such as pasture or cropping

land. Dispersal-limited species will require increased connectivity between habitat patches

through the provision of native vegetation of suitable configuration and structure to

facilitate their movement between these patches (Ford et al. 1995; Bennett 1999; van der

Ree 2002; van der Ree et al. 2004).

Degradation of habitat: Prime causal factors implicated in the degradation of habitat in

agricultural landscapes include grazing, inappropriate fire regimes and secondary salinity

(Saunders and Briggs 2002). These factors often result in the modification of habitat in a

way that is deleterious to many species. Signs that a remnant is in poor condition may

include the absence of a natural understorey and fallen timber, disturbed soil without a

significant litter cover, high weed density, and absence of regeneration of native species.

Identify the focal species Birds were used as the target taxon for identifying focal species in this study. The reasons

birds were selected in preference to other taxa include:

• A relatively diverse and abundant avifauna is still present within the wheatbelt,

unlike other taxa such as mammals (Woinarski and Braithwaite 1990);


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

• Birds are relatively easy to survey compared to other taxa (Watson et al. 2001)

and can often be readily identified by the non-scientific community;

• Many birds are placed toward the top of the food chain and should theoretically

encompass the needs of a wide range of lower order taxa (Freudenberger 1999).

However, there is a need for further evaluation of the applicability of the focal species

approach to other fauna (see Parsons et al. 2003; Section 5 of this study). In this study we

assume only that satisfying the habitat requirements of the focal bird species will also

meet the needs of the associated (heath/shrub/mallee and woodland) bird communities.

Whether the resultant landscape design will benefit birds of other habitats such as

farmland and water bodies or nocturnal birds or birds that were too scarce to include in

the analysis is unknown.

Bird species used in the analysis involved only strictly resident species identified by

Saunders and Ingram (1995) as "decliners", excluding farmland species, waterbirds and

nocturnal birds (Section 3.2). This group of 42 bird species are termed "focal species

candidates". All focal species candidates were then divided into generalists,

heath/shrub/mallee specialists, and woodland specialists for the purposes of the analysis.

This division was based largely on expert opinion with presence/absence data from

Buntine-Marchagee Catchment assisting in this process where the species preference was


Quantify their requirements To complete the focal species analysis three key landscape attributes were calculated for

each remnant within the study area. These are remnant area, habitat patch size, habitat

patch isolation, and remnant condition. Calculation of habitat patch isolation distance (ie.

distance to nearest bird-occupied patch) was species-specific and involved four steps:

• All 316 remnants surveyed for birds were mapped for the presence of each of 18

candidate focal bird species selected from the original list of 42 species (see


• A visual assessment of the spatial distribution of remnants and habitat patches was

undertaken to determine the location of remnants and patches in the eastern and


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

western sectors of the study area relative to other native vegetation bordering these


• Distance to nearest bird-occupied habitat patch was calculated from GIS data for

all remnants surveyed for birds in the study area;

• These isolation values were used to plot predicted probability of occurrence curves

for the focal bird species.

Remnant condition was estimated using a scoring system that recorded the percentage

projective foliage cover of trees, shrubs, herbs, and weeds, percentage litter cover,

presence of fallen timber, and grazing history in each remnant (Table 1). This was

undertaken for woodland, heathland/shrubland, and mallee habitats. Cover values were

estimated in the field using ‘Muir’ classes for each of these habitat patch types in each

remnant. Field data was therefore obtained at patch level and condition was assessed on a

remnant basis using total patch area proportionate to remnant size. Weightings were

applied to reflect the relative importance of specific attributes such as tree and shrub

cover, litter and fallen logs as habitat for birds. Three classes of condition were used –

poor (0-9.9 points), moderate (10-12.9 points), and good (13-22 points).

Table 1: Estimation of remnant condition using a weighted scoring system in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment. Weightings are applied as multipliers to primary scores for attributes.

Primary score Attribute 0 1 2 3

Secondary score (weighting)

Tree cover

<2%, 2-10%

10-30% 30-70%, stressed or dead

30-70%, healthy

X2 (woodland)

Shrub cover <2% 2-10% 10-30% 30-70%, >70%

X2 (shrub/heath)

Litter cover <2% 2-10% 10-30% 30-70%, >70%

X2 (all associations)

Fallen timber Absent Some Present Perennial grasses/herbs

<2% 2-10% 10-30% 30-70%, >70%

Weed cover >50% 10-50% <10%

Grazing history current Past (+15 yr)

nil X1.5 (all associations)


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

2.3.3. Statistical analysis

The effects of landscape attributes (remnant area, habitat patch size, patch isolation

distance, and remnant condition) on the occurrence of individual bird species were

analysed using generalised linear models (Aitkin et al. 1990; GenStat® 2002). The

presence/absence of each bird species was modeled using multiple logistic regression

(logit link function), assuming binomially distributed errors (Aitkin et al. 1990). In order

to quantify the requirements of the focal species, the variable of interest was modeled

independently. Change in deviance from the mean was obtained for each variable

modeled to indicate the spread or dispersion of results around the centre of the distribution

(see Zar 1999). Change in deviance from the mean was used to assess the significance of

the effect of adding a variable to the model.

The regression models for each bird species were then used to generate probability of

occurrence curves, from which the most critical species (the focal species) was identified

and its requirements quantified. For all threats, a 10% probability of occurrence was

defined as a target or benchmark. Focal species were excluded from analysis if they

occurred in less than ten remnants (i.e. less than 10 records) within the study area.


2.4.1. Designing landscapes for birds and people

Identifying focal bird species and acquiring knowledge of their landscape, biology,

ecology and habitat requirements provide one basis for habitat restoration and landscape

re-construction efforts in fragmented agricultural systems (Parsons et al. 2003;

Freudenberger and Brooker 2004). In Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, this information

was used to develop a landscape design to protect and enhance existing habitat and

increase its connectedness and condition at the property and catchment scales.

A key criterion for the landscape design was practicality. The design needed to be capable

of being adopted and implemented by Buntine-Marchagee farmers under sustainable farm

business management principles and practices (see NACC 2004; Bennett and Mac Nally

in press). This required the design to be flexible, innovative and considerate of existing

economic, social and environmental factors and the interplay between these elements,


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

especially in a landscape of increasing secondary salinity and ongoing loss of productive

agricultural land (see Cocks 2003; Halse et al. 2003; NACC 2004). Therefore, newly

gained focal species knowledge was applied in such a way that was appropriate to the

expectations and goals of the local community. This knowledge has produced a landscape

design that builds on the achievements of earlier revegetation efforts in the catchment

through relatively simple actions that are capable of being translated into environmental

and farm productivity benefits (Section 5).

Figure 9 presents a schematic overview of the landscape design process undertaken in this

study. This procedure suggests rather than prescribes a landscape design for configuring

the Buntine-Marchagee landscape using knowledge of the requirements of the focal bird

species. In doing so, the design recognises that a landscape may be organised in countless

ways to cater for a wide range of different land management objectives, values and

outcomes. This design deals with a selected number of threats for a specific group of bird

species. It aims to deliver spatially explicit recommendations to protect and enhance

remnant native vegetation and improve habitat connectedness and condition.

2.4.2. The landscape design procedure

The landscape design procedure used in this study comprises ten key steps modified from

Brooker (2002). These encompass four domains of landscape design using the focal

species approach – focal species analysis, landscape design, community consultation, and

implementation. These are outlined below:

Step 1: Determine the aim of revegetation and habitat protection

The aim of revegetation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment was to retain the avian

diversity (species richness) that currently occurs in the catchment.

Step 2: Identify threats

Three specific threats were targeted in this study: insufficient habitat, habitat isolation and

habitat degradation (condition).


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

Step 3: Quantify the requirements of the focal species candidates

This step involved investigating how each focal species candidate was affected by the

above threats. Minimum habitat requirements for candidate focal species were defined as

the remnant area, habitat patch size, habitat patch isolation, and remnant condition at

which each species had a modelled 10% probability of occurrence.

Step 4: Select focal species for each threat

The focal species chosen were those that were most sensitive to the threats operating

within the catchment at a 10% probability level. Note that only species that are still

present within the catchment were selected.


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

Figure 9: The focal species approach used to design a landscape for bird conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment.

Quantify the requirements of focal species candidates

Assess patch connectedness within


Choose core remnants

Select neighbourhoods within close proximity

to each other for joining

Create patch neighbourhoods

Select areas with poor connectedness

Increase connectedness using corridors

Join neighbourhoods using stepping stones of new habitat; where possible, enlarge small

(<31 ha) remnants

Identify remnants with inadequate habitat condition scores

Prioritise remnants for habitat management

Implement final design

Focal Species Analysis

Determine the aim of revegetation and habitat protection To retain the existing bird fauna of Buntine-Marchagee Catchment

Landscape Design

Community Consultation


Formulate draft landscape design

Complete each of these three procedures

Remnant management CorridorsStepping Stones

Create patch neighbourhoods

Woodland birds Patch size

Patch isolation Condition

Heath/shrub/mallee birds Patch size

Patch isolation Condition

Generalist birds Remnant area


Identify threats Insufficient habitat size

Isolation of habitat and lack of habitat connectivity Degradation of habitat (condition)

Select focal species for each threat

Assess remnant areas Assess habitat patch sizes and isolation

‘Road-test’ the landscape design. Use feedback from landholders and land managers to “fine-tune” design

Audit and review


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

Step 5: Assess habitat patch sizes

The patch size requirements of the habitat specialist focal species were used to identify

suitable patches to act as core habitat used in the formation of neighbourhoods. The

remnant size requirements of the habitat generalist focal species were used to identify

suitable remnants to target for habitat management. For each habitat patch type

(heath/shrub/mallee and woodland), neighbourhoods were created by extending a buffer

around core habitat at a distance specified by the requirements of the focal species most

sensitive to isolation.

Step 6: Create stepping stones

Stepping stones were created to link neighbourhoods within the study area. The area or

size of these stepping stones was greater than or equal to the minimum size requirement

for the focal species most sensitive to habitat patch size. They were placed in areas where

neighbourhoods could be linked using one stepping stone only. The stepping stones were

also preferentially placed in areas that built on existing habitat, made use of fence-lines

and were not at risk to salinity.

Step 7: Create potential corridors

A computer dispersal simulation model was used to assess connectedness between all

nearest-neighbour patches (see Brooker et al. 2001a, b). Linkages where dispersal success

of the ‘hypothetical’ bird was less than 50% and less than 750 m in length (length

determined using expert opinion) were targeted for corridor creation. The objective of the

planned corridors was to increase the connectedness of existing remnants within each

neighbourhood. The corridors were also preferentially placed in areas that built on

existing habitat and made use of fence-lines and roadside vegetation.

Step 8: Protect and manage existing remnants

Remnants targeted for habitat management were those that formed core habitat for the

most sensitive generalist focal bird species. These remnants were then prioritised based on

the requirements of the focal species most sensitive to habitat degradation. All remnants

with a condition score less than that required by the focal species were identified as being

of highest priority for management. Remnant management may include actions such as

fencing, weed control and rehabilitation of rubbish dumps.


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

Step 9: Use feedback from landholders and land managers to ‘road-test’ the

landscape design

Catchment landholders and land managers were encouraged to assess and contribute to

the draft landscape design (Section 2.5). This aimed to ensure the inclusion of stakeholder

issues and concerns regarding the impact of the draft landscape design on farm production

costs, water use, roading, capital costs associated with new fencing, tree and shrub

planting, pest control, and long-term biodiversity conservation and sustainable farm

management planning.

Step10: Implement final design

A plan for implementing the landscape design was formulated that contained stepping

stones, corridors and remnants identified for habitat management. These suggestions were

developed using the requirements of focal bird species as well as practical information

offered by landholders and land managers. Provisions for auditing and review of the

performance of this plan were made.


Effective participatory involvement by communities in the design, implementation and

performance monitoring of biodiversity conservation plans is an essential feature of

sustainable natural resource management (ANZECC 2001; Environment Australia 2001).

However, the uptake of landscape designs and indeed most decision support tools

formulated by research agencies for landholders has been poor (McCown et al. 2002). We

therefore sought to engage landholders and land managers in the formulation of the

Buntine-Marchagee draft landscape design. Previous landscape designs derived from the

focal species approach have been heavily theoretically based. Also, they have not

provided examples of specific suggested sites for strategic revegetation or the opportunity

to negotiate these with the landholders being asked to implement them.

The landscape design for Buntine-Marchagee Catchment sought to provide landholders

with actual examples of where to consider undertaking revegetation on their properties.

Emphasis was placed on supplying landholders with a flexible yet strategic suite of

revegetation and habitat restoration options to achieve biodiversity benefits for their

enterprise and address pressing land management issues such as habitat loss and


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

fragmentation, salinity mitigation, pest management, and soil erosion control. The design

had to be easy to understand, implement and modify according to changing farm

management priorities.

To facilitate this process, we held a workshop and field day for landholders in conjunction

with CALM’s Buntine-Marchagee Recovery Catchment team in October 2003 at Coorow.

Each landholder had the opportunity to inspect the draft landscape design as it applied to

their property and suggest practical improvements in line with farm operational

constraints, biodiversity conservation goals, and other sustainable land management

planning initiatives. Landholders were able to contribute to the landscape design and their

ideas were captured at the workshop, using SMART Board™ technology (Smart

Technologies Inc. 2003; Figure 10). These ideas and suggestions were later incorporated

into the final landscape design.

An important feature of the draft landscape design was the reason behind the making of a

specific recommendation. Provided this was clearly understood by the landholder, viable

alternatives could be suggested that may still fulfil the objective. In the example below,

the goal of the proposed potential corridor was to increase connectivity among existing

remnants for dispersal-limited bird species. An alternative site was suggested and

included in the final design that connected remnants of approximately equal size and

condition with less impact on the effective operation of the farm.

A comprehensive range of other communication activities and products were delivered

during this study. These are detailed in Appendix 1.


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

Figure 10: Capturing landholder input to improve the draft landscape design – re-locating a proposed potential corridor. The red corridor in the centre of the image was deemed unsuitable by the landholder on cost and livestock water access grounds. An alternative location for the proposed corridor was suggested on the right of the image. Notes on fencing are also illustrated.


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia



A total of 503 remnants of native vegetation were delineated in Buntine-Marchagee

Catchment. These varied in size from 1 ha to 3,808 ha (Buntine Nature Reserve). The

median size of remnants was 11 ha, with a mean of 44.5 ha, or 37 ha if Buntine Nature

Reserve was excluded. Figure 11 shows the distribution of remnant size classes within the


Figure 11: Distribution of remnant size classes in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment.

Remnant size class (ha)

0-25 26-50 51-75 76-100 101-200 201-500 501-4000


l are

a of


e cl








n = 64

n = 365

n = 20n = 17

n = 19

n = 13

n = 5

Remnant native vegetation comprised about 12.3% of the total catchment area (181,008

ha). Of this, shrubland bird habitat (i.e. heathland, shrubland and mallee associations)

occupied about 71% (15,775 ha) of total remnant area (22,340 ha), and woodland bird

habitat (mainly York Gum, Salmon Gum, Gimlet and Banksia/woody pear vegetation

associations) comprised about 26% (5,770 ha). In addition, 13,500 ha of land in the

catchment was saline wetland. This consisted of saline flats, samphire vegetation, and

saline and brackish lakes.


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia


3.2.1. Area searches

Bird presence/absence data was obtained for all of the 316 remnants that were surveyed in

Buntine-Marchagee Catchment. A total of 110 bird species were recorded in the

catchment during this study. Eighteen of the 42 focal species candidates were present

while 17 candidate species were not recorded (Appendix 2). These included several

woodland birds used as focal species for other catchments such as Jacky Winter Microeca

fascinans, Varied Sittella Daphoenositta chrysoptera, and Rufous Treecreeper

Climacteris rufa. A further seven species were unable to be used in the focal species

analysis because less than ten records of each of these species were obtained during the

surveys. These are Malleefowl Leipoa ocellata, Blue-breasted Fairy-wren Malurus

pulcherrimus, Shy Heathwren Hylacola cauta, Rufous Fieldwren Calamanthus

campestris, White-eared Honeyeater Lichenostomus leucotis, Golden Whistler

Pachycephala pectoralis, and Grey Currawong Strepera versicolor.

A total of 18,068 individual birds were recorded during area searches and point-count

transects (see below) undertaken in September and October 2002 (Table 2). The most

common species recorded were the Galah Cacatua roseicapilla followed by the Red-

capped Robin Petroica goodenovii (Plate 1). On five occasions, more than 100 galahs

were counted in a single survey in woodland. The next highest count was the Brown

Honeyeater Lichmera indistincta with 91 records for a remnant consisting largely of

Banksia woodland on the western side of the catchment.

3.2.2. Point-count transects

Transect-based point-count surveys across a major saline drainage channel suggested that

in spring/summer few bird species were using these areas as habitat or for moving

between remnants in the northern and southern sectors of the catchment. However,

increased replication of point-count survey effort across all seasons, under different

rainfall regimes, and in different parts of the saline drainage network is needed before

conclusions can be drawn on the utility of these systems to birds in the study area.


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

Table 2: Relative abundance of selected bird species recorded in September-October 2002 in the study area. Mean count includes records where the species was present only.

Status Species Total count Mean count Max. count

Increasers Galah Cacatua roseicapilla

2,874 21 190

Red-capped Robin Petroica goodenovii

1,064 6 22

Yellow-rumped Thornbill Acanthiza chrysorrhoa

1,012 6 24

Australian Ringneck Barnadius zonarius

918 6 35

Decliners Brown-headed Honeyeater Melithreptus brevirostris

129 3.5 12

Southern Scrub-robin Drymodes brunneopygia

67 2 7

Grey Butcherbird Cracticus torquatus

32 1.5 3

Red Wattlebird Anthochaera carunculata

24 2 5

Rare Shy Heathwren Hylacola cauta

5 1 1

Malleefowl Leipoa ocellata

4 1 1

Rufous Fieldwren Calamanthus campestris

1 1 1

A comparison of the species richness and relative abundance of focal bird candidates

along transects through the saline channel revealed that, relative to survey effort (ie.

number of points surveyed), York Gum with Jam or mallee, shrublands, and mallee with

understorey were occupied by more focal bird species candidates than other vegetation

communities in the study area (Figure 12). These communities also supported more

individuals of focal and non-focal bird species from a wider taxonomic range than other

communities such as samphire vegetation and salt pans.

Of the 18 focal bird species surveyed in the study area, only one (Red-capped Robin) was

found in salt pan vegetation. Five different focal bird species candidates were observed in

samphire communities however none of these species are threatened, rare or sparsely

distributed in the catchment. These species represented a subset of birds recorded in

nearby shrubland, mallee and woodland habitats. No wading birds were recorded in the

salt pans or samphire vegetation. The birds selected as the focal species for the study area

(see Section 3.4) were absent from both samphire and salt pan vegetation. This contrasted


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

with other vegetation communities such as Mallee with understorey which contained two

of the four focal species (Brown-headed Honeyeater Melithreptus brevirostris ssp.

leucogenys [Plate 2] and Grey Butcherbird Cracticus torquatus), and shrublands (Grey

Butcherbird). It was not possible to determine from the results of these surveys whether

there are bird species threatened by the spread of secondary salinity.

Plate 1: A pair of Red-capped Robins Petroica goodenovii at nest. This species was one of the most abundant birds in the catchment during 2001-2002. The adult male is to the right of the female. Photograph courtesy Bert and Babs Wells, CALM.

Plate 2: A Brown-headed Honeyeater Melithreptus brevirostris ssp. leucogenys tending to its young. This species was observed in mallee with understorey during point-count surveys in the study area in 2002. Photograph courtesy Bert and Babs Wells, CALM.


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

3.2.3. Birds of conservation significance

Several birds of conservation significance were recorded in Buntine-Marchagee

Catchment during this study. Of these, a single Rufous Fieldwren was observed in a large

privately owned remnant of intact heathland and shrubland in the southwest of the

catchment (BM448, about 1,400 ha). This species has not been recorded in the catchment

since 1976 (Dell 1979) and is known to be patchily distributed across its geographical

range (Barrett et al. 2003). The Shy Heathwren was observed in five remnants of mostly

low heathy shrubland, including Buntine Nature Reserve and four privately owned

remnants. The nationally endangered Malleefowl Leipoa ocellata was observed in 11

different remnants in mainly the north/northeastern and southwestern parts of the

catchment, with most birds located in Melaleuca and Allocasuarina shrubland (Plates 3

and 4).

Other species of local and regional conservation significance observed in the study area

belong to a cohort of birds that are declining or at risk of population decline across the

WA wheatbelt (Saunders and Ingram 1995; Johnstone and Storr 1998). These include

Southern Scrub-robin, Redthroat, Crested Bellbird, Western Yellow Robin, Grey

Butcherbird, Brown-headed Honeyeater, Australian Bustard Ardeotis australis, Red-

tailed Black-Cockatoo Calyptorhynchus banksii, Short-billed Black-Cockatoo C.

latirostris, Blue-breasted Fairy-wren Malurus pulcherrimus, Red Wattlebird, Tawny-

crowned Honeyeater Phylidonyris melanops, White-fronted Honeyeater P. albifrons, and

Golden Whistler Pachycephala pectoralis.


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

Plate 3: An active Malleefowl mound. This mound was discovered in dense Melaleuca shrubland in the northern part of the catchment.

Plate 4: Malleefowl Leipoa ocellata – a nationally threatened species that can be found in parts of Buntine-Marchagee Catchment. Photograph courtesy Bert and Babs Wells, CALM.


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

Figure 12: Variation in the relative abundance and species richness of land birds surveyed along transects across a saline drainage channel in September 2002 in the study area. Note that the only focal species candidate observed in salt pan was the Red-capped Robin, the second most abundant bird species surveyed in the study area. The number in brackets beside each species is the total number of individuals of the species that was recorded in the habitat type.

Mallee with understorey4 points surveyed19 species (44 individuals)including:Common Bronzewing (1)Red-capped Robin (3)Rufous Whistler (1)Weebill (11)Chestnut-rumped Thornbill (3)Variegated fairy-wren (5)Brown-headed Honeyeater (1)Grey Butcherbird (2)

Mallee without understorey1 point surveyed2 species (3 individuals):Singing Honeyeater (2)Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater (1)

Shrublands(Melaleuca/Acacia/Tamma/Wodjil)19 points surveyed28 species (171 individuals)including :Common Bronzewing (1)Red-capped Robin (16)Rufous Whistler (1)Grey Shrike-thrush (3)Weebill (8)Redthroat (2)Grey Butcherbird (1)

Samphire vegetation8 points surveyed17 species (56 individuals)including:Red-capped Robin (1)Rufous Whistler (1)Weebill (2)Variegated Fairy-wren (3)Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater (1)

Salt pan (little or no vegetation)6 points surveyed7 species (23 individuals)including:Red-capped Robin (1)

York gum with Jam or Mallee5 points surveyed20 species (68 individuals)including:Common Bronzewing (2)Red-capped Robin (5)Rufous Whistler (2)Grey Shrike-thrush (2)Weebill (11)Chestnut-rumped Thornbill (4)Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater (2)

Mixed woodland1 point surveyed8 species (16 individuals)including:Rufous Whistler (1)Grey Shrike-thrush (1)Weebill (3)Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater (1)


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia


3.3.1. Vegetation association classes and floristics

A total of 24 different classes or groupings of native vegetation associations were defined

in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment using the results of the vegetation surveying work

(Figure 13). Each of these classes was derived from six broad vegetation formations -

heathland, shrubland, sedgeland, grassland, woodland and wetland.

Figure 13: Native vegetation association classes or groupings and their relationships in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment. Note that the samphire class includes halophytic vegetation associated with bush remnants rather than samphire vegetation that occurs in paddocks.

Shrubland is the main vegetation formation occurring in the study area (14,676 ha),

followed by woodland (3,423 ha), mallee (3,161 ha), samphire (390 ha), and heathland

(335 ha). The remaining formations are other vegetation such as sedgeland (212 ha),

native grassland (20 ha), and wetland (12 ha). Appendix 3 provides illustrated

descriptions of each vegetation association class in the study area and the number of

remnants supporting each class.


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

Detailed quadrat-based floristic surveys in 66 bird-surveyed remnants in the study area

provided data on perennial plant species composition, structural diversity, habitat

complexity, and soil type. Appendix 4 lists all perennial plant species recorded in each of

the 162 quadrats placed in this survey. Data on floristic composition, vegetation structural

complexity, and environmental attributes are held by CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems in a

separate MS Access database.

Appendix 5 displays GIS maps of native vegetation associations together with bird

species recorded in each remnant surveyed in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment. This

comprehensive integration of vegetation and bird data provides the basis for the focal

species analysis and subsequent landscape design (Sections 3.4 and 3.5). It is also a

valuable resource for landholders and catchment managers to discover what bird species

and vegetation types occur on specific properties in the catchment.

3.3.2. Conservation status

Most native plant species and communities in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment are

relatively common and occur elsewhere in the Western Australian wheatbelt. However,

there are a number of rare and priority plants in the study area and these require special

consideration in property planning and management activities. These are outlined below.

There are currently 26 known rare or threatened plant taxa (species, subspecies, varieties

and hybrids) in the study area (CALM, 2004) (Plate 5). Twelve of these taxa are classified

as Declared Rare Flora (DRF), five are termed Priority One (ie. poorly known but with

few populations, at least some of which are under threat), one is Priority Two (ie. poorly

known but with few populations, some of which are not considered to be under immediate

threat), eight are Priority Three (ie. poorly known but with several populations, some of

which are not under immediate threat), and one is Priority Four (ie. rare but not

threatened) species.

Current CALM native vegetation protection policies prohibit the disclosure of the specific

location of these plants. Landholders with populations of DRF taxa are usually aware of

their presence and measures are taken to protect the plants. DRF taxa are native plants

considered to be rare and threatened, that is they are in danger of extinction within 10-20


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

years if current threatening processes continue. Of the 12 known DRF taxa in the

catchment, two species - Caladenia drakeoides and Ptilotus fasciculatus occur

exclusively near salt lakes and are therefore threatened by rising saline watertables. A

further two Priority One taxa - Acacia trinalis and Gnephosis setifera and two Priority

Three taxa - Sarcocornia globosa and Triglochin stowardii also occur near salt lakes in

the catchment.

Plate 5: A Declared Rare plant in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment

In the current study only one new discovery of a Declared Rare species - Acacia

recurvata - previously known only from well north of the catchment - was made.

However, surveys made numerous discoveries of new populations of the Priority Four

species, Banksia benthamiana.

There are no known Threatened Ecological Communities (TECs, or naturally occurring,

habitat-specific biological assemblages under threat) in the study area. However, the

catchment features a number of freshwater and brackish natural lakes that are potential

TECs given the diversity of aquatic invertebrate life present and the burgeoning threat to

these systems posed by secondary salinity (Davis et al. 2003; Halse et al. 2003). Also,

there are some granite outcrops supporting a diverse suite of proteaceous and myrtaceous

shrubs and trees providing nectar and insects for nomadic honeyeaters such as White-

fronted Honeyeater Phylidonyris albifrons and Tawny-crowned Honeyeater P. melanops

that were recorded in relatively low numbers during this study. More information on

TECs is available from


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

In Buntine-Marchagee Catchment some native vegetation associations are of particular

local and regional importance to birds. ‘Banksia/Woody Pear shrubland’ supplies an

important source of nectar for honeyeaters in late summer and autumn when other food

supplies are scarce or depleted. The ‘mallee with understorey’ and woodlands with

understorey associations provide critical cover and nesting resources for the nationally

threatened Malleefowl. Several declining WA wheatbelt bird species such as Western

Yellow Robin Eopsaltria griseogularis, Redthroat Pyrrholaemus brunneus, Crested

Bellbird Oreoica gutturalis, and Southern Scrub-robin Drymodes brunneopygia depend

on intact shrubland, mallee and woodland habitats that occur especially in the

southwestern and north/northeastern parts of the catchment (see Sections 3.4 and 3.5).

‘River Red Gum woodland’ is an uncommon vegetation association that has been

substantially reduced in area by land clearing and salinisation of lakes in the catchment.

These woodlands often have areas of standing fresh or brackish water which provide

important regional drought refuges for waterbirds, including in some instances,

international migratory waders (Halse et al. 1993; Barrett et al. 2003). They provide quite

unique wetland habitats for amphibians, reptiles, invertebrates and other fauna in the



3.4.1. Candidate focal bird species

Eighteen of the 42 candidate focal bird species were included in the initial stages of the

focal species analysis (Table 3). A further seven species - Malleefowl, Blue-breasted

Fairy-wren, Shy Heathwren, Rufous Fieldwren, White-eared Honeyeater, Golden

Whistler and Grey Currawong - were not used in the analysis because of insufficient

records of occurrence. Broad habitat preferences were assigned to each candidate focal

species on the basis of expert knowledge of the ecology of the species.


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

Table 3: Candidate focal bird species used in the focal species analysis in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, showing the number of records of occurrence obtained from surveys undertaken in this study and the broad habitat preferences of each species

Species Records Preferred habitat

Grey Butcherbird Cracticus torquatus

30 Generalist

Western Yellow Robin Eopsaltria griseogularis

32 Generalist

Common Bronzewing Phaps chalcoptera

109 Generalist

Rufous Whistler Pachycephala rufiventris

127 Generalist

Brown Honeyeater Lichmera indistincta

135 Generalist

Grey Shrike-thrush Colluricincla harmonica

137 Generalist

Weebill Smicrornis brevirostris

190 Generalist

Red-capped Robin Petroica goodenovii

198 Generalist

Red Wattlebird Anthochaera carunculata

23 Woodland

Brown-headed Honeyeater Melithreptus brevirostris ssp. leucogenys

49 Woodland

Inland Thornbill Acanthiza apicalis

94 Woodland

Chestnut-rumped Thornbill Acanthiza uropygialis

99 Woodland

Southern Scrub-robin Drymodes brunneopygia

31 Heath/Shrub/Mallee

Redthroat Pyrrholaemus brunneus

38 Heath/Shrub/Mallee

Crested Bellbird Oreoica gutturalis

50 Heath/Shrub/Mallee

Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater Acanthagenys rufogularis

89 Heath/Shrub/Mallee

White-browed Babbler Pomatostomus superciliosus

124 Heath/Shrub/Mallee

Variegated Fairy-wren Malurus lamberti

160 Heath/Shrub/Mallee


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

3.4.2. Remnant area

Bird species identified as ‘generalists’ in the study area were analysed to determine which

species was most sensitive to the area of entire remnants rather than to the area of habitat

patches. The occurrence of all eight generalist species was significantly related to the

natural log of remnant area, thus indicating the influence of remnant size on the

occurrence of these species in the study area (Table 4).

Table 4: Changes in deviance from the mean for generalist focal species candidates with respect to remnant area


Number of records obtained

Change in deviance

Statistical significance (P)

Grey Butcherbird 30 32.99 <0.001

Common Bronzewing 109 53.30 <0.001

Western Yellow Robin 32 53.90 <0.001

Weebill 190 58.02 <0.001

Red-capped Robin 198 92.75 <0.001

Grey Shrike-thrush 137 109.84 <0.001

Rufous Whistler 127 113.56 <0.001

Brown Honeyeater 135 113.65 <0.001

The Grey Butcherbird was the least tolerant species (Figure 14, Plate 6), requiring

approximately 31 ha of remnant to have a 10% probability of occurrence. The Western

Yellow Robin was the next most sensitive species to remnant area, requiring about 30 ha

of remnant (Plate 7). The Grey Butcherbird was used as the focal species for remnant area

ahead of the Western Yellow Robin because it appeared to be more sensitive to change in

remnant area along the entire curve rather than just at the 10% point (see Figure 14).

Focal species candidates least sensitive to remnant area were Rufous Whistler (4 ha),

Grey Shrike-thrush (3 ha) and Common Bronzewing (2 ha).


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

Figure 14: Predicted probability of occurrence for generalist focal species candidates with respect to remnant area

Remnant Area (ha)

0 100 200 300 400 500



ed P



y of
















Common BronzewingBrown HoneyeaterRufous WhistlerWestern Yellow RobinGrey Butcherbird

Plate 6: Grey Butcherbird Cracticus torquatus – the focal species for remnant area in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment. Photograph courtesy Bert and Babs Wells, CALM.


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

Plate 7: Western Yellow Robin Eopsaltria griseogularis – sensitive to remnant area in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment. Photograph courtesy Bert and Babs Wells, CALM.

3.4.3. Habitat patch size

Two groups of birds with specialised habitat requirements - heath/shrub/mallee and

woodland species - were identified in the study area. These habitat specialists were

analysed to determine which species were most sensitive to change in habitat patch size.

The occurrence of all seven heath/shrub/mallee species was significantly related to the

natural log of heath/shrub/mallee patch size, indicating that the size of heath/shrub/mallee

patches significantly influenced the occurrence of these species in the study area (Table

5). The Blue-breasted Fairy-wren was discarded from further analysis because of

insufficient records (12) and results that did not conform with long-term ecological

knowledge of this species (see Brooker et al. 2001b, 2002; Brooker and Brooker 2002,



Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

Table 5: Changes in deviance from the mean for heath/shrub/mallee focal species candidates with respect to heath/shrub/mallee patch size


Number of records obtained

Change in deviance

Statistical significance (P)

Blue-breasted Fairy-wren 12 19.23 < 0.001

Redthroat 38 73.57 < 0.001

White-browed Babbler 124 76.13 < 0.001

Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater 89 79.97 < 0.001

Southern Scrub-robin 31 86.83 < 0.001

Crested Bellbird 50 89.62 < 0.001

Variegated Fairy-wren 160 95.34 < 0.001

The Southern Scrub-robin was the least tolerant species, requiring approximately 29 ha of

heath/shrub/mallee habitat to have a 10% probability of occurrence (Figure 15 and Plate

8). The Redthroat (20 ha - Plate 9) and Crested Bellbird (15 ha - Plate 10) were the next

most sensitive specialists to heath/shrub/mallee patch size. The least sensitive specialists

were Variegated Fairy-wren and White-browed Babbler (each less than 1 ha), and Spiny-

cheeked Honeyeater (2.5 ha).

Figure 15: Predicted probability of occurrence for specialist focal species candidates with respect to heath/shrub/mallee patch size

Heath/Shrub/Mallee Area (ha)

0 100 200 300 400 500



ed P



y of
















Variegated Fairy-wrenWhite-browed BabblerSpiny-cheeked HoneyeaterCrested BellbirdRedthroatSouthern Scrub-robin


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

Plate 8: Southern Scrub-robin Drymodes brunneopygia - the focal species for heath/shrub/mallee patch size in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment. Photograph courtesy Bert and Babs Wells, CALM.

Plates 9 (left) and 10 (right): Redthroat Pyrrholaemus brunneus (left) and Crested Bellbird Oreoica gutturalis (right) – shrubland specialists sensitive to heath/shrub/mallee patch size in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment. Photographs courtesy Bert and Babs Wells, CALM.


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

Two woodland specialists were found to be moderately sensitive to woodland patch size

in the study area, although further work is needed to confirm this relationship. The Red

Wattlebird, a large aggressive honeyeater with a diverse diet (Johnstone and Storr 1998)

and recorded in this study in Banksia/Woody Pear woodland and other nectar-producing

vegetation, appeared to be sensitive to woodland patch size (Plate 11). It required 31 ha to

have a 10% chance of occurring in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment. The Brown-headed

Honeyeater appeared to need woodland patches of less than 10 ha. A previous study in

Gabbi Quoi Quoi catchment about 80 km to the southeast of Buntine-Marchagee found

that woodland specialists most sensitive to woodland patch size were Varied Sittella (30

ha critical patch size for 10% chance of occurrence), Dusky Woodswallow Artamus

cyanopterus (30 ha), and Grey Currawong (20 ha) (Brooker et al. 2001b).

Plate 11: Red Wattlebird Anthochaera carunculata – a woodland specialist in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment sensitive to woodland patch size. Photograph courtesy Bert and Babs Wells, CALM.

3.4.4. Habitat patch isolation

The habitat specialist species identified above were also analysed to determine which

species were most sensitive to habitat patch isolation. The occurrence of three

heath/shrub/mallee species - Southern Scrub-robin, Redthroat and Crested Bellbird - was

significantly related to the natural log of habitat patch isolation (Table 6). This indicated

that heath/shrub/mallee patch isolation significantly influenced the occurrence of these

species in the study area.


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

Table 6: Changes in deviance from the mean for heath/shrub/mallee focal species candidates with respect to heath/shrub/mallee patch isolation (distance to nearest occupied remnant).

Species Number of records obtained

Change in deviance

Statistical significance (P)

Brown-headed Honeyeater 49 27.33 <0.001 Crested Bellbird 50 19.33 <0.001 Grey Butcherbird 30 0.96 0.328 Redthroat 38 15.09 <0.001 Red Wattlebird 23 5.64 0.017 Southern Scrub-robin 31 18.53 <0.000 Western Yellow Robin 32 0.52 0.472

The Southern Scrub-robin was the least isolation-tolerant species, requiring an occupied

remnant within 1,150 m for a predicted probability of occurrence of 10% (Figure 16). The

Redthroat was the next most sensitive species to heath/shrub/mallee patch isolation (1,500

m), followed by Crested Bellbird (2,400 m).

Only one woodland species responded significantly to change in isolation of woodland

habitat patches. The Brown-headed Honeyeater showed a change in deviance from the

mean. It required an occupied remnant within 1,900 m for a predicted probability of

occurrence of 10% (Figure 17).


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

Figure 16: Predicted probability of occurrence for three heath/shrub/mallee species with respect to distance to nearest occupied remnant.

Isolation distance (m)

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000




of O



e (%











Crested BellbirdRedthroatSouthern Scrub-robin

Figure 17: Predicted probability of occurrence for the woodland specialist Brown-headed Honeyeater with respect to distance to nearest occupied remnant. Confidence intervals of 95% are shown.

Isolation distance (m)

0 1000 2000 3000 4000



ed P



y of










95% confidence intervals

1900 m


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

3.4.5. Remnant condition

The generalist species were analysed to determine which species was most sensitive to the

condition of entire remnants. The occurrence of four generalist species was significantly

related to remnant score (Table 7).

Table 7: Changes in deviance from the mean for generalist focal species candidates with respect to remnant condition.


Number of

records obtained

Change in deviance


significance (P) Western Yellow Robin 32 10.11 0.001

Rufous Whistler 127 16.2 < 0.001

Grey Shrike-thrush 137 23.77 < 0.001

Brown Honeyeater 135 44.88 < 0.001

The Western Yellow Robin was the least tolerant species, requiring remnants with scores

of 13 or greater for a predicted probability of occurrence of 10% (Figure 18). The Brown

Honeyeater was the next most sensitive focal species candidate to remnant condition with

a score of 5.6. Species least sensitive to remnant condition in this analysis were Grey

Shrike-thrush (2.6) and Rufous Whistler (1.1). Figure 19 represents the relationship found

between remnant area and remnant condition in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment.


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

Figure 18: Predicted probability of occurrence for generalist species with respect to remnant condition. Note that Western Yellow Robin is the focal species for remnant condition in this study, requiring a score of 13 or more to have a 10% chance of occurrence.

Remnant Score

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22



ed P



y of
















Grey Shrike-thrushRufous WhistlerBrown HoneyeaterWestern Yellow Robin

Figure 19: Scatter plot showing the relationship between remnant area and remnant condition in Buntine Marchagee Catchment. Remnant condition is represented by habitat score.

Remnant Area

1 10 100 1000


itat S















Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia


3.5.1. Design overview

The landscape design presented in this study seeks to protect and retain the existing

complement of native avifauna in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment. The design provides a

basis for strategically enhancing and re-connecting remnant native vegetation to facilitate

bird movement, dispersal and survival. The long-term conservation planning objective is

to recover bird populations and communities and other biota in the northern Western

Australian wheatbelt (see CALM 2003; Section 5 of this study).

The landscape design is based on the results of the focal species analysis presented in

Section 3.4. These results identified arbitrary ‘thresholds’ or cut-off points (see Fahrig

2002; Radford and Bennett 2004; Huggett submitted ms) in the response of focal bird

species to remnant area, habitat patch size and isolation, and remnant condition. There are

three core elements to the design, namely:

• Creation of ‘stepping stones’ of habitat to link neighbourhoods, utilising existing

remnant native vegetation;

• Creation of linkages to enhance the connectedness of habitat within


• Prioritisation of remnants for habitat protection and management.

3.5.2. Creation of habitat ‘stepping stones’

The spatial and ecological requirements of the habitat specialist focal bird species were

used to plan for new habitat to link neighbourhoods. A neighbourhood in this context is a

set of habitat patches occurring within a specific radius of core habitat, as defined by the

requirements of the focal species. Core habitat in this study is woodland or

heath/shrub/mallee habitat of sufficient size for a focal bird species to have a 10% chance

of occurrence. One way of linking neighbourhoods is to plant ‘stepping stones’ or blocks

or strips of native trees, shrubs, grasses and other ground cover in between the

neighbourhoods (see Brooker et al. 2001b; Turner et al. 2001; Wiens et al. 2002). This

new habitat needs to be inserted in specific locations such as existing remnants (see


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

below) rather than randomly allocated across the landscape and can substantially improve

the level of connectedness and amount of habitat available for fauna use.

The requirements of the Southern Scrub-robin were used to identify areas most suitable

for planting ‘stepping stone’ heath/shrub/mallee habitat. The focal species analysis

revealed that, for Southern Scrub-robins to have a 10% chance of occurrence,

heath/shrub/mallee patches need to be greater than or equal to 29 ha in size and located no

more than 1,150 m apart. The requirements of the Red Wattlebird and Brown-headed

Honeyeater were used to identify areas most suitable for planting new woodland ‘stepping

stones’. The focal species analysis also revealed that, for the Red Wattlebird to have a

10% chance of occurrence, woodland patches must be greater than or equal to 31 ha in

size. The Brown-headed Honeyeater needed these patches to be within 1,900 m of each

other or less.

The delineation of these arbitrary ‘thresholds’ or benchmarks allowed identification of

core habitat, i.e. patches larger than 29 ha for heath/shrub/mallee and more than 31 ha for

woodland. A total of 12,730 ha (88 patches) of core heath/shrub/mallee habitat and 3,854

ha (41 patches) of core woodland habitat were identified. Neighbourhoods were then

created for each of these habitats by extending a theoretical line out from all core habitat

at a distance equal to the benchmark set by the most isolation-sensitive focal species

(Figure 20).

More neighbourhoods were created through this process for heath/shrub/mallee than for

woodland. This was because substantially more heath/shrub/mallee habitat (18,172 ha)

occurs in the catchment than does woodland (3,423 ha). It also reflects a higher sensitivity

to isolation (and shorter distances from core habitat) displayed by heath/shrub/mallee

focal bird species than woodland focal species in this study (Figures 21 and 22).


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

Figure 20: An example of a habitat patch neighbourhood in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment.

0 2 41km


Core Habitat

Core Habitat

Core Habitat

Small patch

Small patch

Isolation distance

Once the neighbourhoods were created, ‘stepping stones’ of new habitat were placed

between neighbourhoods within close proximity of each other. That is, neighbourhoods

were linked only if they were close enough to be linked using one ‘stepping stone’. These

planned patches of new habitat were strategically placed in areas that utilised existing

native vegetation, fence lines, and were not at risk to salt action (Figure 23). A total of 43

‘stepping stones’ (1,093 ha) comprising 31 of heath/shrub/mallee habitat (712 ha) and 12

of woodland habitat (381 ha) are suggested in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment. Figures 24-

27 show the location of these ‘stepping stones’ in heath/shrub/mallee and woodland

habitats together with the resultant theoretical improvement in the linkage of

neighbourhoods. The total number of neighbourhoods would fall from 41 to 9

(heath/shrub/mallee) and from 24 to 11 (woodland) if all recommended ‘stepping stones’

were implemented (see Figures 25 and 27, respectively).


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

Figure 21: Heath/shrub/mallee neighbourhoods in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, showing core heath/shrub/mallee habitat.

´0 10 205 km

Core heath/shrub/mallee habitat

Heath/shrub/mallee neighbourhoods

Catchment Boundary

Figure 22: Woodland neighbourhoods in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, showing core woodland habitat.

´0 10 205 km

Core woodland habitat

Woodland neighbourhoods

Catchment Boundary


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

Figure 23: An example of a suggested heath/shrub/mallee ‘stepping stone’ for linking two neighbourhoods in Buntine-Marchagee catchment. Here the ‘stepping stone’ (red) is positioned to link existing habitat and avoid sites of high salinity risk (purple). This helps target the revegetation effort in the catchment.

±0 0.6 1.0.3 km2

Suggested "stepping stones"

Core heath/shrub/mallee habitat

Other heath/shrub/mallee habitat

Heath/shrub/mallee neighbourhoods

At risk to salinity

Neighbourhood 1

Neighbourhood 2


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

Figures 24 (top) and 25 (bottom): Suggested heath/shrub/mallee ‘stepping stones’ (top) and the theoretical improvement in neighbourhood linkage after incorporating them into the Buntine-Marchagee landscape (bottom).

±0 10 205 km

Suggested "stepping stones"

Core heath/shrub/mallee habitat

Heath/shrub/mallee neighbourhoods

Catchment Boundary

±0 10 205 km

Suggested "stepping stones"

Core heath/shrub/mallee habitat

Heath/shrub/mallee neighbourhoods

Catchment Boundary


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

Figures 26 (top) and 27 (bottom): Suggested woodland ‘stepping stones’ (top) and the theoretical improvement in neighbourhood linkage after incorporating them into the Buntine-Marchagee landscape (bottom).

±0 10 205 km

Suggested "stepping stones"

Core woodland habitat

Woodland neighbourhoods

Catchment Boundary

±0 10 205 km

Suggested "stepping stones"

Core woodland habitat

Woodland neighbourhoods

Catchment Boundary


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

3.5.3. Creation of habitat linkages within neighbourhoods

Creating linkages in the landscape design aimed to increase the degree of connectedness

of habitat within neighbourhoods. The existing level of habitat connectedness in the

catchment was assessed to help select sites for the creation of habitat linkages. This was

undertaken using a spatially explicit dispersal simulation (SEDS) model (see Brooker et

al. 1999) which measured the number of times a disperser from one patch was able to

reach a neighbouring patch based on 100 hypothetical attempts. This gave a measure of

the relative probability of dispersal between all nearest neighbour habitat patches or in

other words, a measure of the connectedness of the landscape from a bird’s perspective.

The maximum distance that a dispersing bird would travel over cleared land (its ‘gap

tolerance’) was set at 60 m for heath/shrub/mallee birds and 120 m for woodland birds.

Most remnants in the catchment are relatively poorly connected. Sites were selected for

creation of habitat linkages from the results of SEDS trials using criteria of dispersal

success rates of less than 50% and theoretical linkages shorter than 750 m (Figure 28),

and in light of economic and production factors such as location of fencelines, prime

farming land and cost (Figure 29). A total of 268.5 ha (92 sites) of new 60 metre-wide

habitat linkages comprising 209.9 ha of heath/shrub/mallee (73 sites) and 58.6 ha (19

sites) of woodland were proposed in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment (Figure 30).


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

Figure 28: A map of Wubin townsite and surrounds showing remnant vegetation and SEDS trials conducted to help select sites for creation of new habitat linkages. The number of times a dispersal event was successful out of 100 attempts is shown numerically. Trials shown in red are those that were targeted for the landscape design (i.e. less than a 50% success rate, shorter than 750 m).



39 52










43 68






















±0 2.5 51.25 km

Targets for linkage

Dispersal trials

Remnant vegetation

Other vegetation


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

Figure 29: An example of a theoretical habitat linkage (yellow) modified to incorporate economic and production factors. The original linkage has been altered to follow a fenceline and utilise existing remnant native vegetation.


th =





l suc


= 3


±0 0.25 0.50.125 km

Theoretical linkage

Suggestion for on-ground works

Remnant vegetation


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

Figure 30: Suggested sites for the placement of habitat linkages in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment. Target areas for this work include the central and western drainage systems, major remnants in the southwest and east, and Banksia-Woody Pear woodlands and shrublands in the west/northwestern sectors.

±0 8 164 km

Suggestion for on-ground works

Remnant Vegetation

Other vegetation

Catchment Boundary


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

3.5.4. Habitat protection and management

Constraints on the availability of time, money and technical expertise and competing

natural resource management goals commonly require land managers to prioritise their

management objectives. The landscape design recognises the need to strategically

prioritise the protection and management of core habitat of focal bird species in Buntine-

Marchagee Catchment. The design employs the results of the focal species analysis to

identify core remnants for protection and management.

The Western Yellow Robin was the least tolerant species with respect to remnant

condition, with a score of at least 13 required for a 10% chance of occurrence. This

benchmark was used in combination with that of the area-sensitive Grey Butcherbird (31

ha) to identify core remnants for management and protection. That is, all core habitat

greater than or equal to 31 ha in area with a condition score of less than or equal to 13 was

targeted for management.

A total of 54 core remnants (4,568 ha) were delineated using the above criteria and then

divided into three groups or classes based on their remnant condition score, exposure to or

existing level of threat, and contribution to landscape connectedness (Figure 31).

Remnants assigned to the ‘very high’ management priority class offered structurally

complex and floristically diverse bird habitat but which was at risk of decline in condition

from encroaching salinity, land clearing (including road verges), ongoing livestock

grazing, fire, weed and feral animal incursion, rubbish dumping, or sand/gravel extraction.

There were 18 remnants (2,016 ha) of ‘very high’ priority class in the catchment and

several of these occurred in the central sector of the catchment where the potential for

neighbourhood and habitat linkage was high and the threats from rising salinity and

livestock grazing were substantial. They were allocated to the ‘moderate’ remnant

condition score class (10-12.9 points – see Table 1, Section 2.3.2). ‘High’ management

priority remnants (18, comprising 1,254 ha) provided bird habitat of similar quality to the

‘very high’ class but at less risk of loss of condition from the above threats. A further 18

(1,298 ha) remnants were of ‘moderate’ management priority. Remnants in ‘good’

condition (13-22 points remnant condition score) were assigned ‘low’ priority for habitat

protection and management. These were remnants with high habitat structural complexity


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

and floristic diversity and low levels of disturbance or salinity risk. There were 61

remnants of low priority for management totalling 13,790 ha which included Buntine

Nature Reserve and large privately owned remnants in the catchment’s southwest.


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

Figure 31: Priority remnants for habitat protection and management in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment. Note the concentration of ‘very high’ priority class remnants in the central drainage system of the catchment.

±0 8 164 km

Priority Class

Very High




Catchment Boundary


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia



The Buntine-Marchagee Catchment project has been the ninth catchment-based study by

CSIRO in the Western Australian wheatbelt to utilise the focal species approach for

nature conservation planning. These studies have employed measures of habitat loss and

fragmentation such as patch size, isolation, connectivity and condition in focal species

applications to guide habitat restoration action at the catchment or sub-catchment scale.

Focal species analyses have attempted to identify critical values or cutoff points in the

response of declining sedentary bird species to these measures or threats (see Brooker et

al. 2002). Subsequent landscape designs have been built around these critical points or

sensitivities to threats modeled for individual bird species.

The current study has built on this work by making a number of significant new

contributions to focal species analysis and landscape design for bird conservation in

fragmented agricultural systems. Of particular practical value to landholders and

catchment managers alike has been the provision of an innovative and interactive

landscape design for habitat restoration. This puts forward a set of balanced, achievable,

spatially explicit, and innovative management recommendations developed from an

iterative process of community consultation and refinement of the draft landscape design.

Structured around the key goals of protecting, enhancing and linking remnant native

vegetation, the Buntine-Marchagee landscape design allows landholders, catchment

groups, NACC, and land management agencies such as CALM to strategise their

revegetation effort by knowing where to manage existing native vegetation and place new

vegetation to achieve the best biodiversity and production outcomes for their investment.

Other contributions of this study have been the introduction of some new steps in the field

survey, spatial and focal species analyses, and landscape design phases. Bird surveys not

only determined species presence/absence but in 2002 included a measure of relative

abundance of birds across different habitats including the catchment’s saline wetlands.

Comprehensive sampling of floristic composition and vegetation structure including

quadrat-based sub-sampling enabled the characterisation of plant communities as bird

habitat and helped identify remnants for priority habitat protection and linkage in the


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

landscape design. An assessment of the conservation significance of the catchment for

native avifauna and vegetation was also undertaken.

The focal species analysis in this study included a fourth attribute or threat – remnant

condition. Previous focal species studies in Western Australia had not examined the

importance of this threat in influencing the location and type of habitat restoration

activities undertaken at the catchment scale. Spatial analysis techniques enabled the

production of maps of vegetation associations and bird species lists for many remnants in

the catchment (Appendix 5). This will be an invaluable source of data for natural resource

management planning at the paddock, property and catchment scales.

The Buntine-Marchagee study also used a 10-step landscape design procedure that

employed the ‘stepping stone’ concept and allowed for critical ‘road-testing’ of the draft

design with the local community. The latter innovation built operational flexibility and

public transparency into the final landscape design by enhancing the design’s overall

feasibility and increasing the potential for landholder acceptance of its recommended

priority actions. The study also provided a suite of monitoring and review

recommendations and future directions for biodiversity-related research in the catchment.

There have been some important lessons learnt from these catchment-based studies in

Western Australia. First, there is a need to consider the influence of spatial and temporal

variation in scale on the identification of focal species and the development of effective

landscape designs (see Section 5.1). Implicit in this is a recognition that designs prepared

for individual properties, sub-catchments and catchments may inadequately cater for

species undergoing regional population decline and range contraction (see Brooker and

Lefroy 2004). This is because the processes of habitat loss, modification and

fragmentation and the consequent threats of increasing isolation of core habitat, reduced

patch size, and remnant condition often operate across a range of different spatial and

temporal scales (Fischer et al. 2004). Also, considerable knowledge is needed of the

autecology of bird species such as life history attributes (ie. reproductive strategy,

foraging resources, habitat use, home range, diet, population viability) and response to

disturbance events in order for conservation planning to be effective (Huggett 2000; Ford

et al. 2001).


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

Second, there is a tendency for landscape designs and management plans to be quite

prescriptive in their provision of advice to landholders and catchment groups. The current

study has attempted to reduce the amount of planning prescription through direct

consultation with the Buntine-Marchagee Catchment community to determine what

actions could be realistically achieved given the operational constraints of cost, time, and

limited technical support. Future landscape planning in wheatbelt catchments could

pursue alternative avenues to the development of these plans that embrace, for example,

new collaborative learning models.

Third, there are other threats to the survival of declining sedentary birds that have not yet

been examined for their utility in focal species analyses in the Western Australian

wheatbelt. These include predation, competition, salinity, livestock grazing pressure, and

inappropriate fire regimes. A challenge for landscape restoration planning in these

systems is describing the dynamics of interactions between these threats and the use of

this information in landscape design. We have also not yet tested the focal species

approach using other taxa such as nomadic or migratory land birds, reptiles, mammals,

invertebrates and vascular plants. Component 3 of the CSE9 Project seeks to address this


Finally, we have learnt that there is an ongoing need for monitoring and evaluation of the

performance of our landscape designs. That is, we need to know what is the extent of the

on-ground implementation of these designs, what have been the barriers (and pathways)

to their implementation, how can these designs be improved upon, and have the designs

been implemented within budget and over what timeframes? What has been the total cash

and in-kind cost of implementing the designs? Have there been tangible (and intangible)

benefits to biodiversity and agricultural production that have accrued from these actions?

A useful step would be to review the performance of each catchment-based landscape

design in achieving its stated objectives. Information gained from this review could be

used to develop guidelines for monitoring and evaluating the performance of future

landscape designs.


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia


Catchment-based studies using the focal species approach require substantial investment

of time, money and technical expertise to produce detailed plans for habitat restoration.

They are not without their limitations (see reviews and critiques in Lindenmayer et al.

2002; Lindenmayer and Fischer 2003; Brooker and Lefroy 2004).

An alternative approach proposed by Brooker and Lefroy (2004) is the use of regional-

based focal species analysis to help prepare management plans at the paddock, property

and sub-catchment/catchment scales. This approach offers some potential advantages over

catchment-based studies. First, it attempts to account for the effects of spatial and

temporal scale on applications of the focal species approach, particularly involving the

use of birds. Threats such as the increased isolation of core remnants operate over larger

scales than sub-catchments or catchments thus making focal species-based conservation

plans difficult to implement (see Brooker and Lefroy 2004). There is a need then to

consider the broader regional landscape when measuring threats such as habitat patch

isolation and reduced habitat connectivity. Also, data from regional landscapes is often

needed to identify the ‘most threatened’ species in sub-catchments because these species

are usually very rare or difficult to detect.

A second advantage of regional scale analysis is its ability to estimate the long-term

viability of populations or metapopulations of focal species (Brooker and Lefroy 2004).

Metapopulation viability is central to the success or failure of conservation programs and

needs to be considered at a regional scale that captures the full complement of

metapopulations of a particular focal species (see Luoto and Brooker submitted ms).

Regional scale metapopulation studies can explore whether the total amount of habitat

contained in neighbourhoods of remnants is sufficient to promote long-term viability of

focal species populations (Brooker and Lefroy 2004) or whether these populations are

likely to go extinct with or without habitat restoration. This requires detailed knowledge

of the size of populations, their demographic structure, and landscape attributes and

threats, and expertise in predictive modeling (see Lindenmayer and Possingham 1995;

Luoto and Brooker submitted ms).


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

Third, regional scale focal species analysis can provide a central databank of knowledge

for use by catchment groups and agencies wanting to commence on-ground habitat

restoration works now. This would remove the need for these groups to wait for the time-

consuming collection and analysis of data and the identification of focal species before

starting habitat restoration activities (Brooker and Lefroy 2004). Follow-up monitoring to

assess the effectiveness of actions can be then undertaken by these groups after on-ground

works are underway. This has some obvious cost and infrastructural investment savings

but would require the involvement of an established, regionally-based organisation with

the technical capacity to collect and manage spatial and ecological data to a high standard.

Finally, regional scale focal species analysis can be used as a strategic conservation

planning tool by land managers. It would help prioritise conservation action by

identifying and ranking areas requiring urgent habitat restoration or comprising species

rich assemblages, rare species or species under-represented in public conservation

reserves (e.g. the saline wetlands and fringing shrublands and woodlands of Buntine-

Marchagee Catchment and the Salmon Gum, Gimlet and York Gum woodlands of

Wallatin Creek Catchment) against those areas in less urgent need of attention (e.g. low

salinity risk areas with vegetations associations well represented in the formal

conservation reserve system). This would allow managers to allocate different levels of

scarce resources to conservation programs in these parts of the regional wheatbelt

landscape (see Brooker and Lefroy 2004).


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia



The sustainable management of natural resources for biodiversity conservation and

agricultural production requires an understanding of the importance of scale and

landscape context. Ecological processes that influence the shape and structure of

landscapes operate at different scales – from the site (paddock) and property through to

sub-catchment, catchment, region and State scale. Farm management activities can also

occur at a range of different scales from paddock-based weed control to regional-scale salt

mitigation schemes.

The position of a property within the local and regional landscape is also important. For

example, a farmer located downstream from a large eroding quarry or saline seep may

need to place more emphasis on and allocate more resources to measures to protect the

water quality and soil chemistry of his property than might a farmer whose property is

located within a forested catchment without salinity problems.

Planning for the long-term protection of native biodiversity is similarly challenged by the

need to consider the nature of the landscape within which native plants and animals occur.

Questions such as how much habitat do populations and communities need to persist and

survive (see With and King 1999; Fahrig 2001); should emphasis be placed on conserving

threatened or regionally declining species, or on landscapes supporting plants and animals

that are poorly represented in the formal conservation reserve system (see Prober and

Thiele 1995; Margules and Pressey 2000; Mac Nally et al. 2002).

Effective landscape management planning therefore requires current information on the

amount, type, condition, and connectedness of remnant and planted native vegetation on

properties and across catchments and regions. Knowledge of the nature and severity of

threatening processes such as hydrological change (waterlogging and salinity), land

clearing causing habitat loss and fragmentation, weed and feral animal incursion, and

inappropriate fire and grazing regimes is a fundamental prerequisite to such planning (see

WA State Salinity Council 2000; Wallace et al. 2003; NACC 2004). An understanding of


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

the effect of time on the response of native fauna and flora to disturbance in agricultural

landscapes is also required.

There are a number of steps landholders in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment can take to

sustainably manage their natural resources using this landscape approach. These include

but are not confined to:

• Develop and implement an integrated, long-term farm management plan for the

property, in consultation with the Buntine-Marchagee Natural Diversity Recovery

Catchment team (comprising CALM, CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems, CSIRO

Land and Water, WA Agriculture, WA Department of Environment, University of

Western Australia, Murdoch University and catchment groups);

• Raise awareness and knowledge of the native plant and animal ecology of the

property and neighbouring properties, and include in the above plan actions to

protect existing plant and animal populations and encourage the re-establishment

of species once present in the catchment;

• Take an active role in establishing new or improving existing networks with other

community-based catchment groups to help find out about government and

community programs and funding sources operating across the region, e.g.

activities of Buntine-Marchagee Natural Diversity Recovery Catchment project

(subscribe to the free and very informative newsletter Buntine-Marchagee

Catchment News produced by CALM Mid-west Region), Northern Agricultural

Catchment Council, Greening Australia WA, WWF Woodland Watch program,

the Southwest Australia Ecoregion Initiative, Federal government salinity control,

water management, and Natural Heritage Trust programs;

• Build and maintain strong links with on-ground agencies, universities and groups

with expertise in strategic revegetation for wildlife, landscape management

planning, nature conservation study, landscape health monitoring, and


• Think beyond the property boundary when undertaking even everyday farm

management activities that might impact adversely (or positively) on neighbours


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

and the broader catchment; avoid activities likely to reduce the quality of the



5.2.1. Overview

The avian diversity of Buntine-Marchagee Catchment is rich (110 species) but vulnerable

to the consequences of habitat loss, modification and fragmentation – reduced size of core

habitat, increasing isolation of this habitat, and deteriorating habitat quality. The survival

of particularly sedentary shrubland and woodland birds in this landscape continues to be

threatened by the clearance of existing links between remnants such as road verge

vegetation (see Newbey 2000), grazing of remnants by livestock, weed and feral animal

invasion, and encroaching secondary salinity.

To address these threats and in addition to the above broad steps we recommend a suite of

priority actions for adoption in this catchment. These focus on protecting and retaining

existing native bird assemblages while also improving their prospects of survival and

possible long-term recovery. These actions are based on the outcomes of the focal bird

species analysis and landscape design presented in Sections 3.4 and 3.5 of this report and

on additional conservation significance information.

5.2.2. Priority 1: Protect and enhance existing habitat and species of conservation significance through on-ground action

The principal goal here is to enhance and protect all existing core habitat in the catchment

from encroaching salinity, clearing including road verges, livestock grazing, weeds and

feral animals, and inappropriate fire regimes. Specifically, we recommend landholders

should aim to:

• Assess habitat condition in all core habitat patches;

• Rehabilitate core habitat that is currently in poor condition thus enhancing the

quality of habitat for focal bird species and other fauna;

• Fence core habitat remnants to exclude livestock and prevent accidental or

intentional clearing;


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

• Revegetate core habitat remnants where the understorey has been lost or become

degraded (i.e. weed infested, heavily grazed, regularly burnt) to enhance habitat

quantity and quality – use local native seed;

• Prevent the removal of fallen timber for firewood;

• Prevent erosion of soil and ground cover; and

• Undertake regular weed and feral animal (fox, cat, rabbit, and pig) control


Other threats such as rubbish dumping and eroding sand/gravel pits also need analysis.

However, it is generally sound property management practice to avoid dumping rubbish in

bushland and to infill and revegetate gravel pits and old tips to minimise soil erosion,

sedimentation of drainage lines, and dispersal of weed seeds into native bushland.

We also recommend that habitat supporting existing populations and communities of

threatened fauna and flora be protected as a matter of priority and as required under

existing Western Australian and Federal government legislation. This includes Melaleuca

and Allocasuarina shrubland and mallee/woodland with understorey supporting

Malleefowl in the north/northeastern and southwestern parts of the catchment;

Banksia/Woody Pear shrubland that provides a seasonal food supply for honeyeaters and

other fauna in the western and southern sectors; shrubland, mallee and woodland of the

southwestern sector especially within large privately owned remnants; and woodland and

shrubland of the eastern zone, including Buntine and Nugadong Nature Reserves.

Measures specified in the Action Plan for Australian Birds (Garnett and Crowley 2000)

for individual threatened species such as Malleefowl should be implemented.

We also recommend the protection of existing freshwater and brackish lake systems and

their fringing vegetation communities, especially in the western part of the catchment.

These provide important habitat for local waterbirds especially during drought and food

and temporary refugia for intercontinental migratory wading birds that are subject to

international conservation treaties. Areas of River Red Gum woodland within this zone

need specific protection and conservation management. Work is needed to determine the

sensitivity of freshwater organisms such as waterbirds, frogs, reptiles and aquatic

invertebrates including molluscs to increasing salt levels. Once quantified, these levels

may be able to used as targets for sustainable land management.


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

5.2.3. Priority 2: Prioritise habitat protection and management activities

We recommend that a number of core remnants in the study area be prioritised for active

habitat protection and management. Based on the requirements of the condition-sensitive

focal bird species (Western Yellow Robin) and the area-sensitive Grey Butcherbird, we

identify all core habitat of 31 ha or more with a condition score of 13 or less as requiring

priority protection and management. This involves 4,568 ha (54 remnants) comprising

2,016 ha (18 remnants) of ‘very high’ priority class habitat, 1,254 ha (18 remnants) of

‘high’ priority class, and 1,298 ha (18 remnants) of ‘moderate’ priority class. Figure 31

specifies where this work would be best targeted in the catchment.

There are also some basic but important actions landholders and catchment managers can

take to improve the overall quality of the Buntine-Marchagee landscape for biodiversity,

soil, water and salt management, and for humans (see Priority 1 actions).

5.2.4. Priority 3: Create habitat ‘stepping stones’ to link neighbourhoods

Using the requirements of both the heath/shrubland/mallee and woodland birds, undertake

strategic habitat re-establishment to link neighbourhoods based on the requirements of the

focal species (see below) and the associated landscape design (Section 3.5). Specifically

aim to:

• Work from key habitat patches situated closest to the edge of the neighbourhood;

• Work with patches of greatest size (i.e. preferably greater than key habitat size)

when enhancing or linking native vegetation;

• When expanding or establishing new habitat, work towards providing habitat large

enough to create core habitat (i.e. greater than 40 ha);

• Don’t enlarge core patches - they are already of sufficient size;

• Work with patches that are in best condition first;

• Ensure that habitat is being established within the appropriate landform type; and

• Avoid areas at risk of salinity when establishing new vegetation.

We recommend that a total of 43 ‘stepping stones’ of native vegetation (1,093 ha) be

planted to link neighbourhoods in the study area. This total consists of 712 ha of

heath/shrub/mallee habitat (31 ‘stepping stones’) and 381 ha of woodland habitat (12


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

‘stepping stones’). These recommendations are based on the need for heath/shrub/mallee

patches to be 29 ha or larger and positioned no more than 1,150 m apart (ie. the

requirements of the Southern Scrub-robin). Woodland patches need to be 31 ha or larger

(ie. the Red Wattlebird’s requirements) and within 1,900 m of each other (ie. the Brown-

headed Honeyeater’s requirements). Figures 24 and 26 indicate where these ‘stepping

stones’ should be placed in the Buntine-Marchagee landscape.

5.2.5. Priority 4: Establish linkages to improve the connectedness of habitat within neighbourhoods

We recommend that 268.5 ha (92 sites) of new habitat linkages be planted to increase the

level of connectedness of habitat within neighbourhoods in the study area. This total

comprises 209.9 ha (73 sites) of heath/shrub/mallee and 58.6 ha (19 sites) of woodland

habitat. Figure 30 indicates where the new habitat linkages should be inserted in Buntine-

Marchagee Catchment. Some specific guidelines for this work include:

• Use native vegetation of local provenance;

• Link larger-sized remnants first;

• Link smaller remnants to bring them up to key habitat size.

• Ensure that all linkages are 60 metres in width or greater;

• Work to link patches that are in best condition first;

• Ensure that linkages are being established within the appropriate landform type;


• Avoid areas at risk of salinity when linking vegetation patches.

Summary: We recommend that a total of 1,361.5 ha of new native vegetation be inserted

into Buntine-Marchagee Catchment to help restore habitat for focal bird species and other

fauna. This amounts to 6.1% of all native vegetation (22,340 ha) currently in the

catchment. If fully implemented this landscape design will result in the fencing of 4,568

ha (54 core remnants) comprising 2,016 ha (18 remnants) of ‘very high’ priority habitat

protection and management class, 1,254 ha (18 remnants) of ‘high’ priority class, and

1,298 ha (18 remnants) of ‘moderate’ priority class. This level of cumulative habitat

restoration effort has the potential to provide substantial positive gains for both


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

biodiversity conservation and sustainable agricultural production over the longer term in

Buntine-Marchagee Catchment.


A common way of assessing the performance of intervention measures employed as part

of a landscape (or other) management plan is through a monitoring program. Specific

protocols and checkpoints are built into the program which scrutinises performance of the

plan over time against a set of objective criteria. We put forward a preliminary suite of

monitoring and review actions for use in the implementation of the landscape design and

associated work in the study area. We highlight the interim nature of these

recommendations and the need for further discussion among project stakeholders to

review specific actions and record progress achieved in implementing the proposed on-

ground works.

We recommend that consideration be given to the adoption of a suite of monitoring and

review actions in the study area (see below).

Ecological research and performance of past revegetation effort

• Review the value of past ecological research in the study area measured against

triple bottom line (ie. economic, social, and environmental) criteria to attempt to

determine the benefits of this research to CALM and catchment groups –

universities could be involved in this work; and

• Undertake a review of past revegetation effort including older plantings

(windbreaks, erosion control, salt control, multi-purpose) and newer plantings

(‘biodiversity plantings’, oil mallees, tagasaste) using cost, labour, original

purpose, effectiveness in achieving purpose, beneficial outcomes, community

response, and time to establishment as criteria for assessing value of the effort –

establish database to record and permit a cost-benefit analysis of this review.

Performance of the proposed landscape design (assuming full


• Conduct detailed reviews of the triple bottom line performance of this design to

achieve its stated objectives (specific criteria should be developed in consultation

with project stakeholders);


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

• Specifically monitor the theoretical improvement in focal bird species’ occupancy

rate that should accrue over time with re-creation/re-connection of patch

neighbourhoods; this will require further work to determine a suitable monitoring

approach and techniques;

• Monitor community response to the plan and the extent to which it is taken up;


• Decide on an appropriate review period for the plan – we suggest an annual review

initially, followed by updates once every second or third year, depending on

stakeholder requirements. The plan should be fully re-assessed at the end of Year


Role and function of existing ‘corridors’ of vegetation

• Assess whether native and exotic fauna use ‘corridors’ and if so, how, ie. the type

of use occurring (ie. foraging and breeding habitat or movement/dispersal conduits

only); role in edge-related predation; appropriate corridor configuration and

vegetation structure and composition (potential ecological corridor design

criteria); and

• Assess landscape-level values and roles of ‘corridor’ vegetation in biodiversity

conservation, salinity mitigation, and farm forestry – what are the benefits to the

catchment community?

Development of new approaches to nature conservation in agricultural


• Monitor progress achieved in the development of new approaches to nature

conservation around Australia and abroad and in the refinement of existing

procedures such as the focal species approach and other variants; be aware of

potential applications of new technologies to landscape management; and

• Monitor trends in community consultation and effective communication and

networking techniques, including working with government and non-government

agencies and other community Landcare groups; stay informed of new

government initiatives.


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

Resourcing project works

• Regularly monitor the availability of project funds from government, non-

government and private sources to ensure works are adequately resourced and

maintained over time; and

• Ensure adequate feedback is obtained from and provided to funding bodies and

their review panels.


We put forward a number of suggestions for future research and on-ground action in

Buntine-Marchagee Catchment. These aim to help focus the nature conservation effort in

this catchment by targeting the recovery potential already present in the landscape. Our

contributions are also intended to stimulate further discussion among stakeholders –

several of these suggestions originate from feedback received during previous meetings

and field discussions.

Focus the landscape conservation effort

• Evaluate the effectiveness of past revegetation and research effort. Decide on

future work directions likely to yield the best return for time, money, and

emotional investment;

• Using information from the focal bird species and landscape design work, target

areas that have the best chance of recovery and restoration over time; recognise

that not all species or sites in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment can be re-established

or managed for recovery; and

• Put in place a mechanism to monitor the performance of new projects commenced

in the study area; carry out regular reviews of these projects, possibly on a

commercial project management basis.

Consider inviting new ecological research

• Decide on current information gaps (e.g. corridor function and role, ecology of

woodland/shrubland bird habitat use and movement, salinity impacts and ecology

of saline systems, biodiversity conservation value of revegetation plantings, etc)

and ways of effectively addressing them;


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

• Be clear on strategic research goals, available resources (time, money, on-site

‘bush knowledge’), and the need for outcome-focused research with strong

potential for on-ground application; and

• Consider the value of developing relationships with CSIRO and university-based

researchers and students to provide a ready labour source for monitoring-based


Landholder participation and training

• Review current landholder motivation and willingness/availability to be actively

involved in new research and revegetation work, including attending training

events; and

• Scope the potential for landholders to be trained in basic GIS techniques to map

broad vegetation classes on their properties (CSIRO currently holds a large


Working together with other organisations

• Review information needs from, and quality of interaction with, other

organisations and groups involved in nature conservation and natural resource

management in the wheatbelt;

• Obtain detailed advice on the floristic composition and structure (ie. ground cover,

understorey shrubs, mid- and over-canopy trees) of native plants to be used in past

revegetation programs run by CALM, Greening Australia and others; and

• Seek to establish new and enhance existing relationships and communication

networks with other natural resource management and nature conservation

organisations including government; ensure regular visits and meetings to stay in

touch with latest techniques, programs, and funding avenues.


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia


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Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

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Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

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Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia


Appendix 1: Communication activities completed during this study

Appendix 2: Land birds found in the Western Australian wheatbelt, including focal species and those recorded in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment during this study

Appendix 3: Descriptions of native vegetation associations recorded in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment

Appendix 4: Perennial plant species recorded in quadrat-based floristic surveys of selected remnants in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment

Appendix 5: Native vegetation associations and bird species recorded in each remnant surveyed in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

APPENDIX 1: Communication activities completed during this study

A total of 19 communication activities have been undertaken by the project team during this study.

These have included articles, workshop presentations, spoken papers and posters at national and

international ecological science conferences, CALM strategic catchment planning workshops and

Western Wildlife magazine, CSIRO science forums, workshops and program reviews, community

Landcare workshops, and a Land & Water Australia Native Vegetation R&D Program meeting and

Thinking Bush magazine. A manuscript that draws on the results of this study has been submitted

to Biological Conservation, a leading international ecological science journal.

The project team has also established a website that showcases the results of the project and

provides useful links to other natural resource management, landscape ecology and native

biodiversity conservation sites. Visit us at:

Specific communication activities undertaken by the team include:

• Bird and vegetation surveys in Buntine-Marchagee: progress update – presentation to

Buntine-Marchagee Natural Diversity Recovery Catchment Steering Committee Meeting 2,

30 August 2002, Dalwallinu;

• Mapping vegetation association boundaries for biodiversity conservation in the

fragmented WA wheatbelt – spoken paper by Lyn Atkins to Australian Native Plant

Conservation Conference, Geelong, 26 February 2003;

• Bringing back the birds: landscape planning for nature conservation in Wallatin Creek

Catchment – talk by Andrew Huggett and Blair Parsons with John Ingram to planning

workshop for Wallatin Wildlife & Landcare Inc and Greening Aust WA, 24 March


• CSIRO bird and vegetation surveys in Buntine-Marchagee Recovery Catchment –

article by Andrew Huggett, Blair Parsons and Lyn Atkins in Western Wildlife (CALM

magazine), April 2003;


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

• Using spatial data for bird-based landscape design in the Wallatin and Buntine-

Marchagee Catchments of WA – workshop talk by Blair Parsons and Andrew Huggett

at CSIRO Aglands Program Meeting, Walwa, Victoria, 14 May 2003;

• Too far gone or road to recovery? Conserving birds in the fragmented Western

Australian wheatbelt – spoken paper by Andrew Huggett and Blair Parsons to Birds

Australia 2003 Members’ Day, University of Tasmania, Hobart, 31 May 2003;

• Surveying and analysing the spatial requirements of declining bird communities in the WA

wheatbelt – poster by Blair Parsons at Birds Australia 2003 Members’ Day, University of

Tasmania, Hobart, 31 May 2003;

• CSIRO avifaunal and vegetation surveys of Buntine-Marchagee Recovery Catchment

Spring 2002 Progress Report, article by Andrew Huggett, Blair Parsons, Lyn Atkins and

John Ingram in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment News, Issue 2, August 2003;

• Designing landscapes for birds in the northern WA wheatbelt: trials and triumphs in

the Buntine-Marchagee Catchment – invited spoken paper by Andrew Huggett and Lyn

Atkins, Kings Park Botanic Gardens Science Seminar Series, Perth, 4 September 2003;

• Road-testing a landscape design for bird conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment –

talk by Andrew Huggett, Blair Parsons and Lyn Atkins to CALM and Buntine-Marchagee

Catchment Group, Coorow, 2 October 2003;

• Enlightenment for whom? Designing landscapes for people and birds in the northern WA

wheatbelt – talk by Andrew Huggett to CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems Divisional Science

Forum, Thredbo NSW, 13 November 2003;

• Enlightenment for whom? Designing landscapes for people and birds in Buntine-

Marchagee Catchment, WA wheatbelt – talk by Andrew Huggett and David Freudenberger,

Annual Coordination Meeting (Native Vegetation R&D Program) of Land and Water

Australia, Canberra, 25 November 2003;

• The application of spatial analysis to wildlife conservation planning and management in

the Western Australian wheatbelt – poster by Blair Parsons presented to the 3rd

International Wildlife Management Congress in Christchurch, New Zealand, 1-5 December


• From paddock to plan: landscape design for biodiversity conservation in Buntine-

Marchagee Recovery Catchment – talk by Andrew Huggett to CALM Buntine-Marchagee

Recovery Catchment Planning Workshop, Geraldton, WA, 4 December 2003;


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

• The concept and utility of ‘ecological thresholds’ in biodiversity conservation – spoken

lead paper by Andrew Huggett and chair of 11 other spoken papers presented in a

thresholds symposium at Ecological Society of Australia’s 2003 conference, University of

New England, Armidale NSW, 9 December 2003;

• Taking on the challenge: a farmer-friendly landscape approach to bird conservation in the

WA wheatbelt – spoken paper by Andrew Huggett to 2nd Biennial Australasian

Ornithological Congress, ANU, Canberra, 11 December 2003;

• A design for life: bringing back the birds in our farming landscapes – article by Andrew

Huggett and David Freudenberger in Thinking Bush 3, 22-23, June 2004;

• Conference report: a symposium on ecological thresholds in biodiversity conservation –

article by Andrew Huggett in Thinking Bush 3, 24-25, June 2004; and

• The concept and utility of ‘ecological thresholds’ in biodiversity conservation. ms by

Andrew Huggett submitted to Biological Conservation, June 2004.


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

APPENDIX 2: Land birds found in the Western Australian wheatbelt including focal species and those recorded in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment during this study.

Strict waterbirds and exotics are not included. Common and scientific names are according to Christidis and Boles (1994). A = Declining species (Saunders and Ingram 1995); B = Strictly resident species; C = Farmland species; D = Nocturnal birds (Strigidae, Tytonidae, Podargidae, Aegothelidae, Caprimulgidae); E = Focal species candidates; F = Recorded at Buntine-Marchagee Catchment; * = extinct in the wheatbelt.

Common Name

Species Name







Emu Malleefowl Stubble Quail Brown Quail Australian Shelduck Australian Wood Duck White-faced Heron White-necked Heron Cattle Egret Straw-necked Ibis Black-shouldered Kite Square-tailed Kite Black Kite Whistling Kite Spotted Harrier Brown Goshawk Collared Sparrowhawk Wedge-tailed Eagle Little Eagle Brown Falcon Australian Hobby Grey Falcon Peregrine Falcon Nankeen Kestrel Australian Bustard Little Button-quail Painted Button-quail Bush Stone-curlew Inland Dotterel Banded Lapwing Common Bronzewing Brush Bronzewing Crested Pigeon Diamond Dove Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo Short-billed Black-Cockatoo Galah

Dromaius novaehollandiae Leipoa ocellata Coturnix pectoralis Coturnix ypsilophora Tadorna tadornoides Chenonetta jubata Egretta novaehollandiae Ardea pacifica Ardea ibis Threskiornis spinicollis Elanus axillaris Lophoictinia isura Milvus migrans Haliastur sphenurus Circus assimilis Accipiter fasciatus Accipiter cirrhocephalus Aquila audax Hieraaetus morphnoides Falco berigora Falco longipennis Falco hypoleucos Falco peregrinus Falco cenchroides Ardeotis australis Turnix velox Turnix varia Burhinus grallarius Charadrius australis Vanellus tricolor Phaps chalcoptera Phaps elegans Ocyphaps lophotes Geopelia cuneata Calyptorhynchus banksii Calyptorhynchus latirostris Cacatua roseicapilla

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

x x x x x

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

APPENDIX 2: Land birds found in the Western Australian wheatbelt (strict waterbirds and exotics are not included). Common and scientific names are according to Christidis and Boles (1994). A = Declining species (Saunders and Ingram 1995); B = Strictly resident species; C = Farmland species; D = Nocturnal birds (Strigidae, Tytonidae, Podargidae, Aegothelidae, Caprimulgidae); E = Focal species candidates; F = Recorded at Buntine-Marchagee Catchment; * = extinct in the wheatbelt.

Common Name

Species name







Western Corella Little Corella Major Mitchell's Cockatoo Cockatiel Purple-crowned Lorikeet Regent Parrot Western Rosella Australian Ringneck Red-capped Parrot Mulga Parrot Budgerigar Bourke's Parrot Elegant Parrot Pallid Cuckoo Fan-tailed Cuckoo Black-eared Cuckoo Horsfield's Bronze-Cuckoo Shining Bronze-Cuckoo Barking Owl Southern Boobook Masked Owl Barn Owl Tawny Frogmouth Spotted Nightjar Australian Owlet-nightjar Fork-tailed Swift Red-backed Kingfisher Sacred Kingfisher Rainbow Bee-eater Rufous Treecreeper Splendid Fairy-wren Variegated Fairy-wren Blue-breasted Fairy-wren White-winged Fairy-wren Southern Emu-wren Thick-billed Grasswren Spotted Pardalote

Cacatua pastinator Cacatua sanguinea Cacatua leadbeateri Nymphicus hollandicus Glossopsitta porphyrocephala Polytelis anthopeplus Platycercus icterotis Barnardius zonarius Purpureicephalus spurius Psephotus varius Melopsittacus undulatus Neopsephotus bourkii Neophema elegans Cuculus pallidus Cacomantis flabelliformis Chrysococcyx osculans Chrysococcyx basalis Chrysococcyx lucidus Ninox connivens Ninox novaeseelandiae Tyto novaehollandiae Tyto alba Podargus strigoides Eurostopodus argus Aegotheles cristatus Apus pacificus Todiramphus pyrrhopygia Todiramphus sanctus Merops ornatus Climacteris rufa Malurus splendens Malurus lamberti Malurus pulcherrimus Malurus leucopterus Stipiturus malachurus Amytornis textilis Pardalotus punctatus

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x * x

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

x x x x x x x x x x x x

x x x x x x x

x x x x x

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

APPENDIX 2: Land birds found in the Western Australian wheatbelt (strict waterbirds and exotics are not included). Common and scientific names are according to Christidis and Boles (1994). A = Declining species (Saunders and Ingram 1995); B = Strictly resident species; C = Farmland species; D = Nocturnal birds (Strigidae, Tytonidae, Podargidae, Aegothelidae, Caprimulgidae); E = Focal species candidates; F = Recorded at Buntine-Marchagee Catchment; * = extinct in the wheatbelt.

Common Name

Species Name







Striated Pardalote White-browed Scrubwren Shy Heathwren Rufous Fieldwren Redthroat Weebill Western Gerygone Inland Thornbill Chestnut-rumped Thornbill Western Thornbill Yellow-rumped Thornbill Southern Whiteface Red Wattlebird Little Wattlebird Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater Yellow-throated Miner Singing Honeyeater White-eared Honeyeater Purple-gaped Honeyeater Yellow-plumed Honeyeater Grey-fronted Honeyeater White-plumed Honeyeater Brown-headed Honeyeater White-naped Honeyeater Brown Honeyeater New Holland Honeyeater White-cheeked Honeyeater White-fronted Honeyeater Tawny-crowned Honeyeater Western Spinebill Black Honeyeater Pied Honeyeater Crimson Chat Orange Chat White-fronted Chat Jacky Winter Scarlet Robin

Pardalotus striatus Sericornis frontalis Hylacola cautus Calamanthus campestris Pyrrholaemus brunneus Smicrornis brevirostris Gerygone fusca Acanthiza apicalis Acanthiza uropygialis Acanthiza inornata Acanthiza chrysorrhoa Aphelocephala leucopsis Anthochaera carnunculata Anthochaera chrysoptera Acanthagenys rufogularis Manorina flavigula Lichenostomus virescens Lichenostomus leucotis Lichenostomus cratitius Lichenostomus ornatus Lichenostomus plumulus Lichenostomus penicillatus Melithreptus brevirostris Melithreptus lunatus Lichmera indistincta Phylidonyris novaehollandiae Phylidonyris nigra Phylidonyris albifrons Phylidonyris melanops Acanthorhynchus superciliosus Certhionyx niger Certhionyx variegatus Epthianura tricolor Epthianura aurifrons Epthianura albifrons Microeca fascinans Petroica multicolor

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

x x x

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

APPENDIX 2: Land birds found in the Western Australian wheatbelt (strict waterbirds and exotics are not included). Common and scientific names are according to Christidis and Boles (1994). A = Declining species (Saunders and Ingram 1995); B = Strictly resident species; C = Farmland species; D = Nocturnal birds (Strigidae, Tytonidae, Podargidae, Aegothelidae, Caprimulgidae); E = Focal species candidates; F = Recorded at Buntine-Marchagee Catchment; * = extinct in the wheatbelt.

Common Name

Species Name







Red-capped Robin Hooded Robin Western Yellow Robin Southern Scrub-robin White-browed Babbler Chestnut Quail-thrush Varied Sittella Crested Shrike-tit Crested Bellbird Gilbert's Whistler Golden Whistler Rufous Whistler Grey Shrike-thrush Restless Flycatcher Magpie-lark Grey Fantail Willie Wagtail Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike Ground Cuckoo-shrike White-winged Triller Masked Woodswallow Black-faced Woodswallow Dusky Woodswallow Little Woodswallow Grey Butcherbird Pied Butcherbird Australian Magpie Grey Currawong Australian Raven Little Crow Richard's Pipit Zebra Finch Mistletoebird White-backed Swallow Welcome Swallow Tree Martin Fairy Martin Rufous Songlark Brown Songlark Silvereye

Petroica goodenovii Melanodryas cucullata Eopsaltria griseogularis Drymodes brunneopygia Pomatostomus superciliosus Cinclosoma castanotus Daphoenositta chrysoptera Falcunculus frontatus Oreoica gutturalis Pachycephala inornata Pachycephala pectoralis Pachycephala rufiventris Colluricincla harmonica Myiagra inquieta Grallina cyanoleuca Rhipidura fuliginosa Rhipidura leucophrys Coracina novaehollandiae Coracina maxima Lalage sueurii Artamus personatus Artamus cinereus Artamus cyanopterus Artamus minor Cracticus torquatus Cracticus nigrogularis Gymnorhina tibicen Strepera versicolor Corvus coronoides Corvus bennetti Anthus novaeseelandiae Taeniopygia guttata Dicaeum hirundinaceum Cheramoeca leucosternus Hirundo neoxena Hirundo nigricans Hirundo ariel Cincloramphus mathewsi Cincloramphus cruralis Zosterops lateralis

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

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x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

APPENDIX 3: Descriptions of native vegetation associations recorded in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment

Heathlands: ‘Heathland’: A low species-rich shrubland, generally less than 1 m in height but with

emergent shrubs to 2 m but occasionally taller, found on sandy soils. Commonly

heathlands are rich in myrtaceous species, particularly Melaleuca, Calytrix, Verticordia,

Chamelaucium, Beaufortia, Baeckea and Eremaea, proteaceous species including

Grevillea, Hakea, Petrophile, Dryandra and emergent Banksia, Acacia species,

Allocasuarina species and sedge species including the Cord-rush Ecdeoicolea

monostachya. Heathland is the only vegetation association present in the catchment that

often does not include one or two dominant species. There are 14 remnants in the

catchment that contain ‘heathland’.


Shrublands: ‘Mixed shrubland (sandplain)’: A mixed shrubland with Eremaea pauciflora, Eremaea

beaufortioides or Melaleuca species as an essential and often dominant component, on

sandy soils of usually the Geraldton Sandplain. Emergent Banksia species, Woody Pear,

Sandplain Cypress and Pear-fruited Mallee are also common. It is found in 32 remnants in

the catchment.


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

Mixed shrubland (sandplain)

‘Shrublands of perched drainage lines’: A shrubland specific to the drainage channels

of the Geraldton Sandplain, consisting of narrow strips of Melaleuca thyoides or

sometimes Melaleuca uncinata and samphire (Halosarcia spp.). There is only one

mapped occurrence of this shrubland in the catchment but as this formation is often too

narrow to map at the scale used it is likely to be under-represented on maps produced in

this study.

Shrublands of perched drainage lines

‘Banksia/Woody Pear shrubland’: This shrubland, found in 42 remnants in the study

area, is dominated by Banksia species and Woody Pear Xylomelum angustifolium.

Commonly occurring are Acorn Banksia Banksia prionotes, although Candle Banksia B.

attenuata and Firewood Banksia B. menziesii also occur. Sandplain Cypress Actinostrobus

arenarius is common. The understorey varies from being sedgy to shrubby, with


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

Grevillea, Melaleuca, Verticordia, Adenanthos stictus, and Eremaea species common.

This vegetation association always occurs on yellow sand and mostly, but not exclusively,

on the Geraldton Sandplain. Banksia/Woody Pear shrubland has been classed as woodland

(rather than shrubland) for the bird analysis because structurally the dominant species

(Banksias) usually occur as trees.

Banksia/Woody Pear shrubland

‘Sandplain Cypress shrubland’: This sandplain cypress-dominated shrubland is similar

to the Banksia/Woody Pear shrubland but tends to occur lower in the landscape, often just

above the drainage channels on the Geraldton Sandplain. Swamp Cypress Actinostrobus

acuminatus may replace Sandplain Cypress A. arenarius in some low-lying areas. The

understorey is often sedgy rather than shrubby. Banksia and Woody Pear may

occasionally occur. It occurs in 13 remnants.


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

Sandplain Cypress shrubland

‘Tamma/wodjil/Melaleuca shrubland’: This is the most commonly occurring vegetation

association in the catchment, occupying 229 remnants mostly on the eastern side of the

catchment where it occurs on sandy, lateritic or granitic soils, usually higher in the

landscape. It is also common throughout much of the wheatbelt of Western Australia,

although Melaleuca species play a lesser role in catchments further south. The common

species are Tamma Allocasuarina campestris, Black Tamma A. acutivalvis, Wodjil

acacias including Acacia neurophylla, A. stereophylla, A. longiphyllodinea and A.

assimilis, and Melaleuca species including M. cordata, M. conothamnoides and M.

nematophylla. Calothamnus gilesii, Hakea scoparia, H. francisiana, Grevillea paradoxa,

Petrophile macrostachya and occasional emergent mallee eucalypts frequently occur.

Tamma/Wodjil/Melaleuca shrubland


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

‘Melaleuca/Acacia shrubland’: This combination of dominant species occurs in two

distinctive areas: low in the landscape close to saline drainage systems, and higher in the

landscape on shallow soils. Melaleuca uncinata, M. acuminata, M. adnata, M. lateriflora,

Acacia mackeyana, A. hemiteles, A. colletioides, A. nyssophylla, and A. acuminata (Jam)

are common species. Emergent trees or mallees are also common. There are 142 remnants

supporting this vegetation association.

Melaleuca/Acacia shrubland

‘Grevillea/Jam/Dodonaea/Eremophila shrubland’: Grevillea teretifolia, Jam, Hopbush

Dodonaea spp. and Eremophila species are the defining plants of this shrubland which

mainly occurs as regrowth on previously cleared land in 17 remnants in the study area.

Grevillea/Jam/Dodonaea/Eremophila shrubland


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

Sedgeland: ‘Sedgeland’ is dominated by sedge species, most commonly Cord-rush Ecdeiocolea

monostachya but sometimes Mesomelaena stygia. It is found on sandy soils in 12

remnants. Emergent species like Tamma, Melaleuca, Banksia, Woody Pear or Sandplain

Cypress may also occur.


Grassland: ‘Grassland’ is dominated by native perennial grasses, including Speargrass Austrostipa,

Wallaby Grass Austrodanthonia spp. and Kerosene Grass Aristida contorta, with annual

daisy species being prominent in some years. Only one example of grassland was

recorded in the study area and this site also supported emergent shrubs in a previously

cleared remnant.


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia


Woodlands: ‘Allocasuarina huegeliana (Rock Sheoak) woodland’: The single occurrence of Rock

Sheoak woodland in the study area is on deep yellow sloping sand with Acorn Banksia,

Candle Banksia and Sandplain Cypress as understorey species. Rock Sheoak does occur

in other vegetation associations but is not the dominant species elsewhere in the


‘Salmon Gum woodland’: Salmon Gum Eucalyptus salmonophloia woodland is found

in various positions in the landscape from hills, where it is often associated with dolerite

dykes, to low, near saline drainage systems. It mostly occurs on red sandy to loamy soils,

sometimes with laterite or calcium carbonate nodules present. Other tree species may be

associated with this vegetation, commonly York Gum Eucalyptus loxophleba, Gimlet E.

salubris, E. myriadena or mallee. The understorey is often Melaleuca and Acacia species

or chenopods such as Saltbush Atriplex spp., Bluebush Maireana or Berry Saltbush

Rhagodia spp. There are 14 remnants in the catchment containing Salmon Gum



Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

Salmon Gum woodland

‘Gimlet woodland’: Gimlet (Eucalyptus salubris) woodland is similar to Salmon Gum

woodland in its occurrence on red loamy soils and often with understorey. It may also

support Salmon Gum (sometimes as a co-dominant), Red Morrel Eucalyptus longicornis,

York Gum or mallee species including Eucalyptus moderata (formerly E. semivestita), E.

subangusta, E. horistes (formerly E. hypochlamydea), and E. erythronema. The

understorey is often Melaleuca, with Boree M. pauperiflora being common, and Acacia or

chenopods. There are 33 remnants with Gimlet woodland in the catchment.

Gimlet woodland


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

‘York Gum/Jam woodland’: York Gum Eucalyptus loxophleba/Jam Acacia acuminata

woodland is found in various topographic positions within the catchment, from around salt

lakes on sandy soils to higher areas on loamy or granitic sandy soils where occasionally

Jam may replace York Gum as the dominant species. Other species found with York Gum

which may grow in tree or mallee form include mallee species Eucalyptus moderata, E.

subangusta, E. horistes, E. brachycorys, and Oil Mallee E. kochii or other tree eucalypts.

Understorey species vary but commonly include Grevillea teretifolia, Hakea recurva and

H. preissii, various Acacia and Melaleuca species or Ruby Saltbush Enchylaena

tomentosa and Berry Saltbush Rhagodia spp. A total of 150 remnants in the catchment

support York Gum/Jam woodland.

York Gum/Jam woodland

‘Mallee (with understorey)’: This association is found mostly on loamy or duplex soils

but occasionally on sandy soils. Usually there is no particular dominant mallee (multi-

stemmed eucalypt) present, rather a suite of species most of which have been listed above

as being present in other woodland types, including York Gum (in mallee-form). The

understorey varies with soil type but is commonly Acacia or Melaleuca species. There

may be occasional emergent eucalypt trees present. There are 161 remnants containing

this vegetation association in the study area.


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

Mallee (with understorey)

‘Mallee (no understorey)’: This association is similar to the above woodland type except

that it is missing the understorey, usually as a result of livestock grazing or overly

frequent firing. It is separated from the above association on bird habitat utilisation

grounds. There are 15 remnants with ‘mallee without understorey’ vegetation in the study


Mallee (no understorey)

‘Mixed woodland’: These woodlands have no dominant species but instead support

several eucalypt species growing in association, e.g. York Gum, Salmon Gum, Gimlet,

Morrel, Yorrell Eucalyptus yilgarnensis and mallees. The understorey is variable as is the

soil type, although loamy soils are most common. This association occurs in 45 remnants

in the study area.


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

Mixed woodland

‘Hakea recurva or Hakea preissii woodland’: The single occurrence of this woodland

type is low in the landscape on sandy soil. In other wheatbelt catchments Needle Tree

Hakea preissii can occur with H. recurva in low parts of landscapes close to salt lakes and

in higher areas, mostly as a result of clearing or grazing of York Gum woodland.

Hakea recurva or Hakea preissii (pictured) woodland

‘River Red Gum woodland’: River Red Gum Eucalyptus camaldulensis var. obtusa

woodland occurs in the catchment adjacent to fresh or brackish watercourses and perched

lakes on the Geraldton Sandplain. In the past River Red Gum (sometimes called River

Gum) was popularly planted along fences and driveways so it is possible that many of the

River Red Gums in the catchment have originated from these earlier plantings rather than


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

being of local genetic origin. River Red Gums would have been more widespread prior to

clearing. The understorey now tends to be weedy but has sedges and native perennial

grasses in some areas. It occurs in 11 remnants in the study areas.

River Red Gum woodland

‘Salt River Gum woodland’: Salt River Gum Eucalyptus sargentii woodland was found

in one remnant on the edge of salt lakes and drainage lines. The understorey comprised

samphire and sedges.

Salt River Gum woodland

‘Swamp Oak woodland’: Swamp Oak, or Swamp Sheoak (Casuarina obesa) woodland

is found fringing brackish or saline lakes and drainage lines in the study area. The

understorey is often samphire but in some areas the Swamp Oak continues upslope and

has the same understorey as the sandplain vegetation surrounding it. It occasionally occurs


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

with River Red Gum. There were 18 remnants in the catchment with Swamp Oak


Swamp Oak woodland

‘Salt Gum woodland’: Salt Gum Eucalyptus salicola looks very similar to Salmon Gum

but is only found near salt lakes. It occurs in two remnants in the study area. Understorey

vegetation includes sedge, Berry Saltbush and Saltbush.

Salt Gum woodland


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

Wetlands: ‘Fresh/brackish wetland (rushes)’: Fresh or brackish wetlands dominated by rushes

Juncus pallidus occur in 6 remnants on the Geraldton Sandplain in the catchment. Sedges,

Melaleuca species, samphire and the occasional emergent River Red Gum or Swamp Oak

may be present in this vegetation association.

Fresh/brackish wetland (rushes)

‘Samphire wetland (saline)’: Saline wetlands dominated by Samphire (Halosarcia spp.)

are common in catchment. Melaleuca species, Darwinia diosmoides, Sturt’s Pigface

Gunniopsis quadrifida and the occasional emergent Swamp Oak occur with samphire,

usually slightly upslope from the wettest areas. It was mapped as occurring on 22

remnants in the study area, although large areas of samphire were not included because of

technical mapping issues and samphire was considered to be of lower habitat value for

birds. Therefore, it is likely that the areal extent of this vegetation association was under-

estimated in this study.

Samphire wetland (saline)


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

APPENDIX 4: Perennial plant species recorded in quadrat-based floristic surveys of selected remnants in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment

Quadrat No. Species

BM1 - 1 Acacia colletioides Allocasuarina acutivalvis Allocasuarina campestris Allocasuarina huegeliana Calytrix flavescens Daviesia nudiflora Ecdeoicolea monostachya Grevillea polybotrya Jacksonia acicularis Lepidobolus preissianus Leptospermum erubescens Lyginia barbata Melaleuca seriata Olearia dampieri subsp eremicola Verticordia densiflora

BM1 - 2 Acacia ligulata Allocasuarina campestris Banksia prionotes Calytrix gracilis Conospermum stoechadis Ecdeoicolea monostachya Gastrolobium spinosum Hakea scoparia Melaleuca seriata Mesomelaena pseudostegia Verticordia acerosa subsp preissii Verticordia picta

BM1 - 3 Actinostrobus arenarius Allocasuarina huegeliana Alyxia buxifolia Austrostipa elegantissima Banksia prionotes Rhagodia drummondii Scholtzia parviflora

BM1 - 4 Acacia microbotrya Acanthocarpus canaliculatus Actinostrobus arenarius Austrostipa elegantissima Austrostipa hemipogon Calytrix leschenaultii Enchylaena lanata Exocarpus aphyllus Hakea preissii Jacksonia acicularis Lepidobolus preissianus Melaleuca seriata Rhagodia drummondii Scholtzia parviflora Verticordia densiflora

BM106 - 1 Acacia stereophylla

Allocasuarina campestris Astartea heteranthera Ecdeoicolea monostachya Eucalyptus kochii subsp kochii Eucalyptus oldfieldii Gahnia drummondii Grevillea petrophiloides Melaleuca cordata Melaleuca uncinata

BM106 - 2 Acacia acuaria Acacia acuminata Allocasuarina campestris Borya sphaerocephala Dodonaea inaequifolia Eucalyptus loxophleba Melaleuca radula Melaleuca uncinata

BM106 - 3 Acacia acuaria Austrodanthonia caespitosa Austrostipa elegantissima Dodonaea bursariifolia Eucalyptus kochii subsp kochii Hakea scoparia Melaleuca uncinata

BM106 - 4 Allocasuarina campestris Amphipogon strictus Austrostipa elegantissima Boronia coerulescens Calothamnus quadrifidus Dianella revoluta Ecdeoicolea monostachya Melaleuca conothamnoides Melaleuca cordata Melaleuca orbicularis Mesomelaena pseudostegia Olearia dampieri subsp eremicola Triodia danthonioides Xylomelum angustifolium

BM110 - 1 Acacia synoria Acacia saligna Astartea heteranthera Austrostipa elegantissima Comesperma integerrimum Daviesia hakeoides Enchylaena tomentosa Jacksonia acicularis Melaleuca pentagona Olearia dampieri subsp eremicola Rhagodia drummondii Stylobassium australe


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

Verticordia plumosa

BM110 - 2 Didymanthus roei Halosarcia sp2 Halosarcia sp3

BM110 - 3 Acacia saligna Austrostipa elegantissima Enchylaena tomentosa Rhagodia drummondii

BM110 - 4 Austrostipa elegantissima Grevillea paniculata Melaleuca uncinata Rhagodia drummondii Stylobassium australe

BM111 - 1 Acanthocarpus canaliculatus Austrodanthonia caespitosa Austrostipa elegantissima Austrostipa scabra Eucalyptus horistes Melaleuca eleuterostachya Melaleuca uncinata

BM111 - 2 Allocasuarina campestris Austrostipa elegantissima Ecdeoicolea monostachya Enchylaena tomentosa Gahnia drummondii Hakea scoparia Hibbertia exasperata Lepidosperma drummondii Melaleuca uncinata Neurachne alopecuroidea Petrophile shuttleworthiana

BM113 - 1 Acacia hemiteles Acacia mackeyana Austrostipa elegantissima Enchylaena tomentosa Eremophila sp Eucalyptus horistes Eucalyptus loxophleba Eucalyptus subangusta Melaleuca acuminata Melaleuca adnata Rhagodia drummondii Rhagodia preissii subsp preissii

BM113 - 2 Acacia assimilis Acacia neurophylla Acacia ?synoria Allocasuarina acutivalvis Allocasuarina campestris Astartea heteranthera Astroloma serratifolium Austrostipa elegantissima Ecdeoicolea monostachya Hakea scoparia Hibbertia exasperata Melaleuca conothamnoides Melaleuca cordata Melaleuca sp5

Micromyrtus racemosa racemosa Petrophile shuttleworthiana Phebalium ?ambiguum Stenanthemum pomaderroides

BM118 - 1 Acacia mackeyana Enchylaena tomentosa Eucalyptus moderata Eucalyptus subangusta Melaleuca acuminata Melaleuca adnata Melaleuca coronicarpa Melaleuca lateriflora

BM118 - 2 Allocasuarina campestris Baeckea crispiflora Borya sphaerocephala Daviesia hakeoides Ecdeoicolea monostachya Lepidobolus preissianus Melaleuca sp2 Mesomelaena pseudostegia Platysace effusa Poaceae sp3

BM118 - 3 Acacia isoneura subsp nimia Allocasuarina campestris Amphipogon strictus Astartea heteranthera Baeckea crispiflora Baeckea sp6 Choretrum pritzelii Cryptandra myriantha Darwinia acerosa Ecdeoicolea monostachya Eucalyptus leptopoda Grevillea integrifolia Grevillea paradoxa Lepidosperma tenue Melaleuca conothamnoides Melaleuca cordata Melaleuca uncinata Micromyrtus racemosa racemosa Neurachne alopecuroidea Verticordia monadelpha

BM123 - 1 Eucalyptus moderata Eucalyptus subangusta

BM123 - 2 Acacia assimilis Acacia stereophylla Allocasuarina acutivalvis Allocasuarina campestris Baeckea sp6 Eucalyptus obtusiflora Hakea scoparia Hibbertia eatoniae Melaleuca conothamnoides Melaleuca cordata Petrophile shuttleworthiana

BM149 - 1 Acacia coolgardiensis coolgardiensis Amphipogon strictus


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

Austrostipa elegantissima Eucalyptus brachycorys Lepidosperma tenue Melaleuca eleuterostachya Melaleuca uncinata Rhagodia drummondii

BM150 - 1 Acacia acuminata Acanthocarpus canaliculatus Amphipogon strictus Aristida contorta Austrostipa elegantissima Austrostipa scabra Desmocladus asper Eucalyptus loxophleba Melaleuca eleuterostachya Olearia dampieri subsp eremicola Rhagodia drummondii Triodia danthonioides

BM150 - 2 Enchylaena tomentosa Maireana sp3 Melaleuca lateriflora Rhagodia drummondii

BM150 - 3 Alyxia buxifolia Austrodanthonia caespitosa Austrostipa elegantissima Eremophila decipiens Eucalyptus salubris Melaleuca acuminata Melaleuca eleuterostachya Olearia muelleri Rhagodia drummondii Senna artemisioides subsp filifolia

BM150 - 4 Acacia eremaea Austrostipa elegantissima Enchylaena lanata Eucalyptus loxophleba Melaleuca acuminata Melaleuca eleuterostachya Melaleuca lateriflora Melaleuca uncinata Rhagodia drummondii

BM152 - 3 Acacia acuaria Acacia multispicata Acacia signata Austrostipa elegantissima Daviesia benthamii (acanthoclona) Eucalyptus horistes Eucalyptus loxophleba Eucalyptus subangusta Hakea minyma

BM153 - 1 Austrostipa elegantissima Austrostipa scabra Enchylaena lanata Eucalyptus loxophleba Olearia dampieri subsp eremicola Rhagodia drummondii Sclerolaena diacantha

BM153 - 2 Acacia ?inceana subsp latifolia Eremophila decipiens Melaleuca lateriflora Rhagodia drummondii Sclerolaena diacantha

BM154 - 1 Aristida contorta Austrostipa elegantissima Grevillea biternata Jacksonia acicularis Melaleuca pentagona Neurachne alopecuroidea Rhagodia drummondii Triodia danthonioides

BM154 - 2 Aristida contorta Austrostipa elegantissima Austrostipa scabra Eucalyptus loxophleba Lomandra effusa Olearia dampieri subsp eremicola Poaceae sp2 Triodia danthonioides

BM157 - 1 Acacia fragilis Acacia signata Allocasuarina campestris Astartea heteranthera Baeckea muricata Choretrum pritzelii Darwinia sp Dodonaea caespitosa Eucalyptus leptopoda Grevillea paradoxa Hibbertia glomerosa Melaleuca conothamnoides Persoonia sp

BM157 - 2 Eucalyptus celastroides Eucalyptus moderata Olearia muelleri Rhagodia drummondii Rhagodia sp Watheroo

BM157 - 3 Acacia mackeyana Austrostipa elegantissima Eucalyptus celastroides Eucalyptus salubris Eucalyptus semivestita Melaleuca coronicarpa Rhagodia sp Watheroo

BM17 - 1 Allocasuarina campestris Austrostipa elegantissima Austrostipa scabra Ecdeoicolea monostachya Eucalyptus subangusta Hibbertia lividula Melaleuca cordata Ricinocarpus velutinus

BM17 - 2 Acacia acuminata Allocasuarina acutivalvis Austrostipa elegantissima


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

Austrostipa scabra Dodonaea inaequifolia Enchylaena lanata Eucalyptus loxophleba Melaleuca acuminata Melaleuca adnata Melaleuca lateriflora Melaleuca spp seedlings

BM181 - 1 Acacia ligustrina Atriplex codonocarpa Eucalyptus loxophleba Halosarcia sp Melaleuca uncinata Rhagodia drummondii

BM181 - 2 Acacia acuminata Acacia colletioides Acacia signata Austrostipa elegantissima Enchylaena lanata Eremophila decipiens Maireana sp1 Ptilotus obovatus Rhagodia drummondii

BM184 - 1 Acacia acuminata Acacia prainii Austrostipa elegantissima Eucalyptus subangusta Melaleuca acuminata Melaleuca coronicarpa Melaleuca eleuterostachya

BM184 - 2 Acacia prainii Austrostipa elegantissima Austrostipa scabra Eremophila sp2 Eucalyptus salubris Melaleuca adnata Melaleuca eleuterostachya Ptilotus obovatus Sclerolaena diacantha

BM202 - 1 Atriplex semibaccata Atriplex semilunaris Enchylaena lanata Eucalyptus loxophleba Maireana brevifolia Melaleuca acuminata

BM207 - 1 Acacia assimilis Acacia neurophylla Acacia stereophylla Amphipogon turbinatus Astartea heteranthera Austrostipa elegantissima Baeckea sp4 Darwinia sp Grevillea paradoxa Micromyrtus racemosa racemosa Philotheca desertii subsp desertii

BM213 - 1 Acacia assimilis

Acacia neurophylla Acacia stereophylla Allocasuarina acutivalvis Allocasuarina campestris Amphipogon turbinatus Astartea heteranthera Austrodanthonia caespitosa Baeckea sp4 Grevillea paradoxa Hibbertia drummondii Melaleuca cordata Petrophile incurvata Persoonia sp

BM214 - 1 Acacia acuminata Austrostipa elegantissima Austrostipa scabra Enchylaena lanata Hakea recurva Ptilotus obovatus

BM214 - 2 Acacia acuaria Acacia acuminata Austrostipa elegantissima Austrostipa scabra Dianella revoluta Eremophila decipiens Eucalyptus loxophleba Hakea recurva Ptilotus obovatus Rhagodia sp Watheroo Scaevola spinescens

BM214 - 3 Allocasuarina acutivalvis Allocasuarina campestris Astartea heteranthera Austrostipa elegantissima Calothamnus gilesii Dianella revoluta Enekbatus stowardii Grevillea paradoxa Hakea scoparia Melaleuca cordata Micromyrtus racemosa racemosa Petrophile incurvata

BM214 - 4 Allocasuarina acutivalvis Allocasuarina campestris Amphipogon strictus Austrodanthonia caespitosa Borya constricta Cyperaceae sp2flat Cyperaceae sp3spiral Daviesia hakeoides Dianella revoluta Ecdeoicolea monostachya Enekbatus stowardii Lepidobolus chaetocephalus Lepidobolus preissianus Lepidosperma ?leptostachyum Leucopogon hamulosus Mesomelaena pseudostegia


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

Monachather paradoxa Platysace effusa

BM215 - 1 Austrodanthonia caespitosa Austrostipa scabra Dianella revoluta Eucalyptus horistes Eucalyptus moderata Eucalyptus obtusiflora Eucalyptus subangusta Olearia muelleri

BM215 - 2 Acacia erinacea Acacia mackeyana Austrostipa elegantissima Austrostipa scabra Eremophila drummondii Eucalyptus salubris Melaleuca pauperiflora Rhagodia sp Watheroo Santalum acuminatum

BM215 - 3 Acacia neurophylla Allocasuarina acutivalvis Austrostipa elegantissima Baeckea ?benthamiana ms Grevillea paradoxa Hakea francisiana Hakea scoparia Melaleuca nematophylla Micromyrtus racemosa racemosa

BM215 - 4 Acacia dielsii Acacia scalena Austrostipa elegantissima Austrostipa scabra Baeckea grandis Baeckea muricata Baeckea ?benthamiana ms Baeckea sp4 Eucalyptus obtusiflora Grevillea ?obliquistigma funicularis Monachather paradoxa

BM216 - 1 Acacia daviesioides Acacia neurophylla Eucalyptus oldfieldii Goodenia pinifolia Grevillea petrophiloides Philotheca desertii subsp desertii

BM218 - 1 Acacia acuminata Austrodanthonia caespitosa Austrostipa elegantissima Dodonaea inaequifolia Enchylaena tomentosa Eucalyptus horistes Eucalyptus loxophleba Melaleuca uncinata

BM220 - 1 Acacia coolgardiensis coolgardiensis Acacia mackeyana Allocasuarina campestris Austrostipa elegantissima

Austrostipa scabra Borya constricta Dodonaea inaequifolia Eremophila clarkei Eucalyptus erythronema Eucalyptus horistes Eucalyptus stowardii Eucalyptus subangusta Lepidosperma ?leptostachyum Melaleuca acuminata Melaleuca hybrid Myrtaceae sp

BM220 - 2 Acacia acuminata Acacia assimilis Acacia neurophylla Allocasuarina acutivalvis Allocasuarina campestris Hakea scoparia Melaleuca nematophylla Microcybe sp Micromyrtus racemosa racemosa

BM225 - 1 Acacia ancistrophylla Acacia mackeyana Austrostipa elegantissima Austrostipa scabra Chenopodiaceae Eremophila sp Eucalyptus (affin) loxophleba Eucalyptus erythronema Eucalyptus moderata Melaleuca adnata Melaleuca coronicarpa Melaleuca pauperiflora Melaleuca uncinata Olearia muelleri Rhagodia sp Watheroo Santalum acuminatum

BM225 - 2 Atriplex bunburyana Austrostipa elegantissima Chenopodiaceae Enchylaena lanata Eucalyptus salmonophloia Eucalyptus salubris Melaleuca pauperiflora Rhagodia sp Watheroo Sclerolaena diacantha Templetonia sulcata

BM225 - 3 Acacia assimilis Acacia coolgardiensis coolgardiensis Acacia nigripilosa Allocasuarina acutivalvis Allocasuarina campestris Allocasuarina corniculata Astartea heteranthera Banksia benthamiana Choretrum pritzelii Eucalyptus obtusiflora Hakea erecta


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

Hakea francisiana Hibbertia drummondii Lepidosperma ?leptostachyum Melaleuca conothamnoides Melaleuca cordata Melaleuca ?holosericea Petrophile shuttleworthiana Platysace maxwellii Persoonia sp Stenanthemum pomaderroides

BM225 - 4 Acacia daviesioides Acacia dielsii Acacia stereophylla Allocasuarina acutivalvis Amphipogon strictus Astartea heteranthera Baeckea muricata Darwinia ?purpurea Ecdeoicolea monostachya Eucalyptus leptopoda Eucalyptus obtusiflora Gahnia drummondii Hakea erecta Hakea scoparia Lepidosperma ?leptostachyum Melaleuca conothamnoides Melaleuca cordata Petrophile incurvata Platysace effusa Hemigenia sp

BM23 - 1 Acacia fragilis Acacia neurophylla Allocasuarina acutivalvis Allocasuarina campestris Astroloma serratifolium Austrostipa elegantissima Baeckea crispiflora Dodonaea caespitosa Grevillea paradoxa Hibbertia eatoniae Melaleuca cordata Melaleuca radula Melaleuca uncinata Micromyrtus racemosa racemosa

BM23 - 2 Austrostipa elegantissima Eremophila drummondii Eucalyptus arachnaea Eucalyptus moderata Eucalyptus sheathiana Eucalyptus subangusta Maireana sp1 Melaleuca adnata Melaleuca coronicarpa Olearia muelleri Rhagodia sp Watheroo

BM23 - 3 Acacia erinacea Aristida contorta Austrostipa elegantissima

Dodonaea caespitosa Eucalyptus obtusiflora Melaleuca adnata Melaleuca coronicarpa Melaleuca uncinata Rhagodia sp Watheroo

BM24 - 1 Acacia mackeyana Austrostipa scabra Baeckea grandis Daviesia nematophylla Dodonaea caespitosa Eucalyptus moderata Eucalyptus sheathiana Eucalyptus subangusta Melaleuca adnata Melaleuca coronicarpa Melaleuca sp4 Melaleuca uncinata Santalum acuminatum

BM24 - 2 Acacia acuminata Austrostipa elegantissima Austrostipa scabra Eucalyptus loxophleba Eucalyptus salmonophloia Melaleuca adnata Melaleuca lateriflora Melaleuca uncinata

BM24 - 3 Acacia assimilis Acacia neurophylla Allocasuarina acutivalvis Allocasuarina campestris Astroloma serratifolium Austrostipa elegantissima Grevillea paradoxa Hibbertia lividula Hibbertia subvaginata Melaleuca conothamnoides Melaleuca cordata

BM24 - 4 Acacia erinacea Acacia hemiteles Atriplex bunburyana Austrostipa elegantissima Enchylaena lanata Eucalyptus loxophleba Eucalyptus salmonophloia Maireana sp1 Rhagodia drummondii Rhagodia preissii subsp preissii Santalum acuminatum Templetonia sulcata

BM26 - 1 Austrostipa elegantissima Austrostipa scabra Enchylaena lanata Eremophila (affin) glabra Eucalyptus loxophleba Maireana brevifolia Melaleuca acuminata Melaleuca adnata


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

Melaleuca lateriflora Ptilotus obovatus

BM26 - 2 Didymanthus roei Halosarcia sp Puccinellia stricta

BM27 - 1 Austrostipa scabra Eucalyptus loxophleba Eucalyptus salmonophloia Eucalyptus salubris Maireana brevifolia Ptilotus obovatus Sclerolaena diacantha

BM27 - 2 Acacia acuaria Austrodanthonia caespitosa Austrostipa elegantissima Austrostipa scabra Austrostipa trichophylla Borya sphaerocephala Enchylaena lanata Eremophila decipiens Eucalyptus loxophleba Melaleuca uncinata

BM292 - 1 Acacia acuaria Acacia signata Austrodanthonia caespitosa Austrostipa elegantissima Austrostipa scabra Enchylaena lanata Eremophila decipiens Eucalyptus loxophleba Maireana sp1 Melaleuca eleuterostachya Rhagodia sp Watheroo

BM292 - 2 Acacia acuminata Acacia colletioides Acacia hemiteles Austrostipa elegantissima Austrostipa scabra Eucalyptus loxophleba Triodia danthonioides

BM293 - 1 Atriplex semibaccata Enchylaena lanata Eucalyptus salmonophloia Eucalyptus salubris Maireana brevifolia Melaleuca acuminata Sclerolaena diacantha

BM297 - 1 Allocasuarina acutivalvis Austrostipa elegantissima Austrostipa scabra Eucalyptus stowardii Grevillea paradoxa Melaleuca cordata

BM298 - 1 Acacia fragilis Acacia neurophylla Allocasuarina acutivalvis

Grevillea paradoxa Melaleuca nematophylla Melaleuca radula Micromyrtus racemosa racemosa Phebalium tuberculosum Philotheca desertii subsp desertii

BM298 - 2 Atriplex bunburyana Austrostipa elegantissima Enchylaena lanata Eucalyptus erythronema Eucalyptus salubris Maireana sp1 Rhagodia sp Watheroo Sclerolaena diacantha

BM300 - 1 Acacia acuminata Allocasuarina acutivalvis Austrostipa elegantissima Austrostipa scabra Eucalyptus horistes Melaleuca acuminata Melaleuca eleuterostachya

BM302 - 1 Allocasuarina acutivalvis Austrostipa elegantissima Baeckea grandis Eucalyptus incrassata Eucalyptus leptopoda Santalum acuminatum

BM305 - 1 Acacia dielsii Allocasuarina acutivalvis Amphipogon strictus Baeckea ?benthamiana ms Baeckea sp5 Cyperaceae Ecdeoicolea monostachya Gahnia drummondii Hakea scoparia Lepidosperma drummondii Lepidosperma sp Melaleuca uncinata Petrophile incurvata

BM305 - 2 Acacia acuaria Austrostipa elegantissima Austrostipa scabra Eucalyptus loxophleba Eucalyptus salmonophloia Eucalyptus salubris

BM305 - 3 Acacia acuminata Acacia assimilis Acacia neurophylla Austrostipa elegantissima Eucalyptus obtusiflora Grevillea paradoxa

BM305 - 4 Acacia acuminata Allocasuarina acutivalvis Eremophila drummondii Grevillea paradoxa Melaleuca radula


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

Pimelea avonensis

BM308 - 1 Austrostipa scabra Eucalyptus leptopoda Eucalyptus subangusta

BM308 - 2 Acacia dielsii Acacia multispicata Allocasuarina acutivalvis Amphipogon turbinatus Baeckea muricata Choretrum pritzelii Cryptandra sp Cyperaceae Dampiera sp Ecdeoicolea monostachya Enekbatus stowardii Gahnia drummondii Hakea scoparia Hibbertia drummondii Hibbertia eatoniae Lepidosperma tenue Leucopogon hamulosus Leucopogon sp Melaleuca conothamnoides Melaleuca cordata Microcybe multiflora Patersonia occidentalis Persoonia chapmanniana Platysace effusa Persoonia angustifolia Persoonia sp Verticordia sp

BM308 - 3 Acacia ancistrophylla Acacia mackeyana Austrostipa elegantissima Austrostipa scabra Eucalyptus erythronema Eucalyptus moderata Eucalyptus subangusta Melaleuca adnata Melaleuca coronicarpa Olearia muelleri

BM308 - 4 Atriplex bunburyana Atriplex paludosa subsp. baudinii Austrostipa elegantissima Austrostipa scabra Enchylaena lanata Eremophila decipiens Eucalyptus celastroides subsp virella Eucalyptus moderata Eucalyptus salubris Maireana sp1 Melaleuca adnata Melaleuca lateriflora Olearia muelleri Rhagodia drummondii Rhagodia sp Watheroo Santalum acuminatum

BM39 - 1 Allocasuarina campestris

Astroloma serratifolium Austrostipa elegantissima Baeckea crispiflora Dodonaea pinifolia Hakea scoparia Melaleuca cordata Neurachne alopecuroidea Verticordia acerosa subsp preissii Verticordia roei subsp roei

BM39 - 2 Juncus pallidus Melaleuca ?halmaturorum Melaleuca thyoides Melaleuca viminea

BM39 - 3 Actinostrobus arenarius Banksia menziesii Banksia prionotes Ecdeoicolea monostachya Eremaea beaufortioides Eremaea pauciflora Lachnostachys eriobotrya Lechenaultia linarioides Lepidobolus preissianus Melaleuca seriata Mesomelaena pseudostegia Neurachne alopecuroidea Petrophile linearis Stirlingia latifolia Xylomelum angustifolium

BM403 - 1 Acacia acuminata Austrostipa elegantissima Austrostipa scabra Comesperma integerrimum Conostylis aculeata bromelioides Daviesia benthamii (acanthoclona) Enchylaena lanata Eucalyptus loxophleba Melaleuca eleuterostachya Melaleuca pentagona Melaleuca uncinata Olearia dampieri subsp eremicola Rhagodia drummondii Thryptomene racemulosa

BM403 - 2 Acacia colletioides Alyxia buxifolia Austrostipa elegantissima Austrostipa scabra Lycium australe Pimelea avonensis Ptilotus obovatus Rhagodia drummondii Scaevola spinescens Templetonia sulcata

BM403 - 3 Acacia acuaria Acacia assimilis Acacia colletioides Acanthocarpus canaliculatus Amphipogon strictus Anigozanthos humilis


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

Calytrix leschenaultii Comesperma integerrimum Conostylis aculeata bromelioides Dampiera qjuncea Grevillea biternata Jacksonia acicularis Melaleuca pentagona Melaleuca uncinata Olearia dampieri subsp eremicola Persoonia chapmanniana Platysace maxwellii Santalum acuminatum Triodia danthonioides Verticordia densiflora

BM403 - 4 Acacia acuaria Acacia erinacea Austrostipa elegantissima Austrostipa hemipogon Austrostipa scabra Austrostipa trichophylla Desmocladus asper Dianella revoluta Eucalyptus horistes Eucalyptus obtusiflora Gahnia drummondii Lepidosperma drummondii Monachather paradoxa Olearia dampieri subsp eremicola Olearia muelleri Rhagodia drummondii Solanum nummularium Triodia danthonioides

BM405 - 1 Acacia stereophylla Allocasuarina campestris Baeckea sp5 Dodonaea caespitosa Ecdeoicolea monostachya Grevillea paradoxa Melaleuca conothamnoides Melaleuca cordata Melaleuca uncinata

BM405 - 2 Acacia acuminata Dodonaea inaequifolia Eucalyptus subangusta Melaleuca adnata Melaleuca coronicarpa Melaleuca lateriflora Melaleuca uncinata Rhagodia drummondii

BM418 - 1 Austrostipa elegantissima Austrostipa hemipogon Austrostipa scabra Desmocladus asper Eucalyptus brachycorys Eucalyptus kochii subsp kochii Lepidosperma tenue Melaleuca uncinata Olearia dampieri subsp eremicola

Platysace maxwellii Triodia danthonioides

BM418 - 2 Acacia enervia subsp explicata Argyroglottis turbinata Austrostipa elegantissima Eucalyptus loxophleba Hakea preissii Halosarcia indica subsp bidens Lycium australe Maireana sp1 Maireana sp2 Melaleuca eleuterostachya Rhagodia preissii subsp preissii Sclerolaena diacantha Templetonia sulcata

BM418 - 3 Halosarcia sp Halosarcia sp2

BM418 - 4 Austrostipa elegantissima Austrostipa scabra Eucalyptus horistes Eucalyptus kochii subsp kochii Eucalyptus obtusiflora Triodia rigidissima

BM42 - 1 Aristida contorta Austrostipa elegantissima Austrostipa scabra Banksia attenuata Banksia prionotes Calytrix strigosa Dianella revoluta Ecdeoicolea monostachya Mesomelaena pseudostegia Neurachne alopecuroidea Xylomelum angustifolium

BM420 - 1 Acacia acuminata Acacia colletioides Acacia signata Austrostipa elegantissima Eucalyptus loxophleba Maireana brevifolia Ptilotus obovatus

BM420 - 2 Acacia acuminata Acacia coolgardiensis coolgardiensis Austrostipa elegantissima Melaleuca eleuterostachya Rhagodia drummondii

BM428 - 1 Acacia erinacea Austrostipa elegantissima Eucalyptus salmonophloia Eucalyptus salubris Maireana brevifolia Rhagodia sp Watheroo

BM428 - 2 Acacia neurophylla Allocasuarina acutivalvis Austrostipa elegantissima Grevillea paradoxa


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

Hibbertia drummondii Pimelea avonensis

BM428 - 3 Austrostipa elegantissima Eucalyptus celastroides subsp virella Eucalyptus moderata Eucalyptus obtusiflora Eucalyptus subangusta Grevillea huegelii Olearia dampieri subsp eremicola Olearia muelleri Rhagodia sp Watheroo Templetonia sulcata

BM428 - 4 Acacia heteroneura var jutsonii Acacia multispicata Allocasuarina acutivalvis Allocasuarina campestris Astartea heteranthera Austrostipa elegantissima Baeckea muricata Chamelaucium drummondii Ecdeoicolea monostachya Grevillea eriostachya Grevillea paradoxa Lepidosperma sp Melaleuca cordata Thryptomene racemulosa Verticordia eriocephala

BM433 - 1 Acacia acuminata Acacia fragilis Acacia stereophylla Allocasuarina campestris Amphipogon strictus Austrostipa elegantissima Eucalyptus loxophleba Eucalyptus stowardii Eucalyptus subangusta Hakea francisiana Micromyrtus racemosa racemosa

BM433 - 2 Acacia mackeyana Eucalyptus horistes Eucalyptus subangusta Melaleuca adnata Melaleuca coronicarpa Melaleuca uncinata

BM433 - 3 Acacia acuminata Acacia dielsii Acacia fragilis Acacia stereophylla Amphipogon strictus Baeckea crispiflora Dianella revoluta Eucalyptus kochii subsp kochii Grevillea ?paniculata Grevillea paradoxa Melaleuca uncinata

BM441 - 1 Acanthocarpus canaliculatus Austrostipa scabra

Desmocladus sp Enchylaena tomentosa Melaleuca eleuterostachya

BM441 - 2 Acacia acuminata Acacia ligustrina Austrodanthonia caespitosa Austrostipa scabra Eucalyptus loxophleba Melaleuca eleuterostachya Olearia dampieri subsp eremicola Rhagodia drummondii

BM446 - 1 Austrostipa elegantissima Melaleuca lateriflora Melaleuca uncinata Rhagodia drummondii

BM446 - 2 Acanthocarpus canaliculatus Calytrix leschenaultii Conostephium pendulum Eucalyptus obtusiflora Jacksonia acicularis Lomandra collina Melaleuca sp3 Neurachne alopecuroidea Olearia dampieri subsp eremicola Platysace maxwellii Scholtzia parviflora

BM446 - 3 Austrostipa elegantissima Banksia attenuata Banksia prionotes Calytrix flavescens Ecdeoicolea monostachya Epacridaceae Eremaea pauciflora Isopogon scabriusculus Lepidobolus preissianus Leptospermum erubescens Melaleuca orbicularis Xylomelum angustifolium

BM446 - 4 Austrostipa elegantissima Banksia prionotes Calytrix flavescens Calytrix leschenaultii Conostephium pendulum Daviesia sp Ecdeoicolea monostachya Isopogon scabriusculus Jacksonia acicularis Jacksonia eremodendron Lepidobolus preissianus Melaleuca sp3 Mesomelaena pseudostegia Neurachne alopecuroidea Verticordia pholidophylla Xylomelum angustifolium

BM448 - 1 Allocasuarina campestris Astartea heteranthera Choretrum pritzelii


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

Eucalyptus obtusiflora Hakea erecta Hakea francisiana Melaleuca conothamnoides Melaleuca cordata Petrophile incurvata Petrophile shuttleworthiana Verticordia chrysantha

BM448 - 2 Actinostrobus arenarius Allocasuarina drummondii Astartea heteranthera Beaufortia bracteosa Calytrix gracilis Ecdeoicolea monostachya Eucalyptus pyriformis Hakea erecta Hakea scoparia Isopogon scabriusculus Lepidobolus preissianus Melaleuca cordata Melaleuca orbicularis Petrophile seminuda Petrophile shuttleworthiana Verticordia acerosa subsp preissii

BM448 - 3 Acanthocarpus canaliculatus Calytrix leschenaultii Ecdeoicolea monostachya Lepidobolus preissianus Leucopogon sp Melaleuca pentagona Triodia danthonioides Verticordia acerosa subsp preissii Verticordia densiflora Verticordia plumosa

BM448 - 4 Melaleuca lateriflora Melaleuca uncinata Rhagodia drummondii

BM450 - 1 Acacia neurophylla Austrostipa elegantissima Grevillea paniculata Hibbertia glomerosa Melaleuca uncinata

BM450 - 2 Acacia mackeyana Eucalyptus erythronema Eucalyptus horistes Eucalyptus subangusta Melaleuca adnata Melaleuca uncinata

BM450 - 3 Acacia fragilis Acacia neurophylla Allocasuarina campestris Astartea heteranthera Austrostipa elegantissima Chamelaucium drummondii Dodonaea caespitosa Dryandra cirsioides Eucalyptus stowardii

Gahnia drummondii Hakea scoparia Isopogon scabriusculus Leucopogon sp Melaleuca cordata Melaleuca orbicularis Melaleuca uncinata Persoonia chapmanniana Petrophile shuttleworthiana Stenanthemum pomaderroides

BM452 - 1 Acacia daviesioides Acacia mackeyana Eucalyptus erythronema Eucalyptus moderat Grevillea petrophiloides Hemigenia westringioides Melaleuca adnata Melaleuca coronicarpa Melaleuca uncinata Santalum acuminatum

BM452 - 2 Allocasuarina campestris Amphipogon strictus Baeckea crispiflora Chamaexeros sp Ecdeoicolea monostachya Hibbertia drummondii Lepidobolus preissianus Mesomelaena pseudostegia

BM452 - 3 Actinostrobus arenarius Allocasuarina campestris Amphipogon strictus Baeckea crispiflora Baeckea sp3 Comesperma scoparia Conospermum stoechadis Ecdeoicolea monostachya Hakea sp Lepidobolus preissianus Melaleuca orbicularis Mesomelaena pseudostegia Pileanthus peduncularis Verticordia acerosa subsp preissii Verticordia densiflora Xanthorrhoea sp

BM46 - 1 Austrostipa scabra Dianella revoluta Eucalyptus loxophleba

BM46 - 2 Allocasuarina campestris Austrostipa elegantissima Ecdeoicolea monostachya Hakea scoparia Melaleuca cordata Platysace effusa Santalum acuminatum Stypandra glauca

BM46 - 3 Acacia sp Austrostipa elegantissima


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

Eucalyptus loxophleba Hakea preissii Melaleuca acuminata Melaleuca adnata Melaleuca coronicarpa Rhagodia drummondii

Trymalium ledifolium var rosmarinifolium

BM478 - 1 Actinostrobus arenarius Amphipogon strictus Astartea heteranthera Baeckea sp3 Boronia coerulescens Calothamnus quadrifidus Conospermum stoechadis Dodonaea pinifolia Dryandra fraseri Ecdeoicolea monostachya Eucalyptus macrocarpa Eucalyptus pyriformis Hakea integrifolia Hakea sp Lepidobolus preissianus Melaleuca orbicularis Melaleuca pentagona Mesomelaena pseudostegia Neurachne alopecuroidea Platysace effusa Verticordia acerosa subsp preissii Verticordia densiflora

BM478 - 2 Acacia ?flabellifolia Actinostrobus arenarius Allocasuarina acutivalvis Allocasuarina campestris Allocasuarina drummondii Baeckea crispiflora Baeckea sp3 Calothamnus quadrifidus Daviesia sp Dodonaea pinifolia Dryandra cirsioides Dryandra fraseri Ecdeoicolea monostachya Hakea scoparia Hakea sp Hibbertia sp Isopogon scabriusculus Melaleuca conothamnoides Melaleuca cordata Melaleuca dichroma Melaleuca pentagona Melaleuca ?holosericea Nemcia sp Verticordia eriocephala

BM478 - 3 Atriplex paludosa subsp baudinii Austrostipa elegantissima Eucalyptus loxophleba Maireana brevifolia Rhagodia drummondii

Rhagodia preissii subsp preissii Threlkeldia diffusa

BM478 - 4 Actinostrobus arenarius Allocasuarina campestris Astartea heteranthera Austrostipa elegantissima Banksia prionotes Beaufortia ?elegans Calectasia ?hispidula Calothamnus quadrifidus Conospermum ?brachyphyllum Ecdeoicolea monostachya Hakea sp Neurachne alopecuroidea Rhagodia drummondii Xylomelum angustifolium

BM531 - 1 Eucalyptus loxophleba Eucalyptus salmonophloia

BM531 - 2 Acacia acuminata Austrostipa scabra Hakea recurva

BM531 - 3 Acacia acuaria Acacia acuminata Allocasuarina campestris Amphipogon strictus Astroloma serratifolium Austrostipa elegantissima Austrostipa scabra Comesperma integerrimum Cyperaceae sp4 Desmocladus flexuosus Dodonaea caespitosa Grevillea ?paniculata Hibbertia lividula Melaleuca cordata Melaleuca radula Olearia dampieri subsp eremicola Stenanthemum pomaderroides

BM531 - 4 Acacia acuaria Acacia acuminata Amphipogon strictus Austrostipa elegantissima Borya sphaerocephala Cyperaceae sp4 Eucalyptus loxophleba Melaleuca uncinata Neurachne alopecuroidea

BM55 - 1 Acacia acuminata Austrostipa scabra Eucalyptus loxophleba

BM553 - 1 Acacia neurophylla Acacia stereophylla Austrostipa elegantissima Baeckea muricata Baeckea ?benthamiana ms Chamelaucium drummondii Darwinia acerosa


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

Grevillea paradoxa Hibbertia glomerosa Melaleuca cordata

BM553 - 2 Acacia hemiteles Acacia mackeyana Austrostipa elegantissima Enchylaena tomentosa Eucalyptus loxophleba Rhagodia preissii subsp preissii

BM557 - 1 Atriplex semibaccata Austrostipa scabra Eucalyptus loxophleba Eucalyptus salmonophloia Maireana brevifolia Sclerolaena diacantha

BM70 - 1 Allocasuarina acutivalvis Allocasuarina campestris Baeckea grandis Darwinia ?purpurea Dodonaea caespitosa Eucalyptus subangusta Grevillea petrophiloides Hakea scoparia Hibbertia lividula Melaleuca conothamnoides Melaleuca cordata Melaleuca uncinata Micromyrtus racemosa racemosa Pimelea avonensis Poaceae sp1 Westringia cephalantha

BM70 - 2 Acacia acuaria Acacia acuminata Austrodanthonia caespitosa Austrostipa scabra Dodonaea inaequifolia Enchylaena lanata Eucalyptus loxophleba Ptilotus obovatus

BM70 - 3 Acacia erinacea Austrostipa scabra Enchylaena lanata Eucalyptus loxophleba Eucalyptus salmonophloia Melaleuca adnata Rhagodia drummondii Rhagodia sp Watheroo Santalum acuminatum Templetonia sulcata

BM70 - 4 Acacia erinacea Acacia ligulata Eucalyptus erythronema Eucalyptus moderata Eucalyptus salmonophloia Melaleuca coronicarpa Rhagodia drummondii Rhagodia sp Watheroo

BM716 - 1 Acanthocarpus canaliculatus Austrostipa scabra Conostylis aculeata bromelioides Eucalyptus loxophleba Olearia dampieri subsp eremicola Pittosporum angustifolium Rhagodia drummondii

BM716 - 2 Acacia eremaea Austrostipa elegantissima Darwinia diosmoides Didymanthus roei Disphyma crassifolia Enchylaena lanata Halosarcia sp Melaleuca uncinata Rhagodia drummondii

BM719 - 1 Atriplex codonocarpa Didymanthus roei Halosarcia sp

BM719 - 2 Acacia acuminata Acacia enervia subsp explicata Austrostipa elegantissima Enchylaena lanata Rhagodia drummondii

BM72 - 1 Eucalyptus kochii subsp plenissima Eucalyptus moderata Eucalyptus salmonophloia Eucalyptus sheathiana Melaleuca acuminata

BM72 - 2 Acacia daviesioides Allocasuarina acutivalvis Allocasuarina campestris Eucalyptus horistes Eucalyptus rigidula Hakea scoparia Melaleuca conothamnoides Melaleuca uncinata Petrophile shuttleworthiana Isopogon divergens

BM72 - 3 Acacia daviesioides Acacia erioclada Allocasuarina acutivalvis Allocasuarina campestris Dryandra fraseri Eucalyptus rigidula Grevillea petrophiloides Hibbertia huegelii Hybanthus floribundus floribundus Santalum acuminatum Scholtzia qdrummondii

BM72 - 4 Eucalyptus erythronema Eucalyptus horistes Eucalyptus obtusiflora Eucalyptus sheathiana Eucalyptus subangusta

BM721 - 1 Austrostipa scabra


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

Enchylaena lanata Maireana brevifolia Maireana sp1 Melaleuca eleuterostachya Rhagodia drummondii

BM724 - 1 Acacia mackeyana

Austrodanthonia caespitosa Austrostipa elegantissima Austrostipa trichophylla Enchylaena tomentosa Eucalyptus kochii subsp kochii Eucalyptus subangusta Olearia muelleri Rhagodia sp Watheroo

BM724 - 2 Melaleuca coronicarpa Melaleuca uncinata

BM77 - 1 Acacia acuaria Acacia acuminata Austrostipa elegantissima Dodonaea bursariifolia Eucalyptus horistes Eucalyptus loxophleba Melaleuca uncinata Trymalium ledifolium var rosmarinifolium

BM77 - 2 Acacia erinacea Acacia mackeyana Eucalyptus horistes Eucalyptus moderata Eucalyptus subangusta Melaleuca coronicarpa Melaleuca uncinata Olearia muelleri Trymalium ledifolium var rosmarinifolium

BM77 - 3 Acacia longiphyllodinea Acacia stereophylla Allocasuarina acutivalvis Allocasuarina campestris Baeckea sp6 Hakea scoparia Melaleuca conothamnoides Micromyrtus racemosa racemosa

BM79 - 1 Allocasuarina acutivalvis Allocasuarina campestris Baeckea sp6 Chamelaucium drummondii Dodonaea caespitosa Melaleuca cordata Neurachne alopecuroidea Petrophile shuttleworthiana

BM79 - 2 Acacia mackeyana Astroloma serratifolium Dodonaea caespitosa Eucalyptus horistes Eucalyptus subangusta

Hibbertia eatoniae Melaleuca coronicarpa Melaleuca uncinata Trymalium ledifolium var rosmarinifolium

BM86 - 1 Acacia acuaria Acacia hemiteles Acacia mackeyana Austrodanthonia caespitosa Austrostipa elegantissima Austrostipa scabra Eucalyptus moderata Eucalyptus subangusta Melaleuca adnata Melaleuca coronicarpa Olearia dampieri eremicola

BM89 - 1 Austrodanthonia caespitosa Austrostipa elegantissima Austrostipa scabra Enchylaena tomentosa Eucalyptus kochii subsp kochii Eucalyptus subangusta Melaleuca acuminata Melaleuca uncinata


Component 1 Report: Landscape Design for Bird Conservation in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment, Western Australia

APPENDIX 5: Native vegetation associations and bird species recorded in each remnant surveyed in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment

This appendix provides a comprehensive list of birds and native vegetation surveyed by

the CSIRO Project Team in Buntine-Marchagee Catchment over the period 2001-2003.

Excerpts of aerial photographs and maps of the distribution of vegetation associations in

each sampled remnant, together with a map showing all remnants of native vegetation in

the catchment are included in this document. These form an important compendium of

information for use by catchment landholders and land managers in developing

appropriate programs and actions to help recover the native vegetation and avian

communities of the catchment.

This appendix is stored on the report CD and is available by clicking the link below:

Appendix 5