langevin dynamics of heavy quarks in a soft-hard

Eur. Phys. J. C (2021) 81:536 Regular Article - Theoretical Physics Langevin dynamics of heavy quarks in a soft-hard factorized approach Shuang Li 1,2 ,a , Fei Sun 1,b , Wei Xie 1,c , Wei Xiong 1,d 1 College of Science, China Three Gorges University, Yichang 443002, China 2 Key Laboratory of Quark and Lepton Physics (MOE), Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430079, China Received: 18 April 2021 / Accepted: 13 June 2021 / Published online: 22 June 2021 © The Author(s) 2021 Abstract By utilizing a soft-hard factorized model, which combines a thermal perturbative description of soft scatter- ings and a perturbative QCD-based calculation for hard col- lisions, we study the energy and temperature dependence of the heavy quark diffusion coefficients in Langevin dynam- ics. The adjustable parameters are fixed from the compre- hensive model-data comparison. We find that a small value of the spatial diffusion coefficient at transition temperature is preferred by data 2π TD s (T c ) 6. With the parameter- optimized model, we are able to describe simultaneously the prompt D 0 R AA and v 2 data at p T 8 GeV in Pb–Pb colli- sions at s NN = 2.76 and s NN = 5.02 TeV. We also make predictions for non-prompt D 0 meson for future experimen- tal tests down to the low momentum region. 1 Introduction Ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions provide a unique oppor- tunity to create and investigate the properties of strongly interacting matter in extreme conditions of temperature and energy density, where the normal matter turns into a new form of nuclear matter, consisting of deconfined quarks and glu- ons, namely quark-gluon plasma (QGP [1]). Such collisions allow us to study the properties of the produced hot and dense partonic medium, which are important for our understanding of the properties of the universe in the first few milliseconds and the composition of the inner core of neutron stars [24]. Over the past two decades, the measurements with heavy-ion collisions have been carried at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Col- lider (RHIC) at BNL and the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN [57], to search and explore the fundamental prop- a e-mail: [email protected] (corresponding author) b e-mail: [email protected] c e-mail: [email protected] d e-mail: [email protected] erties of QGP, notably its transport coefficients related to the medium interaction of hard probes. Heavy quarks (HQs), including charm and bottom, pro- vide a unique insight into the microscopic properties of QGP [813]. Due to large mass, they are mainly produced in ini- tial hard scatterings and then traverse the QGP and expe- rience elastic and inelastic scatterings with its thermalized constituents [14, 15]. The transport properties of HQ inside QGP are encoded in the HQ transport coefficients, which are expected to affect the distributions of the correspond- ing open heavy-flavor hadrons. The resulting experimental observables like the nuclear modification factor R AA and elliptic anisotropy v 2 of various D and B -mesons are there- fore sensitive to the HQ transport coefficients, in particular their energy and temperature dependence. There now exist an extensive set of such measurements, which allow a data- based extraction of these coefficients. In this work, we make such an attempt by using a soft-hard factorized model (see Sect. 3) to calculate the diffusion and drag coefficients rele- vant for heavy quark Langevin dynamics. A particularly important feature of the QGP transport coefficients is their momentum and temperature dependence, especially how they change within the temperature region accessed by the RHIC and LHC experiments. For instance the normalized jet transport coefficient ˆ q / T 3 was predicted to present a rapidly increasing behavior with decreasing temper- ature and develop a near-T c peak structure [16]. The subse- quent studies [1722] seem to confirm this scenario. Another important transport property, shear viscosity over entropy density ratio η/s , also presents a visible T -dependence with a considerable increase above T c [23]. Concerning the HQ diffusion and drag coefficients, there are also indications of nontrivial temperature dependence from both the phe- nomenological extractions [2430] and theoretical calcu- lations [20, 21, 3134]. The difference among the derived hybrid models is mainly induced by the treatment of the scale 123

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Page 1: Langevin dynamics of heavy quarks in a soft-hard

Eur. Phys. J. C (2021) 81:536

Regular Article - Theoretical Physics

Langevin dynamics of heavy quarks in a soft-hard factorizedapproach

Shuang Li1,2,a , Fei Sun1,b, Wei Xie1,c, Wei Xiong1,d

1 College of Science, China Three Gorges University, Yichang 443002, China2 Key Laboratory of Quark and Lepton Physics (MOE), Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430079, China

Received: 18 April 2021 / Accepted: 13 June 2021 / Published online: 22 June 2021© The Author(s) 2021

Abstract By utilizing a soft-hard factorized model, whichcombines a thermal perturbative description of soft scatter-ings and a perturbative QCD-based calculation for hard col-lisions, we study the energy and temperature dependence ofthe heavy quark diffusion coefficients in Langevin dynam-ics. The adjustable parameters are fixed from the compre-hensive model-data comparison. We find that a small valueof the spatial diffusion coefficient at transition temperatureis preferred by data 2πT Ds(Tc) � 6. With the parameter-optimized model, we are able to describe simultaneously theprompt D0 RAA and v2 data at pT ≤ 8 GeV in Pb–Pb colli-sions at

√sNN = 2.76 and

√sNN = 5.02 TeV. We also make

predictions for non-prompt D0 meson for future experimen-tal tests down to the low momentum region.

1 Introduction

Ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions provide a unique oppor-tunity to create and investigate the properties of stronglyinteracting matter in extreme conditions of temperature andenergy density, where the normal matter turns into a new formof nuclear matter, consisting of deconfined quarks and glu-ons, namely quark-gluon plasma (QGP [1]). Such collisionsallow us to study the properties of the produced hot and densepartonic medium, which are important for our understandingof the properties of the universe in the first few millisecondsand the composition of the inner core of neutron stars [2–4].Over the past two decades, the measurements with heavy-ioncollisions have been carried at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Col-lider (RHIC) at BNL and the Large Hadron Collider (LHC)at CERN [5–7], to search and explore the fundamental prop-

a e-mail: [email protected] (corresponding author)b e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected]

erties of QGP, notably its transport coefficients related to themedium interaction of hard probes.

Heavy quarks (HQs), including charm and bottom, pro-vide a unique insight into the microscopic properties of QGP[8–13]. Due to large mass, they are mainly produced in ini-tial hard scatterings and then traverse the QGP and expe-rience elastic and inelastic scatterings with its thermalizedconstituents [14,15]. The transport properties of HQ insideQGP are encoded in the HQ transport coefficients, whichare expected to affect the distributions of the correspond-ing open heavy-flavor hadrons. The resulting experimentalobservables like the nuclear modification factor RAA andelliptic anisotropy v2 of various D and B-mesons are there-fore sensitive to the HQ transport coefficients, in particulartheir energy and temperature dependence. There now existan extensive set of such measurements, which allow a data-based extraction of these coefficients. In this work, we makesuch an attempt by using a soft-hard factorized model (seeSect. 3) to calculate the diffusion and drag coefficients rele-vant for heavy quark Langevin dynamics.

A particularly important feature of the QGP transportcoefficients is their momentum and temperature dependence,especially how they change within the temperature regionaccessed by the RHIC and LHC experiments. For instance thenormalized jet transport coefficient q̂/T 3 was predicted topresent a rapidly increasing behavior with decreasing temper-ature and develop a near-Tc peak structure [16]. The subse-quent studies [17–22] seem to confirm this scenario. Anotherimportant transport property, shear viscosity over entropydensity ratio η/s, also presents a visible T -dependence witha considerable increase above Tc [23]. Concerning the HQdiffusion and drag coefficients, there are also indicationsof nontrivial temperature dependence from both the phe-nomenological extractions [24–30] and theoretical calcu-lations [20,21,31–34]. The difference among the derivedhybrid models is mainly induced by the treatment of the scale


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of QCD strong coupling, hadronization and non-perturbativeeffects [35,36]. See Refs. [37–39] for the recent comparisons.

The paper is organized as follows. In Sect. 2 we introducethe general setup of the employed Langevin dynamics. Sec-tion 3 is dedicated to the detailed calculation of the heavyquark transport coefficients with the factorization model. InSect. 4 we show systematic comparisons between modelingresults and data and optimize the model parameters based onglobal χ2 analysis. With the parameter-optimized model, theenergy and temperature dependence of the heavy quark trans-port coefficients are presented in Sect. 5, as well as the com-parisons with data and other theoretical calculations. Sec-tion 6 contains the summary and discussion.

2 Langevin dynamics

The classical Langevin Transport Equation (LTE) of a singleHQ reads [14]

dxi = pi

Edt (1a)

dpi = −ηD pidt + Cikρk√dt . (1b)

with i, k = 1, 2, 3. The first term on the right hand sideof Eq. (4) represents the deterministic drag force, Fi

drag =−ηD pi , which is given by the drag coefficient ηD(E, T ) with

the HQ energy E =√p 2 + m2

Q and the underlying medium

temperature T . The second term denotes the stochastic ther-mal force, Fi

thermal = Cikρk/√dt , which is described by

the momentum argument of the covariance matrix Cik ,

Cik ≡ √κT

(δik − pi pk

p 2

)+ √

κLpi pk

p 2 , (2)

together with a Gaussian-normal distributed random variableρk , resulting in the uncorrelated random momentum kicksbetween two different time scales

⟨Fithermal(t) · F j


= CikC jkδ(t − t ′)(2)=


(δi j − pi p j

p 2

)+ κL

pi p j

p 2

]δ(t − t ′).


κT and κL are the transverse and longitudinal momentum dif-fusion coefficients, respectively, which describe the momen-tum fluctuations in the direction that perpendicular (i.e. trans-verse) and parallel (i.e. longitudinal) to the propagation.Considering the Einstein relationship, which enforces thedrag coefficient starting from the momentum diffusion coef-

ficients as [40]

ηD = κL

2T E+ (ξ − 1)


∂p 2 + d − 1

2p 2


√κT + √


− (3ξ − 1)κT − (ξ + 1)κL].


The parameter ξ denotes the discretization scheme ofthe stochastic integral, which typically takes the valuesξ = 0, 0.5, 1, representing the pre-point Ito, the mid-point Stratonovic, and the post-point discretization schemes,respectively; d = 3 indicates the spatial dimension. In theframework of LTE the HQ-medium interactions are conve-niently encoded into three transport coefficients, i.e. ηD , κTand κL (Eq. 4). All the problems are therefore reduced to theevaluation of κT/L(E, T ), which will be mainly discussed inthis work.

Finally, we introduce a few detailed setups of the numer-ical implementation. The space-time evolution of the tem-perature field and the velocity field are needed to solve LTE(Eqs. 1a and 4). Following our previous analysis [27,41],they are obtained in a 3+1 dimensional viscous hydrody-namic calculation [42], with the local thermalization startedat τ0 = 0.6 fm/c, the shear viscosity η/s = 1/(4π) andthe critical temperature Tc = 165 MeV (see details in Ref.[42]). When the medium temperature drops below Tc, heavyquark will hadronize into the heavy-flavor hadrons via afragmentation-coalescence approach. The Braaten-like frag-mentation functions are employed for both charm and bot-tom quarks [43,44]. An instantaneous approach is utilizedto characterize the coalescence process for the formation ofheavy-flavor mesons from the heavy and (anti-)light quarkpairs. The relevant coalescence probability is quantified bythe overlap integral of the Winger functions for the mesonand partons, which are defined through a harmonic oscillatorand the Gaussian wave-function [45], respectively. See Ref.[40] for more details.

3 Momentum diffusion coefficients in a soft-hardfactorized approach

When propagating throughout the QGP, the HQ scatteringoff the gluons and (anti-)partons of the thermal deconfinedmedium, can be characterized as the two-body elementaryprocesses,

Q (p1) + i (p2) → Q (p3) + i (p4), (5)

with p1 = (E1,p1) and p2 are the four-momentum of theinjected HQ (Q) and the incident medium partons i = q, g,respectively, while p3 and p4 are for the ones after scattering.Note that the medium partons are massless (m2 = m4 ∼ 0) inparticular comparing with the massive HQ (m1 = m3 = mQ

in a few times GeV). The corresponding four-momentum


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transfer is (ω, q ) = (ω, qT , qL). The Mandelstam invari-ants read

s ≡ (p1 + p2)2

t ≡ (p1 − p3)2 = ω2 − q2

u ≡ (p1 − p4)2


with q ≡ |q | E1 for small momentum exchange. Thetransverse and longitudinal momentum diffusion coefficientscan be determined by weighting the differential interactionrate with the squared transverse and longitudinal momentumtransfer, respectively. It yields

κT = 1


∫d� q 2

T = 1



[ω2 − t −

(2ωE1 − t




κL =∫

d� q2L = 1

4p 21

∫d� (2ωE1 − t)2. (8)

As the momentum transfer vanishes (|t | → 0), thegluon propagator in the t-channel of the elastic processcauses an infrared divergence in the squared amplitude|M2|t−channel ∝ 1/t2, which is usually regulated by a Debyescreening mass, i.e. t → t −λm2

D with an adjustable param-eter λ [46,47]. Alternatively, it can be overcome by utilizinga soft-hard factorized approach [48,49], which starts withthe assumptions that the medium is thermal and weakly cou-pled, and then the interactions between the heavy quarks andthe medium can be computed in thermal perturbation the-ory. Finally, this approach allows to decompose the soft HQ-medium interactions with t > t∗, from the hard ones witht < t∗. For soft collisions the gluon propagator should bereplaced by the hard-thermal loop (HTL) propagator [50,51],while for hard collisions the hard gluon exchange is consid-ered and the Born approximation is appropriate. Therefore,the final results of κT/L include the contributions from bothsoft and hard components.

As discussed in the QED case [48], μ + γ → μ + γ ,the complete calculation for the energy loss of the energicincident heavy-fermion is independent of the intermediatescale t∗ in high energy limit. However, in the QCD case,there is the complication that the challenge of the validity ofthe HTL scenario, m2

D T 2 [49], due to the temperaturesreached at RHIC and LHC energies. Consequently, in theQCD case, the soft-hard approach is in fact not independentof the intermediate scale t∗ [33,47]. In this analysis we havechecked that the calculations for κT/L are not sensitive to thechoice of the artificial cutoff t∗ ∼ m2

D .In the next parts of this section, we will focus on the energy

and temperature dependence of the interaction rate � at lead-ing order in g for the elastic process, as well as the momentumdiffusion coefficients (Eqs. 7 and 8) in soft and hard colli-sions, respectively.

3.1 κT/L in soft region t∗ < t < 0

In soft collisions the exchanged four-momentum is soft,√−t ∼ gT (λm f p ∼ 1/g2T [52]), and the t-channel long-wavelength gluons are screened by the mediums, thus, theyfeel the presence of the medium and require the resumma-tion. Here we just show the final results, and the details arerelegated to A. The transverse and longitudinal momentumdiffusion coefficients can be expressed as

κT (E1, T ) = CFg2


∫ 0

t∗dt (−t)3/2

∫ v1


v21 − x2

(1 − x2)5/2

×[ρL(t, x) + (v2

1 − x2)ρT (t, x)]

× coth



√ −t

1 − x2

) (9)


κL(E1, T ) = CFg2


∫ 0

t∗dt (−t)3/2

∫ v1



(1 − x2)5/2

×[ρL(t, x) + (v2

1 − x2)ρT (t, x)]

× coth



√ −t

1 − x2



respectively, with the HQ velocity v1 = |p|/E1 and the trans-verse and longitudinal parts of the HTL gluon spectral func-tions4 are given by

ρT (t, x) = πm2D

2x(1 − x2)

{[−t + m2




1 + 1 − x2


1 + x

1 − x




4x(1 − x2)





ρL(t, x) = πm2Dx

{ [ −t

1 − x2 + m2D

(1 − x


1 + x

1 − x





)2 }−1



3.2 κT/L in hard region tmin < t < t∗

In hard collisions the exchanged four-momentum is hard,√−t � T (λm f p ∼ 1/g4T [52]), and the pQCD Bornapproximation is valid in this regime. In analogy with the pre-vious part we give the κT/L results directly, and the detailed

4 The spectral function involves only the low frequency excitations,namely the Landau cut, while the quasiparticle excitations is irrelevantin this regime. See Eq. (A.8) for more details.


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aspects of the calculations can be found in B. The momentumdiffusion coefficients reads

κQiT (E1, T ) = 1


∫ ∞



×∫ cosψ |max


∫ t∗





1(D + 2b2)

8p 21 a

4+ E1tb

2p 21 a



(1 + t

4p 21




κQiL (E1, T ) = 1


∫ ∞



×∫ cosψ |max


∫ t∗





1(D + 2b2)

4a4 − E1tb

a2 + t2


]|M2|Qi .


The integrations limits and the short notations are shown inEqs. (B.28)–(B.34).

3.3 Complete results in soft-hard scenario

Combining the soft and hard contributions to the momentumdiffusion coefficients via

κT/L(E, T ) = κso f tT/L (E, T ) + κhard

T/L (E, T )

= κso f tT/L (E, T ) +




while κso f tT/L (E ≡ E1, T ) is given by Eqs. (9) and (10), and

κhard−QiT/L is expressed in Eqs. (13) and (14) for a given inci-

dent medium parton i = q, g. Adopting the post-point dis-cretization scheme of the stochastic integral, i.e. ξ = 1 inEq. (4), the drag coefficient ηD(E, T ) can be obtained byinserting Eq. (15) into Eq. (4).

4 Data-based parameter optimization

Following the strategies utilized in our previous work [40,53], the two key parameters in this study, the intermediatecutoff t∗ and the scale μ of running coupling (Eq. A.14a), aretested within a wide range of possibility and drawn constrainsby comparing the relevant charm meson data with modelresults. We calculate the corresponding final observable yfor the desired species of D-meson. Then, a χ2 analysis can

be performed by comparing the model predictions with

χ2 =N∑i=1

(yDatai − yModel




. (16)

In the aboveσi is the total uncertainty in data points, includingthe statistic and systematic components which are added inquadrature. n = N−1 denotes the degree of freedom (d.o. f )when there are N data points used in the comparison. In thisstudy, we use an extensive set of LHC data in the range pT ≤8 GeV: D0, D+, D∗+ and D+

s RAA data collected at mid-rapidity (|y| < 0.5) in the most central (0–10%) and semi-central (30–50%) Pb–Pb collisions at

√sNN = 2.76 TeV

[54,55] and√sNN = 5.02 TeV [56], as well as the v2 data

in semi-central (30–50%) collisions [57–59].We scan a wide range of values for (t∗, μ): 1 ≤ |t∗|


≤ 3

and 1 ≤ μπT ≤ 3. A total of 20 different combinations

were computed and compared with the experimental data.The obtained results are summarized in Table 1. The χ2 val-ues are computed separately for RAA and v2 as well as for alldata combined. To better visualize the results, we also showthem in Fig. 1, with left panels for RAA analysis and rightpanels for v2 analysis. In both panels, the y-axis labels thedesired parameters, |t∗|


(upper) and μπT (lower), and x-axis

labels theχ2/d.o. f within the selected ranges5. The differentpoints (filled grey circles) represent the different combina-tions of parameters ( |t∗|


, μπT ) in Table 1, with the number

on top of each point to display the relevant “Model I D” forthat model. A number of observations can be drawn from thecomprehensive model-data comparison. For the RAA, sev-eral models achieve χ2/d.o. f � 1 with |t∗|


� 1.5 and

widespread values of μ: 1 ≤ μπT ≤ 3. This suggests that

RAA appears to be more sensitive to the intermediate cutoffwhile insensitive to the scale of coupling constant. For the v2,it clearly shows a stronger sensitivity to μ, which seems togive a better description (χ2/d.o. f � 1.5−2.0) of the datawith μ

πT = 1. It is interesting to see that RAA data is more

powerful to constrain |t∗|m2

D, while v2 data is more efficient to

nail down μπT . Taken all together, we can identify a particular

model that outperforms others in describing both RAA and v2

data simultaneously with χ2/d.o. f = 1.3. This one will bethe parameter-optimized model in this work: |t∗| = 1.5m2

Dand μ = πT .

5 Results

In this section we will first examine the t∗ dependence ofκT/L

(Eq. 15) for both charm and bottom quark. Then, the rele-

5 χ2/d.o. f is shown in the range 0.5 < χ2/d.o. f < 2.5 for bettervisualization.


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Table 1 Summary of the adjustable parameters in this work, togetherwith the relevant χ2/d.o. f obtained for RAA and v2

Model I D |t∗|/m2D μ/πT χ2/d.o. f χ2/d.o. f Total

(Cutoff) (Scale) (RAA) (v2)

1 1.00 1.00 1.02 5.08 1.61

2 1.00 1.50 2.46 6.08 2.98

3 1.00 2.00 1.71 6.11 2.35

4 1.00 3.00 0.83 4.20 1.32

5 1.50 1.00 1.16 2.10 1.30

6 1.50 1.50 3.90 9.82 4.76

7 1.50 2.00 5.38 10.90 6.18

8 1.50 3.00 4.85 9.12 5.47

9 2.00 1.00 2.44 1.54 2.31

10 2.00 1.50 2.99 7.11 3.58

11 2.00 2.00 6.81 10.19 7.30

12 2.00 3.00 8.91 8.19 8.80

13 2.50 1.00 4.04 1.61 3.68

14 2.50 1.50 2.08 6.78 2.77

15 2.50 2.00 6.59 8.51 6.87

16 2.50 3.00 11.80 12.04 11.83

17 3.00 1.00 5.46 1.46 4.88

18 3.00 1.50 1.52 8.05 2.47

19 3.00 2.00 6.27 9.88 6.79

20 3.00 3.00 12.94 15.21 13.27







1 34



dataAARUsing (a)

d.o.f/2χ0.5 1 1.5 2
















data2vUsing (c)

d.o.f/2χ1.5 2



Fig. 1 Comparison of χ2/d.o. f based on the experimental data ofRAA (left) and v2 (right). The model predictions are calculated by usingvarious combinations of parameter |t∗|/m2

D (upper) and μ/πT (lower),which are represented as χ2/d.o. f (x-axis) and the desired parameter(y-axis), respectively. See the legend and text for details

vant energy and temperature dependence of κT/L(E, T ) willbe discussed with the optimized parameters. For the desiredobservables we will perform the comparisons with the resultsfrom lattice QCD at zero momentum limit, as well as the onesfrom experimental data in the low to intermediate pT region.

5.1 Energy and temperature dependence of the transportcoefficients

In Fig. 2, charm (left) and bottom quark (right) κT (thincurves) and κL (thick curves) are calculated, with m2

D ≤|t∗| ≤ 2.5m2

D and μ = πT , at the temperature T = 0.40GeV (upper) and the energy E = 10.0 GeV (lower). κTand κL are, as expected, identical at zero momentum limit(E = mQ), while the latter one has a much stronger energydependence at larger momentum. Furthermore, κT/L(E, T )

behave a mild sensitivity to the intermediate cutoff t∗ [33].Because the soft-hard approach is strictly speaking validwhen the coupling is small m2

D T 2 [49], thus, the aboveobservations support the validity of this approach within thetemperature regions even though the coupling is not small.

In Fig. 3, charm quark κT (left) and κL (middle) are eval-uated with the optimized parameters, |t∗| = 1.5m2

D andμ = πT , including both the soft (dotted blue curves) andhard contributions (dashed black curves), at fixed tempera-ture T = 0.40 GeV (upper) and at fixed energy E = 10.0GeV (lower). It is found that the soft components are signif-icant at low energy/temperature, while they are compatibleat larger values. The combined results (solid red curves) arepresented as well for comparison. With the post-point scheme(ξ = 1 in Eq. 15), the drag coefficients (right) behave (1) anonmonotonic dependence, in particular on the temperature,which is in part due to the improved treatment of the screen-ing in soft collisions, and in part due to the procedure ofinferring ηD from κT/L [15]; (2) a weak energy dependenceat E � 2mc = 3 GeV. Similar conclusions can be drawn forbottom quark, as shown in Fig. 4.

Figure 5 presents the transport coefficient of charm quark,q̂ = 2κT , at fix momentum p = 10 GeV (solid red curve).It can be seen that q̂/T 3 reaches the maximum near the crit-ical temperature, and then followed by a decreasing trendwith T , providing a good description of the light quarktransport parameter (black circle points). The results fromvarious phenomenological extractions and theoretical calcu-lations, including a phenomenological fitting analysis withthe Langevin-transport with Gluon Radiation (LGR; dot-ted blue curve [40]), a LO calculation with a LinearizedBoltzmann Diffusion Model (LIDO3; dashed black curve[60]), a nonperturbative treatment with Quasi-Particle Model(QPM in Catania; dot-dashed green curve [61]), a novel con-finement with semi-quark-gluon-monopole plasma approach

3 LIDO results are shown with only elastic scattering channels.


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Fig. 2 Comparison of themomentum diffusioncoefficients κT (thin blackcurves) and κL (thick redcurves), for charm (left) andbottom quarks (right),displaying separately the resultsbased various testingparameters:m2

D ≤ |t∗| ≤ 2.5m2D and

μ = πTE (GeV)

5 10 15 20


2 (G







: |t*|=1.0 mTκ2D

: |t*|=1.5 mTκ2D

: |t*|=2.0 mTκ2D

: |t*|=2.5 mTκ


: |t*|=1.0 mLκ2D

: |t*|=1.5 mLκ2D

: |t*|=2.0 mLκ2D

: |t*|=2.5 mLκ

Charm: pQCD+HTLTπ = 1.0 μ

T = 0.40 GeV


E (GeV)5 10 15 20


2 (G






4 2D

: |t*|=1.0 mTκ2D

: |t*|=1.5 mTκ2D

: |t*|=2.0 mTκ2D

: |t*|=2.5 mTκ


: |t*|=1.0 mLκ2D

: |t*|=1.5 mLκ2D

: |t*|=2.0 mLκ2D

: |t*|=2.5 mLκ

Bottom: pQCD+HTLTπ = 1.0 μ

T = 0.40 GeV


T (GeV)0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6


2 (G







: |t*|=1.0 mTκ2D

: |t*|=1.5 mTκ2D

: |t*|=2.0 mTκ2D

: |t*|=2.5 mTκ


: |t*|=1.0 mLκ2D

: |t*|=1.5 mLκ2D

: |t*|=2.0 mLκ2D

: |t*|=2.5 mLκ

Charm: pQCD+HTLTπ = 1.0 μ

E = 10.0 GeV


T (GeV)0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6


2 (G






4 2D

: |t*|=1.0 mTκ2D

: |t*|=1.5 mTκ2D

: |t*|=2.0 mTκ2D

: |t*|=2.5 mTκ


: |t*|=1.0 mLκ2D

: |t*|=1.5 mLκ2D

: |t*|=2.0 mLκ2D

: |t*|=2.5 mLκ

Bottom: pQCD+HTLTπ = 1.0 μ

E = 10.0 GeV


E (GeV)5 10 15 20


2 (G







|t*| = 1.5 mTπ = 1.0 μ

T = 0.40 GeV


E (GeV)5 10 15 20


2 (G







|t*| = 1.5 mTπ = 1.0 μ

T = 0.40 GeV


E (GeV)5 10 15 20








|t*| = 1.5 mTπ = 1.0 μ

T = 0.40 GeV


T (GeV)0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6


2 (G







|t*| = 1.5 mTπ = 1.0 μ

E = 10.0 GeV


T (GeV)0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6


2 (G







|t*| = 1.5 mTπ = 1.0 μ

E = 10.0 GeV


T (GeV)0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6








|t*| = 1.5 mTπ = 1.0 μ

E = 10.0 GeV


Fig. 3 Charm quark κT (left) and κL (middle) are shown at fixed tem-perature T = 0.40 GeV (upper) and at fixed energy E = 10.0 GeV(lower), contributed by the soft (dotted blue curves) and hard colli-

sions (dashed black curves). The combined results (solid red curves)are shown as well for comparison. The derived drag coefficient ηD(right; Eq. 4) are obtained with the post-point scenario

(CUJET3; shadowed red band [18,20,21]), are displayed aswell for comparison. Similar temperature dependence canbe observed except the CUJET3 approach, which shows astrong enhancement near Tc regime.

The scaled spatial diffusion coefficient describes the lowenergy interaction strength of HQ in medium [63],

2πT Ds = limE→mQ

2πT 2

mQ · ηD(E, T ), (17)

and it can be calculated by substituting Eq. (4) into Eq. (17).The obtained result for charm quark (mc = 1.5 GeV) isdisplayed as the solid red curve in Fig. 6. It is found thata relatively strong increase of 2πT Ds(T ) from crossovertemperature Tc toward high temperature. Meanwhile, the v2

data prefers a small value of 2πT Ds near Tc, 2πT Ds(Tc) �3−64, which is close to the lattice QCD calculations [64–68].

4 This range is estimated from the testing models as displayed in theright panels of Fig. 1.


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E (GeV)5 10 15 20


2 (G







|t*| = 1.5 mTπ = 1.0 μ

T = 0.40 GeV


E (GeV)5 10 15 20


2 (G







|t*| = 1.5 mTπ = 1.0 μ

T = 0.40 GeV


E (GeV)5 10 15 20








|t*| = 1.5 mTπ = 1.0 μ

T = 0.40 GeV


T (GeV)0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6


2 (G







|t*| = 1.5 mTπ = 1.0 μ

E = 10.0 GeV


T (GeV)0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6


2 (G







|t*| = 1.5 mTπ = 1.0 μ

E = 10.0 GeV


T (GeV)0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6








|t*| = 1.5 mTπ = 1.0 μ

E = 10.0 GeV


Fig. 4 Same as Fig. 3 but for bottom quark

cT/T1 1.5 2 2.5 3

)c (p




/ T






JET Collaboration


Fig. 5 Transport coefficient, q̂/T 3(T ), of charm quark from the vari-ous calculations, including: the soft-hard factorized approach (solid redcurve), the LGR model with data optimized parameters (dotted bluecurve [40]), a Bayesian analysis from LIDO (dashed black curve [60]),a quasi-particle model from Catania (dot-dashed green curve [62]),CUJET3 (shadowed red band [18,20,21]) and JET Collaboration (blackcircle points [19]) at p = 10 GeV

The relevant results from other theoretical analyses, such asLGR [40], LIDO [60], Catania [61] and CUJET35 [18,20,21], show a similar trend but with much weaker temperaturedependence.

5.2 Comparison with experimental data: RAA and v2

Figure 7 shows the RAA of D0 (a), D+ (b), D∗+ (c) andD+s (d) in the most central (0–10%) Pb–Pb collisions at

5 CUJET3 results are obtained by performing the energy interpolationdown to E = mQ .

cT/T1 2 3





Charm, HTL+pQCDCharm, LGRCharm, LIDOCharm, CataniaCharm, CUJET3D-meson

Banerjee 2011Ding 2012Kaczmarek 2014Brambilla 2020Altenkort 2020

Fig. 6 Spatial diffusion constant 2πT Ds(T ) of charm quark fromthe soft-hard scenario (solid red curve), LGR (dotted blue curve [40],LIDO (dashed black curve [60]), Catania (dot-dashed green curve [61]),CUJET3 (shadowed red band [18,20,21]) and lattice QCD calculations(black circle [64], blue triangle [65], pink square [66], red inverted tri-angle [67] and green plus [68]). The result for D-meson (long dashedpink curve [69]) in the hadronic phase is shown for comparison

√sNN = 2.76 TeV, respectively. The calculations are done

with FONLL initial charm quark spectra and EPS09 NLOparametrization for the nPDF in Pb [27], and the pinkband reflects the theoretical uncertainties coming from theseinputs. It can be seen that, within the experimental uncer-tainties, the model calculations provide a very good descrip-tion of the measured pT-dependent RAA data for variouscharm mesons. Concerning the results in Pb–Pb collisionsat

√sNN = 5.02 TeV, as shown in Fig. 8, a good agree-

ment is found between the model and the measurement atpT � 6 GeV/c, while a slightly larger discrepancy observedat larger pT.

Figure 9 presents the elliptic flow coefficient v2 of non-strange D-meson (averaged D0, D+, and D∗+) in semi-


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1.5 Pb-Pb @2.76 TeV, |y|<0.50-10%



2 4 6 80



1.5 *+D





)c (GeV/T

p2 4 6 8



Fig. 7 Comparison between experimental data (red box [54,55]) andsoft-hard factorized model calculations (solid black curve with pinkuncertainty band) for the nuclear modification factor RAA, of D0 (a),D+ (b), D∗+ (c) and D+

s (d) at mid-rapidity (|y| < 0.5) in central(0–10%) Pb–Pb collisions at

√sNN = 2.76 TeV






1.5 Pb-Pb @5.02 TeV, |y|<0.50-10%



2 4 6 80



1.5 *+D


Data: JHEP10(2018)174Data: 1910.01981Model



)c (GeV/T

p2 4 6 8



Fig. 8 Same as Fig. 7 but for Pb–Pb collisions at√sNN = 5.02 TeV.

The data (solid [56], open [70]) are shown for comparison.

central (30–50%) Pb–Pb collisions at√sNN = 2.76 TeV

(a) and√sNN = 5.02 TeV (b). Within the uncertainties of

the experimental data, our model calculations describe wellthe anisotropy of the transverse momentum distribution of thenon-strange D-meson. The sizable v2 of these charm mesons,in particular at intermediate pT � 3−5 GeV, suggests thatcharm quarks actively participate in the collective expansionof the fireball.

In Fig. 10, the pT-differential RAA of non-prompt D0

mesons are predicted with the parameter-optimized model,and shown as a function of pT in central (0–10%) Pb–Pbcollisions at

√sNN = 5.02 TeV. Comparing with prompt

D0 RAA (solid curve), at moderate pT (pT ∼ 5−7), a less

)c (GeV/T

p1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8








Pb-Pb @2.76 TeV, |y|<1.0, 30-50%, Average (a)

)c (GeV/T

p1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8






0.4ALICE Data: Average

0CMS Data: D


Pb-Pb @5.02 TeV, |y|<1.0, 30-50% (b)

Fig. 9 Comparison between experimental data (red [57], black [58]and blue boxes [59]) and model calculations (solid black curve withpink uncertainty band) for the elliptic flow v2 of non-strange D-mesonat mid-rapidity (|y| < 0.5) in semi-central (30–50%) Pb–Pb collisionsat

√sNN = 2.76 TeV (a) and

√sNN = 5.02 TeV (b).

)c (GeV/T

p2 4 6 8







Model Data


0Pb-Pb @5.02 TeV, 0-10%, |y|<0.5, D

non-prompt prompt

Fig. 10 Comparison of non-prompt (dashed blue curve) and promptD0 (solid black curve) RAA calculations as a function of pT with themeasured values (point [56]), in the central 0–10% Pb–Pb collisions at√sNN = 5.02 TeV. See legend and text for details

suppression behavior is found for D0 from B-hadron decays(dashed curve), reflecting a weaker in-medium energy losseffect of bottom quark (mb = 4.75 GeV), which has largermass with respect to that of charm quark (mc = 1.5 GeV).We note that the future measurements performed for the non-prompt D0 RAA and v2, are powerful in nailing down thevarying ranges of the model parameters (see Sect. 4), whichwill largely improve and extend the current understanding ofthe in-medium effects.


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6 Summary

In this work we have used a soft-hard factorized model toinvestigate the heavy quark momentum diffusion coefficientsκT/L in the quark-gluon plasma in a data-driven approach.In particular we’ve examined the validity of this scenario bysystematically scanning a wide range of possibilities. Theglobal χ2 analysis using an extensive set of LHC data oncharm meson RAA and v2 has allowed us to constrain thepreferred range of the two parameters: soft-hard intermediatecutoff |t∗| = 1.5m2

D and the scale of QCD coupling constantμ = πT . It is found that κT/L have a mild sensitivity to t∗,supporting the validity of the soft-hard approach when thecoupling is not small. With this factorization model, we havecalculated the transport coefficient q̂ , drag coefficient ηD ,spatial diffusion coefficient 2πT Ds , and then compared withother theoretical calculations and phenomenological extrac-tions. Our analysis suggests that a small value 2πT Ds � 6appears to be much preferred near Tc. Finally we’ve demon-strated a simultaneous description of charm meson RAA andv2 observables in the range pT ≤ 8 GeV. We’ve further madepredictions for bottom meson observables in the same model.

We end with discussions on a few important caveats in thepresent study that call for future studies:

• In the framework of Langevin approach, the heavy fla-vor dynamics is encoded into three coefficient, κT , κLand ηD , satisfying Einstein’s relationship. It means thattwo of them are independent while the third one can beobtained accordingly. The final results therefore dependon the arbitrary choice of which of the two coefficientsare calculated with the employed model [15,38]. For con-sistency, we calculate independently the momentum dif-fusion coefficients κT/L with the factorization approach,and obtain the drag coefficient via ηD = ηD(κT , κL) (seeEq. 4). A systematic study among the different optionsmay help remedy this situation.

• According to the present modeling, the resulting spatialdiffusion coefficient exhibits a relatively strong increaseof temperature comparing with lattice QCD calculations,in particular at large T , as shown in Table 2. It cor-responds to a larger relaxation time and thus weakerHQ-medium coupling strength. This comparison can beimproved by (1) determining the key parameters basedon the upcoming measurements on high precision observ-ables (such as RAA, v2 and v3) of both D and B-mesonsat low pT; (2) replacing the current χ2 analysis with astate-of-the-art deep learning technology.

• It is realized [71] that the heavy quark hadrochemistry,the abundance of various heavy flavor hadrons, providesspecial sensitivity to the heavy-light coalescence mech-anism and thus plays an important role to understand theobservables like the baryon production and the baryon-

Table 2 Summary of the different models for 2πT Ds at desired tem-perature values

T = Tc T = 2Tc T = 3Tc

This work ∼ 6 ∼ 22 ∼ 31

LQCD (median value) [64,67] ∼ 5 ∼ 10 ∼ 13

to-meson ratio. A systematic comparison including thecharmed baryons over a broad momentum region is there-fore crucial for a better constraining of the model param-eters, as well as a better extraction of the heavy quarktransport coefficients in a model-to-data approach.

• The elastic scattering (2 → 2) processes between heavyquark and QGP constituents are dominated for heavyquark with low to moderate transverse momentum [41].Thus, here we consider only the elastic energy loss mech-anisms to study the observables at pT ≤ 8 GeV. Themissing radiative (2 ↔ 3) effects may help to reducethe discrepancy with RAA data in the vicinity of pT = 8GeV, as mentioned above (see Fig. 8). With the soft-hardfactorized approach, it would be interesting to includeboth elastic and radiative contributions in a simultaneousbest fit to data in the whole pT region. We also plan toexplore this idea in the future.

Acknowledgements The authors are grateful to Andrea Beraudo andJinfeng Liao for helpful discussions and communications. We also thankWeiyao Ke and Gabriele Coci for providing the inputs as shown inFigs. 5 and 6. This work is supported by the Hubei Provincial NaturalScience Foundation under Grant No.2020CFB163, the National ScienceFoundation of China (NSFC) under Grant Nos.12005114, 11847014and 11875178, and the Key Laboratory of Quark and Lepton PhysicsContracts Nos.QLPL2018P01 and QLPL201905.

DataAvailability Statement This manuscript has no associated data orthe data will not be deposited. [Authors’ comment: The data generatedfrom this study are available from the authors upon individual request.]

Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attri-bution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation,distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as yougive appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, pro-vide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changeswere made. The images or other third party material in this articleare included in the article’s Creative Commons licence, unless indi-cated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is notincluded in the article’s Creative Commons licence and your intendeduse is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permit-ted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copy-right holder. To view a copy of this licence, visit by SCOAP3.


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Appendix A: Derivation of the interaction rate andmomentum diffusion coefficients in soft collisions

In the QED case, μ+γ → μ+γ , one can calculate relevantinteraction rate with small momentum transfer by using theimaginary part of the muon self-energy �(p1) [72]

�(E1, T ) = − 1

2E1n̄F (E1)Tr

[(p/1 + m1)Im�(p1)

]. (A.1)

where, p1 = (E1,p1) and m1 are the four-momentum andmass of the injected muon, respectively 4. The trace termin Eq. (A.1) was calculated with a resummed photon prop-agator, which is very similar with the one in QCD 5. It isrealized [73,74] that, in the QCD case, the contributions to� can be obtained from the corresponding QED calculationsby simply substitution: e2 → CFg2, where, e (g) is the QED(QCD) coupling constant andCF = 4/3 is the quark Casimirfactor. It yields [73]

Tr[(p/1 + m1)Im�(p1)


= −2CFg2(1 + e−E1/T )


∫dω n̄B(ω)





A ≡(

1 − ω + v1 · q2E1

)ρL(ω, q) +

[v 2

1 (1 − (v̂1 · q̂)2)

−ω − v1 · qE1

]ρT (ω, q) (A.3)

B ≡ n̄F (E3)δ(E1 − E3 − ω) − nF (E3)δ(E1 + E3 − ω)


where, v1 = p1/E1 denotes the HQ velocity; nB/F (E) =(eE/T ∓ 1)−1 indicates the thermal distributions for Bosons/Fermions and n̄B/F ≡ 1 ± nB/F accounts for the Bose-enhancement or Pauli-blocking effect. Here we have used

the short notation∫q ≡ ∫ d3q

(2π)3 for phase space integrals.Taking |p1| and m1/3 = mQ are both much greater than theunderlying medium temperature, i.e. |p1|,m1/3 � T , thus,E1/3 � T and nF (E3) is exponentially suppressed and canbe dropped. Moreover, the first δ function in Eq. (A.4) can

be simplified since E3 =√

(p1 − q)2 + m21 ≈ E1 − v1 · q.

Concerning the second δ function, it cannot contribute for ω

less than or on the order of T [73], which will be deleted inthis work. Finally, Eq. (A.3) and A.4 can be reduced to

A ≡ ρL(ω, q) + v 21

[1 − (v̂1 · q̂)2]ρT (ω, q) (A.5a)

B ≡ δ(ω − v1 · q). (A.5b)

4 The notations for the injected muon are same with the ones for theinjected HQ in the elastic process.5 The structure of the QED HTL-propagator follows Eq. (A.10) butwith opposite signs [48].

By substituting Eqs. (A.5a) and (A.5b) into Eq. (A.2), onegets

Tr[(p/1 + m1)Im�(p1)


= −2CFg2E1


∫dω n̄B(ω)δ(ω − v1 · q )

×{ρL(ω, q) + v 2


[1 − (v̂1 · q̂)2]ρT (ω, q)



Equation (A.1) can be rewritten as

�(E1, T )

= CFg2∫


∫dω n̄B(ω)δ(ω − v1 · q )

×{ρL(ω, q) + v 2


[1 − (v̂1 · q̂)2]ρT (ω, q)


with the transverse and longitudinal spectral functions aregiven by the imaginary part of the retarded propagator

ρT/L(ω, q) ≡ 2 · ImDRT/L(ω, q). (A.8)

We note that, in the weak coupling limit, a consistentmethod is to use the HTL resummed propagators, which iscontributed by the quasiparticle poles and the Landau damp-ing cuts [51]. In this analysis, we mainly focus on the lowfrequency excitation (|ω| < q), where the Landau damp-ing is dominant and the quasiparticle excitation is irrelevant.The resulting spectral function is therefore denoted by ρ inEq. (A.8).

The retarded propagator in Eq. (A.8) reads

DRT/L(ω, q) ≡ �T/L(ω + iη, q), (A.9)

which is defined by setting q0 = ω + iη (η → 0+), i.e. thereal energy, for the dressed gluon propagator �T/L(q0, q)


�T (q0, q) = −1

(q0)2 − q2 − �T (x)

�L(q0, q) = −1

q2 + �L(x).


The medium effects are embedded in the HTL gluon self-energy

�T (x) = m2D


[x2 + (1 − x2)Q(x)


�L(x) = m2D

[1 − Q(x)

] (A.11)

where, x = q0/q; Q(x) is the Legendre polynomial of sec-ond kind

Q(x) = x


x + 1

x − 1(A.12)

and m2D is the Debye screening mass squared for gluon

m2D = g2T 2

(1 + N f


). (A.13)


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The coupling constant, g, is quantified by the two-loop QCDbeta-function [75]

g−2(μ) = 2β0ln


)+ β1







β0 = 1


(11 − 2

3N f


β1 = 1


(102 − 38

3N f


where, πT ≤ μ ≤ 3πT and �QCD = 261 MeV. N f is thenumber of active flavors in the QGP. Finally, for space-likemomentum, Eq. (A.8) can be expressed as

ρT (ω, q) = πωm2D

2q3 (q2 − ω2)

{[q2 − ω2



(1 + q2 − ω2


q + ω

q − ω




4q3 (q2 − ω2)



ρL(ω, q) = πωm2D


{[q2 + m2


(1 − ω


q + ω

q − ω






, (A.16)

with which Eq. (A.7) is computable.The momentum diffusion coefficients can be calculated by

substituting Eqs. (A.7), (A.15) and (A.16) back into Eqs. (7)and (8), respectively, and then performing the angular inte-gral, yielding5

κT (E1, T ) = CFg2


∫ qmax

0dq q3

∫ v1q


(1 − ω2




×[ρL (ω, q) +


1 − ω2


)ρT (ω, q)






5 Note that the spectral functions (Eqs. A.15 and A.16) are odd, and theresulting ρT/L (−ω, q) = −ρT/L (ω, q) are used to obtain Eqs. (A.17)and (A.18).

κL (E1, T ) = CFg2


∫ qmax

0dq q

∫ v1q




×[ρL (ω, q) +


1 − ω2


)ρT (ω, q)





with v1 ≡ |v1|. The maximum momentum exchange isqmax = √

4E1T in the high-energy limit [76].Next, we implement the further calculations by perform-

ing a simple change of variables,

t = ω2 − q2 < 0 q2 = −t

1 − x2

x = ω

q< v1 ω = x

√ −t

1 − x2 ,


resulting in

dtdx =∣∣∣∣∂(t, x)

∂(q, ω)

∣∣∣∣dqdω = 2(1 − x2)dqdω. (A.20)

Using Eqs. (A.19) and (A.20), one arrives at Eqs. (9)–(12).Similar results can be found in Refs. [33,77].

Appendix B: Derivation of interaction rate and momen-tum diffusion coefficients in hard collisions

For two-body scatterings, the transition rate is defined as therate of collisions with medium parton i , which changes themomentum of the HQ (parton i) from p1 (p2) to p3 = p1 −q(p4 = p2 + q),

ωQi (p1,q, T ) = ∫p2

n(E2)n̄(E3)n̄(E4)vrel dσ Qi (p1, p2 → p3, p4).


Typically, one can assume n̄(E3) = 1 by neglecting the ther-mal effects on the HQ after scattering. The differential crosssection summed over the spin/polarization and color of thefinal partons and averaged over those of incident partons,

vreldσ Qi (p1,p2 → p3,p4)

= 1







(2π)32E4|M2|Qi (2π)4

× δ(4)(p1 + p2 − p3 − p4)


where, vrel = (√

(p1 · p2)2 − (m1m2)2)/(E1E2) is the rela-tive velocity between the projectile HQ and the target parton.The interaction rate for a given elastic process reads

�Qi (E1, T ) =∫

d3q ωQi (p1,q, T )

(B.21,B.22)= 1











× |M2|Qi (2π)4δ(4)(p1 + p2 − p3 − p4)



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The momentum diffusion coefficients can be obtained byinserting Eq. (B.23) into Eq. (7) and 8, yielding

κQiT (E1, T )

= 1











q 2T2

× θ(|t | − |t∗|)|M2|Qi (2π)4δ(4)(p1 + p2 − p3 − p4)

= 1


∫ ∞|p2|min


∫ cosψ |max


×∫ t∗


dt∫ ωmax


dωn̄(ω + E2)√


[ω2 − t − (2E1ω − t)2





κQiL (E1, T )

= 1











( 2E1ω − t


× θ(|t | − |t∗|)|M2|Qi (2π)4δ(4)(p1 + p2 − p3 − p4)

= 1


∫ ∞|p2|min


∫ cosψ |max


×∫ t∗


dt∫ ωmax


dωn̄(ω + E2)√

G(ω)(2E1ω − t)2|M2|Qi


Note that,

(1) for hard collisions the momentum exchange is con-strained by imposing θ(|t | − |t∗|) in the first equalityof Eqs. (B.24) and (B.25);

(2) the tree level matrix elements squared includes the con-tributions from the various channels, which are given inRef. [78]:

• for Q + q → Q + q (t-channel only)

|M2|Qq (s, t)

= 2N f · 2Nc · g4 4


(m21 − u)2 + (s − m2

1)2 + 2m21t



• for Q + g → Q + g (t , s and u-channel combined)

|M2|Qg(s, t)

= 2(N2c − 1)g4

[2(s − m2

1)(m21 − u)


+ 4


(s − m21)(m2

1 − u) + 2m21(s + m2


(s − m21)2

+ 4


(s − m21)(m2

1 − u) + 2m21(m2

1 + u)

(m21 − u)2

+ 1



1 − t)

(s − m21)(m2

1 − u)+ (s − m2

1)(m21 − u) + m2

1(s − u)

t (s − m21)

− (s − m21)(m2

1 − u) − m21(s − u)

t (m21 − u)



Concerning the degeneracy factors, in Eq. (B.26), 2N f

reflects the identical contribution from all light quark and

anti-quark flavors, and 2Nc indicates the summing, ratherthan averaging, over the helicities and colors of the inci-dent light quark, while in Eq. (B.27), the factor 2(N 2

c −1)

denotes the summing over the polarization and colors ofthe incident gluon. The running coupling constant takesg(μ)2 = 4παs(μ), which is given by Eq. (A.14a) withthe scale μ = √−t .

(3) with the help of δ-function, we can reduce the integral inEqs. (B.24) and (B.25) from 9-dimension (9D) to 4D inthe numerical calculations, by transforming the integra-tion variables from (p2,p3,p4) to (|p2|, cosψ, t), whereψ is the polar angle of p2; it yields the results as shownin the second equality of Eqs. (B.24) and (B.25); the rel-evant limits of integration together with the additionalnotations are summarized below:

|p2|min =|t∗| +

√(t∗)2 + 4m2

1|t∗|4(E1 + |p1|) (B.28)

cosψ |max = min



|p1| −|t∗| +

√(t∗)2 + 4m2

1|t∗|4|p1| · |p2|


tmin = − (s − m21)2


ωmax/min = b ± √D

2a2 wi th (B.31)

a = s − m21

|p1| (B.32)

b = − 2t

p 21

[E1(s − m2

1) − E2(s + m21)


c = − t

p 21

{t[(E1 + E2)2 − s

] + 4p 21 p 2

2 sin2ψ


D = b2 + 4a2c = −t

[ts + (s − m2




(B.35)G(ω) = −a2ω + bω + c (B.36)

(4) then, one can follow the procedure of Ref. [48] for theanalytical evaluation of ω integral. The obtained resultsfor κT and κL are shown in Eqs. (13) and (14), respec-tively.


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