language varieties

Language varieties First of all, I need to say that making this summary helped me to achieve one of the specific objectives of the Lexical Analysis course; use vocabulary related to the major properly. To start with, as we will be teachers, we need to use a proper vocabulary to refer to the structures and linguistic terms we deal with. Besides, as we are models for our students we must always model our vocabulary in every situation, specially if we are surrounded by students who look up to us, looking for a model to follow in real life terms. After going through the document I noticed that when speaking about linguistic terms you can always find a similar term, but they will never be the same; besides, I could notice how important the way of expressing yourself can create distance, prestige, respect, etc; as we are young, we should start paying attention to all these signs for the years to come in which we will be teaching at real schools, with real students and that is the moment when we should take advantage of every single tool we were given at university. In my opinion, this course has still a lot material to offer us to become better teachers, but with the contents we have seen so far I can state that courses like this are the ones that we are lacking of at university. As we finish university at a regular young age we are inserted in a world where people with experience is the people who hold the floor so we should take advantage of courses like this where you are taught basic, though complex, concept to use them cleverly on daily basis. As we will be teaching language, we will find concepts like these extremely useful in our daily communication with the students for purposes of teaching them how to use these concepts in a practical way, but also to communicate with different groups of people at school: parents, colleagues and, most important of all, students. In my opinion, a teacher must be ready for any unexpected situation and one of the most important ways of blending in is using your vocabulary properly. As you are a teacher you are not expected to come to the school wearing any type of clothes nor

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Post on 22-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Language varieties

Language varieties

First of all, I need to say that making this summary helped me to achieve one of the specific objectives of the Lexical Analysis course; use vocabulary related to the major properly.

To start with, as we will be teachers, we need to use a proper vocabulary to refer to the structures and linguistic terms we deal with. Besides, as we are models for our students we must always model our vocabulary in every situation, specially if we are surrounded by students who look up to us, looking for a model to follow in real life terms.

After going through the document I noticed that when speaking about linguistic terms you can always find a similar term, but they will never be the same; besides, I could notice how important the way of expressing yourself can create distance, prestige, respect, etc; as we are young, we should start paying attention to all these signs for the years to come in which we will be teaching at real schools, with real students and that is the moment when we should take advantage of every single tool we were given at university.

In my opinion, this course has still a lot material to offer us to become better teachers, but with the contents we have seen so far I can state that courses like this are the ones that we are lacking of at university. As we finish university at a regular young age we are inserted in a world where people with experience is the people who hold the floor so we should take advantage of courses like this where you are taught basic, though complex, concept to use them cleverly on daily basis.

As we will be teaching language, we will find concepts like these extremely useful in our daily communication with the students for purposes of teaching them how to use these concepts in a practical way, but also to communicate with different groups of people at school: parents, colleagues and, most important of all, students.

In my opinion, a teacher must be ready for any unexpected situation and one of the most important ways of blending in is using your vocabulary properly. As you are a teacher you are not expected to come to the school wearing any type of clothes nor speaking in a way that teachers are not supposed to be speaking. In the end, everything that matters is the way you present yourself to the rest of the people and, as teachers, we should all try to do our best when meeting new people, new students, or new colleagues; that is when we use our common sense and adapt our language and expressions according to the communicative situation in which we are involved.

As teachers, we are models for the rest of the society, we must always care about the image we are giving and the image people are receiving about us and our actions, language, social background and awareness of communicative situation must help us decide which way we must behave.