las expectativas de español ii avanzado

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  • 8/13/2019 Las Expectativas de Espaol II Avanzado


    Seorita [email protected] 2 (Open Honors)

    Las Expectativas de Espaol II

    Expectations for Spanish 2

    Overview:Students will reinforce their knowlede of the lanuae throuh hands!on acti"ities and throuhoral practice. #urin the course$ students will demonstrate listenin$ speakin$ readin andwritin skills a%out the followin topics&

    *Careers *Performing and visual arts *Food *Da de losMuertos *Memories *Vacations *The New World*Home and Chores *Dail !outines *Culture

    Students will %ein the course re"iewin rammar and "oca%ular' from Spanish 1. he' willacuire new topics such as the o%ject pronouns$ refle*i"e "er%s$ the preterite tense and theimperfect tense.

    Course DescriptionSpanish IIis the normal seuence for students who ha"e reached +ear , proficienc' %' the endthe three!'ear middle school proram or the Spanish , course at the hih school. -inth radestudents should ha"e recei"ed a ualif'in score on the eihth rade placement test andor ateacher recommendation for this course. he curriculum interates and rec'cles Spanish ,material while introducin new and more ad"anced "oca%ular' and rammatical structures.

    ,nstructors e*pand upon all communicati"e skills with increased emphasis on spontaneousspeakin$ communicati"e acti"ities$ structured writin e*ercises$ and the readin of shortpassaes. /ssessment includes ui00es$ tests$ writin assinments$ oral presentations$ skits$and projects. Homework (1!3 minutes) is assined dail'.

    Spanish II Open Honorsis the normal seuence for students who ha"e %een especiall'successful in the three!'ear middle school proram or the Spanish , course at the hihschool. he content is riorous and demandin. /cti"ities and assessments will reuirestudents to del"e deeper into the content and appl' hiher order thinkin skills.Homework (23!3 minutes) is assined dail'. / separate Open Honors Contractwill %edistri%uted to students within the first few weeks of school.

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  • 8/13/2019 Las Expectativas de Espaol II Avanzado


    Seorita [email protected] 2 (Open Honors)

    What you need:


    25 or %ier %inder is suested. ,t should %e di"ided into sections.

    1stSection6 -otes2ndSection6 #ail' warm!upsrdsection6 Homework7thSection6 8lass workthsection6 Handouts

    Daily Routine1. /rri"e on time and take 'our assined seat.2. ake out 'our homework from the pre"ious niht and put it on 'our desk read' to %e

    checked.3. 8omplete dail' warm!up in section 2 of 'our note%ook. On each entr'$ write the date in

    Spanish$ the warm!up uestion$ and 'our repl'.4. #iscuss the warm!up as a class.5. 9ait for further instruction.

    Rules1. :espect ;E and respect E/8H OHE:. ,f there is a pro%lem$ 'ou can let me know



  • 8/13/2019 Las Expectativas de Espaol II Avanzado


    Seorita [email protected] 2 (Open Honors)

    . /ll assinments should %e handed in O- ,;E. ,f 'ou do not hand in 'our work on the

    da' it is due$ 'ou will not recei"e full credit for that assinment.

    13.#ail' warm!ups$ known as calenta"ientos#will %e checked and raded for completion

    and effort throuhout the school 'ear. /t the end of each week$ 'ou will turn in 'our

    warm!ups. +ou should alwa's keep this section neat and answer e"er' warm!up with

    effort. ,f 'ou missed a warm!up %ecause of an a%sence$ then 'ou should write /t pack up earl'. 9e will alwa's work until the %ell sounds.

    12.Ha"e fun= 8lass is what 'ou make of itI%e as enaed as possi%le and ask uestions.

    Helpful Resources for Spanish Class

    SpanishEnlish #ictionar' his we%site is %est for lookin up words or e*pressions in

    Spanish. his we%site includes online note cards and ames for practicin and

    stud'in "oca%ular'.

    https& $ts %earnin! is reuired for all students. Homework and

    assinments for Spanish class will %e posted here reularl'.

    /n' other we%site must %e pre!appro"ed %' Seorita Sisco.

    Important Handbook Policies

    1. / student who has %een a%sent will ha"e one (1) da' to make up work for each da'

    a%sent. Students must contact teachers on the da' after an a%sence to make

    arranements. -o make!up work is permitted for truanc' or class cut.

    2. ,f a student is tard' to an' class for more than 23 minutes$ the' will %e considered a%sentfrom that class and the a%sence will %e recorded as undocumented. ,f a student is tard'

    (undocumented) to class times$ that will count as 1 undocumented a%sence toward the

    undocumented a%sence limit. Each accumulation of (undocumented) tardies to a class

    will %e treated as one (1) undocumented a%sence from that class toward the class

    undocumented a%sence limit.

    mailto:[email protected]://[email protected]
  • 8/13/2019 Las Expectativas de Espaol II Avanzado


    Seorita [email protected] 2 (Open Honors)


    Each assinment and assessment is worth a certain num%er of points (shown %elow.) he

    assinments are classified into two cateories& formati"e assessments and summati"e

    assessments. ,n the end$ the formati"e assessments are worth 73J of 'our rade and the

    summati"e assessments are worth 3J of 'our rade. 4lease see the followin chart&

    Formative ssessments: !" # Summative ssessments: $" #

    8lasswork (13!3 pts.)Homework (13!3 pts.)4articipation (ru%ric)

    ;ini!ui00esmini!projects (13!23 pts.)

    Kui00es (23!3 pts.)ests (3!133 pts.)4rojects;ajor /ssessments (3!133


    Etra CreditE*tra credit opportunities will %e a"aila%le throuhout each uarter. E*tra credit points are

    known as %as estrellas(stars). 4lease keep this in a safe place=

    !"ien#enidos a la clase de Espa$ol II%


    (cut on dotted line and turn into Srta. Sisco next class)

    I, ____________________________, have read and understood the course expectations. (name of student)

    X_____________________________________(signature of student)

    I, ____________________________, have read and understood the course expectations. (name of parent/guardian)

    X_____________________________________(signature of parent/guardian)

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/13/2019 Las Expectativas de Espaol II Avanzado


    Seorita [email protected] 2 (Open Honors)

    Espaol 2

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]