latin america and the spanish

Latin America and the Spanish

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Post on 22-Feb-2016




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Latin America and the Spanish. Maya. 1800 BCE-900 CE Yucatan Peninsula Several city-states Disappeared by arrival of Europeans Invasion? Internal revolt? Overuse of land?. Aztec. Settled in Valley of Mexico (Tenochtitlan) around 12 th century CE - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Latin America and the Spanish

Latin America and the Spanish

Page 2: Latin America and the Spanish

Maya 1800 BCE-900 CE Yucatan Peninsula Several city-

states Disappeared by

arrival of Europeans Invasion? Internal

revolt? Overuse of land?

Page 3: Latin America and the Spanish

Aztec Settled in Valley of Mexico

(Tenochtitlan) around 12th century CE Dominated much of Central America

through Triple Alliance Prophecy foretelling of a returning

god coming to the Aztec people

Page 4: Latin America and the Spanish
Page 5: Latin America and the Spanish

Inca Mid 1400s in

modern day Peru Great builders –

system of roads that extended along the Pacific coast

Page 6: Latin America and the Spanish
Page 7: Latin America and the Spanish

Uh oh… An alien creature that closely resembles a

human approaches you on your way home from school. They are driving what appears to be a massive spaceship. They attempt to communicate with you but it just sounds like jibberish. They also are dressed strangely. WHAT DO YOU DO?

Page 8: Latin America and the Spanish

Aliens/Conquistadors Spanish and Portuguese conquerors Groups of Spanish soldiers armed

with European weapons

Page 9: Latin America and the Spanish

Conquering of Aztec Empire Hernan Cortes and his Spanish

soldiers arrived in 1519 “Befriends” opponents of Aztec rule Arrives at Tenochtitlan and is

welcomed by Aztecs

Page 10: Latin America and the Spanish

Aztec’s Cont’d Conquistadors take ruler Moctezuma

hostage, pillage city Aztec fight back but contract

European diseases Cortes returns with fresh troops from

his new “friends”

Page 11: Latin America and the Spanish

Conquering of Incan Empire Francisco Pizarro and his Spanish

soldier arrive in 1530 180 men European weapons

Pizarro captures capital with help from native allies, executes emperor


Page 12: Latin America and the Spanish

Bernal Diaz, 1520“We could not walk without treading on the bodies and heads of dead Indians. I have read about the destruction of Jerusalem, but I do not think mortality was greater here in Mexico…The stench was so bad that no one could endure…Even Cortes was ill from the odors which assaulted his nostrils.”

Page 13: Latin America and the Spanish

Population Decline Island of Hispaniola

1493: 100,000 natives 1570: 300

Central Mexico 1519: 11 million End of 16th century: 2.5 million

Page 14: Latin America and the Spanish

Encomienda Queen Isabella established

encomienda labor system Conquered natives worked for the

conquerors Spaniards protected and paid natives in

return Greatly abused by Spanish mines and


Page 15: Latin America and the Spanish

Bartolome de las Casas Wrote A Short History of the Destruction of

the Indies in 1542“What we committed in the Indies stands out

among the most unpardonable offenses ever committed against God and mankind and this trade [in American Indian slaves] as one of the most unjust, evil, and cruel among them.”

The first Spanish ship carrying Africa slaves directly from Africa arrives in the New World in 1518