lats multiv userguide english090121

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  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121


    LG Air Conditioner Technical Solutions(LATS)Multi V Model Selection ProgramUser Guide

  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121


    LATS Overview

    LATS User Guide

    Table of Contents


    Step 1. Create Project ................................................................................................................................12

    Step 2. Seect Mo!e ..................................................................................................................................22

    Step ". Mo!#$% t&e e'(t& o$ p#pe arra'(e)e't .................................................................................................2*

    Step 4. C&ec+ S%,te) .................................................................................................................................2-

    Step . Wr#te t&e report ............................................................................................................................."1

    Step 1. Create Project ................................................................................................................................"-

    Step 2. Seect Mo!e ..................................................................................................................................47

    Step ". Dra/ S%,te) a'! De,#(' P#p#'( ...........................................................................................................-

    Step 4. C&ec+ S%,te) .................................................................................................................................7"

    Step . Wr#te t&e report .............................................................................................................................77





  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121


    1.LATS Overvie

    LATS IntroductionLATS Multi V Model Selection Program

    System Requirements for LATS

    LATS (LG Air Conditioner Technical Solution !rogram is a total design solution for LG system air conditioners" It consists of loadcalculation !rogram and model selection !rogram for system air conditioners" Load calculation !rogram and model selection!rogram can #e selecti$ely used" Although users use different load calculation !rogram other than LATS% they can use LATSmodel selection !rogram"

    LATS !ntroduction

    "ote # System air conditioners mean the de$ices that can o!eratemulti!le indoor units &ith one outdoor unit" It is referred as system airconditioners or multi $ air conditioners" 'ach indoor unit can #eo!erated se!arately and inde!endently"

    "ote # LG !ro$ides $arious technical data lie !roducts% architectureinformation% maintenance information% etc #y the home!age%&&&"lgeaircon"com" LATS !rograms and user guides are automaticallyu!dated on this site"

  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121


    LATS Overview

    LATS Multi V Model Selection !rogram selects the s!ecific model for system air conditioners" It can select !roducts% !i!earrangements% electric design #y using AutoCA)" This !rogram is classified as Tree Mode and Cad Mode" *or sim!le !i!ing &or%Tree Mode is used" +sers can select models e$en they do not ha$e CA) dra&ings for #uilding% #ecause they ha$e Tree Mode in a!rogram"


    LATS Multi V Model Selection Program

    "ote # LATS !ro$ides auto u!date feature" ,hen users start LATS!rogram% an auto u!date notification message a!!ears to guide you ane& $ersion of a !rogram"

  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121


    LATS Overview

    This is the hard&are requirements for using LATS"

    !tem $escri%tion

    CP+ Intel PII%-..M/0Chi! Set Intel

    Main Memory 123 M4

    )is ca!acity5s!eed 6 7. G4 5 -7..r!m 5 8 1-ms access

    Gra!hics Integrated 5 PCI #ased

    Audio Integrated 5 PCI #ased

    This is the soft&are requirements for using LATS"

    !tem $escri%tion

    9S,indo&s :3 S'% ,indo&s ;T% ,indo&s

    cel% MS Access


    S&stem 'euirements or LATS

    Caution#To get an out!ut as a re!ort form% Micosoft '>cel !rogramshould #e installed on users?com!uters #efore they useLATS !rogram"

  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121


    2.LATS Multi V Model Selection Program


    +sage )escri!tion

    LATS Multi V Model Selection !rogram can #e o!erated in t&o ty!es of modes" Tree Mode is dis!layed as a tree form% for a sim!le!i!ing &or" ,hen there is no CA) dra&ing for a #uilding% this !rogram can !ro$ide the !ro!er quantity of indoor5outdoor airconditioners% cutoff% additional refrigerants% etc" /o&e$er% sometimes users should rearrange the dra&ing to #e transformed #yCA)" To do so% users should manage the dra&ing &or on CA) Mode at first"

    1. Create Project

    'nter the location information and design condition" Psychrometric chart automatically calculates a dry #ul# tem!erature% &et#ul# tem!erature% and relati$e humidity of current air" Then load information related to cooling and heating is entered" If usersha$e already used LATS Load !rogram% the result $alue can #e sim!ly loaded #y a #utton" It there is no result% users canmanually insert the cooling and heating load as a @, unit"

    2. Select Model

    9utdoor unit automatically sets its entire heat load $alue" Pro!er indoor units for each room can #e selected #y dragging indooricon or dou#le clicing the #o>" After indoor air conditioners are chosen% outdoor air conditioners can #e chosen #y dou#leclicing the outdoor unit icon" 4asically% Auto Select Mode is recommended for this"


    Caution#)ra&ings that &ere managed at CA) Mode at first can #etransformed into Tree Mode" /o&e$er% the dra&ings that&ere managed at Tree Mode at first cannot #e transformedinto CA) Mode" In this case% users should select ne& CA)Mode to design the !i!ing &or" The file that is designed atCA) Mode can #e out!utted as "d>f file" It can #e o!end andedited in AutoCA)"

  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121


    LATS Multi V Model Selection Program

    3. Modify the lenth of !i!e arrane"ent

    +sers should modify the default length of !i!e into an actual length" +sers can directly insert the length #y dou#le clicing theline" 'l#o& or cur$e line should #e considered" Com#ination rate and total length can #e checed at any time during the design"After this &or is com!leted% Auto Pi!ing #utton should #e cliced" A meesage that tells the success of auto selection featurea!!ears"

    The si0e of !i!e and model name of #ranch are automatically decided #ased on 'P)4 ('ngineering Product )ata 4oo data thathtt!55&&&"systemaircon"com!ro$ides" 'P)4 is a P)* file that contains the s!ecification information% !i!ing information% etc of!roducts"

    #. Chec$ Syste"

    Clic System Chec #utton to chec the entire system including model selection% !i!ing &or% $alidation% cooling5heatingsimulation% etc" Schematic )iagram !ro$ides the &ire connection !icture of indoor5outdoor air conditioners" The quantity of anadditional refrigerants that users should install according to the quantity and information for cutoff de$ices on electric leaage iscalculated automatically"

    %. &rite the re!ort

    The result is out!utted as a Microsoft '>cel file" Comments% customer information% title% ta#le of contents% system selection%!roduct lists% !i!ing dra&ings% &ire connection !icture% etc are co$ered" *or a &ritten estimate% the !roduct !rice and installationcost can #e inserted #y $endors"


    "ote#Tree Mode is #ased on a system% &hile CA) Mode is #ased on a floor"9ne system matches &ith one outdoor unit" Tree mode has one outdoor

    unit and its related hierarchy"
  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121


  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121


    LATS Multi V Model Selection Program

    -+Customer Information &indo& a!!ears" 'nter your +ser ;ame andCom!any ;ame" *or Serial ;um#er% enter latsmulti$" Then clic ;e>t"

    .+Installation is com!leted" Clic *inish"


  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121


    LATS Multi V Model Selection Program

    LATS Multi V Model Selection !rogram can #e o!erated in t&o ty!es of modes" Tree Mode is dis!layed as a tree form% for a sim!le!i!ing &or" ,hen there is no CA) dra&ings for a #uilding% this !rogram can !ro$ide the !ro!er quantity of indoor5outdoor airconditioners% cutoff% additional refrigerants% etc" /o&e$er% sometimes users should rearrange the dra&ing to #e transformed #yCA)" *or CA) Mode% users can manage the dra&ing &or on CA) at first" *ollo&ing introduces ho& to use LATS Multi V Modelselection !rogram in Tree Mode" This is the main flo& of using LATS Multi V model selection !rogram"


    Usage $escri%tion # Tree Mode

  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121


    LATS Multi V Model Selection Program

    Ste% *+ Create Pro/ect

    *+ Clic icon or clic DStart Programs LG'LATSBMultiVE to run LATS Multi $ model selection!rogram" Then the !rogram runs and this screen shota!!ears"

    This is the initial screen dis!lay of LATS Multi $ modelselection !rogram" *ollo&ing e>!lains each menu and#utton"



    Menu $escri%tion

    ;e& ProFect This menu creates a ne& !roFect"









  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121


    LATS Multi V Model Selection Program

    9!en ProFect This menu o!ens a !roFect that users select"

    Close ProFect This menu closes a !roFect" If you &ant to o!en a ne&!roFect% you should close the !re$ious one first"

    Vie& ProFect This menu sho&s a !roFect"

    Sa$e ProFect This menu sa$es a !roFect"

    Sa$e ProFect As This menu sa$es a !roFect as a s!ecific name"

    )elete ProFect This menu deletes a !roFect

    '>!ort This menu e>!orts a !roFect as a GCSI file"

    '>it This menu closes a !roFect and finishes a !rogram"


    Menu $escri%tion

    Create System This menu creates a system"Co!y System This menu co!ies a system"

    )elete System This menu deletes a system"

    System setting This menu sets a system"

    S!ace Load Summary This menu sho&s a s!ace load summary"

    Auto Pi!ing This menu automatically selects #ranch% headerand !i!e diameter automatically"

    System chec System Chec su!!orts $alidation chec and!erformance simulation"B Validation chec It chec total !i!ing length%longest !i!e length after 1st #ranch% each !i!elength and all the $alidation in P)4"B Performance simulation It simulates systems!erformance from com#ination% design condition%!i!e length and defrosting factor"

    System In$alidation!ro!erty

    This menu checs the !ro!er connecti$ity andnum#er of included su# items"

    Generate re!orts This menu generates the final re!ort as a Micosofte>cel file"


  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121


    LATS Multi V Model Selection Program


    Menu $escri%tion

    Tool 4ar This menu sho&s Tool #ar on your !rogram dis!lay"

    Status 4ar This menu sho&s Status #ar on your !rogram dis!lay"

    System Log Vie&er This menu !ositions a &indo& on your !rogram dis!laythat sho&s a system log"

    ProFect ;a$igator This menu sho&s the left !anelon your !rogram dis!lay" ou cancontrol the si0e of this !art &ith

    and closes this !art &ith "

    System Vie& This menu sho&s System !anel% Indoor +nits List andSystem Information"

    Schematic )iagram This menu sho&s a hierarchical diagram amongoutdoor unit% indoor unit% #rances and !i!es"

    System !re$ie& This menu sho&s a current system in a full $ie& tohel! users &atch the entire system easily"

    9!tion This menu sets the termof !roFect auto sa$e!eriod" Selected #o>si0e is also set at CA)9!tion"


  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121


    LATS Multi V Model Selection Program


    Menu $escri%tion

    'nglish This menu sho&s the current dis!lay in 'nglish"

    @orean This menu sho&s the current dis!lay in @orean"S!anish This menu sho&s the current dis!lay in S!anish"

    *rench This menu sho&s the current dis!lay in *rench"

    German This menu sho&s the current dis!lay in German"

    Italian This menu sho&s the current dis!lay in Italian"


    +sers can set their o&n language that is !ro$ided at the a#o$e menu"


    Menu $escri%tion

    LATS /el! This menu sho&s the hel! contents for LATS"

    A#out LATS This menu sho&s the $ersion and information of LATS"

    Vie& +!date Info This menu sho&s the u!dated information of $ie&"

    LATSBMulti V

    Menu $escri%tion

    ProFect Information This menu sho&s !roFect information"

    Model Selection This menu is selected &hen users select models in a!rogram"

    Generate Re!ort This menu generates final re!ort that is created afterusers use LATSBMulti V !rogram"





  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121


    LATS Multi V Model Selection Program

    Menu $escri%tion

    Create ProFect This menu creates a ne& !roFect"

    Vie& ProFect Info This menu sho&s a !roFect information"

    9!en ProFect This menu o!ens a!o!u! &indo& to

    select a !roFect too!en% &hich isalready made"

    )elete ProFect This menu deletes a !roFect"

    Close ProFect This menu closes a !roFect" If you &ant to o!en ane& !roFect% you should close the current one first"

    ,+Press Create ProFect #utton to see this &indo&"

    )ate that the !roFect is createdProFect ;amePath of the !roFect to sa$e itProFect +nitSI5IP*or heat load calculation unit% LATS includes SI% &hich is an international standard and IP% &hich is an 'nglish standard" +Sand middle east use IP &hile 'uro!e uses SI" Some countries use IP for quantity and SI for length" This ind of mi>ed usage is





    t&eproject #,create!


    tto,ae #tProjec





    t&eproject #,create


    tto,ae #tProjec




    t&eproject #,create



    t&eproject #,cre






    SI 'tjecpro

  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121


    LATS Multi V Model Selection Program

    also !ossi#le"Simulation Mode+sers select Cooling mode to mae their !roFects #ased on cooling o!eration" In this case% the usage is focused on cooling"+sers select /eating mode to mae their !roFects #ased on heating o!eration" In this case% the usage is focused on heating"

    9utdoor +nit Ty!e+sers can decide the outdoor unit ty!e that they &ant from the dro! do&n #utton"

    )etailed Comments for the !roFect+sers enter their detailed comments on this #lan" +sers chec the chec#o> of +se CA) to use CA) Mode"


    SI IPDeta#e!Co))e't,$ort&eprojec


    tSI IPDeta#e!Co))e't,$ort&epro


    jectto,ae #tProjec




    SI IPDeta#e!Co))e't,$ort&epro



    tto,ae #tProjec



    SI IPDeta#e!Co))e't,$or



  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121


    LATS Multi V Model Selection Program


    "ote #

    8Tree mode6 8CA) mode6Tree mode sho&s the design as a tree sha!e"

    Cad mode sho&s the design on an e>isting CA) dra&uing"9ut!ut can #e transformed as a )

  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121


    LATS Multi V Model Selection Program

    *romt this Create ProFect &indo&% enter the !roFect information" Then clic ;e>t"B )ate that the !roFect is createdB ProFect ;ameB Path of the !roFect to sa$e itB ProFect +nitB Simulatino Mode

    B 9utdoor +nit Ty!eB )etailed Comments for the !roFect

    -+ Select country and city" Then in!ut design condition"

    Change the design condition if the gi$en $alues do not satisfy your requirements"If you change one of the follo&ing air !ro!erty ()4T%,4T%R/% !sychometric !rocess&ill #e e>ecuted" 9ther related $alues &ill #e found"

    Clic ;e>t"

    Insert the country% State5Pro$ince and City information")ry #ul# tem!erature% ,et #ul# tem!erature and Relati$e humidity should #e inserted" This information should #e insertedfor each indoor and outdoor also in Cooling and /eating condition"

    .+The !reBcalculated information is dis!layed as follo&s"

    If you do not ha$e the !reBdefined $alue% clic Add floor or Add s!ace to add a ne&ro&" To remo$e it% clic Remo$e all #utton" If LATS L9A) $alues are not a$aila#le%manual load entry can also #e done sim!ly #y adding $alues in columns

    Clic ;e>t"



    t&eproject #,



    tto,ae #tPro




    SI IPDeta#




    t&eproject #,create!


    projectto,ae #tProjec




    SI IP



    ject #,create!



    e #tProjec



    project #,create!



    to,ae #tPro


  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121


    LATS Multi V Model Selection Program

    2+ In!ut Customer = contractor Information" It &ill #e !rinted out on your finalre!ort" After filling all data% clic *inish"

    Then model selection &indo& a!!ears"

    This is the initial dis!lay of Treemode" *ollo&ing is a descri!tionfor menus and icons"






    SI IPDeta#e!Co))e't,$ort&eproject$(



    SI IPDeta#e!Co


  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121


    LATS Multi V Model Selection Program

    !con $escri%tion

    Sa$e !roFect% Ctrl H S

    System setting% Ctrl H 7

    ;e& system% Ctrl H 1

    Co!y system% Ctrl H 2

    )elete system% Ctrl H

    Auto !i!ing sets the !i!e arrangement automatically" *-

    System Chec checs if the current system is a$aila#le to #e installed and designed" *J


  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121


    LATS Multi V Model Selection Program

    System Validation !ro!erty checs if the outdoor unit% indoor unit and #rances has !ro!er relation andhierarchy" *K

    Toggle descri!tion

    System load summary sees the system load entirely" Ctrl H -

    Vie& re!orts% *3

    System !re$ie&9!en5Close% Toggle ;a$igator% Ctrl H P

    System !anel that sho&s a &indo& that you &or on currently

    Control line

    Po&er ca#le

    Pi!e line

    Ste% ,+ Select Model

    *rom this &indo&% you can start selecting outdoor units% indoor units% #ranch !i!es and header !i!esaccording to our design" Initial &indo& for Multi V !rogram loos lie this"

    *+)ou#le clic on standB#y #o>" Then this &indo& a!!ears" Choose the ty!e of equi!ments that you&ant and clic 9@"

    *ollo&ing is a descri!tion for these ty!es"

    Menu $escri%tion

    Indoor +nits Indoor +nits


  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121


    LATS Multi V Model Selection Program

    #ranch This equi!ment is used for large $olume of systems" Pi!e can ha$e t&o #rances";um#ers are set #efore a s!ecific model name is assigned" S!ecific model isassigned after auto !i!ing"

    7 header Pi!e has 7 #ranches"

    K header Pi!e has K #ranches"

    1. header Pi!e has 1. #ranches" /eader is rarely used #ecause of the difficulty in installation"

    This is used for small $olume system"

    ,+If you choose Indoor +nit% this &indo& a!!ears to $ie& the detailed information"Then clic 9@"

    *ollo&ing is an e>am!le of choosing an indoor unit and 7 header"


  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121


    LATS Multi V Model Selection Program

    At this dis!lay% select equi!ment and design !i!es" 4y sim!ly dou#le clicing an item% you can add ormodify the hierarchy of the system"


  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121


    LATS Multi V Model Selection Program

    -+At this screen% if you dou#le clic 9utdoor unit% B4ranch or indoor unit% a &indo& that dis!lays detailed information of an itemis sho&n" *ollo&ing is an e>am!le of the result after you dou#le clic B4ranch" After $ie&ing it% clic 9@"

    .+)ou#le clic room to assign load" This &indo& a!!ears"Select room load and clic 9@" Then room load is assigned"

    Then as you see #elo&% the room that you dou#le cliced turnedto ha$e *loorB..1(room1 information" Lie this% choose other

    rooms to assign heat load"


  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121


    LATS Multi V Model Selection Program

    2+)ou#le clic Indoor +nit or )rag = )ro! Indoor +nit from Tool#ar to selectindoor unit" This !o!u! &indo& a!!ears"


  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121


    LATS Multi V Model Selection Program

    Chec the ratio (I)+ ca!acity o$er )esign load" If you &ant to select accessory% clic accessory #utton"

    Lie this% finish assigning undoor unit selection" Then clic 9@"

    3+)ou#le clic 9utdoor unit icon after finishing indoor units selection"

    9utdoor unit &indo& a!!ears" 9utdoor unit information su!!orts these ty!es"

    B Search Model It lists models according to a category"B *ull Model It lists all models in same 9)+ ty!e"B Auto Selection It lists the su!!orting model to designed system" (#elo&

    ,e recommend you using auto selection" If you use defrosting factor% chec)efrosting factor

    Then as you see #elo&% the outdoor unit icon has its model name"


  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121


    LATS Multi V Model Selection Program

    Ste% -+ Modi& the length o %i%e arrangement


  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121


    LATS Multi V Model Selection Program

    *+If you &ant to change !i!e length% dou#le clic !i!e length $alue" This&indo& a!!ear" Change !i!e length as you &ant" Pi!e length should #e theequi$alent length"ou ha$e to chec system !ro!erty &indo& &hich is notified at the ne>t&indo&" (Com#ination% total !i!e length

    ,+Clic Auto Pi!ing #utton at the left !art of initial &indo&% to select #ranch% /eader and !i!e diameter automatically"

    Com#ination(Ratio checs total !i!ing length% the longest !i!e length after 1st #ranch% each !i!e length and all $alidation inP)4" It checs the com#ination ratio% &hich should #e &ithin -. 11." The indoor unit and outdoor unit should #e ma>imum1. !ercentage" If the !osition of outdoor unit is higher than indoor unit% it can #e ma>imum 7. meters" *or the o!!osite case% itshould #e -. meters"

    More detailed information% limitation and rules are documented in P)4"

    -+This &indo& a!!ears to confirm your selection" Clic 9@"

    If any !ro#lem is not occurred% All #ranch and header models areselected automatically" If #ranch or /eader e>ists% you ha$e tochange !i!e design or chec #ranch or header in P)4

    Ste% .+ Chec4 S&stem


  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121


    LATS Multi V Model Selection Program

    *" Clic System Chec to simulate the system" System Checsu!!orts $alidation chec and !erformance simulation"

    Menu $escri%tionValidation chec It checs total !i!ing length% the longest !i!e length after 1st #ranch% each !i!e length

    and all $alidation in P)4" It checs the com#ination ratio% &hich should #e &ithin -. 11." The indoor unit and outdoor unit should #e ma>imum 1. !ercentage"If the !osition of outdoor unit is higher than indoor unit% it can #e ma>imum 7. meters"*or the o!!osite case% it should #e -. meters"

    More detailed information% limitation and rules are documented in P)4"

    Performance simulation It simulates systems !erformance from com#ination% design condition% !i!e length anddefrosting factor"

    'ach indoor unit ca!acityis simulated and changed"After system is checed%this &indo& a!!ears" Clic9@"

    ," Press Schematic)iagram #utton to see thisdis!lay"

    Chec Additionalrefrigerant and ,iringdesign" If you &ant to go#ac to Tree mode% youcan !ress Tree #utton ofthe left !art of initial&indo&"


  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121


    LATS Multi V Model Selection Program

    *" Clic Generate Re!ort on the left !art of initial &indo&" Selectthe sheet of re!orts to mae" Then clic 9@"


  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121


    LATS Multi V Model Selection Program

    These are the e>am!les of final re!ort"

    This is the co$er of final re!ort"


  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121


    LATS Multi V Model Selection Program


  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121


    LATS Multi V Model Selection Program

    This is the air conditioning !ro!osal" It co$ers the !ro!osal This is the ta#le of contents"information and costs including installation% accessories% etc"


  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121


  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121


    LATS Multi V Model Selection Program

    This is the result of system chec" It includes design condition%outdoor5indoor information% !i!es% etc"


  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121


    LATS Multi V Model Selection Program

    This is the !i!e design tree illustration and schematic diagram forelectric &ires"


  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121


    LATS Multi V Model Selection Program

    This is the model selection cost analysis sheet" It totally co$ers outdoor units% indoor units% !i!es and #ranch5header common!i!es"This document can #e used as an estimation sheet"


    Usage $escri%tion # CA$ Mode

  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121


    LATS Multi V Model Selection Program

    LATS Multi V Model Selection !rogram can #e o!erated in t&o ty!es of modes" Tree Mode is dis!layed as a tree form% for a sim!le!i!ing &or" ,hen there is no CA) dra&ings for a #uilding% this !rogram can !ro$ide the !ro!er quantity of indoor5outdoor airconditioners% cutoff% additional refrigerants% etc" /o&e$er% sometimes users should rearrange the dra&ing to #e transformed #yCA)" *or CA) Mode% users can manage the dra&ing &or on CA) at first" *ollo&ing introduces ho& to use LATS Multi V Modelselection !rogram in CA) mode" This is the main flo& of using LATS Multi V model selection !rogram"

    Ste% *+ Create Pro/ect


  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121


    LATS Multi V Model Selection Program

    *+Clic icon or clic DStart Programs LG'E LATSBMultiVE to run LATS Multi V model selection !rogram" Then the!rogram runs and this screen shot a!!ears"

    This is the initial screen dis!lay of LATS Multi V model selection!rogram" *ollo&ing e>!lains each menu and #utton"



    Menu $escri%tion

    ;e& ProFect This menu creates a ne& !roFect"

    9!en ProFect This menu o!ens a !roFect that users select"

    Close ProFect This menu closes a !roFect" If you &ant to o!en a ne&!roFect% you should close the !re$ious one first"

    Vie& ProFect This menu sho&s a !roFect"

    Sa$e ProFect This menu sa$es a !roFect"

    Sa$e ProFect As This menu sa$es a !roFect as a s!ecific name"

    )elete ProFect This menu deletes a !roFect

    '>!ort This menu e>!orts a !roFect as a GCSI file"









  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121


    LATS Multi V Model Selection Program

    '>it This menu closes a !roFect and finishes a !rogram"


    Menu $escri%tion

    Create System This menu creates a system"

    Co!y System This menu co!ies a system"

    )elete System This menu deletes a system"

    System setting This menu sets a system"

    S!ace Load Summary This menu sho&s a s!ace load summary"

    Auto Pi!ing This menu automatically selects #ranch% headerand !i!e diameter automatically"

    System chec System Chec su!!orts $alidation chec and!erformance simulation"

    B Validation chec It checs total !i!ing length%the longest !i!e length after 1st #ranch% each!i!e length and all $alidation in P)4"B Performance simulation It simulates systems!erformance from com#ination% design condition%!i!e length and defrosting factor"

    System In$alidation!ro!erty

    This menu checs the !ro!er connecti$ity andnum#er of included su# items"

    Generate re!orts This menu generates the final re!ort as a Micosofte>cel file"


    Menu $escri%tion

    Tool 4ar This menu sho&s Tool #ar on your !rogram dis!lay"

    Status 4ar This menu sho&s Status #ar on your !rogram dis!lay"


  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121


    LATS Multi V Model Selection Program

    System Log Vie&er This menu !ositions a &indo& on your !rogram dis!laythat sho&s a system log"

    ProFect ;a$igator This menu sho&s the left !anelon your !rogram dis!lay" ou cancontrol the si0e of this !art &ith

    and closes his !art &ith "

    System Vie& This menu sho&s System !anel% Indoor +nits List andSystem Information"

    Schematic )iagram This menu sho&s a hierarchical diagram amongoutdoor unit% indoor unit% #rances and !i!es"

    System !re$ie& This menu sho&s a current system in a full $ie& tohel! users &atch the entire system easily"

    9!tion This menu sets the termof !roFect auto sa$e!eriod" Selected #o>si0e is also set at CA)9!tion"


    Menu $escri%tion

    'nglish This menu sho&s the current dis!lay in 'nglish"

    @orean This menu sho&s the current dis!lay in @orean"

    S!anish This menu sho&s the current dis!lay in S!anish"41

    LATS M l i V M d l S l i P

  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121


    LATS Multi V Model Selection Program

    *rench This menu sho&s the current dis!lay in *rench"

    German This menu sho&s the current dis!lay in German"

    Italian This menu sho&s the current dis!lay in Italian"


    +sers can set their o&n language that is !ro$ided at the a#o$e menu"


    Menu $escri%tion

    LATS /el! This menu sho&s the hel! contents for LATS"

    A#out LATS This menu sho&s the $ersion and information of LATS"

    Vie& +!date Info This menu sho&s the u!dated information of $ie&"

    LATSBMulti V

    Menu $escri%tion

    ProFect Information This menu sho&s !roFect information"

    Model Selection This menu is selected &hen users select models in a!rogram"

    Generate Re!ort This menu generates final re!ort that is created afterusers use LATSBMulti V !rogram"


    Menu $escri%tion

    Create ProFect This menu create a ne& !roFect"

    Vie& ProFect Info This menu sho&s a !roFect information"





    LATS M lti V M d l S l ti P

  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121


    LATS Multi V Model Selection Program

    9!en ProFect This menu o!ens a!o!u! &indo& toselect a !roFect too!en% &hich isalready made"

    )elete ProFect This menu deletes a !roFect"

    Close ProFect This menu closes a !roFect" If you &ant to o!en ane& !roFect% you ha$e to close the !re$ious one first"

    ,+Press Create ProFect #utton to see this &indo&"

    )ate that the !roFect is createdProFect ;ame

    Path of the !roFect to sa$e itProFect +nitSI5IP*or heat load calculation unit% LATS includes SI% &hich is an international standard and IP% &hich is an 'nglish standard" +Sand middle east use IP &hile 'uro!e uses SI" Some countries use IP for quantity and SI for length" This ind of mi>ed usage isalso !ossi#le"Simulation Mode+sers select Cooling mode to mae their !roFects #ased on cooling o!eration" In this case% the usage is focused on cooling"+sers select /eating mode to mae their !roFect #ased on heating o!eration" In this case% the usage is focused on heating"





    t&eproject #,create!



    to,ae #tProjec



    SI IPDeta#


    tt&eproject #,create!


    tto,ae #tProjec



    tSI IP


    tt&eproject #,create!





    t&eproject #,create!





    LATS M lti V M d l S l ti P g







  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121


    LATS Multi V Model Selection Program

    9utdoor +nit Ty!e+sers can decide the outdoor unit ty!e that they &ant from the dro! do&n #utton"

    )etailed Comments for the !roFect+sers enter their detailed comments on this #lan" +sers chec the chec#o> of +se CA) to use CA) Mode"


    "ote #

    8Tree mode6 8CA) mode6Tree mode sho&s the design as a tree sha!e"

    Cad mode sho&s the design on an e>isting CA) dra&uing"9ut!ut can #e transformed as a )

  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121


    LATS Multi V Model Selection Program

    *rom this Create ProFect &indo&% enter the !roFect information" Then clic ;e>t"B )ate that the !roFect is createdB ProFect ;ameB Path of the !roFect to sa$e itB ProFect +nitB Simulatino ModeB 9utdoor +nit Ty!eB )etailed Comments for the !roFect

    -+ Select country and city" Then in!ut design condition"

    Change design condition if the gi$en $alues do not satisfy your requirements"If you change one of the follo&ing air !ro!erty ()4T%,4T%R/% !sychometric !rocess&ill #e e>ecuted" 9ther related $alues &ill #e found"

    Clic ;e>t"

    Insert the country% State5Pro$ince and City information")ry #ul# tem!erature% ,et #ul# tem!erature and Relati$e humidity should #e inserted" This information should #e insertedfor each indoor and outdoor #oth in Cooling and /eating condition"


    Caution#4e sure to acti$e +se CA) o!tion if you are using CA)dra&ing for model selection" To +se Tree mode% do notchec it"


    t&eproject #,create!



    tto,ae #tProjec




    t&eproject #,



    tto,ae #tProjec



    t&eproject #,create!




    t&eproject #,create!


    LATS Multi V Model Selection Program




    to,ae #t


  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121


    LATS Multi V Model Selection Program

    .+The !reBcalculated information is dis!layed as follo&s"

    If you do not ha$e the !reBdefined $alue% clic Add floor or Add s!ace to add a ne&ro&" To remo$e it% clic Remo$e all #utton" If LATS L9A) $alues are not a$aila#le%manual load entry can also #e done sim!ly #y adding $alues in columns"

    Clic ;e>t"

    2+In!ut Customer = contractor Information" It &ill #e !rinted out on your finalre!ort" After filling all data% clic *inish"

    Then model selection &indo& a!!ears"

    Ste% ,+ Select Model




    SI IPDeta#e!Co))e't,


    e #tProjec



    SI IPDeta#e!Co))e't,$ort&eproject


    ,ae #tProjec



    tSI IPDeta#e!Co))e't,$ort&epro


    LATS Multi V Model Selection Program

  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121


    LATS Multi V Model Selection Program

    *rom this &indo&% you can start selecting outdoor units% indoor units% #ranch !i!es and header !i!es according to our design"Initial &indo& for Multi V !rogram loos lie this"

    *+ Clic icon to im!ort CA) files% ),Gfiles% onto this initial &indo& for CA) Mode"

    This is the descri!tion for icons in CA) dra&ing tool #ar"

    !con $escri%tion !con $escri%tion

    +ndo +nit Selection

    Redo Insert 9utdoor unit

    Noom in Insert Indoor unit

    Noom out Insert S!ace

    Noom 0one Insert !i!es

    *it for the screen Insert Clim#


    LATS Multi V Model Selection Program

  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121


    LATS Multi V Model Selection Program

    Pan Insert 4rances and headers

    Grid )elete units

    9rthogonal Rotate units

    Im!ort AutoCA) dra&ing% d>f file Rotate units in :. degrees"

    '>!ort )ra&ing to d>f file Mirror units

    Lef Arro&

    To! Arro& Create net&or

    B4ranch Auto Arro&

    ,+ *rom the !o!u!&indo&% choose a d&g

    file that you &ant" Thenclic 9!en"

    This &ill o!en CA)dra&ing &ith messageDCA) file is successfullyo!en"E Clic on this !o!Bu! &indo&"

    Then follo&ing CA) fileis loaded"


  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121


    LATS Multi V Model Selection Program

  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121


    LATS Multi V Model Selection Program

    $alues are not a$aila#le% manual load entry can also #e done sim!ly #y adding $alues in columns" Clic on one ro& and dou#leclic the #lan to insert the $alue" Then clic 9@"


    LATS Multi V Model Selection Program

  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121



    2+ Clic your cursor on a s!ecific location (in CA) dra&ing &here you &ant to locate this load information" Lie&ise choose otherlocations #y re!eating the a#o$e ste!"

    3+Clic the ;e& Indoor +nit icon" This &indo& a!!ears"

    Choose indoor unit ty!e and model" Clic Accessory (if any required


    LATS Multi V Model Selection Program

  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121



    5+This &indo& a!!ears" Choose accessories if it is required" Then clic 9@"


    LATS Multi V Model Selection Program

  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121


    6+Then clic your cursor atthe s!ecific location &hereyou &ant to locate your

    indoor unit" Re!eat the sameste!s to locate other indoorunits" ou can use co!y !astecommand also for locatingother indoor units"


    LATS Multi V Model Selection Program

  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121


    7+Clic to connect room information and I)+"


    LATS Multi V Model Selection Program

  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121


    *8+AdFust indoor unit direction #y clicing Indoor +nit and

    then Rotate Angle icon" This &indo& a!!ears"*ill in the required rotation angle and then clic 9@" oucan see !i!e connecting !oint (as dash at this location ofindoor unit"


    Caution#ou ha$e to connect the middle of Room to the middleof I)+%

    &ith your mouse" (mared ?in middle !oint"

    LATS Multi V Model Selection Program

  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121


    **+Clic outdoor unit icon" This &indo& &ill a!!ear

    9utdoor unit &indo& a!!ears" 9utdoor unit information su!!orts these ty!es"

    B Search Model It lists models according to a categoryB *ull Model It lists all models in same 9)+ ty!eB Auto Selection It lists su!!orting model to designed system" (#elo&

    ,e recommend you using auto selection" If you use defrosting factor% chec)efrosting factor

    9ther o!tional accessories can also #e chosen #y clicing Accessories #utton"After selecting a#o$e $alue% clic 9@"


    Caution#All rotation &ill #e taen !lace #y considering initial !ositionas reference"

  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121


    LATS Multi V Model Selection Program

  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121


    *,+Clic your cursor at a s!ecific location &here you &ant to locate your outdoor unit" ou can see outdoor unit icon lie the signon this !icture"

    Ste% -+ $ra S&stem and $esign Pi%ing

    -+* 9utdoor +nit Main Pi!e Indoor +nit "




    Caution#9ne outdoor unit should ha$e only one system"

    LATS Multi V Model Selection Program

  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121










    eProjectU'#tSI IP

    Deta#e!Co))e't, $ort&e



    LATS Multi V Model Selection Program

  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121


    *" 9utdoor Main Pi!e "

    ," "

    -" Main Pi!e Indoor +nit !""






    LATS Multi V Model Selection Program

  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121


    ." Main Pi!e !""


    LATS Multi V Model Selection Program

  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121


    *+ Clic ;e& 'qui!ment icon to see this &indo&" Select B#ranch or /eader if it is required" Thenclic 9@"

    Menu $escri%tion

    Indoor +nits Indoor +nits

    #ranch This equi!ment is used for large $olume of systems" Pi!e can ha$e t&o #rances";um#ers are set #efore a s!ecific model name is assigned" S!ecific model isassigned after auto !i!ing"

    7 header Pi!e has 7 #ranches"

    K header Pi!e has K #ranches"

    1. header Pi!e has 1. #ranches" /eader is rarely used #ecause of the difficulty in installation"This isused for small $olume system"

    2 /Runit


    7 /Runit








    U'#tSI IP

    Deta#e!Co))e't, $ort&eproject


    LATS Multi V Model Selection Program

  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121


    ,+Then clic your cursor at a s!ecific location &here you &ant to locate your ne& equi!ment unit% B4ranch" ou can adFust B#ranch direction #y clicing B#ranch and then Rotate Angle icon"


    Caution#Assigning heat load for room% indoor unit% outdoor unit and!i!es has no s!ecific fi>ed order" ou can start assigningany of them first"

    LATS Multi V Model Selection Program

  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121


    ou can adFust B#ranch direction #y clicing B#ranch and then Rotate Angle icon" This &indo& a!!ears" *ill in therequired rotation angle and then clic 9@" ou can see !i!e connecting !oint (as dash at this location of indoor unit" All rotation&ill #e taen !lace #y considering initial !osition as reference"

    -+ Clic ;e& Pi!e icon" Then clic = drag left #utton of your mouse on the dra&ing and finally release this #utton atindoor5B#ranch% &hich is the end !oint of that !i!e"


    LATS Multi V Model Selection Program

  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121


    ou can see dra&n !i!e #et&een outdoor and B#ranch or B#ranch and Indoor units lie the a#o$e sam!le" Connect !i!es#et&een $arious unit% outdoor unit% B#ranch5header and indoor units"

    ,hen you connect the indoor units% B #ranch and outdoor units% they should #e connected &ith line% &hich starts from the reddot and ends at the red dot"



    +se 9rtho 9n59ff o!tion for dra&ing orthogonal !i!e" After dra&ing!i!es% right clic on the !i!e (on &hite color indenter in the middleof !i!e and drag it slightly &ith Shift @ey !ressed for locating your!i!e orthogonally"

    ou ha$e to connect the o#Fect to the o#Fect clearly" If you mo$eyour !ointer near to the connection mar% the !ointer &ould #eattached to the connection !oint"

    LATS Multi V Model Selection Program

  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121


    .+In the *loor Vie&er !anel on your initial &indo&% you can add ne& floor" Right clic on *loor.and choose Add *loor"



    89riginal6 8After rotation69uter line of indoor unit has small &hite rectangle% &hen it is cliced" Left clic a mouse and mo$e the

    mouse to mo$eindoor units" 9r clic to insert an e>act angle $alue for rotation"

    LATS Multi V Model Selection Program

  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121


    2+After adding floor% right clic on the same floor (*loor1 icon and clic 'dit icon to see a !o!u! &indo&" *ill in the floor heightfrom outdoor unit and then clic 9" To im!ort CA) dra&ing% re!eat the a#o$e ste!"

    After adding floor% !erform the same o!eration lie the a#o$e e>!lanation" Add Room% Indoor +nits% B#ranch5/eader and Pi!eson the ne& floor lie the e>!lanation a#o$e"

    3+ Clic ;e& Clim# icon for connecting added floor(*loor1 to the !re$ious floor (*loor." This !o!u! &indo&a!!ears" Select the floor to lin &ith &or floor #y clim#and clic 9"


    LATS Multi V Model Selection Program

  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121


    5+Clic your cursor ata s!ecific location&here you &ant tolocate Clim# !i!ing andconnect line" ou cansee this Icon andmessage DConnected to

    *loor1E &hich sho&sthe connected floor"

    DConnected to *loor1Eis connected &ith anindoor unit" Then thisindoor unit isconnected to theourdoor unit at the*loor1 through theDConnected from*loor.E !art"

    9utdoor unit shouldha$e only oneconnection line"


    LATS Multi V Model Selection Program

  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121


    As you see% the otherfloor has the same icon%&hich says DConnectedfrom *loor."E

    Then this t&o floors areconnected &ell"

    6+ Clic Create;et&or icon for connecting net&or" If the connection #et&een !i!e and Indoor unit% B#ranch or 9utdoor unit is not !ro!er youcan see an 'rror message in your Log Vie&er &ith 'rror Icon located on &rong connection" Reconnect 'rror Pi!e for further!rocessing" ou can see a message DStart Creating ;et&orE in your System Log Vie&er"

    After correcting !i!e connection% clic Create ;et&or icon again" If !i!es are connected !ro!erly then ;et&or Com!letionmessage &ill a!!ear in Log Vie&er"


    LATS Multi V Model Selection Program

  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121




    Pi!e and Indoor unit are not connected tightly" 4ranch and !i!e are not connected &ell"Pi!e is not !ositioned at the red line of an indoor unit" Select a !i!e to connect it to the #ranch

    tightly"Select a !i!e again to connect it to the red !oint of anindoor unit"

    LATS Multi V Model Selection Program

  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121


    7+Clic Auto Pi!ing iconfrom the left !art of an initial &indo&" Auto Pi!ing command automatically selects B#ranch5/eader #ranch name% !i!e diameterand !i!e length"


    LATS Multi V Model Selection Program

    *8 The this &indo& a!!ears to confirm your selection Clic 9@

  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121


    *8+The this &indo& a!!ears to confirm your selection" Clic 9@"

    If any !ro#lem is not occurred% All #ranches and header models are selected automatically" If #ranch or /eader e>ists% you ha$eto change !i!e design or chec #ranch or /eader in P)4"

    Ste% .+ Chec4 S&stem


    LATS Multi V Model Selection Program

    * Clic System Chec to simulate the system System Chec

  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121


    *" Clic System Chec to simulate the system" System Checsu!!orts $alidation chec and !erformance simulation"B Validation chec It checs total !i!ing length% the longest !i!elength after 1st #ranch% each !i!e length and all $alidation in P)4"B Performance simulation It simulates systems !erformance fromcom#ination% design condition% !i!e length and defrosting factor"

    'ach indoor unit ca!acity is simulated and changed" After system is checed% this &indo& a!!ears" Clic 9@"

    If there is an error message" *i> the error and !erform these ste!s again"1" Create ;et&or2" Auto !i!ing" System Chec

    ," Clic Tree icon forseeing line diagram ofthis system

    Pi!e length in TreeMode is equi$alent

    length"So !i!e length in CA)mode is not same &iththat of Tree Mode"Pi!e length in CA)mode is real length"

    This is the inter!retationfor this result% mared

    on the a#o$e !icture"


    LATS Multi V Model Selection Program

  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121


    Menu $escri%tion

    Indoor +nits J indoor units &ere installed among 3 a$aila#le units"

    Com#ination Com#ination ratio is :3"

    Total Pi!e :"2 m of total 22.". m !i!es are installed for the outdoor unit"

    If you try to change the information of units or !i!es in this Tree

    Mode% this message a!!ears" 9nce you start your !roFect from CA)Mode% you ha$e to modify it and finish it in CA) Mode" In CA) Mode%you can only read the information at Tree Mode"


    Caution#If the com#ination ratio does not meet the rule of P)4% thedesign !rocess sto!s here and does not mo$e to the ne>tste!"

    Caution#9nce you clic Tree Mode #utton and enter into the Tree

    Mode dis!lay% you ha$e to clic # reate ;et&or?#uttonagain to go #ac to CA) mode"

    LATS Multi V Model Selection Program

    - Press Schematic

  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121


    -" Press Schematic)iagram #utton to seethis dis!lay"

    Chec Additionalrefrigerant and ,iringdesign" If you &ant togo #ac to Tree Mode%

    you can !ress Tree#utton of the left !art ofinitial &indo&"

    Clic either of theseicons for seeing control&ire% !o&er line and!i!e line"

    CL sho&sCommunication LinePC sho&s Po&er LineCommunicationPL sho&s Pi!e Line

    ." Clic )ra&ing '>!ort icon " In!ut the name of e>!orting file and clic Sa$e"

    ou can sa$e your dra&ing file as a )

  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121


    Ste% 2+ 9rite the re%ort

    *" Clic Generate Re!ort on the left !art of initial &indo&" This&indo& a!!ears" Select the sheet of re!orts to mae" Then clic9@"

    *inally !ress 9@ for $ie&ing the a#o$e chosen re!ort on e>celsheet"

    ou can see the final re!ort at the Tree Mode descri!tion !art ofthis +ser Guide"


    Caution#ou need MS '>cel !rogram installed on your com!uter toget your out!ut as a re!ort form"

    LATS Multi V Model Selection Program

  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121



  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121


    ".Ti%s or using LATS %rogram

    Set Scale in Multi V Model selection !rogramAssign one load for one indoor unit in Multi V Model selection !rogram)ra& orthogonal !i!es in Multi V Model selection !rogram

    Manage Tem!lates in Load calculation !rogram

    ,hen you o!en a CA) dra&ing from A+T9 CA)% scale is changed" After you handle your CA) file on LATS% maginify it 1. times to#e &ell fitted for !ro!er scale"

    Original CA$ ile CA$ ile :;%orted rom LATS

    Set Scale in Multi V Model selection %rogram

    Ti#$ %or u$ing LATS #rogram

    Assign one load or one indoor unit in Multi V Model selection %rogram

  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121


    ,hen there is t&o indoor units for one heat load for a room% de$ide one heat load into t&o !arts" Connect only one heat load forone indoor unit"

    9rong e;am%le 'ight e;am%le


    Assign one load or one indoor unit in Multi V Model selection %rogram

    Ti#$ %or u$ing LATS #rogram

    $ra orthogonal %i%es in Multi V Model selection %rogram

  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121


    Clic Grid 9n59ff icon from the initial &indo&" Then an &indo& a!!ears for you to insert a ga! $alue #et&een grid" Inser thenum#er and you can see the grid on your dis!lay"

    Clic4 Grid On

  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121


    *" Clic Pan #utton in the )ra&ing tool#ar"

    ," Clic and hold leftB#utton of mouse in the CA) &indo&"-" Mo$e your mouse !oint in the CA) &indo&"." ou can see CA) &indo& mo$es to the direction that a mouse !oint mo$es"2" Release leftB#utton of mouse" So you can see the mo$ed $ie& !osition of CA) &indo&"

    3" To deacti$ate Pan function% Clic Pan #utton again% hit any ey or clic center5rightB#utton of mouse"

    If you ha$e a mouse &ith middleB#utton of &heelB#utton% you can !an CA) ,or &indo&"

    *" Clic middleB#utton or &heelB#utton of mouse in the CA) ,or &indo&"," Mo$e your mouse !oint in the CA) &or &indo&"-" Release middleB#utton or &heelB#utton of mouse"


    4 C t t ! ti

  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121


    4.Contact !normation

    LATS !rogram o&nershi!PM Grou!% Air conditioner La#% )igital A!!liance Com!any% LG 'lectronics"

    Ouestion and further informationAccess this site and insert your question" Then the s!ecific local engineers or managers for each region &ill contact you"


    Ti#$ %or u$ing LATS #rogram
  • 8/13/2019 LATS MultiV UserGuide English090121
