laughing, they ran

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  • 7/27/2019 Laughing, They Ran


  • 7/27/2019 Laughing, They Ran


    Laughing, They Ran

    PD Allen

    A sample of things to come.Through the rabbit hole.

    Reality will never be the same.

    Fiddlesticks PressHand-crafted poetry prose

    !opyright " #$%& by P' Allen


    Also by PD Allen

    Post Quantum Meditations Fiction)ong of *+istence

    Fiction!omplete Tales of da ,oopernatural

    )trange Attractors

    Fiddlesticksurderers )ky / 0nder )hattered )kies1 2ook %

    'aemon )ky / 0nder )hattered )kies1 2ook #

    ourning )ky / 0nder )hattered )kies1 2ook &


    3uantum editations4 2ook 5ne (ebook)

    3uantum editations6 2ook Two (print)3uantum editations6 2ook Three (print)

    3uantum editations6 2ook Four (print)

    3uantum editations6 2ook Five (print)

    3uantum editations6 2ook )i+ (print)

    3uantum editations 7# (ebook)3uantum editations 7& (ebook)

    3uantum editations 78 (ebook)

  • 7/27/2019 Laughing, They Ran



    3uantum editations 79 (ebook)

    3uantum editations 7: (ebook)

    3uantum editations 7; (ebook)

    3uantum editations 7< (ebook)

    3uantum editations 7= (ebook)

    3uantum editations 7%$ (ebook)

    Experimental Narrative

    Awakening 'ragon6 an )hamanic Adventure

    >isit P' Allen online

  • 7/27/2019 Laughing, They Ran



    ?aughing1 They Run is an e+cerpt from a work in progress1 tentatively titled ShamanicTales. This story is based upon a true shamanaic adventure.

    @,ou are returning to the day when you met these creatures. The guide prompted

    'aniel. @Bt is a cool day in early spring. ,ou are driving down the dirt road.

    'aniel drove with Cillian beside him. Bt was a bright spring day1 the leaves were

    coming out on the trees1 and the world was full of potential. Bt was a pleasant drive downthe dirt road1 which they often used as a shortcut. 'aniel and Cillian were engaged in an

    animated discussion about the artistic e+ploration of consciousness and creativity1 and the

    nature of reality.@!an you feel the infinite possibilities opening around usD Cillian asked.

    @Bts like taking a dive into a fractal pattern1 'aniel observed.

    Their conversation was cut short as several critters stepped out from the woodsonto the road ahead of them.

    There were five animals. At first glance1 'aniel thought they were woodchucks1

    but they were larger than woodchucks1 and longer of limb. Eolverines maybe6 but they

    were big for wolverines1 and anyway there were no wolverines in this area.The creatures resembled bruins somewhat1 or possibly some unknown primate.

    Their fur was dark brown and they were walking on all four legs. They were maybe two

    and a half or three feet tall at the shoulder and tailless1 maybe four feet long from nose tohind uarters. They stood on muscular legs about a foot and a half in length. They

    appeared to be strong and athletic. Their heads were rounded1 on the end of a rather long

    but stout neck1 with flat faces proGecting very little snout. either did their ears stand out6and their eyes were set in front.

    The five creatures hurried across the road1 moving as a pack. 5ne of them turned

    its head to look behind them as they proceeded. They were on the run. one of them paidthe slightest mind to 'aniel and Cillian1 sitting in their car in the middle of the road.

    The critters had a feral look about them1 yet they had a clear air of intelligence.They moved with intent. There was something impish about them1 yet they were noble

    creatures.The crossing took no more than a second or two. Then they disappeared into a

    thicket on the left side of the road. The thicket was bordered by a subdivision.

    @'id you see thatD 'aniel asked.@Ehat were thoseD Cillian returned.

    @Bve never seen anything like them.

    'aniel pulled up alongside the edge of the wetlands. He could see the passagethey made through the brush. The animals were already gone1 out of sight. 'aniel

    couldnt imagine them trespassing into the subdivision. )omething told him they were

    gone1 having found some hidden e+it from the swamp.@Follow themI the guide ordered.'aniel threw the car into park and leapt out to pursue the critters. He stepped

    through the brush and entered the thicket in the bowl-like depression of ground.

    5verhead the sky above the thicket formed a matching concavity. 'aniel felt time andspace distorting as he followed the creatures that resembled nothing so much of this earth

    as sloths.

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    His body became heavy. The mass of his physical form was increasing1 as was the

    mass of the thicket around him. He felt like he was mired in tar. *ven light found it hard

    to escape the increasing gravity. *verything was lost in darkness1 from which no sound orlight could escape. Finally he could move no more. *ven the mind was overburdened by

    the weight of thought. He shut down1 letting go of everything but the dimmest glimmer of

    awareness.That faint gleam of awareness became the nucleus of his universe. Bt was the only

    light of e+istence1 his sun and moon. *ven time did not pass so much as it dwelt in one

    eternal moment. 'aniel was beyond contemplating the passage of time. *ven identity wasreduced to the most fundamental unit. He was no longer 'aniel6 he simply was.

    After an interminable period1 five other gleaming lights flew past him1 and he was

    swept along with them. For a moment he felt diJJy1 nauseous even. )omething popped

    and he found himself in a busy1 infinite e+panding universe of light.All around him was an ever changing webwork of light strands and waves of

    refraction. Bt was not so much something he saw as something he felt in his gut / though

    he had no gut1 or body for that matter. *verywhere there was a comple+ fractal

    latticework of energy1 ever shifting1 pulsing1 creating glowing hubs where two or morestrands met.

    The phenomenon seemed solid enough1 but when he watched it closely1 'anielnoticed the threads seemed to flicker. !oncentrating his attention1 he saw that the

    filaments were pulsing on and off1 and when they were off1 the intersections remained on1

    bringing into prominence the dynamic interference pattern created by the

    interrelationships of the wavelike threads of the webwork.KBt is the field1 Akasha1 the guide said.

    K'ark energy1 dark matter. 'aniel echoed. Bt was the uantum field that underlies

    all e+istence1 even the supposed void of space. Bt was the implicate1 holographically ripewith all potential and all probabilities. They had passed out of the physical universe1

    behind the scenes where all reality was created. Here1 in this infinite1 dimensionless

    space1 they witnessed the creation of the multiverse in this eternal moment.The critters were loose in the Akasha. They raced along the filaments1 darting

    hither and yon in a manner that was impossible to follow1 though none the less

    e+hilarating. Here they were in their true element.

    KAh1 the guide observed. KThey are not really physical creatures.Ko6 they are multidimensional and beyond form. A stranger spoke. KAs are all

    things seen truly.

    K5verlord. The guides attitude reflected reverence. KEe are blessed with yourpresence.

    'aniel affected a bow1 though he was nothing but a mote of light.

    KEelcome to my dominion. The 5verlord greeted them. He was a brilliant pillarof light1 pure white / if such purity could flow with a faint rainbow opalescence. KThis is

    the overworld1 where all probabilities are computed and e+pressed.

    KBf B may enuire1 'aniel dared ask1 Kwhat manner of creatures are theseDKThat B cannot say. Bt is beyond my provenance to name them or give them

    definition. To do so would be to limit them.

    KThese creatures do not belong to youD the guide asked.

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    KThey belong to no one but themselves1 the 5verlord responded. KB do put out

    food for them. )ometimes they eat it.

    KThey were physical when they passed in front of me on the road1 'anielobserved.

    KBn a physical world1 they have a physical form. Ehen they are physical1 they are

    only four or five in number. Here1 they are as many as they wish to be.Bndeed1 as they watched1 two of the critters met at a hub. For a moment they

    merged1 and then four critters left the hub1 each following a different thread.

    KThey influence the ligaments wherever they travel1 adding e+tra impetus andchanging freuencies and tendencies whenever they wish. They are powerful healers1

    powerful creators1 but they are tricksters1 forever beyond anyones control.

    They watched the critters racing about the webwork in total abandonment. Their

    movements seemed to be random and chaotic. ,et1 as he observed1 'aniel had the feelingthat their every move served to harmoniJe and enhance.

    KThey will sometimes undertake tasks for me1 if it pleases them. 2ut it would not

    be correct to say B command them. Bf they deign to answer my call1 B can only put to them

    a suggestion. Ehether or not they act upon it is entirely up to them. And how they actupon it is a mystery. one can follow them6 none can know their ways1 though some

    have tried. There are interlopers who seek to capture and harness them. Those fools trulyunderstand nothing.

    KB have never heard of anything like them in my world1 'aniel said.

    Kor B1 the guide concurred.

    KThey are rarely if ever seen in the physical. B believe they passed through yourworld where you met them in order to evade those interlopers B mentioned. Rather like

    you would cross a stream to throw off pursuit.

    Three of the critters ran circles around 'aniel several times before continuing ontheir merry way.

    KThey seem to have taken a shining to you. o doubt that is why they allowed you

    to see them. Ehile everything they do appears random1 nothing about them is anaccident.

    The 5verlord contemplated a moment. Then he emitted one loud1 dulcet whistle.

    Bn an instant1 all five sat before him1 assuming a form similar to the physical bodies in

    which 'aniel had first seen them.@Cive me his destiny cords1 the 5verlord commanded.

    The guide reached into the nucleus of light that was 'aniel and drew out the cords

    that were his lifeline1 his destiny. He handed them to the 5verlord1 who in turn offeredthem to the critters1 saying1 KThey have an affinity with you. Bt will be a great blessing for

    you if they accept this task.

    The critters sniffed the cords. They seemed to smile. Taking the cords in theirmouths1 they raced around the three observers1 making a fine tangle. At one point1 one of

    the critters wrapped the cord around the neck of another. The guide looked to the

    5verlord uestioningly.KBt is all right. They know best what to do.

    The critters resumed their energy forms1 and they were off racing all over the

    webwork of Akasha1 each trailing a cord of 'aniels lifeline. First there were five1 then a

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    doJen1 then a score. They were impossible to follow1 impossible to predict1 weaving

    'aniels destiny cords throughout the uantum field.

    KPrepare yourself for a ride1 the 5verlord told him. K,our life will be onesynchronicity after another. ,our life will be as Bndras net / cloth woven of miracles

    and illuminations1 as long as you hold yourself open to it.

    'aniel felt himself being sheered and stretched1 the obGect of some uantuminterstellar taffy pull. He was being woven through the warp of all e+istence. He was the

    warp of all e+istence. And still the critters ran with his threads1 laughing1 racing free

    beyond the conception of any mind but their own1 beyond the reach of any thoughtprocess but their boundless awareness.

    This dendritic1 infinitely fractal webwork e+tended in all directions from the

    center of him1 from his solar ple+us1 from his heart. He was the spider and he was the

    web.To the guide1 the 5verlord said1 K,ou must prepare him to accept this gift the

    critters weave for him.

    'aniel was back in his body1 lying in a sarcophagus. The guide stood at his head1

    and Cillian stood at his feet. He was a rope bridge suspended between the two of them.At a signal from the guide1 they lifted his light body out of his physical body.

    All around him were shamans1 animal helpers1 angels1 nature elementals and otherspirits1 all come to help and lend their energy to this process. The 5verlord stood nearby.

    And still the critters ran with his threads.

    His light body was cleansed1 purified and activated. He was a rainbow nebula1

    glimmering with stars.A heavy clay red energy drained down from his light body. 'ragon awoke1 and

    with its breath incinerated the heavy red energy1 sublimating it into rarefied light.

    'ragons slitted eyes looked through his soul and looked out from his soul1 where it hadits den.

    From the 5verlord a shower of cool white energy rained down to wash through

    'aniels light body1 cleansing and energiJing.?astly1 the guide reached down and removed a weight from over 'aniels heart.

    Thus freed1 his heart began to pulsate with an emerald green light1 which sent out

    concentric ripples through the world. Eith diligence1 the guide physically secured his

    heart to his third eye1 so that his mind would ever be directed by his heart.They lowered his light body back into his physical form1 pressing it firmly into

    place. The weavings from the critters1 as they wove back into him1 became substantial /

    almost physical / like a root bole or a lacing of white mushroom mycelium1 reachinginto him and reaching out from him.

    'aniel opened his eyes1 returning to this life1 born into a new world1 a new life.

    All of the doors were open now. Any walls remaining were an artifice easily transcended.He was driving down the road1 Cillian seated beside him. Ten feet in front of

    them1 flying at windshield height1 was hawk. Hawk was their escort1 illuminating the

    twilight.And still the critters ran with his threads1 through the past1 through the future1

    through all probabilities1 through this eternal moment. ?aughing1 they ran.

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    ?ook for Shamanic Talesin #$%8.

  • 7/27/2019 Laughing, They Ran



    About the Author

    P' Allen lives in a cabin in a remote section of the Porcupine ountains inichiganLs 0pper Peninsula with a fey spirit that answers to the human name of

    *liJabeth. Their cabin is euipped with a hand pump to draw water. *lectricity is

    provided by a bicycle hooked to a small generator.

    He spends his days hunting1 fishing and foraging. He travels around the 0P agreat deal1 gathering folklore and e+ploring various mysteries. He also practices

    shamanism1 and can sometimes be seen traveling through the wilderness1 flying from

    treetop to treetop. 5ccasionally he assumes the form of a black panther1 a large red fo+ ora hawk.

    5n clear nights when there is a full moon1 locals say you can hear him playing his

    fiddle high up in the mountains. The Bndians say he plays for the little anitou1 whichcome out to dance and caper.

    At least once per week1 he travels twenty-five miles on foot to the nearest

    cybercafe / EaltLs 2ait and !ybercafe. There he updates his blog / 5f 5ur 5wn


    Image by Elizabet !nne P"ei""er

    Bn an alternate universe1 P' Allen is a novelist1 a poet1 a musician and a geologist.

    He is a writer of high Mor trueN imagination1 metaphysical fiction1 alchemy and new

    thought. He is also a student of enlightenment1 inching his way along the path as it is

    revealed to him. !urrently1 he divides his time between ichigan and )outhern Bndiana1

    living with his lovely wife1 *liJabeth.

    FictionComplete Tales of da Yoopernatural

  • 7/27/2019 Laughing, They Ran



    Remember telling spooky stories while sitting around the campfireD Tales of da

    ,oopernatural combines the feel of the oral tradition with modern sensibilities. Bn these

    tales the author has created a world of myth and legend1 a world which looks a lot like theone we inhabit but is Gust a bit skewed with the occasional portal to other dimensions1

    appearance of mythical creatures1 spirits1 ghosts and more. The stories range from the

    prosaically dreamlike to the disturbing1 without a lot of graphic bloodshed or gratuitous

    violence. Bncludes all four novellas and three short stories.

    2lood oon!onnie Hillman follows her former lover into madness. Bn the ancient Huron

    ountains1 she encounters ghosts1 cannibalistic Eeendigo1 and a mysterious giant while

    trying to rescue the man she cannot stop caring about1 Phil Eaverly1 an anthropologistlost in his obsession to prove his own demented theories.

    The 2uck of ulligan Plains

    Henry Oincaid enters into a mythic hunt that will bring him face to face with the

    ?ord of the Eilderness. eanwhile1 his lover1 ?ilith Cordon1 fears that she will lose him


    The )ecret ?ife of TreesThe northern woodlands are home to many strange sights. )ome say the ghosts of

    fallen forests haunt the region1 while others say it is the ghosts of the lumberGacks who

    felled the ancient trees. A few speak of enchantments even more mysterious than ghosts1

    marvels of the fallen wilderness that linger1 haunting woodlands and claiming the lives ofsolitary hunters or backpackers. !arl ?andau will soon discover the truth behind these

    local legends.

    The Ciant Oiller

    Five-year-old Rene 'e!laire embarks on an adventure with fairies and a giant-

    killing dwarf.

    Afraid of the 'ark'rawn on by a contrasting mi+ture of attraction and repulsion1 will Andrew

    *rickson uncover what secrets lie hidden in the absolute darkness of the haunted

    ?aughing *agle ine before they cost him his life1 and that of his friendsD oin him onhis harrowing descent into a nightmare world carved out of the ancient basalt of the

    Oeweenaw Peninsula.

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    5n Bce

    An enchanted1 ancient sturgeon seeks to communicate with 2ruce Torvalds1

    bridging the gap between man and nature. 2ut is it already too late for 2ruce to escapehis social preconditioningD This tale demonstrates that the greatest struggle is not

    between man and nature1 but between man and his own mindset.

    A Oillers Pride

    5ut of a misguided sense of loyalty1 young 5Gibwa Bndian )tephen 'e!laire

    ignores a call to follow the Red Path. He Goins the army along with his friend )kipeunan and is shipped to Bra Gust in time to take part in the raJing of FalluGah. )tephen

    finds himself the focus of a struggle between the 2uffalo aiden and the 2east of

    2abylon. Bn the fight for his soul1 he learns powerful lessons about imperialism1 thenature of war and civiliJation. Eill he survive the invasion with his soul and mind intact1

    or will he follow his friend into the darknessD

    )ay ***O to da 0P1 eh.


    2lind giants run amok1 voracious Eeendigo who eat everything in sight1 the

    horned one riding on a dragon-cat1 characters from 5Gibwa mythology come to life1 adark shaman1 the !orrupted Horde1 and a blight on the Eorld 0nder the Flesh and theEorld of the Flesh. EhatLs a young fiddler to doD

    )i+teen year old 5Gibwa Rene 'e!laire is disillusioned and alienated from the

    modern world in which she lives. )he would rather play her fiddle1 inhabiting the

    backwood of ichiganLs 0pper Peninsula1 practicing the old ways and learning to be a

    shaman like her Crandma Rena. Her older brother )tephen lives in the forest1 hiding from

    the government and the *ater of )ouls. Her mother udy worries about her children andtheir inability to compromise with the dominant civiliJation. 2ut Crandma Rena knows

    how important it is that the siblings and their mother find the right path. )he hasdedicated her remaining days to helping all three of them open their eyes.

    )oon the younger 'e!laires will find themselves in the Eorld 0nder the Flesh1

    locked into a merciless battle to save the Heart of the Eilderness and the ?and 2etween

    the )ky Eaters from the Horde1 the 2light and a powerful and corrupted shaman known

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    as the 5gimauh. Along the way1 they will have many adventures1 Goined by other

    characters first introduced in the Tales of da ,oopernatural1 as well as new friends of

    myth and legend. They will find this struggle for the Eorld 0nder the Flesh is also astruggle to awaken the world from which they came1 the Eorld of the Flesh.

    And it all revolves around the Heart of the Eilderness1 a magical fiddle1 and a


    Strange Attractors

    This volume contains eleven tales from the frontier of imagination1 stories thatare1 by turn1 surreal1 satirical1 surprising1 subversive1 slapstick1 sensual and spiritual. And

    always stimulating.

    Bnto the ight

    The poet seeks the illumination and freedom found in the darkest shadow of the

    night. )urreal1 otherworldly1 lyrical1 and filled with essential intimacy andnonconformity.

    Eaiting for the ?ight

    ore fun than a garbage truck full of Jombies1 which it features1 along with evil

    clowns and the end of the world1 all of which beset our protagonist as he sits in a left turnlane1 waiting for the traffic light to change.

    Ealts 2ait and !ybercafQA short and uirky vignette about Trance orgensons attempt to bring the two

    horse yooper town of Eatersmeet into the age of the internet. Ehat happens when

    backwoods ,oopers meet the world wide webD Revolution1 of course.

    The !onuest of 2read

    A radical tale of awakening Jombies. Bt is a tribute to Oropotkin1 told in the firstperson plural.

    oyrideReady for laugh-out-loud adventureD oin !aptain Eill Power as he tries to save

    2ugtown from peeping toms1 rabid guard dogs1 evil professors1 demonic toadies1 an army

    of Jombies1 religious Jealots and drive by shooters. The only uestion is4 who will protect2ugtown from !aptain Eill PowerD

    esus Freaks

  • 7/27/2019 Laughing, They Ran



    Take a gander at %=;$s era acid casualties1 and the merits of what is considered a

    good book.

    ean and 'espicable

    This is the definitive history of im )ummers1 the farmers gunslinger. Bn the%

  • 7/27/2019 Laughing, They Ran



    dominant species. Bs there still a chance to save it allD Perhaps1 but only if we can

    overcome isolationist tendencies and achieve a new degree of empathy with the world in

    which we live. !an that happenD 5r are we damned to commit suicide by ignoranceDFind out in 0nder )hattered )kies.

    Daemon Sy # $nder Shattered Sies, %oo '

    The multi-threaded plot of 0nder )hattered )kies is on the move even as the skyitself is on the move. Bn the second book of the series1 'mon )ky1 our many characters

    draw ine+orably closer to their fate. And we are given our first close look at the evilbehind the plot to cull the population through atmospheric cataclysm1 as well as a

    glimpse through the eyes of artin Ross and his henchman1 >ince Riker.

    'mon )ky takes the suspense1 the intrigue and the terror up another notch1

    transcending the plot through the interweaving of characters1 storyline and imagination1to deliver the reader into a whole new realm of speculative fiction.

    !ourning Sy # $nder Shattered Sies, %oo (

    This is the final book of the 0nder )hattered )kies trilogy. The sky erupts1 raining

    devastation upon the town of Heater1 AriJona1 and upon the entire world. Albert Hayne1)heriff Pierce1 Oevin Howell1 aria 'iaJ and all the other characters struggle to survive1

    fighting against racial hatred1 Jombies1 the military and daemonic forces. This climactic

    novel takes us to new dimensions of suspense1 thrills and horror.

    Song of )*istence

  • 7/27/2019 Laughing, They Ran



    P' Allens first post 3uantum editations novel. A tale of visionary fiction.A hunchback and social outcast plants the seeds to awaken everyone on a broken

    world. Bn a world where power is appropriated from the many and coveted by the few1

    Hawk 'escending discovers that power is the innate heritage of everything that e+ists. Heundertakes a magical uest to e+plore the true music at the heart of all that e+ists1 and to

    perform this song openly where all can share in it. 2eautiful and heartbreaking1 )ong of*+istence is filled with uncharted depths of wisdom and enlightenment.

    All of us are victims. All of us are heroes. )ome of us are of us are victims. one of us are heroes. And the monsters are never what

    they appear to be.


    +uantum !editations %oo -ne

    3uantum editations is a living work of literature capable of lighting a fire in thereaderLs mind and transforming reality. The meditations had their genesis in a personal

    crisis and resulting transformation. As such1 they are a record of a voyage through inner

    and outer universes1 and a map for others to follow. The simple act of reading themeditations is sufficient to carry the reader along on this voyage. Along the way1 the

    editations cross frontiers of physics1 consciousness and the relationship between the

    individual and the universe. The editations bridge uantum physics1 Taoism andhermetic alchemy1 along with countless other subGects.

    The first volume includes riddle1 the )ong of *+istence series1 )acred Crove1Passing Through1 Abundance Bs1 ?andscape1 )ource1 *nergy1 Relativity1 )oul ates1

    !reation1 5ur )ong1 andala1 )leeping the 'reamer 'reamed1 *ternal Round1 2ell 2ook

    and !andle1 the !reativity series1 A )orrow of Ravens1 ?ife and How Ee ?ive Bt1

  • 7/27/2019 Laughing, They Ran



    onlinear1 The )inging akes Bt )o1 Thought Flows1 Pictographs1 The )ecret Power of

    Respiration1 The *ssence of agic1 e yself and B1 )tepping )tones1 Transmitter1

    )omething Bn otion1 Ride the 'ragon1 )weet Honey in the Rock1 0niversal Form10nderworld1 )kein1 EiJards All1 The Truth in a ame1 2reathing )eeing 2eing1 the

    Physics of *+istence series1 All ,ou Are1 y ?ove and B1 the 2reathing iracles series1

    Rippling1 Prepare ,ourself for a iracle1 *ternal Eell1 The erry Centleman1 theTrickster )eries1 the 2irthing ?eviathan series1 )piraling 5ut1 y ?ove !omes Riding1

    the Fey Tune series1 the )ecret of anifestation series1 the )ummonsing the *agles

    series1 the Bmagine series1 the yth series and much more.

    +uantum !editations .'

    Bncludes y ?ove !omposed1 The 'ance of ?ife1 Eorld aking 'reams1Response of the Crasshopper1 Heliocentric1 The >ibration Purple1 the 'BA series

    Mmeditations composed during a tour o" te #etroit Institute o" te !rtsN1 !onnecting the

    'ots1 the Carden of Allowing series1 !onscious anifestation1 Fractal1 AwarenessFlows1 Ee Are the Frontier1 Eave Forms1 'iamond1 The !ycle of ?ife1 Take a 'eep

    2reath1 The Fallacy of Action1 Ealking on Hot !oals is *asy !ompared to1 The ature

    of Thought1 'reamers of Eorlds1 Eeaving a Thoughtform1 emes1 The )ecret ofAffirmations1 The 0niverse )peaks1 avigating Bnfinity1 *scher )tairs1 A 2ellows 2e1The Eaters Ehere ,ou )wim1 The Bnvisible an1 The Anniversary series M"or

    ElizabetN1 and much more.

    +uantum !editations .(

    Bncludes The 0niverse )peaks1 avigating Bnfinity1 *scher )tairs1 A 2ellows 2e1 The

    Eaters Ehere ,ou )wim1 The Bnvisible an1 The Anniversary series M"or ElizabetN1ote in a 2ottle1 *+ponential !urve1 Fruit of the Raven1 The 2lade of ?ight1 ?oosening

  • 7/27/2019 Laughing, They Ran



    Form1 the Eho Am B series1 )piral 5rbit1 Field of >ision1 A True iracle1 The RavenLs

    Tale1 The ?aughter of !haos1 The Eay of agic series1 onlinear Path1 The )ong of the

    Eell1 )cripting1 and much more. Also includes the essay1 Ehat Bs *nergyD

    +uantum !editations ./

    !ontains The )ong of ,our 2ecoming1 !ircular Attractor1 )tellar Thoughtforms1 0nder

    Bnfinity1 y >ision of ,ou1 The PainterLs Palette1 ?etLs Cet Physical1 the ?andscape ofAwareness1 The ature of Turbulence1 the Purpose of Turbulence1 the 2eltane series1

    orning Finds e Here1 the !rossroads series1 the )tate of *+istence1 Attuned to theEonder1 The 'istance of !reation1 !haotic 2rain1 The ?ens of !onsciousness1 The

    Eorld of agic1 The Thief of 5ne1 onlinear Thought and so much more.

    +uantum !editations .0

    !ontains the )chrSdingerLs !at series1 Raindrops on the Pond1 The ature of >ibration1

    )ynchronicity1 the 2order of !onsciousness series1 The 0nited !hoir of !onsciousness1The )ong of Atoms !ells and )tars1 'ueling 'elusions1 the andelbrotLs )et series1

    Bnflection Points1 The ature of ,our ?attice1 the )oliton series1 Thought Radiates1 The

    Hero of a Thousand Faces1 Painter on a Tightrope1 the Eell of !haos1 The th 'egree ofFreedom1 the *ntropy series1 The Creat Cod !haos1 the Bntimacy series1 Cestalt )elves1

    )ong 2etween 0s1 The )ong of ,our 2ecoming1 and so much more.

    +uantum !editations .1

  • 7/27/2019 Laughing, They Ran



    Bncluding Bn the Cenes1 !oevolution1 Eaking Caia1 The !risis of *volution1 ?andscape

    of 'elinuent 'reams1 0niversal andelbrot1 The ?attice of 2eing1 )ystemic )hifts1

    This 2lossoming oment1 *nergy is Awareness1 ygote1 *ntanglement1 The usic?essons series1 the Province of !reativity1 2order Ealkers1 !haos is 5ur 'river1

    !hildren of !haos1 The Power of 2eliefs series1 Field of *+istence1 'ream of ucleating

    !hange1 'o the ath1 Eave !ollapse1 !reative 0niverse1 and much more.

    +uantum !editations .2

    Bncluding The *yes of )ource1 Bndigo Tribe1 The Eorldwide Eeb of *+istence series1Thinning >eil series1 3uantum )ubGectivity1 the Thoth series1 5uroboros series1 The

    aJca Plains1 the !alcination of Humanity1 The arriage of the )un and oon1 the

    Hatching *go series1 the 2osonLs )ong series1 The 2irth of !onsciousness1 The )ea ofPotential and the 0niversal ind1 the ew Alchemy series1 Bnterference Patterns1 Fourier

    Transformations1 The !onfluence of Reality1 the Bmplicate series1 Awash in the 3uantum

    >acuum1 ous )ommes du )oleil1 The 2oundaries of 'elusion1 Holographic

    )ynchronicity1 and much more.

    +uantum !editations .3

  • 7/27/2019 Laughing, They Ran



    Bncluding Bnner ?andscapes1 !onGunction edicine Eheel1 ?ift the >eil1 3uantum

    'irectives1 the Riddle of e1 Bntertwined1 the Habit series1 Thought and Thing1

    *ntangled Fields1 !onscious Transformation1 )tring of Pearls1 Eorking the ?ooms1)ubtle *nergy1 !aduceus1 the echanics of anifestation1 instrel 'ancer Trickster1

    'egree of Awareness1 Fountain of ,outh1 Tree of ?ife1 'ancing ind1 2lessed Flowers

    of 'elight1 0pside 'own Tree1 the Hermes series1 Bn the 0nderworld and much more.

    +uantum !editations .4

    Bncluding Field of Awareness1 2alls of Onowledge1 the )peed of Awareness1 the

    )pawned series1 5n Eings of Thought1 From the ind of eus1 'ancing emes1 Passingthrough the !rucible1 0niversal oment Focus1 The Fey are !alling1 'issolution of

    emes1 *ye of the Pyramid1 utable Eeb1 )ubtleties of Form and much more.

    Experimental Narrative

    A5aening Dragon6 an Shamanic Ad7enture

  • 7/27/2019 Laughing, They Ran



    Awakening 'ragon is about empowerment1 stirring the magick that lies at your

    heart1 and through your heart1 at the heart of the universe.

    Bt is an introspective Gourney through the depths of the subconscious1 through theessence of thought and emotion1 through archetypes and the laws of e+istence1 and into

    the dynamic flow of energy and awareness that underlies everything in the universe1

    everything in the wakeaday1 and everything in the underworld. Bt is a story about findingyourself1 finding your center1 and finding the love and intent that is at the heart of


    2ased on a shamanic e+perience1 this book contains a visionary Gourney toawaken the dragon within and bring its power into the world1 also awakening to the

    interconnection of all things. The first portion of the book consists of a nonlinear song

    cycle1 followed by an e+perimental prose narrative.

    +uantum !editations 8ideos

    any 3uantum editations have been featured in videos1 with background images andmusic1 for your viewing pleasure.






