laurens advertiser.(laurens, s.c.) 1904-06-22....pratts. sober is representing lau-rensat tho...

FARM iffi: Before You Buy or Sell any Kind of Real Estate, or Business, Write us your wants. J. Y. Garlington & Co., |Laurcns , S. C. VOL, XIX. LAURBNS, 3 Q. WEDNESDAY JUNE 22. 1904 ftam'mocks to sleep in. Hammocks to swing in. Hammocks to court in. 'Hammocks to hammock in from $i.oo to $5.00. Palmetto Drug Co. NO 46. EXCURSIONISTS ME KT SAD FATE. Meucrnt Sim um, Three Decked Stcniu- or, Uu-ned, Entailing Fearful Loss or Life. A tragedy somewhat similar to tho great theater fire lu Chicago last wlntc.-, though exceeding it in the number of Uvea lost, was tho burning; last Wednesday In New York of the three decked excursion Steamor, Gen¬ eral Slocum, olT North Brothers Island, East river, which resulted In the death of bctwoon 600 and 700 per .on-', mostly w . ->n and children, either by burn¬ ing or drowning. There hive been 055 bodies recoverod and thero are about 803 persons still missing. The ll'-fatod steamer had on board over a thousand excursionists, the annu\l Sunday School excursion of Si. Mark' Ger¬ man Lutheran Church, which was in charge, vt liuv. Geo. C. F. Haas, pas¬ tor of the Church. All three of the decks were crowded wltb merry-mak¬ ers and tho steamer had nroceeded to a point at tho extreme end of R indall's Island, when the alarm of fire was givon. Tho fire was caused by the ex¬ plosion of a keroaeno lamp In the oil and plunder room of the steamer. Rap¬ idly and fiercely the lUmes spread to the dook and tbose who did not perish in the fire jumped overboard and wore drowned. Tho Slocum git within fifty feet of the shore and there stoppod in the shallow wator. In two hours and twenty-five minutes aftor the lire was discovered, she sank. The captain of the stcimor and a number of his men were arrested charged with carelessness, in that the firo extinguishing apparatus was out o order, the life preservers rotten, otc. A rigid investigation of this and of tho conduct of the crew is being made. MERCHANTS NEWS. Have you attended our Special Sale? If not, you slum d do so. Sale will close Thursday, Juue 3). The Hub. 20 lbs. standard granulated sugar $ 1. Rod Iron Rucket. "Taeseland" silk shoo laces at, Cope lands. You can find Mason's Fruit Jars with porcelain lined caps in threo dif¬ ferent sizes, pints, quarts and half gal¬ lons at S. M. & E. H. Wilkes & Co. I lb. Loverlngs coll'eo 15ct«. quality at lOcts. Red Iron Racket. La France Tan Oxfnds for women. The neatest shoe shown this season. Copeland. "When Walk-Overs go on trouble goes off." Sold by Copeland. II lbs. good soda. 25cts. Red Iron Racket. Soe the beautiful line of Rockers which we are now showing. Beauti¬ fully finished with both leather and saddle seats. S. M. & E. H. Wilkes & Co. Going to St. Louis? Get a go-way bag at Copelands. Ccoking will be a pleasure if you will get one of our Buck's Stoves which we have in twenty-five dl d erent sizes for you lo select from. . S. M. & E. H. Wilkes & Co. R If you do not attend our Special Sale of summer goods, you will miss a great money saving opportunity. Tho Hub. The Gunn Sectional Book Cases which we are now showing are the most convenient Oases ever made. They are so constructed that you may buy as many sections a9 vou will need now and then add on by seotlonn as you may need them. S. M. & E. H. Wilkes & Co. REPORT OF THE CONDITION .OF THE. National Bunk of Laurens At Laurens, in tin State of South Caro- lina, at the Close or Business, Jane 0th 1001. RESOURCES. l<oans and discounts, $92,178 38 Overdrafts, sooured and unsecured 926 71 U. S. Bonds to secure circula¬ tion, 18,000 00 Premiums on U. S Bond«, 740 00 Heads, securities, etc. 3,187 41 Banking-house, furnituro, and . fixtures, 3,091 55 Other real estate owned, 8,880 00 Duo from State Banks and Ban- kors, 50 83 Due from approved reserve agents, 3,781 48 Checks and other cash items, 35 25 Notos of other National Banks, 255 00 Fraotlonal paper currency, nlokels, and cents, 81 48 Lawful Money Reserve in Bank, viz: Speole, 3,144 25 I/Orfal-tender notos, 1,000 00 4,144 25 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (5 per cent, of circulation,) 800 00 Total, «135,635 32 LIABILITIES. Capital stook paid In, j % 63,000 00 Surplus rund, l'AOOO 00 Undivided profits, loss expen¬ ses and taxes paid, 2,838 42 National Bank notes outstand¬ ing, 13^00 00 Due to other National Banks, 1,085 68 Due to State Hanks and Bankers, 89 63 Dividends unpaid 28 00 Individual deposits suhjoot to check, 16,813 93 Time certificates of deposit, 8,470 66 Bills payable, including certifi¬ cates of deposit for money borrowed,* 17,000.00 Total, »185,635 32 STATE OF 80UTH CAROLINA, ) County of Laurens. ) I, Joo. Aug. Barksdale, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the l>est of my knowledge and belief. John Auo. Barksdale, Cashier. Subscribed snd sworn to before me this the 16th day of Jane 1904. O, g. Thompson. Judge of Probate. Corbbot..Attest: VOB JNO. A. BARKSDALE, B. F. POSEY, . J. 8. ORA1G, Directors. j;j A MONO OUR FRIENDS. Mr. Eirlo Wilson ha? returned from a visit to relatives in Cheraw. J . R. ElleJge, of tho Poplar Springs s ctioD, was in town Saturday. T. T. Wood, of Browerton, was in tho city Tuursday, Mr. Joo Moore, of Ekom, was in town Saturday. Mr. John A. Madden was in th4 city 8.metlme Saturday from Maddens. Goo. M. Hanna, of Cross Hill, was in town Saturday. Mr. It. P. Mllam spent several days of last week In Richmond Va. Mr. Wister Sharp, of Greenville, is vis'tlng his uncle, Mr. W. It, Riehoy. Mr. W. E. fitts was in town yester¬ day from Friendship. R. E. Babb Esq. attended court at Abbeyllle Monlay. Messrs. N. B. Dial and A. C. Todd visited Charleston the first of tho woek. Messrs. Prank and Bob Anderson, of Watorloo, wore In town Monday. Laurons Hnghes visited at Jachin Sunday. Mr. A'iolphus Owings, was at Gray Court visiting on Sunday. Messrs. W. R. Cheek and E. D. Shell of Gray Court, were In town yesterday. Mr. M. J. Owlngs spent Sundiy at Rapley. Mrs ü. C. Smith and Miss Anna An¬ derson of Waterloo, were visitors to the city Monday. Mr. II- Y. Simmons and little son, woro in town yesterday from Gray Court. Messrs. R. L. Henry and W. H. God¬ frey of Owlngs Station, wero In the city yesterday. Miss Minnie Smith, of Glenn Springs is visiting the family of Capt. J. R. Minter. Mr. John R. Hellams, a prominent citizen of Dials was in the city Tues¬ day. Pratt S. Sober is representing Lau- rens at tho National Republican Con¬ vention in Chicago. Messrs. Toad and Matt OwingB, pro¬ gressive far tiers were in the city Sat¬ urday from Owings Station. Mr. B. L. Henderson, a prominent citi/.en of tho county was in the city Friday from Mt. Gallagher. Mr. Guy Copeland and hh live band- some boys were in the city from Clin¬ ton Saturday. Mr. Kirk Taylor, always a welcome vUitor to r,aureus, was in tho city from Renno Saturday. Mrs. W. T. Vance, of Clinton, has been visiting at Dr, Albright's for the past week. Mrs. Alexander Rose and children have returned from an extended visit to relatives in Charleston. Mrs. Hogan Motes, of Mountvllle, ar- rivod last Thursday to visit her sister Mrs. Jesse Teaguo. Mr. John W. Fowlor attended the Wells-RofF wedding at Greenwood Thursday. Mo3srs.John H. Copeland and Geo. F. Littlo returned Saturday from a ten day's stay at Stomp Springs. Mr. John W. McCullough Jr., of Alba Greenville county, was in tho city Sun¬ day. Mr. J. P. Saxon, of Huntington, was in town Monday. Ho reported a fine rain in his section Saturday and Sun¬ day. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Downoy were visitors at Browerton Sunday. Mrs. Downoy did not return, but will snond this week there with relatives. Mr. Ernst M. Henderson, of Water¬ loo, class '05 of the coMege of Charles¬ ton, was a member of Commencement Committee for the recent exercises of the college. Mrs.Crave.-, Knight, of Graniteville, visited her sister, Mrs. J. C. Owlngs during the past week. She is spending a few weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J Hughes at Jachin. The new crop of wheat while not as large a yield as in former years, is said to be fine in quality. Mr. W.P.Brown was the flrat to bring to the Laurens Roller Mills a few barrels of his excel¬ lent crop. y Dr. Anthony C. Fuller, formor State Senator, was In the city a few hours Friday. The Doctor takes keen inter¬ est in all publio affairs, but he devotes all his time to the successful operation of his farming interest. Prof. J. Loland Kennedy who was of the Greenwood Graded School faculty last year, baa been elected prinolpal of the Donalds Graded School next ses¬ sion. Major M. H. Ferguson attended the Veterans reunion in Nashville last week. On bis return he stopped over In Spartanburg a fow days with his sons, Messrs. J. C. and H. T. Fergu¬ son. Roy. Mr. Thomas Accepts. Rev. Henry Thomas, of Ashevllle, has accepted the oall as rector of the Church of the Eplpbany, and will oome to Lau¬ rens September 1st. to take up the work, Gardener Holmes Dead. Mr. Gardener Holmes died Saturday night at his borne at Yarborougb's Mill. He waa a veteran about sixty years old and had been the miller at Yarborough for a long time WILL HE FIRST. Llttle-Copeland Marriage Takes Place in New Presbyterian Church. Clinton, June 20..The marriage of Miaa Mamie Little and Dr. Jim Cope- land, which will take place on the 28th inst , will be the first to be solemnized in the handsome new Presbyterian Church. Mr*. M. L. Sims has gone to Frank¬ lin, Ky., to be present at the mar¬ riage of her cousin, Dr. Albert Zeely. She will visit the St. Louis Exposition before returning home. Misses Addle Horton and Cainllle Vance leave *Ma week for St. Louis. Miss Vance's many friends are sorry to learn that she will not return to Clin¬ ton. Mies Clara Duckect entertained the Acteon Hook Cl"b last Friday after¬ noon. In .the contest the prize was awarded to Mrs. J. W . Copeland. Miss Claude Sartor of Union is the guest of Miss Ina Vance. Mrs. Arthur Shockley of Spartan- burg is visiting in Clinton. She will be Dame of Honor at the marriage of her sister and Dr. Copeland. Mi Ellene McCaslan loft Saturday for Olenn Springs. She will be tho guest of Miss Marie Smith. Mrs. Tindall of Greenville Is the guest of her niece, Mrs, Will Sum- merel. Dr. Gray Ellisor's many friends are glad to learn of his improvement. Mrs. Alys Booz-r, who for the past four years has held a position In the of¬ fice of the Southern Presbyterian left for Georgetown last week, where she goes to accept a position. The Presbyterian Sunday School held its first meeting In the new build¬ ing on last Sunday morning. About 275 were present. Mr. Walter Hale of Macon, Ga., vis¬ ited his parents last week. Misses Dorothy and Virginia Owens are visiting relatives in Laurens this week. At Maddens. Much needed rains have fallen. Prof. G. W. Cunningham, of Howard University Ali., is at home for a Bhort while. Mr. Alva B. Langs ton, of Furman, has also returned home. Mrs. M. T. Allison, who has been sick for several days, is improving. Mrs. May Madden and Mrs. DoraBry- son, of Laurens, vistled relatives here Saturday night and Sunday. Mr. P. H. Martin, who has been spending the last three months in St. Louis, has returned home. Miss Ethel Teague, of Mountvllle, came up for a short stay Sunday. TRIUMPHS OF MODERN SUR¬ GERY. Wonderful things are done for the human body by surgery. Organs are taken out and scraped and polished and put back, or they may be removed entirely; bones are spliced; pipes take the place of diseased seotions of veins; antiseptic dressings are applied to wounds, bruises, burns and like inju¬ ries before inflammation sets In, which causes them to heal without matura¬ tion and in one-third the time required by the old treatment. Chamberlain's Pain Balm acts on this same principle. It is an antiseptic and when applied to such injuries, causes tbem to heal very quickly. It also allays the pain and soreness. Keep a bottle of Pain Balm In your home and It will save you time and money, not to mention the incon¬ venience. For sale by Laurens Drug Co. NEWS OF THE WORM). | An assassin named Sohauman, son of Senator Schauman, shut and mortally wounded Gon. UobrlkofV, Governor General of Finland last Thursday and then immediately committed suicide. The governor died a few hours later from the wound. The National Republican Convention met yesterday In Chicago. Iillhu Hoot was elected temporary chairman and Speaker Joe Cannon, permanent chair¬ man. The Presidential ticket will be nominated Thursday. Roosevelt will receive the nomination for president and either Senator Fairbanks or Con¬ gressman Hitt will probably bo his run¬ ning mate. At Frederioksburg Va. last Saturday while shooting at cats in his backyard Rev. Decater Edwards, accidently shot and killed Mrs. Lucy Mann, a neigh¬ bor. Congressman Johusou's Yislt. C< ngressman Johnson with his fam¬ ily is spondlng a few days in Laurons. Monday afternoon he recolved notice from Gen. Jones, Stato Chairman, that no one had died a pledge as a candi¬ date against him. Consequently ho has the field to himself this year,an un¬ usual thing in this Congressional Dis¬ trict. He is boing hoarilly congratu¬ lated by his home peoplo. Celebrated Eighty-Third Anniversary. Mr. John D, Mills gavo a big dinner at his home last Saturday in honor of tho eighty-third birth-day of his fa¬ ther, Mr. John A. Mills. It was a yery pleasant occasion. Seventy odd chil¬ dren, grand children, cousins and friends were pressnt. Mr. and Mrs. John F. Bolt attended. We can supply your wants In tho nest quality of fruit j^r rubbirs and porcelain lined caps. S. M. & E H. Wilkes & Co. j LAURENS MAM IN RACE. Coli M. P, Tribble, Candidate foi Sec¬ retary of State. Columiua, June 21..Special to THE Advertiser: Oöl. "Mit" Tribble has entered tho race (or Seoretary of State. Co'. Trlbblo is a native of Laurens ami is known by all the old Boldiers who remember him as a truoand brave fighter in the ranks of tho ConfoJorate Army. Ho was one of tho leaders of tho white men In the days of "Reconstruc¬ tion" in this county an 1 could always bo depended on when cool, daring men were needed, He was Clerk of tho Court In Ander¬ son, and postmaster under Cleveland, and undo lino records for koeping tho ollieo8 in a business like way.Ho is now a member of tho legislature from An¬ derson and besides has been engaged in making up the Confederate so'diers rolls. Col. T-'' b'.e h a candidate on nls own mot .us a? a man and refers to his records as Clerk of Court and postmas¬ ter In Anderson as proof of his clllc- lency as aoareful and safo businoss olll- cer. Ohamb rlaln's Sumach and L'ver Table's are just what you need when yoa htvo no appotite, foel dull after eating and wake up with a bad taste in your nnuth. They will Improve your appe'.ito, oleanse and Invigorate your stomach and give you a relish for food. For sale by Laureas Drug Co. 25 CENT COLUMN. NOTICE- Prank Bishop will sell ice atJ. Yi Wallace's store collar on dun- days from 0 to 12 o'clock. Exoeutors, Administrators and (Guar¬ dians Ato reminded that the time for mak¬ ing annual roturus will expire on the 30th of June. O. (I. THOMPSON, j. p. i.. 0. Juno 10, 1004 3-. ' .ft. JW -A' W v&' vIi mft. VIm ft¦' i.rt. v/L ¦; ;l. ; /Ts /Ts /TS /Ts /W\/Ts /WS /TS /WS ? WS /WS /Ts /In /Ts /f\ STERLING VALUE. One lot plain White Organdy 10 cts the yard at Wilson's. Have yon seen those four grades in Sheer Plain White Lawn at 10 cts, izy> els, 15 cts and 20 cts the yard at Wilson's. Before they are gone secure one of those Silk Sunshades, Par¬ agon frame and steel rod. Price #1.00 at Wilson's. What makes a prettier Dress for the Season than a White Dot or Colored Swiss? Price i2l/jC the yard at Wilson's. Handsome patterns in Dawn and Swiss Embroideries at Wil¬ son's. Another lot Satin Taffeta Ribbons in desirable shades just opened at WILSON'S. t mhm Am '»%. Jl. .A. '.Li i JL 'J\. )lm wL> «ft- "JM df- * /Ys /Ts /Ts /Ts /Ts /Ts /WS /IS /Ts /Ts /WS /Ts /Ts /Ts <~W\ OKA NEWS ITEMS. The Coining and Uolng of Hum L'oOplo Noted. Oka, Juno 20..Dr. R. H, Bryson of Bradley was up recuperating a few days ago Rev. W. A. Blakely, of Barrels, Ala , is visiting relatives in town. Tlio Ora Academy has had much ad¬ ded to its appearance by being painted. Ora enn boast of one of tho nicest, neat¬ est aud most up-to-date academies in tne county. Mrs. P. P. Blakely, Mrs. W. J. Flem¬ ing, Rev B. H. Grior, Mis?c3 Euphe¬ mia Thompson and Mamie ByrJ, Mrs, J. E MoOilntook and Miss Hollo Craig wcro tho visitors to the Due West Fe¬ male and Erskino College commence¬ ments. Miss Bessie Byrd, ono of our bright¬ est young ladies, graduated at the Due West Female Collegi last week. She received an A. B. diploma. The sub¬ ject of her graduating essay was : "The Progress of Education In the South." Mrs. Janio Craig ami MUs Lizzie Craig arc spending tho summer in Ashevllle, Hendersonvllle and Saluda, Miss Alico McCarley is attending the WoodruU' Graded School com¬ mencement. Mr. J. S. Craig, one of tho most suc¬ cessful business men of the couuty, was In town Tuosday. Mr. Jarnos Fleming, President ol tho Lanford Oil Mill, was in town this week. C.tpt. William Copeland was the guest of Capt. Augustus MoOarley Thursday. Misses Irene McCain and Lois Young, very charming bollos of Duo West, aro vLiting M'ss Euphemia Thompson. Miss Belle Craig is visiting lie:* brother, Mr. N. A. Craig, one of Groenwood's most progressive mer¬ chants. .1. Y. THE LADIES favor painting their churches, and therefore we urge every Minister to rememberwe give a liberal (|uantit.y of tho Longman & Martinez Paint toward the painting. Wears and covers like gold. Don't pay $1.50 a gallon for Linseed Oil (worth 00cents) which you do when you buy o ber paints in a can with a paint label on it. 8 & ti make I I, therefore when you want fourteen gallons of paint, buy only eight of L. it M., and mix six gal¬ lons pure Linsoed Oil with it, and thus get paint at less thin $1.20 per gallon. M my houses arc well painted with four gallons of L. iV m. and throe gal¬ lons of Linseed Oil mixed therewith. Tin se celebrated paints arc sold by W. L. Boyd, Laurens. Clinton Phabmaoy, Clinton. What is "TEETHINA" V Well, 'tis this: A tasteless powdor that will kiss, From baby's brow the fevor glow, Th it teething always bring you know "TKKT1UNA" Overcomes and Coun¬ teracts the Effects ol Summer's Heat, Aids Digestion, Regulates the Bowols, Ciivos ro-y cheeks, health aud happi¬ ness to bibies. SUED BY IIIS DOCTOR. "A doctor hero has sued ir.o for $12 B0, which I claimed wai excessive for a case of cholera morbus," says R White, of Coachella, Cal. *'At the trial he praised his medical skill and medi¬ cine. 1 asked him if it was not Chitm- borlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy hp used as I had good reason to believe it was,and ho would not s vy un¬ der oath that it was not." No doctor could use a better remedy than this in a case of cholera morbus. It never falls. Sjld by Laurens Drug Co. y^^^^^^^^^^t^ träte arc usually received with jrat ivZ^yifo ^\\ more than the usual interest, and %J njt ifäwv)) m*m\k this opinion from our well-known y^lffiiy J^/fi!^ T^Py talented and highly honored jus- ^jK ^fftfkll^^^^mllt^^^^^' Pre^ercnce ^n'8 Court ;llu' THROUGH THE STATE. The- Hampton Monument Commission at A meeting last week decided to let F. Wellington Ruchsthrul of Paris and Now York, submit models of statute. There has been $7,895.22 raised for Hampton's monument by popular sub¬ scription. This is to bo added to the State appropriation of $20,000 R. A. Adams, a white man under sentenco of death, escaped from the Walterboro jail ono night last week. Governor Hoy ward has olTered a re¬ ward of .f>00 for his capture. The Highlander, tho river boat ply- Ing between Columbia and Georgetown was totally destroyed by fire twenty live miles abovo Georgetown Thursday night. Thq boat carried no cargo. Tho vessel was owned by Mr. T. D. Lovo of Columbia and was built throe yoars ago at a co3t of $12,000. It was insured for $.'1,000. Last Wednesday the tressol of the Spartanburg, Union and Columbia R. R, over Peachtree Creek was partlall y destroyod by lire. Within lifteon hours 250 foot was replaced and tho trains as usual were passing over the bridge next day. Saturday night as Deputy Sheriff Ballenger, of Greenville, was returning trom North Carolina with Robert Byrd, the negro who shot Mr. James Fowler, of Fountain Inn, last Christmas, his prisoner leaped from a car window while tho train was making thirty miles an hour. Tho ofllcor rushed to the plat¬ form and leaped after the man. The negro was badly cripplod, while the deputy sustained a sprained ankle. Sirco the withdrawal of Congressman Scarborough from the race In the Sixth Distriotqultea number of gentlemen In the District have entered the Hold, In- chiding formor Senator John L. Mc- Laurin of Bennettsville. The special committee which was se¬ lected by the last legislature to exam¬ ine the books of tho State officers has finished its work. In viow of the fact that many reports were current as to its Undings tho committee has given out a statement to the elVoct that there is nothing sensational to report. Con¬ cerning the books of the Secretary of State, tho committee found nothing in them of a startling nature, although there lias been no bookkeeping. The books were checked up from January 2:5, 11)0.1 when Mr. Gantt assumed the ollico. DRIV EN TO DESPERATION. Living at an out of the way place, remote from civilization, a family is often driven to desperation in case of accident, resulting in burns, wo inds, cut*, ulcers, etc. Lay in a supply of Hucklen's Arnica Salvo. It's the best on earth. 25 cents at Laurens Drug Co. and Palmetto Drug Co, \jtmeam Have Beautiful Teeth You may have nice fea¬ tures, a nice complexion, but nice white teeth count for more than either. Take good care of them. Don't scour them with everything from coal ashes to charcoal. Save the enamel. We've an antisep¬ tic Tooth Powder which contains not one atom that will tend to injure the teeth. On the other hand, if used daily it keeps the teeth snowy white, the breath sweet and pure, leaves a pleasant taste in the mouth, and has a ten¬ dency to prevent teeth from decaying-. Dodson's Drug Store. AMERICAN SILVER TRUSS. LIGHT. COOL. YEasy to Wear. No pressure on )Ilp» or Back. No underttrap*. Mover ruovct. Wo guarantee a fit or money refunded* PALMETTO DRUG CO., Lauren s, S. C. LOUISVILLE UETS NEXT REUNION General Leo of Mississippi Chosen Commander to Succeed Gordon. The next annual rounion of the Uni¬ ted Confederate Veterans will bo hold in Louisville Ky. Tho singing of "My Old Kontuckoy Home'' by a sweet voiced young ladv, Miss Mary R. Kwoll, of Norfolk, Va., Maid of Honor for tho South at the rounion at Nash¬ ville last weok, is said to have won tho next reunion for the Kentucky city. As tho last notos of tho famous song died away the Convention went, wild with shouts for "Louisville," "Louisville," and that city was unanimously chosen as the next placo of meeting. Tho Votorans elected the following olllcers last Wednesday: Cominandcr-in-Chief: Lieu tenant General, Stephen 1). Loo, of Columbus, Miss., to succeed the lamentod Gin. John B. Gordon. Commander of the Department of Northern Virginia: General C. Irvine Walker, of Groanville, S. C. Commander of tho Department of Tennessee : General Clement A. Evans, of Atlanta, Ga. Commander of u13 Trans-Mississippi Department: Ganeral W. L. Cabell of Dallas, Texas. THEY FILED THEIR PLEDUES. No Opposition to State Officials ex¬ cept Mr. Gautl. All the State officials Mod their pledges Monday before noon as candi¬ dates to SUOOeed themselves. Secretary Gantt is th 3 only one who lias opposi¬ tion, Col. M. P. Tribble, of Anderson, having tilod his pledge a few minutos hjforo tho time expired as a candidate against Mr. Gantt. It is the first timo in fourteen years that a candidate for governor enters the Hold unopposed. Gov. Hoy ward and tho rest of the State otllcials have been heartily congratu¬ lated upon the prospect of a quiet cam¬ paign. The first campaign meeting was held at Sumter yesterday. The total loss of ihe Russians killed, wounded and captured by tho Japanese at the battle of Vafangow, is estimated at 10,000. The Japanes 3 losses are less than 1,000. OASTOniA. ilmUa /itf '/ITs}-s, " !*" Notice of Election. School District No. G Dials Township. An election will be hold at tho Barks- dale Academy, School District number six. Thursday, July 7th., 1901 to de¬ cide whether a tax of two mills for school purposes shall be levied and col¬ lected in said district. It is ordered that the Hoard of Trustees shall hold said election which shall be conducted according to tho rules governing gen- oral election. By order of tho County Hoard of Education of Lanrens County. Charles v. Brooks, County Supt. of Education. $2,000 dollars worth of Bargins to go at red hot price?. Red Iron Racket. My daughter had been down D week with Flux, and was very sick. I pro¬ cured Dr. King's Diarrhoea and Dys« ontory Cordial and cured her with four doses. GEORGE HICKS. Handy to have for sudden attacks. 26 cants, sold by Palm otto Drug Co. Headache and Neuralgia Cured by Nervalerine. For sulo by Laurons Drug Co., W. W. Dudson and all other Druggists. FIRE INSURANCE WRITTEN IN THE STRONGEST COMPANIES A. C. TODD. Attention! Executive Committee. The members of tho County Democratic Executive Committee aro called to meet at 11 o'clock on Monday, 27th inst., for the purposo of arranging for tho ap¬ pointment of Managers, estab¬ lishing new Precincts, arranging for tho Campaign meetings, etc. (}. P. Smith, County Chairman.

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Page 1: Laurens advertiser.(Laurens, S.C.) 1904-06-22....PrattS. Sober is representing Lau-rensat tho National Republican Con¬ vention in Chicago. Messrs. ToadandMatt OwingB, pro¬ gressive

FARM iffi:Before You Buy or Sell

any Kind ofReal Estate, or Business,Write us your wants.

J. Y. Garlington & Co.,|Laurcns , S. C.


ftam'mocksto sleep in.

Hammocksto swing in.

Hammocksto court in.

'Hammocks to hammock in from$i.oo to $5.00.

Palmetto Drug Co.


Meucrnt Simum, Three Decked Stcniu-or, Uu-ned, Entailing Fearful Loss

or Life.

A tragedy somewhat similar totho great theater fire lu Chicago lastwlntc.-, though exceeding it in thenumber of Uvea lost, was tho burning;last Wednesday In New York of thethree decked excursion Steamor, Gen¬eral Slocum, olT North Brothers Island,East river, which resulted In the deathof bctwoon 600 and 700 per .on-', mostlyw . ->n and children, either by burn¬ing or drowning. There hive been 055bodies recoverod and thero are about803 persons still missing. The ll'-fatodsteamer had on board over a thousandexcursionists, the annu\l SundaySchool excursion of Si. Mark' Ger¬man Lutheran Church, which was incharge, vt liuv. Geo. C. F. Haas, pas¬tor of the Church. All three of thedecks were crowded wltb merry-mak¬ers and tho steamer had nroceeded to a

point at tho extreme end of R indall'sIsland, when the alarm of fire was

givon. Tho fire was caused by the ex¬

plosion of a keroaeno lamp In the oiland plunder room of the steamer. Rap¬idly and fiercely the lUmes spread tothe dook and tbose who did not perishin the fire jumped overboard and woredrowned. Tho Slocum git within fiftyfeet of the shore and there stoppod inthe shallow wator. In two hours andtwenty-five minutes aftor the lire was

discovered, she sank.The captain of the stcimor and a

number of his men were arrestedcharged with carelessness, in that thefiro extinguishing apparatus was out o

order, the life preservers rotten, otc.A rigid investigation of this and of thoconduct of the crew is being made.

MERCHANTS NEWS.Have you attended our Special Sale?

If not, you slum d do so. Sale willclose Thursday, Juue 3). The Hub.

20 lbs. standard granulated sugar $ 1.Rod Iron Rucket.

"Taeseland" silk shoo laces at,Copelands.

You can find Mason's Fruit Jarswith porcelain lined caps in threo dif¬ferent sizes, pints, quarts and half gal¬lons at

S. M. & E. H. Wilkes & Co.I lb. Loverlngs coll'eo 15ct«. quality

at lOcts. Red Iron Racket.

La France Tan Oxfnds for women.The neatest shoe shown this season.

Copeland."When Walk-Overs go on trouble

goes off." Sold by Copeland.II lbs. good soda. 25cts.

Red Iron Racket.

Soe the beautiful line of Rockerswhich we are now showing. Beauti¬fully finished with both leather andsaddle seats.

S. M. & E. H. Wilkes & Co.Going to St. Louis? Get a go-way

bag at Copelands.Ccoking will be a pleasure if you

will get one of our Buck's Stoveswhich we have in twenty-five dl d erentsizes for you lo select from.

. S. M. & E. H. Wilkes & Co.R If you do not attend our Special Saleof summer goods, you will miss a greatmoney saving opportunity. Tho Hub.

The Gunn Sectional Book Caseswhich we are now showing are themost convenient Oases ever made.They are so constructed that you maybuy as many sections a9 vou will neednow and then add on by seotlonn asyou may need them.

S. M. & E. H. Wilkes & Co.


National Bunk of LaurensAt Laurens, in tin State of South Caro-lina, at the Close or Business, Jane

0th 1001.RESOURCES.

l<oans and discounts, $92,178 38Overdrafts, sooured and unsecured 926 71U. S. Bonds to secure circula¬

tion, 18,000 00Premiums on U. S Bond«, 740 00Heads, securities, etc. 3,187 41Banking-house, furnituro, and. fixtures, 3,091 55Other real estate owned, 8,880 00Duo from State Banks and Ban-

kors, 50 83Due from approved reserve agents, 3,781 48Checks and other cash items, 35 25Notos of other National Banks, 255 00Fraotlonal paper currency,

nlokels, and cents, 8148Lawful Money Reserve in

Bank, viz:

Speole, 3,144 25I/Orfal-tender notos, 1,000 00 4,144 25Redemption fund with U. S.

Treasurer (5 per cent, ofcirculation,) 800 00

Total, «135,635 32LIABILITIES.

Capital stook paid In, j % 63,000 00Surplus rund, l'AOOO 00Undivided profits, loss expen¬

ses and taxes paid, 2,838 42National Bank notes outstand¬

ing, 13^00 00Due to other National Banks, 1,085 68Due to State Hanks and Bankers, 89 63Dividends unpaid 28 00Individual deposits suhjoot tocheck, 16,813 93

Time certificates of deposit, 8,470 66Bills payable, including certifi¬

cates of deposit for moneyborrowed,* 17,000.00

Total, »185,635 32STATE OF 80UTH CAROLINA, )

County of Laurens. )I, Joo. Aug. Barksdale, Cashier of the

above-named bank, do solemnly swearthat the above statement is true to thel>est of my knowledge and belief.

John Auo. Barksdale,Cashier.

Subscribed snd sworn to before methis the 16th day of Jane 1904.

O, g. Thompson.Judge of Probate.

Corbbot..Attest:VOBJNO. A. BARKSDALE,B. F. POSEY, .

J. 8. ORA1G,Directors.


Mr. Eirlo Wilson ha? returned froma visit to relatives in Cheraw.

J . R. ElleJge, of tho Poplar Springss ctioD, was in town Saturday.

T. T. Wood, of Browerton, was in thocity Tuursday,Mr. Joo Moore, of Ekom, was in town

Saturday.Mr. John A. Madden was in th4 city

8.metlme Saturday from Maddens.Goo. M. Hanna, of Cross Hill, was in

town Saturday.Mr. It. P. Mllam spent several days

of last week In Richmond Va.Mr. Wister Sharp, of Greenville, is

vis'tlng his uncle, Mr. W. It, Riehoy.Mr. W. E. fitts was in town yester¬

day from Friendship.R. E. Babb Esq. attended court at

Abbeyllle Monlay.Messrs. N. B. Dial and A. C. Todd

visited Charleston the first of tho woek.Messrs. Prank and Bob Anderson, of

Watorloo, wore In town Monday.Laurons Hnghes visited at Jachin

Sunday.Mr. A'iolphus Owings, was at Gray

Court visiting on Sunday.Messrs. W. R. Cheek and E. D. Shell

of Gray Court, were In town yesterday.Mr. M. J. Owlngs spent Sundiy at

Rapley.Mrs ü. C. Smith and Miss Anna An¬

derson of Waterloo, were visitors to thecity Monday.

Mr. II- Y. Simmons and little son,woro in town yesterday from GrayCourt.Messrs. R. L. Henry and W. H. God¬

frey of Owlngs Station, wero In thecity yesterday.Miss Minnie Smith, of Glenn Springs

is visiting the family of Capt. J. R.Minter.Mr. John R. Hellams, a prominent

citizen of Dials was in the city Tues¬day.Pratt S. Sober is representing Lau-

rens at tho National Republican Con¬vention in Chicago.Messrs. Toad and Matt OwingB, pro¬

gressive far tiers were in the city Sat¬urday from Owings Station.Mr. B. L. Henderson, a prominent

citi/.en of tho county was in the cityFriday from Mt. Gallagher.Mr. Guy Copeland and hh live band-

some boys were in the city from Clin¬ton Saturday.Mr. Kirk Taylor, always a welcome

vUitor to r,aureus, was in tho city fromRenno Saturday.Mrs. W. T. Vance, of Clinton, has

been visiting at Dr, Albright's for thepast week.

Mrs. Alexander Rose and childrenhave returned from an extended visitto relatives in Charleston.Mrs. Hogan Motes, of Mountvllle, ar-

rivod last Thursday to visit her sisterMrs. Jesse Teaguo.Mr. John W. Fowlor attended the

Wells-RofF wedding at GreenwoodThursday.Mo3srs.John H. Copeland and Geo.

F. Littlo returned Saturday from a tenday's stay at Stomp Springs.Mr. John W. McCullough Jr., of Alba

Greenville county, was in tho city Sun¬day.Mr. J. P. Saxon, of Huntington, was

in town Monday. Ho reported a finerain in his section Saturday and Sun¬day.Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Downoy were

visitors at Browerton Sunday. Mrs.Downoy did not return, but will snondthis week there with relatives.Mr. Ernst M. Henderson, of Water¬

loo, class '05 of the coMege of Charles¬ton, was a member of CommencementCommittee for the recent exercises ofthe college.

Mrs.Crave.-, Knight, of Graniteville,visited her sister, Mrs. J. C. Owlngsduring the past week. She is spendinga few weeks with her parents, Mr. andMrs. T. J Hughes at Jachin.The new crop of wheat while not as

large a yield as in former years, is saidto be fine in quality. Mr. W.P.Brownwas the flrat to bring to the LaurensRoller Mills a few barrels of his excel¬lent crop. y

Dr. Anthony C. Fuller, formor StateSenator, was In the city a few hoursFriday. The Doctor takes keen inter¬est in all publio affairs, but he devotesall his time to the successful operationof his farming interest.

Prof. J. Loland Kennedy who was ofthe Greenwood Graded School facultylast year, baa been elected prinolpal ofthe Donalds Graded School next ses¬sion.

Major M. H. Ferguson attended theVeterans reunion in Nashville lastweek. On bis return he stopped overIn Spartanburg a fow days with hissons, Messrs. J. C. and H. T. Fergu¬son.

Roy. Mr. Thomas Accepts.Rev. Henry Thomas, of Ashevllle, has

accepted the oall as rector of the Churchof the Eplpbany, and will oome to Lau¬rens September 1st. to take up thework,

Gardener Holmes Dead.Mr. Gardener Holmes died Saturday

night at his borne at Yarborougb'sMill. He waa a veteran about sixtyyears old and had been the miller atYarborough for a long time


Llttle-Copeland Marriage Takes Placein New Presbyterian Church.

Clinton, June 20..The marriage ofMiaa Mamie Little and Dr. Jim Cope-land, which will take place on the 28thinst , will be the first to be solemnizedin the handsome new PresbyterianChurch.

Mr*. M. L. Sims has gone to Frank¬lin, Ky., to be present at the mar¬

riage of her cousin, Dr. AlbertZeely. She will visit the St. LouisExposition before returning home.Misses Addle Horton and Cainllle

Vance leave *Ma week for St. Louis.Miss Vance's many friends are sorry tolearn that she will not return to Clin¬ton.Mies Clara Duckect entertained the

Acteon Hook Cl"b last Friday after¬noon. In .the contest the prize wasawarded to Mrs. J. W . Copeland.Miss Claude Sartor of Union is the

guest of Miss Ina Vance.Mrs. Arthur Shockley of Spartan-

burg is visiting in Clinton. She will beDame of Honor at the marriage of hersister and Dr. Copeland.Mi sä Ellene McCaslan loft Saturday

for Olenn Springs. She will be thoguest of Miss Marie Smith.Mrs. Tindall of Greenville Is the

guest of her niece, Mrs, Will Sum-merel.

Dr. Gray Ellisor's many friends are

glad to learn of his improvement.Mrs. Alys Booz-r, who for the past

four years has held a position In the of¬fice of the Southern Presbyterian leftfor Georgetown last week, where shegoes to accept a position.The Presbyterian Sunday School

held its first meeting In the new build¬ing on last Sunday morning. About 275were present.Mr. Walter Hale of Macon, Ga., vis¬

ited his parents last week.Misses Dorothy and Virginia Owens

are visiting relatives in Laurens thisweek.

At Maddens.Much needed rains have fallen.Prof. G. W. Cunningham, of Howard

University Ali., is at home for a Bhortwhile.

Mr. Alva B. Langs ton, of Furman,has also returned home.

Mrs. M. T. Allison, who has beensick for several days, is improving.Mrs. May Madden and Mrs. DoraBry-

son, of Laurens, vistled relatives hereSaturday night and Sunday.Mr. P. H. Martin, who has been

spending the last three months in St.Louis, has returned home.Miss Ethel Teague, of Mountvllle,

came up for a short stay Sunday.TRIUMPHS OF MODERN SUR¬

GERY.Wonderful things are done for the

human body by surgery. Organs aretaken out and scraped and polishedand put back, or they may be removedentirely; bones are spliced; pipes takethe place of diseased seotions of veins;antiseptic dressings are applied towounds, bruises, burns and like inju¬ries before inflammation sets In, whichcauses them to heal without matura¬tion and in one-third the time requiredby the old treatment. Chamberlain'sPain Balm acts on this same principle.It is an antiseptic and when applied tosuch injuries, causes tbem to heal veryquickly. It also allays the pain andsoreness. Keep a bottle of Pain BalmIn your home and It will save you timeand money, not to mention the incon¬venience. For sale by Laurens DrugCo.

NEWS OF THE WORM). |An assassin named Sohauman, son of

Senator Schauman, shut and mortallywounded Gon. UobrlkofV, GovernorGeneral of Finland last Thursday andthen immediately committed suicide.The governor died a few hours laterfrom the wound.The National Republican Convention

met yesterday In Chicago. Iillhu Hootwas elected temporary chairman andSpeaker Joe Cannon, permanent chair¬man. The Presidential ticket will benominated Thursday. Roosevelt willreceive the nomination for presidentand either Senator Fairbanks or Con¬gressman Hitt will probably bo his run¬

ning mate.At Frederioksburg Va. last Saturday

while shooting at cats in his backyardRev. Decater Edwards, accidently shotand killed Mrs. Lucy Mann, a neigh¬bor.

Congressman Johusou's Yislt.C< ngressman Johnson with his fam¬

ily is spondlng a few days in Laurons.Monday afternoon he recolved noticefrom Gen. Jones, Stato Chairman, thatno one had died a pledge as a candi¬date against him. Consequently hohas the field to himself this year,an un¬usual thing in this Congressional Dis¬trict. He is boing hoarilly congratu¬lated by his home peoplo.Celebrated Eighty-Third Anniversary.Mr. John D, Mills gavo a big dinner

at his home last Saturday in honor oftho eighty-third birth-day of his fa¬ther, Mr. John A. Mills. It was a yerypleasant occasion. Seventy odd chil¬dren, grand children, cousins andfriends were pressnt. Mr. and Mrs.John F. Bolt attended.We can supply your wants In tho

nest quality of fruit j^r rubbirs andporcelain lined caps.

S. M. & E H. Wilkes & Co.


Coli M. P, Tribble, Candidate foi Sec¬retary of State.

Columiua, June 21..Special to THEAdvertiser: Oöl. "Mit" Tribble hasentered tho race (or Seoretary of State.

Co'. Trlbblo is a native of Laurensami is known by all the old Boldierswho remember him as a truoand bravefighter in the ranks of tho ConfoJorateArmy.Ho was one of tho leaders of tho

white men In the days of "Reconstruc¬tion" in this county an 1 could always bodepended on when cool, daring menwere needed,He was Clerk of tho Court In Ander¬

son, and postmaster under Cleveland,and undo lino records for koeping thoollieo8 in a business like way.Ho is nowa member of tho legislature from An¬derson and besides has been engagedin making up the Confederate so'diersrolls.

Col. T-'' b'.e h a candidate on nlsown mot .us a? a man and refers to hisrecords as Clerk of Court and postmas¬ter In Anderson as proof of his clllc-lency as aoareful and safo businoss olll-cer.

Ohamb rlaln's Sumach and L'verTable's are just what you need whenyoa htvo no appotite, foel dull aftereating and wake up with a bad taste inyour nnuth. They will Improve yourappe'.ito, oleanse and Invigorate yourstomach and give you a relish for yo.trfood. For sale by Laureas Drug Co.

25 CENT COLUMN.NOTICE- Prank Bishop will sell ice

atJ. Yi Wallace's store collar on dun-days from 0 to 12 o'clock.Exoeutors, Administrators and (Guar¬

diansAto reminded that the time for mak¬

ing annual roturus will expire on the30th of June.

O. (I. THOMPSON,j. p. i.. 0.

Juno 10, 1004 3-.

' .ft. JW -A'W v&' vIi mft. VIm ft¦' i.rt. v/L '¦ ¦; ;l.; /Ts /Ts /TS /Ts /W\ /Ts /WS /TS /WS ?WS /WS /Ts /In /Ts /f\

STERLING VALUE.One lot plain White Organdy

10 cts the yard at Wilson's.

Have yon seen those fourgrades in Sheer Plain WhiteLawn at 10 cts, izy> els, 15 ctsand 20 cts the yard at Wilson's.

Before they are gone secureone of those Silk Sunshades, Par¬agon frame and steel rod. Price#1.00 at Wilson's.What makes a prettier Dress

for the Season than a White Dotor Colored Swiss? Price i2l/jCthe yard at Wilson's.

Handsome patterns in Dawnand Swiss Embroideries at Wil¬son's.

Another lot Satin TaffetaRibbons in desirable shades justopened at

WILSON'S.t mhm Am '»%. Jl. .A. '.Li iJL 'J\. )lm wL> «ft- "JM df-* /Ys /Ts /Ts /Ts /Ts /Ts /WS /IS /Ts /Ts /WS /Ts /Ts /Ts <~W\


The Coining and Uolng of Hum L'oOploNoted.

Oka, Juno 20..Dr. R. H, Bryson ofBradley was up recuperating a fewdays agoRev. W. A. Blakely, of Barrels, Ala ,

is visiting relatives in town.Tlio Ora Academy has had much ad¬

ded to its appearance by being painted.Ora enn boast of one of tho nicest, neat¬est aud most up-to-date academies intne county.Mrs. P. P. Blakely, Mrs. W. J. Flem¬

ing, Rev B. H. Grior, Mis?c3 Euphe¬mia Thompson and Mamie ByrJ, Mrs,J. E MoOilntook and Miss Hollo Craigwcro tho visitors to the Due West Fe¬male and Erskino College commence¬ments.Miss Bessie Byrd, ono of our bright¬

est young ladies, graduated at the DueWest Female Collegi last week. Shereceived an A. B. diploma. The sub¬ject of her graduating essay was : "TheProgress of Education In the South."Mrs. Janio Craig ami MUs Lizzie

Craig arc spending tho summer inAshevllle, Hendersonvllle and Saluda,Miss Alico McCarley is attending

the WoodruU' Graded School com¬mencement.Mr. J. S. Craig, one of tho most suc¬

cessful business men of the couuty,was In town Tuosday.Mr. Jarnos Fleming, President ol tho

Lanford Oil Mill, was in town thisweek.

C.tpt. William Copeland was theguest of Capt. Augustus MoOarleyThursday.Misses Irene McCain and Lois Young,very charming bollos of Duo West, aro

vLiting M'ss Euphemia Thompson.Miss Belle Craig is visiting lie:*

brother, Mr. N. A. Craig, one ofGroenwood's most progressive mer¬chants. .1. Y.

THE LADIES favor painting theirchurches, and therefore we urge everyMinister to rememberwe give a liberal(|uantit.y of tho Longman & MartinezPaint toward the painting.Wears and covers like gold.Don't pay $1.50 a gallon for Linseed

Oil (worth 00cents) which you do whenyou buy o ber paints in a can with apaint label on it.8 & ti make I I, therefore when you

want fourteen gallons of paint, buyonly eight of L. it M., and mix six gal¬lons pure Linsoed Oil with it, and thusget paint at less thin $1.20 per gallon.M my houses arc well painted with

four gallons of L. iV m. and throe gal¬lons of Linseed Oil mixed therewith.Tin se celebrated paints arc sold by

W. L. Boyd, Laurens.Clinton Phabmaoy, Clinton.

What is "TEETHINA" V Well, 'tisthis:A tasteless powdor that will kiss,From baby's brow the fevor glow,Th it teething always bring you

know"TKKT1UNA" Overcomes and Coun¬

teracts the Effects ol Summer's Heat,Aids Digestion, Regulates the Bowols,Ciivos ro-y cheeks, health aud happi¬ness to bibies.

SUED BY IIIS DOCTOR."A doctor hero has sued ir.o for

$12 B0, which I claimed wai excessivefor a case of cholera morbus," says RWhite, of Coachella, Cal. *'At the trialhe praised his medical skill and medi¬cine. 1 asked him if it was not Chitm-borlain's Colic, Cholera and DiarrhoeaRemedy hp used as I had good reason tobelieve it was,and ho would not s vy un¬der oath that it was not." No doctorcould use a better remedy than this ina case of cholera morbus. It neverfalls. Sjld by Laurens Drug Co.

y^^^^^^^^^^t^ träte arc usually received with jrativZ^yifo ^\\ more than the usual interest, and %J

njtifäwv)) m*m\k this opinion from our well-knowna«

y^lffiiy J^/fi!^ T^Py talented and highly honored jus- ^jK

^fftfkll^^^^mllt^^^^^' Pre^ercnce ^n'8 Court ;llu'


The- Hampton Monument Commissionat A meeting last week decided to letF. Wellington Ruchsthrul of Paris andNow York, submit models of statute.There has been $7,895.22 raised forHampton's monument by popular sub¬scription. This is to bo added to theState appropriation of $20,000

R. A. Adams, a white man undersentenco of death, escaped from theWalterboro jail ono night last week.Governor Hoyward has olTered a re¬ward of .f>00 for his capture.The Highlander, tho river boat ply-

Ing between Columbia and Georgetownwas totally destroyed by fire twentylive miles abovo Georgetown Thursdaynight. Thq boat carried no cargo.Tho vessel was owned by Mr. T. D.Lovo of Columbia and was built throeyoars ago at a co3t of $12,000. It wasinsured for $.'1,000.Last Wednesday the tressol of the

Spartanburg, Union and Columbia R.R, over Peachtree Creek was partlall ydestroyod by lire. Within lifteon hours250 foot was replaced and tho trains as

usual were passing over the bridgenext day.Saturday night as Deputy Sheriff

Ballenger, of Greenville, was returningtrom North Carolina with Robert Byrd,the negro who shot Mr. James Fowler,of Fountain Inn, last Christmas, hisprisoner leaped from a car windowwhile tho train was making thirty milesan hour. Tho ofllcor rushed to the plat¬form and leaped after the man. Thenegro was badly cripplod, while thedeputy sustained a sprained ankle.Sirco the withdrawal of Congressman

Scarborough from the race In the SixthDistriotqultea number of gentlemen Inthe District have entered the Hold, In-chiding formor Senator John L. Mc-Laurin of Bennettsville.The special committee which was se¬

lected by the last legislature to exam¬ine the books of tho State officers hasfinished its work. In viow of the factthat many reports were current as toits Undings tho committee has givenout a statement to the elVoct that thereis nothing sensational to report. Con¬cerning the books of the Secretary ofState, tho committee found nothing inthem of a startling nature, althoughthere lias been no bookkeeping. Thebooks were checked up from January2:5, 11)0.1 when Mr. Gantt assumed theollico.

DRIV EN TO DESPERATION.Living at an out of the way place,

remote from civilization, a family isoften driven to desperation in case ofaccident, resulting in burns, wo inds,cut*, ulcers, etc. Lay in a supply ofHucklen's Arnica Salvo. It's the beston earth. 25 cents at Laurens Drug Co.and Palmetto Drug Co,


Have BeautifulTeethYou may have nice fea¬

tures, a nice complexion,but nice white teeth countfor more than either.Take good care of them.Don't scour them with

everything from coal ashesto charcoal. Save theenamel. We've an antisep¬tic Tooth Powder whichcontains not one atom thatwill tend to injure theteeth.On the other hand, if

used daily it keeps theteeth snowy white, thebreath sweet and pure,leaves a pleasant taste inthe mouth, and has a ten¬dency to prevent teeth fromdecaying-.Dodson's Drug Store.



YEasy to Wear.No pressure on)Ilp» or Back.No underttrap*.Mover ruovct.

Wo guarantee a fit or moneyrefunded*PALMETTO DRUG CO.,

Lauren s, S. C.


General Leo of Mississippi ChosenCommander to Succeed Gordon.

The next annual rounion of the Uni¬ted Confederate Veterans will bo holdin Louisville Ky. Tho singing of "MyOld Kontuckoy Home'' by a sweetvoiced young ladv, Miss Mary R.Kwoll, of Norfolk, Va., Maid of Honorfor tho South at the rounion at Nash¬ville last weok, is said to have won thonext reunion for the Kentucky city. Astho last notos of tho famous song diedaway the Convention went, wild withshouts for "Louisville," "Louisville,"and that city was unanimously chosenas the next placo of meeting.Tho Votorans elected the following

olllcers last Wednesday:Cominandcr-in-Chief: Lieu tenant

General, Stephen 1). Loo, of Columbus,Miss., to succeed the lamentod Gin.John B. Gordon.Commander of the Department of

Northern Virginia: General C. IrvineWalker, of Groanville, S. C.Commander of tho Department of

Tennessee : General Clement A. Evans,of Atlanta, Ga.Commander of u13 Trans-Mississippi

Department: Ganeral W. L. Cabell ofDallas, Texas.


No Opposition to State Officials ex¬cept Mr. Gautl.

All the State officials Mod theirpledges Monday before noon as candi¬dates to SUOOeed themselves. SecretaryGantt is th 3 only one who lias opposi¬tion, Col. M. P. Tribble, of Anderson,having tilod his pledge a few minutoshjforo tho time expired as a candidateagainst Mr. Gantt. It is the first timoin fourteen years that a candidate forgovernor enters the Hold unopposed.Gov. Hoy ward and tho rest of the Stateotllcials have been heartily congratu¬lated upon the prospect of a quiet cam¬

paign. The first campaign meetingwas held at Sumter yesterday.The total loss of ihe Russians killed,

wounded and captured by tho Japaneseat the battle of Vafangow, is estimatedat 10,000. The Japanes 3 losses are lessthan 1,000.


ilmUa /itf '/ITs}-s," !*"

Notice of Election.School District No. G Dials Township.An election will be hold at tho Barks-dale Academy, School District numbersix. Thursday, July 7th., 1901 to de¬cide whether a tax of two mills forschool purposes shall be levied and col¬lected in said district. It is orderedthat the Hoard of Trustees shall holdsaid election which shall be conductedaccording to tho rules governing gen-oral election. By order of tho CountyHoard of Education of Lanrens County.

Charles v. Brooks,County Supt. of Education.

$2,000 dollars worth of Bargins to goat red hot price?. Red Iron Racket.

My daughter had been down D weekwith Flux, and was very sick. I pro¬cured Dr. King's Diarrhoea and Dys«ontory Cordial and cured her with fourdoses.

GEORGE HICKS.Handy to have for sudden attacks.

26 cants, sold by Palm otto Drug Co.

Headache and NeuralgiaCured by Nervalerine. For sulo by

Laurons Drug Co., W. W. Dudson andall other Druggists.




Attention! Executive Committee.The members of tho CountyDemocratic Executive Committee

aro called to meet at 11 o'clockon Monday, 27th inst., for thepurposo of arranging for tho ap¬pointment of Managers, estab¬lishing new Precincts, arrangingfor tho Campaign meetings, etc.

(}. P. Smith,County Chairman.