lavoz june 2014 - issue

Michael Tuffelmire was born, raised, and lives in the 3rd Ward. He proudly declared his candidacy to represent the residents of the 3rd Ward on the Grand Rapids City Commission. The Primary Election is sched- uled for August 6th. Michael Tuffelmire nació, se crió y vive en la Calle 3 ª Ward. Declaró con orgullo su candi- datura para representar a los residentes de la 3rd Ward on the Grand Rapids City Commission La elección princi- pal está programada para el próximo 6 de Agosto. pg. 7

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Page 1: Lavoz June 2014 - issue

Michael Tuffelmire was born,raised, and lives in the 3rdWard. He proudly declared hiscandidacy to represent the residents of the 3rd Ward on theGrand Rapids City Commission.The Primary Election is sched-uled for August 6th.

Michael Tuffelmire nació, se crióy vive en la Calle 3 ª Ward.Declaró con orgullo su candi-datura para representar a losresidentes de la 3rd Ward on theGrand Rapids City Commission La elección princi-pal está programada para elpróximo 6 de Agosto.

pg. 7

Page 2: Lavoz June 2014 - issue

Para poder participar en las promociones, se debe tener 21 años de edad o más y tener unaidentificación vigente con fotografía o pasaporte. Para poder participar en la Celebración paraAdultos de 55+, se debe tener 55 años de edad o más. Es necesario estar presente para poderganar. Los premios no son transferibles. Ver Centro de Recompensas para información sobretodas las promociones, ofertas especiales o descuentos. No hay sustituciones en las especialesde alimentos o bebidas. No pueden combinarse con ninguna otra oferta, especiales o descuen-tos. Las ofertas de alimentos y bebidas sólo son válidas para compras en efectivo, no comps opuntos. Cena solamente. No órdenes para llevar. Oferta máxima en el comedor válida for 2 horas.Especiales no validas en días festivos, alcohol o graticifación. Para más detalles cosulte Sand-hill Café . © 2013 Gun Lake Tribal Gaming Authority. All rights reserved.

Page 3: Lavoz June 2014 - issue


WWHHAATT’’SS IINNSSIIDDEEDr. Jose A. Flores Editorial Federal Court Rules Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio Violated U.S. Constitution/ Joe Arpaio Incurrió en Discriminación Contra HispanosMichael Tuffelmire Announces for 3rd Ward GR Commission SeatAwilda Diaz for Wyoming City CouncilCommunity News/Noticias de la Comunidad

Festivals & Music Events in Michigan for June/ Festivales y Eventos enMichigan para JunioNews/Noticias

One in 10 Teens Using “Study Drugs” / Uno de cada 10 Adolescentes usan “Drogas para Estudiar”Rapid Growth in Small Sector for Latino Business OwnersJune Events /Eventos para el mes de Junio

Películas Latinas/ Latin Movies

Health: Children Who have been abused are at Risk of Obesity in Adulthood

Carne Asada, Barbacoa, Verduras y más para este Verano

Classifieds / Clasificados


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La Oportunidad de

ganar 4 boletos /

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free tickets . pg. 11

pg. 28

Page 4: Lavoz June 2014 - issue


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Page 5: Lavoz June 2014 - issue




The Grand Rapids City Commission ispoised to witness a heated campaign forthe 3rd Ward City Commission seat beingvacated by James White. The GrandRapids City Commission Primary Electionwill be held on August 6th. In May, MichaelTufflemire, a youthful and decorated vet-eran of the Iraq War entered the race. Hisoutstanding community service and re-spected reputation as a civic leader withgrassroots support should lead him to aneasy victory over an embattled and highlycriticized SenitaLanear (formerGrand RapidsBoard of Educa-tion Presidentand supporter ofBernard Taylorwho is currentlysuing the GRPSfor nearly half amillion dollars).

Senita Lanearfailed to hold theinterests of Grand Rapids first in hercharge of the Grand Rapids PublicSchools. She failed to move the GR Boardto become more transparent. Under herleadership nepotism and cronyism (the hir-ing of family members to key posts and un-qualified persons into highly paidadministrative posts) ruled the day! For-mer Superintendent Bernard Taylor ap-peared to be artful at creating positions for“loved ones” and rewarding his staff withmulti-year contracts and inflated salaries.A mere review of public dollar supportedsalaries and staff qualifications in the edu-cation organization of GRPS will raise eye-brows. Unfortunately, our current boardmembers and major media seem to lookthe other way as the practice of hiring andplacing family and unqualified persons intohighly paid administrative roles continues.

Where was the accountability? Senita Lan-ear and other GR Board Members with po-litical ambitions should take note of the factthat an educated voter electorate will notsupport candidates that have failed tokeep the public trust. We expect morefrom our public servants!

I believe that Michael Tufflemire will makean excellent Grand Rapids City Commis-sioner and will work for the citizens ofGrand Rapids to bring about neededchange for neighborhoods and the aver-age person. He has served his countrywith honor and integrity! He has alreadybeen active in making our laws more rea-sonable through his decriminalization ef-forts! He deserves our support! I endorseMichael Tufflemire for the 3rd Ward – Cityof Grand Rapids Commission Seat.

Our vote is our voice!

La Comisión de la Ciudad de GrandRapids está a punto de presenciar unacampaña con mucha energía para elpuesto de tercera sala en la Comisión cualse está desocupado por James White.Las elecciones Primarias se tomaran lugarel 6 de agosto. En mayo, MichaelTufflemire, un joven, veterano de la guerrade Irak y decorado con medallas de valor,entró en la carrera. Su servicio a la comu-nidad destacada y respetada reputacióncomo un líder cívico con el apoyo popular

le debeconducira una fácilvictoria.

Será unav i c t o r i asobre unasediadoy alta-m e n t ecri t icadoS e n i t aL a n e a r

(ex presidenta del Gran Consejo de Edu-cación y partidario de Bernard Taylorquien actualmente está demandando a losGRPS casi medio millón de dólares).

Senita Lanear no logró abogar fielmentelos intereses de los votantes de GrandRapids bajo su cargo de las EscuelasPúblicas de Grand Rapids. Ella no pudomover la Junta de GR para ser más trans-parente. Bajo su liderazgo el nepotismo yel amiguísimo (la contratación de famil-iares en puestos claves y personas no cal-ificadas en puestos administrativos muybien pagados) gobernaron el día! El exSuperintendente Bernard Taylor parecíaser ingenioso a la creación de puestospara sus "seres queridos" y recompenso asu personal con contratos de varios añosy salarios inflados. Dinero de los que pag-amos impuestos. Una simple revisión delos salarios compatibles y las cualifica-ciones del personal en la organización dela educación de GRPS elevará las cejas.Por desgracia, nuestros directores ac-tuales y los principales medios de comu-nicación parecen mirar hacia otro ladocomo la práctica de la contratación y lacolocación de familiares y personas nocalificadas en las funciones administrati-vas muy bien pagados continúan hoyrespaldo por dólares del público.

¿Dónde estaba la rendición de cuentas?Senita Lanear y otros miembros de laJunta de GR con ambiciones políticasdeben tomar en cuenta el hecho de queun electorado de votantes educados noapoyara a los candidatos que no han lo-grado mantener la confianza del público.Esperamos más de nuestros servidorespúblicos!

By Dr. José A. Flores

......Spanish version continued on pg.14

Page 6: Lavoz June 2014 - issue


Arpaio and His Deputies Have Engaged inRacial Profiling Against Latinos in MaricopaCounty

PHOENIX – Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio relied on racialprofiling and illegal detentions to target Latinos, a federal dis-trict court said today. The ruling comes following a three-weektrial in July and August over a pattern of unlawful practices byArpaio and the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office on immigrationsweeps and traffic stops.

"This is a victory for everyone," said Cecillia Wang, director ofthe ACLU Immigrants' Rights Project. "Singling people out fortraffic stops and detentions because they are Latino is uncon-stitutional and just plain un-American. Let this be a warning toany agency trying to enforce the 'show me your papers' provi-sion of SB 1070 and similar laws — there is no exception in theConstitution for immigration enforcement."

The American Civil Liberties Union, the ACLU of Arizona, theMexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund(MALDEF), and the law firm Covington & Burling LLP repre-sented a class of Latino residents and a Latino community or-ganization, Somos America.

On Sept. 25, a federal appeals court confirmed that Arpaio's of-fice cannot detain people solely on the suspicion that they areundocumented by refusing to reverse a lower court's ruling.Today, U.S. District Judge G. Murray Snow issued a decision inMelendres v. Arpaio that found the policies and practices ofArpaio and his office are discriminatory, violate the Fourth andFourteenth Amendments and Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of1964.

"Today's decision vindicates the rights of Latinos in MaricopaCounty who've been terrorized by discriminatory MCSO prac-tices and have had their communities torn apart," said DanPochoda, legal director of the ACLU of Arizona. "The court rec-ognized that racial profiling within the Maricopa County Sheriff'sOffice is a pervasive and widespread problem that can only beaddressed through substantive, meaningful changes to eradi-cate this egregious practice and begin rebuilding public trust."

"I applaud the many individuals who came forward to tell theirstories with courage and dignity. This decision brings us onestep closer to justice," said Lydia Guzman of Somos America. "Ilook forward to working together to ensure that the MCSO is notallowed to profile our community any longer."

"The evidence fully supports the finding of an equal protectionclause violation," said Stanley Young, a partner with Covington& Burling. "We proved a discriminatory intent, through the sher-iff's own internal correspondence and public statements, aswell as admissions that the MCSO uses Hispanic ethnicity as areason to pursue immigration inquiries. We also proved a harm-ful effect, in the form of higher stop rates and longer stop timesfor Hispanics. Even apart from racial discrimination, we alsoproved that the MCSO improperly detains motorists and pas-sengers without having an adequate basis. All of these viola-tions will now need to stop."

"The voices of Sheriff Arpaio's racial profiling victims have beenheard," said Nancy Ramirez, western regional counsel,MALDEF. "Today's decision vindicates Maricopa County com-munity members who have long suffered from the sheriff's dis-criminatory and illegal practices. We look forward to seeingmuch needed reforms implemented at the MCSO."


Un juez federal de Estados Unidos dictaminó que laoficina del controvertido alguacil del condado deMaricopa (Arizona), Joe Arpaio, incurrió en discrimi-nación racial contra conductores hispanos y violósus derechos constitucionales.

El fallo del juez Murray Snow, divulgado hoy, se pro-dujo en respuesta a una demanda colectiva poracusaciones de prácticas de perfil racial en contrade conductores hispanos.

Snow declaró que las políticas de Arpaio violan losderechos constitucionales y ordenó a su oficinadejar de usar la raza o ascendencia como un mo-tivo para parar y detener a los conductores de ve-hículos.

Arpaio se hace llamar a sí mismo el "sheriff másduro" del país y es conocido por su mano dura conla inmigración ilegal y la población carcelaria.

La ley SB1070 de Arizona es la más dura contra lainmigración ilegal del país y permite a la policíapedir "los papeles" de aquellos a quienes detengapor infracciones, incluso menores, y tenga"sospecha razonable" de que son indocumentados.

El Tribunal Supremo anuló el año pasado buenaparte de esa ley, pero no esa disposición que per-mite pedir "los papeles".

Katherine Archuleta most recently served as National Political Di-rector for Obama for America, a position she held from 2011 to2012. Prior to this, Ms. Archuleta served as Chief of Staff at theU.S. Department of Labor from 2009 to 2011. From October2005 to May 2009, she served as a Senior Advisor on Policy andInitiatives for the City and County of Denver, Colorado. Previ-ously, she served as the Executive Director of the National His-panic Cultural Center Foundation from 2002 to 2005. Ms.Archuleta was the Director of Professional Services for Davis,Graham and Stubbs, LLP from 2000 to 2002 and Co-Founderand Principal of the Center for Regional and Neighborhood Ac-tion from 1997 to 2000. She served as Senior Policy Advisor atthe U.S. Department of Energy in 1997. From 1993 to 1997, Ms.Archuleta served at the U.S. Department of Transportation, firstas Deputy Chief of Staff and then as Chief of Staff. She servedas an adjunct professor at the University of Denver from 1992 to1993. Prior to that, she worked in a number of roles in the Officeof the Mayor of Denver from 1983 to 1991, including DeputyChief of Staff. Ms. Archuleta received a B.A. from MetropolitanState College and a M.Ed. from the University of Northern Col-orado.

Katherine Archuleta, Nominee for Director,Office of Personnel Management

El Presidente Obama nomina a KatherineArchuleta como Directora de la Oficina de Ad-ministración de Personal

WASHINGTON, DC – El mes de Mayo, el Presidente Barack Obama dioa conocer su intención de nominar a Katherine Archuleta como Directorade la Oficina de Administración de Personal. Si se le confirma, ella será la primera latina en dirigir la agencia.

Katherine Archuleta sirvió más recientemente como Directora Política Nacional de Obama for America, una posiciónque ocupó de 2011 a 2012. Antes de eso, la Srta. Archuleta sirvió de Jefe de Personal del Departamento de Trabajode los Estados Unidos de 2009 a 2011. De octubre de 2005 a mayo de 2009, ella fue Asesora Principal sobrePolítica e Iniciativas para la Ciudad y el Condado de Denver, Colorado. Anteriormente, fue Directora Ejecutiva de laFundación Nacional del Centro Cultural Hispano de 2002 a 2005. La Srta. Archuleta fue Directora de Servicios Profe-sionales en Davis, Graham and Stubbs, LLP de 2000 a 2002 y Co-fundadora y Comitente del Centro de Acción Re-gional y Comunitario de 1997 a 2000. Fue Asesora Principal de Política en el Departamento de la Energía de EE.UU.en 1997. Entre 1993 y 1997, la Srta. Archuleta prestó servicios en el Departamento del Transporte de EE.UU.,primero como Jefe Adjunto de Personal y posteriormente como Jefe de Personal. Fue profesora adjunta en la Univer-sidad de Denver de 1992 a 1993. Anteriormente, laboró en diversas funciones en la Oficina del Alcalde de Denverentre 1983 y 1991, incluyendo Jefe Adjunto de Personal. La Srta. Archuleta se graduó con un título de B.A. del Met-ropolitan State College y una maestría en educación de la Universidad de Northern Colorado.

Page 7: Lavoz June 2014 - issue

The Primary Election is Tuesday, Au-gust 6th, 2013 and one youthful Latinawants voters to know that she wouldmake an excellent addition to theWyoming City Council. Currently theWyoming City Council has mostlyWhite males making key decisions fora city that has become very diverse.Hispanic Americans have doubledtheir population in the City of Wyomingover the past 10 years to nearly 20%of the residents yet they have very littleinput into the political decision-makingthat goes on at City Hall.

Wyoming has also experienced eco-nomic shifts witnessing high-end re-tailers leaving the thriving upscalesuburban community that it once was.Roger’s Department Store now sitsempty as do many of the shops in theRogers Plaza. The 28th St. Studio andother iconic business that once madeWyoming a shopper’s destination pointare gone and the area is no longer asattractive to consumers.

Candidate Awilda E. Diaz, said, “TheWyoming City Council currently needsnew technical knowledge. I want tomake it a priority to increase our taxbase with small businesses. I think weneed to focus on re-developing 28thSt. We need to be proactive in everydecision we make. When elected, Iwill make it a priority to strategicallyplan the city in a way that every resi-dent benefits from it.”  

She continued, “I currently work in lawenforcement for Kent County I wouldlike to work on city ordinance on curb-ing crime. I strongly support the firedepartment and the efforts they maketo make our city safe.” The WyomingFire Department is understaffed andmuch of the cuts in recent years aredue to the lack of tax revenue base.

Awilda E. Diaz earned her Bachelor’sDegree from Calvin College and holdsa Master’s Degree in Public Adminis-tration from Grand Valley State Univer-sity. Awilda is employed in theJuvenile Probation Department of theKent County 17th Circuit Court and isresponsible for monitoring juvenileprobation clients. She is familiar withcommunity issues and is highly quali-fied to serve as a City Commissioner.

Candidate Diaz encourages everyoneto vote on August 6th. “I would likethe Hispanic population to know howimportant and what a direct impactlocal politics have in our everydaylives. As a Hispanic female myself, Iknow what it’s like to live in the areaand I know the strengths and weak-nesses within the area. 

Campaign phone: 616-666-3125 Awilda Diaz <[email protected]>



With an open seat on the Commission, theCity of Grand Rapids needs new leader-ship talent. According to his election com-mittee, Michael Tuffelmire is one of the

hardest working public servants in the Cityof Grand Rapids. He is a tireless volunteer,a decorated veteran, and a determinedpublic interest advocate on such critical is-sues as community violence, civil rights,smarter government spending, and neigh-borhood revitalization. Tuffelmire aspires tobring strong, smart leadership to the CityCommission in the service of 3rd Ward resi-dents.

Michael promised to keep the interests ofGrand Rapids residents first and has beenhighly visible in communities that havebeen historically underserved. He told TheCommunity Voice/La Voz staff that he iswell-known in the Hispanic Community. Heshops in several Hispanic businesses andknows many of our issues.

Michael was born, raised, and lives in the3rd Ward Michael attended primary schoolat Immaculate Heart of Mary, Alger Ele-mentary, and St. Andrews. He attendedCatholic Central and graduated from GrandRapids Central High School.

Michael earned an undergraduate Arts de-gree from Grand Rapids Community Col-lege. He earned a B.S. in Health CareSystem Administration from Ferris StateUniversity. Michael also holds a Master ofManagement from Aquinas College andcurrently works toward a Master of Sustain-able Business. He resides in the South Hillneighborhood.

Successful Team Leader Michael enlisted

in the United States Army immediately afterhigh school. He served six years in a vari-ety of assignments, including Infantry TeamLeader of combat tours in Operation IraqiFreedom, peacekeeping missions inKosovo, and special operations in the Hornof Africa.He also served in the National Guard.

Michael’s military service awards includebut are not limited to the Army Commenda-tion Medal for service in Operation Endur-ing Freedom, the NATO Medal, and theGlobal War on Terrorism ExpeditionaryMedal.

Contact: Michael Tuffelmire, 616.589.6776,[email protected]

Michael Tuffelmire Announces For 3rdWard Grand Rapids Commission Seat

AWILDA DIAZ FOR WYOMING CITY COUNCILLa elección primaria es Martes, 06 de agosto2013 y una Latina joven quiere que todos losvotantes sepan que ella sería una excelente adi-ción al Consejo de la ciudad de Wyoming. Actual-mente el Consejo de Wyoming tiene sobre todolos hombres blancos que toman decisiones clavespara una ciudad que se ha convertido en resi-dentes muy diversas. Los hispanoamericanos handuplicado su población en la ciudad de Wyomingen los últimos 10 años en casi el 20% de los resi-dentes y todavía tienen muy poca participación enla toma de decisiones políticas que ocurre en elAyuntamiento.

Wyoming también ha realizado cambios económi-cos por el abandono de comerciantes y resi-dentes con más recursos financieros. Muchagente próspera se ha ido a comunidades subur-banas de lujo. Rogers Department Store ahora seencuentra vacío al igual que muchas de las tien-das de la Plaza Rogers. El 28th St. Studio y otrosnegocios icónicos que una vez hizo Wyomingpunto de destino de los compradores se han ido yla zona ya no es tan atractiva para los consumi-dores.

La Candidata Awilda E. Díaz, dijo: "En la actuali-dad, el Consejo Wyoming necesita nuevosconocimientos técnicos. Quiero que sea una prior-idad para aumentar nuestra base de impuestoscon las pequeñas empresas. Creo que tenemosque centrarnos en volver a desarrollar la calle 28.Tenemos que ser proactivos en cada decisión quetomamos. Cuando sea elegido, voy a dar priori-dad a la planificación estratégica de la ciudad deuna manera "que cada residente se beneficia deella.”Ella continuó: "Actualmente trabajo en el departa-

mento de correc-ciones del con-dado de Kent.Me gustaría tra-bajar en la orde-nanza municipalsobre la reduc-ción de la delin-cuencia. Apoyofirmemente el cuerpo de bomberos y de los es-fuerzos que hacen para hacer segura nuestra ciu-dad. "El Departamento de Bomberos de Wyominges escaso y la mayor parte de los recortes en losúltimos años se deben a la falta de base de los in-gresos fiscales.”

Awilda E. Diaz obtuvo su licenciatura de CalvinCollege y tiene una maestría en AdministraciónPública de la Universidad Estatal de Grand Valley.Awilda se emplea en el Departamento de LibertadCondicional de Menores del Tribunal de Circuitodel Condado de Kent 17a y se encarga de super-visar los clientes probatoria de menores. Ella estáfamiliarizada con asuntos de la comunidad y estáaltamente calificado para servir como Comision-ado de la Ciudad.

Candidato Díaz anima a todos a votar el 6 deagosto. "Me gustaría que la población hispana desaber lo importante y lo que es un política directay el impacto que puede hacer en nuestras vidas.Como mujer hispana, sé lo que es vivir en la zonay conocer las fortalezas y debilidades dentro de lazona.

Teléfono de campaña: 616-666-3125 Awilda Díaz<[email protected]>

De acuerdo con su comité electoral, MichaelTuffelmire es uno de los más mejores servidorespúblicos que trabajan en la ciudad de Grand Rapids.Él es un voluntario incansable, un veterano condeco-rado y un determinado abogado con interés públicoen temas tan importantes como la violencia comuni-taria, los derechos civiles, el gasto del gobierno másinteligente y la revitalización de vecindarios.Tuffelmire aspira a lograr un liderazgo fuerte e in-

teligente para la Comisión de la Ciudad en el serviciode los residente de 3rd Ward.

Michael obtuvo a una licenciatura en Artes de elCommunity College Grand Rapids. Obtuvo una licen-ciatura en administración de sistemas de salud de laUniversity de Ferris State . Michael también posee unMaster de gestión de la Universidad de Aquino y ac-tualmente trabaja hacia un Master de negocio

sostenible. Reside en el barrio de South Hill.

Para esta próxima votación del próximo 6 de Agosto,Michael espera contar con tu apoyo para la 3 ª Ward- Comisión de la Ciudad de Grand Rapids.

Contact: Michael Tuffelmire, 616.589.6776

[email protected]

Awilda Diaz para la Comisión de la Ciudad de Wyoming

Page 8: Lavoz June 2014 - issue



Proud mom, Marilyn Rodriguez-Broyles with her son Alex ,who graduated from GodwinHigh School 2013. “AROD” willbe attending Grand Valley StateUniversity. Best Wishes!Alexander se graduó depreparatoria el pasado mes deMayo, y continuará sus estu-dios en la Universidad deGrand Valley. ¡Felicidades!


On May 10, 2013, Armando Barajas & IrmaLopez had a wedding celebration with theirfamily and friends! Padre Esteban Cron of St.Joseph the Worker Church, 225 32nd St. SW,Wyoming, MI, presented the couple in mar-riage. The groom’s mother, Ofelia Comejo L.,and the bride’s parents Ignacio & GuadalupeLopez invited everyone to share this celebra-tion with wedding cake and beverage.Felicitamos a Armando e Irma que el pasadome de Mayo contrajeron matrimonio. Les de-seamos lo mejor en esta nuevo estapa de suvida


GRACI MARTINEZ RODRIGUEZPadre Esteban Cron on May 1,2013 at St. Joseph the WorkerChurch, celebrated Graci Mar-tinez Rodriguez 15th birthdaywith her parents Bonifilio Mar-tinez & Elvia Rodriguez, familyand friends. Padrinos Vidal &Linda Aréchiga invited everyoneto help celebrate with food andcake after mass. Graci llegó a la edad de las ilu-siones, y los celebraron una unagrand recepción el pasado mesde Mayo en la iglesia de San Jose.

MR. & MRS. CHAD & PRISCILLA JONESChad Stuart Jones & Priscilla Marilyn Murillo .On Saturday, April 20th, 2013 the weddingbells were ringing! Celebrated at Faith United Methodist Church,2403 Rayford Road, Spring, Texas with familyand friends. The parents of the groom arefrom Houston, Texas, Mr. & Mrs. Derell & LuJones. Priscilla formerly from Grand Rapids,MI, is the daughter of Frances Murillo †(de-cease) En Spring, Texas Chad y Prisicilla contrajeronmatrimonio el pasado mes de Abril los acom-pañaron familia y amistades en este día tanimportante.

St. Joseph theWorker Church’s2013 August Festi-val is its largesttwo-day fundraiserevent devoted tosupport thechurch renovationsand expenses.

The August Festi-val has become amuch anticipated

event and a truly unique community ex-perience. St. Joseph Church’s festival ismore than just a celebration, it is an affir-mation of the belief in our faith and thatour community is alive with promise.

El Festival de la Iglesia de San José, delTrabajador para este próximo Agosto del2013, es el más grande evento de dosdías de recaudación de fondos, que se

destinará a apoyar las reformas y gastosde la iglesia.

St. Joseph The Worker Church Parish Festival!

Lamar Park2651 Porter St. SW

Wyoming, MIAugust 3rd & 4th , 2013

Saturday 10:30am to 9:00pm(Blessing & Rosary

10:30am to 11:30am)

Sunday 10:00am to 7:00pm(Spanish Mass at

10:00am to 11:00am)

For more information for informationcall/ para más información

llama al (616) 456-7982 or/ o email

[email protected]

From left to right: Ofelia Comejo L.,Armando Barajas, Irma Lopez


DETROIT — Wayne State University received notice of a$820,398 grant from the New Economy Initiative forSoutheast Michigan (NEI) that will continue to support theTechnology Commercialization Office’s efforts to expandand improve the university’s entrepreneurial culture andtechnology commercialization results.

With this support from NEI, WSU will continue to expandthe activities of its Technology Development Incubator tosupport the validation of early-stage technologies withsignificant commercial potential, increase licensing staff,

and enhance marketing tools to create awareness of theavailability of WSU intellectual property assets to industryand the venture capital community.

La Universidad de Wayne recibió la notificación de unabeca de $ 820,398 de la New Economy Initiative forSoutheast Michigan (NEI), que continuará apoyando losesfuerzos de la Comercialización de la Oficina de Tec-nología para ampliar y mejorar la cultura empresarial dela universidad y los resultados de comercialización detecnología.

Page 9: Lavoz June 2014 - issue


Festivals & Music Events Southeast Lower Michigan For June

Mid-Michigan Renaissance Festival -VassarJune 1-2, 8-9, 15-16, 22-23, 29-30, 2013 Grainger family property - 7464 Franken-muth

Bridge Fest - BridgeportJune 6-9, 2013 locations throughout

Curwood Festival - OwossoJune 6-9, 2013

locations throughout

Bavarian Festival - FrankenmuthJune 6-9, 2013 locations throughout

Bridge Fest - BridgeportJune 6-9, 2013 Dixie Highway & Bearcat

Bad Axe Hatchet Festival - Bad AxeJune 7-9, 2013 Bad Axe City

Cutlerville Days - CutlervilleJune 8, 2013Cutler Park & other

Motor City Pride Festival - DetroitJune 8-9, 2013Hart

Ann Arbor Summer Festival - AnnArborJune 14 - July 7, 2013 locations throughout

KCQ Free Music Concert -SaginawJune 15, 2013 featuringGary AllanOjibway Island

National Strawberry Festival - BellevilleJune 14-16, 2013 locations throughout

Jazzin' on Jefferson - DetroitJune 14-15, 2013 Jefferson

Michigan Challenge Balloonfest - How-ellJune 28-30, 2013 Howell High

Detroit River Days - DetroitJune 21-23, 2013 Ren Cen, Milliken State Park,

Stars & Stripes Festival - Mt. ClemonsJune 28-30, 2013 31 North Walnut Street, Mt

20th Annual Highland Games - LakeOrion

June 29-30, 2013 Canterbury Villagewww.midwesthighlandgames.com

June 21st 2013$ 35

9PM - 2AM18+

VIP INFO: (616) 422-8617(616) 329-3040



Page 10: Lavoz June 2014 - issue

Celebraciones en el mes de Junio



Este año el Festival delos Tulipanes se Celebródel 4 al 11 de Mayo, cele-brando 84 años desde sucomienzo en 1929. Esuna celebración de una

semana donde se cuentacon diversidad de even-tos como danza holan-desa, exposciones de

arte, 3 desfiles, en dondeparticipan escuelas, ban-das, instituciones públicasy privadas, carros alegóri-

cos, juegos pirotécnicos y muchos más.Tulip Time 2013 was a great success! The tulips bloomed right on time, the entertainment was

fabulous and we enjoyed record-breaking attendance. We're looking forward for the 85th annualfestival May 3-10, 2014.

The Tulip Time Festival celebrates Holland’s Dutch heritage with a week of events and special at-tractions, parades, Klompen (wooden shoe) dancing, as well as the Art & Craft Fair, Quilt Show,

carnival rides, concerts, theatrical shows, fireworks, trolley tours, and so much more!

Festival de los TulipanesMayo 4-11, 2013


Grand Rapids celebrated Cinco de Mayo with performances in the block squarebetween Ionia & Fulton Streets, behind the arena district.

Live performances and music included DJ entertainment, salsa dancing, and lotsof Mexican food and drinks.

Grand Rapids celebró el 5 de Mayo con diferentes actuaciones en la calle de Ioniay Fulton. Cuenta con música en vivo, incluyento entretenimiento

de DJ, baile de dance, mucha comida mexicana y bebidas

Fiesta Cinco de MayoGrand Rapids 2013

For 48 years, members of Holland LatinAmericans United for Progress (LAUP)have showcased their culture on what isa traditional Mexican-American celebra-tion of freedom from France, May 5 —Cinco de Mayo, a particularly Americanholiday. LAUP will be planning for a great 50th Fiesta. Learn moreabout LAUP online at

LAUP 48 años celebrando la Fiesta del Cinco de Mayo en Hol-land Mi. Musica, entretenimiento, deliciosa comida mexicana,juegos mecánicos, y el concurso de rey y reina, es lo que estafiesta te ofrece cada año, asi que estaremos esperando para elpróximo año que seran los 50 años de la celebración de la Fi-esta. Para más información visita

La bandera de los Estados Unidos fue adop-tada el 14 de junio de 1777, fecha que en estepaís se celebra el Día de la Bandera.Los fundadores de la nación acordaron quetendría 13 franjas rojas y blancas distribuidas

en forma alterna, que representarían los 13 Estados re-cién creados, y 13 estrellas sobre un solo fondo, querepresentarían su fusión en una sola unión. La banderafue izada por primera vez en el Fuerte Stanwix, sitio dela actual ciudad de Rome, estado de Nueva York, el 3de agosto de 1777. Tres días después, hizo su primeraaparición en la batalla de Oriskany, Nueva York, dondelos colonialistas obligaron a los ingleses a retirarse.Cada vez que un estado ingresaba a la Unión Ameri-cana se agregaba a la bandera una estrella y actual-

mente contiene 50 estrellas.

On June 14, 1777, in order to es-tablish an official flag for the newnation, the Continental Congresspassed the first Flag Act: "Re-solved, That the flag of the UnitedStates be made of thirteen stripes,alternate red and white; that theunion be thirteen stars, white in ablue field, representing a new Con-stellation."

Son más de 40 países que celebran el Día del Padre el ter-cer domingo de Junio: Argentina, Bahamas, Bangladesh,Bulgaria, Canadá, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica,Cuba, Chipre, Francia, Grecia, Guyana, Hong Kong, India,Irlanda, Jamaica, Japón, Malasia, Malta, Mauricio, México,Países Bajos, Pakistán, Panamá, Paraguay, Perú, Filipinas,Puerto Rico, Singapur, Eslovaquia, Sudáfrica, Sri Lanka,Suiza, Trinidad y Tobago, Turquía, Reino Unido, EstadosUnidos, Venezuela, Zimbabwe y Ecuador.

Otros países como Rusia y Ucrania lo celebran el 23 deFebrero. Países europeos como España, Italia y Portugal locelebran el 19 de Marzo. Corea lo celebra en Mayo, mien-tras que Brasil lo celebra hasta Agosto.

En El Salvador y Guatemala se celebra el 17 de Junio y enese mismo mes lo hacen Nicaragua, Uganda y Polonia el23 de Junio.

Vietnam lo celebra el 30 de Julio e Irán lo hace en elmismo mes, el 23.

Este año, en Estados Unidos y múltiples países tocará cel-ebrarlo el domingo 16 de Junio. No olvidemos que es undía para compartir en familia, recordar experienciaspasadas y fomentar la unión familiar.

Al igual que el día de la madre, este día debe celebrarsecon orgullo y alegría, pues no olvidemos que, efectiva-

mente, provenimos del vientre materno pero ayudado enbuena medida por el padre, quien puso su semilla paraque conociéramos y disfrutáramos este hermoso mundo.

This Father’s Day, take a day off and spend it with the manwho gave you life. There is no need for an expensive pres-ent or a big party, because that’s not the point. The day ismeant to celebrate the bond between a child and the manwho will hold out his arms and assures them that every-thing will be alright. It is the one day of the year designatedfor a father and child to spend together and share thememories that they’ve had, while also creating new ones..June 16th is the dayto thank your dad foreverything he hasdone and will do, andremind him that eventhough it might notseem obvious, he isthe most importantman in your life.

Happy Father’s Dayto every man whohas a child and hasbeen there to remindthem that they arenever alone.

Un mes para compartir..."FATHER'S DAY" EN JUNIO

14 de Junio

Page 11: Lavoz June 2014 - issue


Challenges Mount as EmergencyManager Usurps Elected Officials

DETROIT – The Sugar Law Center is honored to introduce Virginia Romanoas our new Executive Director. Virginia was welcomed to the Sugar LawCenter for Economic & Social Justice as their new Executive Director in May.Her background includes over 25 years working with nonprofit organiza-tions serving families and others in need. She has a strong background indevelopment and nonprofit management including years of service at theKresge Foundation, Family Service Inc. in Detroit and the Family Service As-sociation of San Antonio. Ms. Romano will be applying her decades of ex-perience to help surmount historical challenges.

“Virginia Romano’s years of social justice work brings a rich and varied ex-perience,” said John Philo, legal director of the Sugar Law Center. “We arehonored and privileged to have a person of Virginia’s caliber join our staff,and will undoubtedly help our organization continue and expand our workcombating wage theft, advocating for community benefits, and to overturnMichigan’s emergency manager law.”

The Sugar Law Center tiene el honor de presentar a Virginia Romano comola nueva Directora Ejecutiva. Virginia fue recibida en el The Sugar LawCenter para la Justicia Económica y Social como su nueva Directora Ejecu-tiva el pasado mes de Mayo. Su experiencia incluye más de 25 años traba-jando con organizaciones sin fines de lucro que sirven las familias y otraspersonas necesitadas. Ella tiene una gran experiencia en el desarrollo y lagestión sin fines de lucro incluyendo los años de servicio en la FundaciónKresge, Family Service Inc. en Detroit y la Asociación de Servicios a la Fa-milia de San Antonio. La Sra. Romano estará aplicando sus años de experi-encia para ayudar a superar los retos históricos.

This past May, the President and the Vice President met in theOval Office with young immigrants who received deferred actionand with the siblings and spouses of undocumented immigrants.This meeting was an important opportunity for the Presidentand the Vice President to meet with families who are directly af-fected by our nation’s broken immigration system.

The President and the Vice President were moved by the storiesof courage and determination of these young immigrants andtheir families. The Dreamers shared how their lives have beenpositively affected by the deferred action process and empha-sized that they and their families need a permanent solution thatwill allow them to fully contribute to the country they call home.

At the meeting, the President reiterated his commitment to pass-ing a bipartisan, commonsense immigration reform bill this year.He made clear that while the current bill is not perfect, it doesrepresent an important step towards the broad principles thatneed to be part of any immigration reform package.

The following people participated in May meeting. The partici-pants were visiting Washington to speak to their elected repre-sentatives as the Senate considers immigration reform


Diana Colin. Diana is a legal permanent resi-dent who currently resides in Los Angeles, Cali-fornia. One of her brothers received deferredaction.Angie Kim. Angie is a South Korean immigrant

who resides in New York, New York; she re-ceived deferred action. Miguel Leal. Miguel is a U.S. citizen who re-

sides in Fitchburg, Massachusetts. He is an Iraqwar veteran. Miguel is an immigrant from Cuba;his wife in undocumented.Kevin Lee. Kevin is a South Korean immigrant

who received deferred action. He currently re-sides in Los Angeles, California. Both of his par-ents are undocumented.Mehdi Mahraoui. Mehdi came to the United

States from Morocco when he was 7 years old. He is a legal per-manent resident and lives in New York, New York. His parentsand his older sister remain undocumented.Melissa McGuire-Maniau. Melissa’s husband is an undocu-

mented immigrant from Mexico. Melissa is a U.S. veteran; sheand her husband reside in Winter Park, Florida.Justino Mora. Justino received deferred action; he currently

resides in Los Angeles, California.

El pasado mes de Mayo el Presidente y el Vicepresidente se re-unieron en la Oficina Oval con jóvenes inmigrantes que reci-bieron acción diferida y con los hermanos y los cónyuges de losinmigrantes indocumentados. Dicha reunión fue una oportu-nidad importante para que el Presidente y el Vicepresidente sereunieran con las familias que están directamente afectadas porel sistema de inmigración descompuesto que tiene nuestranación.

Las siguientes personas participaron en la reunión del pasadomes de Mayo Los participantes estuvieron de visita en Wash-ington para hablarles a sus representantes electos a medidaque el Senado considera la legislación de la reforma migratoria:

Diana Colin. Diana es residente permanente legal que resideactualmente en Los Ángeles, California. Uno de sus hermanosrecibió acción diferida.· Angie Kim. Angie es inmigrante de Corea del Sur que re-side en la ciudad de Nueva York; ella recibió acción diferida.· Miguel Leal. Miguel es ciudadano estadounidense quereside en Fitchburg, Massachusetts. Es veterano de la guerra deIrak. Miguel es inmigrante de Cuba; su esposa es indocumen-tada.· Kevin Lee. Kevin es inmigrante de Corea del Sur querecibió acción diferida. Actualmente reside en Los Ángeles, Cali-fornia. Tanto su padre como su madre son indocumentados.· Mehdi Mahraoui. Mehdi vino a los Estados Unidos prove-niente de Marruecos cuando tenía 7 años de edad. Es residentepermanente legal y vive en la ciudad de Nueva York. Su padre ysu madre, así como su hermana mayor, son indocumentados.· Melissa McGuire-Maniau. El esposo de Melissa es inmi-grante indocumentado de México. Melissa es veterana deEE.UU.; ella y su esposo residen en Winter Park, Florida.· Justino Mora. Justino recibió acción diferida; actualmentereside en Los Ángeles, California.

Readout of the Presidentand Vice President’smeeting with Dreamersand Family Members ofUndocumented Immigrants

President Obama and immigrant family members and dreamers thisweek. CHIRLA's Diana Colin (right of President) and Justino Mora (farright) joined the historical gathering. We are very proud of each person

who attended the meeting. — with Mayra Gutierrez Raf, Melissa Maniau,Mehdi Mahraoui, Angie Kim, Diana Colin, Kevin Lee, Miguel Leal and

Justino Mora.

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Page 12: Lavoz June 2014 - issue


Wash-ington,DC- TheU.S.SenateCommit-

tee of the Judiciary voted to advancethe “Gang of Eight” bipartisan immigra-tion reform proposal with a 13-5 votethat included Republicans and Democ-rats voting in favor of the measure. Sen-ate Bill 744, the Border Security,Economic Opportunity, and ImmigrationModernization Act, is one step closer tofixing America’s outdated immigrationsystem once and for all.

The following is a statement by VVotoLatino President and CEO, Maria TeresaKumar:“Immigration reform is personal to mil-lions of Americans and their family,friends, fellow church members andneighbors that make up the 11 millionundocumented immigrants who areeager to contribute to the American fab-ric. Today, all of us congratulate andthank the Gang of Eight, Sen. PatrickLeahy and the Senate Judiciary Com-mittee for their work, leadership andcourage to move this important piece oflegislation onto the Senate floor for ahistoric vote next month."Not only did the bipartisan immigrationbill come out of committee withoutmajor changes that could have threat-ened the diverse coalition supportingthe proposal, but it came out strongerthan it went in. Senators accepteddozens of Republican amendments thatstrengthened the proposal, includingmeasures that give American compa-nies access to the labor and talent theyneed to continue growing their business

without costing American jobs.

“The Gang of Eight bill has cleared amajor hurdle and today we celebratethis accomplishment, but our fight forsensible comprehensive immigration re-form continues. As the House of Repre-sentatives prepares to unveil their ownproposal, they should build on the Sen-ate’s work by expanding immigrants’access to healthcare, including preven-tive care that will strengthen familiesand reduce healthcare costs across thenation. We will also demand an earned,but fair path to citizenship for the 11 mil-lion because anything short of that willlead to a system that creates two sets ofresidents — American citizens and per-manent second class. That we willnever accept.

To learn more, visit Voto Latino on Facebook and onTwitter at

Washington, DC-El Comité del Senadode EE.UU. del Poder Judicial votó paraavanzar en la "Banda de los Ocho"propuesta de reforma migratoria bipar-tidista con una votación 13-5 que in-cluyó a republicanos y demócratas avotar a favor de la medida. La medidaSB 744, la seguridad fronteriza, la opor-tunidad económica y la Ley de Modern-ización de Inmigración, es un paso máspara arreglar el sistema de inmigraciónobsoleto de los Estados Unidos unavez por todas.

La siguiente es una declaración de lapresidente y CEO Voto Latino, MaríaTeresa Kumar:"La reforma migratoria es personal para

millones de estadounidenses y sus fa-miliares, amigos, miembros de la iglesiay vecinos que conforman los 11 mil-lones de inmigrantes indocumentadosque están dispuestos a contribuir a lasociedad estadounidense. Hoy en día,todos nosotros, felicitar y agradecer ala Banda de los Ocho, el senadorPatrick Leahy y el Comité Judicial delSenado por su trabajo, el liderazgo y elcoraje para avanzar en este importanteinstrumento legislativo en el Senadopara una votación histórica el próximomes.

"No sólo el proyecto de ley de inmi-gración bipartidista salió de la comisiónsin mayores cambios que podríanhaber amenazado a la diversa coaliciónde apoyo a la propuesta, pero le saliómás fuerte de lo que fue in senadoresaceptaron decenas de enmiendas re-publicanas que fortalecieron la prop-uesta, incluidas las medidas que dar alas empresas estadounidenses el ac-ceso a la mano de obra y el talento quenecesitan para seguir creciendo su ne-gocio sin que le cueste empleos en Es-tados Unidos.

"La Banda de los Ocho ley ha despe-jado un obstáculo importante y hoy hayque celebrar este logro, pero nuestralucha por la reforma integral de inmi-gración sensata continúa. En la Cámarade Representantes se prepara para de-velar su propia propuesta, que debenbasarse en el trabajo del Senado am-pliando acceso de los inmigrantes a laasistencia sanitaria, incluida la atenciónpreventiva que fortalecer a las familiasy reducir los costos de salud en todo elpaís. También vamos a exigir elganado, pero justo camino a la ciu-

dadanía para los 11 millones porquecualquier cosa menos que eso con-ducirá a un sistema que crea dos gru-pos de residentes - ciudadanosestadounidenses y segunda clase per-manente. Eso nunca aceptaremos.

Para obtener más información, Encontrar VotoLatino en Facebook en / VotoLatino y en Twitter / VotoLatino.

La medida es considerada como ungran avance, dada la importancia dela misión de la agencia y el crecientenúmero de consumidores que hablaespañol en EE.UU. La CFPB ha opti-mizado el contenido para móviles yofrece información y acceso a la pre-sentación de denuncias de estenuevo sitio web.

Esta es la dirección:

Un comunicado de prensa de laCFPB indica que su misión "es hacerque los mercados financieros traba-jen en favor de todos los esta-dounidenses y para empoderar a losconsumidores a tomar decisiones fi-

nancieras informadas y responsables.Los latinoamericanos se vieron par-ticularmente afectados por la recientecrisis financiera y con frecuencia sonobjeto de fraudes financieros".

De acuerdo al comunicado, los lati-noamericanos y latinoamericanasviviendo en EE.UU. también tienenmás probabilidades de no estar ban-carizados, sub-bancarizados o utilizarproductos alternativos, como lastransferencias de dinero y los présta-mos del día de pago.

"Según los datos del censo, 37 mil-lones de personas habla principal-mente español en casa, y de ellos, 45por ciento no hablan muy bien el in-

glés. Es muy importante que los con-sumidores tengan un lugar dondeacudir en busca de información fi-nanciera comprensible y objetiva".

La Oficina de Protección Financieradel Consumidor se define como "unorganismo del siglo 21 que ayuda alos mercados financieros de consumoa hacer las reglas más eficaces,haciéndolas cumplir de manera co-herente y justa, mediante la capac-itación de los consumidores a tomarmás control sobre su vidaeconómica".

Para obtener más información, visite ttp://

La Oficina para la Protección Financiera delConsumidor lanza unsitio web en español

CFPB debutsSpanishlanguage websiteThe Bureau of Consumer Financial

Protection EE.UU.acaba launched awebsite in Spanish to target the LatinAmerican population living on their fi-nancial rights.

The move is seen as a breakthrough,given the importance of the mission ofthe agency and the growing number ofSpanish speaking consumers in the U.S.The CFPB has been optimized for mo-bile content and provides informationand access to complaints of this newwebsite.

This is the address:

A press release from the CFPB statesthat its mission "is to make financial mar-kets work for all Americans and to em-power consumers to make informed and

responsible financial decisions. LatinAmericans were particularly affected bythe recent financial crisis and are oftensubject to financial fraud. "

According to the statement, the LatinAmericans living in the U.S. also morelikely not to be banked, under-banked oruse alternatives such as money trans-fers and payday loans.

"According to census data, 37 millionpeople primarily speak Spanish athome, and of those, 45 percent did notspeak very good English.'s Very impor-tant for consumers to have a place to gofor comprehensive and objective finan-cial information ".

The Bureau of Consumer Financial Pro-tection is defined as "a 21st centuryagency that helps consumer financialmarkets to make the rules more effec-tive, enforcing them consistently andfairly, by empowering consumers to takemore control over economic life ".

For more information, visit


Page 13: Lavoz June 2014 - issue


The Latino community celebrates the endeavors of a Cuban immigrant withthe 150th anniversary ofthe American Civil War.

Loreta Velazquez left her home in Havana,Cuba in 1849 to continue an education inNew Orleans, La. At the age of 14, sheeloped with a Texas United States Armyofficer, who later resigned his U.S. com-mission to join the Confederate Army atthe outbreak of the Civil War.

Velazquez wanted more in life. She did notwant to stay home and wait for her hus-band’s arrival. She wanted to be part ofthe fight.

She knew she was not able to join the mili-tary because of her gender. Therefore, likea thousand other women of the time, shetook on a new identity to secretly serve hercountry.

Velazquez changed her wardrobe and cuther hair, becoming Henry T. Buford fromArkansas.

In her disguise, Velazquez fought for theConfederacy, but became a spy for theUnion. She broke all the social rules of hertime and decried the corruption of wartimesociety, often being attacked by prominentSouthern leaders for her criticism of theConfederacy.

Her 1876 memoir, The Woman In Battle,tells about her time as Lieutenant HarryBuford and her experiences during herfour years of service in the Civil War.Though many historians doubt the proba-bility and truth behind many of her claims,the book has been the main source tolearn about Velazquez’s life.

Maria Agui Carter, award-winning directorand chair of the National Association ofLatino Producers, hoped to bring back tolife one of the most capturing narratives ofthe Civil War in her film, REBEL

REBEL premiered on PBS in May 24,2013, and continued where Ken Burns’

Civil War series left off. Carter examinedthe story of Loreta Velazquez through thebooks Velazquez wrote and the storiesshe left behind, hoping to bring proof tothe claims that have been questionedthroughout time.

Filled with dramatic sequences and majorbattle scenes, the film is an embodiment ofthe time. It was screened by the NationalParks at visitor centers and National Bat-tlefields parks around the county.

In her 12-year project, Carter brings backa story that reminds audiences not only ofthe rich history of the country, but of themany that risked their lives for the countrythey loved.

Loreta Velázquez salió de su casa en LaHabana, Cuba en 1849 para seguir unaeducación en Nueva Orleans, Luisiana ala edad de 14 años, se fugó con un oficialdel Ejército de Estados Unidos en Texas,quien luego renunció a su cargo enEE.UU. para unirse al ejército confeder-ado en la estallido de la Guerra Civil.

Velázquez quería más en su vida. Noquería quedarse en casa y esperar la lle-gada de su marido. Ella quería ser partede la lucha.

Sabía que no era capaz de unirse a lasfuerzas armadas a causa de su género.Por lo tanto, al igual que miles de otrasmujeres de la época, asumió una nuevaidentidad para servir a su país en secreto.Velázquez cambió su vestuario y se cortóel pelo, convirtiéndose Henry T. Buford deArkansas.

En su disfraz, Velazquez luchó por la Con-federación, pero se convirtió en un espíade la Unión. Ella rompió todas las reglassociales de su época y denunció la corrup-ción de la sociedad en tiempos de guerra,a menudo de ser atacado por los líderesdel sur prominentes de su crítica de laConfederación.

Su libro de memorias 1876, La Mujer en laBatalla, habla de su tiempo como tenienteHarry Buford y sus experiencias durantesus cuatro años de servicio en la Guerra

Civil. Aunque muchos historiadores dudande la probabilidad y la verdad detrás demuchas de sus afirmaciones, el libro hasido la fuente principal de aprender sobrela vida de Velázquez.

María Agui Carter, galardonado director ypresidente de la Asociación Nacional deProductores Latinos, y tiene la esperanzade traer de vuelta a la vida, los relatosmás importates de la Guerra Civil en supelícula, REBEL.

REBEL estrenó en PBS el 24 de mayo de2013 y continúa donde lo dejó la serie dela Guerra Civil de Ken Burns. Carter ex-

aminó la historia de Loreta Velázquez através de los libros de Velázquez escribióy las historias que dejó atrás, con la es-peranza de traer prueba a las reclama-ciones que han sido cuestionadas a travésdel tiempo.

Lleno de secuencias dramáticas y esce-nas de gran batalla, la película es una en-carnación de la época.

En su proyecto de 12 años, Carter traeuna historia que recuerda el público nosólo de la rica historia del país, sino de losmuchos que arriesgaron sus vidas por elpaís que amaban.


La comunidad latinacelebra los esfuerzosde una inmigrantecubana con el 150aniversario de laGuerra CivilAmericana.

Page 14: Lavoz June 2014 - issue


Creo que Michael Tufflemire será un excelente repre-sentante del Comisionado de la Ciudad y va a trabajarpara los ciudadanos de Grand Rapids para provocar elcambio necesario para los barrios y el ciudadanocomún. Él ha servido a su país con honor e integridad!Él ya ha estado activo en cambiar nuestras leyes parahacerlos más razonables a través de sus esfuerzos dedespenalización! Se merece nuestro apoyo!

Endoso la candidatura de Michael Tufflemire para la 3 ªWard - Comisión de la Ciudad de Grand Rapids. Hayque respaldar uno líder que va apoyar a nuestra gentey salir a votar el día 6 de Agosto.

¡Nuestro voto es nuestra voz!


Continuación del artículo en español de la pág. Por Dr. José A. Flores

Solid UrbanTropical Lineupat Van AndelArena featuresTito El Bam-bino along withRKM Y Ken-Yand Alexis YFido

Grand Rapids—Three groups of stars combine forone great night as the Puerto Rican reggaetonduos of Alexis Y Fido and RKM Y Ken-Y take thestage before fellow Puerto Rican heartthrob Tito ElBambino. Monica 2 Monica Entertainment, incollaboration with Blowout Entertainment present“A Night with the Stars” at Van Andel Arena onJuly 20 at 7PM.

Tickets are on sale and can be purchased andcan be purchased at the Van Andel Arena/DeVosPlace box offices, and Ticket-master outlets including D&W Stores and selectFamily Fare locations, or charge by phone: 800-745-3000. Prices are $52.50, $77.50 and $127.50.

Tres grupos de estrellas se combinan para ofreceruna gran noche como el dúo puertorriqueño dereggaetón de Alexis Y Fido y RKM y Ken-Y tomael escenario antes de compañero ídolo puertor-riqueño Tito El Bambino. 2 Monica Monica en-tretenimiento, en colaboración con BlowoutEntretenimiento presenta "Una noche con las es-trellas" en el Van Andel Arena el 20 de julio a las19:00.

Los boletos están a la venta y se pueden compraren el Andel cuadro Place Arena / DeVos Vanoficinas, y las localidades deTicketmaster incluyendo D & W Tiendas y selectoslugares Familiar, o cobran por teléfono: 800-745-3000. Los precios son $ 52.50, $ 77.50 y $ 127.50.

A Night with the Stars”Includes Full Slate ofGrammy-Nominated

Reggaeton Powerhouses

Page 15: Lavoz June 2014 - issue


Just one in 100 parents believe their kids haveused prescription stimulants to boost grades, according to new U-M Nationa Poll on Children'sHealthANN ARBOR, Mich.,- As high schoolers prepare for final exams, teens na-tionwide may be tempted to use a "study drug" – a prescription stimulantor amphetamine – to gain an academic edge. But a new University ofMichigan poll shows only one in 100 parents of teens 13-17 years old be-lieves that their teen has used a study drug.

Study drugs refer to stimulant medications typically prescribed for thetreatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD); commonly pre-scribed medicines in this category include Adderall, Concerta, Ritalin, andVyvanse.

Among parents of teens who have not been prescribed a stimulant med-ication for ADHD, just 1% said they believe their teen has used a studydrug to help study or improve grades, according to the latestUniversity ofMichigan Mott Children's Hospital National Poll on Children's Health. How-ever, recent national data from Monitoring the Future indicate that 10% ofhigh school sophomores and 12% of high school seniors say they've usedan amphetamine or stimulant medication not prescribed by their doctor.

Sometimes students without ADHD take someone else's medication, to try

to stay awake and alert and try to improve their scores on exams or as-signments. Taking study drugs has not been proven to improve stu-dents' grades, and it can be very dangerous to their health, saysMatthew M. Davis, M.D., M.A.P.P., director of the C.S. Mott Children'sHospital National Poll on Children's Health.

"Taking these medications when they are not prescribed for you can leadto acute exhaustion, abnormal heart rhythms and even confusion and psy-chosis if the teens get addicted and go into withdrawal," says Davis.

"What we found in this poll is a clear mismatch between what parents be-lieve and what their kids are reporting. But even though parents may notbe recognizing these behaviors in their own kids, this poll also showed thatone-half of the parents say they are very concerned about this abuse intheir communities," Davis says.

White parents were most likely to say they are "very concerned" (54%),compared with black (38%) and Hispanic/Latino (37%) parents.

Despite this concern, only 27 percent of parents polled said they havetalked to their teens about using study drugs. Black parents were morelikely to have discussed this issue with their teens (41%), compared withwhite (27%) or Hispanic (17%) parents.

"If we are going to make a dent in this problem, and truly reduce the abuseof these drugs, we need parents, educators, health care professionals andall who interact with teens to be more proactive about discussing theissue," says Davis.

Over three-quarters of parents polled said they support school policiesaimed at stopping abuse of study drugs in middle schools and high

schools. Overall, 76% of parents said they believe schools should be re-quired to discuss the dangers of ADHD medication abuse.

Another 79% support a policy to require students with a prescription forADHD medications to keep their pills in a secure location such as theschool nurse's office—a requirement that would prohibit students from car-rying medicines of this nature that could potentially be shared with, or soldto, other students.

"We know teens may be sharing drugs or spreading the word that thesemedications can give their grades a boost. But the bottom line is that theseprescription medications are drugs, and teens who use them without a pre-scription are taking a serious risk with their health," Davis says.

One in ten teens using "studydrugs," but parents aren't paying attention

Uno de cada diez adolescentes usan “drogas de estudio", pero los padres noestán prestando atención.Como estudiantes de secundaria se preparan para los exámenes finales, losadolescentes en todo el país pueden tener la tentación de utilizar un"medicamento en estudio" - un estimulante recetado o anfetaminas - paraobtener una ventaja académica. Pero una nueva encuesta de la Universidadde Michigan muestra sólo uno de cada 100 padres de adolescentes 13-17años de edad cree que su hijo ha utilizado un fármaco de estudio.Fármacos del estudio se refieren a los medicamentos estimulantes general-mente prescritos para el tratamiento del trastorno de hiperactividad por dé-ficit de atención con hiperactividad (TDAH), medicamentos comúnmenteprescritos en esta categoría incluyen Adderall, Concerta, Ritalin y Vyvanse.Padres de niños blancos eran más propensos a decir que están "muy pre-ocupados" (54%), en comparación con los padres de hispanos / latinos(37%) y negros (38%) .A pesar de esta preocupación, sólo el 27 por ciento de los padres encuesta-dos dijeron que han hablado con sus hijos adolescentes sobre el uso de losfármacos del estudio. Padres negros tenían más probabilidades de haberdiscutido este tema con sus hijos (41%), en comparación con blancos (27%)los padres hispanos (17%).

GRPS Es El Lider RegionalSIRVIENDO A LOS ESTUDIANTES HISPANOS/LATINOS Y A SUS FAMILIAS!- El programa de lenguaje más grande y completo

para los estudiantes del idioma Inglés en el oeste de Michigan.

- 18 Escuelas designadas como Centros de Idiomas o Centros de servicios del vecindario de idiomas, con más de 170 profesores bilingües altamente calificados.

- El mejor programa de la región de inmersión dual Español/Inglés en la Escuela Southwest Community Campus.

- La más amplia selección en educación Pre-escolar y Programas de jardín infantil durante todo el día.

- Amplios programas de tutoría y guías después de clases en las escuelas.

- Escuelas temáticas regionales de K-8 temáticas y los nuevos “Centros de Innovación”: Ciencias Ambientales, Lengua y Estudios Globales, Artes Creativas, Ciencias de la Salud, Escuela de Negocios, Ciencias y Tecnología, y mucho más!



PARA MAS INFORMACION de las opciones de las Escuelas Públicas de Grand Rapids (GRPS), o requerir una aplicación para registrarse, por favor llame a la oficina de ELL al número 616.819.2129.





GRPS Es El Lider RegionalTINOS Y A SLAAT


GRPS Es El Lider Regional



GRPS Es El Lider RegionalSO




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616.819.2129. o requerir una aplicación para

Page 16: Lavoz June 2014 - issue


Of all the obstacles that passionate entrepreneurs facewhen starting a business, a lack of financial resourcesis often the biggest and most difficult to overcome.Without the capital to buy inventory, purchase neces-sary equipment, or move into a commercial space,businesses become stuck and are not able to grow intomore profitable companies. This is true of the majorityof small businesses and startups, but a recent articlefrom Fox Business points out that it is an even biggerissue for Latino business owners:

“While the number of businesses owned by Latinoscontinues to rise, the challenges in securing capitalhave not shrunk…A primary challenge is the fact thatmany Latino businesses are young and don't have atradition of access to credit markets. Fortunately, thereare resources to help.”

Recent estimates show that Latino small businessesgenerate of $500 billion in business every year, andthat by 2020 it’s estimated that there will be 12 millionbusinesses owned by Latino entrepreneurs. Removingbarriers for this group of small business owners is cru-cial to strengthening our economy and adding to thediversity of our communities.

The good news is that there are organizations here inWest Michigan that aim to make business ownership

accessible to everyone. Grand Rapids Oppor-tunities for Women (GROW) is an intermedi-ary microlender through the Small BusinessAdministration (SBA). The microloan pro-gram can make it possible for people to receive loansto start or grow their business, even if they are notable to find funding through traditional bankingsources.

Have you considered starting a business, but think thatyou will not be able to get the resources you need? Ifso, I encourage you to look into the services availablethrough GROW, the West Michigan Hispanic Chamberof Commerce, and others. Our organizations are happyto help you find the training, financial resources, andconnections to empower you in small business suc-cess!

To learn more about free business counseling andsmall business orientation at GROW, visit or call us at (616) 458-3404. Contact the WestMichigan Hispanic Chamber of Commerce throughtheir website at or by calling (616) 452-3960 for assistance in Spanish.

De todos los obstáculos que enfrentan los empresariosapasionados al iniciar un negocio, la falta de recursosfinancieros es a menudo el más grande y más difícil de

superar. Sin el capital para comprar el inventario, lacompra de equipo necesario, o mudarse a un localcomercial, las empresas se estancan y no son capacesde convertirse en empresas más rentables. Esto escierto para la mayoría de las pequeñas empresas y lasnuevas empresas, pero un reciente artículo de Fox pun-tos de Negocios que se trata de un problema aúnmayor para los dueños de negocios latinos:

"Aunque el número de empresas de propiedad de lati-nos sigue aumentando, los retos en el capital de fi-jación no se han reducido ... Un desafío principal es elhecho de que muchos negocios latinos son jóvenes y notienen una tradición de acceso a los mercados decrédito. Afortunadamente, existen recursos para ayu-dar ".

Para obtener más información sobre asesoramientoempresarial gratuito y orientación de las pequeñas em-presas a CRECER, visite o llámenos al(616) 458- 3404. Póngase en contacto con la Cámarade Comercio Hispana del Occidente de Michigan através de su sitio web en o llamando al(616) 452-3960 para ayuda en español.

Rapid Growth in SmallBusiness Sector forLatino Business Owners

By Adrienne Asselmeier


Outta Control 10th Anniversary PicnicSunday! June 23, 2013

12:00pm to 5:00pm 1940 S. Outter Dr.

Saginaw, MI 48601For more info call:

Andre Smith (989)332-1462

Somos pocos pero locos enlowriding!

Having a car event? ContactHomer (616)893-3906

Email: [email protected]

Page 17: Lavoz June 2014 - issue


La misión de Coors Light ® este verano es refrescar a la mayor cantidad de personas y está haciendo todo lo posi-ble para lograrlo. Ya sea distribuyendo cerveza con una máquina dispensadora e ofreciendo experiencias VIP conlas súper estrellas Wisin y Yandel, Coors Light utiliza las maneras más sorprendentes e inesperadas para llevar lacerveza más refrescante del mundo a consumidores mayores de 21 años.

Todo comienza con la introducción de la "La Lata Mas Refrescante Del MundoTM", la cual tiene una fluidez mássuave, gracias a la nueva boca ancha de doble ranura. La nueva lata incluye también sus innovaciones más re-cientes como el forro Frost Brew®, las montañas que se activan con el frio, y los indicadores de frio de dos etapas.

A partir del mes de Junio, "El verano más refrescante" tendrá un método único de entrega. Los Coors Light "Re-fresherators", que son máquinas dispensadoras especialmente diseñadas para asegurar que la lata de cervezamás refrescante del mundo esté disponible con solo oprimir un botón. Los Coors Light "Refresherators" estarándisponibles como parte de un concurso nacional, y promociones locales donde a través un mensaje de texto setendrá la oportunidad de ganarlas. Visita o tiendas participantes para las reglas ofi-ciales y detalles sobre cómo entrar en la promoción.

Coors Light empieza el verano, el 21 de junio, obsequiando cientos de tarjetas de regalo a los consumidores deedad legal para consumir alcohol para comprar Coors Light en una ciudad, la cual todavía no ha sido determi-nada. Visita las paginas de Facebook y Twitter de Coors Light para más detalles sobre el sorteo.

"Este verano, nuestro objetivo es refrescar a la mayor cantidad de personas, y lo vamos a hacer de varias man-eras", dijo Sarah Ross, la Directora de Mercadeo de la familia de marcas de Coors. "Pero si realmente queremosdemostrar que estamos comprometidos con esta proposición, ¿qué mejor manera que entregar las nuevas latasdirectamente en las manos de nuestro consumidores? Ahí es donde nuestros Coors Light Exploradores entran enacción. A la gente le encanta verlos en los anuncios de Coors Light, y ahora ellos irán mucho más allá para entre-gar la lata de cerveza más refrescante del mundo a nuestros consumidores en todo el país."

Las activaciones este verano contarán con el apoyo de planes robustos de mercadeo que incluyen:• Tres anuncios de televisión de Coors Light "Exploradores" en ingles y en español así como cinco nuevos anun-cios para el lanzamiento de la lata de cerveza más refrescante del mundo.• Refuerzo digital que incluye la compras de medios en ESPN Scorecenter, ESPN Deportes, Bleacher report,Turner NBA y programación de entretenimiento en Comedy Central, Univision y Live Nation.Para más información acerca del "Verano Más Refrescante" de Coors Light por favor visita ó

Coors Light Mixes Adventure, Science And Beer ToLaunch The World's Most Refreshing Can

Coors Light® is on a mission to refresh the most people this sum- merand is pulling out all the stops to do it. Whether delivered by beervending machine or dog sled, Coors Light is using cool and unex-pected ways to arm as many legal-drinking-age consumers as possiblewith the World's Most Refreshing Beer.

It all starts with the latest packaging innovation from Coors Light: the World's Most RefreshingCan™, with a smoother pour thanks to a new double-vented wide mouth. The new can also featurespast innovations such as the Frost Brew® liner, cold-activated mountains and two stage cold indicators.

The "Most Refreshing Summer" adds a unique delivery method, starting next week. Coors Light Refresherators,custom vending machines specially designed to ensure the World's Most Refreshing Can is only the push-of-a-but-ton away, will be available as part of a national sweepstakes and through local text-to-win promotions. or participating retailers for official rules and details on how to enter.

Coors Light will kick off the first day of summer, June 21, by giving away hundreds of gift cards that legal-drinking-age consumers can use to buy Coors Light in a still-to-be-determined city. Check the Coors Light Facebook andTwitter pages for details about the giveaway.

"This summer, our goal is to refresh the most people and we're going to do that in a variety of ways," said SarahRoss, senior director of marketing for the Coors Family of Brands. "But if we really want to show we're seriousabout this, what better way than to hand-deliver the new cans? That's where our Coors Light Explorers come in.People love them in the Coors Light ads, and now they are going to extreme lengths to deliver the World's MostRefreshing Can to beer drinkers throughout the country."

These summer activations will be supported with robust marketing plans, including:• Three Coors Light "Explorers" television ads that include appearances by Jason Aldean and Ice Cube, as well asfive new spots supporting the launch of the World's Most Refreshing Can.• Digital support that includes buys with ESPN Scorecenter, Bleacher Report, Turner NBA and entertainment pro-gramming, Comedy Central and Live Nation.For more information on the Coors Light "Most Refreshing Summer," please visit

Coors Light combina aventura, ciencia y cerveza paralanzar la lata de cerveza más refrescante del mundo

Page 18: Lavoz June 2014 - issue

Jun 1- Mathias J. Alten, American Impressionist.Times:Friday, Saturday 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM. Venue:George and Barbara Gordon Gallery, Grand ValleyState University. Phone: 616-331-2563. Admission:Free. J. Alten, impresionista estadounidense. Hora-rio: Viernes, Sábado 1:00-5:00. Lugar: George y Bar-bara Gordon Gallery, Grand Valley University. Teléfono:616-331-2563. Admisión: Gratis. / art-gallery.

Jun 1 - "Noir She Didn't" A Murder Mystery Dinner.Times: Saturday 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM. Venue: Brann'sSizzling Steaks & Sports Grille. Phone: 888-643-2583Admission:Tickets are $60/ Person."Noir She Didn't" A Murder Mystery Dinner. Horario: Sá-bado 7:00-10:00. Lugar: Brann's Sizzling Steaks &Sports Grille. Teléfono: 888-643-2583. Entrada: $ 60por persona.

June 1 - 10th Annual Local First Street Party.Times: Saturday 3:00 PM to 12:00 PM. Venue: BistroBella Vita. Phone: 616-808-3788. Admission: FREE. Annual Local First Street Party. Horario: Sábado3:00-12:00. Lugar: Bistro Bella Vita. Teléfono: 616-808-3788. Admisión: GRATIS.

Jun 1 - Steel Magnolias.Times: Friday & SaturdayDinner at 6:30 PM, play begins at 7:30 PM, SundayDinner 1:00 PM, play begins at 2:00 PM. Venue: Lar-kin's Other Place. Phone: 616-897-8545. Admission:12 & 25. http://www.lowellartsmi.orgMagnolias de Acero.Horarios: Viernes y sábado cena

a las 6:30 PM, el juego comienza a las 7:30 PM, Do-mingo Cena a la 1:00, el juego comienza a las 2:00AM. Lugar: Larkin's Other Place. Teléfono: 616-897-8545. Admisión:$12 y $25.

Jun 3 - BB King: Summer Concert Series at Frede-rik Meijer Gardens. Times: Monday 7:00 PM. Venue:Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park. Phone: 888-957-1580. Admission: Presale $57 | Member $60 | Pu-blic $62. http://www.meijergardens.orgBB King: Summer Concert Series en Frederik MeijerGardens. Horario: Lunes 7:00. Lugar : Frederik MeijerGardens & Sculpture Park. Teléfono: 888-957-1580.Entrada: Preventa $ 57 | Miembro $ 60 | Público $ 62.

Jun 4 - 2013 Grand Rapids Heart Ball. Times:Tuesday 5:30 PM to 9:00 PM. Venue: JW Marriott.Phone: 616-482-1512. Admission: tickets purchasedon event website. Gran Baile de Corazones en Gran Rapids. Hora-rio: Martes 5:30-9:00pm. Lugar: JW Marriott. Teléfono:616-482-1512. Admisión: visita el sittio de internet parala compra de boletos.

Jun 5 - Summer Pops Concert. Times: Wednes-day 7:00 PM. Venue: Adado Riverfront Park. Phone:517-487-5001. Free; $30 for VIP tickets (reservedseats, dinner & cash bar) VIP tickets are only $30, which will include re-served seating, dinner and cash bar. Public access willbe free, so bring your picnic blanket and enjoy livemusic outdoors!Summer Pops Concert. Horario: Miércoles 7:00. Lugar:Adado Riverfront Park. Teléfono: 517-487-5001. Gratis,$ 30 para entradas VIP (asientos reservados, cena ybarra)

Jun 6 through 22 - Circle Theatre Presents:Wait Until Dark. Times: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday& Saturday 7:30 PM, Sunday 5:00 PM. Venue: Aqui-nas College Performing Arts Center. Hosted by: CircleTheatre. Phone: 616-456-6656. Admission: Pleasecheck website. http://www.circletheatre.orgCircle Theatre Presents: Sola en la oscuridad. Horario:Miércoles, Jueves, Viernes y Sábado 7:30, domingo5:00pm. Lugar: Aquinas College Performing Arts Cen-ter. Organizado por: Teatro Círculo. Teléfono: 616-456-6656. Admisión: Consulte el sitio web.

Jun 7 - Friday Nights at GRAM. Times: 5:00 PM to9:00 PM Friday Nights at GRAM, 7:00 PM to 8:00 PMFriday Night Conversations. Venue: Grand Rapids ArtMuseum. Phone: 616-831-1000. Admission: $8 fornon-members, FREE for GRAM Members. Nights at GRAM. Horario: 5:00-9:00 Viernes No-ches en GRAM, 7:00-8:00 Viernes Conversacionesnocturnas. Lugar: Museo de Arte de Grand Rapids. Te-léfono: 616-831-1000. Entrada: $ 8 para los no miem-bros, Gratis para miembros de GRAM.

Jun 7- Region on the Rise: West Michigan and Was-hington - Spring Advocacy Event. Times: Friday 11:30AM - 1:30 PM. Venue: Frederik Meijer Gardens &Sculpture Park. Phone: 616-771-0342. Admission:

$50.00. on the Rise: West Michigan and Washington -Spring Advocacy Event. Horario: Viernes 11:30 am -1:30 pm. Lugar: Frederik Meijer Gardens & SculpturePark. Teléfono: 616-771-0342. Admisión:$ 50.00.

Jun 10- Jazz at the Zoo West Michigan Jazz So-ciety. Times: Monday 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM. Venue: JohnBall Zoological Garden. Admission: Free.http://www.wmichjazz.orgJazz at the Zoo West Michigan Jazz Society. Horario:Lunes 6:30-8:30. Lugar: Jardín Zoológico John Ball.Entrada: Gratuita.

Jun 7, 8 & 9- Festival of the Arts 2013. Times:Friday Noon to 10:00 PM, Saturday 10:00 AM to 10:00PM, Sunday 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM. For a completeschedule of events, visit their website. Venue: Festivalof the Arts. Phone: 616-459-1300. Admission: Free. Festival de las Artes 2013. Horarios: Viernes de 12 a10:00pm, sábados de 10:00 am a 10:00 pm, domingosde 10:00 am a 7:00 pm. Para un calendario completoisite su sitio web. Lugar: Festival de las Artes. Teléfono:616-459-1300. Entrada: Gratuita.

Jun 8- Art in the Park. Times: Saturday 9:00 AM to3:00 PM. Venue: Veteran's Park. Phone: 616-669-0200. Admission: Free. Artin the open air on a summer day. Art in the Park. Ho-rario: Sábados de 9:00 am a 3:00 pm. Lugar: Parquede los Veteranos. Teléfono: 616-669-0200. Entrada:Gratuita.

Jun 8&9- Bike MS – West Michigan. Start/FinishLocation: Hope College. The Dow Center, 168 E 13thSt., Holland, MI 49423. Registration Fee: One DayRide- $30 through April 15, 2013 or $40 starts April 16,2013. Two Day Ride- $50 through April 15, 2013 or$60 starts April 16, 2013. Fundraising Minimum: $250per rider. Route Options: 30, 50, 75, or 100 miles eachday. Age Minimum: 12. For more information visitwww.bikeMSmi.orgBike MS - West Michigan. Inicia / Finaliza en Hope Co-llege. El Dow Center, 168 E 13th St, Holland, MI 49423.Cuota de inscripción: Un día Ride-$ 30 hasta el 15 deabril o $ 40 después del 16 de abril . Dos Días Ride-$50 para el 15 de abril o $ 60 después del 16 de abril.Fundraising Mínimo: $ 250 por ciclista. Opciones deruta: 30, 50, 75, o 100 millas cada día. Edad mínima:12. Para obtener más información, visite

Jun 11 through 16- Broadway Grand Rapidspresents: "Billy Elliott, The Musical". Times: Tuesday,Wednesday & Thursday 7:30 PM, Friday 8:00 PM, Sa-turday 2:00 PM & 8:00 PM, Sunday 1:00 PM & 6:30PM. Venue: DeVos Performance Hall. Hosted by:Broadway Grand Rapids. Phone: 616-235-6285. Ad-mission: Please check website. http://www.ticketmas-ter.comBroadway Grand Rapids presents: "Billy Elliott, TheMusical". Horario: Martes, miércoles y jueves 7:30, vier-nes 8:00, sábado 2:00 y 8:00, domingo 1:00 y 6:30.Lugar: DeVos Performance Hall. Organizado por: Bro-adway Grand Rapids. Teléfono: 616-235-6285. Admi-sión: Consulte el sitio web.

Jun 12- Gun Lake Live 2013. Times: Wednesday6:00 PM to 10:00 PM. Venue: Bay Pointe Inn. Phone:269-672-8111. Admission: No Cover Charge. Lake en vivo 2013. Horario: Miércoles 6:00-10:00.Lugar: Bay Pointe Inn. Teléfono:269-672-8111. Admi-sión: No se cobra Cover.

Jun 13- 9th Annual Latin Extravaganza. Times:Thursday 5:30 PM. Venue: DeVos Place. Ticket Pro-vider: Visit website.www.LatinExtravaganza2013.eventbrite.com9th Annual Latin Extravaganza. Horario: Jueves 5:30.Lugar: DeVos Place. Boletos: Visita.

Jun 13 through 22- Jewish Theatre GrandRapids Presents "Öy!". Times: Thursday & Saturday8:00 PM; Sunday 3:00 PM. Venue: Spectrum TheaterPhone: 616-234-3595. Admission: General Admission:$20 Senior Citizens: $18 Student Tickets (All Perfor-mances): $5 with ID Final Dress Rehearsal (Call forDetails): $5 Group Rates available (10 or more people,advance tickets only) www.jtgr.orgJewish Theatre Grand Rapids presenta "Oy!". Horario:Jueves y Sábado 8:00, Domingo 3:00. Lugar: TeatroSpectrum. Teléfono: 616-234-3595. Entrada: EntradaGeneral: $ 20 para la tercera edad: $ 18 para Estu-diantes: $ 5 con identificación: $ 5 para grupos (10 omás personas, sólo entradas anticipadas)

Jun 13- The Canning Diva presents StrawberrySalsa Production Canning. Times: Thursday 5:45 PMVenue: Facility Kitchens. Phone: 616-901-6531. Ad-mission: $45.00. La Diva Canning presenta Strawberry Canning Pro-duction Salsa. Horario: Jueves 5:45. Lugar: Facility Kit-chens. Teléfono: 616-901-6531. Admisión: $ 45.00.

Jun 14- Kendall College of Art & Design MFA Ju-ried Print, Drawing & Painting Exhibition. Venue: DeVosPlace. Hosted by: Kendall College of Art & DeAdmis-sion: Free.Kendall College of Art & Design MFA Juried Print, Dra-wing & Painting Exhibition. Lugar: DeVos Place. Orga-nizado por: Kendall College of Art & DeAdmission:Gratis.

Jun 14 through Aug 31- GRAM presents:The Improvisational Quilts of Susana Allen Hunter.Times: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday10:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Friday 10:00 AM to 9:00 PM,Sunday 12:00 PM to 5:00 PM, closed Mondays. Venue:Grand Rapids Art Museum. Phone: 616-831-1000. Ad-mission: Adults - $8.00 Senior Adults & College Stu-dents(W ID) - $7.00 Youth (ages 6-17) - $5.00 Childrenunder 6 – Free. http://www.artmuseumgr.orgGRAM Presenta: Los edredones improvisados de Su-sana Allen Hunter. Horario: Martes, Miércoles, Jueves,Sábado 10:00 am a 5:00 pm, viernes de 10:00 am a9:00 pm, Domingo 12:00 PM a 5:00 pm de lunes ce-rrados. Lugar: Museo de Arte de Grand Rapids. Telé-fono: 616-831-1000. Admisión: Adultos - $ 8.00 adultosmayores y estudiantes universitarios (con ID) - $ 7.00Jóvenes (edades 6-17) - $ 5.00 Niños menores de 6años - gratis.


June Events Eventos enJunio

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PITBULL WITH KE$HA IN TINLEY PARKJune 9, 2013 Sunday 7:00 PM Cost: 31.00First Midwest Bank Amphitheatre19100 South RidgelandTinley Park, Illinois 60477

JUANES IN CHICAGOJUNE 13, 2013 THURSDAY 6:30 PMCongress Theater2135 North Milwaukee AvenueChicago, Illinois 60647

OTTMAR LIEBERT & LUNA NEGRA IN CHICAGOJune 20, 2013 Thursday 8:00 PM Cost: $30 General Public $28 MembersGary and Laura Maurer Concert Hall4544 North Lincoln AvenueChicago, Illinois 60625

LOS LONELY BOYS IN HIGHLAND PARKJUNE 27, 2013 THURSDAY 7:00 PM COST: 27.00 TO 70.00Ravinia Pavilion418 Sheridan RoadHighland Park, Illinois 60035

PITBULL & KE$HA IN AUBURN HILLS. DETROITJune 7, 2013 Friday 7:30 PM Cost: 29.50The Palace of Auburn Hills6 Championship DriveAuburn Hills, Michigan 48326

GRUPO FANTASMA IN FERNDALEJune 10, 2013 Monday 8:00 PM Cost: 10.00The Magic Bag22920 Woodward AvenueFerndale, Michigan 48220

JUANES IN ROYAL OAKJune 14, 2013 Friday 7:00 PMRoyal Oak Music Theatre318 West Fourth StreetRoyal Oak, Michigan 48067

Latino Concerts in Chicago, Detroit, LansingConciertos de Latinos en Chicago, Detroit y Lansing

For more information visit / Para más información visita

Jun 15- 48th Annual Reeds Lake Art Festival.Times: Saturday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Venue: John Co-llins Park. Hosted by: Grand Valley Artists. Admission:Free. http://grandvalleyartists.com48th Annual Reeds Lake Art Festival. Horario: Sábadosde 9:00 am a 5:00 pm. Lugar: John Collins Park. Orga-nizado por: Grand Valley Artists. Admisión:Gratis.

Jun 15- Rapid Movement Skateboard Marathon.Times: Saturday 8:00 AM to1:00 PM. Venue:MilleniumPark. Phone: 810-730-3260. Admission: Check face-book page. Movement Skateboard Marathon. Horario: Sá-bado 8a.m. a 1: 00 pm. Lugar: Millenium Park. Teléfono:810-730-3260. Entrada: Checa página de facebook.

Jun 16- Sheryl Crow: Summer Concert Series atFrederik Meijer Gardens.Times: Sunday 7:00 PM.Venue: Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park.Phone: 888-957-1580. Admission: Presale $75, Mem-bers $78, Public $80. Crow: Summer Concert Series at Frederik Mei-jer Gardens.Times: Domingo 7:00. Lugar: Frederik Mei-jer Gardens & Sculpture Park. Teléfono: 888-957-1580.Entrada: Preventa $ 75, Socios $ 78, $ 80 público.

Jun 16 through Jul 21- Reaganomics: 80'sRevival. Times: Sundays 9:00 PM to 2:00 AM. Venue:Billy's Lounge Admission: $2 Cover (21+). www.billys-lounge.comReaganomics: 80's Revival. Horario: domingos 6:00pm-2:00am. Lugar: Billy's Lounge. Entrada: $ 2 cover (21+).

Jun 21- Bachata & Salsa Dance Festival FeaturingToby Love. Times: Friday 9:00 PM to 2:00 AM. Venue:Van Andel Arena. Admission: $35. Attendees can planto dance the night away with their spouse, date, friendsor whomever right on the arena floor. Toby Love is oneof the pioneers of meodern bachata music, uniquealycombining the old Caribbean folk genre with hip-hop,pop and R&B.Bachata & Salsa Dance Festival Featuring Toby LoveHorario: viernes de 9:00 pm a 2:00 am. Lugar: VanAndel Arena. Admisión: $ 35.

Jun 24 through 28- Summer Film Camp.Times: Monday - Friday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Venue:Compass College of Cinematic Arts. Phone: 616-988-1000. Admission: $400. de Verano de Cine. Horario: Lunes - Vier-nes 9:00 am a 5:00 pm. Lugar: Compass College of Ci-nematic Arts. Teléfono: 616-988-1000. Entrada: $ / programa / verano-campos

Jun 27 through 29- Seussical The MusicalTimes: Thursday 1:30 PM & 7:00 PM, Friday 7:00 PM,Saturday 2:00 PM & 7:00 PM. Venue: Ottawa Hills High

School. Phone: 616-485-3478. Admission: $7 adults -$5 students. The Musical Horario: Jueves 1:30 y 7:00,viernes 7:00, sábado 2:00 y 7:00. Lugar: Ottawa HillsHigh School. Teléfono: 616-485-3478. Entrada: $ 7adultos - $ 5 estudiantes.

Jun 28- St. Patrick Festival 5K. Times: Friday 7:00PM. Venue: St. Patrick Church. Admission: $15.00 -$ Join us for a Friday night5K run/walk in beautiful Parnell Michigan to kick off fes-tival weekend at St. Patrick Church. All proceeds fromthe 5K will go to the St. Patrick School Education Fund.Each participant will receive a t-shirt and post race re-freshments. Stay and enjoy the beer tent and live musicafter the race. Register on-line at www.festivalrun.comFestival St. Patrick 5K. Horario: Viernes 7:00. Lugar:Iglesia de San Patricio. Admisión: $ 15.00 - $ 20.00.Únase a nosotros para carrera / caminata de 5K en lahermosa Parnell Michigan para dar inicio al festival enSt. Patrick Church. Todas las ganancias de la carreraedestinarán al Fondo de Patrick School Educación St..Cada participante recibirá una camiseta y un refrigeriodespués de la carrera. Regístrese en línea en

Jun 29 & 30- 52nd Annual Grand Haven Art Fes-tival & Family Fun Day. Times: Saturday & Sunday10:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Venue: Washington AvenueDowntown Grand Haven. Phone: 954-472-3755. Ad-mission: Free (& free parking).http://www.artfestival.com52vo Festival Anual de Arte de Grand Haven y Día deDiversión Familiar. Horario: Sábado y domingo de 10:00am a 5:00 pm. Lugar: Washington Avenue DowntownGrand Haven. Teléfono: 954-472-3755. Entrada: Gra-tuita (estacionamiento gratuito).

Jun 29- EPIC (Entertaining People In Coopersville).Times: Saturday 7:00 PM to 9:00PM (doors open 6:30PM). Venue: Coopersville Farm Museum. Phone:616-821-1442. Admission: $3 - performers receiveFREE admission. (Entretener Personas En Coopersville). Horario:Sábado 7:00-9:00 (puertas abren 6:30). Lugar: Coo-persville Farm Museum. Teléfono: 616-821-1442. En-trada: $ 3 - artistas entran gratis.

Jun 29- Monica da Silva & Chad Alger BrazilianBossa Nova. Times: Saturday 7:00 PM. Venue: Man-giamo! Admission: Free. da Silva & Chad Alger Brazilian Bossa Nova.Horario: Sábado 7:00. Lugar: Mangiamo. Entrada: Gra-tuita.

Jun 30- RUSH Clockwork Angels Tour.Times: Sun-day 7:30 PM.Venue: Van Andel Arena. Admission:On Sale now $38.50-$113.50.www.vanandelarena.comMRUSH Clockwork Angels Tour.Times: Domingo 7:30PM. Venue: Van Andel Arena. Admisión: $ 38.50-$

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La mexicana Fernanda Romero, que recientemente participó en la cinta “El fantástico mundo de JuanOrol” de Sebastián del Amo y donde actuó con Roberto Sosa, ahora nos sorprenderá con todos losproyectos que tiene por estrenar.

Algunas de las películas en las que ha aparecido son: Without Men con Eva Longoria, The BurningPlain con Charlize Theron, Pendejo con Danny Trejo , The Eye con Jessica Alba y decenas depeliculas independientes, cortos que han ganado premios como en el mas reciente festival deHBO, novelas como Eternamente Tuya y recientemente en Estados Unidos la campaña deMango y la serie de MUN2 “RPM Miami” rompiendo ratings en ambos mercados.

Ahora tambien retoma la musica y es la vocalista de los White Cherries, Fernanda Romeroesta alcanzando mayor audiencia con su original duo estilo folktronica alternativo. Siempre

buscando por nuevas formas de expression y ayudar a crear un mejor mundo con accionessociales y humanitarias lista para mas.Ahora Fernanda se encuentra en Texas filmando su nueva pelicula “MissionPark” junto un

gran elenco. “Mission Park” ya se ha presentado en varios festivales y ha ganado algunospremios, como “Mejor Película en Hispanicize en Miami”, “Mejor Película en Worldfest en Hous-ton”, “Mejor Película y Mejor Director en el Boston International Film Festival”, entre otros.

Así mismo, la película “Pendejo”; en la que Fernanda interpreta Jenny, se estrenó en DVD en Es-tados Unidos el pasado 21 de Mayo. Finalmente, es importante mencionar que FernandaRomero acaba de filmar el video clip “No te quiero ver con él” de Frankie J y continúa con sugrupo White Cherries; por lo que esta gran actriz, compositora y modelo promete seguir sor-prendiendo este año con todos sus proyectos.

Born in Mexico City, Fernanda began her singing career as part of the sensational teen-popgroup Fryzzby, signed under BMG. Although she originally distancing herself from the in-

dustry to pursue a career in Fashion Design, she ultimately returned to her roots as anentertainer.

Not long after finishing her studies, she had the opportunity to host the popularshow “Control” on Univision. Shortly thereafter, Telemundo booked her on “LaLey del Silencio.” The next step in her career shortly followed- feature films,starting with independents CREATURE OF DARKNESS a horror movie next toactor Matthew Lawrence (“The Hot Chick”) and comedies WANNA BE MEwith Shalim Ortiz (“Heroes”) and READY OR NOT with Alex Rocco (“Smokin‘Aces”).

The film that elevated her career to a next level was THE EYE with JessicaAlba. This film opened the door for her in Hollywood, soon joining big budgetfilms THE BURNING PLAIN from director Guillermo Arriaga.

In the 2012 pipeline in Mexico is EL FANTASTICO MUNDO DE JUANOROL, based on the life of cinematographer Juan Orol, in which she playsDinorah Judith, Orol’s third wife. Recently, Fernanda filmed PENDEJO withDanny Trejo, MISSION PARK, with Vivica A. Fox, NUMBER RUNNER, herfirst British production, with star Jon-Paul Gates, FIGHTER’S CHANCEwith the former boxer Evander Holyfield and the pilot for NBC, COUNTYwith Aimee Garcia and Jason Ritter.

Soon she will be on set filming next to the Oscar winner, Cuba GoodingJr. and Christian Serratos, participating in the film BROKEN DOLL, di-rected by Trudy Sargent. Among the various projects Fernanda is in-volved in, she carries the momentum of her successful modelingcareer with clients such as famous Spanish brand MANGO, for thecampaign, as well as participatingin the music videos “Just One Breath” by Jeremy Carr and “GenteVIP” by popular singer Larry Hernandez.Fernanda currently resides in Los Angeles where in addition toworking as an actress, she produces and is the lead vocalist ofher ‘folktronic’ band WHITE CHERRIES.

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Antonio Banderas will play Mario Sepúlveda, who be-came the public face of the 33 Chilean miners trappedunderground for 69 days three years ago, according toDeadline.

The 33, the latest film to document the miners' story, willbe the official version of the tale. It has been put to-gether with the exclusive co-operation of the men in-volved in the incident.

Martin Sheen and Rodrigo Santoro will also star in thefilm, which will be directed by Patricia Riggen (LaMisma Luna) from a screenplay by Mikko Alanne andJosé Rivera. She expects to shoot in the autumn, oncethe film has secured investment at this year's Cannesfilm festival.

The rescue of the miners, who became trapped morethan half a mile underground, was carried out by a

Chile-led international taskforce and waswatched by more than a billion people.Sepúlveda became known to the world asthe ebullient host of regular video journalssent to the surface by the miners, earningthe nickname "Super Mario".

Santoro will star as the group's second-in-command, Florencio Ávalos. Due to his

youth and good health, the 31-year-old was selected asthe first miner to ride the rescue capsule to the surfacein case of complications during the 15-minute ascent.

It is not clear at this stage whether Sheen, who had aSpanish father and was born Ramón Antonio GerardoEstévez, will also star as one of the miners.

Riggen's project follows a 2010 film about the Chileanminers entitled The 33 of San José. Spanish director An-tonio Recio's little-seen movie emerged on DVD in ahandful of European countries not long after the eventsit documented.

Antonio Banderas estará en el Set para protagonizarLos 33, que es una película basada en la verdadera his-toria de los 33 mineros chilenos que quedaron atrapa-dos durante 69 días en el 2010 antes de serrescatados. Según el informe, Banderas interpretara a

Mario Sepúlveda en la película, que se lo describecomo "el minero carismático conocido como SuperMario".

La película "relata los acontecimientos que rodearon elcolapso de la mina y los esfuerzos del rescate posterior,tanto desde la perspectiva de los mineros y de las fa-milias y de los rescatistas anteriores, que culminó en larecuperación emocional de los 33 mineros". El guión fueescrito en colaboración con los propios mineros. Lapelícula también cubrirá "la historia nunca antes con-tada de sus primeros 17 días bajo tierra, antes de quese pusieran en contacto, detalles de los cuales losmineros han mantenido confidencial hasta este mo-mento como parte de su "pacto de silencio".



33 mineros rescatados en Chile en el 2010

Pamela Silva Conde, co-anfitriona de uno de los showsde mayor audiencia de noticias y entretenimiento en Uni-vision, Primer Impacto, se unió hoy a las mujeres del pro-grama matutino de ABC, The View como co-anfitriona einvitada. Silva Conde fue acompañada por Barbara Wal-ters, Whoopi Goldberg, Joy Behar, y Sherri Shepard en elgalardonado programa matutino.

La belleza peruana logró llamar la atención del especta-dor y añadió dinámica al espectáculo con su aparicióncomo invitada, representando así a la comunidad latina ysu voz en el elenco de la serie.Pamela Silva Conde es seis veces ganadora del premio Emmy y reconocida porsus reportajes en profundidad y de investigación en la cadena de Univision, en elprograma que conduce Primer Impacto. Ella es un modelo a seguir, activa en sucomunidad, alineándose con las causas dignas de mención. Este fin de semanapasado, Silva Conde fue co-anfitriona de la gala anual de FedEx / St. Jude Ángelesy Estrellas en la ciudad de Miami, FL, a beneficio del Hospital de Investigación In-fantil St. Jude.e.

Pamela is from Univision’s afternoon news show “Primer Impacto” and she did agreat job co-hosting. She talked about how she came to the U.S from Peru at theago of ten. She also said “soon enough you become 200%, 100% Latino and then100% American.”

With Barbara Walters and Joy Behar leaving in 2014 and allegations of ElisabethHasselbeck stepping down, Silva Conde looks like a great candidate to take anopen seat at the table.

Unlike the other guest host who only speak when spoken to, she took charge of theshow. From asking about the death toll with the tornado in Oklahoma to changingtopics about the gun scene on Glee that was a touchy subject for guest JaneLynch, Silva showed she can transition between topics while keeping viewers en-gaged.


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Sofía Vergara grabó una mini telenovelade cinco capítulos para Latinoamérica; laactriz no reveló detalles, solo dijo que setransmitirá a partir de julio y que se divir-tió “mucho haciendo este proyecto espe-cial y espero que el público lo disfrute entoda Latinoamérica”.

En un comunicado de Latin World Enter-tainment (LatinWE), Vergara dijo: “Porahora no les puedo dar más detalles. Esuna sorpresita que les tengo reservada”.El dramático se transmitirá en todaAmérica Latina con excepción de Brasil;tampoco se sabe el título ni dónde podráverse.

Actualmente, Sofía interpreta a Gloria en lafamosa serie “Modern Family” que ha catapul-tado a la colombiana como una de las actriceshispanas más exitosas en la televisión esta-dounidense. La fotografía que acompaña lanota de prensa, se ve a la actriz usando un ele-gante traje blanco.

Sofia Vergara recorded a five-part mini soapopera to Latin America, the actress did not dis-close details, just said to air from July and hadfun "making this project very special and I hopethe audience will enjoy it throughout Latin Amer-


In a news Latin World Entertainment (LatinWE),Vergara said, "For now I can not give details. It isa surprise that I have reserved them. " Thedrama will air throughout Latin America exceptBrazil, nor know the title and where can beseen.

Currently, Sofia plays Gloria in the hit series"Modern Family" has catapulted to Colombia asone of the most successful actresses HispanicAmerican television. A picture accompanyingthe press release, the actress is wearing an ele-gant white suit.

The Billboard Music Awards doled out more trophies to Taylor Swift than any other musician,with the crossover superstar winning in eight categories at the Sunday (5/19) night event.

The 23-year-old songstress won Artist of the Year, Top Billboard 200 Artist, Top Female Artist,Top Digital Songs Artist, Top Country Artist, Top Country Album, Top Country Song for "WeAre Never Ever Getting Back Together" and Top Billboard 200 Album and Top Country Album,both for multi-platinum release, "Red."

Goyte and Rihanna both walked away with four awards each, with the former's hit single"Somebody That I Used To Know" earning Hot 100 Song, Rock Song, Radio Song andStreaming Song (Audio).

Justin Bieber, who earned the fan-voted Milestone Award, also took home statues for TopMale Artist and Top Social Artist, while One Direction earned nods for Top New Artist, TopDuo/Group and Top Pop Artist.

Prince earned the Icon Award for his extensive career and 10 platinum albums. He also per-formed a medley, including his hit "Let's Go Crazy," Edgar Winter's instrumental "Franken-stein" and "Fix Ur Life Up."

The full list of 2013 Billboard Award winners is available at the magazine's website,

The three-hour awards program featured 16 performances, including productions by Bieber,Selena Gomez, Bruno Mars, The Band Perry, Chris Brown and top winner Taylor Swift

El auditorio del casino MGM Grand Garden Arena de Las Vegas fue el escenario elegidopara celebrar los Billboard Music Awards 2013 que reconcentraron a un enorme número deartistas. Pero la gran triunfadora de la noche fue Taylor Swift. Fue nombrada mejor artista delaño, dominó en el género de música country y su LP "Red" se impuso como mejor disco a"21" de Adele, "Babel" de Mumford & Sons y los trabajos "Take Me Home" y "Up All Night" delgrupo One Direction.

La gran triunfadora fue Taylor Swift, que se llevó 8, mientras que Rihanna o Gotye se queda-ban con 4. Madonna, Celine Dion se llevó 3, misma cifra que One Direction o Nicki Minaj.

Pero más que los premios, nos importan las actuaciones, y hubo para todos los gustos:Christina Aguilera lució su nuevo tipazo con Pitbull en 'Feel This Moment', que terminó con elcantante de A-Ha reapareciendo para unirla con 'Take On Me'. El rapero hacía doblete yacompañaba a J Lo en 'Live It Up' en una actuación similar a la de 'American Idol' con másparafernalia y su clásico dance break.

En la lista de nominados destacan Taylor Swift, Fun. y Maroon 5, quienes lideran 11 cate-gorías. Asimismo, Rihanna se figura en 10 categorías, mientras que Carly Rae Jepsen en 9 yOne Direction cuenta con 8 nominaciones.

Para ver la lista de ganadores visita

Sofía Vergara Graba Minitelenovela

Pitbull and Christina Aguilera perform onstage at the 2013 Billboard MusicAwards in Las Vegas.

Taylor Swift sweeps 2013 Billboard Music Awards with 8 wins

La Diva del Bronx le apuesta a la telefoníamóvil en el mercado latino

La cantante Jennifer Lopez presentó supropia empresa de venta de telefonía para elmercado latino en EU, Viva Móvil, que servirácomo red de distribución exclusiva de pro-ductos Verizon con tiendas diferenciadas yempleados bilingües inglés-español.

La intérprete de "Jenny From the Block" es laprincipal inversora y propietaria de VivaMóvil, un proyecto que empezó a poner enmarcha hace 18 meses a iniciativa de Veri-zon en un esfuerzo de ese gigante de lastelecomunicaciones por cautivar a la comu-nidad hispana cuyo poder de compra para2015 se estima en 1.5 billones de dólares.

Viva Móvil inaugurará su primera tienda enuna concurrida esquina neoyorquina aún porespecificar, el próximo 15 de junio, con ungran evento, según se promocionó en CTIA,

un local que será uno de los 15 que abriráesa cadena de distribución antes de final de

año en ciudades como Los Ángeles y Miami.

Singer Jennifer Lopez introduced its ownphone company selling to the U.S. Hispanicmarket, Live Mobile, which will serve as ex-clusive distribution network of Verizon prod-ucts with different shops and English-Spanishbilingual employees.

The singer of "Jenny From the Block" is themain investor and owner of Living Cell, aproject that began to launch 18 months agoVerizon initiative in an effort that telecommu-nications giant captivate the Hispanic com-munity whose 2015 purchasing power isestimated at 1.5 billion dollars.

Mobile Live will open its first store on a busycorner of New York to be specified, on 15June, with a big event, as promoted at CTIA,a place that will be one of 15 that will unlockthat chain before final distribution year incities like Los Angeles and Miami.

J.Lo venderácelulares a

latinosen EU

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Opening June 7The PurgeIf on one night every year, you could commit any crime withoutfacing consequences, what would you do? In The Purge, a spec-ulative thriller that follows one family over the course of a sin-gle night, four people will be tested to see how far they will goto protect themselves when the vicious outside world breaksinto their home. In an America wracked by crime and over-crowded prisons, the government has sanctioned an annual 12-hour period in which any and all criminal activity—includingmurder—becomes legal. The police can't be called. Hospitalssuspend help. It's one night when the citizenry regulates itselfwithout thought of punishment. On this night plagued by vio-lence and an epidemic of crime, one family wrestles with the

decision of who they will become when a stranger comes knocking. Rated: RDado que las cárceles están desbordadas, el gobierno estadounidense decide que unavez al año, a lo largo de un periodo de 12 horas, todo, completamente todo, sea legal.Durante este tiempo en el que cualquier actividad criminal es indultada y no se puedellamar a la policía, ni acudir a los hospitales, las familias se encierran para escapar dela violencia y el crimen desmesurado. La situación se complica cuando un intruso ir-rumpe en la casa de los Shandin desencadenando una serie de eventos que amenazan

con destruir a la familia. ¿Pero cómo deshacerse de los crimi-nales sin acabar convirtiéndose en uno?.

The InternshipVince Vaughn and Owen Wilson are salesmen whose careershave been torpedoed by the digital world. Trying to prove theyare not obsolete, they defy the odds by talking their way intoa coveted internship at Google, along with a battalion of bril-liant college students. But gaining entrance to this utopia isonly half the battle. Now they must compete with a group ofthe nation’s most elite, tech-savvy geniuses to prove that ne-cessity really is the mother of re-invention. Rated: PG-13.

Dos hombres de 40 años recientemente despedidos por estar

desfasados en su trabajo, tratarán de hacer lo que puedan como becarios en una em-presa de Internet de éxito donde sus directivos están en sus 20.

Wish You Were HereFour friends indulge in a carefree Cambodian holiday, but theirsun-soaked retreat quickly takes a horrific turn when one ofthe travelers disappears. As the search ensues, the others re-turn home, racked with guilt and struggling to return to theirdaily lives. Does one of them hold the answer to the fate oftheir lost companion? Tightly-held secrets from their life-alter-ing trip are brought to light, revealing clues to the where-abouts of their missing friend.Su argumento gira en torno a cuatro amigos que disfrutan deunas vacaciones en Tailandia... pero de las que sólo regresarántres de ellos.

SyrupFresh out of school with a degree in marketing, Scat will doanything to prove that he has what it takes to swim with therich and wildly successful. Scat comes up with a brilliant newproduct that gives new meaning to the old saying “sex sells.”He is sure it will send him right to the top…if only he can con-vince his boss, the beautiful and mysterious “6,” that it's anidea worth millions. Betrayed by his best friend “Sneaky Pete,”Scat stumbles through an industry riddled with deception. Ashe begins to realize that fame and fortune have cost him hismorality, he must rediscover his true self behind the elaborateimage he has created or risk losing the love of his life.Rated: R

La película nos contará la historia de Scat, un joven licenciadoen marketing que se muda a Los Ángeles con la intención de hacerse rico y famoso queidea un nuevo refresco que se llamará Fukk Cola, si bien su compañero de cuarto leacabará robando el proyecto antes de que pueda sacar beneficio de él.


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CLASSIFIEDSCLASSIFIEDSSOCIAL WORKER– Site teamclinician in a school setting to pro-vide individual and group therapyto students, and child and familyfocused counseling in the schooland family home. Social workerwill be part of a team with theCommunity School Coordinatorand school personnel. MSW orequivalent degree with minimumof 2 years experience requiredwith state licensure. Bi-lingual -Spanish speaking ability pre-ferred. Professionals from a di-verse background withexperience in working with di-verse populations are encour-aged to apply. Full time position.If interested please email resumewith “KSSN MSW Position” in theheader to [email protected].

ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT/RECEPTIONIST- Detroit,Mi. Thisis an excellent opportunity for theright individual to gain more workexperience in a suitable businessenvironment. The right candidatewill possess the following quali-ties:Responsibilities Include:1. Answer telephones and trans-fer to appropriate staff member.2. Meet and greet clients and vis-itors.3. Create and modify documentsusing Microsoft Office.4. Perform general clerical dutiesto include but not limited to: pho-tocopying, faxing, mailing, and fil-ing.5. Maintain hard copy and elec-tronic filing system.6. Prepare UPS/Fed Ex/Airbornepackages.7. Setup and coordinate meetingsand conferences.8. Maintain and distribute staffweekly schedules.9. Support staff in assigned proj-ect based work.Other duties, as assigned.Requirements Includes:• Fluent in both Chinese/Spanishand English preferred, but fluencyin English is mandatory.• Bachelor's degree preferred; re-cent college graduates are wel-come to apply.• Intelligent and able to graspideas quickly.• Strong ability to manage tasksin an organized and effectiveway.• Excellent interpersonal skills, ascommunicating with patients willbe a large aspect of the position.• Proper phone etiquette when

answering and/or making phonecalls.• Must be a team-player who isready to handle different respon-sibilities in a moment's notice.• Punctuality is important.• Flexible schedule, as workinghours are from 09:00AM-5:00PM.• 1-2 years experience in an of-fice setting is preferred, but notrequired. We will train the right in-dividual.Qualified candidates can send re-sume [email protected] cover letter, work history andsalary requirement.

SPANISH SPEAKING OFFICEASSISTANT NEEDED: Cross-road Bible Institute is seeking apart-time bilingual office assistantfor data entry, processing Span-ish Bible study lessons and mis-cellaneous staff support.Approximately 20-24 hrs/week.Must be able to read, write andspeak Spanish fluently. Email re-sume to [email protected] apply.

TELEPHONE INTERVIEWERS-Directions in Research has week-end and evening opportunities forindividuals with outstanding com-munication skills. Must type atleast 35 wpm. -Starting wage$8/hr -$12/hr for top performers -Additional $1/hr bilingual (Eng-lish/ Spanish) premium -Setyour own schedule from 18-29.5hours/wkNO SALES !2401 Camelot Ct. SE GrandRapids, MI 49546 (Directly be-hind Centerpointe Mall - on busroute) Apply in person 9am-5pmMon-Fri

ACCOUNTING/PAYROLL CO-ORDINATOR- This position, lo-cated in Grand Rapids providesaccounting support to the Ac-counting Manager & is part of adiverse team providing financialsupport to the entire organizationof Planned Parenthood of West &Northern Michigan. Duties in-clude preparing journal entries,processing accounts payable,reconciliation of payroll & timecard administration. Assists withthe preparation of financial state-ments & analysis. Responsiblefor all fixed asset records & in-ventory usage & valuation. Theideal candidate should possess2+ years of accounting & payroll

experience with a bachelor's de-gree in finance or accounting.PPWNM is an EOE, bilingualcandidates are encouraged toapply. Please submit resume to:PPWNM 425 Cherry SE, GrandRapids, MI 49503 Or via fax to:616-774-0516 Via email at:[email protected] . You can alsogo online to &click on the Jobs tab.

CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRE-SENTATIVE- Hansen Collision isWest Michigan's largest repair fa-cility. We are looking for a full timecustomer service representativeto work in our call center. Hourswould be 8am-5pm and could in-clude some Saturday morningsfrom 9am-12pm. Job duties in-clude answering phones, sched-uling repairs at our 25 collisionlocations as well as schedulingour glass technicians and con-ducting customer surveys. Thequalified candidate will have ex-cellent computer and phoneskills, customer service skills andwill be able to work under pres-sure. Bilingual candidates areencouraged to apply. HansenCollision offers competitivewages and a complete benefitpackage including a 401K.Please fax your resume to 616-608-8321, apply on-line oremail it [email protected] .

MEDICAL BILLING SPECIAL-IST- Seeking responsible, per-sistent, self reliant Medical Billerwith a positive customer serviceattitude. Responsible for manag-ing accounts receivable, by thetimely submission of clean claimsand appropriate follow-up work.Able to work well with all depart-ments in the practice.Minimum requirements -Comple-tion of Medical Billing course withat least 2 years experience. In-termediate technical and commu-nication skills. Associates degreein Billing or Healthcare helpful.CHCWM offer competitivewages, an excellent working en-vironment, a full benefits packageto include a Profit Sharing 401kplan. If you are interested in work-ing with a team of highly dedi-cated healthcare professionals inthe fight against cancer, we wantto hear from you. Please visit ourwebsite at and

fill out an application.RequirementsMinimum requirements -Comple-tion of Medical Billing course withat least 2 years experience. In-termediate technical and commu-nication skills. Associates degreein Billing or Healthcare helpful.


A busy Lakeshore law firm isseeking a full time business ad-ministrator to join our staff. Appli-cants must have greatorganizational skills as well as ex-perience with QuickBooks andExcel. A legal background is aplus. Please submit a résuméand cover letter to [email protected].



The CommunityVoice/La Voz Magazinenow offers you accessthrough video postedads on our dynamicwebsite!

Please Thewebsite is at its promostage so you may seeyour ad or video on thewebsite.

We are happy to an-nounce the addition ofvideo posts advertisingand news at our newlyenhanced website. Youmay post banners andvideo post ads. You canalso video i-reports tourls such thenprovide us the link forposting to our website.Community News andEvents can then be an-nounced to our websiteviewers. Companies de-siring to advertise mayhave a video alreadywhich can also beposted to our website.Please contact me fordetails. We are excitedby the new technologyemployed here andhope that you like it aswell.

Website AdvertisingBanners $200 per mo.$300 for 3 mos.Video post $250 permo. $500 for 3 mos.

LaVoz Magazine Advertising

If you are interested inAdvertising in our issuethe deadline is June 24,2013.

For more informationabout Advertising

Rates contact

Dr. José A. Flores, Publisher

[email protected]

Page 25: Lavoz June 2014 - issue


TODO EL MUNDO TIENE ALGUIEN MENOS YO.Dirección · Director |Raúl FuentesGuion · Screenplay |Raúl FuentesFotografía · Cinematography |Jerónimo RodríguezSonido · Sound |Evelia CruzEdición · Editor |Silvia LuceroProducción · Produced by |Armando Casas, Laura Pino,Carlos TaiboIntérpretes · Cast |Andrea Portal, Naian Daeva

SinopsisAlejandra está harta de la cotidianeidad y de las rela-ciones pasadas que no han funcionado en su vidahasta que conoce a María, adolescente con la que em-prende una aventura. Al principio todo marcha sobreruedas, sin embargo, la personalidad de Alejandra ysus exigencias afectivas, resultan cada vez más de-mandantes al punto de que es imposible estar cerca deella. En este momento, ambas se plantean si debencontinuar con esta relación en la que se padece unopresivo equilibrio o mejor cada cual sigue con su exis-tencia ordinaria.

In his first feature film, Raúl Fuentes dares to explore thepsyche of a woman caught in a vicious self-sabotagingcycle that incapacitates her ability to love. EVERY-BODY'S GOT SOMEBODY...NOT ME details the story ofAlejandra, a condescending intellectual with many emo-tional problems, who lacks the capacity to connect withanyone around her. When Alejandra meets Maria, anevolving and curious private school teen, the two start apassionate love affair that makes their generation gapseem trivial. Before long, the couple realizes their differ-ences when Alejandra obsessively tries to controlMaria's activities, interests and decisions. Alejandra'soppression becomes worse than a parent's and Mariamust decide whether or not she wants this intense rela-tionship with such an apprehensive person to continue.Shot in black and white, Raúl Fuentes' innovative film-making approach and his unconventional narrative un-questionably marks him as a new and exciting voice incontemporary Mexican cinema. —Dilcia Barrera


Un Mundo SecretoProductora: Sobrevivientes Films, Visions Sud Est, IMCINE, con elapoyo de SDC (Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation),Bambú Audiovisual, Agencia Sha, Transistor Films, Al Fondo del Calle-jón, Cooperativa un Mundo Director: Gabriel Mariño Guión: Gabriel Mariño Reparto: Lucía Uribe, Roberto Mares, Olivia Lagunas, Claudia Ríos,Jesús Magaña Vázquez

Sinopsis:El último día de clases de María es el principio de este poema visualen forma de viaje, que empieza en la caótica ciudad de México paraacabar en los majestuosos parajes del sur de la península de Baja Cal-ifornia. Guiada por su diario escrito en tercera persona, y por algo másque no entiende pero que nació en lo profundo de sus sueños y en sucorazón roto, María encontrará el camino el amor, la compasión y elcompañerismo de la mano de personas que la guiarán hacia esemundo secreto.

Premios:Mención especial como Mejorpelícula del Festival de Cine delCentro Histórico de Toluca, México2012; Mejor actriz (Lucía Uribe) delX Festival Internacional de Cine deCuenca, Ecuador 2012; Premio es-tudiantil a la Mejor película de fic-ción (Prix Lyceén de la Fiction) delFestival de Cine Latino de Toulouse(ARCALT), Francia 2012; Premio estudiantil de ficción y Mención espe-cial del premio descubrimiento de la crítica francesa del Cinélatino,24èmes Rencontres de Toulouse, Francia 2012; Premio Mezcal y Cine-color en el Premio Maguey del XXVII Festival Internacional de Cine enGuadalajara, México 2012

On the last day of high school, a young woman leaves her world be-hind to begin a secret and mysterious journey of self-discovery. Eight-een-year-old María is a lonely and promiscuous dreamer struggling tomake sense of her life in harsh and vibrant Mexico City. She embarkson an epic road trip, from Mexico City’s urban chaos to the deserts ofSinaloa and the vast oceans of La Paz. Within these immense and shift-ing landscapes, María comes of age.

In a spectacular and spiritual conclusion, the natural world embracesMaría with pure poetic force

The time has come for all of us to take action and tohelp ensure that we'll see more Latino movies.

Ha llegado el momento para que todos hagamosalgo para asegurar que veamos más películaslatinas.

Director: Raúl Fuentes

Born in Mexico City, onAugust 28, 1977. His de-sire for making films en-couraged him tograduate from highschool so he could at-tend the University Center for Film Studies(CUEC-UNAM). Everybody’s Got Some-body… Not Me is his first feature film. Hehas also directed the shorts I Was BusyFinding Answers While You Just Got OnWith Real Life and I’m Not So Sure theWorld Deserves Us. He was selected toattend the Talent Campus at the Berlin In-ternational Film Festival and was part ofthe selection committee for the First Ar-gentinean Film Festival in Mexico. He iscurrently developing a new feature filmabout a lesbian vampire.

EspañolNace en la Ciudad de México el 28 deagosto de 1977. Su deseo por hacerfilmes lo motivó a graduarse de lapreparatoria para así poder iniciar sus es-tudios en cine en el Centro Universitariode Estudios Cinematográficos de laUNAM. Todos Tienen a Alguien Menos Yo,fue su primer largometraje. Fuentes tam-bién ha dirigido los Yo Estaba OcupadaEncontrando Respuestas, Mientras TúSimplemente Seguías Con La Vida Real yI’m Not So Sure the World Deserves Us.Fue seleccionado para atender el TalentCampus en el Festival Internacional deBerlin formando parte del comité de se-lección del primer festival de cine Ar-gentino en México. Actualmente seencuentra desarrollando un nuevolargometraje acerca de una vampira les-biana.

Page 26: Lavoz June 2014 - issue


Children who are victims of sexual,physical or emotional abuse or neglectare treated more prone to obesity later inlife, suggests a recent review.

British researchers found that childrenwho suffer some form of abuse are 36percent more likely to be obese in adult-hood. They concluded that child abusecould be seen as a modifiable risk factorfor obesity.

"We found that being abused in child-hood significantly increases the risk ofobesity in adulthood," said study authorDr. Andrea Danese, a psychiatrist spe-cializing in children and adolescents atthe Institute of Psychiatry at King's Col-lege London , in a press release from thecollege. "The child abuse prevention re-mains paramount, and our findings em-phasize the severity of health effects thatthese experiences have long-term."

For the study, researchers examined dataon more than 190,000 people who partic-ipated in 41 studies throughout the world.They found that the link between childabuse and adult obesity could not be ex-plained by socioeconomic status in child-hood or adulthood, smoking, alcoholintake and physical activity level.

Child abuse was not associated with obe-sity in children and adolescents, the re-

searchers added, suggesting that the chil-dren were not abused by being over-weight or obese.

However, the researchers found that de-pression may explain why some childrenwho are abused are obese in adulthood.They indicated the need for more re-search to determine the effects of depres-sion on the body, especially the brain,hormones that regulate appetite and me-tabolism.

The authors added that more research isneeded to determine which treatmentstrategies would prevent children suffer-ing from abuse are obese years later.

"If the association is causal, as suggestedby animal studies, child abuse could beseen as a potentially modifiable risk fac-tor for obesity, a health problem that af-fects a third of the population and isoften resistant to treatment" , raisedDanese.

While the study found an association be-tween childhood abuse and obesity laterin life, failed to prove a causal link.

Los niños que son víctimas de abusossexuales, maltrato físico o emocional otratados con negligencia son más propen-sos a la obesidad más adelante en susvidas, sugiere una revisión reciente.

Investigadores británicos hallaron que losniños que sufren algún tipo de abusotienen un 36 por ciento más de probabili-dades de ser obsesos en la edad adulta.Concluyeron que el abuso infantil podríaverse como un factor de riesgo modifica-ble de obesidad.

"Hallamos que ser víctima de maltrato enla niñez aumenta significativamente elriesgo de obesidad en la adultez", afirmóel autor del estudio, el Dr. AndreaDanese, psiquiatra especializada en niñosy adolescentes en el Instituto de Psiquia-tría del Colegio del Rey en Londres, enun comunicado de prensa del colegio."La prevención del maltrato infantilsigue siendo primordial, y nuestros hal-lazgos enfatizan la gravedad de los efec-tos sobre la salud que estas experienciastienen a largo plazo".

Para realizar el estudio, los investi-gadores examinaron los datos de más de190,000 personas que participaron en 41estudios a lo largo del mundo. Des-cubrieron que el vínculo entre el abusoinfantil y la obesidad adulta no podía ex-plicarse por el estatus socioeconómico enla infancia o la adultez, el tabaquismo, laingesta de alcohol ni el nivel de actividadfísica.

El maltrato infantil tampoco se asoció

con la obesidad en los niños o adoles-centes, añadieron los investigadores, su-giriendo que los niños no eran víctimasde abusos por tener sobrepeso u obesi-dad.

No obstante, los investigadores hallaronque la depresión podría explicar por quéalgunos niños que son víctimas de abusosson obesos en la edad adulta. Indicaronque es necesario que se realicen más in-vestigaciones para determinar los efectosde la depresión en el cuerpo, sobre todoen el cerebro, las hormonas que regulanel apetito y el metabolismo.

Los autores del estudio añadieron que senecesitan más investigaciones para deter-minar qué estrategias de tratamiento evi-tarían que los niños que sufren de abusossean obesos años después.

"Si la asociación es causal, como lo sug-ieren los estudios con animales, el mal-trato infantil podría verse como un factorde riesgo potencialmente modificable deobesidad, un problema de salud queafecta a un tercio de la población y amenudo se resiste a los tratamientos",planteó Danese.

Aunque el estudio halló una asociaciónentre el abuso infantil y la obesidad másadelante en la vida, no probó que hubierauna relación de causalidad.

Children who have been abused are at risk ofobesity in adulthood, according to a study

Page 27: Lavoz June 2014 - issue


De investigación a recuperación – mejores posibilidades en neurología.

Cuando se trata del cerebro y de la

columna, es vital tener acceso a las mentes

más brillantes del país, a tecnología de

avanzada y a tratamientos innovadores

que no muchos podrían haber imaginado

poco tiempo atrás. Descubra a expertos

en neurología, reconocidos en todo el

país, trabajando juntos – para usted.

Neurociencias del Grupo Médico

Spectrum Health.

Page 28: Lavoz June 2014 - issue


Ingredients• 2 Portobello Mushrooms, cleaned andchopped into 1 inch pieces•12 ounces Green Beans, trim ends and cut inhalf•8 ounces Cherry Tomatoes•1 Red Onion, cut into bite sized chunkypieces•a handful of Garlic Cloves, skins removed•a few splashes of Olive Oil•a few splashes of Balsamic Vinegar•Garlic Salt to taste•Smoked Paprika to taste•Black Pepper to taste•Optional Garnish•Fresh Herbs•Your favorite cheeseMethod

Pre heat your grill (I use a gas grill) to mediumhigh heat. Toss all your chopped vegetables ina large bowl with enough oil and balsamic foran even thin coating. Put them in your grillbasket. Grill with the lid closed for about 15-20minutes until the veggies are slightly charredand cooked to your liking. Toss every few min-utes to ensure that they are not burning andthey cook on all sides.NotesGrilled vegetables are more a cooking methodthan anything that would require precise meas-urements. Feel free to experiment will all kindsof veggies. Just be sure to watch closely,denser ones will take longer to cook. If youfind certain ones are quick grillers, then pre-pare your selections in batches.Chop vegetables so they are relatively similarsizes.Experiment with seasonings and sauces fordifferent flavor combinations.Use whatever you have on hand. Zucchini, as-paragus, bell pepper, squash, etc. would begreat too.

El verano esta aquí, y es tiempo para las comidas al airelibre. Las barbacoas son por excelencia, el tipo de alimentopreferido para esta época del año.

Con el verano a la vuelta de la esquina ya vamospreparando los asadores y parrillas para inaugurar la tem-porada con una buena barbacoa, las barbacoas son por ex-celencia, el tipo de alimento preferido para esta época delaño.

Aunque tradicionalmente en la parrillada o asado latino seprefieren los cortes de carne fresca, en especial los másblandos como la entraña o el anca, y los embutidos comochorizos y rellena, la emigración a Estados Unidos ha vari-ado los ingredientes de la parrilla latina y ahora también in-cluimos hamburguesas y salchichas.

Pero si este verano quieres variar esta tradición puedes in-cluir unas cuantas variedades de pinchos muy creativos ydeliciosos para sorprender a tu familia y amigos combi-nando vegetales, carnes y hasta frutas de temporada.

Conseguir resultados consistentes de un método decocción que nos asegure obtener buenos resultadosal hacer una barbacoa o asad verduras o frutas en elasador:

* Asegúrese de que la posición de los respi-raderos de la tapa de la parrillera, vaya directamentesobre la carne y no sobre el fuego. Esto asegura queel humo se deslice correctamente de la carne.

* Asegúrese de mantener la tapa en la medida delo posible. (No mire a escondidas!). Esto garantizaque la temperatura interna de la parrilla se mantengaconstante.

* Asegúrese de utilizar un termómetro dentro de labarbacoa. Esto le asegura mantenerse informado siel fuego está demasiado caliente o en vías de de-saparición sin levantar la tapa.

Es fácil preparar los vegetales a la parrilla porque nose tiene que preocupar por cocinarlos demasiado. Yla parrilla les acentúa los sabores a los vegetales. Al-guna gente dice que los vegetales saben mejor a laparrilla.

*Adobar los vegetales les ayuda a caramelizar yeso acentúa sus mejores sabores. Simplementesumerja los vegetales en adobocomo por una hora antes de poner-los a la parrilla.

*Si usted no adoba los vege-tales, simplemente póngales unpoco de aceite vegetal con unabrocha antes de ponerlos a la par-rilla y agrégueles sal u otro condi-mento.

*Al agregarle un poco de sal alos vegetales también intensifica elsabor (resaca el agua).

*Corte los vegetales para la par-rilla en formas que los haga másfácil de cocinar.



The summer is made for grilling, and that doesn't mean that youhave to eat just hamburgers and hot dogs (not that there's any-thing wrong with these grilled classics). You can make just asmany different dishes on the grill as you can make inside your

kitchen. From tandoori-spiced chicken drumsticks to salmon filetwith "melted" tomatoes, the grill opens up a world of possibilities --all accompanied by that great smoky flavor we just can't quite get

when cooking indoors.

The barbeque is slow-cooking meat at a low temperature for along time over wood or charcoal. Not gas! Although, most of uswithout a discerning culinary palette don’t know the difference.

* Pick a theme for your barbecue. Eva Ingvarson, a trend expertfrom Evite says, "Select a theme and carry it through from decora-

tions to food preparations." By the way, "grilling meat" is not atheme.

* Bring the entertainment. Sure, your friends are great, but don’texpect them to entertain themselves while the ribs are on the grill.

Set up some classic backyard games, like horseshoes or bad-minton so they’re not forced to sit around listening to your crazy

Uncle Lou tell his stories.

*Start 24 hours earlier. Be sure to plan ahead. Marinating meat 24hours ahead of time will give your food great flavor.

Rinse, trim, and cut up vegetables. If advised (see below), pre-cook vegetables: In a saucepan, bring a small amount of water toboiling. Add vegetables and simmer, covered, for time specified inchart. Drain well. Generously brush vegetables with olive oil, mar-garine, or butter before grilling to prevent them from sticking to the

grill rack. Grill over medium or medium-hot coals.

To grill, place vegetables on a piece of heavy foil or on the grillrack directly over the preheated coals. If putting them directly onthe grill rack, lay them perpendicular to the wires of the rack so

they won't fall into the grill. Grill, uncovered, for time in chart or tilltender, turning occasionally. Watch closely to prevent charring.

Carne Asada,BBQ, Verdurasy más paraeste Verano

Page 29: Lavoz June 2014 - issue


Page 30: Lavoz June 2014 - issue


CLASSIFIEDSCLASSIFIEDSSOCIAL WORKER– Site teamclinician in a school setting to pro-vide individual and group therapyto students, and child and familyfocused counseling in the schooland family home. Social workerwill be part of a team with theCommunity School Coordinatorand school personnel. MSW orequivalent degree with minimumof 2 years experience requiredwith state licensure. Bi-lingual -Spanish speaking ability pre-ferred. Professionals from a di-verse background withexperience in working with di-verse populations are encour-aged to apply. Full time position.If interested please email resumewith “KSSN MSW Position” in theheader to [email protected].

ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT/RECEPTIONIST- Detroit,Mi. Thisis an excellent opportunity for theright individual to gain more workexperience in a suitable businessenvironment. The right candidatewill possess the following quali-ties:Responsibilities Include:1. Answer telephones and trans-fer to appropriate staff member.2. Meet and greet clients and vis-itors.3. Create and modify documentsusing Microsoft Office.4. Perform general clerical dutiesto include but not limited to: pho-tocopying, faxing, mailing, and fil-ing.5. Maintain hard copy and elec-tronic filing system.6. Prepare UPS/Fed Ex/Airbornepackages.7. Setup and coordinate meetingsand conferences.8. Maintain and distribute staffweekly schedules.9. Support staff in assigned proj-ect based work.Other duties, as assigned.Requirements Includes:• Fluent in both Chinese/Spanishand English preferred, but fluencyin English is mandatory.• Bachelor's degree preferred; re-cent college graduates are wel-come to apply.• Intelligent and able to graspideas quickly.• Strong ability to manage tasksin an organized and effectiveway.• Excellent interpersonal skills, ascommunicating with patients willbe a large aspect of the position.• Proper phone etiquette when

answering and/or making phonecalls.• Must be a team-player who isready to handle different respon-sibilities in a moment's notice.• Punctuality is important.• Flexible schedule, as workinghours are from 09:00AM-5:00PM.• 1-2 years experience in an of-fice setting is preferred, but notrequired. We will train the right in-dividual.Qualified candidates can send re-sume [email protected] cover letter, work history andsalary requirement.

SPANISH SPEAKING OFFICEASSISTANT NEEDED: Cross-road Bible Institute is seeking apart-time bilingual office assistantfor data entry, processing Span-ish Bible study lessons and mis-cellaneous staff support.Approximately 20-24 hrs/week.Must be able to read, write andspeak Spanish fluently. Email re-sume to [email protected] apply.

TELEPHONE INTERVIEWERS-Directions in Research has week-end and evening opportunities forindividuals with outstanding com-munication skills. Must type atleast 35 wpm. -Starting wage$8/hr -$12/hr for top performers -Additional $1/hr bilingual (Eng-lish/ Spanish) premium -Setyour own schedule from 18-29.5hours/wkNO SALES !2401 Camelot Ct. SE GrandRapids, MI 49546 (Directly be-hind Centerpointe Mall - on busroute) Apply in person 9am-5pmMon-Fri

ACCOUNTING/PAYROLL CO-ORDINATOR- This position, lo-cated in Grand Rapids providesaccounting support to the Ac-counting Manager & is part of adiverse team providing financialsupport to the entire organizationof Planned Parenthood of West &Northern Michigan. Duties in-clude preparing journal entries,processing accounts payable,reconciliation of payroll & timecard administration. Assists withthe preparation of financial state-ments & analysis. Responsiblefor all fixed asset records & in-ventory usage & valuation. Theideal candidate should possess2+ years of accounting & payroll

experience with a bachelor's de-gree in finance or accounting.PPWNM is an EOE, bilingualcandidates are encouraged toapply. Please submit resume to:PPWNM 425 Cherry SE, GrandRapids, MI 49503 Or via fax to:616-774-0516 Via email at:[email protected] . You can alsogo online to &click on the Jobs tab.

CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRE-SENTATIVE- Hansen Collision isWest Michigan's largest repair fa-cility. We are looking for a full timecustomer service representativeto work in our call center. Hourswould be 8am-5pm and could in-clude some Saturday morningsfrom 9am-12pm. Job duties in-clude answering phones, sched-uling repairs at our 25 collisionlocations as well as schedulingour glass technicians and con-ducting customer surveys. Thequalified candidate will have ex-cellent computer and phoneskills, customer service skills andwill be able to work under pres-sure. Bilingual candidates areencouraged to apply. HansenCollision offers competitivewages and a complete benefitpackage including a 401K.Please fax your resume to 616-608-8321, apply on-line oremail it [email protected] .

MEDICAL BILLING SPECIAL-IST- Seeking responsible, per-sistent, self reliant Medical Billerwith a positive customer serviceattitude. Responsible for manag-ing accounts receivable, by thetimely submission of clean claimsand appropriate follow-up work.Able to work well with all depart-ments in the practice.Minimum requirements -Comple-tion of Medical Billing course withat least 2 years experience. In-termediate technical and commu-nication skills. Associates degreein Billing or Healthcare helpful.CHCWM offer competitivewages, an excellent working en-vironment, a full benefits packageto include a Profit Sharing 401kplan. If you are interested in work-ing with a team of highly dedi-cated healthcare professionals inthe fight against cancer, we wantto hear from you. Please visit ourwebsite at and

fill out an application.RequirementsMinimum requirements -Comple-tion of Medical Billing course withat least 2 years experience. In-termediate technical and commu-nication skills. Associates degreein Billing or Healthcare helpful.


A busy Lakeshore law firm isseeking a full time business ad-ministrator to join our staff. Appli-cants must have greatorganizational skills as well as ex-perience with QuickBooks andExcel. A legal background is aplus. Please submit a résuméand cover letter to [email protected].



The CommunityVoice/La Voz Magazinenow offers you accessthrough video postedads on our dynamicwebsite!

Please Thewebsite is at its promostage so you may seeyour ad or video on thewebsite.

We are happy to an-nounce the addition ofvideo posts advertisingand news at our newlyenhanced website. Youmay post banners andvideo post ads. You canalso video i-reports tourls such thenprovide us the link forposting to our website.Community News andEvents can then be an-nounced to our websiteviewers. Companies de-siring to advertise mayhave a video alreadywhich can also beposted to our website.Please contact me fordetails. We are excitedby the new technologyemployed here andhope that you like it aswell.

Website AdvertisingBanners $200 per mo.$300 for 3 mos.Video post $250 permo. $500 for 3 mos.

LaVoz Magazine Advertising

If you are interested inAdvertising in our issuethe deadline is June 24,2013.

For more informationabout Advertising

Rates contact

Dr. José A. Flores, Publisher

[email protected]

Page 31: Lavoz June 2014 - issue


CLASSIFIEDSCLASSIFIEDSMEDICAL BILLER/CODER ANDMEDICAL ASSISTANT - Flint, Mi.Busy Podiatric Surgeons officelooking to fill 2 different positionswithin our practice. The first posi-tion is for a fulltime Entry levelMedical Biller/Coder. Applicantmust have a minimum of 2 yearsexperience and educational train-ing in Medical Billing/Coding pro-gram. Having a CPC certificationis a plus. Individual should be pro-fessional, detail oriented, have apositive attitude, a willingness tolearn new duties, and work to-gether with our existing staff as aproductive member of our team.Anyone applying needs to be flex-ible with their schedule as the daysand times could change depend-ing on the needs of our office. Jobduties include daily billing, coding,posting payments, accounts re-ceivable management and anytask the billing supervisor needs tobe completed. The second posi-tion is for a part-time medical as-sistant position for clinical andadministrative duties. Fulltime maybe considered in the future whenmore hour become available. Weare looking for someone who iswilling to learn, has a positive atti-tude, ability to multi-task, hard-working and a team player. Goodcommunication, grammar, andpeople skills a must. The positionwill involve learning a variety ofclinical duties as well as cross-training in administrative duties.Qualified individuals need to havea minimum of 2 years educationaltraining in a medical assistant pro-gram. Good typing, computer skillsand knowledge of medical termi-nology a must. Backgroundchecks will be performed. If youare interested in either positionplease fax resumes with cover let-ter to 810-230-8090 or [email protected] Atten-tion Heather

STAFF ACCOUNTANT - staff ac-countant needed for a growing pe-troleum distribution company.Daily duties include accountspayable entry, check runs, generalledger account reconciliation, pric-ing functions, sales entries andother tasks assigned to supportthe functions of the accounting de-partment. Computer experienceincluding Microsoft word and excelis required. Accounting degreepreferred. Competitive pay in ad-dition to health and dental. Sendresume to attention staff account-ant PO Box 788 Greenville MI

48838 or email to [email protected]

ACCOUNTANT - Local, down-town CPA firm looking for perma-nent part-time staff member,full-time during tax season. Dutiesinclude tax preparation andmonthly bookkeeping. Knowledgeof QuickBooks, Peachtree and Ul-traTax a plus. Flexible, comfortablework environment. Compensationcommensurate with experience.Email resume [email protected] .

ACCOUNTANT - Local, down-town CPA firm looking for perma-nent part-time staff member,full-time during tax season. Dutiesinclude tax preparation andmonthly bookkeeping. Knowledgeof QuickBooks, Peachtree and Ul-traTax a plus. Flexible, comfortablework environment. Compensationcommensurate with experience.Email resume [email protected] .

EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT Opera-tions Department for a Midwesttrucking company needs an indi-vidual to join our team with strongadministrative skills and a desireto grow. Candidate should have atleast 1 year of experience in anAdministrative capacity. Must havestrong organizational skills, com-munication skills. Must be Profi-cient in Word, Excel, PowerPointand knowledge of Publisher. Mustbe a creative thinker and able tosupport multiple tasks and individ-uals. If interested in joining a fam-ily oriented, growing Grand Rapidsbased company, send your re-sume to:NTB Attn: Human Resources Ref:Operations Assistant Position1240 84th St. Byron Center, MI49315 fax 517-267-2964

BUSINESS ADMINISTRATOR-A busy Lakeshore law firm isseeking a full time business ad-ministrator to join our staff. Appli-cants must have greatorganizational skills as well as ex-perience with QuickBooks andExcel. A legal background is aplus. Zeeland, Michigan 49464Please submit a résumé andcover letter [email protected].

CERTIFIED MEDICAL ASSIS-TANT- Immediate opening forcertified medical assistant in awell- established specialty office.

The candidate must be comfort-able in both an administrative andclinical role and must enjoy peopleand be able to multi task well.Must be a certified medical assis-tant and will consider NONSMOKERS ONLY. Prefer at leastone year experience in a medicaloffice. Fax resume with cover letterto (810) 695-4051 or email to [email protected]

MEDICAL ASSISTANT- SpecialtyServices Office in Holland has anopening for a part-timeclinical/clerical assistant. The po-sition will require some flexibility inschedules and will work 16-24hours/wk. Min of 1 year experi-ence and Medical Assistant Certi-fication is required. If you are interested in working ina service environment with the op-portunity to provide outstandingquality and service to our patients,please contact us at [email protected] Diploma and Medical AssistantCertification required. Holland,Michigan 49423.

LEGAL ASSISTANT, EXPERI-ENCED - Scholten Fant has animmediate opening in its GrandHaven office for an experiencedlegal assistant in the areas of busi-ness, real estate and estate plan-ning. This full-time position offerscompetitive wages and benefits.The right candidate will have su-perior technology skills, includingexperience with Microsoft Wordand Outlook, as well as excellentcommunication and transcriptionskills. This person must also bedetail-oriented and possess the

ability to organize and prioritizeworkloads in an ever-changing en-vironment. Qualified applicantsshould send their resume toScholten Fant, Attn: Angie Hall-berg, P.O. Box 454, Grand Haven,Michigan 49417, or email thesame [email protected]

CLARK Carpenter/LicensedBuilder-Clark Retirement Com-munity is looking for a Carpenterto join their Capital Projects andFacilities Department. This posi-tion is a part of the renovationsteam and plays a key role in roomrenovating and building mainte-nance. The duties will consist of,but are not limited to the following:Steel and wood stud framing, in-stalling cabinetry, installing lami-nate countertops, ceramic tilework, finish carpentry, demolition,hanging and finishing drywall, roof-ing and siding repair, installingacoustical ceiling grid and ceilingtiles, installing appliances, and in-stalling/repairing windows anddoors. The ideal candidate willhave a Residential Builders' Li-cense, High School diploma orGED, a minimum of 5 years expe-rience working as a Carpenter, ex-cellent interpersonal skills and theability to readand write inEnglish. Toapply pleasego on-line towww.clarkre-t irement.orgClark Retire-ment Commu-nity 1551Franklin ST SEGrand Rapids,MI 49506

CONSTRUCTION- 5 yrs. exp.Drywall, electric, plumbing, car-pentry. 26K start, benefits.Fax/Email resume: 616-954-4400,[email protected], SOUTH STORAGE ,Alpine Ave. NW. FT, $475/wk, pluscomm. Fax/Email resume: 954-4400, [email protected]/HOST - Full time,28th/ I-96, 3 yr. min. exp., days ornights/wknds, $7.40 start/ comm.Fax or Email resume: 954-4400,[email protected]/ACCTSPAYABLE - 3 yrs. min. exp. 28th/I-96, 53 hrs./wk, $475/wk, benefits.Fax or Email resume: 954-4400,[email protected] REAL ESTATESALESPERSON No license re-quired. Earn up to $150,000/yearand more. Lease set up businessin retail shopping malls, Purchaseproperties and refinance existingloans for our company. 53hours/wk, Earn draw, commission,gas allowance, phone allowance.Email resume:[email protected] , or fax 954-4400. Web Id: 0004618909.

CARPENTER - Experienced forthe Holland area. Carpenterneeded for Manufactured Home

Community. Duties include re-modeling homes and general car-pentry. Valid driver's licenseneeded for employment. FAX re-sume to: 616-399-7394.

BUS DRIVER / REGISTRATION-Full Time Michigan Blood is look-ing for a dynamic person to jointhe donor services team. This po-sition is responsible for driving theblood bus, transporting equip-ment, supplies and staff to andfrom mobiles sites, set-up/teardown at mobile drives, and donorregistration. Must have a validMichigan Commercial Class B dri-ver's license, with an air-brake en-dorsement and a clean drivingrecord. This position requires ex-cellent customer service skills andprevious data entry experience.Ability to work a flexible schedule:days, evenings and weekends. Apre-employment backgroundcheck, drug test, DOT physical,and driving record check are re-quired. We offer a competitivesalary and an exceptional benefitplan. If you like to work with peopleand want to make a life-saving dif-ference, please apply via our web-site: MichiganBlood MI blood saves


Featuring stories about people placesand things in West Michigan. Photojour-nalist Dan Salas two time emmy awardwinner is back on the road with camerain hand in search of stories about WestMichigan.Do you have a story? contact:

[email protected] 616-887-3659 Studio Line.

The Community Voice/La Voz, West Michigan's leading bilin-gual publication, is hiring sales staff for the following areas.Kalamazoo, Holland, Grand Rapids, Muskegon, Lansing, De-troit, South Haven, and surrounding areas. Experience pre-ferred but will train the right person. Must have great peopleskills and willingness to earn an endless amount of income.Must have transportation and must also be knowledgeable ofboth English and Spanish. Send resume to Attn: Dr. José A.Flores 1052 Grandville Ave SW, Grand Rapids, Mi. 49503 oremail resume to [email protected] for an interview

VENTAS- The Community Voice La Voz busca vendedorescon experiencia para promover un periódico de calidad al igualque para hacer dinero. Vendedores potenciales deben domi-nar el español e inglés, tener buena presentación, energéti-cos, y poseer una actitud positiva. Personas interesadasenviar su curricula a:

The Community Voice La Voz Attn:Dr. José A. Flores

1052 Grandville Ave., SW Grand Rapids, MI 49503

DISTRIBUTION-The Community Voice / La Voz is hiring areliable distributor for the Holland and Grand Rapids area. Ex-perience preferred but will train the right person. Interestedcandidates should have a valid drivers license and own trans-portation. This person will work approx. 30hrs/ month to startwith a possibility of 15-20hrs+/week. Please send resume toAttn: Dr. José A. Flores 1052 Grandville Ave SW, GrandRapids, Mi. 49503 or email resume to [email protected],or call 616-581-6271 for any questions.

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