law of attraction and essentials for success

Law of Attraction and Essentials For Success © The Journey Towards Excellence, All Rights reserved

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A lot of people do not believe in the law of attraction. Many of them have strong disagreement with the law. Not many people do know what the law of attraction is. A number of people guess the essence of the law by the name of it. It is understandable if you one of them. The law itself sounds dubious especially for the ones who do not really pay much interest in it.


Page 1: Law of Attraction and Essentials For Success

Law of Attraction

and Essentials

For Success

© The Journey Towards Excellence, All Rights reserved

Page 2: Law of Attraction and Essentials For Success

A lot of people do not believe in the law of attraction.

Many of them have strong disagreement with the law.

Not many people do know what the law of attraction is. A

number of people guess the essence of the law by the

name of it. It is understandable if you one of them. The

law itself sounds dubious especially for the ones who do not really pay much interest in it.

It is becoming clearer and clearer that in order for the

"Law of Attraction" to work for you, it's not enough to

"visualize what you want" and "feel what you would feel

as if you already achieved your goal," you need to "align"

with your soul's (your "higher self's") plan. For example,

some New Age teachers now say that you need to

"deliberately align" with the "Law of Attraction." Others

say you must "align with the universe," still others with

"your purpose." But what does this mean from a practical

point of view?

Aligning with your higher self's means to stand behind

and follow through on the plan of your soul. By the way,

when New Age teachers say that "you create your own

reality," the part of "you" I hope they are referring to is

your higher self, rather than the part of you that's

experiencing limited consciousness.

If you don't understand that your higher self might have

a plan for your life that's a bit different from your own, it

might seem that the "Law of Attraction" isn't working.

The truth is, your higher self does have a plan (of which

you're probably not quite aware), and it's highly likely

that this plan doesn't include getting "everything you

want" as quickly as possible. In fact, it might not even

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include getting you out of "hot water" as quickly as

possible, whatever "hot water" means for you (e.g. debt,

foreclosure, relationship trouble, health problems, etc.)

It's more likely that your higher self would rather have

you learn and grow through firsthand experience than to

be rescued from your situation by outside forces. I

explain the basic premise of these ideas in two other

articles, "The Truth about Awakening: Reconnection with

the Higher Self" and "The Soul's Perspective on the

World's Crises: the Way to Resolution" so I will not

repeat it here. Rather, I will explain what "aligning with

the higher self" is. Aligning with the higher self is the

quickest and easiest way to personal growth as well as to

your potential--which is how you will resolve your issues,


of what they are. In other words, it's in your best interest

to align with your soul's plan because it is in fact the key

to your success.

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Aligning with your higher self means having faith in and

surrendering to your higher self—which means following

through on your higher self's guidance (your intuition)

even though you might not have things in your life

figured out yet.

The following is a summary of the steps needed to align

with your higher self.

1. Develop a relationship with your higher self by

spending time with it (e.g. quiet time, daily meditation,

taking a minute or two to "check in," to focus on it

several times a day)

2. Learn to recognize and distinguish your soul's voice

from outside influences and mental conditionings

3. Ask it for guidance (e.g. ask specific questions, ask for

clear guidance)

4. Follow through on the guidance promptly and

consistently (this part might require some faith and


As you begin to see the results from following through

(these can be in the form of synchronicities, new insights,

"signs" from the universe, greater cooperation in life,

etc.), you will naturally and organically build trust in your

connection with your soul, as well as in your soul's plan.

Your trust will continue to grow until you begin to trust it

more than anything else in your life.

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When you have this kind of trust in your higher self, you

will make huge strides in your personal development,

your accomplishments and your subsequent confidence in


How long will this take? That depends on where you are

at the moment and what your higher self has in store for

you. However, it doesn't have to take long at all to

achieve some results so that you are encouraged to

continue on this path.

In reality, nobody knows if the law works unless he or

she makes use of it. We must apply it into our lives in

order to realize the power of the law of attraction. Do you

want to test? There are a few simple steps to test if the

law works. When you test this on your own, you will

understand why there are many claims on the good

results provided by the law of attraction. The simple six

steps include:

1. Decide what you want to happen.

Many people have not made decision what they want in

life. They are not sure about why they do things. They

don't have their goals. Making decision is like making a

commitment. You really want them to happen. Once you

have made your decision, your destination for attraction will be clear. And you will be on way.

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2. Believe that you are capable of reaching your goals.

You need to have faith in yourself. Before you set up

ambitious goals, you need to believe that you have ability

to perform what it takes to get you to where you want.

You have to be certain without any doubt that you can achieve your goals.

3. Draw up your action plan in paper.

You need to know what to do to get what you want.

Action plan is very essential to make the law of attraction

works. The law of attraction doesn't mean that you just

sit and attract things into your life. It is about and taking

action. Planning is very important for any action in any task you want to accomplish.

4. Take a lot of actions toward your goals.

Massive actions are needed to the achievement. Nobody

can achieve anything unless he takes actions. Do

according to your plan and adjust it along the way. The

law of attraction will help you to have smoother path if you really focus on your goals.

5. Focus on your goals achievement.

This must be one of the most crucial points to make the

law of attraction works. You need to think and act in the

positive way. If you think and talk negatively, the law of

attraction may work attracting what you don't want into

your life. This is why many people face some miserable results.

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6. Visualize your success as it is happening now.

Visualize as you are achieving what you want in front of

you at this moment. Feel it when you see the

circumstance with your inner eyes. Visualization is one

way to communicate with your subconscious mind. This

will make your subconscious mind attract all the circumstances and attributes you want.

The law of attraction works when it is used by the right

kind of people. It will not work especially for the ones

who have no faith in it. You are using this law no matter

if you believe it or not. If you do not believe in it, you will use and bear the fruit of the law negatively.

Many people suspect if the law of attraction really works,

this e-book talks about how to make it work and some simple steps to go forward with the law of attraction.