lber 12 !cooley plans 1 henry gardiner will go€¦ · back to resume thc:r work. ¥ -_ure! amrfa....

WE WISH YOU ALL A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR "'OLUME XIX. 'EW Rl'Ll:\G REGARDING LATE REGISTRATION TO .\PPLIED FALL QUARTER TOTALS 907 Annual Inter-Class Debate Goes BE I To Second Year Class I actil it1· tickets 11 to 29 ir.clusive By nanimous Vote and dollars. Rame NUi\lBER 12 ! COOLEY PLANS 1 HENRY GARDINER WILL GO RESEARCH WORK TO N. S. F. A. CONVENTION May Yisit France a nd Afr ica In Extensive Work on "Tick Paras it e., R. A. Cooley of Lhl::! I WILL REPR ESENT STUDENTS OF MONTA A STATE COLLEGE AT AN1 "U AL l\IEETING OF ASSOCIATED STUDENT BODIES seats co.:;t other fans ir: addition to their sC"ason tkkets which are The sophomore debate won a unani-1 $7.50. These seats are all put up I mt._::; dtci;:.ion in the annual fresh- in reserved bloc:k s and the sume l'..x:tminath;n .. for tht! autumn riuar- M sc OFFERS SHORT m'-.n-sopho:norc cor;test which was seat can be had for all season. r •\ill be hdd next. Wl'\.'k, Dcl·emher hc1d 1.hurs<lay 1 December 1, in the This pl'e-season restrve system l to Jti, inclusive. As has been c:us· seminar room of the Engineering will enab le everyone ad- Entomolo!!Y dt!partment acldressl'd the members of the Getting-er Entomo- FARM AND HOME WEEK I Henry Gardiner, president of As- logic:.11 at th<:ir regular month- J sociated Students will represent the 11ia1y for tht· pu:-;t :-everal ytars, COURSE FOR FARMERS building; vartage of it lo save appro;.;imate- 1.v meeting :\101 day, No\-t!mber. 2B, on :s.udent body at the anr.ual c9nven- tne subiec:t of the ' lick Para:;itl'.. WILL START JANUARY 2 lio1:1 of Students Fede:ation, iur will l.c· alluwc.•d for ea..:-n Considerable interest in the con-\ ly $2.50 on the seascn. The re- ·a•11inatic1n. Examination schedules •test was aroused h b th t I serv(d sections will be alternated. i\lr. Cooley told nf his recent trip which w1ll be held at Lincoln, to Boston, Wa . .;hinKton, D. (', ai.d )-ie,\· I Xcb1aska next week. Don Bennett, ill he posted tumot'l'nw on all hul- of toe This will be done as to give tin boarcls. T\\l'he " 'etks \Vo r h in Se,•eral hundred persons. Comnients of the stude nt sections and fan i--edion::; ) ol"k where he ronfer1ed with special- -- president of Associated Students re- istci tin this group of insect:::;. Ile re- Farmers Fr om All P ar ts of State pre::ented the college at the meeting iTit Courses .\\ ailable Through a;: p rted that he lppli cl to thl' 1 last year at Ann Arbor, :\lichij.?an. of in I Are Expected to Attend This is the second convention at ng at f."•J?ht o'<:lock )..tonda:. morning Short Course the orgamzalton and presentation of J cated to the1t· hkmg. d J1 ... mJ! promptly a*" fl\C o'clock --- Jthe1r material l\ew YorK for assistar1:e in his plans, Annual :Meet :.\lontana State college has been whLh are being made to l(O to Europe represented, and the third one that 1 F1H a\.· The.• ne·w ruling I Th r f k Henry Edwtn Eagle and Joe., ith rq!aJ<l to \\ln'l·r 1t 1artl:'r 1eg1ct- •o 1 ei: arc many f n}t'' ypen I Delaney·, the -------- ------- and Africa fc.r the purpose of has been held. studying the tii:k parasite. The week of January 2-7 at The ourpose of this meeting of stu- n ,di ... must team, uphdd the negative side of the I SNAPSHOTS WANTED er pru,r .to the holtday vacat10n I c.:oui 111 at l\lon- I F1 Kappa Delta question, Resolved Abroad . tana State college will include the dent. ... lo examine various factors Jn Europe 11r. l'oolcy to annual Farm and Home ,vaak conven- that contribute to the complexity of apptox11natelv thrl'c nu.nth tion of all those directly or indirect- our presert academic life . Students l'c.:nferring with specialists on licks ly in agricultural problems. a.ll. of t_he larger colleges an_d and parasites. He exped::; lo The .:\lontana farm bureau, a branch 1 umver;:;1t1es :v11l there this \Vith George II. :\udtall and Dr. 0 ; the national organization in which time to var_ious questions. Brupt of the eniYer!iity of Paris. the farmer is handling his own pro- 1 The 1s the outgrowth f artitularlv both of these nwn have tlems, will take up the first two days! of a meeting m 1925 of 1c1rg,e of un<l both on the program. The farm women , tuclc.nts from 14 different haYe col,Iected in Afric:a. . will be ptesent also t.o hold distus-: who felt that there was a d1st1nct r rd and thP1r au! ... tu1 ncd into the tana Stau c.:ollege which at given That the Umted States should cease 1 fie if tn•asurcr. -r t\\ he •eek 'ach t tere o i to Ly armed force, private I FOR FEATURE SECTION FNs must bl· pa1<l at thal time, or h:,e ;;epaied 1cap1tal 1nested m countries I Ucfo1e thP "Pl:OniJ "\londay .o '(;l:lal a '"ll<.:ultural line:-;, The r may except after formal declaration of u·1nn fet• \\Ill hl'. tharg-Pd e\etyone maker" ic€. cieam cow test- b) Leen Beatly, Joe M. Cullen, and Hlue and Gold of Montan,rn 1 t a•g- 1 "tenng p1101 to the holtday r;""), Ja; 11 , farmers, tii.i.:k' farmers, Conald Farris. ,, \' 11ter quartL·r The latl· rl'gl"- of the folio\.\ mg· "at. The affnmative was defended I at11 . or 1f fees fill' not paid at f1tnt g-nrners, stock growers, ranch . Ycur Plan s for c linH s.tnted . fotemci, buyets and .,.raders Jee L1ve1s, p1e,,1dent of the P1 Kap- Pa ges lht• tl't?'J:-;t1ntun for the rn·es<.>'!t {!e11e1al fatlllllS "ditch pa Delta chapter at Montana State I rn1 er ha-. nal'h(d a total of 901. machamt's <.>le,a!or 0 erators 'cheese college. acted as chairman of the de· --· 1,;\\1n\i!' nn of six cent 1 ,akets, els' dair I bate . Off1c1al Judges were l\11 ss Chub_- ''Blue and old Day s," o:ic of the er the foll oua1tl·r tl'\?'tstra 1 10n of hndsmen pure bred sto:k buck, of the English department, W I prmc.:1pal reature sections of the Mo1- ai It 1s «.•-..:pedt.>d .that the ... tock feetier:-., market C?ardners, nu 1 H . .McCall. n_g1strar 1 ard Leo ll .orst 'ta nan, is to be from f1fteln to cigh- rat on at the. tnd 01 he con11,:i: erv men, 1.!'lain pure seed 1 of, the education department. \\ 1ll1s teen this year, the editors nte- quarter "ill have rcal:hE!'<.1 n.a, gr'o\,reis tia .. tor men irrigation or ood a_ted as t1mekeep! r 1 1 nounc:e. fhey plan to make 1t one oi t·cmrated \\Ith. at .... <;oc:k Lu'...·er:) and sPlle;s 1 , Memben of :.eats sophomore the most mterestml! departmer.ts of Cooley expects to establish :1 son and learn new ideas toward the need for closer underg-raduate iela- tem1;orary static; in the J.! reservt:. imp·ovemert of bt::tter ;'arm homes. tiors. As a result invitations were und. collect the on a111mals, 1 According- to the progranl now com- sent to the colleges of the nation to 1n1smg t_he from Il13 plete, each davs program will start attend the National Collegiate World work will include. br10gmg- to at 9 ::00 a. rn . The $.._Oeakers to appear Court Conference at Princeton. The .\llmtana. the parasites. will be those connected with the reoresentatjves at this meeting decid- , __ 1he been I State colle_ge and other.s doing agri federation .Jf a::. a p1el111una1y .m \\hith t.he culturlil work in this stale. Each day 1or a more extensn e p1ete _of work m at l'leven there will bl! an as:semblv.·, The Federation, accordinj.! to its 11e last \ t'ar !-'C'H'ral appli . · team are p1 act1cally tho!:ie or last the annual. ve been 1"ece1n•d from re_w student:- : h ... e one of 1 year's \\ .nnmg- freshman. team. The The hfe of the students at o intend w entc.>r tht• winter quar- .. rou1,,es which offered 'debate as a whole, accordmg to Coach tana State college will bC' depicted in r, and a of former was on a higher level thi3 section, the humorous and the 0 did not for the fall quar- · · d !)_ 1 1 h . that of last vear because the quest ion serious events alik e Etchings will U } 1 th) s t a b I const itution, proposes •·to achieve a searc or .c para. 1 es c, n c cxC'ept on which is thl.! spirit of coope1:ation the stu- < one. ------ 1 da;· set aside for tho annual Fu;i dtnts of the Cnited States, to give · reed in the evening. Fred Griffith ·d t. t ff · I\' ill be toastmaster thh• year on an const era ion o ques ions a ectlng- NATIONAL GUARD AND interest· to de,·elop an intellig-ent stu- 1 .ncd. 1 . ;,vhaenn dent opinion of questions of national "" " and interr.ational importance; to fost- haY<> ... jg-nificd thlir intentions of r)', agro 11 ? 111 Y 1 dn sdt) orttc- lends itself more readily to debate illustrate the data wri.tten in narrative R. 0 T C HOLD MEET I and eats. er understanding among students of Potato Improvement the world furtherance or an endour- i assoC'rn.t1on will hold an annual meet· ing- world peace.'' tnir )! back to resume thc:r work. ¥ -_ure! amrfa. us ah ry_. airy mjnu- ard !s .1"!1ore div·ided than the form, while snaps ot activities , hou:ses, actunng, . m mec amcs1 and e ev- proh1b1t1on question used last year. students, the campu.:;, events will be ator operat1or. and management. Var£ itv Trip Agreed Upon . J · th t' 1 Some work in ag1;cultural education, The trip ·to Tiffin Ohio tr. use 111 e sec ion. . OOTERS SET DATE H terinary scie_ncc, agricultural econ- the ).l"ationa l Pi Kappa conv'en· In order to h1\\'e a 1.arge selection t·mics, secretarial science. agricultu r al tion April 3 . 0 has been definitely of. snapshots which to .choose, FOR ANNUAL SHOW erg-ineering, or physical education granted and plans arc now being ar-· 1 Miss Dewey, e<htor of .the section, re- 1 ing on v;·ednesday. A display of 1\Io11- The spe..:ific purpose of the National \\'i nn€r to Gain Possession of Marks· grown potatoe..i be on ex- Students Federation of America is. htb1t all week. The ::;ubJect of Tract- the vitalization of American edul'ation man ship Pract ice or 'Wheat farming scheduled for a and the Federation purpose.:> to carry ( gymnasium \\'.Ork- be includ ed as ranged. Letters of welcome have al- que:sts persons .?avmg snapshots . 1 received. from Under '\'ay throu_tth t•ut this purpose by promoting u I Each day of the week include !l 1 greater interest in our r'- zram of one type of l!\·estork end- cdleg-e . commun1t1es. The ::;tudent ing- on Fridav with Dairy Day. That Federat1on purposes to nromote and e\·ening there will be a large dairy mr:intain a great "intellectual inter- banquet anll meeting- of the various est" by propo·!y dealing with under- I resident of )[ontana who ts 17 of _t h3:t city th.e1r ing on the Section. Leon Beattie, and , r .. e Or iginal " 'ork of H. G. Boles. old or older and who has a read . ... erv1ces m anv mformation B . · C. Tl h t. will Several n 1 alche< , ing and writing knowledge of the desired before-hand. ei iane. le 0 . . important ., are )1. S. C. Graduate En!?lish is to these It is that there will be a schedukd fo:r the R. 0. T. C. field I shcrt ir. agnculture. The large. c1.ele.1?at.1on from the. northwest 111·1a"dle opf Ja•.uar". y team this wmter. The first of these is b J 9 d d d t th h t b h •· ,, a mat..:h to be helc.l with Company C [he L1...ote1s club of :\Iontana State ccurse anuary - an en .i an ·' is etr ope o rmg t econ-, of the Xational Guard sometime ;n le)!c. a dramatic organization of the '.\larch _3, 19- 8. vent1on to that part of the country .January. Company C. has purl!hased col have cll'finiteh· set a date for :\lany young men have profited b.Y next year. FANGS WILL SELECT a very appropriate trophy for the an· ir p}ay this vear. Thev will present these courses. Some have found their . Scmc changes have been nual match with H.. O. T. C. of Jl. S. the third of the spring knowledg-e a help to them on their the schedule of debates, 1t is an- C. It is a beautiful silYcr artc.r on and Tuesday of own home farms and rar.chcs. Others nounced. It was agreed 00 PLEDGES NE XT SUNDAY plate with the inscription, ''Annual 3.t. we'ek. find it a stepping stone toward more can.eel w.1th North Dakota ., , The · 1 ". the olde<t dramatic I remunerative emplo....,.ment. Wi th this U111vers1 t.v sinre t.he1r da.tes fell upo.n ( mni;.e-titicn in Small .\.rms' across " ·' '"' .., d h h fl d h b h the top. In the t'erter are two ..rarization on the campus. It was training- the reliable young ays w i:. con ictc wtt ot t np crc;:::;::>cJ above a buJf:s.eye target, and rted in 1922 when H. G. Boles, a I man has trouble in obta ining a _ also h3:s eome from ! Se n ·ice Organizati ons to Hold Meeting at the bottom is the Com- 'ntana State graduate, wrote the fa\orab le pos1t1on. Unne1s1ty cancellmg the date I r I . ' C-161 ·I I f r a:.· "Loot.'' 1,;p lo this time the I 1 th e1,n B:nd an offer ?f ap- f fo El ect New ·- H y. dub had given all the plays, but ., I with Utah Aggies mstead. . Members R. 0. T. C.-JL S. C. er was gh·c:n and was such FOOTBALL CAPTAIN ! 1 The details of the makh are not ut cc:-;;; 1t was decided to the I CHEM SOCIETY HEARS l completelv woTked out but it is undet'- matic organizat!o!1 "Loote:·s.' . DECLARED INELIGIBLE 'i Fangs for 1928 will be at stc-od that earh the trophy will Graduate \\rites . the regular meet11 g of the lnte1col- be r.eld bv the wmnmg team. Thus. This year H. G. Boles 1:s agam PROF SHEPPARD leg1ate Knights \\h1ch will be held if 1he R. O. T. C. rifle team is. vi.tor· iting- the play. It h•. to a --- I next December 11, it is .an- ious this , year. the on the trar:)-('onttnental fl)crs. J Dobe us Has Play ed Limit, Qf. nounced. Lists \\Ill have been kept by Colonl'I :\Iorr1son until it :s .. ·ton• of a young t'Oilege boy who I oe ___ 1 mitted by the severa l won back by Comμany C of the na- lds a plane and to make a ficials Decide I cc;.mpcsing the member ship m the tionnl g-uar<l. In the event that either flight in fiftl'en minutes . The 1 -' 1 ar es a nd Nort on Se lected to Repr e· , fangs and the rew men will be select- ttam wins th1ce annual v is to be one that please the se nt Ch em ica ls at Eng inee ring j ed as far as possible from those matches, the trophy becomes the per- lic: and one that will be easy to Dobeus, \\.·ho was elected cap- Coun ci l 1 names . manent property o.L that delegation. ge . The name has not yet been tam of the 1928 Bobcat football team I Since the Intercollegiate Knights is Rifle Practice Begu'n. en as . lr. Boles expecb. to last week. was declared inelgible for I a servil'e organization only a certain Indoor rifle practirn with small te the play and then gl\ e, tt a of football at the meet - p 1 ofessor C. E. Sheopard of the type of individual must be selected if arms at short ranJ,!e has already been tabl e Part of the cast_ has ·mg of the. Coaches at chemistrv cleoariment gave a talk I the work is conti1.ued at present started by Company C and the mem- eadr lJeen t'ho:sen and "hole Dc.nYer. 1 he rew 1 :u!1t1g that .a 1 befcre the Chemistry societv on the st andards, the fang·s sa:r. one Lers ?f t_he team been. twill be ki:iown man may e;n ly part1c1uate m .3 subject of the Am erican ·chemic. al I man from fratermty will . be Fi a.cure is to to.ntmue on drill fhe will he given "'.the _ilfunt- 1 of c.onferenc.c footba ll. H owe\ el , societv and student branch chapters selected and two at accordmg the 1s hdd. 1 theatre unckr the direction of Dcbeus al!·eady sta l' ted to pla.y at regular prog-ram meeting- of to the rule:. of the ch apter. Rifle. prat·tice on Lhe R. 0. T. C. l Hathaway, of the Boze- before tl.rn; nilmg was passed and it 1 rhe organization held Th . ursdav even-J m began Monday, n chamber of commerce . was at first thought that he would be iwr in Chemistr buildin Lecember ;)th and will be held every \t bt'.i.;inning- of the ::i.chool year able to ph1y another vear on this ac· -. Y g. EDUCATIONAL FILM afte1noon exl'ept Saturday and Sun- Locter:-; "l:lectc.d three plays; count. The ccPches decided against Signatures of me!nbeis and days until further notices. Captain e . .\kciislt,'' "Sweethearts,'' and this ard their word is law so the ... of the A. C: S. now being- Zeck of the H. 0. T. C. l'Xpects a e. Co-C'11.' 'fhev were going Bobcats will ha'e to elec:t another c..btamecl by the societv Ill. an effort SHOWS POW ER PLANTS large turnout of 1:andidntes for the ·h ouse one of these and present it captain. I to sel'ure a stu dent bran.:h chapter rifle team. He hopes to build up a ffr,q ir. Del'l'mbcr. but after This will be a ""real Joss to the Bob- 1 l'hre. tl a \·e1y tomr.etent unit from the mater- them thl'\' dec.:idcd that cat football squad of next veai· be- c ap·er ere wi e mu ua 0 . te ial that turrs out in the near future. y were not quite suitable and that Dobeus was a man tha·t played and the college, betnir Released By Stone·"·ebster Engineer· This match has all the pla:i-' would te mm!'l J?"oe<l footb·ill all three ,·ears and was leaf- of being a very mat<:h w1th the ter The date of pnJ'«.·ntation also an man in. the line He 1 mf!' co eges an u111vers1 1- ing Company, Displayed Jn keenest l'Ompetition. I to bt.: chan!.!ed to a latt•r time. IC'an1ecl. horor by playing a· con- the time, l In Semina r Room I. The R. 0. T. c. has unother s·stent. tle<:in game during- his football acc:ot lilt! to· 1 epp_ai ·. . .t'heduled for the ulrecr and the fad that he was elel'l- 1 DeleJ!ates tot.he engmeenng foebruary At that they will ELECT S rd c·aptain although playing in the I from _the. wi ll A three reel film was snown <:c·mpett; the JHth or· line proved hii:; worth. b.e E!nest president o.f the . . , . bl . )a !'.t 1 ,ues- g1101zat1on oi Fort Doui,!las. Other EAR ' (hen11st ry so:·1ety and Stuart Norton dngme;i 11 :g ·k Th e n·atches will probably bt• arranged OFFICERS FO R y was elected at the meeting of the · d of la er in Lhe I ALP HA ZETA IN ITI ATES society. 'i_30 B. c. until 1 THREE NEW MEMBERS the present. Pictu n·s were shown of A verv. interestin(J' exhibit was re- James 1\Vaits first stea m eng-ine and , special mC'etrng- of the 1 t-- h ·t d l I f1on ge to age EURODELPHIANS HEAR ACCOUNTS FORE I GN TRIPS Councl . 1 11 .a:-< i:alled Thursday, De- 1 rei\·ed lhis week bv the Art depart· 1 ?Pe< . · 1 a hi rh !llcnt from the United States Nation· until now It ts bemg used to .a g her 1 tor thL· l:'IL·ction of offit•ers. Alpha Zeta, National honorary al l\Iuseum at \Vashington, D. C. The t efficienc)· ir. the loc?motive . It . . . <'lec.:ted to offict:' included: AgTi<"ultural Fraternity , announces exhibit in detail how various showed the :-::tcam turbme from the 1 Ei..rt...<lL•lphian ·d DeLap, Robert Har- the initiation of three new members. tv es of orints are made and will be- first when the steam turned a wheel held rcg-ular! at n, \ 1 e rank z II h 1 ,.nP d" is la, at ll en·i·ck Tl all for all in the same mannf.'r water d<X's. thl· Della hou:-<c la-;;t ·etan and Deur Earl B. ::\'orns, They are: " 'aldo ernstein, ersc e p \ l f th d .\f h b lty "representative. Hurd, and Ralph )lcCall. who are interested. hoow th: a' his council is t·ompo:-"ecl of the The formal initiation took place turbine works as \\ell as actual pie· the 1 Jans. ElizabLth Gardiner. and repn .. !ientativc from afternoon, Dec. 13, in the Glen M. Kohls a former student in lures of the in operati?n· Lemmon . nt d of the five departmental or - agricultural building-. The banquet, the Ent omolo,l?v here, vis- Today steam turbrnes arc used R1ch1e gave a very mtt.1:e:;tml! izath n in the en;.:dneering .col- ited members- of the department develop 200,0.00 _ horse-power. a!"ld complete 1·eport of trip to . The present rc.presentatt.ves which wa 3 held in the evening in Fridav . Mr. Kohls is employed in the' mairtain the highe st per cent oi effH:. Eurcpe . At_ the L'Ontlus1on of the re- : Kobbe al d Harri son. electncal Herrick hall, wa s nttended by eighteen Tick ·L.abcratorv in llami lton and is ient:V of any mot or made. pcits,. were by incering; Harrin1-.'1.on and Wagner. members of the facultv and alumn i. from a trio to Miles ity I Statistics giving the advancemen! Bermce . and Ruth (1rus11. ite:..tural; Spence and DeLap. There were ten mcmLers pr es- in thP intrrest of the work in the of illumination were shown. ln 1 8:, 1 Ln"·inecring-; ).Jares and Norton, I . . . • fr ht th l Id b 1stri;l an<l chemica l engineering. el t, mcludlf1£ the initiates. central of the spotted fever. hile no busine:s:"- was transact.eel J about one eighty-fifth as much as can he matters .. 1 n- R. A. Cooley was a bus- Y. C. A. :\JEETI rG. be produced today. ing- th<;> tran;-;fer of engineenng I On the whcle thC' picture showPd ·s from the library in )fontana iness visitor in Helena \Vedn;sc ::· A meetinl? of all freshman wome n a very slow development until the to thl' Engineering library, were ao where he addresse e to elect a freshman reorescntative on last quarter of a century whence there us$ed. President DeLap has an- Rotan· club on the subject of the the Y. \V. C. A. cabinet will be held l--i:ts bef>n a very rapirl advancement <·ed that the next regular meet - Tick Parasite for the contro l of Th ursday at fh·e o'clock in Herri ck along the lines of power, heat and will he held Thursday, December I potted Fever. Hall. light .\LPH .\ CHI i:Hnl.1 \ !EETl XG .Alpha ('hi Sigma profl>ssiunal diem· isu·y held its rl"'"Ular me<•l inf? \\.,.edne:"tlay. 2!1. B. L. Her- rington j!a,·e ent<'rtaininir entitled ''Fire :\fa!!ir". irp- it with ,·arious experiments. Following the program refreshments were served. bned association!:i . raduate problems in our colleges th tt Or. Saturday the Third Annu-.i detraet from the intellectual program. Hubtein sale will be held. Other on the program not complet· (<l before hand will hold over until Satunlav morning. HELM TO ATTEND I TORMENTORS PLEASE LIVINGSTON AUDIENCE A. z. CONVENTION I Will Pr esent " Family Upstairs" at Three Forks and Belgrade This \Veek "ill Vi sit South Before Begins at New Orleans Concla\·e Saturdav r.ight, Dec. 3, the Tor- mentors put on The Family Upstairs n Lidngston at the Orpheum theatre -- I with a fine crowd in attendance . Ruth Helm, de!egate from :\lontana took Jo. O'Connor's part since State college to the national conclave ·he. is .attendir.g- the Board cf Alphn. Zeta, honorary ag-ricultural ccm enhon at. Lmcoln, ebraska. fiatErnitv will leave for soi..thern Thur.sday m_g-ht of this week the cities DC.l''ember :?O. The convention Ir.lay will ?e presented at. Forks will be held in Xew Orleans, De- at the school .audttonum. On b . 3l Saturday mght of this same week the em 0 '. _ . play will be put on at Belgrade. As :\Ir. _H,el_m 1: tends . to SJ?e.nd ::1 few .:>a'.u rday is to be Community Day at days \·Js1.hng- m cities 111 the Belgrade and the play is to be one of :::;outh .beto,r<: the date ol he features of the clav a fine audi- He w1_ll Orake l1mversity ent'l i.s expected. The piny will be c. 01;1nc1l. k·wa, where he wi.11 "'taged in the new high school audi t or- with ag-r1cultural It is I it.: 111 , nlanned that :\Ir. Helm will g-ive a re· The cast report a fine trip to Deer ncrt to the Ag c.lub as as Lodge and Butte where the members Zeta en situation Ill ,\'l re entertained by friends and frat- the south m to the regular I ernity brothers in both towrs, return- 1 ep1.;1 t or the t'onvent1on. inj! Sundav after staying over for the PHI U MEETS WITH BOZEMAN ALUMNAE Bobcat-Grizzly game. I After Christmas the Tonnentors will present another 3-act play in Bozeman and also Eastern Montana. fry- outs for parts will be open to ·yery student on the campus. It is cxreded that they will find some new talent esl)e<:ially among fresh- o f mt.n and the other who have .\1is:-; flrnnegan Life not as yet tried out in dramati ·s. P rC'mi ne nt \Y oma n In P rofess ion \- the joint social meeting of Phi {"psilon Omicron and the Alumnae club of Phi l-p:dlon Om1cror. W L'd. e\ enincr in the fireplace room at I It rri_ k hall. :\lbs Gladys Branel!an g-avc a ve1 :-· talk on E!)en II. Richard$ and her work <':-<tabltsh- inn· Home l':tonvmil's as a nrofession fo; women. The purpose of mc>et- jp(JI' heint"" to t'elebrate the birthday 1 f Ellen H. Richnrd". Games, song-s and delicious closed the 11l·ial hour. I l'l'Yi<JU:-< to the social time Phi t•rsilon Omirron held their reg-ular business m<!etimr in the Student Or- WILL HOLD ART BAZAAR IN HERRICK HALL WED. The art bazaar will be held in the art department in Herrick hall on \Yednesday from 9:00 a. ni. until 1 t:OO p. m .. it is announced. from Germany, China, Greece, and . .\ rmenia as well as an C'xhibit. of Oriental will be on display. Frank B. "\\reisner, '27 , i,.; atteni· nP" Yale univcrsitv where he is study- in_g- for the :.\linisti-y. llOL!DA Y FOil EXl'OXE:'\T STAFF :'\EXT TUESD.\ Y ganization room. At thi:; time re- l orts were given on the hav<' been r<•(·ertly, the 1mtia- tion banquet for Tau Beta P_hi, and a 1 dinner for )1rs .. J. :\l. llumllton and The !'=Chedule for publication of dinnerj to served Sat.. Dec. 3 for the Exponent for this quarter ..\IT Zeln and the been completed with this issue. for Dear. Berri k. Ph1 Upsilon Omi- There will be no l'dition publi,..hed cron does caterion as its profes;>;.ional during examination week. Thi! work and in thi:-. wny maintains a nr-xt rrgular edition will appear " holarshin fund and to the .Januar:i.· 3. Edith Franks memorial library yearly the mo t reeded reference books. '

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Page 1: lBER 12 !COOLEY PLANS 1 HENRY GARDINER WILL GO€¦ · back to resume thc:r work. ¥ -_ure! amrfa. us ah ry_. airy mjnu- ard !s .1"!1ore equ~lly div·ided than the form, while snaps


~xpnn.cnt "'OLUME XIX.

~E~~~~:G F~:A::~r~~JE::EK so~~~~i~~~H~~N I ::i~i:7,~~i~:;2:.:;,~;~::: 'EW Rl'Ll:\G REGARDING LATE REGISTRATION TO


Annual Inter-Class Debate Goes f1~nt~;1~iu3~~~i~e~1;r~.;e~~~~~~~ss~~~ BE I To Second Year Class I actil it1· tickets 11 to 29 ir.clusive

By nanimous Vote and t~o .(~2) dollars. The~e Rame

NUi\lBER 12


RESEARCH WORK TO N. S. F. A. CONVENTION May Yisit France and Africa

In Extensive Work on "Tick Parasite.,

Prcfes~or R. A. Cooley of Lhl::! I


STUDENT BODIES seats co.:;t other fans ~~ ir: addition to their sC"ason tkkets which are

The sophomore debate won a unani-1 $7.50. These seats are all put up I mt._::; dtci;:.ion in the annual fresh- in reserved bloc:k s and the sume

l'..x:tminath;n .. for tht! autumn riuar- M s c OFFERS SHORT m'-.n-sopho:norc cor;test which was seat can be had for all season. r •\ill be hdd next. Wl'\.'k, Dcl·emher • • • hc1d 1.hurs<lay

1 December 1, in the This pl'e-season restrve system

l to Jti, inclusive. As has been c:us· seminar room of the Engineering will enable everyone Lakin~ ad-

Entomolo!!Y dt!partment acldressl'd the members of the Getting-er Entomo- FARM AND HOME WEEK I Henry Gardiner, president of As-logic:.11 ~o-iety at th<:ir regular month- J sociated Students will represent the

11ia1y for tht· pu:-;t :-everal ytars, COURSE FOR FARMERS building; vartage of it lo save appro;.;imate-1.v meeting :\101 day, No\-t!mber. 2B, on :s.udent body at the anr.ual c9nven-tne subiec:t of the 'lick Para:;itl'.. WILL START JANUARY 2 lio1:1 of N~tional Students Fede:ation,

iur ho~b will l.c· alluwc.•d for ea..:-n Considerable interest in the con-\ ly $2.50 on the seascn. The re-·a•11inatic1n. Examination schedules •test was aroused h b th t I serv(d sections will be alternated.

i\lr. Cooley told nf his recent trip which w1ll be held at Lincoln, to Boston, Wa . .;hinKton, D. (', ai.d )-ie,\· I Xcb1aska next week. Don Bennett,

ill he posted tumot'l'nw on all hul- t~rdance of f~·om 3

::;~\~e~~~~fi,~ toe 0~1~ This will be done ~o as to give tin boarcls. T\\l'he " 'etks \Vo r h in Se,•eral hundred persons. Comnients of the student sections and fan i--edion::;

) ol"k where he ronfer1ed with special- -- president of Associated Students re-istci tin this group of insect:::;. Ile re- Farmers F rom All Par ts of State pre::ented the college at the meeting

iTit a~~~'~!!0 '~11 ~~{ ~~~t \\~~~ck~ 'lb:;~~~ Courses .\\ ailable Through ~~dt~~c~0~~1;s~:r~t~ec~nthttew~~-=tt~~- ~ii :~~:: ~~aac~:e a;: :~i;~~p~o~~:1"t:; 1~~ p rted that he hi~ lppli cl to thl' 1 last year at Ann Arbor, :\lichij.?an. R~oc:keiell~r found~tio~ of 1~esear1:h in I Are Expected to Attend This is the second convention at

ng at f."•J?ht o'<:lock )..tonda:. morning Short Course the orgamzalton and presentation of J cated to the1t· hkmg. d J1 ... mJ! promptly a*" fl\C o'clock --- Jthe1r material --------------~

l\ew YorK for assistar1:e in his plans, Annual :Meet ~which :.\lontana State college has been whLh are being made to l(O to Europe represented, and the third one that

1 F1H a\.· lft~rnoon. The.• ne·w ruling I Th r f k Henry Eagl~ Edwtn Eagle and Joe., ith rq!aJ<l to \\ln'l·r 1t 1artl:'r 1eg1ct- •o 1 ei: arc many f n}t'' ~ _wo~ ypen I Delaney·, com~osmg the s~phomore ---------------

and ~omh Africa fc.r the purpose of has been held. studying the tii:k parasite. The week of January 2-7 at ~lon- The ourpose of this meeting of stu-

n tlt('~ ,di ... tud~rb must ~ ce~i~t ~i:;~~n <:~r~ ~a~;n ra~~= "~ir.0:1e~ team, uphdd the negative side of the I SNAPSHOTS WANTED '-!~ er pru,r .to the holtday vacat10n I ~hort c.:oui ~~· 111 ~gric:ulfure at l\lon- I F1 Kappa Delta question, Resolved

"·or1~ Abroad . tana State college will include the dent. ... i~ lo examine various factors Jn Europe 11r. l'oolcy plan~ to annual Farm and Home ,vaak conven- that contribute to the complexity of

~i::end apptox11natelv thrl'c nu.nth tion of all those directly or indirect- our presert academic life. Students l'c.:nferring with specialists on licks ly in agricultural problems. fi~m a.ll. of t_he larger colleges an_d and parasites. He exped::; lo conf~r The .:\lontana farm bureau, a branch 1 umver;:;1t1es :v11l mee~ there a~ this \Vith George II. :\udtall and Dr. 0 ; the national organization in which time to cons~der. var_ious questions. Brupt of the eniYer!iity of Paris. the farmer is handling his own pro- 1 The org~mza~1on 1s the outgrowth f artitularlv both of these nwn have tlems, will take up the first two days! of a meeting m D~cember 1925 of 1c1rg,e L·oll~l'licn~ of tid~s un<l both on the program. The farm women , tuclc.nts from 14 different colle.g~s haYe col,Iected in Afric:a. . will be ptesent also t.o hold distus-: who felt that there was a d1st1nct

r rd and thP1r au! ... tu1 ncd into the tana Stau c.:ollege which at given That the Umted States should cease 1

fie if h~ tn•asurcr. - r t\\ he •eek 'ach t tere o i to prote~t . Ly armed force, private I FOR FEATURE SECTION FNs must bl· pa1<l at thal time, or \~en h:,e ;;epaied th~'~i~elv'ei uf~r;, 1cap1tal 1nested m forei~n countries

I Ucfo1e thP "Pl:OniJ "\londay .o '(;l:lal a '"ll<.:ultural line:-;, The r may except after formal declaration of

u·1nn fet• \\Ill hl'. tharg-Pd e\etyone maker" ic€. cieam maker~ cow test- b) Leen Beatly, Joe M. Cullen, and Hlue and Gold 01\i~ • on of Montan,rn 1t a•g-1"tenng p1101 to the holtday r;""), Ja; 11, farmers, tii.i.:k' farmers, Conald Farris.

,, \' 11ter quartL·r The latl· rl'gl"- b~l'(;me a~\ of the folio\.\ mg· ~utter "at. The affnmative was defended I at11 . or 1f fees fill' not paid at f1tnt g-nrners, stock growers, ranch . l\l~mbe.r~. La ~t Ycur Plan s for 1~1ftcen

c linH s.tnted . fotemci, ~rain buyets and .,.raders Jee L1ve1s , p1e,,1dent of the P1 Kap- Pages lht• tl't?'J:-;t1ntun for the rn·es<.>'!t {!e11e1al fatlllllS "ditch nder~ farn~ pa Delta chapter at Montana State I

rn1 er ha-. nal'h(d a total of 901. machamt's <.>le,a!or 0 erators 'cheese college. acted as chairman of the de· --· 1,;\\1n\i!' nn tmlt.'•l"t~ of six pe~ cent 1,akets, ~reamerv n~ana els' dair I bate. Off1c1al Judges were l\11ss Chub_- ''Blue and old Days," o:ic of the er the foll oua1tl·r tl'\?'tstra1 10n of hndsmen pure bred sto:k b~·tederi buck, of the English department, W I prmc.:1pal reature sections of the Mo1-~- \~ ai It 1s «.•-..:pedt.>d .that the r~~- ... tock feetier:-., market C?ardners, nu rs~ 1 H . .McCall. n_g1strar1 ard Leo ll.orst 'ta nan, is to be from f1fteln to cigh­rat on at the. tnd 01 he con11,:i: erv men, 1.!'lain farmei-~. pure seed 1 of, the education department. \\ 1ll1s teen pag~s this year, the editors an~ nte- quarter "ill have rcal:hE!'<.1 n.a, gr'o\,reis tia .. tor men irrigation or \~ ood a_ted as t1mekeep!r 1


nounc:e. fhey plan to make 1t one oi t·cmrated \\Ith. ~110 at th~ ..-.~me .... <;oc:k Lu'...·er:) and sPlle;s 1

, Memben of ~his :.eats sophomore the most mterestml! departmer.ts of

~\lr. Cooley expects to establish :1 son and learn new ideas toward the need for closer underg-raduate iela­tem1;orary static; in the J.! reservt:. imp·ovemert of bt::tter ;'arm homes. tiors. As a result invitations were und. collect the t1~ks on a111mals, th~11 1 According- to the progranl now com- sent to the colleges of the nation to 1n1smg t_he para:-<1.te~ from t~cn_1. Il13 plete, each davs program will start attend the National Collegiate World work will al~o. include. br10gmg- to at 9 ::00 a. rn . The $.._Oeakers to appear Court Conference at Princeton. The .\llmtana. the hvm.~ parasites. will be those connected with the reoresentatjves at this meeting decid­, __ 1he t~·1~ h~s. ~1:1~11rnl~v . been plannc~ I State colle_ge and other.s doing agri ~{I_, ~01i~~~1s~uii=~~:~ncnt federation .Jf a::. a p1el111una1y .m \\hith t.he pla~,., culturlil work in this stale. Each day 1or a more extensn e p1ete _of work m at l'leven there will bl! an as:semblv.·, The Federation, accordinj.! to its

11e last \ t'ar !-'C'H'ral appli at1on~ . · team are p1 act1cally tho!:ie or last the annual. ve been 1"ece1n•d from re_w student:- : h ... e ~tud~nt .~11 ~Y .t~ke a~y one of 1 year's \\ .nnmg- freshman. team. The The hfe of the students at ~lon-o intend w entc.>r tht• winter quar- ~he .. e~en rou1,,es which a1~ offered 'debate as a whole, accordmg to Coach tana State college will bC' depicted in

r, and a num~er of former ~tudents ~1~u~·s=~n~~f e;;3r!r~~ur~are.ri~~ba~~~ was on a higher level t~an thi3 section, the humorous and the 0 did not reg-1~ter for the fall quar- · · d !)_

1 1 h . that of last vear because the quest ion serious events alike Etchings will

U } 1 th) s t a b I constitution, proposes •·to achieve a 114~ searc l~n!! or .c para. 1 es c, n c cxC'ept on ~Vednesdav which is thl.! spirit of coope1:ation amon~ the stu-

< one. ------ 1 da;· set aside for tho annual Fu;i dtnts of the Cnited States, to give · reed in the evening. Fred Griffith ·d t. t t · ff · I\' ill be toastmaster thh• year on an const era ion o ques ions a ectlng-

NATIONAL GUARD AND interest· to de,·elop an intellig-ent stu-

1.ncd. ausl~oen 1. ;,vhaenn etxhcees•.,.0110're~,.:~oodn h~~f~~ dent opinion of questions of national "" " ~ and interr.ational importance; to fost-haY<> ... jg-nificd thlir intentions of r)', agro 11? 111 Y

1 ~cr~p dn sdt) orttc- lends itself more readily to debate illustrate the data wri.tten in narrative

R. 0 T C HOLD MEET I and eats. er understanding among students of • • • Th~ ~1onta~1a Potato Improvement the world furtherance or an endour-

i assoC'rn.t1on will hold an annual meet· ing- world peace.''

tnir )! back to resume thc:r work. ¥ -_ure! amrfa. us ah ry_. airy mjnu- ard !s .1"!1ore equ~lly div·ided than the form, while snaps ot activities, hou:ses, actunng, . a~ m mec amcs1 and e ev- proh1b1t1on question used last year. students, the campu.:;, events will be

ator operat1or. and management. Var£itv Trip Agreed Upon . J · th ~ t' 1 Some work in ag1;cultural education, The Va~·siiy trip ·to Tiffin Ohio tr. use 111 e sec ion. .

OOTERS SET DATE H terinary scie_ncc, agricultural econ- the ).l"ationa l Pi Kappa Delt~ conv'en· In order to h1\\'e a 1.arge selection t·mics, secretarial science. agricultu r al tion April 3. 0 has been definitely of. snapshots f~·om which to .choose,

FOR ANNUAL SHOW erg-ineering, or physical education granted and plans arc now being ar-· 1 Miss Dewey, e<htor of .the section, re­

1 ing on v;·ednesday. A display of 1\Io11- The spe..:ific purpose of the National

\\'i nn€r to Gain Possession of Marks· t~r~ grown potatoe..i w~li be on ex- Students Federation of America is. htb1t all week. The ::;ubJect of Tract- the vitalization of American edul'ation

manship Troph~·. Practice or 'Wheat farming i~ schedu led for a and the Federation purpose.:> to carry ( gymnasium \\'.Ork- ma)~ be includ ed as ranged. Letters of welcome have al- que:sts persons .?avmg snapshots

electin~s.). . 1 ra~y b~en received. from H~idelber_g ~~1nitC: ;T~~~~ ~=/~·1: 1t~= ~~h~~~d \!~~~~ Under '\'ay throu_tth dhcu:s~ior:. t•ut this purpose by promoting u I Each day of the week ~'.'ill include !l 1 greater intellcct~n.1 interest in our r'- zram of one type of l!\·estork end- cdleg-e . commun1t1es. The ::;tudent ing- on Fridav with Dairy Day. That Federat1on purposes to nromote and e\·ening there will be a large dairy mr:intain a great "intellectual inter­banquet anll meeting- of the various est" by propo·!y dealing with under-

I An~y resident of )[ontana who ts 17 ~m\~ers1t.y of _t h3:t city of~enng th.e1r ing on the Section. Leon Beattie, and , r .. e Original " 'ork of H. G. Boles. year~ old or older and who has a read . ... erv1ces m se~urmg anv mformation B . · C. Tl h t. will Several n1alche<

, ing and writing knowledge of the desired before-hand. ei ~ice iane. le S~la1>s 0 ~ . . important ., are )1. S. C. Graduate En!?lish languag~ is adn~itted to these It is expec~ed that there will be a ~~l~e~~est~~st~u~~v~~s.inTh~ a\~~~ schedukd fo:r the R. 0. T. C. field

I shcrt cou~ses ir. agnculture. The large. c1.ele.1?at.1on from the. northwest 111·1a"dle opf Ja•.uar". y team this wmter. The first of these is b J 9 d d d t th h t b h •· ,, a mat..:h to be helc.l with Company C

[he L1...ote1s club of :\Iontana State ccurse ?~g1ns?on anuary - an en .i an ·' is etr ope o rmg t econ-, of the Xational Guard sometime ;n

le)!c. a dramatic organization of the '.\larch _3, 19- 8. vent1on to that part of the country .January. Company C. has purl!hased col have cll'finiteh· set a date for :\lany young men have profited b.Y next year. FANGS WILL SELECT a very appropriate trophy for the an· ir p}ay this vear. Thev will present these courses. Some have found their . Scmc changes have been t~ec~ssary, nual match with H.. O. T. C. of Jl. S. the third ,~eek of the spring knowledg-e a help to them on their ~r. the schedule of debates, 1t is an- C. It is a beautiful silYcr ~en-in~

artc.r on ~Iondar and Tuesday of own home farms and rar.chcs. Others nounced. It was m~lually agreed 00 PLEDGES NEXT SUNDAY plate with the inscription, ''Annual 3.t. we'ek. find it a stepping stone toward more can.eel t~e d~bates w.1th North Dakota ., ,

The Lo,.',ei·.~ ·1". the olde<t dramatic I remunerative emplo....,.ment. Wi th this U111vers1t.v sinre t.he1r da.tes fell upo.n ( mni;.e-titicn in Small .\.rms' across " ·' '"' .., ~ d h h fl d h b h the top. In the t'erter are two rifle~

..rarization on the campus. It was ~cientifi~ training- the reliable young ays w i:. con ictc wtt ot t np crc;:::;::>cJ above a buJf:s.eye target, and rted in 1922 when H . G. Boles, a I man has littl~. trouble in obta ining a s~hcdu l es., _ ~?rd also h3:s eome from ! Sen ·ice Organizations to Hold Meeting at the bottom is the in~cription, Com-

'ntana State graduate, wrote the fa\orab le pos1t1on. l~ah Unne1s1ty cancellmg the date I r I . ' C-161 ·I I f r a:.· "Loot.'' 1,;p lo this time the I 1 w1~h the1,n B:nd an offer ?f ~n ap- f fo El ect New pcm~ ·- H

1~.s~nt y. ~" dub had given all the plays, but ., I po1r.tmen~ with Utah Aggies mstead. . Members R. 0. T. C.-JL S. C.

er "Leo~" was gh·c:n and was such FOOTBALL CAPTAIN ! 1 The details of the makh are not

utcc:-;;; 1t was decided to cal~ the I CHEM SOCIETY HEARS l completelv woTked out but it is undet'-matic organizat!o!1 "Loote:·s.' . DECLARED INELIGIBLE 'i Fangs for 1928 wi ll be selectc~ at stc-od that earh :-i~cai: the trophy will

Graduate \\rites Pia~. . the regular meet11 g of the lnte1col- be r.eld bv the wmnmg team. Thus. This year H. G. Boles 1:s agam PROF SHEPPARD leg1ate Knights \\h1ch will be held if 1he R. O. T. C. rifle team is. vi.tor· iting- the play. It h•. to ~e a t~ke- --- • I next Sunda:.~1 December 11, it is .an- ious this , year. the ~rOJ?hY \~·ill. ~e

on the trar:)-('onttnental fl)crs. J Dobeus Has Played Limit, Qf. nounced. Lists \\Ill have been ~ub- kept by Colonl'I :\Iorr1son until it :s .. ·ton• of a young t'Oilege boy who I oe ___ 1 mitted by the several or~ani~at1ons won back by Comµany C of the na-lds a plane and expec~s to make a ficial s Decid e ~ I cc;.mpcsing the member ship m the tionnl g-uar<l. In the event that either

flight in fiftl'en minutes. The 1 -'1ares a nd Norton Selected to Repre· , fangs and the rew men will be select- ttam wins th1ce succe~~i\.'e annual v is to be one that ~..-ill please the sent Chem ica ls at Engineering j ed as far as possible from those matches, the trophy becomes the per-lic: and one that will be easy to ~oc Dobeus, \\.·ho was elected cap- Counci l 1 names. manent property o.L that delegation.

ge. The name has not yet been tam of the 1928 Bobcat football team I Since the Intercollegiate Knights is Rifle Practice Begu'n. en as . lr. Boles expecb. to ~om- last week. was declared inelgible for I a servil'e organization only a certain Indoor rifle practirn with small te the play and then gl\ e, tt a ~nother ~:ear of football at the meet- p 1 ofessor C. E. Sheopard of the type of individual must be selected if arms at short ranJ,!e has already been table nam~. Part of the cast_ has ·mg of the. Conferenc~ Coaches at chemistrv cleoariment gave a talk I the work is conti1.ued at present started by Company C and the mem­eadr lJeen t'ho:sen and th~ "hole Dc.nYer. 1 he rew 1:u!1t1g R~Ys. that .a

1 befcre the Chemistry societv on the standards, the fang·s sa:r. On~y one Lers ?f t_he team ~aYe been. sel~cted .

twill be ki:iown b~fore ~hnstmas.. man may e;n ly part1c1uate m .3 ye~1~ subject of the Am erican ·chemic. al I man from fratermty will . be Fi a.cure is to to.ntmue on drill m~hts fhe pla~· will he given "'.the _ilfunt- 1 of c.onferenc.c footba ll . H owe\ el , societv and student branch chapters selected and two at l ar~c, accordmg unt1~ the mat~n 1s hdd.

1 theatre unckr the direction of Dcbeus al!·eady sta l' ted to pla.y at th~ regular prog-ram meeting- of to the rule:. of the chapter. Rifle. prat·tice on Lhe R. 0 . T. C. l Hathaway, ~.ecretary of the Boze- before tl.rn; nilmg was passed and it


rhe organization held Th.ursdav even-J r~na:c m t~e barrack~ began Monday, n chamber of commerce. was at first thought that he would be iwr in Chemistr build in Lecember ;)th and will be held every \t tlu~ bt'.i.;inning- of the ::i.chool year able to ph1y another vear on this ac· - . Y g. EDUCATIONAL FILM afte1noon exl'ept Saturday and Sun-

Locter:-; "l:lectc.d three plays; count. The ccPches decided against Signatures of me!nbeis and n ~n- days until further notices. Captain e . .\kciislt,'' "Sweethearts,'' and this ard their word is law so the men~ber ... of the A. C: S . a~·e now being- Zeck of the H. 0. T. C. l'Xpects a e. F~ir Co-C'11.' 'fhev were going Bobcats will ha'e to elec:t another c..btamecl by the societv Ill. an effort SHOWS POWER PLANTS large turnout of 1:andidntes for the ·house one of these and present it captain. I to sel'ure a student bran.:h chapter rifle team. He hopes to build up a ffr,q \\e~k ir. Del'l'mbcr. but after This will be a ""real Joss to the Bob- 1 l'hre. 'f~e ad"~[1ta:es ~f 1s~ch tl a \·e1y tomr.etent unit from the mater-sidc.rim~ them thl'\' dec.:idcd that cat football squad of next veai· be- c ap·er ere wi e mu ua 0 . te ial that turrs out in the near future. y were not quite suitable and that ceu~e Dobeus was a man tha·t played f-tude~t~ and the college, ~here betnir Released By Stone·"·ebster Engineer· This match has all the appe~ranc:e~

crig-111~.1 pla:i-' would te mm!'l J?"oe<l footb·ill all three ,·ears and was ~ver 5~'entv s~ch ~rouo.~.m ~~e leaf- of being a very c:lo~e mat<:h w1th the ter The date of pnJ'«.·ntation also an cutstan~ting man in. the line He 1 mf!' co eges an u111vers1 ie~ ro~g 1- ing Company, Displayed Jn keenest l'Ompetition. I to bt.: chan!.!ed to a latt•r time. IC'an1ecl. thi.~ horor by playing a· con- cu:~~~ coun~i-~ s~ the ~resent t ime, l In Semina r Room I. The R. 0. T. c. has unother ma~ch

s·stent. tle<:in game during- his football acc:ot lilt! to· 1 • epp_ai ·. . .t'heduled for the \~·Lek end11~g ulrecr and the fad that he was elel'l- 1 DeleJ!ates tot.he engmeenng coun~ 1l foebruary 1~. At that t1~1e they will

~UNCIL ELECTS rd c·aptain although playing in the I from _the. C'hem~stry de~artment wi ll A three reel film was snown in~ <:c·mpett; wit~ the JHth mfantr~.- or· line proved hii:; worth. b.e E!nest ?ll~1cs 1 president o.f the . . .· , . bl . )a!'.t 1,ues- g1101zat1on oi Fort Doui,!las. Other

EAR ' (hen11st ry so:·1ety and Stuart Norton dngme;i 11:g L\Ssei~l _ 1~3(,001! 1, 1 ·k The n·atches will probably bt• arranged

OFFICERS FOR y ~ wh~ was e lected at the meeting of the ~~ ~ t~1noord ~h · d v~ l~ 1~1~1 ~nt of la er in Lhe ~ensor. I ALPHA ZETA IN ITIATES society. ~~h~ 1 = 11 ~1 ~:,~ei· r~om 'i_30 B. c. until 1

THREE NEW MEMBERS the present. Pictu n·s were shown of

A verv. interestin(J' exhibit was re- James 1\Vaits first steam eng-ine and , special mC'etrng- of the Eng~:1ccr- 1 t-- h ·t d l I f1on ge to age


Councl.1 11.a:-< i:alled Thursday, De- 1 rei\·ed lhis week bv the Art depart· ov~ 1 e~e ?Pe< . · 1 a hi rh !llcnt from the United States Nation· until now It ts bemg used to .a g

her 1 tor thL· l:'IL·ction of offit•ers. Alpha Zeta, National honorary al l\Iuseum at \Vashington, D. C. The t efficienc)· ir. the loc?motive. It . . . >st.~ <'lec.:ted to offict:' included: AgTi<"ultural Fraternity, announces exhibit ~hows in detail how various a~so showed the :-::tcam turbme from the 1 Th~ Ei..rt...<lL•lphian Lit~rur~ ~ol'1e~:. ·d DeLap, presidcn~; Robert Har- the initiation of three new members. tv es of orints are made and will be- first when the steam turned a wheel held .~ts rcg-ular momhl~! at n, \ 1 e 1:rc~ident; 1· rank H~wa~d, z II h 1 ,.nP d"is la, at ll en·i·ck Tl all for all in the same mannf.'r a~ water d<X's. thl· Della hou:-<c la-;;t Wet~ne~· ·etan and Deur Earl B. ::\'orns, They are: " 'aldo ernstein, ersc e p \ l f th d .\f h b lty "representative. Hurd, and Ralph )lcCall. tho~e who are interested. t~rb~~~w=~d ~~!~le ddi~~g~~~~notf hoow th: n~t~tY~~n~~~j a' f~1~~h~/dil~~us~i~~e~f

his council is t·ompo:-"ecl of the The formal initiation took place turbine works as \\ell as actual pie· the ''ear'~ 1Jans. ElizabLth Gardiner. ~ident and repn .. !ientativc from ~aturda\· afternoon, Dec. 13, in the Glen M. Kohls a former student in lures of the turb~m·s in operati?n· :\ Lemmon . nt d ~larj~rie

of the five departmental or- agricultural building-. The banquet, the Entomolo,l?v ~lepartment here, vis- Today steam turbrnes arc used wh11~h R1ch1e gave a very mtt.1:e:;tml! ~md izath n in the en;.:dneering .col- ited members- of the department develop 200,0.00 _ horse-power. a!"ld complete 1·eport of t~e1r trip to . The present rc.presentatt.ves which wa 3 held in the evening in Fridav. Mr. Kohls is employed in the' mairtain the highest per cent oi effH:. Eurcpe . At_ the L'Ontlus1on of the re-

: Kobbe al d Harrison. electncal Herrick hall, was nttended by eighteen Tick ·L.abcratorv in llamilton and is ient:V of any motor made. pcits,. ref.res~mcnts were ~en_·e<l by incering; Harrin1-.'1.on and Wagner. members of the facultv and alumn i. r·e~urnir ·,. from a trio to Miles ity I Statistics giving the advancemen! Bermce . orn~ and Ruth (1rus11. ite:..tural; Spence and DeLap. There were ten activ~ mcmLers pres- in thP intrrest of the work in the of illumination were shown. ln 1 8:,

1 Ln"·inecring-; ).Jares and Norton, I . • . • . • fr ht th l Id b 1stri;l an<l chemica l engineering. el t , mcludlf1£ the initiates. central of the spotted fever. ~~~:dlll~~.~~10 o~~ ··wu~d co~f coearr~~

hile no busine:s:"- was transact.eel J about one eighty-fifth as much as can he met·tin~. ~everal matters .. 1n- ProfC"s~or R. A. Cooley was a bus- Y. \\~ . C. A. :\JEETI rG. be produced today. ing- th<;> tran;-;fer of engineenng I On the whcle thC' picture showPd ·s from the library in )fontana iness visitor in H elena \Vedn;sc ::· A meetinl? of all freshman women a very slow development until the

to thl' Engineering library, were ~ov . ao where he addresse e to elect a freshman reorescntative on last quarter of a century whence there us$ed. President DeLap has an- Rotan· club on the subject of the the Y. \V. C. A. cabinet will be held l--i:ts bef>n a very rapirl advancement <·ed that the next regular meet- Tick Parasite for the control of Thursday at fh·e o 'clock in Herrick along the lines of power, heat and will he held Thursday, December I potted Fever. Hall. light

.\LPH .\ CHI i:Hnl.1 \ !EETl XG

.Alpha ('hi Sigma profl>ssiunal diem· isu·y st>ciet~-, held its rl"'"Ular me<•l inf? \\.,.edne:"tlay. ~o\·. 2!1. B. L. Her­rington j!a,·e ·~rn ent<'rtaininir l~:rm:e entitled ''Fire :\fa!!ir". illu~traf irp- it with ,·arious experiments. Following the program refreshments were served.

bned association!:i . ~ raduate problems in our colleges th tt Or. Saturday the Third Annu-.i detraet from the intellectual program.

Hubtein sale will be held. Other n~atter3 on the program not complet· (<l before hand will hold over until Satunlav morning.



A. z. CONVENTION I Will Present " Family Upstairs" at

Three Forks and Belgrade This \Veek

"ill Visit South Before Begins at New


Concla\·e Saturdav r.ight, Dec. 3, the Tor­

mentors put on The Family Upstairs n Lidngston at the Orpheum theatre -- I with a fine crowd in attendance. Ruth

Je~·se Helm, de!egate from :\lontana f~latt. took Jo. O'Connor's part since State college to the national conclave ·he. is .attendir.g- the ~!01-tar Board cf Alphn. Zeta, honorary ag-ricultural ccm enhon at. Lmcoln, ~ ebraska. fiatErnitv will leave for soi..thern Thur.sday m_g-ht of this week the cities DC.l''ember :?O. The convention Ir.lay will ?e presented at. Th~ee Forks will be held in Xew Orleans, De- at the .h1g-~ school .audttonum. On

b . ·J~ 3l Saturday mght of this same week the em 0 -~- '. _ . play will be put on at Belgrade. As

:\Ir. _H,el_m 1: tends. to SJ?e.nd ::1 few .:>a'.u rday is to be Community Day at days \·Js1.hng- m \·anou~ cities 111 the Belgrade and the play is to be one of :::;outh .beto,r<: the date ol t~e c~ncla\'e. he features of the clav a fine audi­He w1_ll ''~•· Orake l1mversity ~t ent'l i.s expected. The piny will be c .01;1nc1l. Bluff~, k·wa, where he wi.11 "'taged in the new high school audi tor­v1~1t with ag-r1cultural le~cler~. It is I it.: 111 ,

nlanned that :\Ir. Helm will g-ive a re· The cast report a fine trip to Deer ncrt to the Ag c.lub as wel~ as .Alp~a Lodge and Butte where the members Zeta en th~ agn~~ltural situation Ill ,\'l re entertained by friends and frat­the south m add1t101~ to the regular I ernity brothers in both towrs, return-1 ep1.;1 t or the t'onvent1on. inj! Sundav after staying over for the


Bobcat-Grizzly game. I After Christmas the Tonnentors

will present another 3-act play in Bozeman and also Eastern Montana. fry-outs for parts will be open to ·yery student on the campus. It is

cxreded that they will find some new talent esl)e<:ially among th~ fresh-

of mt.n and the other studert~ who have .\1is:-; flrnnegan Distusse~ Life not as yet tried out in dramati ·s.

P rC'minent \Y oma n In Profess ion

\- the joint social meeting of Phi {"psilon Omicron and the Boz~mnn Alumnae club of Phi l-p:dlon Om1cror. W L'd. e\ enincr in the fireplace room at I It rri_ k hall. :\lbs Gladys Branel!an g-avc a ve1 :-· intl'H~:-<ting- talk on E!)en II. Richard$ and her work i1~ <':-<tabltsh­inn· Home l':tonvmil's as a nrofession fo; women. The purpose of thi~ mc>et­jp(JI' heint"" to t'elebrate the birthday 1 f Ellen H. Richnrd". Games, song-s and delicious refre~hments closed the 11l·ial hour.

I l'l'Yi<JU:-< to the social time Phi t•rsilon Omirron held their reg-ular business m<!etimr in the Student Or-



The art bazaar will be held in the art department in Herrick hall on \Yednesday from 9:00 a. ni. until 1t:OO p. m .. it is announced. Article~ from Germany, China, Greece, and . .\ rmenia as well as an C'xhibit. of Oriental textile~ will be on display.

Frank B. "\\reisner, '27 , i,.; atteni· nP" Yale univcrsitv where he is study­

in_g- for the :.\linisti-y.


ganization room. At thi:; time re­l orts were given on the dmner~ ~~at hav<' been ~erved r<•(·ertly, the 1mtia­tion banquet for Tau Beta P_hi, and a

1 dinner for )1rs .. J. :\l. llumllton and The !'=Chedule for publication of dinnerj to b~ served Sat.. Dec. 3 for the Exponent for this quarter hn~ ..\IT h~ Zeln and the ~ollow~ng- We~!. been completed with this issue. for Dear. Berri k. Ph1 Upsilon Omi- There will be no l'dition publi,..hed cron does caterion as its profes;>;.ional during examination week. Thi! work and in thi:-. wny maintains a nr-xt rrgular edition will appear " holarshin fund and ~dds to the .Januar:i.· 3. Edith Franks memorial library yearly ·--------------~ the mo t reeded reference books. '

Page 2: lBER 12 !COOLEY PLANS 1 HENRY GARDINER WILL GO€¦ · back to resume thc:r work. ¥ -_ure! amrfa. us ah ry_. airy mjnu- ard !s .1"!1ore equ~lly div·ided than the form, while snaps


---- I ll'orked hard and are ready for a rest as ll'e!I as The Weekly Exponent others who ha,·e made poorstarts in one way or

another. Some from both sides may not be back Published e,·ery Tuesday of the College year by the Staff when school again opells for in~truction. \Ye hope

chosen from the student; of ~lontan11 State College h t ; II , ·et urn Those \\·ho must of ne-of the Unh·ersity of :\f ontana1 Bozeman, :Montana t a j OU :1 ma3 I · . • Don"l Bet.: om e Frightened. The)

Subscription Rate: , 2.00 per school year cessity delay further educallon for a short wh~le should be encouraged to return to school agam.

1 If they ha,-e recei,·ed the ''\'ision" which is fon~Yer being held before students in our colleges and uni-1·ersilie~. these students will relurn under their

Acceptance for mailing a~ special rate of postage provided ior in Section llO::i, .Act of October 3, 1927,

authorized February 171 1919


The poor 1:111 \\Us ~oing- throug-h he nio:>t e.<:cc::ntt ic mottons. I~ se':n1-

cd as ii his purpo:::.e \\HS tn l~C l11m­sell mlo a knot. Tne t.:onlortions <H nb body wer<.! tenihlo. l he 1111).:H

hatJvnl'd heart::; must mo\'c with pit:.· tur him. Yet his uudi~l1l'e looked o .. wnh iudil-te1en..-e and cn:n amuse­nH~nt. it was a ~hame that any hu­man being shouht ~ui1er a::. hL was. uis pa ms must iun L' hec1.1 . ncuLe. .\Jtcr wnat st>cmcd hou1·s uf tmw h<! began to come out u( ii anU ti. all~ thtew him~cll forw.1nL 111::; n11~c1y \\as at an t:nd fur hi; ~mik•(l.

ubst::riber to the New Student Intercollegiate News O\Vll ince11th·e-, a inuch more \"ctlual>le quality · Service COV!Jring the happenings of au American colleges and universities.

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF......... .. ..... - .. EDWIN BECRAFT, '29

NEWS STAFF ASSOCIATE EDITOR. ........................... JO O'CONNOR, '28 MAJ\AGI.:\G EDITOR. ............... FRA.1.'\K lIUKSAKER, '29 ASSISTA::\T EDITOR ... _ ......... \V;\l. BENJAMIN, '28 ASSISTANT EDITOR ............... ESTHER STOCKTON, '30 ASSISTAXT ED!TOJ< ............................ ROBERT DULL, '30 SOCIETY EDITOI< ....... ............ }L\.RY McCOY, '30

Societ.r As.sistants, Francis Fogler, Florence ,Johnson R. M. L P. CORRE~PO~DE;\T ....... .ELOISE "'RIGHT, 28 FEATURE EDITOR. .................. :IIARGARET DEWEY, '29

Feature ·writu~. I\lary llale, Berniece Crane, Jam es Morrison


Staff Artists: '\'ilhelm \\'all, Margaret Lemmon Reporters

Leona.rd Wing, ( het Paisley. Yirg.inia Gilbert, Albert Greiner, Ruth Asbury, Patricia Kno·wles, 1\ormn Beck, Ruth Dudley, F. J. ?llacCormick, :\lary ·wmiams, Charles Ille, !'edra Gt?er, l\lary 8impson1 Ruth Woodward. Flora Davis, Hazel Mellon.


\Ye approach what is often called the bug-bear of students, good and poor alike, under the name of examination,. For four hours \\'e \\'ill gh·e a written summary of the \\·ork of the quarter-an enlel'taining prospect. Oh, well, think of exam­;nations ill England \l'hich coYer four years of \\'Ork.


The person who is fore\' er fighting his way to the top is fortunate in comparison "·ith the one who has allained lhe top of lhe heap and is forced to maintain the position. The Bobcat basketball team is somewhat in that position. .A conference championship girns a team what might be called a handicap. They \\'ill be feared in all quarters; ll'ill face stiffer opposition C\'eryll'herc; and will be misunderstood by many if defeated.

These bO\'S who "·ill constitute the 19:28 Bobcat BUSINESS STAFF basketball ~quad \\'ill need no agenc~- Lo do battle

BUSINESS MANAGER ............. HARDY THARP, .TR., '28 wilh the pel'petual "am·i] chorus" here as else-ADVERTJSlNG ~fANAGER. ....... FRED A. MORTON, '29

1 •he ·e 'ot 'hese bovs They kno\\' what the\' Assistants in .-\dverlising, Len Robbins, Frank Ceserani, \\ l . J. •. t' d tl . . l k. ] ! b;l

Leonard Johnson are up agams an 1ey a so now 10\V o coni · CIRCULATION MANAGER .. CLIFFORD SW ANSON, '291 it. They knoll' ho\\' h1u·d the going \l'llS laRt year

ss'ts in Circulation, Sid Hollingswort~ and Ruth Gr~~h and ho\\· much harder it will be. this ye~,r. _\.Ye can CLERICAL MANAGER. ................... MARTHA FLYNN, oO I count on them not to become "flushed \\'Ith past PROOF READERS, HERBERT LYNN, EARL RUDBERG I successes, but to start in exactly 11·here they stop-

courier Print ~ Boi;eruan. Mont. ped last year. ~--------~

I ] Can anyone find an application of the simile,


i-;-0 doubt the end of the quarter will be we!- 'i· "Like wh.i~tling as ~-ou pass br the gn1\·eyard in

comed by most of the students; by those who have the dark?



heap noise. l'm stay up all nC~ghh1_etf. ! HOM£ A GAJN Sleepum all day in big tepee.

· anywa~r. ! of tepee talk and ran:-. Um sleep I

1\ext d~y go lo see big tcp~e. Go . ------ first to squaw tepee. Ch.ief Squaw KITTEN RETURI"S

. · showum. Uh! Bad odor.s o! bad cuok-Re.:ently ~ t~~ern pole wa.s found m Jin:..-. .:\lakum sLk. Findum young ~--.-------------'

··1h:1t wa::; ~1 \er~ gliu<l 1cp1csenta­tion ol ~lun:th and the Wnnle.

'.!. 01./re a llHU\'el .n pantL•ntimL· ... '\ow w110 w11l ,g1n?· the u1,;•1rn1t.1on or pan-

,,~~~,::~~t.~irnime i::; ::-1h:nt dramu. AJ. p~·1nrnti\"e pL·op1Ls u:;e pantonnmc 101

rll!· L'Xprt!~:>1on 01 th ... •1r th .... ugms. \\ e IHlH~ u Ycry g"OOll cx­.un.1le of pantnmillll' 111 1uo.ion )lll'.-

tu~.~::;hal., \'ill J"' .• \ow thh~ pluy. he Ila\ c tlllh.' ent ug-h to ntn tlll"u\.li:.:h

;J. .i.t" st:Llles." ll1L' lU1lU•ll gut's up vn a sta}:e

.. cco1a~cd m Lrl111.111t llUC;;, cO:it .• • 1u1 r itu1e. Poor u.1ro1d cum Ls vn 1 !us 1.1ur~. lie \\cars gh~ll·nmm1.: • C>!J.~S(;!'. A cigarcttt..• nang::. 1

;.rn :11Lul\~LqUential mou~w..:h1.•. Hi: ~c .. :;; ni.,;. i.;:ull .. t. .• bs .n the cl>i:ner. r1n~s ~1 Lttle beJI, and rn1·uws him:-~1f ll1Lo •1 cha.11. A !:>~1"\"ant 1.:0:1.cs In a1.d niin b 11::11 th~ nwrning papel'. liaroltl ;,.p:••li~ tv him.

"l!s rn\ ba"th r .. ·.1d~ '?' 111c u~tlt•r bow:; alll..1 1L•a\"c::.-ll.'an:::.

Harold rn a mes:s ior he has lorgi:h­ten Ins lines. He :s.tunds up anti ot> towes conrus.eJ-but lPl.'c:. go vn.

··Tn· a1.U have r11ur lim·s tearncd t .:I? n~·xt time. Jland him a lwot ... ::.()llleone. \\ 110 i~ th~ deirect r oi he; pht) '!"

.Anli thus it goe:s. Don't be iuarm­e<l 10. • l:e bell saH:-; tht.: <la: :::iJ tn1 r•lar p: Vli~11.·tion duf;:s due~nl nt.:·L: .. ,;.:.:lin unt J next r 1ur:-:.da~·.

E.·1 ;mD1E:\T ST\ liO'\ TJ:.:,T>i .\l<l. T.\2\A .'EEO POT\ ro~.

l· cur hundred ,:JS:tc1:;. oC t('rt.fied Bl!:>::. Tr· 1mph pot.1tOt..:> are to be $.·nt tn Tex:a-. Ex.peri111t'n1 s ulion by tht• i\lontnra Potato Impro\nnen!. as~u­ciation. lt is announc:eJ. Tht'y will Le sent about Decemlwr 20. Thl" potatoe are to r.e used for ~est ing- purpo::~~­The partie:- interested in this work include the lmpreJn•ment As~OL'ialion :Jlontar::i State colle~c and cx11t.•rin:L'llt ~ta:ion. the railrcad.-.. and TC>:-.:ns ~tate ollt•gc and cxp~r;ment station.



1 \\ c.,,. ~I b!_:~ , ,1· • Lt h.:1~ -.. 1·u1·c1I

l\lf''\ ('".\""S vr. llllp 11 1•·t 111.:lttC' ),;".._,

rn .,~ littlt.: ]01 n h1. 111 t) 1 .on w~~ r,Hluc. · \1 ha 1. h1 <""' t • ht 1

p,d t.i \\:lit 1h!l·t! h urs an.l 11 ss l\\o l ... S:>-t::;. \\"irnl d1d ho. Cll1.' 1f lt' af­

l 1 :. :rozt.• ·11 t Ll' ' ' tin• 1~wm. t-11.: h<.Hl st:> ure<l his• ~· .irhl had tnrnul

i a nw-:.tNpit• (> u: :11 t. J:'I:" grabbed thL· p~qit.:•r ancl 1\ l"ll•

11 tc~ :t ~eckd0d n1n1t~r to r .1d. ( l l 11 1 t' vt•i;:::.ihlt•. l e it.•ad h~ (' 1t ~Pr t\\"kt'. lF~ rn:1~'c1 p


t'l(' \\ib m .. ~ IE· c ·'nd \• t Liq "on w l

l i. .. co, m;t ·u cic.le.

a. selected 1111.han \Jl!aj?~ in Alaska sq.uaw learning to cook. G() further. Again we ha\e an example o :\'hen the characters on 1t we~e re~_d Seeum pictures on wall. Good pfr- _,Jissoula 's g:cnel'ol"lty. llid yoi. al1 it was foun~ to ~dl a mo~t iemark- mres. Go inLCi room. ..\II sitting krow our dearly belon,•d :.rnd g-em k1

uble story 01 a tnbe that lived ~o the t watchinn· board. Try te(:hurn about bcbtat had been n•turncd '! You didn't south many _rears ago. and their !·e- makum'"' clothes. Go down.stairs. 'Yell. it was-and retu.11ied with ma:kabJe v1Jlag~. The translation Poisoning rats. Uh! :'.le leave. Ko 1 honors. The Fangs, one wmtcr morn­wh1ch was subnutt_ed ran _thus: likum young- squaw any-way. Art and I ing brig-ht and, a·reiYed nvti <'

~ DOKKEN-GETCHELL ~ ~ Funeral Home ~ _--- -

a -.- ~ -Heap cold-c:ou1e. do\\ n. through I Home Ee. tight. I go :-ee other that there was an 1mportart rim·kug

canyon of rock a~d rnto wide \·alley. te}J. · j waiting for them at the dt.1 pot. lrn-..\le seeum s111okc far fa!· away. Make t.:e. mediatelr, they jumped on thdr haste for me hungry. No eat for two . ~ 1 bicycles and WE'nt after it-onLr to days. Come to smoke and see village. ..;.t the mectu.g o[ the :\ewman club r:nd that the Grizzh"s h"d dccid~<l tu Heap big village. Big tepees all at held ~~ the Kni~l1ts of Columbu.~ h.all return our bobeat. ai"tL·l' tt had beeomv l·ne end.- ~Jany bravts ancl young last ~unday, lhomas >:-C~bC' _w.:l~ a little on much for ;hem to managC'. squaws.111 b1g tepee. . elected p~r~s1dent for the 1.:o.mmg ~e. · There was the bobcaL. in all it"s g-lor;:.·

l\fe tin•d .• Lay Uow11 by f1re and Other tH_f1cers. el.~cted. w~1e~ J,unes in a <.'age most gorgeon~l~· painted try· ~lcep. Ko.can sleep. Brave and By111C>, vice- p1~s1den}. 1l~~r:.; .LatH',01~: ~P with mar;y sportsmi:'lnlik'' :-.. e,. 1 ~ squaws from big tepee come and make ~ec1Etar:- i and I uu1 '-' mnet, tiea~t11el. ;;;uc·h as-''liarmless ~inre Hl08'', nnd

·· -i-'" Bubtat. 1 l \\ ;1s l'xhibited in thL

11 I I I I I I I' I I I I I I It I I' t I [I I' I Ii I. I a. I I I. i I I I I I I I I I I ... ' gym for the space uf a few hours when tf:c Fang<:. .lg"ain boanh:d tht.•;r lll1~t\· steed-. to r.1kC' the bobcat to he dcput - ~· that it mhrht be re-


The Bungalow ·1111111a1c 111111111111111i • 1c111111111111111···111111

tul"ncd lo Butte where it hc~om.::i;:. Oh. yes. it docs. for \\ c h:n e 3<foptcJ a new and hrttl'l" une. Al \'WU\"

wasn't it J ... i1d l• · '.\r::..~nula tu g~ to. aiJ •ha'" trouble "'ll nothin.~ '!

\J'\'T IT THI> Tl!l'Tll'.' .\lyrt1e- "'Yhat is the n11 ~t d:uu ci ll ,..

part of an nutomobilt.•'!" -Grace- ·The nut that holds t c stl t.:--r­

intr wheel.··

Funeral Directors ~ e and Embalmers ~

~ PHON~--;22 W ~ ~""-"~''..,._"'-~"'-~"-"'""" ,,

fWiiRITTil ~ HOLDERS ~ ~ SJ .50 - $1.7.5 · S2.00 ~ , In Case$- ' \ ' ~ Kleinschmidt Co. ~ ........ J&.IM.•~-~--""-'"-....................................... _...~ ....

~ll!! IU I Cl l U I II 1 I • I I I 1 11 • I l I I I I I 11 I t I C I I I I I I I I I t I I 11 11 I I I f I I I I ~ I I~



M. lANuOHR, FLORIST 19 East ?.fain Phone 95


Art and Gift Shop ~L\:\'.' l I!HIST:IL\.S 81..'GGESTIO::'\S

HAUSEMAN & M'CAll "f'tudcnt Supplies·· 1 East ;\lain Street

What do we do On a dew, dew, dewey evening

after the show?

Go lo

The Mai11 Cafe Of Course



Prompt, Reliable Service - Careful, Courteous Drivers

PHONE 3-1-4-W


ORTON BROS. Wl1.en Xerxes wept


If YOU DON'T THINK Clothes make a difference, try walking down Main street without any.


I I! f I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l I I 1!1 I I I 1111 f I 1 11 1 I I I I 1 1 1 t I I I fi l l I I I • I I I~


Monta~~,m~t!~~. College I ~ This rr.ammot h tur-

""'" e cash your checks'' ~p 1

bine \•:ah a totd, ... ~. acity A school lhat has built and maintained standards of or 2os,ooo k>Io\\utts 2so.-

~~~o-n-~ h 1 h' Off · h 000 horse po?.-· r \\ill be _ ___ __ ~11; sc oars Ip. enng courses in t e following divisions: installed in t!.c iww st tion

C 11 f E of the State Lmc. Gc.·ntrat-

r~~~~'-''-~"""~'-..,._~~~'-~'-~1- o. ege O ngineering ~ ing Compan near Chicago.

YOUH PERSONAL STATIONERY College of Agriculture ~ What a 1rib1g contrast

JOO Sheets Paper - 100 Em·dopes to match II College of Applied Science ~ 1 ~;''~1~;~ '.~~:1 h,~1~" &~~'~';"~[ with your name and address I College of Household and Industri'al \ ~ home devices it oonatcs

for ~.1.25 'rts ~ I\!AZOA In nips,° fans, Each course leads to the degree Bachelor of Science i qcuum ckancrs, and many

others Yet GuH:ral Eh.ctric LE.\ THER BRIEF C I.SES I makes both

I~ $1.50 to 512.00 1 1 ~· i GENE PHILLIPS Bofll s For Information Write to uK TORE THE REGISTRAR, aL s. c .. BozEl\1AN, MoNTA ....

~~-..,.~~~~'-'-~~~~ """'-'-~'-'-~"-'-~~~ . ~ GE 1': ER AL I ~'"-~~I l:. L l:. 0 f H. l L

THE great Persian ruler gazed from a hill­top upon his vast army of a million men.

It was the largest army that had ever existed. And he turned away with tears in his eyes because in a hundred years all trace of it would be gone. That army was a symbol of power, destructive and transient.

Today in one machine, now being built in the General Electric shops, there is combined the muscular energy of two million men, This great machine, a steam turbine, is also a symbol of power a new power that is con­structive and permanent.

Its unprecedented size, a record in construc­tion of such machines, is a pledge to the people that the electrical industry is on the march, ever on the alert to supply plenty of e1ectricity at a low cost to all.



Page 3: lBER 12 !COOLEY PLANS 1 HENRY GARDINER WILL GO€¦ · back to resume thc:r work. ¥ -_ure! amrfa. us ah ry_. airy mjnu- ard !s .1"!1ore equ~lly div·ided than the form, while snaps


VE CONFERENCE I ~~::;:~t)~t~~leb1~e~~re for the other home LIVINGSTON CLUB Ii i 11 :'.\ovember 10 the Bobcats will me<t llOLIDA Y B.\SI\ ETB.\ LL W N

MES SCHEDULED I ~~~i:. ~id B~;;·i~1;~ ~~'d .~{~~;'~'h~t cpl~): TO TRY BOBCATS G.\.,1 Es. • A. A. otes C:ah .\_g~nes at Logan on the 17. A Dec. li. ),lon:ana :\lines, here. I

__ ... ame with :\lount 'ant Charles col- De .. 19. 20, :\onh Dakota Ag~ie:;. '---------------~ . le~e has betn .scheduled and will be here. Rifle )latch.

otball Calendar Arranged At played in Helena on the 2~ or in Independent Team Will Be First Dec. 22. 2:l, Idaho lI .. here. All those entu inl( the ritle match

.'le"tl.O" of AthJetic d:<"h>e._ridan, \\'yoming on ThanksJ.dving O Dec . 26. Billings All-~tars. there. tepot ~ at the barracks to shoot their ·' ... ,., .... pponents of 1928 Dec . ~8. \Vyominl! at ( heyenne. ,. tar~et Thursday vr Fritlav, Directors This sthedule :-.ecms to be one of the: Basketers Det. 2~. 30. Col. Teachers. Greeley. Dec('mber ~ or !J.

most satbfa.:tory that )Jontana :-:>ate ___ All who ha\e :-:.hc,t five tar~cts with I -- as C\er had. At the first glance it Ian u\·erag-e :;.cure of ,r; 1_ {t.ll 11os$ible

•. t e ur t t nil· in hi~tory. )Ion- mig~t ~eem too heavv hut we must _The :\fontana ~t.a~e basketball tea.n fiO) a1e digiblc to enter the rifle meet. . ~·· .•. lk·~<· \\a 3 awarded five ccnstder that 01 ly two long trips are will open their ~.J.21-28 _sea~on at _the M. L. WILSON SPEAKS 'n'o",·

11it" ... '.tividual honor.s or high sweater I

lat .• ~~i\cnr1c·ky :\fountain confer- o be taken and three more .1.rnme~ in Dol1_e~~b g;rmna31~.m Frid,ay .eyen~n~, I , 111 rmc. (·ason Actording the starn than u~ual. F'lnanccs ·He ecen. er 9, agamst .the L1vrngsto.1 The girl shootin~ highest score in

~ w1 e fro n ('t ad1 Romney, the I \Try important to .\lontanu state ~nd R. R_ tlub. ~here. \~Jll be a ret~111 AT FACULTY DINNER• the match earns the Antcny Rifle: ).;, ti II chl·dult: was \"H\.' sat- thi-: s:.:hl'<lule :-hould rnake football pay ran~e pla·yhd 111TLh1v1n~s_ton the flolb- I medal. First, :se~cnd, third. fourth.

_ ' ~ ,\"ithout tau:-;in,I! too muth hanbhip on O\\ mg mg t. e Ll\:mgston cu plac-es recei\·e high points toward ctot). .11 the players 'ha:s played an early senes of g-ames

1 L.ii::::tc: medal

~n ~t / f 1:1lPr 1~~·c ~~l 1 ~~0~.~~t1~ \.:i~h e. l~~: e ~~~~-~t:c~~i~lul~a;ha a mo!"f ex= :~;t t~~e J:!~~1~~~t~a~o~· ~b~·:~·al \~=~:~~~ Hq>orts On Busi ness :\leetmgs fi eld I The h1ghe;t ~~ W t(~c ~.rn1t~h R\\·\11

ho at \lo ('OW. . a ?in: in t.•Hl' confercn~<' u~~~t~:t~. with much interest by supp~·rters o. Hecen tly in Chicag-o ~~~~~1

~1~~7 vt.l~ ~h~ot~ ~ m·atc~1

\~ tth ~h~ Jn I) ob< r >. ( uach ~omnl•y a~d ThC! tra ;.., tc>am will meet \\"yoming: both .t_ear:i1s. . . IL' of Dcla\\at~ ·a J \~ .I le~ne n ~' .. week trq~ on )lay 21 at Laramie, ('olorado. :\lay Thts fn-st gam~ will give Bobcat _ ,'l"J tculttll"••l i Haskclball.

f h\o 11port nt gaml·~. The} 2:; at Greeley· and participate in the tans &n opportu111ty to see what the .\I. L. \\ 11lson of the l'"o Ali \'\ho aie mtere:-.ted in ba~ket-1 I \\ h t oloradt> l'o.lle~~ at R( ·ky )!ouzlr~in l'onforei<:c: meet at t:olkge team looks like for thi$ sea- etonom1cs department !-ipoke before I ball repoit-. at the f!Y:H 1ul•:s<la~ at


Whether you know much or ltttle about women's wnst watches, you can not fatl to recognize that here is \•alue m<lceJ ! Let us show you these remarkable Gruen Gwld creations.

H. A. Pease & Co. Jeweler:$

d Spnr.1 ... o 0 tol-.L·r ti .. f1om Demer iin tht> twentyfifth. :-.on ar.~I what can be expede? of the facult:.. at the regular h1-mon hly five. Trnmmf! iuh.•s and plans fo1 ., e' will }.!'•) on .to Lmcoln. Tht> wtC'stlm~ an<l boxing teams th?m 111. tollegt: conference c1rc:Je3 meeur.g of the f!'1~ultv held at t~e j the cormng 5ea::.on \\lll be d1 l..'U.:;,.,ec! ~CHlc<!<:H:Hl<:>llt!®cn<:H:Hl<:>i:H:lc<l<:H:Hl<:>l<:>®c<l<:H:Hl<:>D

':>r ~d Y.herc the•\ will meet_ the w:JI have .on:t l'hance to do their ~tuff this year . The Bobt..ats are startmg Ccllege Inn last _1hursclay. :Mr. W1l- at this tune. ThH·e \.\Ill also be a Q-I n .t c Vt:n .. ~ $1.000 nex ~ yl'.ar. On F'ebnarv 2;) the\' will of then most. tryrng schedules Json .spok~ on "1he Rcpo1t of the ~hort penod of p1act1te. II B y

r<-1 .. ec- .1kc1 t P trip P? .,ible and . _a;..c m a boxing- a'nrl wre';.tJing and will n~eet. some of the strongest Special Ccmnnttee ol. tht! ~n-ie11ca~~ I Baseball. 11 ha\t• .t g-ood profit for the tcui.nament with \\·yoming- at Sheri- teams 11 Lmted States amateu L bas- A~Sol.'1at1on of Lam! Giant Colleges, The g-nl:. ba~eball season closul

It• . clan . The wrestling team will a}go bet!~all before the season end~ which was held at ( h1cago, ).;o.,:ember \\'.ith the soph anti uppe1 dassmen the hcn·e anctlwr c anee when the\' go lo 'Ihe1e are eight of }ast yea t s squad !15-17. victors. T\\o g-ame.::. we1c played w1t1 After it is all said and done-'c2an for the me1:t on l"ebruai-\· 18 111 unifor1~1 now. 1hey are Capt.\ 1\11 \\'11lson also ieported on the !..;. OJC:,, B-2 anu 11-~ Phat \\'1llh11ll" ~lontana State will ah;o er.lei: in t.he Breeden, l· Jank \\'ard1 "C'at." Thornp- \ f ndmgs 01 the bu~iness mer. com-I wa::. the taptair:. The g11 ls on the -:-----------------------------

ivi~·or!al ::wimmim! nwl't to be held son, .1va1 Twilde. Ott ~e.rclme1, ''Pack:' m.ittee \\h~c;h npo1tcd at the meeting \\1n_nmg h;nc \\On puint:-. tO\\ard .J U S T G O O D F O O D .,t Sall Lake . ::\larth ~ 111111 :l. JH.:Fallan<l, 01land \\ aid, and Ardet-ld 1he nat1cna l chambet Ol tommer<.:e. then· Bobtat ::rneatci::. a:d the Lai<:t£

son. Th~rc aJe se\·eral men from' This comm1ltee wa~ made up of al medal. ~--------------------------

' N

!ast year .s fres~man sq.uad -:- t.l~es lumberman. miller. three bankers,' S!. You Owe It to Yourself ............ ,,. •• -. .... _,. ........... _,. .... ,. .. ,,,.,. ............... -.. • .. ·.• .. ·.-...... • .. • .. ·_,...-_.._._ .. _ .. ....._ ...... _._.. .......................... _._,._. .. m<:lude ~~ hards, Browmng, emlt1g- vi.e-ptesident of the Glneral :\1otors I The pluni:-e will be; cpl'n ~t ~he Q.

~ sen and Saddler. Amor.I;' the new men company, and the pre~iclent. of V\'est-1 regular pe11cd~ dunn:.:. t'XUn"!mat1on I~~~






•, are two B<,bcat medal wmner$, 'Worth- ir..,.house week for al. those who wish tu makr-> thin?ton. of Billing$ an<l Worden of Dr. Atkinson. president of :\Iontana up classes.


- -- - ------- ------:: ~~;~c H~g-h, ~e Fra~e. a se~ond al! Sta!e college, was a leading- figure in 1 anu::u1p 1 =1::rttr..::..~..n.::nnm.::t:n::::tt::t::: : _1_ ::i=::..~-t:i=t::t:::nn

:.~:~:•: .•. ~r ~uanl fic_m _Boze_~rnn h~gh ~las .. I the making and nre::;lntation of the \\" c\.SHL~GTOX TEAl\1 \. ~{Cl. .. and cthe1 high ~choo1 ~tar:. of reprrt. The report rre~ented bv the • - I a

1 r~hmeL' ,·" . Cl b'· I' h com1;1ittee ha< already eaused 'mu<'h 'VA~TS MORE GAMES I ii net b<1en.\/~cfCi~~~ -·e~ b~t 1~~~~~ w~l} i:omrnent throu~~out the e~st. -- !i H d ' bt> few if am· changes from last thithe ;:\.:~~~s J~lr:t l~g~ll~l~lttef· f.1~~e~·~ Lo:o. Ani,rcles, Dec. A-To play se\·cn ft 0 w a r s

'• \-.e~r s team. The_y have been prar- \\:ete :'e-· :vi er t\~ t - . ? a f th. 1 confererce games 1wxt year and not I§ \ tic nz for son~e time a11d la5t week . ..e .. n.... en .v .Pe'. ten- 0 . . e I to play anr easy non-~onferer:ce ~ 1an off the first :-eries of a city ~laticnal 1.n~ome. but ~mce then h<l\C ganu.s is the ambit10n of the ('niver­•: j 1< '~rname.nt that i.;; ~timulatin'.; bas- ~ecn 1."e-e~vmg .b:i~ ten per_ ce!~t. T~e ~ sity of \\'a~hington actorcllng to >I ketCall mtC"rest ir: Livingston this 1.:_omn~it\e .... ex.1~i.e..,~~cl thjllHi~\ ~s as .1t" \ Larwin ~1eisne.5t, General Mar.ager of ,• \·e:?r. Coath Rcmne•- will no <loubt .avci 0 a ra iona l_nc owe comn.11 - the Cnh·ersity of ·washing-ton who ·: us.~ man)· sut.stitutions in Frirh.:iy's ~i~ t~!.~rmula.te ~\ ·~~icnal land policy, I was in Los Ang-eles for the Trojan- a \ ·cn~e:;;t and fans will have an opnor- - 1 · 1 son teP?' e ·_ . Husky battle. I ~ > tumt .. to see both old and rew Bob- , The next mc~tmg_ of the faculty w1ll }leisnest says, "The University of § \ ta'.s in n~tion. oe held some tnne in January. Wa,-hingtor. always pla;ys a hard u ~ sc:hedi;le as Bag-shaw belie\·es that ii \ A new well equipped home econ- DHIFT TO .1 HE CITY. I football is best learned on the ~rid- "i :• omic experiment Jnboratorv has been I it on under stiff com11etition and the \ nstalled in the lowei· basement of Tho reason why bo);S and girls l·niversity of \Yashington would \ Herrick hall. It is much larger than lea\"e. their country homes to li\·e _in agree to play :-;even confereree games :; :• former!)' when on the. fir:;t floor. lhe city is always a matter of ch.~- if other Pacific Coa.,:t conference in- 5 \ There is space for both the work of cu:-sion. and a "committee of expert~" ~ :itutions would do likewise." ff ~ the teachin~ departrnent and the ex- ..;ays that it. i:<> becau~e there are . This doe~ not mean that th~ Hus- ff < rerimert station under the new ar- ~!lorter wodong hourg and better pay k1es are ad\·erse to non-conference a '• ranf!ement. Exneriments in dietetics tl-ian on the farm . An editorial writer 'r..mes such a~ :\otTe Dame or the " ~ and food-\·alues arC' nerformecl upon of the \Yashinf!ton Past says that ~he ~e;w Year's J[ame but their main il ~

white rats and g-uinea pigs. exi:erts are off on their calculauon c·hjeclion is to set up g-amcs most ff

HEADQUARTERS FOR SANTA CLAUS You can hear his bells ringing in our store. Let us Have you a lot of worry. Hundreds of u~eful

gifts for college men. Come in and look around.

The Hub Ed and Lou Howard and he advances the C"ountcr opinion often referred tn a~ 1 ~r::.ctice games.' I

._ that young- people leave the farm be-"I Rockford . I llinois. au~e it is lonesome. When the:i.• get '.\1iss Brannegan entertained at one "\Valk-Over Shoes '• Elsbeth King, '2G, who has been tak- into strange cities they suffer disap- of her series of parties for new

Stetson Hats Nobby Caps ~ ing die~etics traini nf! at Cook Caudy nointmcnt berause they are still more ~tuderts at her home Sunday ~vening. n:u:mt:ttt:t::nt:U":t::'1!!t!U:!U:!!!!!!:::t!!:::mt:mm:t II! !! I II' '111111111111 l'llllt "I ho~pital, Chicago. has a~·cepted a kre-:oome. Then thC>\' have to re-~ position at the Rockford hospital. adjust themselves again.

•' ........................... _.. ... _,. .... _ .. _._ .. _. _______________ ._ .. _ ................ _. ....... _._._.._,._.._ ......................... _ ............... .... ~11 11 1 1 11 1 1 I 11 I I It I • • I I UI I I I 1 11 1 !1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 1 11 I I • I • I I I I I I I I I I I I


' '''''''''''''''~~,,..,._,'-''~~~~"''-~"""'-'-""-~~ a i


2 "

~ ~

~ ~ ~

;; ;;

i ;; ;;

I ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;;


THE HOLIDAY DINNER Needs the distinction which only choice meat

can supply.

Crabs, , hrimp, lobsters and oysters fresh from

the Seattle fisheries, have a mor e appetizing


Turkie., clucks, geese are excellent. ~ ~ F rom our extensive line of quality meal we can

~ satisfy the most discriminating.


r TH~~.~!.~, ~2;•_1N£. ;1

WE KNOW y OUR HUSBANDS, ~ I ;.:.:. : ...... : .... ":."·::.:.:.:.:."""" ... :.·.:.:."".:·::.·:·.· ....... ·.:.:·:"· .. :·.-.-·:.:; I SWEETHEARTS, BROTHERS, COUSINS I! WES1.~,!~~.~,~~~ERY i

-and the little boy next door. ~ ~- •." ~ • CIGARETTES AND CANDY A SPECl.\LTY =

_.\nd \H' know the gifts they will like.

\\"e cater to College trade 40 weeks in the year.

\\"c han' a reputation for being the foremost and

toiimost men's ~lore in Bozeman, and we are living

up tu it-not on it.

I"·ery man on your list who receives a gift from

you-from us-knows you not only know what to

gin:-but where to find it.

A thousand gifts a\\·ail your choosing al from

::~ rents to $75.00.


e I ~ Phone 266 - HO w. Curtiss ~ ~ 1,111111 I I•• 11 1 I I I I I Ill I• I• I I I• I• I•• 1>1' 1 1111 1 I I I • •r• ' I I l il l ll• ••''I I~




~ Complete Catalogue and Price List Free I ~ .....,..,..,.,, ....... .,..,..,.__._... . ....,.,,,.... ... --.-.. ...... .......,.,,....w.-...,.,,~-~ !================================ ~"""'-~~~""-~~~'-"""'-'"""-~'-~~~


Phone 79

Good. That's what it • IS • • • No USE trying to put a definition around

Camel. It i- a. di, er•l am! fugitive "' the delicate tastes and fra~ranccs that l'iatur~

puts in her choicest toliaao>- of "Llch Camel is rolled. Science aid< 'lature w Le snrc by blending the tobaccos for subtle

smoothness and miJdness. One way to describe Camels io just to :>ay, "The} arc good!.'

Somehow. news of Camel ha- got around.

Each omoker telling the other. we suppo,e. _\tan) rate, ii· fir t-in popularity"' well as qualit), It ha. Lcateu C\ ery n·corJ c\ n

made by a smoke. 1Iodcrn smoker. ha, e

lifted it to a ne\'· world leader,bip.

Camels rC<JUC ·l a place in your apprecia­tion. Tr} thc111 upon ,., ery te-t kno11 n.

l on"ll find them alway:. loy.J tu )Our iijg!.i­lol olamlarJ.

.. llave a Camel!" 19:!:7

R . J . R E l i\ 0 L U ~ 1 0 lJ I - C fl C 0 ~IP A i'I l , \\ I \ , T (J '.'.. I I ;:; :J

Page 4: lBER 12 !COOLEY PLANS 1 HENRY GARDINER WILL GO€¦ · back to resume thc:r work. ¥ -_ure! amrfa. us ah ry_. airy mjnu- ard !s .1"!1ore equ~lly div·ided than the form, while snaps



Delta Tuu .\nnc unces Plcd .~d n J:?: .

ChiC'8$!"0, [J)inuis,-( By ~·ew Stu­dent Servil'l!)-Cni\'ersity of Chkairo nc..ldc<l to it~ glories a:-; a t·enter of resea rch in physics when P·rofe~~or A. Compton wa~ Awarded joir.tly with Porfcs!\or Char1es Thompson, of Cambridge, the Xoble prizl" in physk~ for Hl27. Profes:-;or Compton is the third American to win th<.· physic5; prize. The other two men who won reco}?'onition \\ t·re alst1 of the t;ni,·er­:-;ity of Chicago. One, Prof1.~sor Al b<'rt .\fkhad~on. is ~till on the stnff. The c-hit..•f importance of his research. Pro­tessor Compton snid, was substantia ­tion of the puantum. or corpuscular, theory of light. Delta Tnu announc<'s pled~ing of

1 Lawre-rt·e Bjornt:-by. Kalispell. --------'iOTICK PllE$1DE:\T'S CLl:B. I Dinner Guests --Rt~ular lll<"Ctin,z of _the Presidl'nt's I Si;?ma Chi . . ...

dub._Tue~da.y, _De~. 6, a:OO p. m. D~:111 )! is~~!:> Alta :\lartin, Gcne~i(',·e Hnnu~tor s i:J~,,.S}?om ._ Im portant. I )Jartin. Two Dot: :\lr. an<l )!rs. E\'er-

Surne-d. "A'\ :\E hOBBE. Pre:;. ;tt Lewis, \\.illiam :\loon:. '.\Ir. Swind-

- _. ~ - - - - _. __ 1 Iehur~t i.rnti )Jr. Bowdi1 .. Li' ingston.

f f C:ut" l

: F A S H I 0 N : Chi Otne!!a

:\lrs. Ada Caldwell Tallman. walla \\'nlln, 11·ashi111<ton . :\atlonal llislor-

BARBER SHOP ian nnd lnsJW<'l< r of Chi Omega., \'is-f i Itt-·<l the lo .. al l·hapter houst.' dunn!t

f 'I the week.

A and : :\Ir. and :\Jrs. Henry Bol<.•s were ' dit1ner g-ur:;ts at the Alpha 0 hou~e A Beauty Shoppe ''" ;>nturda\' night. f J. B. NEIL, Proprietor : i B p J :\li~scs Gretchen Gayheart, Gran? f aths hone 461- l alhcffo. :1!'1t'erine Charette were

~~~~~~~~~.-.. 1 ~!~n~~rF~it:l~~~:-::nt~tht~ht.? Kappa ~ig-ma

I \\ (lh End Gue-.,t~ .\ lJ;ha tinmma Delta

.Jo:.-:.~phim• l'bll·k, ~orma ~11lith and Fnrn<-·i:-: Blackwood ,,.C'l'l" week end !:!U~st:-:: at the Alpha Gamma Dclt;,1 hcu~e.

L\'n1.. I rene Oa,·icbon, )lary Lanson. L~u1:-:: Spain. Xorma Smith. H.t.:'l.en ;\1:.n-:e\·, Gertn1dl' Hammond, .\lice .Joube~rt, :\largtu-e~ Ch~·nowith. ~:3~l.1cr­in~ Buzzard. Loi:'> \\ he:u. \\ 1mtre<l \\' heat. Florence Buins. \ 'iola La Li:>chcur. Helen Fleming-, Ruth Bolen.I!-


c:r, Gertrudl \\'il km:-::. ai;d Fnincis ~taudt.

.:'llrs. Ray Lewi~ :rnd )liss Dorothy


Ho_wanl were dinner j!:uests at the L ht <.>mega house \\ cdnesday.

I ~!~7Q~1cga :Jlis~c~ Gcne\·iYc and Ath~1 ~l!Htin.

Twu-Dut, wert.! g-ut..•!c\t::'> at the Chi Omq:w house for the week.

_\J pha Omicron Pi Fnll l'.lr1).

. .\lp:rn Omicron Pi ht'.'ld their :.rnnual Christma~- party :it the chapter house

Iris Peters was a ~unday dinner ~:~t 1'~~-i;1:\' ·:\~·~~cS~~~~. :!)lt'~.u~;~~ ia~~~~ !!Ue:-!t at the l\.appn llcltu h<1u.-.e. .\lr~. Sayre. and )Jr. and ) Ir$. \\'hit-

J)inncr .l;UC!sts ~lt tht" Ddta Tnu f1cltl ::::;painJ \lr. aml )lrs. Ilenrs ht·u~e. ~und1.\y \\L'rt· )Jr and :\hs. Tl Bole:;, and )!rs. Dean Hausenrnn. E. :\liirti .... :u 1 ..... .:\h:C'ta~ and )ti~~ Fh·a Budd, Genevic,·c Robin::ion . Stewart. · ~~ 1 .-\rl·hi<.> :'llinclletor;, \\ illlam :Jk('all.

\IJ;ha Gamma Oclta. F ormal Uinncr

.\ lplu Gamma Tlt·ha ei;tl'rt::tined Pre::;ident Linfid1l. OC'an Herrick. ,\Ir. and '.\11 :-::. H. E. Brown. :\fiss Gladys Braniµan and \lh•s .lulia )lonin as g·t1l'.,;ts al a fvrmul dinner ~iH•n \\'ed­iH~sdt•Y rig-ht.

?i l iss lleltrn Fleming-. Butte, :->J'l"ll' the Wl•ek t:nd at tht: Kappa Ddt.:t house.>.

1 I uul \\' inner. Ed Fuller. ,John Sullivan. Paul Lund, J ln l Holingt·i-. Edwin ~llomm(.)n . Lurton Smith. Ray Ball. Hai dy Thorpt.: . Ed Bossler, Orland \\'md. ,John Boyit..·. Roben Cunning­ham. \\'illiam \\'ahl. Lcorard ' \"ing, )lartin Fjield, Ra\' .J uhnson, Larr~ ht·ston. ).;ed :Jtillf~. L'lura Robinson. Gardner Waite, .-\rt $dh·1-. Ero PHlo, \\ ayne Johnson. 1h11ry Lounan. Tom l vnNh. \\'11liam :\elsor. Chc.•ster } aish.•)· and ,Jimmy Owu1s.

:\hnth}t Flynn .. Jerry Bowden. anti :\hn·g-an,:t Lt•mmon Wl!rl' tli111wr gulsls

rinnfr Guc:-;ts al lhl:" Si).!ma .. \ J11h:1 Epsilon hou~c n_.~~"-'""-~~~""'-"-""-""'-""-~'- h~qq.:a Si:;rma .\l1:ha Gamma Hho ·11 dtv ni~ht

~ Fall l'arh Sund:ly dinner h'•::;.t~ at till' \lph:i \ l~r:s '· -:__ _

COLLEfiE INN -for­



~ llelta Lambda of 1\uppa .Sigma Gamma Rho house wen• '\lr. R. C-. Chi Omt""gn hdtl their Benefit

I hl'ld tl.1dr tall party at tht> Elk's hall :Jkl.'onl. ;\Ir. .J. W heeler B~trf.!t..'r I Brid~t· pat t\· or. !"'aturduy aflL·n10on. on Fr:da):. December ~. Chap~rones I ar d Z\1 r. \'. D. Yl)ung-. Ft.1·ty-four iue;;ts wcrl' pi·e~ent. Tht: \\<.Tl' Prote:ssor nnd :\1r~. Therkeh•1..1n.


--- fund~ will ~o toward the furni~hin~ nrd )Jr. ~md :\hs. J. R. Parker. Sig-ma .. \lp_h~t ~~p-- ilon o! the Student. OrC"anizntiun room in --- I Fo1 ma l lmtiat10n Ht..'Irkk hall.

Prt..~ident Linfield. DE;_a1: Herritk. ~i,!!m~1 Alpha 8p:-;ilon hd<l fonn:1l ~ I rofessor and :Jlrs. :\lcKee and. Pro- initiation. Sunday aft1.:rnuon. Deccm- Omqrn J1eta's ~ fo~!"or ~\Jld :\lr::>. :'lfurr;iv were dinner 'bcr ·llh, for lhlrt Rutlt.>di.rc and Ray Fall f l;1rt). ~ gut..•:.:.ts at tht:- ..\migo house durin.!? 'John::1on.

OPEN EVENINGS AND ~ the week. A ha1 n dance "'" ~i""" "' the SUNDAY :\Ir . .a1 d )Ir~. Emmrlt )Joor(' we-re lllt!lllbt..•1 s and pl~d).!t.':::> of the Omc~a

:\lis:-::t~ Ht'ien Fleming-. ~oime Sunda~ dinnl'I' guests nt tht.· Sig-. ht.ta f1att>111it r lk l'mbcr ;{ at the ~""-~~~~~""-.""'-..~ Smith and James Lymah ''"ere Sun- Alph hou~e. Ii r ... U.:-; ha!L Tht?- ,1;. I was del't.1tutt..•d

day dinner :.rue:.-:.ts at the B. E. house. witn hales of haY, lorn::italk1', :irn.I Dinner Gu.est::; at I hain1.;::::;t.·::;. A Iuih.:11. barn st~· It?, was




Pi Phi Hou :o.t.• sen ld. :\Jary Tattan. Huzel :\lellc1n. Ben;~ 'l_hl'. f~h.:u_llv ~e~t:- wu·c D.ean _ancl

i<.·L> Xoni:', lri.:; Peter~. \ 1ula La- :\tr:-. :'\01T1:--, l'ro1. and )ll':i. lo!kling-, L~cheur. :\luq:~.anH Dt:wey. Dliliy I I rvl, and )lrs. )1 .. uay. and ProL Tripp, .Huth. Asbury. Fnl!ll"'. . ..;. Fog-ler, baig,c.;r. Oth~r gul·~t~- we~·e :\lr. a~t~ C'ather1re Fisher. '.\Ian· .w Stockton . )lr:s. Todd, D1. and )Jt~. \\ C'kh, ,\la!) Thelmu Gaylord. Alt.a - Srain . lrene I ,Jo Stol·r;,ton, Ru th RutledgL', ~<.irma :\kDonalcl, Xorma Beck. and Fr-.rnce~ Fiick. lr.cnt.' :\lcD01 dd. Andcr­Winton were dinner g-ucsts at thL' P1 ~( n, . Ru h Asbury. )[aude Hayes. Vt-ta Phi hou:::.e ht::it Thurscb.y. )Ict1·Jm 1l' Fisk, M nr_ ant Rowe. Doro-

Y. W. C . . \. C\BlNET SET -' i ~.~-~,..,.,,..,.,.....,..;o..o..,......,.._, .~~~.-..-~-~..,..,...._.._.........._._...,._.__._ ..... ,....,....,..,.,,..,.,,..,.,,,..,,. .• ,.


1ht..' nnnual Y. '"· C . ..\.Stunt :-.,:ight

NELSON CAB Oldes t and Most Reliable

,, ill b~ ht'."ld eal'ly in tht..• win:t>r quar­tl·l'. ~tl'-01<lin!.:' tu plan:- ut' the orgam- \ z .. tion <liscus::l'tl ut tht.' Ie~ular meet- \ in).!' llf the (·abint.•t '' hil'h wns held at ~ thl" . \ lphn Gamma Pt•lw ho~!'>c bs.t ~

night .. The nwmbc1~ p dn,·t..· '':111 \~L--.-.-.-..-.-..-.-.-.C-.' 0-.L"'"L-•E.-..G-.,E-. ... \ ... \-.·O-.R-..-..K-.-.A-.S._...P._E._C._I._A._L-.,T-.. ........... Y .................. ...,._....,..,..,, :ilso be inaugurated du11!1!-:' the wm-tcr quarter and will he of the per- Office 26 East l\lain ~onal in ten iew t)· pl' .

Shirlt.•y Fabrkk. \'iCt.'---prcs1<lt..nt of tht.:> Mganizatiot.. \\ill t:>xplain th~ purpu~es and ::;n)rc of n:t..mbt•rship Ill Uw Y. \\'. ( '. .-\. to the· ire~hman women at a nwl.'ling" to be held in 1-frrrit·k hnll Tinn :"day.

1'lans for the :state-wide 1.:oncla\'L' whit·h \\ill bt: hl·ld by Y. \\. C:. A. in Bnz.c-man next :-;pring were also lakl"n u11 at this mectin_~-

ir.t.• ri:elley assblt'd at. the punch table. (1 .. l.StS f llH'llt \\Cl'l.' .\lh;,s Ut: 'astro, )lhs s~hn1der, \Ir. ~tone, )ll'. B~ll'f!Cl'. . \Jr. and '.\Ir~. Thaler. )lr. a:1a .\lr::.. Earl D~rncs, :\tr. and :\lr::i. Emmett \loore, )lr. and )Ir::>. lkwey Street, .\li~s 11an . ..;en. flt1r1. tny Bcnl.'pt.'. Gt·r-1Udl' Iner. Ruth (al:win. Hena ~co­

\'il. \\' inii1'1.•d \\ 0 !lc:1t. lil·nit:,ht• \\'oo<l­ur l, )hay Franci::. ~pain. Lora Bt\1W1l. .Hildred '.\Iuchow. Bt•tt \' Purdum. '.\lt.>r­L"!l.a Edwaru:-;, Si.>lnu1.· Falbou1 n, Rat> Alll'l'llt'\. l'ntht..·r.11L' Buz1,ard, ~\tha ,\Iartin; l;enil'\'i\'c :\lartil. )liss t'h:unbc.rlain, Lt.• Roy Powe1s . William .:'\1c.'l;1t..•~or Le SC'lle \\'onhington, Lll\\lU f't..'~1-am, E:1rl Stimscn. Etl­mund. Bmkc. 'Y:iynu Kobblt:, GilhL•rt . \11.:t-arbn<l, ]{od1wy l'o:ster. \"al Glynr. l· 1:.1.11~ (irnd), J< .. dward \Yat:::;on, Frnnk l otl1n, c liftord l 1aig-. 1\.11.!th Sime. I ay Lbnd, Gh nn :'1-1uc!:ll1w, Ralph .\tUlhu\\, Pl·l'c~· 1, nnin. J:.•kc \\'e1:t­\\1Hth. (iurdin Lt· l'l'Tl'. Laurem·c \\" ll­... 011. L liffo1d Lanl!". ,lame$ )lunay, Bl natd Dn'\\11, \tax \\'orthington, F10~11k eemrewl.lfc, Frt.·d Bt.•nriun. H:1l11h llawkin ·, El!is Dawe::>. Carrol Jlu.:t\\\:t\'. ( arl s imson. -'id\ in \\'dis, Ra\ mon~l Sh~1dt1un, Xilt? Rom:\n:star!, 1'~1 i1t:--t thin. ~ormnn H:.i!11il. I u·tl:r \"ciung-, Ten1 ). Babeol·k. Ru::>$l'll Clark .. Jimrne\' :'\kl\.:n'. Austin Ot:>­FraU':, E \' ert.•tt Hc-;t, · lltu.!h Cotrnm. 1\.1.•mwth llyt•r, l brE-nn Pvpham. H:--.1 l lc' Ru:-::~d , GC'or~c Read.

llinnCl' :,!::t"':~ a t;1<' Pi l'hi lrnu,..e Thul ..... <l.1) Wl·rc :\l:lr\' Tattan, Hazel '.\lt'llon , B(.'l ttlt'e :\ 01 ri:-. lri:- P1. t : .... \.iol.1 I a L\ dkm·. Jlm .. g-s l)p\\'l'\'.

Ill lh 1"1ipp. Ruh .\sbury, Frands Fl'~h·r. Cath·1 i!·'-' Fi:-;ht•l'. )l:H ,. ,fo St t:..ton Thdma 1.;n\'l•>rd. Xnrma Fu:k, and Fr:uw;-: \\'inton.





I T he Home of Homemade Candies

--- I th,· ~tciiins. Bert 1ct.· Ctanl', Gladys E\'a :\lac Carmen and Beryl Rh•hop Elli(1t, Ruth R og....i:-::. Ruth Gru::.h.

cf Li\'ing~tor \H't"t..• Wt.>t..•k encl J!UC»~t:-:: at 1 hdma E<lwardt': Ruby l\.ino::>t:hy 1

he Pi Phi hou;-;(' . :\on11a Bet..·k . Rn,t :Jloran, .\l bL•rta \ -- Hufiine. Esther Sto.:klon, Amelia

~t:al~lll'XftHl<Hl'OtH:Hl<>'tHl<l-O~H:Hl<>'tHl<l-O'!l<:H:HX>-CHltHl'O<:H:HX>-CHltHlfl:><'> 1 Beta Ep~ilon ~pieth. Gla1.:e Ro.y3\ .-\lbt..·rk1 '.\litchcll.

RADIO Fall l'arl\. .. \Yilda '.\t:w O':\it..- G1·eta Fabrii.:k,

Set · - Tube$ - Parts Batteries

ill 1111111111111111111111111111f1111111111111111111 JI Dela Er~ilon held lhC'ir quartl•rh· Wilma \·an llorsn. ~lartha Flynn,

dandn~ pHl'I\· at the Ro~~ Garden oi1 ( ;\rdinc 11.aley. Fl 1rem·e Kimbnll, Sat~rda\· <.>Yer int?. Gm•\"b pre:.l nt Dcnothy Jle1dnc , Lul'lllc Crist, Helen

.. \\ere: '.\II'. an<l :\tr:.. E. Burke, :'llaric :--.trnr.!.!. Bc1tha Cinn . llelt.n ll1l'kman

.. Lund. Esther \V:.tkl'field .. .\lta ~p<lin. Dnlly Tripp. Jt..•ssie Ba1·ber. Out of Ruth Stewurl. Ruth \\'lweler. Blanche

1 town guest:; were Tillie DnnH.·1~:h,


Gladstone Bag

TraYeling Bags

Leather Suitcases

Ladies' Fitted Cases

Bed Room Rugs

Book Ends

Study Lamps

Bed Lamps

Easy Chairs

Table Runners

Book Stands

Pillows, Comforts, Blankets, i\Iattre se , etc.

- \nlson. Jlarg-aret Bt.:wnrnn, Ph\'lli~ .·\natonda ; .Ju t'lack and Dorothy ... . Jonson, Hden ~t.:hultz, '.\larthn \\·in- b:J.qn•nlerg-er, Jlillcn; B~ryl Bi:;hop

·hester. Elizabeth Btiwman. 1,('one and E\'a )htl' Carmen . Li\'in~.:>ton; \Ir. Paul Fitzpatrick . Deer LodJ..rC; :\Ir. Ted Sletten Hutte, and )Ir. Fra1 k

-~RIALTO I ~~~;:(i;;~~,:"· I 12"Hning, Dc.•rember 2. Durmgo the

THIS \YEEK ('\ enintr, butto11eu res \•,ere pre"Pnte,1 ~ !

Plumbing, Jfenting, Electrical and Sheet ~!eta! '\York

Phone 300 30 W. l\fain

~I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I'

\ SPECIAL 0 .. D .\l'."TY

Wiscorisin,! Jack ~fcGrath g ives a yi\-id picture of \Yj..,_ con,in in th<' Janu'1ry College ll :nnor. .\II about ib ~tu<lcub, fratcrnilic~ .. prohle1n ..... ils [. !"C3l and near- great .

EARL S. MARSHALL ~ I ,,, '''''''' ''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''' ':''''' '' ''' ,:;!


to tht? men b\· ;\h's Pat~w Purd,· und I t'l1i 0 ile!.!"a held thC'H' for.u1.l fall

Jan,· al the Rv"'e Guiden on F11day

\>1 Ra\' l.l'" 10:: Jr, a1ld .1 th.;l1ght­··u1 fa\ 01 d::tnl~ \\:l::i r:rh en bY :\,l1ss Collt~er Smarr \h$~ Patty Le~ \Ials­bm). Eli:rnbet~ 1ll' Frnt(', .tnd C.1the1 -

1 .2~~~~~; ~~~!=~"" 0Lhcr .pedal feature5 induclc Bach 10 Hot h~r by \Y nllacc Irwin, a con1plctl' no ' det te oft wo younf! people which show:.- all th(' tcndcrnc~.::.-i

an<l <.li~1uay of the fir~t ~cur of 1narriage.

Give Hini Hose Special Assortments in Beautiful Gift Boxes

100 to zoo We h:iye :i "·idc selection in pl.11n, fancy :'Ind cxtr.1

fancy styles th::it men :i.t.:tu.lllr Jil c .ind \\Ould choose for themsd\'cs. lincH t.1bril.'.',, bc;1utiiul rcMurcs, and newest f .ishionablc colors in lll i.icl.'sr- p:tttcrns.

All \\ 'cstl.'.Ott ho,c are,omc- in appearance :'Ind gu:ir:intc.x·C to ~i\C ru~gcd wc.1r.

Fach bt:J.ur1f'ul 3,,o;t;11t:11l i" plcked in unique holid.iy gift bt~x Jnd p"in:d .H ) 1 w :-2. Jcpc:nJ111g on number of p.tir-.. :inJ tc.·xturc".' c.\ch box cont:tins.

C"H .\'\TBERS·Fli';HER ro.


fiLORY" we·,·e told you enough.

Don't ;\liss It --o--


> ~1l~~mise $1.69 THE

Champion Shoe Shop

All good colors and good

sizes; sizes 32 to -1-1 . About

50 garments in all, only one

GIVES or two of same style.

10% Discount TO ALL STUDENTS

REX INGRAM'S ~ Hollingsworth's

A gen ts for l\IcCall Patterns

Peter B. I~~ nc"s _fir:.-l ~tory for this appear:,,. Gn111tlan<l Uil'c ''rites ou . Ill- l1uer­ica11s of All Time, ru1d there are n1an~ other~.

r $2,000 a.rt conlt"'"'I clost•:-J:'.ln. I:). 1028. l1uportnnt nnnounc<"- 1

L menl in College llumor fvllo\\ ing: i ...... lll'. Sl·ml dra'' in gs uo'' !_J

"THE fiAROEN Oppos ite Woolworth's 1


OF ALLAH" gl ....... _. _________________ ._ ............................. -."-; I l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II __ ._._._•_1_• _•_• ______________ ----------------

i I ~ p A L A c E ~ '! I I I I I I I I I I I l I I I I I I I ....................................................................................................................................... ..._._.._..._ ................................................................... ~ ......... ... A big picture-unusuall~· I ~ ~

___::_:~ g ~ Store for Better Bargains ~


0 1\1 l\I I _ ~ 1 G inch Pac Shoes \

• S6~0 \ -In- g ~ Rubbers $1.00 ~

"SILVER VALLEY" i ~ ~ui~~o~n~n~\'~~~~g&s ~ g ~ Sheep Lined Coats - , 8.90 ~

and an ~ ..._..._.._..._ ......... ,......_..._ .. _.._..._..._.._ ... ....,.,..,, ..... .._..._..._.._..._.t ~ ~ "O C i;t '....__}'~_~t,,~,.~

"'~,E~~~~~~~ ,. "" "'~" rn ;:cREA TEST CHRISTMAS STORE I A pleasant vacation and WE EYER I-1 .\D L READY FOR l'HRl'DL\S SHOPPERS

Jla't~t1~gl hP . .'Ro111gN1°,0fi_d


I~i ;~. 1 voutii·~,R,.a:011~t. 1 A ~~::;,;:~~:z.:~i"' Gi1'ts of ch:1r::tl'lc'l' for men, wumen and rhil dren. at all if you sh op at

Your gift pn>bkm will be no problem \\"i llson's

• • ! '"" "'"" ""'"· OeTI" ·" Ii~ SINCE lt1'JI, ~ SEE THIS PICTURE 20 S. Black .\, c. Phone 92;;.w ,J rL - - ~W1 1 f.~«1 /6


to spend a good time- gg<:> Broken i<'nse, re paired sa me dny '• .,_


~ ~;J_J;;L,Sf{!)j'AT • {J~~ \,\

~I ~~-~~~ l'B §~~~~~ j 11 I I I I I I I I 11 I 11 I 1111 ......... .._ ................. -..,....._.._.._,.,.._.._.._.._.._..._..._..._.._.._.,,.._..._.._,......_.._.._.._.._,._.._,,..._.._..._,..._,.._..,,,,.._.._..._.._..._._.._..,