lbt (thane specific)

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  • 7/30/2019 LBT (Thane Specific)


    q dt {3i-gTemrf xflrr 1lfi-3T-qt4 ?q-iql{Fr

    Eq 1r , r4F ' Fi ?".".3rrIrnq Fcr6 l?qrfir,fn rr6r9Fl

    rrrE fndi cRF{ " .iffi F.r@ rdqFn T.di{ar, Fqlqa i{{rq 4fq artu{ Fn .|?rqirF}'tuliaq niqifld (n ft s Ei 'f.54 ffi 3rd qiq{ ? rtu{fl Eiafirf@)sir z qk-im.

    URSAN DEVEI-OP]IIENT DEPARTMNNTHutf,bnr lfuiluiu ( ho$l . Ir3&nr ltrrr. ltord,\I3nr'rhJr. I L,n,l), aolr032 lr,bd ihe 23lh M!r.b 2lJlll)l lrt( A 14

    ll :.-::rR\ NlLs-J.rp C,,trroL{r,\,\, rr : i - L lT .2O13 / l rR6 / t l l r 3 : i r $1 , ' a : s , bY r l i . a ro r t rnn re r r \o i i l i l f L rd , I | 1 l r: i ltnl Oe'..rnl!rr No l,llt 20l:11( i 2:ruLr 32131 3ied 25iI, li 'ln,.'i 2ir1l , in-.-. . .1 rhc ;.*-. -rf"**l bv rLruse Ln"d) ol slb s.ciio. (:r .f "elLnD r2? of ric' ' ' ' . \ l \ ' q L l \ I " '' . \ r ; ' 1 . r . . . . r ' . " ! l r ' ' t :_: .. :: ria soods ;io th. l:f,i, i .i 1i. ,irr lix .onnnt|in'r, Ee dr \r I i|'r'in rr li'n: ' ir:n eFrct lron lsl d.r 1,1Aprl ! l;l: r . r : as r f i e f con id . , , , , ! , L . t ( , r o .a l i f r h t ( ' n r i ss i on r r r r l r ! \ un i r p i l' : : : r i t he C i t r o f l h rn r , . q . , , L i i ! L l ,L ifs a rd dn . i i e r t l o \ l r : ( , r h r Lo t r l l l ' l v: : : : ; r : ed on en iN o lr i , i , - l : ! ! f , i f : o lqoods no 1 ] i . l nn i l s oJ h ! l l r n . ( i r ! l b :: , : r ' u saL . 1 ; fa " . ,b i l l , . x r .nsu inqo l l i f r l l e r r r s \d l i s r : r r o r i l 3 ragon": . . : : : ' i l $ha ) i o ,o l , t l , r : i L o l rh . l l r anc i l r i . I co: : . T . r : . h . l l l , c L , r cn . Lh , ( i r . r nm. o i \ l r h3 r . sh t . . t o r s i d . r '. i : . , r . - . . r t i t h . . r r - , , . 1 . \ l , L l , r , . h i u mx r 1 . , c r L r l

    r : : : : : r : i . . \ . . u , t ! l , ! n N . r 5: : : 1 : i . : , I ! . \ . i B r o , l r \ . i l 9 . r ! )niifprr!d li y rrriot 911(r rh! Ilrl,rreJirr

    l 52 f I t l 1 )2Q h .3 , l r n . l. i : r b i r ! , i , , 1L l , , { 1 i l l l . i h . ( ]o r . r , ' en i o1Mr [ r , ] r h r [ r ] ' r 1 r v r l r r o fsl lul j Tr\ . l , i lr Ld,td hJ rho\ r , 1 . ! s . r n q { 1 : r f ! r i ! n b l n .L r 1 l , e . r i . r ' i u ' L n ! r l l i f l n r . r . ,i D . r 1 l . C i o i l , r d r l , A , $ P e n d f d

    i rL , , , , d h th . l \ l r t nc . , ( , ) : , , . ! L r r r l r l . C i l r ' r l. , , , , - , l q td r nno r ' l l e inn i I r l i t I LL r r ' r sun r rL 'n- r , . l i , l : . h .duL . l l

  • 7/30/2019 LBT (Thane Specific)


    Thrnr rlunicipal CorporrrioDDcs.ripti.n of ( li.ble 10 prtneni.r l,o.rl Inn\'TdCROUP.I

    Ad , . l . : i nd .o lD r.c i on .na . i . . r a r i n.n . i sno l l essd[n l i l i r p !n i . r . r vl r e ' hc ro. not contln,jr! s.r,i prcciou,!sLrtr,osd,rnu,n- - Narlswhelher rcrl or auir,r.d :nd ,, {h,ch .ntv 105 n Sc|firl. l\ (lrftr lJ doesPr .oo r , n , . i r l : i h r t i : r o - i r Co ld S i l !e r , P l r l rou i i , Osu r t r . l ' i l l i i unR lLodLum.Ruthen ,u . 'd r \ oT rn rD l th {1L L I J r t , o . . - " . ' l f l n - l , 'pr;cious mcrrl or iinar;s 01 d less h.. Jiftv p.rccnt

    I,re.ious Stone: Lnchiiig diannr,ds.semi Fr..ious sloncs xnd tlrn! Nnefi.rHa i rp :n r l i r 3 r i onJc$ . l i f . r beads fg l .ss . PLsL r t \o . r ' l I' . , ' d p "Ar..phne olall kind\ nnludinq hlln3plors,co lronenis.Prr

    , , l i J | . i . , . . . L o I l ' " . dl . ' f , D " . 1 ' r i " i g " d l ' 1 :o r L . n l \ d i DralkNinc Jps.rinliDns Anv niedicaLn.Dnnalionor l'eDr.riiot 1t' trsei

    I i a ^ e o d , , o , r . J o h " , d ' d LCojDrl,! A.i. 191r. LuL dtr ,i.t includo dlos,luiioqr.llinr rr i!r! rtrdsDr f ta t i O \ r xd 3nd N j l , I r L ( O! i d ! m .du f rd t r .d ! r J . r l i r l r ( r r rn (duDder he DNs !o i ( i lD re i i . , \ f . 11110( rh . .o r l rnd Brdm Chr ' r1 ! nscd i , . , ndN tn . l D , rFoses, , 1 -P .C . !pp l i . d i n ( r f l Lnd . r , -r f r r i n snp io 1 i t l i s & ] , i ) ( l l ' \ ( r r L l p l i . dLr oiFlincs lo, do'Grtr r: .r r L l' C l l u f p i .d ,n Cr l i r r i f . . \ . cedn rg 11 ks & l , l ) C . l ' : _ i l :snDo,o.l lr ond,ar.i3l and ifn!*rirl ul tSuerr.f3l,ri.s rnd tobr(to !. ,le-rrih.ri l,oni unx L. lrr rf Nr rf rr I, l i . . i u l ! n r .he rdd iL i on rJ ,L ,n ro l t r ( i ! GoDd . . fS r ( i 3 l In r )o r rd .tir)/,r,.!rr. For , 01dd,[L- ir ; derl]r.d L1 ' : r r l t r de panmis r i r . ll , r l t r h r . r ! r . i ! p . .p . .3 t i on .o \ l r u i fg rL t l nnLs,, i r|:..D :rd on. rr r,o', .f in. dllo$ing inlrrdi.trG n.n.Lr I iLdlc .l, 1 i : r J i : a .1 !d , \n rcd r r . ' r o i rmrnnn l s xN orh . ! Dq r . ( l f r f ' r qh rs: : : : : - . r . l : nd r . ( h0La . . . - r e ' t r 1 ,3

  • 7/30/2019 LBT (Thane Specific)


    { F r r Y f f i @ f f i m c s @ F E { i .

    Allkindsoabricl,sinclrdinsllJash bri.ks rnd refmciorvbn'ks rnd dionolilhi's,'s!h.ltic rooling lil.s, err ren roolidg t'les1d Cottony.rn bul noi indldil3 in.otton J.n $3sie:,6 ) Save as Frorid.d in cl.lse (d l abov., anv y3m rvht icr coveEd sith anvn,rterial or .oti seNing hrcad, w.sle Df anJ ofihc.r dclLtdins tollon srd silkvarn in hanks 5s.ove.ed underentrJ l? of Scheddc - I]

    Asriculh.rl n.chnre.y 3d l implcncni. a.d c.mPotr.ris lnd f3rb r|'reolorlier tnm trscloF, rrdlcE, ss h3ilers, orl c4i..s cltlir' nlndrs. pumlscL..hic pumping sars,crfa.iiors ol rll rrlcs 3nd p'Fcsoi '! 1\D'r]\ll cquipmc.h for .lcdronic coDmunicrtion bv In.less or bl srrc ntludmg 3509;l'|v3; Branch tixdEnsc (PIIX irnd llcctroni. Priv.l' Auloma c aran'h

    Alu'ninun conduclorsteel r.inlnrcedAluninun, its alloys 3nd pr.ducls .oiified uid. GDvernncnrIrinan.e Dcprn'nent No.VAT r505/CR 1l3/Taxarion I d'icd l: ild r lroclnui porder, belcl nul md llcn No 24031tlrcLs. Tarril A.t, 1935 5 ol1936)0 r l 2 l u r l l ] , . 2a r r l 0C0 .1 l eCen t f J l

    strnglasscs, ogsles,nnPLml lens.s

    Bulk drdgs,whctho iDrFo ed u nun!ficrned undo' lilen" urd'I ihe DNgs3lll Cosncli.s Ad, 19,10ls Can,ngs of rcnlirrous 'neirls19 l rnr,fusal. monoblocmd suLin.NrLl(' pumPsand frDlps'.10 Garden & l.!ch unbrell.s & .on,0Dn.nrr, t.ds ti r(!!Jres ihc"ttll Cl.\ induding fir. da!, fins cl,uri dxr i.d ball dnr22 aoal incllditrs coke n rll ih fon* bui trr!ldins .harco'l & brdrn! 'lrnrcorlu:fd for domeslic lrnos.s.(i,Lee bea.s 3Dd seeds. oco3pod, 4c.n lc . le3f ar.l ch(orv

    {i)i. and co,r prod!rts exclu,li ' o t ton . h r t i s Losr t l l l k i n l s 01 iLdn (n rd l s t ' (! r r , i nu f : . | ! ' . d s r ! re . \ l ) . i l i . , r i n r r lD ' uns r r . .d , h l !d t ' t \ s ' r l ' f o i l i ' r rFo

  • 7/30/2019 LBT (Thane Specific)


    :Flffimfl{5 r-@4 6rF.qd?z ?qll/

    2? Crudc oil. ihrt is ro saJ, crude pelrolcum oih r'd errde oils obilnred liomlituninols nir..als (sudr as shalc .alm'eous rcck' ssrd) whltever lhcirconDositior $helhc. obtaincd irom nornal or urdcnsltion Dil deposilsor l''il. i""t.*u'. a"r'rr.m" .t uir.uminousinerals ndwhe$oror notsubicclod1oall or any oathe followingPro@sses:-

    (41siabilis.r,onn ordcr nornalise he vapou pressu'e:isleldi.ation of"dv lishi arections irh a view o rciuming liem to r1r3oi ldelosils n ordf io improne he dminssc and Dainlain he pressue;ioiii" "aan,"" "r."tj' tr'*. hvdrocarbons rcvlouslr ocovered t phvsicalmeihods, uring he course f the abowe ennonedprocessdL?- ; : ; " ; . " r * , r ro .p " " n . lud iDs od oa Do po r d ' p le sans o rn o s r r r ' \ , " r ' - o ' a h M g c r h " P n ' i s \ r 5 ' q o f L h P _ b L ' '23 Dehydraled or lrocessed aegetables nd mushrooms29 Fluroscentubes ol alt vaieties ard thair fLllilgs, includi4 shades' lokes- "t'.t * ,"a oir'- --o"nents, parts and ac'esso es l\ereot29(A)(a)Dcv,ces nolificd lron iimc !o rimo bv ile Ceniral Gove'nmcnt trrder :toto;b "h'.. ii,).lcla*e (a ) of sectio! 3 orD'ugs and CosmeticsAct 1940.6 , B31o"a 'd d " ' ' nE . men- r " u r "d " i ' po "d 'n o I ' d " o " -d 00l r ' , , t i . . - - a ' " 4 . ' t ' - n . g r " r r " d d l " D r ' 6 a d ' o n "

    (6 ) Donesn. pressu.e ookors 3no p!"',(c ) Buckels madeofnon, s@el,aluminium plaslic o' anv oiher Msterial 2oA'/'34 Fe r i i l i z c r s ,n . l ud ing b io fe r t i l i se ' s , tnsec l i c i des 'pes l i c ides fung i c i des ' L00s '* ;;;;';"i;; ."a"",-fr*. r'*r,i"ia* aniispotrrins roducisprsnr growrh

    30 Edible oiL,edibl. oi l in u.fined fo.ns md oil cakes

    32 Exercise book. sraph book, lsbo.arory nole book sd drawins books33 (a)le.tuus and.oD fer.ous domesii' utetsils,lvheiher coated iih 3nvor not othcr ths ihos made fron precios mcialsi

    ptumoGrs or regulalors,midonulricnts bni' not includins disinfeclants35 of.ll rypes rnd fibrc vsstc36 Fircclay, .o.l ash, .oal boiLerash, .oal cinder

    ash 'oal po{de'' clinker3? (r l Pdse nolr includins besan nixed vilh tlour olother puhes

    {d l Puke nour includingbeso mixed ivith J]ourof cercsb including nat*i(c ) Pulse flour in.luding besanmixed wit\ flour olother puhcs and cercals

    Cmds ofinbnEible o. in@rporcalmlu'e no'ned trl]| CovefMeti Noliti'at'on'rL".* O"o".i-*t rq"r'e'f I5O5/CR 14lTrialLoD I ddd rst Jue 2005Suiics. *bch eses, brief cases dispaLh casesvrtritJ c'Cypsm oa3ii forns 3nd descriplioc axcludingsvpsum bo3'ds

    43 ': bo\$ mlde ofSieel or Alunnnrnr

  • 7/30/2019 LBT (Thane Specific)


    l1re!Frreffin(6-r @F fdw.mj rz ?o!r/ir!,rr+l1lc

    44 l], grmbiar, ba, i. d'J, drf roor,olrno.rv knoqn rs rari hooii md dry 2 00'r12)


    50 Ice includhg dry ice.51 ink padr of any aofm.52 Cur[ndy esse.ces nrvoding esselcee.53 Induslrial cabtesHish roltase ables,pldsl,ic oalod ables.ellv fiLlcd ables,

    Inausrrisl inpuls aDd packing roierials noiified u;d. Co{ernnrenl Ndblicatior'Finan@ DopartmenrNo.VAT lso5/Cn 234lTetidn_1, datd1sl sopiembe.2005Iron and steel, lhdl is to s8y,r | p i g u o n . s p o B " o na ' d c * ' t r o i n J u d n g n g l l sn o l l d b v t o n p r a r sfoo "o6p, .ai ir o - ap. rJr ner s4ap ffd rron lkuir {r3p(tt) 3t el semis insots,slabs,btoonsand billeb of alLq$rilies shqpesedsizes)(;ii) skeit bss, tin ba.s, sheeiba$, hoe bds ald sleeperbars(tu) stel b*s l.oD&. rods. squale natg, octgons md losgo's plain md ibbedor r{i5t d in @il fo.n as wIl * sirsisht lengds) ;(u),steel shucturals, (ansles, dints, chaDels, ie3, sheet piLhng sectionsZ setions or $J otLer .olled sectiont I(,i, "beels. nooF., flps, ard skclp, borh ano ca van ' d l or 31d 'old6U"d, pian s ; con ca d. in,l qusltrres r sEaiEh lcr! 'r ' o r' rcJ fo-1tr tulLed and in .evetted conditions j(uit) pletes boi,h plain md cheqrcred in oI qualities I(ritt) dis6, rilgs, fo.gines and ste]c*lingsi(d ) todl, alloy and spccialst eG ola.v olthc aboveet so.ies:(r) steel meltins sc.ap in all lorms incLuding steLskull tuning and bo'ing(:i)steltubes,bothweldcdsndseanless,olaUdiueie.sandlenglhs,including.rtr !n olatr bo l oL o'pFAoeo e6cr'olvuc od rir h' pl s "sr " /_ tp tFd s oca i ' nops dba ' ! ' ro rnss leepe rbB '5i r n la o b "c r i nsplalos,cr;ssins slecpersa.d p.esed stecLsleepers,ails hcavv snd light cane(:io) wheel6, las, axles and rvheelsets;(ru) virc .ods and wires{olled, dra*n, galvdizcd eluninizcd, !'nDcd or coaid@i * l i t * e . , r e f . 1 ' t g oJend p ' c . r so l a t t o i l bL s "so i i s

    56 tT Producis .otified Dtdz Covernment Notification Finance Department 3 50!r'No. VAT 1505/CR23?/Tax.tionl, dated 17ih Octobe.2005

    Fides and skins, r'horhc, nr ra{ o. dJcased bieHose pipes snd fillingr iherool:All kinds of indusitisl. comne..iai & domesfic .eceplalcs lo keep food ofbeveraqes ot o. .old in.luding vsccune flssh,thertuses,thermic jugs, ice bucketsor box;,uns,careroLcs ',rd conponenis,parts ud accessoies h$col

    Jute thrl is lo say, rl,e fiber ext.acled from planis balonsCorchorls Crpsulrries and Co.cho.usoiltdius and the fLbcr n)m as ncsis o'binni exrr.cled from plsnts ofthe speciesEibiscus CannsbrrorLs nd HibiscussubdarilTa a.rltissima .td lhe Jibre inown ss Slm and Ssirn Llx$p extrsctc'ifron plants ot rbe spe.ies Cntrslffi. Jucea, rvhelher bEl.d rr 'rhervrsc



  • 7/30/2019 LBT (Thane Specific)


    {iFg9Ri@sa]!@n\r{-r-@x a:n qi ?2 ,?oii/+r s.Frliq



    Kcrosa.eoil sdld hrcugh he PubjicDisuburion SystnD.y .clh & drr balte.i$ of all v..iclies .Limc. ide sione,prcducLs f lire. dolomitetrtaize clut n ad daik gem oil.Napa Slabs(Roud fl@rins Etones)and shabab.di sLnos.N.n-ferraus netats ard alloys in p.inary forns and scrap ndiinod uidoCovernme!t Noiification,Finance Departneni No, VAT 1505/CR.l17lTutionl, &trl lst Jme 2005oil s*ds, lhai is to sy:(r) Crdudnut or Peoui (Aiachishypogaea);(tt) SesMm or Til (Sesanm Orilble);(tt ) (Cossypium pp.)i(t,) SoyaboanClrrcire sejaj;(u) Rapesced nd Musi{d.-(1JTo.ta Bresica Cmpestis var io.ia):(2) Rai rBrassieJMcea)(3)Janba-Tardira (Eru.a salivA)(4) Sa.son-Yellownd hroNn(Brassio var sson) i(5) rdarasi Rai or l,rue MNi3rd (Brsssi nigra);(un LinscedLinm usiiissimmJ;1,ii) Casior Ricinus omturnis);{rtii) Cdonut (i.e.Cop.. excludiDgendercoconuis)Cocosnrcitera){u) SunnowerHelianthus mus) iG) Nica. sced Ouizotia bysshica)j(rt) Neem, epa Azadirachiandica)jLrtt)Mahua, llupai, Ippe (MsdLucs ndica,M Lalifolia,Ba$ia, htifolis mdMadhucaoosifoliaSyn. M. ransifolirrl(Jtr llaranja,Pongan,Ilongq PongsmhPinnalaS)T. P. Glabra)(riu) (uun {SchlechenOlcg*, Syn.s. Trijuss);Gu) Punnasdi (Calophyltum,nopnyllunJ,(r!i) KokuD cscinia indics)(a,ti) Sa l (Shorescbuste)(r,ttirTuns (Aleurita fordii and A. MontaMri(rit) RedPsln (Elac* Clincnsis)l(r) Srmowe. Csrthan$ tinciorius)


    (o l l'3per, Nows print, pape. boa.d, rvas!. I[pef,Lb)All lypesolpsper statiorery for conpuicr,.arbon p.por andPa.aflln wax of food grade standard lnd oiher fian foodincluding stdddd vd and m.!ch wla I slack wu.PiF oa all va;eties includins C I. Pipes, c.L pipes. ductiled!: ad then nihncs.

    : 3.00%3.50%

    moni.papc!. 3 50ns.ade standard il.009Lpipesand PvC 3.t0t

    td r Ple f@Bry (nouldcd), hdwaii clrrp3h and strups dreEot(b) Pt!* @E 'Chatai)

  • 7/30/2019 LBT (Thane Specific)


    i; l'L3siicgrandcs, nasrcr b3khcs. ph.!. poid( s scrdt7(i l'rinld n.leriol ttludins proJi'-io,!l :rd books,annul rcFo'b.rpplidtion lorns, rccourtbook., bnr..a sheets, alendsrs, ia.ics, catrlt,B!i\,,,.e cr.ds snd pnblications hicb nlinly publicse soods, o^ices and :{rl.s

    lbr conn.r.ial Nrposos md pub,crlnnis \4rich conhi sp3.e erc.ed,dg.,shlr,ases o. wrilingj but excludins hose roverod rnder cnlrJ 6 ofSoltdule B7? l,rid!,ns ink snd xriting ink exduding toner add c hidscs?3 Torcles ol all varielies and componcrls, pads and ac.essorieshereol:?9 Pulp of bmboo, lvood.nd p.pcrs0 Rail msches,cngincs an.l waeons nd tarls tbereol3r ld) Readrnrade s.nenls

    16)Otter sdicls orp.rsoml rver clo$i.s ac.isdries,nade !prerlile r'riclssand sets norified DideColernment Notificstion, ina.ce Departnent NoVAT1505/CR,1lg/Tsx3fior , dered rsrJune 2005.s2 Renewsb le nersy dev ices nd 3Dr r . pa r t s no t i ned 0 td . Govehn ie . iNotincalion,Financc Dep.rrnrent No.VAT-1505/Cn r1g/Taxalion I, d3i?dlsr Apd 2005,eicepl goods olercd under .n!ry 5ti of Scheduie-B.324 Ribbnn. Bow and Knjal.3ll R.asted o.lried pulscs nclL,dn,g .,n .Il4 Rubber hat is lo say (.)..u rubtJar, b) latex. (c )drJ ribbedsleat ofrll sr.dc:

    36 Elecl c.l bulbs and lubes ofrll vlndies37 SeNinsnRchines and plrts, coriponanlsand sccessoneslercof 3rd lLl kLdd:of**tng needlesaDd knitlins n.cdl.s.33 Ship and other Nrler vcss.ls39 rl i Milk povder Dcludi.g skinmed

    L.) Condensedmilk wholher swcehld or not,,/r Milh a.y idgr.dienl rnd ioli !nd.r a bEnd n3De.Ir l Butiernillt, Scprratcd milk, I-r::i rnd Cu.ds (.iheiher ofll:volrcd) rvhensold u ?r a hr!.d

    90 Solvcnroils othe. than orsrnir sol\eri o' l9l miudiDg.!'nin seed.hins ,2.rtucndd), ..iseed, safron, P.irjrr rid

    Sporls goodsdxcluding pprr.h rnd foosvcarSurrlros, sago nd 'fapio.rL.) S(eet md $veelneah ndudn's sl,rilhsDd. Bssundi, Doodhp.k.r.ldnrsi.. ocan, olhcr cdible icc, .0m3. k!1li. tron alcoholicdrink(rein or kulfi $veei drops, Loff.c:. il,o.ol3tcs, ot]ler .o.Jeclioncries an,l .1llk,nlls ol Ukery l,roduds1b , Vsne tLes f ls r ssn Do t i f i d , , ' / , l ; oven id rent o t i f i c ruon r \ i L L , ! .D.pafrncnt NovAT 150t/CR l6;rla\trr!.. l. drted lsl Jrne 201)i;I,,r, rr d,rd!turt .nd {,Lirrdr',r:


  • 7/30/2019 LBT (Thane Specific)


    r @a-fan Fi ?z ?a?r+rs,5*r11q(21

    s6 (s) Tractorc,, lrolleys lbci.g rsricull,ural .40rs. l.aileE 3rd trollcysl,haneste.s, atl,, parls, .onpdnonts, accesso.i.s. tyrcs and rubcs

    105 Embroidery or Zai naterial thar is t say,(; ) in i i (ii) ?ari i (tii) k$ab i (iu) saima (u) dsbka; luir chunki i (rttl sota;(uiii) sitda; (d l naquasi; (r ) korai (1;) badLa (xi!) gizali (rttir enbroiderymachims i (a;D)enbroiderr needles

    {b) tlEshers d iibchncnrs p!rts, oiponentsi 8cccsso,,es.Jrcs and tubes 2.00?.97 Trzcfonrs and comporrls and parts lhdeot 3.009a9A Tr*mission towers B.A0%99 ta, Rainoats and Unbrella except drdenubrell8. 2AAEa

    tt) C.mponents, parG, a accesso.ies f @bralla excptgarden lmbrella 2.aa%r@ v@pati (Hydrogenatedvegorable oil) z-oa%iot Vdielies of Textile and Telrile Articls notilied Didz colernmotrl Nodncado\ 3.00t?Firre@ DepartmeniNo.VAT.l5otoR 12o/T*ationl, dared stJme 2005andVAT-1510/CR-4?A tiion'l, dsted1?th Mscl 2010102 Vegptableoil including gilgili oil, casior oil snd bran oil 1.00c/,r03 windm fo. vater pumpingand for gercdtion ofelectriclry and is conrponcnts, 2.0090pm 4q,t (d) Writins i$t.unnis, ball point pem, felt lipped and olhe. poruslilped 2,OO%pensand narkers, ourhin peG, siylogrsplpe$ and othe.pens, upliciinAstylos,proFllins or slidins pencils,penholders,pencil Dlders a.d sinilarholde.s, larts (hcludins caps and cliPs)of lhc loregoine tlicl.s,(6) Mathematical nsirunent boxes ncludins nstrDnenis thereol s tudents 2.oo%colou boxes, c.ayons and pencil sharlDers,(.) Writing bodds o.writing pads, rswilg boards, lnckboards. reenboards, 2.00%

    white boads, exminstion pa&, loot rule.s,e.asers, litter pers,skcichpens,st3plers, encil eds,oi l pastels, .awingchmmls and envelopes.

    10? (1) Adnal liair otber than rar wooli(3)combs(c)Cupsmd elassesaFpe. o. pl.s!i.;(5)Focdhsbottles nd mplsnlsmtined !r& CovernnentDepanmentNo.VAT-1505/CR-233/Taxaiion, dnldd23.d(?) Porlain insulaiors.

    r.50rk3.00c.3.00%2 00c.3.40E2.40%

    Notiucarion.t'inance 3.5074

    (a ) Sc.e*s, nub. bolG. fsstrc.s, coach screws,screw hooks,cotter piN, sshers incllding spring vashers8.50%

    revets,corte.s, 3.50%(9)(a) Ra*,.aN nesh ofpoulrry and rsv s?a ood nduding lish, p.dwns, J.509alobste.s,mbs md shnnps when ir liozen stale o|n sesred onia'nc..

    1r ) Fru s dd vegetrblssNhor in 6:ozm slaie or in scrl{d !..iriDe.(. ) P.oesed. sem' pro.essedor scmi-cookedood 3rti.l!s hrde fiom neaiot any anihal or 01bi.d including Ham, Ba.on. Srnsus.s Sal.n o.Itcbebs.whther or not in trozen slat or in sesled oru,ncf

  • 7/30/2019 LBT (Thane Specific)


    1OS lJ \r) Dryfruits ncluding.ojsins,(b) Tea n lesf o. Powdero'n

    n R3w. seni cooled,semi pro.essed,eadvnix andrcoaraLron) ,n seaLed n t3 nc 's xc lud ins Po ' lv o. ^ . .a Svar r * 'o l t " , tu ' * ! l rbove n l l i e s 'hdu le ;rs r Pow&rs, lableG, cubes crvstals and othe' solidsor liquids fronnorrl..hoLi. bevorsFes ld soups src p.epareo

    L o) Silica Smdi ll) Chilly seeds,Tanaind seedsand posder thereot' l l oJ "ndE tn ' sx ( l l d rgc r l ' on bJ ! dDde l ' ' uon i ' cames

    or schi ,,ooked of poultrv, sca indd 3'507'cEps and shrimps,vhethe. or rot 'n lrdan

    resdy to cook lood 350%

    "1,*h 3.5;,i

    dfirgffi ff i i ir l lreF\rs t @s6wFir, ?or?,tfts s':q

    ,./ Pro.essed, ?n i Prd.esgcd'ncludingish, rrwns, robsre'sstde or ir sealed ontainer/r l,,ocessed, emi_pro@ssedr 3emicooked ruits end "egetablcs nclddrne 3 509'' u da " , i e l r , p - ( . 3u ^ oo ' dBc n c l sLd co a6 h"%i p I r ' -, : i " . . " . ; ' - " r ' u '

    ' q u s r I ' u . p a ' r ' I ' J o n n k r ' u i L., x."li" r, " rq,,.t'"' "n p" ord sl 'h"lh r o n4' |

    -rc/e' '1rP o'

    currmts dd cash?* nurs and wet Dates

    1 , WoodxeeDl4n mo pI r snns r "d pa r h boa rd ov !o ' no r -u f ' ' nl l r o i i : , j l , i j l i r o r r j . " o" hec . ; u " c s " ' r a { r A ' qs r w id r s.o" . . ; ." r . ' i . .3oer * rs rze?l . av" loB0 'oMARX"\ '1r_Po'o ' B ls( ,n "n "b r3ph , . cqu ipmenr . n -d 'ne Jmaaq D 'o 'odo rs oJnd 'o -d nBa n o p . " - " c , . g " q , i p - " n " I s " f t . n ' s d f i l n r ' : p q ' i 1 4 n 3 i a b d d..."i*i1". ,"i d""i-t'r ";d conponenis erls nd accessoriesr .nv 'rrh;m r.d cineha slides od Ras nllnsCl.anns nuis (Shikek'i) and SoaPnuls lRitha) in whole or povde' lorm


    1 1 6

    Co pact Fluoresent LmPsl-l)C Sroves o. do@stic se; paJG' conporunis md(iniotr sinning and pre$ing machinc'v 'oYercd bvCe.tsl Excise TffiIt Act, 1935(iomposi,4 MschinerYvehicles Operald on Balterv o. Sottr tower 'AduLt diapers md Sanitarv napkrns

    b-he.4xrs 346rr I u oI

  • 7/30/2019 LBT (Thane Specific)


    l!'dciBl liquor as dcllnedGdn linr b lj'n'Liquor Rules,1953excLudngN''e

    ! , ! u t - " rb rL l n f t l .BonhJ \ rdc 'Cr ?00 - '

    . " t r l , , u " ' - " d f r " d ' r 4 ' r ' | " ' o J " \ _ o ' ^ R ' ri u - , " * ' . - , - . n v o l - o

    ' " ' r ' t r " I n d i ' "; ; . " : . ; " ; " - 3 . . . 1 r . . r ', o c ' rn ,ouor I1 Do

    I L ( ( o t l ^ - :{flEllFrffi3l l ] l lmn6s @flEm


    ofihe Bonbaylioreig.Liquor ? 007'lo.eein Liquor (lmpori, nd 'Rules1963excLudi4winewnPS, s defined, itn iine b titsRules,1953ald in rulo 3(4)or r)'


    Tobaro, manufaciur.d tob!(o RrdcissretLs bul exdudins dros' io \incn12 Acrareda C$lonaled nor'Rlltiolrc

    or.the. sweeieninsmnltef or rrirour

    o ruJu ! l r Lhercor ' c u ' l r ns s r r 3n Ien r . ] lO o l e ,ou0 L ^ l thF Slhedu l ' Abevemgcwhelhd or noi conlanrinssu$r 4 00?'

    Molasses,eciitred pirii'.bsoriaAvislioDTurbineFuel (Dr!Y P drAviationTurbineFuel llondedlAvisl,ionGasolineDutYPaidrAviatio! Casdline RondedrAny otherhind of MotorSpiil

    c o \ u r e d t h , q d r A l u l ! 3 n ! l S ' l L e d u l el

  • 7/30/2019 LBT (Thane Specific)


    qr An, si ?.. qr/irr,r+n?qSCIIEDULE I]

    Thane Municipal CorPorrtionDescridion ofcoods exenptcd Lom pnynent of Local RodJ lnx

    Agn.ullural inplemcnis na,iually opeul.d or r.imrl drircr,conponenis 3td ofsu.h inplcmcntr nolincd uids Oovernnc.l Nolilicalion, l'rnance DeparrmonL No V 't1505/Clt-1og/Iaxrhon , dabd rst A$il2!05Aids ..d intplcitcnis conporcnls and parls lh.reolr''de G.vernnrenl Noljfimiion, FnrsnceDop3rlncnl

    !s.d br handi.arpedpersons olified

    Aninrl drivcn carrs id.lDdins bullochcdts and .onlponenis, .rts 3nd 3..csso.ics horeof(cxduding be3rnrgs, ubes and tyes)(a ) Aquatic fccd, catrlo fccd, poultry lecd, !hcir conccntr:rcs,sddilives rnd :utpL.ncnrs,(b ) Gr3ss,hry. sraq suE...ane.(c ) Husk and bran ol c.reals and pllses, sarli p3 .nd d. oil.d .akes, Lut excludn,Bo!he. oil .ak* rDd Ricebmn.Beial lesvessnd llecdi lcavesBooks lhrl is io c.y, every vollne or pR.t or dirision oa. volLnne ndldrns rlmr.3.s.scliooltexibooksprcscribcdby C6e.nno.i. p3Dchsnss,ine tables b. pass..Flr rrn:p..rse^ices, pcnod,.als, Dats,, orrcries snd slobcs bul.xclLiding FofasJonal..dconner.irl books, rnnual reports, alplication fonns. nccount books balrn.t ih..r:calendars, dia,i.s, .!irlosucs, race catds, publicrlioos $l,c| miinlv public,sc sood:.serv,ces 3trd 3riiclcs for conmercial purtoscs a.d rublications rvhich.on!ri. rpaccexceedins isht pascs fo r {ritins

    ? llrc.d 1.1.1ddu,3pi2! brcrd) in loaf. rolls or in shcc!, I3 llrooDfticks 3nd brushesol a rype uscd {! .ie.n 0oo, includins toilet lloorI Cerclls (othcr Lha. rrddy, rice and Nhasu nr *hoh srrin. splil or brokc. forn rn.l thP'.llou. \in!ly or in Dnxed o.m.

    1a)P3ddy. ice. sbo{ .nd pulses n $holc gr3ir. splii or brck.n lo.n,.(b r TLe nour ofNlicai rtrd rice indudins rLia, nuidr r.1'. ! .d sDji whciher


    (c r The norr oI pulses ncludtrg besrn ringl! .ni oot rixcd wiul llour 01o,h.i PDLscar

    Char.orl 3nd B.dinn Chr.(orl l.xduding for ind!:ti3i uscr'(a ) Chx.ldra Arnbrr Cl,3rkh3. and oiher inpleme.b usod n rhc pmd!.iion 01hrndtrnJsh 3trd .on\,onsnts.parls and s.cesssofics l any ol ihemkl M!i.i'p! rod oihf, soodspreputd noDl h,ldsNn F.DHandlooDr il,.ir D!{s ac.ossoies, alhdunonrs aod illillrrJ .lachinr: rorifi.d LllrCove .nn , . i r \ d i l i r a , ,u i f i nance , ) cp . . tnn i l NoVr \T 1 to i /C la l l r / lr \ r ! . t I daL(d

  • 7/30/2019 LBT (Thane Specific)


    CoIo. nd sllkY.rn nr hrtrkBulidnilk, ScPa..rcd nnlk LrsJivl lrnd whe$cr or ro t r'dncoEarrhen Po l dnd red earih

    3dd Cu.d(excludn! lJLdctrLLD 0rvorrcd rvh.! sold undrtr ! hr3dd n"re'

    ud eucalyptus oss :mi .ri szcd thereotfron .ny local bodiE o. or lh'n bchslf


    . . , * * . , - . .

    la r firervood excludjncCasurfin' Polc;(r i luel nlde fron solid $rt'!fo'!fed

    :O Sogr." r,a" i."- s|naldirl e\cpt Fr@iour Fr;ns;; si;.:r:1"::**::;::T:Y:':liJ,lit:ii.ffi.'lT':::::""1:i:1,":'ii"i'"i:.,';

    l. ) Biorsss Pellets22 flslDsl fisnnet f.bric fblr23 l\es! Planl.3,SaplinBs&J24 voCeidblesPolaiocs

    excludLngwet datcs,excepr

    il ?

    sccd;. rirurvnseeds3nd sl ml sccds',urdrrl nor.ts *cltdi.g Nhhda lloNDGsr.oi po!alo6, vam Glepblnl's foolr' onionsaDd resh {ius,n f.orctr s|3l. or n scsred oni'tn'r

    CRl1,l/T.xalio! I' daisd Ls' Jdnc 20052a llDndn blood, ls compon'nG rnd lrodlcts iL'reoll29 Idols ofdeilies ir cl.v dr Fl'si'r ol Paris-L , l. ' -"nvu 'l ^ "'d. ' , a - ; . . " , . . * r . . 3 1 ' ' D n r \ ' \ \ ' - 0 i R / l

    Lr ) Bi.r.lcs tricJ.lcs '!'lo 'Lckihrws and psris comKldluni in..v fonn indudtrg Lmdi' 'lta rnd sindul,.ai pl3i.s 3nd cups,1, tl n*".*. "*"n, u, l''z'n *ar' or itr sclled d'trnref't, lt,\ neshofpoditr 'lcftt ur ti'o/cn stltejr' nr \'alc'l ronlrucr'

    Lf r Ras seafood ntltdt)g li:li Prr'!\' lolsrers crrlis and sh'rp'

    ,:' sii"o. ,",... o;g' !ouit|] rD'l 'rRrlecxcluding 'rses',, t",i .i!' '. '. ""t. ,,,,'"rL ;nr^ in liqunl fo'n e:'cpt "rer 3a\'il

    ror cornunpiionand

    ,dr .ondenscdnnlk $h'{hs' r!rt'1dltd or not rnd16 ,nnlk co.hinnrg ru nre''dic't lnd sold !'der ' hrand na c

    . . . . . . ; " . " " " ' a r , ' " r " o I r -ke .n \e l r ! \ Posr r .d \ t hdl)rsrnic i nrrc i.t.ludrti oi 'rles rnd il t oilcd crk'rs

    l 'o1,.. irbyd 3nd dnrnull

  • 7/30/2019 LBT (Thane Specific)


    1l Secdsor.ll |}pos cx.lud,',g:fcds & *lnch aw orhcr cnt.y of rhL5 ,l,drL..r of Schcdul.12 SeDen ,ncludins lr.,:x !!nr..13 SiU!worm layins, .o..otr lnd 'Mlk1.4 Shie and sllte pcncilsbuL Di ,ndudins Nn!.g bo..ds.4t j 'fender srcen cocorul.43 Sali, that is io ssy, commonsrli indudlns iodiscdsalt19 WaLe.orher r,ha.,

    Ld) ersted,, dnriLLed,mcdiclnal, omc, battery, dcm'n.f.nised w3ler.rr , wabr sold i. serled conl.idef.L. ) wate. fo. injeciion

    50 Coodsdisirib ed ihrousb lhe Public Dishibution Systcn, tc:..pi kerosene)(ii) Chillies, turm.ri. and r.d,3ind rvholc,po*d...d o. s.!...1.d(iii) Corhnder seeds, cnrsrecl 3nd (Suval wholo or po\rdc.od(r , Co.uu! i s\ell .nd sep..aied kcrnel ofcoconut ot[.r ihsn .opr.

    52 Crnercy Noles and Cot$53 Hurriclne lsntern ard Kerosenc .tnp, kerosene Drerrs, pernnax hnierns, keroscnesroves, d.oseneprds.uE noves. per.onas pressu.e adrps,p..:ssur.lamps, glasschimeJ:' and lante.ns, pet.omaxsas maniles snd acccssoes,.onponcnl{ rnd parts ol all oiihem.51 Lac, Shellacsnd thei. produds;5 1.,) ons. sLicks o'.nuny knoen as ag..batli dhoop,dhupkldr o. dhupb.rii

    r. r Lohr and tul; ( j So l3 r .n . rg rdor i . . sa .ds r r r r cp r rh thc rco lnou li d rn tuCovcmr rd \o1 , l i r . l i o . , li n snccD.p&lhenr No VAT 1509(rit-81'B(l)/Tdstion 1. &tcd 29lh Jrnr 2009

    Jli,\ Prc fabricated do'nesrir irg,r units.

    a3 llandnade Laurdr! Sorr nrnlaictuFd b] Unils c.d,iird ri v lrif n rharJ,!a Srrb Xnadiand ViUrs. Indusr cs Roa.d consiitutedu er ihe BombxJ KhrdL and Vilhco lndlstriesAci, 1960,but cxdudins d0rers.nL

    :\ s .JlrvrNE.Depuiv S..r r.,\ 10 Cov..nncnr