ldda - summer news - 2013

LDDA NEWS Midshire wish LDDA all the best during its 21st Anniversary Year Congratulations to LDDA on your 21st Birthday from Prater Raines Ltd

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Page 1: LDDA - Summer News - 2013


Midshire wish LDDAall the best during its21st Anniversary Year

Congratulations to LDDAon your 21st Birthdayfrom Prater Raines Ltd

Page 2: LDDA - Summer News - 2013

Editorial - BOB’S BITMy second editorial and will be short for me.

We will be producing a Glasgow FederalConference Special edition of the LDDANewsletter, but this edition gives you advancewarning of the range of activities the LDDA willbe offering at Glasgow.

We are holding two Fringe events. Pages 6 &7are posters showing the topics and speakers.

The LDDA has supported David Buxton in gettinga motion about the Legal Status of BSL acceptedfor debate on Tuesday 0945.

The motion is shown exactly as it appears in theConference Agenda handbook. We reprint it infull on the centre pages.

A Summary by George Potter is on page 4.

Biopics of LDDA’s Executive make up the rest ofthis edition, apart from another in the Inspirationseries about Greg Judge.


1 Front Cover

2 Editorial - BOB’S BIT

3 Biopic: Phil StevensThe Thoughts of Chairman Phil

4 Introduction to BSL Motion


6 Sunday’s Fringe event

7 Monday’s Fringe event

8-9 BSL Motion

10 Biopics: Kelly-Marie Blundell &Theresa Higgins

11 Biopic: David Buxton

12 Inspiration: Greg Judge

13 Biopic: George Potter & Tim Price

14 Biopic: Robert Adamson

15 Biopic: Bob Barton

16 Raising awareness & understanding

Printed Published and Promoted on behalf of LDDA by Bob Barton, Glan Alyn Llanferres Road Llanarmon-yn-Iâl Mold. CH7 4QD

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Age 39Lives Islington, LondonStatus Married with 7 childrenDisability Syringomyelia since 2003 & DyslexiaLDDA ChairCareer /Education

First year Law (LLB) student Birkbeck, Univ of LondonLocal Authority Housing Services ManagerPrison Officer at a Category A prison for 3 yearsSenior Anti Social Behaviour, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister

Politics Joined the Liberal Democrats in 2008Past Secretary Islington local partyRepresents LDDA on Diversity Engagement Review GroupCandidate for London Borough of Islington: 2010

Interests Reading Driving and PhotographyContact [email protected]

www.disabilitylibdems.org.uk www.facebook.com/LDDA

Phil Stevens3

"What A Difference A Day Makes"

I just cannot get those lyrics, made famous by Dinah Washington, out of my head.

Last March I drove to Brighton thinking about everything that had flown by in justtwo months.

I had been elected Chair of LDDA in January.

The new Executive had met for the first time in February.

I could not remember having read, sent and received so many emails in just two months.

Now I was off to my first Liberal Democrat Conference and I was going straight into the deep end as I had been asked to join the panel of a fringe event.

The fringe went well but three hours later I was on my way home. As a wheelchairuser my hotel room was not suitable and I had no choice but to reluctantly quit.

The next five months have been a blur. I have been very ill but I am now well onthe road to recovery and now look forward to the Glasgow Conference.

May I thank my superb Executive for carrying on the good work. I know some ofthem have also been very ill but they have also soldiered on.

LDDA has arranged two fringe events. I look forward to meeting members inGlasgow, on our exhibition stand, at a fringe event or our AGM.

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Editor’s Note: Policy motion F29 'Recognising a Legal Status for British Sign Language' goesbefore Conference at 09.45 on Tuesday 17th September - for the full motion see the centre pages.

LDDA’s Fringe event British Sign Language (BSL): Ignorance or Legal Recognition? takes placeon Monday 16th September 20.00 - 21.15 in the Glendronach Room Hilton Glasgow (City Centre).See pages 6 & 7 for full details of the 21st Year LDDA Celebration Debate Fringe events.

LDDA Proactive at the Glasgow Autumn ConferenceBSL’s Need for Legal Status is Promoted with a Fringe Event

and the Successful Submission of a Conference MotionThe LDDA will be making its presence well and truly felt at the Liberal Democrat AutumnConference in Glasgow this September. The issue of legal recognition and protection forBritish Sign Language (BSL) will debated twice.The LDDA will host a Fringe event on the Monday evening of Conference. Chaired by LDDA co-founder David Buxton, a strong panel will discuss the next steps for the future of BSL in the UK.On Tuesday morning Conference will vote on a LDDA-inspired and organised policy motioncalling for legal recognition and protection for BSL as an official UK language.Almost 150,000 adults and children in the UK use British Sign Language and it was recognisedby the British government as a language in 2003. Despite this, however, it has no legal protec-tion. Unlike Scots Gaelic or Welsh, BSL does not have protection as minority languages whenit comes to the provision of public services.This means that Deaf people must rely solely on the Equality Act in order to access informationand public services provision in their own language and do not have an automatic right to doso as the law only requires “reasonable” adjustments.In the eyes of the LDDA executive this simply is not good enough and so the LDDA is throwingits support behind a motion to change Lib Dem policy on the issue.We took advantage of the drafting advice service offered by the HQ Policy team.Meanwhile our first draft was circulated to the LDDA Exec and we quickly gathered the supportof the 18 conference representatives to ensured that the motion could be submitted for debateat Conference.At the heart of the motion is a call for equal status, protection and respect in law for British SignLanguage as is already the case for the Welsh and Gaelic minority languages.Also included is a call for a requirement for Community Support Workers and teachers of theDeaf to achieve NVQ Level 3 standards of proficiency in the language. It also calls for the cul-tural aspects of the language and the Deaf community to be promoted as part of the UK’s richnational heritage.When the motion is passed by Conference it will become official Liberal Democrat policy. Withthe Lib Dems currently in coalition government this should strengthen the position of not onlythe LDDA but also the Deaf community.Especially when it comes to working to ensure that the goal of the equal status and recognitionof the language of 145,000 people by the country in which they live.George PotterLDDA’s Policy Officer

www.disabilitylibdems.org.uk www.facebook.com/LDDA

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Liberal Democrat Disability Association

2013ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING6.30 pm Monday 16th September 2013

Glendronach Room, Hilton Glasgow (City Centre)1 William Street, Glasgow. G3 8HT

AGENDA1. Welcome2. Apologies3. Minutes of previous AGM held on 24th September 20124. Reports from:

4.1 Chair4.2 Treasurer4.3 Membership Secretary4.4 Other Officers

5. To note the Accounts for 20126. Amendments to the Constitution7. Any other appropriate business that has been notified to the

Secretary in advance of the meeting.

www.disabilitylibdems.org.uk www.facebook.com/LDDA

Dear Member

This letter is to advise you about the LDDA’s AGM which will be held during theParty’s Federal Conference in Glasgow.

The Executive Committee currently has two vacancies and wishes to co-opt somefresh blood. If you are interested in volunteering to help run the LDDA then I wouldlove to hear from you!

I hope to see you at Glasgow but, if not, I wish you well for the next year.

Please note that you do NOT need to be registered for the Conference to attend ourAGM, but you will need some form of ID, such as Party or LDDA Membership Cards.

Best wishes

Theresa [email protected]


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LDDA’s Policy Lead, George Potter, carried out extensive background research, guided byDavid, to produce the motion, which is listed in full below.

David’s wide

Tuesday 17th September

Editor's note: I wish to thank the Conference team for allowing the LDDA to usethis abstract taken from from Liberal Democrat Autumn Conference 2013 Agenda.

LDDA Promotes BSL Motion and Fringe EventDavid Buxton, a co-founder of LDDA in 1992, was born profoundly deaf and uses BSL.So it seemed natural, as part of our 21st Anniversary Celebrations, for the LDDA tosupport David’s quest to devise a Conference motion on BSL’s lack of legal status.

network has produced a superb panel for LDDA’s Fringe event on Mondaynight - British Sign Language (BSL): Ignorance or Legal Recognition?

20.00 - 21.15 in the Glendronach Room at the Hilton Glasgow (City Centre)

Stephen Lloyd MP, Vice Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group onDeafness, leads the speakers, who discuss Tuesday morning’s BSL motion.

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The Conference Team congratulate LDDA on their 21st anniversaryCome and celebrate with them at the Autumn Conference inGlasgow 14-18 September 2013 on stand D0.It’s not too late to register! Just go towww.libdems.org.uk/autumnconference for more information.

Come and join the Scottish Liberal Democrats for theirConference in the Lomond Auditorium of the SECC from

09.30-15.15 on Saturday 14 September.Have a lovely week

The Deputy Leader


the Liberal DemocratDisability Association

on its21st Anniversary

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www.disabilitylibdems.org.uk www.facebook.com/LDDA

10Kelly-Marie Blundell

Theresa Higgins

Lives Colchester, Essex

Disability Hard of hearing & multiple allergies

LDDA Secretary

Career /Education

B Sc (Hons) London, Biological SciencesB Litt (Hons) Gelong, Australia. History

Politics Joined the Liberal Democrats in 1995Colchester Borough Cllr since 1999; Essex County Cllr since 2001CBC Chair of Planning Committee; ECC Deputy Group LeaderFormer CBC Cabinet Member / Portfolio Holder for Culture,Tourism and DiversityFormer Chair of East of England Region Conference Committee.

Interests Sport, Needlework and Family History

Contact 01206 523501; 0788 1370626;[email protected] at Theresa Higgins; twitter @theresahiggins

Lives Guildford, Surrey

Disability Fibromyalgia & arthritis

LDDA Vice Chair

Career /Education

LLB Law (Hons) University of Kent 2006Fundraising manager for Diabetes UK

Politics PPC for Guildfordmember of Lib Dem Federal Policy and FederalConference Committees since 2013Council member of the Social Liberal Forum since 2012Diversity Champion for South East Region 2010-12Writes for Huffington Post and her own blog Political Parry

Interests Campaigns for people with disabilities within and outsideof the party, Trustee for Gurkha Peace Foundation andalso has policy interests in Equalities, Europe and crimeand punishment.

Contact [email protected];facebook Kelly-Marie Blundell; twitter @KellyMarieLD

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Greg JudgeLeadershipProgrammeCandidate

2012 LDDA ExecutiveInspiration!

LDDA chatted withleading candidate GregJudge to talk about hiswork as a politicalcandidate and LiberalDemocrat.

Greg joined the party in2009 and was selectedonto the CandidateLeadership Programmein 2011.

“After running asuccessful campaign atuniversity, I saw thepoor representation inWestminster anddecided I had to helpchange that!”

Greg who wasparalysed at the ageof 7 is also a Trusteeat the Spinal InjuriesAssociation, a user-led charity.

“Among my manyinterests, I payspecial attention tohealth and educationpolicy and how it canbest help people ofall abilities reach theirfull potential”.

Once selected as aPPC, Greg intends tostand in the 2015General Election.

Greg is one of our inspirational members- proof that disability need not interferewith political careers! If you know anyonewho might like to feature on ourInspiration posters, get in touch [email protected].

Across the party, many Liberal Democrats have disabilities, carefor or work with people with disabilities.

This focus brings you in touch with the Councillors, candidates andinspirational members of the LDDA we want to shout about!

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David Buxton

Age 49

Lives Epsom, Surrey

Status Married to South African lady with ten years oldson Joshua who has mild CHARGE syndrome

Disability Born profoundly Deaf, uses BSL

LDDA Co-Founder of LDDA in 1992 after a fewyears on Paddy Ashdown’s DisabilityAdvisory Group.Immediate past Vice Chair;currently Exec Committee member;21st Anniversary Celebration Group (lead)

Career /Education

Chief Executive of the British Deaf Association since 2011Regional Operations Manager for London and South East, SCOPE (2006 to 2011)Senior Commissioning Manager for Disabilities and HIV/AIDS, LB Hammersmith& Fulham (2001 to 2006)Fundraising Director / Regional Director for London, deafPLUS (1993 to 2001)Further Education Development Officer, RNID (1991 to 1993)Before 1991, architectural and building services CAD designerEducated in Malvern, London and Open University: MBA, DipM, CertM

Politics Joined Liberals/SDP 1988;Epsom & Ewell Borough Councillor: 2007 to 2011LB Southwark Borough Councillor: 1990 to 1994PPC for Lewisham East: 1997 and 2001GLA Candidate for Greenwich and Lewisham: 2000Current member of LibDems Leadership Programme

Interests Disability and Deaf Rights Campaigning; Special Educational Needs;Social and Health Care; History, Law and Politics

Contact www.davidbuxton.org.uk

www.disabilitylibdems.org.uk www.facebook.com/LDDA


Editor’s Note: I have found working with David truly inspirational.

In the first Newsletter we included an email trail as we searched to find the launch date of the LDDAin 1992. Without David’s memory of people’s names from over twenty years ago we may not havesuccessfully confirmed 21st January 1992 as the date of our launch.

This has been reinforced as David has nudged the Executive committee into pulling together theMotion about the Legal Status of BSL accepted for debate on at the Glasgow Federal Conferenceon Tuesday 17th September 0945.

David was extremely keen that we sponsored Fringe events. He came up with ideas for titles andproduced the excellent team of speakers for our Monday debate which precedes the motion.

Thank you David.

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Age 23

Lives Guildford, Surrey

Status Single

Disability Asperger Syndrome

LDDA Exec Lead on Policy

Career /Education

3rd year Student of Electronicswith Satellite Engineering atUniversity of Surrey

Politics Joined the Liberal Democrats inOctober 2009and the LDDA Exec Jan 2013In October 2012 elected:as Guildford party Secretary & tothe South East Region ExecSurrey CC candidate 2013member of Liberal Youth and theSocial Liberal Forum

Interests Reading, blogging, history,walking and musical theatre

Contact 07411 [email protected]

www.disabilitylibdems.org.uk www.facebook.com/LDDA

13George Potter

Age 35

Lives WarringtonCheshire

Status In relationship

Disability Dyslexia

LDDA Exec IT rep

Career Hospital Porter

Politics Joined the Liberal Democratsin October 2000and the LDDA Exec 2011Warrington rep for North WestRegion Exec and FederalConference2013 sub on English Exec

Interests Community action, sportTim is an activist in the localand regional party and enjoysworking on Party websites

Contact [email protected]

Tim Price

Editor’s Note: I found this photo of George - it isentitled george-potter-hero-of-the-hour - as heproposed the successful Liberal Youth’s motion:

‘Employment and Support Allowance and WorkCapability Assessments’

at the 2011 Birmingham Autumn Conference.

LDDA’s Policy Lead drafted Policy motion F29'Recognising a Legal Status for British SignLanguage.' It goes before Conference at 09.45on Tuesday 17th September - see centre pages

Editor’s footnote:This is your Newsletter so you need to let meknow what you want included in it. It needs betopical, informative and sometimes controversial.I would love to hear from you if you havetechnical skills or expertise in graphic design.I aim to commission articles, reprint those thathave appeared elsewhere and encourageLDDA members to contribute.Should we include a Letter to the Editor page?Should we have some single topic editions?If you have any ideas for topics or wish tosubmit an article please do not hold back.It is your Newsletter and it is for you to help itevolve. I love quizzes and sudoku so you havebeen warned. My contact details are:

Glan Alyn, Llanferres RoadLlanarmon-yn-Iâl, Mold. CH7 4QD

01824 780872; 0791 333 [email protected];[email protected]

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www.disabilitylibdems.org.uk www.facebook.com/LDDA

14Robert Adamson

Age 64

Lives Thirsk, North Yorkshire

Status Married

Disability Multiple Sclerosis

LDDA Executive Member, former Chair & Secretary

Career /Education

St Luke’s College Exeter: Science Teacher TrainingLancaster University: Organisational Psychologyformer Civil Servant and Carer.Trainer of Fire Service Officers, Civil Service Managers, Managers from LocalAuthorities and the Emergency Services.He has been an author and has produced award winning training videos.

Politics Joined the Liberal Democrats in 1996Parliamentary Candidate East Yorkshire in 2010; Darlington 2001 & 2005;European Parliamentary Candidate Yorkshire & Humber in 1999 & 2004.former Chair of the Yorkshire & Humber Regionformer member of Lib Dem Federal Policy & Conference Committees

Interests Trustee of the MS Society until 2005 and more recently vice-chair of theHambleton & Richmondshire branch. Secretary of REVOLT, an environmentalgroup opposed to the erection of giant electricity pylons.Internet / Computers, Church Activities, Reading, Films.

Contact 07801 551337 [email protected]

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Age 67Lives Llanarmon-yn-Iâl, Denbighshire, inside a triangle

between Ruthin, Mold & WrexhamStatus Married to Mary for 45 years;

2 daughters + 3 grandsons

Disability Asperger’s Syndrome + adult ADHD – formaldiagnosis when aged 65;Diabetes Type 2 + obesity; high blood pressure;Irritable Bowel Syndrome (since 1970);lower back pain + walking problems despite 4 opson knees – following 20+ years playing prop forward;current mystery illness since March – feeling nauseous every time I move + waitingto see consultant!!!!!!

LDDA Treasurer; Newsletter Editor; member of Conference Group, Constitution Review(lead); Sponsorship + Fundraising Group (lead)

Career /Education

Retired university Principal Lecturer in Marketing, Entrepreneurship and SmallBusiness; also taught Maths, Statistics & Computing; NATFHE union repBob Barton Associates – Marketing/Management consultancy including PR Exhi-bition Design and Conference PlanningSales + Marketing roles in Rank Xerox, ICL, Wang + GEC Viewdata SystemsB.Sc (Hons) in Sums, Teesside Polytechnic;MSc London Business School (now MBA) – included semester’s exchange at Univof Southern California on MBA Entrepreneurship Program;MSc in Statistics and Operational Research, Cranfield;4 other postgrad qualifications Master’s/Diploma/Certificates in:European Studies, Local History, Marketing, Purchasing

Politics Joined Liberals 1985; Woking BC Cllr 1986-88; South East Region repmember ALDC since 1986; member ALDTUmoved to Clwyd West in 1988 – served as Chair, Secretary + Membership Sec;Welsh + Federal Conference rep; North Wales AERC rep;Parliamentary Candidate Swansea East 1992Denbighshire County Cllr 2004-2008;served on Llanarmon-yn-Iâl Community Council 1991-2012;8 years on Llanferres CC ; 4 years on Llandegla CC – all in same County wardCurrently member of Welsh Liberal Democrats National Executive Committee +Campaign and Candidates Committee; served as Secretary and Treasurer of NorthWales Assembly Election Regional Committee

Interests Sports mad – will watch almost any sport on TV; played, refereed and coachedBasketball, Rugby Union + League; local history + ecology; quizzing + cars

Contact Glan Alyn, Llanferres Road, Llanarmon-yn-Iâl, Mold. CH7 4QD.01824 780872 0791 333 [email protected]; [email protected]

www.disabilitylibdems.org.uk www.facebook.com/LDDA


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Raising awareness& understanding

Championing opinions

Encouraging peoplewith disabilities totake up positive


Supporting peoplewith disabilities


All supporters andcarers welcome.