leadership model

Leadership Workshop March 25, 2011

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Materials for a workshop on leadership.


Page 1: Leadership model

Leadership WorkshopMarch 25, 2011

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Why a Leadership Model?

•Develop a shared vision of what we aspire to as leaders

•Provide focus and direction on how to realize the vision

•Provide an objective framework for measuring progress

•Define what success looks like


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The Model




What we aspire to

What wedevelop

What successlooks like


Coaching andFeedback


Leader Employee


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Qualities - what we aspire to

•Authenticity – sincere commitment to– Strategy, goals, vision of the broader organization– People– Near term business objectives – Durable, positive change

•Vision – 360-degree view and vision that integrates that view– Goals, strategic direction and decisions take into account

• Direction from senior leadership• Alignment with peers, partners, stakeholders• Team capabilities, capacity, and development

•Acknowledgement – sincere and informed– Acknowledgement of contributions and individual value at all levels– Respect for chain of command, but not dependent on it– Genuine openness to feedback and showing influence of others– Inclusive decision-making


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Qualities – what we aspire to

•Inspiration – to develop as well as to deliver– Personal and emotional– Constant, irresistible challenge

•Rigor – clear and demanding expectations– Strength of leader / employee relationship supports difficult messages– “Hi-fidelity” message on what meeting and exceeding expectations means

•Resilience – source of strength in difficult times– Composure and confidence– Consistent positive attitude

•Impact – driving significant and positive change– Focused and practical innovation– Changing the rules of the game– Winning in the marketplace

•Integrity – an example to emulate


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So how do we do this?

Leadership Competencies

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Leadership Competencies


Strategic thinkingBuilding and leveraging relationshipsTalent developmentFinancial and business acumen

ExecutionTurning strategies into workable plansDriving resultsCommunication

ResponsiveManaging conflictSound judgmentFunctional expertise


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Leadership Competencies - Proactive

Competency What it means High Performing Low Performing

Strategic Thinking

Developing long-term plans Anticipating problemsIntegrating diverse teams and initiatives

Team has a strategic plan and is following the planProblem-solving always takes a wide viewInstrumental in strategy beyond own team

No plan beyond immediate deliverablesSurprised by problemsBad decisions due to lack of strategic vision

Building and leveraging relationships

Identifying stakeholdersEstablishing credibilityEstablishing trustConsistent positive intent

No relationship gapsAsks for – and gets – help when neededConsistently finds win-win

Chronic problems with groups or individualsUnaware of problemsUnwilling to help

Talent development

Attracting and retaining top talentManaging individual developmentBuilding high-performing teams

Consistent recruiting and retention successAll team members actively developingExemplary PD

Surprised by attritionBad hiring or promotion decisions“Ceremonial” PD

Financial and business acumen

Understanding key business driversBasics of financial managementSound accounting

Anticipates P & L impacts Fast and accurate response to financial queriesStrong negotiating skills

Unable to discern minor from major business issuesLoose control over team financials


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Leadership Competencies - Execution

Competency What it means High Performing Low Performing

Turning strategies into workable plans

Developing programs and projects according to a strategic planNegotiating scope and requirements to assure high-value delivery

Strategic vision is clearly reflected in day-to-day executionNo surprises or “anti-strategic” deliveryHeroics not required

Over-promising and under-deliveringCrippled, low-value deliveryChronic over-subscription of team – heroics required

Driving results

Marshalling resources and motivating team to consistently deliverOvercoming obstacles to “get it done”

Consistently delivers fully on commitmentsHandles all problems, regardless of sourceAlways finds a way to full success

Fails to consistently meet commitments fullyTakes path of least resistance instead of attacking problemsToo easily satisfied


Delivering key messages to stakeholdersMessages are tailored to context and audience – right message, right time, right mediumTeam is well-informed

Key messages are internalized and repeated by stakeholdersMisunderstandings are very rareNo surprises due to failure to communicate Team understands leader

Others are often asked to clarify intentKey stakeholders are often not informed of events that impact themTeam has trouble understanding leadership direction


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Leadership Competencies - Responsive

Competency What it means High Performing Low Performing

Managing conflict

Anticipating or resolving conflicts among colleagues before they result in team or business impacts

Anticipates problems that will lead to conflicts and seeks to proactively resolve themAddresses conflicts directly and constructively

Naively pursues actions that will lead to avoidable conflictAvoids constructive conflict resolutionEscalates needlessly

Sound judgment

Consistently making decisions that take into account all relevant considerationsOptimizing on the right things at the right time

Decisions consistently withstand the test of timeActions, decisions and communication always fit together - integrityRegularly consulted

Decisions often based on incomplete information or faulty reasoningOften fails to see the full pictureInconsistent, unpredictable leadership

Functional expertise

Business and/or technical knowledge required for a leader’s area of responsibilitySpecial skills required to lead in this area

Can speak clearly to technical issuesUnderstands experts and provides strong functional leadershipTrusted advisor in functional area

Has only a vague idea of what team does in detailCannot speak to details independently Struggles with technical decision-making


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Summary Behaviors are high-level,

observable, repeated actions that show leadership strength

Competencies are the building blocks required for strong leadership. They provide an objective basis for development planning, coaching, feedback and leadership performance assessment.

Qualities express our vision of how we want to lead. To achieve this vision, we need to develop the competencies and practice the behaviors





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•At least once a month, each employee will have a focused discussion with his or her leader including– Progress toward goals, resetting expectations or adjusting priorities as necessary– Progress on development plan, discussing any changes or new opportunities– Employee needs (e.g. support from other teams, resources, strategic guidance)– Clear and actionable feedback

•Leaders will strive to model high-performing behaviours

•Leaders will share accountability for our progress

•We will become a place to grow great leaders as well as great technical talent


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Developing Leadership Competencies

• Developing leadership competencies requires focus and commitment from both leaders and colleagues– Leader needs to call out development opportunities and provide coaching and development

opportunities– Employee needs to recognize importance of all competencies and commit to development– Dialog between leader and employee needs to regularly focus on leadership development– Peers and other leaders need to support and acknowledge leadership development across the


• Leadership development training opportunities should be fully leveraged as part of development plans

• Development actions should extend beyond formal training to include situational coaching, mentoring, and leader-supported development opportunities

• Development opportunities in different competencies require different approaches

• Different individuals have different learning styles and receptiveness• There is no “one size fits all” approach to leadership development


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Developing Leadership Competencies - Proactive

Competency Low Performing High Performing Developing

Strategic Thinking

No plan beyond immediate deliverablesSurprised by problemsBad decisions due to lack of strategic vision

Team has a strategic plan and is following the planProblem-solving always takes a wide viewInstrumental in strategy beyond own team

Recognize and reward strategic engagementHold employee accountable for decisions Create opportunities to take broader view

Building and leveraging relationships

Chronic problems with groups or individualsUnaware of problemsUnwilling to help

No relationship gapsAsks for – and gets – help when neededConsistently finds win-win

Assess key relationships Action 360 feedbackIdentify role model/mentorSituational coaching

Talent development

Surprised by attritionBad hiring or promotion decisions“Ceremonial” PD

Consistent recruiting and retention successAll team members actively developingExemplary PD

Talent reviews Review PD plans and reviews constructivelyFeedback from skip-levels Personal development

Financial and business acumen

Unable to discern minor from major business issuesLoose control over team financials

Anticipates P & L impacts Fast and accurate response to financial queriesStrong negotiating skills

Hold employee accountable for financials Business / finance mentorChallenge with opportunities to contribute to financial strategy


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Proactive Competencies – Employee Development

Competency Employee Development

Strategic Thinking

Reserve time for strategic planning by yourself (at least once a week, for at least one hour to start, building to 4 hrs / wk minimum)Ask your leader and colleagues for sample strategic plans or roadmaps that have been successfully implemented – use as examples, not recipesIdentify a small number (<10) of strategic objectives for yourself and/or your team and measure each decision you make or initiative you start against these objectives. Challenge yourself and your team to “explain” on a weekly basis everything they are doing in relation to these objectives.

Building and leveraging relationships

Conduct a “relationship inventory” and review with your leader Solicit and action 360 feedbackIdentify a relationship role model/mentorTrack frequency and effectiveness of contacts with key “relationship partners”

Talent development

Reserve sufficient time for effective talent review and discussion with your leader Solicit feedback from your leader and your team members on the effectiveness of the PD reviews that you write and deliverDemonstrate commitment to your own development and that of your team

Financial and business acumen

Take initiative to acquire and take ownership of financials for an area, activity or supplierIdentify a business / finance mentorReview company financials and ask questions of your leader or finance liaisonBusiness or finance training classes


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Leadership Competencies - Execution

Competency Low Performing High Performing Developing

Turning strategies into workable plans

Over-promising and under-deliveringCrippled, low-value deliveryChronic over-subscription of team – heroics required

Strategic vision is clearly reflected in day-to-day executionNo surprises or “anti-strategic” deliveryHeroics not required

Regular initiative reviews Provide examples of implementation plansSituational coaching on negotiating scopeManagement training

Driving results

Fails to consistently meet commitments fullyTakes path of least resistance instead of attacking problemsToo easily satisfied

Consistently delivers fully on commitmentsHandles all problems, regardless of sourceAlways finds a way to full success

Clear goalsPrompt feedback on results360 feedback from “customers”Monthly reviews


Others are often asked to clarify intentKey stakeholders are often not informed of events that impact themTeam has trouble understanding leadership direction

Key messages are internalized and repeated by stakeholdersMisunderstandings are very rareNo surprises due to failure to communicate Team understands leader

Observable editingImmediate communication feedbackPractice, practice, practiceRecording / playbackSkip-level playbackCommunications training


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Execution Competencies – Employee Development

Competency Employee Development

Turning strategies into workable plans

Ensure regular initiative reviews and solicit feedback from leader, team and other stakeholdersWeekly portfolio assessment with focus on plan variances (schedule, scope, budget) and “variance RCA” (identify root causes and “remediations”)PMI or other management training classesMonthly strategic review with leader, focused on plan/strategy alignmentMonthly review with team of workload and planning effectiveness

Driving results

Explicit, detailed, regular (weekly) updates with leader on goalsRegular (weekly) partner / stakeholder updates emphasizing specific accomplishments and deliverables360 feedback from “customers”Solicit feedback from leader and stakeholders after monthly reviewsIdentify a “delivery mentor”


Reserve enough time to iterate communications through draft and review by leader or communications mentorSolicit immediate feedback after communicationsAsk team members / audience to summarize key points of your communications (to observe what may be missed or misinterpreted)Develop communication plans for major initiatives (volunteer to help on cross-team communications)Communications training classes


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Leadership Competencies - Responsive

Competency Low Performing High Performing Developing

Managing conflict

Naively pursues actions that will lead to avoidable conflictAvoids constructive conflict resolutionEscalates needlessly

Anticipates problems that will lead to conflicts and seeks to proactively resolve themAddresses conflicts directly and constructively

Call attention to conflictProvide specific and immediate feedbackSet specific conflict resolution goalsProvide relevant examples

Sound judgment

Decisions often based on incomplete information or faulty reasoningOften fails to see the full pictureInconsistent, unpredictable leadership

Decisions consistently withstand the test of timeActions, decisions and communication always fit together - integrityRegularly consulted

Constructive questioningShare details of good decision-making via examplesProgressively increase scope of decision-making responsibility

Functional expertise

Has only a vague idea of what team does in detailCannot speak to details independently Struggles with technical decision-making

Can speak clearly to technical issuesUnderstands experts and provides strong functional leadershipTrusted advisor in functional area

Identify technical mentorAssign progressively more technical communications tasks Develop specific technical learning plan and track progress regularlyConstructive questioning


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Responsive Competencies – Employee Development

Competency Employee Development

Managing conflict

Relationship inventory assessments with leaderEscalation checklist (Is escalation necessary? Have you addressed issue directly before escalating? Is context and medium of escalation appropriate? How will escalation be perceived?)Action impact checklist (Does action impact other groups / individuals? Will communication plan prevent misunderstandings / unnecessary conflicts?)

Sound judgment

Leverage mentor / trusted advisor and observe thought process, not just recommendationReview impact of all significant decisions with leader, applying critical hindsight Decision checklist (How does this decision support our strategic plan? How is it consistent with other decisions that I and others on the leadership team have made? What will it look like 6 months from now? A year from now? 2 years…?)

Functional expertise

Leverage technical mentor(s) and work with them to develop learning programTake on technical communication tasks, supported by mentors / SMEsOver-prepare for updates and presentations, measuring yourself on how you respond to questionsPerform “personal RCA” on knowledge gaps and adjust learning program to address identified gaps immediately. Track “incidents” with leader.


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Development Planning – Whole Employee View


Job Knowledge


Leadership is what drives the future – both for the employee and the organization as a whole

Job Knowledge is what we consume on a daily basis – needs to stay current and also fuel the pump

Engagement is the pump – motivates and drives development


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Development Plan Questions

• Does the plan make progress on leadership competencies?– Which competencies and how? – Does the plan address the leadership areas of opportunity identified in PD?

• Does the plan enhance technical knowledge and skills?– How exactly – i.e., what skills and knowledge and why are these valuable?– How will we assess progress?

• Does the plan promise to improve engagement?– What parts of the plan will be most interesting to the employee?– What parts of the plan open new doors?– What parts of the plan may improve engagement of other colleagues?


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Monitoring Development – “KPIs”

• Examples of leadership competency improvement (or challenge)– Link and label these for the employee and tie back to development plan

• Informal assessment of tech knowledge / opportunities to demonstrate– Use probing, but supportive, questioning to assess progress– Provide opportunities to present ideas / make decisions / produce deliverables

• Formal certifications• Accomplishments

– Link and label, tying back to development plan and actions

• Is discretionary time being applied to development activities?– Look for signs of interest / self-motivation and if lacking, revisit the plan

• Is employee actively sharing / exercising new knowledge and skills?– Recognize and reward

• Is employee participating more actively in team activities and meetings


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Evaluating Training Options• Does the training contribute significantly to leadership, technical and engagement goals in

development plans?– How does the training fit into individual development plans?– How does the training contribute to group / organizational development goals?

• What is the “useful life” of the training?– Is it immediately valuable? If not, when will employee(s) leverage it?– How long will it deliver value for the employee(s)?

• How much primary value is provided by the training itself?– Does the training provide a unique opportunity that is not available via self-study or other means?– Is the training time- and resource - efficient?

• How much secondary value does the training provide?– Can the benefits of the training be shared more broadly beyond those directly involved? If yes, is there a

commitment to do so?– Does the training enable new business or technical opportunities for the organization as a whole?


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Evaluating Stretch Assignments• Does the assignment contribute significantly to leadership, technical and engagement goals for

the individual(s)?– How does the assignment fit into individual development plans?– How does the assignment contribute to group / organizational development goals?

• How will development be supported via the assignment?– What are the specific development objectives associated with the assignment?– How will development be monitored and supported? – What are the key success or risk indicators?

• What is the opportunity cost associated with the assignment?– Is there a potential productivity cost? Are we prepared to compensate for any such cost?– What other areas of development may be negatively impacted by the assignment?

• How will the assignment be integrated into the individuals PD plan and assessment?– How will the “stretch” nature of the assignment be weighed in assessing performance?– What are the performance risks associated with the assignment and are these risks understood and accepted by

all parties?


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Development Plan Example 1• Technology and operations leader with solutions delivery, risk and control, QA,

operations and business leadership responsibility– Significant gaps in understanding of key technical and operational areas – e.g. ETL, account

processing– Gaps in currency of knowledge on emerging payments technologies and business models– Leadership competencies dimensions for improvement: communication, financial and business

acumen, functional expertise

• Key components of development plan– Attend Financial Services Technology Summit– Attend Emerging Tech Conference– Self-study Amazon, PayPal infrastructure, APIs, and applications– Engage Corporate Communications to focus on team communications– Leverage deep dives, system documentation and team resources to learn ETL and end-to-end

account processing – Self-study emerging distributed computing paradigms (cut through cloud hype and fog)– Detailed review of monthly BCUS and division financial results, leveraging experts in finance to

answer questions and improve comprehension


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Development Plan Example 2• Technical operations individual contributor with leadership aspirations,

interested in broader operations roles and database operations in particular– Strong knowledge of Microsoft desktop and server products– No Unix knowledge or experience– No prior people leadership experience– Limited knowledge of BCUS business– Leadership competencies dimensions for improvement: communication, financial and business

acumen, talent development, strategic thinking, turning strategies into plans, managing relationships

• Key components of development plan– Microsoft SQL Server training (3-day offsite)– Stretch assignment on Unix server build team– PMI (project management) certification training course– Oracle DBA fundamentals training (self-study courseware)


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Development Plan ExerciseFor each example – and a third “volunteered” if possible

1. Review the development plan and point out any obvious significant gaps2. Formulate a list of questions to be answered by the employee and leader3. Assess the value of the plan by answering the Development Plan Questions4. Assess training and stretch assignments5. Develop a plan for monitoring and evaluating effectiveness of the plan


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Assessing Leadership Competencies - Principles• Assessments should call out characteristics of high and low performance and

support these by specific examples

• Examples should be representative and assessment should not focus on isolated incidents or uncharacteristic behaviours

• Examples of exceeding expectations should be “exemplary” – i.e., they should serve as examples for those developing the competency to follow

• Competency should be assessed over the entire assessment period, without undue weight applied to recent or most “visible” events

• Leadership competencies are meant to be universal (i.e. applicable to all roles), but the means of demonstrating competencies are different for different roles and levels of responsibility

• Leaders should provide a complete assessment and ensure that the full assessment is understood


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Assessing Leadership Competencies - ProactiveCompetency Meets




Strategic Thinking

Team has a strategic planNo “anti-strategic” decisionsLeader and team are appropriately engaged in strategic decision-making

Strategic plans or ideas are distinctive, including original and non-obvious ideasTeam is motivated and directed by strategic visionSeveral key strategic decisions made or influenced

Transformational advances in strategy and directionStrategic impact beyond team Recognized by partners, industry or other external sources as strategic thought leader

Building and leveraging relationships

Adequate working relationship with all key stakeholdersRecognizes relationship issues and deals with them adequatelyMeets peers support expectations

Strong trust and working relationships with all key stakeholdersCounted on by peers for supportConsistently finds win-win

Recognized by colleagues as great collaborator Exceptional relationship development successes

Talent development

No preventable regrettable attritionPD reviews meet expectationsTeam members have development plans

Team is highly engagedPD exceeds expectationsMultiple employee development successesStrong, proactive talent management

Team shows exceptional engagementPD significantly exceedsLeader is recognized as great mentor / development resource Exceptional talent planning

Financial and business acumen

Understanding of BCUS financials adequate to roleAdequate control over team financials / financial impacts of team actionsMeets all tracking / reporting requirements

Anticipates P & L impacts Fast and accurate response to financial queriesStrong negotiating skillsMaterial contribution to meeting BTG/BCUS financial goals

Demonstrates broad knowledge of BCUS business and team impact on the businessRecognized as financial management role modelExceptional contribution to financial analysis and/or goals


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Assessing Leadership Competencies - Execution

Competency Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations

Significantly Exceeds

Turning strategies into workable plans

Meets delivery expectationsTeam is consistently tasked, but not over-subscribedStakeholders are satisfied with delivery and agree it is aligned with mutually understood strategy

Strategic vision is clearly reflected in day-to-day executionNo surprises or “anti-strategic” deliveryHeroics not required by teamDelivery on strategic initiatives exceeds expectations

Distinguished leadership executing strategic agendaRecognized as “goto” leader for strategic initiativesMaximum strategic leverage of resources beyond own teamTurns strategic challenges into opportunities and exploits them

Driving results

Generally meets commitments, with any misses aligned with stakeholdersProvides clear direction and supports team in executionHas appropriate expectations self and team and ensures these expectations are met

Consistently delivers fully on commitmentsOvercomes non-trivial obstacles to delivering resultsSets high standards for self and team and motivates team to deliver at a higher levelExceeds expectations on goals

Significantly exceeds expectations in results deliveryManages through complex and difficult execution challengesMakes durable improvements to results delivery beyond own teamDrives exceptional business value


Communications to team and stakeholders are clear and sufficientTeam understands leadership directionStakeholders impacted by actions of team are provided sufficient advance notice

Key messages are internalized and repeated by stakeholdersMisunderstandings are very rareNo surprises due to failure to communicate Difficult communications handled effectively

Communications are influential and lead to consistent and reinforcing messages Leader is recognized as an effective communicatorExceptional communications drive business value beyond own team


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Assessing Leadership Competencies - Responsive

Competency Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations

Significantly Exceeds

Managing conflict

Manages day-to-day team and interpersonal contacts adequatelyEscalates appropriately, attempting to resolve conflicts first

Anticipates problems that will lead to conflicts and seeks to proactively resolve themAddresses conflicts directly and constructivelyProvides strong collaborative leadership example to team

Turns challenging team or interpersonal conflicts into opportunitiesDrives durable change in people, process or technology issues at the root of persistent conflicts

Sound judgment

Decisions generally well-considered and based on adequate information and analysisConsistent leadership (decisions make sense to team and stakeholders)

Decisions consistently hold up to questioning before and after the factActions, decisions and communication always fit together Regularly consulted by peers and other colleagues

All decisions – including several difficult and complex examples – hold up to scrutinyExceptional balance of strategic and tactical Recognized by peers for exceptional competency in this dimension

Functional expertise

Can provide adequate level of detail in describing functional tasks and responsibilitiesMakes technical decisions effectivelyCan respond quickly and accurately to requests for information

Can speak clearly and with authority to technical issuesUnderstands experts and provides strong functional leadershipTrusted advisor in functional area

Recognized expert in area of responsibility – both internally and externally (incl partners, suppliers, industry, etc.)Drives high-value durable and strategic change by leveraging functional expertise


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Special Challenges for Technical Leaders

Competency Challenge Strategies

Managing conflict

Conflicts are often due to misunderstandings / lack of shared understanding of technical issues

Take extra time to ensure that stakeholders have a shared understanding of all relevant technical facts

Sound judgment

Decisions often have multi-year impact and are not reversible without great expense

Make sure you fully understand the long-term impact of your decisions and do not allow near-term pressure to cause you to make hasty decisions without full facts and analysis. Use your leader.

Functional expertise

There is too much to know. It is not possible to truly be an expert in all areas that touch on your area of responsibility.

Establish strong mastery of fundamentals and focus on developing your ability to rapidly learn on as-needed basis. Learn “vicariously” through your team, external contacts, and colleagues.


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Special Challenges for Technical Leaders (cont).Competency Challenge Strategies

Building and leveraging relationships

Stakeholders with whom you need to build relationships are generally clueless technically and have different interests

Rely less on work context as the source of shared interest / informal interaction

Talent developmentTechnical talent development planning and assessment for some team members may require knowledge that you do not have

Leverage other team members and external resources; ask questions

Turning Strategies into Workable Plans

Best laid technical implementation plans often run into problems, causing implementation to stray from strategy or intent

Ask probing questions regularly and aggressively so you learn of “divergence” early and get early and open dialog to happen when issues occur. If necessary, revisit the strategy.


It is hard to get technical people motivated to develop communications and hard to get nontechnical audiences to pay attention to them, so…

Recognize and reward concise, interesting, communications from your team and hold stakeholders accountable for receiving them


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Prioritization and Planning – Problem Statement


“Nothing is getting done”

“We’re overrun!”




Lack of VisionImpossible toplan



Resource Overloads

Unplanned, uncoordinated“astrategic” workload

Constant Escalation Demands directed randomly

No apparent strategy Lack of trust


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How We Would Like Things to Be…


How others think of us

How we think of ourselves

We always deliverWe respond

We win in the marketplace

We add valueWe are strategic partners

We drive competitive advantage

We make things happen

We have the right resources at the right time

We have a planWe do the right thing

We develop our people

We give heads up to partners

We continuously improve

We have consistent work/life balance

We say “yes we can!”


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Building Blocks – Organizational Capabilities

Time tracking

Forecasting and sizing

Prioritization and planning


Metrics and reporting

Roadmap development and alignment process

Prioritization process

Capacity planning tools

Historical data & models

Time tracking system







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Understanding Team Capacity

• When setting up time tracking, resist the temptation to create large buckets for “BAU” – you need to understand the components of this

• Use historical data to designate “Run the Engine” (RTE) or “BAU” activities and carve out capacity for these. Aim should be to continuously improve efficiency so these activities can be executed at lower cost.

• Set “utilization targets” for subteams and/or individuals, expressing the proportion of time resources can be allocated to non-RTE work

• Where possible, link RTE demand to business drivers and forecast accordingly• Capacity for non-RTE work – what you spend most of your prioritization time

and energy to – is what remains when RTE demand has been forecasted

• Where possible, implement a variable resourcing model that allows “fixed” FTE resources to be augmented by “variable” resources that can go up and down as demand fluctuates

• To make “variabilization” work, forecasting must be accurate


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Leadership Competencies for Prioritization and Planning


Strategic thinkingBuilding and leveraging relationshipsTalent developmentFinancial and business acumen


Turning strategies into workable plansDriving resultsCommunication


Managing conflictSound judgmentFunctional expertise

Strategic alignment

Hard conversations

Resource planning


Initiative planning

Meeting forecasts

Metrics, reporting, alignment



Planning, forecasting, strategy