league of women voters presenter: kim klein klein and roth consulting [email protected] kim klein...

League of Women Voters Presenter: Kim Klein Klein and Roth Consulting [email protected] Kim Klein is a fundraiser and trainer . She is the author of Reliable Fundraising in Unreliable Times,and the classic Fundraising for Social Change, (now in its 6 th edition). Kim has provided training and consultation in all 50 United States, 5 Canadian provinces and 21 other countries. She is a member of the Building Movement Project and lives in Berkeley, CA

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Page 1: League of Women Voters Presenter: Kim Klein Klein and Roth Consulting kim@kleinandroth.com Kim Klein is a fundraiser and trainer. She is the author of

League of Women Voters

Presenter: Kim KleinKlein and Roth [email protected]

Kim Klein is a fundraiser and trainer . She is the author of Reliable Fundraising in Unreliable

Times,and the classic Fundraising for Social Change, (now in its 6th edition). Kim has provided training and consultation in all 50 United States, 5 Canadian provinces and 21 other countries.

She is a member of the Building Movement Project and lives in Berkeley, CA

Page 2: League of Women Voters Presenter: Kim Klein Klein and Roth Consulting kim@kleinandroth.com Kim Klein is a fundraiser and trainer. She is the author of

Focus on one question: What does the organization want back for the time and $ they are spending?

Page 3: League of Women Voters Presenter: Kim Klein Klein and Roth Consulting kim@kleinandroth.com Kim Klein is a fundraiser and trainer. She is the author of

Money New Donors Happy donors Legacy donors Advocates Volunteers Visibility


Page 4: League of Women Voters Presenter: Kim Klein Klein and Roth Consulting kim@kleinandroth.com Kim Klein is a fundraiser and trainer. She is the author of

TOTAL GIVING:  $316.23 billion  Individuals:   $228.93      73% Bequests:          23.41        7% Foundations     45.74      14% Corporations    18.15        6%

Source: Giving USA

Page 5: League of Women Voters Presenter: Kim Klein Klein and Roth Consulting kim@kleinandroth.com Kim Klein is a fundraiser and trainer. She is the author of

Most people: 70% of adults give away $$ Give to 5-10 organizations each year, most

of which are fairly similar Equal numbers of men and women 60% of all money given away comes from

families with incomes of $90,000 or less # 1 reason people make a donation:

someone asked them #1 reason people keep giving: someone

thanked them


Page 6: League of Women Voters Presenter: Kim Klein Klein and Roth Consulting kim@kleinandroth.com Kim Klein is a fundraiser and trainer. She is the author of


Invite the first gift: (mail, on-line, special events, thank yous)

Invite the donor to give over and over: mail, phone, e-alerts, signature events, personal notes on letters, thank you notes

Invite the donor to give thoughtfully: (personal calls, visits,

personal asking)

Invite a legacy gift (bequest): information repeated over time in various ways.

Page 7: League of Women Voters Presenter: Kim Klein Klein and Roth Consulting kim@kleinandroth.com Kim Klein is a fundraiser and trainer. She is the author of

Goal: money and people Apprpropriate strategies Volunteers Strong “back office” support


Page 8: League of Women Voters Presenter: Kim Klein Klein and Roth Consulting kim@kleinandroth.com Kim Klein is a fundraiser and trainer. She is the author of

One Thing Will Never Change:

Personal face to face Asking will always be the most successful



Nothing takes the place of face to face asking

Page 9: League of Women Voters Presenter: Kim Klein Klein and Roth Consulting kim@kleinandroth.com Kim Klein is a fundraiser and trainer. She is the author of

1. Success is askingFundraising is a volume


Tip: Create a visual, such as a thermometer, which shows

# of asks completed

Page 10: League of Women Voters Presenter: Kim Klein Klein and Roth Consulting kim@kleinandroth.com Kim Klein is a fundraiser and trainer. She is the author of

2. Be OK with NOPeople say no. “No” has nothing to do with

you. People say no because: They have too much else on their minds They have given already to someone else They don’t have the money

Page 11: League of Women Voters Presenter: Kim Klein Klein and Roth Consulting kim@kleinandroth.com Kim Klein is a fundraiser and trainer. She is the author of

“I’ll get back to you.” “I have to ask my partner/spouse.” “I haven’t had time to look at your

information”“Send me something in the mail” “I’ll look at your website and give on-line”“I’m giving to so many other things right

now.” “Yes, I’ll send something” (which never


Page 12: League of Women Voters Presenter: Kim Klein Klein and Roth Consulting kim@kleinandroth.com Kim Klein is a fundraiser and trainer. She is the author of

3. Believe in your cause What you believe in must

be bigger than what you are afraid of.

Pick an image of your work and lead with that.

Page 13: League of Women Voters Presenter: Kim Klein Klein and Roth Consulting kim@kleinandroth.com Kim Klein is a fundraiser and trainer. She is the author of

4. Ask some people. Don’t ask everyone.In general, don’t ask people who:• you know will give only so that they can

ask you for their cause,• owe you a favor,• you don’t like,• really don’t want to

Page 14: League of Women Voters Presenter: Kim Klein Klein and Roth Consulting kim@kleinandroth.com Kim Klein is a fundraiser and trainer. She is the author of


Go from this:“Please, please, please…”

To this: “I think you would be interested….”

Page 15: League of Women Voters Presenter: Kim Klein Klein and Roth Consulting kim@kleinandroth.com Kim Klein is a fundraiser and trainer. She is the author of
Page 16: League of Women Voters Presenter: Kim Klein Klein and Roth Consulting kim@kleinandroth.com Kim Klein is a fundraiser and trainer. She is the author of

Use a combination of letter/e-mail, phone call and face to face to face meeting

Page 17: League of Women Voters Presenter: Kim Klein Klein and Roth Consulting kim@kleinandroth.com Kim Klein is a fundraiser and trainer. She is the author of

People have a lot going on in their lives, and they put down your letter or they delete your e-mail.

Not responding is does not mean “no.”

Page 18: League of Women Voters Presenter: Kim Klein Klein and Roth Consulting kim@kleinandroth.com Kim Klein is a fundraiser and trainer. She is the author of

Have ready: Opening sentence Message for VM Most exciting thing

about the project Where are you toward

the goal? How much do you


Stop and THINK: Who is this donor? What are you

interrupting? Are you prepared to

hear yes? No? Questions?

Page 19: League of Women Voters Presenter: Kim Klein Klein and Roth Consulting kim@kleinandroth.com Kim Klein is a fundraiser and trainer. She is the author of

Have ready: Stories Statistics, including

comparisons Philosophical reasons

why this is important Responses to common

objections and questions

Budget and fundraising success so far

Keep in mind: The donor/s agreed to

see you They already like your

organization Appreciate what they

have done already, and reassure them it is enough

Invite them to stretch and do more

Page 20: League of Women Voters Presenter: Kim Klein Klein and Roth Consulting kim@kleinandroth.com Kim Klein is a fundraiser and trainer. She is the author of

Prepare for Objections:

“ That’s a good question”

“ I have had that same feeling”

“ What would you advise us to do differently?”

“ Would you be willing to give when...?”

“How shall we leave this today?


Page 21: League of Women Voters Presenter: Kim Klein Klein and Roth Consulting kim@kleinandroth.com Kim Klein is a fundraiser and trainer. She is the author of
Page 22: League of Women Voters Presenter: Kim Klein Klein and Roth Consulting kim@kleinandroth.com Kim Klein is a fundraiser and trainer. She is the author of
Page 23: League of Women Voters Presenter: Kim Klein Klein and Roth Consulting kim@kleinandroth.com Kim Klein is a fundraiser and trainer. She is the author of

Dear Friend, It’s December again, and if you’re like me, you are

wishing you had started your holiday shopping earlier. Buying presents for friends at this time of year can be fun, but if you’re short on time or ideas, it can be nerve-wracking. Some friends are particularly hard to give gifts to because they don’t seem to need or want anything. Should I get them another CD? Another book? Another piece of pottery?

This year I have decided to give many people on my holiday list a glimpse into Oceans Forever. I serve on the board and donate money and time to this group because I am convinced that the work we are doing is making a difference. I know my friends want to make a difference also, so I am giving Oceans Forever a gift in their name.

Do you want to join me? Simply send us a donation in the name of a friend, family member, or co-worker. We will send them a lovely card telling them about your gift.


Page 24: League of Women Voters Presenter: Kim Klein Klein and Roth Consulting kim@kleinandroth.com Kim Klein is a fundraiser and trainer. She is the author of

The minimum gift is $15, but you can give any amount above that. I have given what I would have spent on a present for each of my friends. You can give as many or as few gifts as you wish.

A donation to Oceans Forever in the name of a friend is perfect for someone who:

• knows how important oceans are; • appreciates an effective organization; • is interested in what you are up to these days. I hope you will join me in giving your friends a healthy

ocean. Just go online or use the enclosed form by December 15 so that we can let your friends know of your gift.

Best wishes for the holiday season,Mary Goodboardmember


Page 25: League of Women Voters Presenter: Kim Klein Klein and Roth Consulting kim@kleinandroth.com Kim Klein is a fundraiser and trainer. She is the author of

This is a great idea! Save time and oceans too! I’d like to give $___ (minimum $15) for each of the following people:

1. Name______________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________ Message: (up to 20 words)__________________________________

2. Name____________________________________________________ Address__________________________________________________ Message: _______________________________________________

3. Name_____________________________________________________ Address___________________________________________________ Message:__________________________________________________

Total enclosed: $__________Use additional sheets as needed or go on-line to www.oceans\gifts (Name, Address, etc. Payment options)


Page 26: League of Women Voters Presenter: Kim Klein Klein and Roth Consulting kim@kleinandroth.com Kim Klein is a fundraiser and trainer. She is the author of

Create a script for people to use. Most of the time you will be leaving a message.

MESSAGE“Hello, this is Daryl Dogood. I’m a volunteer

with Friends of the Friendless. I’m calling to follow up on a letter we sent recently asking you to renew your support for our work. You have helped us in the past and we could use your help again.

Please take a moment to review the letter or go to our website: www.Friendsof.org for a description of what we have done and what we are planning. Thanks for your part in all of it—we look forward to hearing from you.”


Page 27: League of Women Voters Presenter: Kim Klein Klein and Roth Consulting kim@kleinandroth.com Kim Klein is a fundraiser and trainer. She is the author of

“This is Wanda Volunteer from Friends of the Friendless. Do you have a moment to talk right now?

(If yes), “I’m following up on a letter we sent recently. I know everyone is swamped with appeals, but I wonder if you remember it?”

(If yes,) “Do you have any questions or comments about our work—including criticisms or suggestions?

(If yes, then discuss. If no,) “Can you help us again this year with a gift of $___?”

Use this as a chance to verify address and phone number. If the person says they would rather not be phoned in the future, make a note of that in your record, and in their thank you note.


Page 28: League of Women Voters Presenter: Kim Klein Klein and Roth Consulting kim@kleinandroth.com Kim Klein is a fundraiser and trainer. She is the author of

If you reach someone, send a thank you note: “thanks for taking the time to talk with me this evening. We all so appreciate your pledge of $50. I’ve enclose an envelope in case you can’t find the one we sent.”

OR: “Thanks for taking the time to talk with me this evening. I appreciate your willingness to think about making a year end gift. And, once again, thanks for your past support.”


Page 29: League of Women Voters Presenter: Kim Klein Klein and Roth Consulting kim@kleinandroth.com Kim Klein is a fundraiser and trainer. She is the author of

Each phone volunteer should have a spreadsheet with columns as follows:

Donor: Last Gift: Summary of Giving: Phoned: Summary of Call:

NameAddressPhone: Donor: Last Gift: Summary of Giving: Phoned: Summary of




Page 30: League of Women Voters Presenter: Kim Klein Klein and Roth Consulting kim@kleinandroth.com Kim Klein is a fundraiser and trainer. She is the author of

As many as 90% of on-line donations are made in December and as many as 90% of those are made Dec 30-31!

Create an e-appeal to be sent to all donors you have e-mail addresses for.

Send on Dec 22, Dec 27 and Dec 30. Suppress names of respondents.


Page 31: League of Women Voters Presenter: Kim Klein Klein and Roth Consulting kim@kleinandroth.com Kim Klein is a fundraiser and trainer. She is the author of

Segment into those who need: a personalized holiday card a special invitation to your Open House to be called and thanked or asked visited and thanked or asked

Form a committee of three-four people (at least two board members) and assign yourselves the task of taking care of three major donors a week from now through Dec. 30


Page 32: League of Women Voters Presenter: Kim Klein Klein and Roth Consulting kim@kleinandroth.com Kim Klein is a fundraiser and trainer. She is the author of

Call your current donors and thank them.• Write a brief message which the caller can

memorize to leave on voice mail• Prepare a few FAQs and talking points for when

the caller reaches a real person

People are very pleased with these calls, and it will show up in increased renewal rates next year.

Perfect strategy for the shy board member


Page 33: League of Women Voters Presenter: Kim Klein Klein and Roth Consulting kim@kleinandroth.com Kim Klein is a fundraiser and trainer. She is the author of

“Hello, this is Vincent Volunteer calling from the Affordable Housing Coalition. I’m calling to thank you for your support over this past year and wish you happy holidays. We had many accomplishments this year, but two stand out:

--Passing a rent control ordinance that was supported by both renters and progressive landlords

--Creating a loan fund with zero interest and 12 months to pay to enable poor families to put down deposits on apartments and homes. We’ve made 200 loans since April.

Your donations helped make all this possible. Thank you again.”

Volunteers need to practice saying this slowly and clearly. www.kleinandroth.com

Page 34: League of Women Voters Presenter: Kim Klein Klein and Roth Consulting kim@kleinandroth.com Kim Klein is a fundraiser and trainer. She is the author of

People for Everything Good Needs: Cash donations Coffee Urn for Community Meetings Sturdy Bookshelves, any size Ergonomic office chairs Toys for Children’s Area New fax machinePlease contact Meryl at 433-221-1112 or write:

[email protected]


Page 35: League of Women Voters Presenter: Kim Klein Klein and Roth Consulting kim@kleinandroth.com Kim Klein is a fundraiser and trainer. She is the author of


Page 36: League of Women Voters Presenter: Kim Klein Klein and Roth Consulting kim@kleinandroth.com Kim Klein is a fundraiser and trainer. She is the author of


Page 37: League of Women Voters Presenter: Kim Klein Klein and Roth Consulting kim@kleinandroth.com Kim Klein is a fundraiser and trainer. She is the author of

If I found out about your organization from --your website, --your e-newsletter--a friend--a special event--dropping by your office

Would I know that you raise money from people like me?


Page 38: League of Women Voters Presenter: Kim Klein Klein and Roth Consulting kim@kleinandroth.com Kim Klein is a fundraiser and trainer. She is the author of

Ideally this includes the board, but does not need to only be board members.


Page 39: League of Women Voters Presenter: Kim Klein Klein and Roth Consulting kim@kleinandroth.com Kim Klein is a fundraiser and trainer. She is the author of

Keep your spirits up by: Making your own gift first Keeping current on stories that make you proud of your organization Remembering that if you ask enough

people, you will raise your money.

Page 40: League of Women Voters Presenter: Kim Klein Klein and Roth Consulting kim@kleinandroth.com Kim Klein is a fundraiser and trainer. She is the author of

Magazine and e-newsletterGrassroots Fundraising Journalwww.grassrootsfundraising.orgBooks by Kim KleinReliable Fundraising in Unreliable TimesFundraising for Social Change Other recommended books: Working Across Generations by Robby Rodriquez,

Frances Kunreuther and Helen KimAccidental Fundraiser by Stephanie Roth and Mimi

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