lean service dominant logic graphic

Lean Marketing for Service Dominant Thinkers Tradional sales and markeng evolved around sales with linear thinking and the tradional sales funnel. Successful products and services have now evolved into an eco-system. We are only as effecve as our value proposion is at the point of use. At the heart of this system is Service Dominant Logic. The value stream team is first and foremost the listening post for the customer (prospect). The team provides the customer with the informaon, technology, and support that is required. This is done through an understanding of what is needed in the job to be done value proposion. Passing through from one spiral to the next is a result of the customer or, beer put, the result of our increase in knowledge about the customers’ “job to be done and the match of our proposed value proposion. Our Value Proposion is delivered based on Customer needs. Think SDCA: A taccal team works with a customer needing standard products/ services. Think PDCA: A problem solving team works with a customer needing slight alter- aons or bundled products/services. Think EDCA: A creave team works with a customer that needs new or major changes to product/services. A Lean Enterprise will react to these offerings more quickly and more effecvely than a tradional company. This is how the five principles of Lean Thinking complement Service Dominant Logic thinking. We have Idenfied Value at the place of use. We map value through the Markeng Gateway of SDCA, PDCA, EDCA We create flow by the value proposion determined by the customer. Establish Pull through the value proposion offered at the place of use. We seek perfecon through the applicaon of connuous improvement. Jobs To Be Done | Innosight aributed to Clayton Christensen Sd-Logic is from Vargo & Lusch, 2004 Markeng Gateway of SDCA, PDCA, EDCA is from Graham Hill

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Post on 12-May-2015




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In The Service-Dominant Logic of Marketing edited by Robert Lusch and Stephen Vargo they present the case to use SD-Logic as a foundation versus a total integrative marketing method. I believe that Lean viewed through the lens of PDCA as a knowledge creation platform can serve as the vehicle for implementation of this Logic. The principles of SD-Logic cannot be implemented in various silos of an organization, just as the basic principles of Lean cannot. It requires a cultural and fundamental shift within the organization placing the customer and user experience becoming the center.


Page 1: Lean Service Dominant Logic Graphic

Lean Marketing

for Service Dominant Thinkers

Traditional sales and marketing evolved around sales with linear thinking and the traditional sales funnel.

Successful products and services have now evolved into an eco-system.

We are only as effective as our value proposition is at the point of use. At the heart of this system is Service Dominant Logic.

The value stream team is first and foremost the listening post for the customer

(prospect). The team provides the customer with the information, technology, and

support that is required. This is done through an understanding of what is needed in

the job to be done value proposition. Passing through from one spiral to the next is a

result of the customer or, better put, the result of our increase in knowledge about

the customers’ “job to be done and the match of our proposed value proposition.

Our Value Proposition is delivered based on Customer needs.

Think SDCA: A tactical team works with a customer needing standard products/


Think PDCA: A problem solving team works with a customer needing slight alter-

ations or bundled products/services.

Think EDCA: A creative team works with a customer that needs new or major

changes to product/services.

A Lean Enterprise will react to these offerings more quickly and more effectively than

a traditional company. This is how the five principles of Lean Thinking complement

Service Dominant Logic thinking.

We have Identified Value at the place of use.

We map value through the Marketing Gateway of SDCA, PDCA, EDCA

We create flow by the value proposition determined by the customer.

Establish Pull through the value proposition offered at the place of use.

We seek perfection through the application of continuous improvement.

Jobs To Be Done | Innosight attributed to Clayton Christensen Sd-Logic is from Vargo & Lusch, 2004 Marketing Gateway of SDCA, PDCA, EDCA is from Graham Hill