lecture 02 html basics.pptx

Introduction to HTML

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Post on 06-Jul-2018




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Introduction to HTML

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Introduction Markup Languages Editing HTML Common Tags Headers Text Styling Linking Images Formatting Text With <FONT> Special Characters, Horizontal Rules and More Line Breaks


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1 Introduction

 HTML HyperText Markup Language Not a procedural programming language like C, Fortran, Cobol

or Pascal  Markup language

Identiy elements o a page so t!at a bro"ser can render t!at pageon your computer screen

Presentation o a document #s$ structure

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Markup Languages

Markup language %sed to ormat text and inormation


Marked up "it! elements, delineated by tags Tags& key"ords contained in pairs o angle brackets

HTML tags Not case sensiti#e

'ood practice to keep all t!e letters in one caseForgetting to close tags is a syntax error

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($( )diting HTML

 HTML files or documents   *ritten in source-code form using text editor

HTML iles

.htm  or .html extensions Name your iles to describe t!eir unctionality  File name o your !ome page s!ould be index.html

)rrors in HTML

%sually not atal

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Common Tags

 +l"ays include t!e <HTML>  </HTML>  tags

Comments placed inside <!----!>  tags

HTML documents HEAD section

Ino about t!e document

Ino in !eader not generally rendered in display "indo" 

TITLE element names your *eb page

BODY section

Page content Includes text, images, links, orms, etc$

)lements include backgrounds, link colors and ont aces

P element orms a paragrap!, blank line beore and ater

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Common Tags -cont$.


 <HEAD>  <TITLE> Internet and WWW H t Pr"ram -

 Wel#me </TITLE>  </HEAD> 


 <P>  Wel#me t O$r We% &ite! </P> 

 </BODY>  </HTML>  

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Headers /imple orm o text ormatting  0ary text sie based on t!e !eader2s 3le#el4  +ctual sie o text o !eader element is selected by bro"ser Can #ary signiicantly bet"een bro"sers

'E(TE)  element Centers material !oriontally  Most elements are let ad5usted by deault

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 6!tml7  6!ead7  6title7Internet and *** Ho" to Program 8 Headers69title7  69!ead7


  6!17Le#el 1 Header69!176!:7Le#el : !eader69!:76!(7Le#el ( !eader69!(76!;7Le#el ; !eader69!;7

6!<7Le#el < !eader69!<76!=7Le#el = !eader69!=7

69body7  69!tml7


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Header elements H1 t!roug! H6

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Text /tyling

%nderline style <*>  </*> 

 +lign elements "it! ALI+( attribute ri"ht, le,t or #enter

Close nested tags in t!e re#erse order rom "!ic! t!ey "ereopened

)mp!asis -italics. style <EM>  </EM> 

/trong -bold. style <&T)O(+>  </&T)O(+> 

 <B>  and <I>  tags deprecated >#erstep boundary bet"een content and presentation

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 <!-- 0i". .1 main.html --> 

2 <!-- &t3li4in" 3$r text --> 


6 <HEAD> 7 <TITLE> Internet and WWW H t Pr"ram - Wel#me </TITLE> 

8 </HEAD> 


: <BODY> 

 <H ALI+( ; #enter><*>  Wel#me t O$r We% &ite! </*></H> 

 <P>  We ha=e dei"ned thi ite t tea#h

2a%$t the nder , <EM> HTML </EM> . We ha=e %een $in"

5 <EM> HTML </EM>  in#e <*> =erin <&T)O(+>  .: </&T)O(+></*> ?

6and e en@3 the ,eat$re that ha=e %een added re#entl3.

It7eem nl3 a hrt time a" that e read $r ,irt

 <EM> HTML </EM> 8 %. &n 3$ ill n a%$t man3 , the "reat ne,eat$re9, HTML 2.:. </P> 


 <H ALI+( ; #enter> Ha=e 0$n With the &ite! </H> 


2 </HTML> 

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/tyliing text on *eb pages

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Links inserted using t!e A  -anc!or. element ?e@uires H)E0 attribute

H)E0 speciies t!e %?L you "ould like to link to <A H)E0 ; addressC>  </A> 

Can link to email addresses, using

 <A H)E0 ; mailt1 emailaddressC>  </A>  Note @uotation mark placement

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 + !yperlink -or link. is a "ord, group o "ords, orimage t!at you can click on to 5ump to anot!erdocument$

 *!en you mo#e t!e cursor o#er a link in a *eb page,t!e arro" "ill turn into a little !and$

Ay deault, links "ill appear as ollo"s in all bro"sers&

 +n un#isited link is underlined and blue  + #isited link is underlined and purple  +n acti#e link is underlined and red

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 6!tml7  6!ead7  6title7Internet and *** Ho" to Program 8 Links69title7

  69!ead7  6body7  6!17Here are my a#orite sites69!17  6p76strong7Click a name to go to t!at page$69strong769p7

  6B88 Create our text !yperlinks 887

  6p76a !re D!ttp&99"""$deitel$comD7Eeitel69a769p7

  6p76a !re D!ttp&99"""$pren!all$comD7Prentice Hall69a769p7

  6p76a !re D!ttp&99"""$ya!oo$comD7a!ooB69a769p7

  6p76a !re D!ttp&99"""$usatoday$comD7%/+ Today69a769p7

  69body7  69!tml7

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Linking to ot!er *eb pages

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 6!tml7  6!ead7

6title7Hyper Linking 69title7  69!ead7


  6p7My email address is  6a !re Dmailto&lokes!$s!armaG5aipur$manipal$eduD7


69a7  $ Click t!e address and your bro"ser "illopen an e8mail message and address it to me$

  69p7  69body7  69!tml7

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T!e HTML 6!ead7 )lement

T!e 6!ead7 element is a container or all t!e !eadelements$ )lements inside 6!ead7 can includescripts, instruct t!e bro"ser "!ere to ind styles!eets, pro#ide meta inormation, and more$

T!e ollo"ing tags can be added to t!e !ead section&6title7, 6style7, 6meta7, 6link7, 6script7,

6noscript7, and 6base7$

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T!e HTML 6title7 )lement

T!e 6title7 tag deines t!e title o t!e document$

T!e 6title7 element is re@uired in allHTML9HTML documents$

T!e 6title7 element& deines a title in t!e bro"ser toolbar pro#ides a title or t!e page "!en it is added to a#ourites displays a title or t!e page in searc!8engine results

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T!e HTML 6base7 )lement

T!e 6base7 tag speciies t!e base %?L9target or allrelati#e %?Ls in a page&

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T!e HTML 6link7 )lement

T!e 6link7 tag deines t!e relations!ip bet"een adocument and an external resource$

T!e 6link7 tag is most used to link to style s!eets&

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T!e HTML 6style7 )lement

T!e 6style7 tag is used to deine style inormationor an HTML document$

Inside t!e 6style7 element you speciy !o" HTMLelements s!ould render in a bro"ser&

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T!e HTML 6meta7 )lement

Metadata is data -inormation. about data$

T!e 6meta7 tag pro#ides metadata about t!e HTML document$Metadata "ill not be displayed on t!e page, but "ill be mac!ine


Meta elements are typically used to speciy page description,key"ords, aut!or o t!e document, last modiied, and ot!ermetadata$

T!e metadata can be used by bro"sers -!o" to display content orreload page., searc! engines -key"ords., or ot!er "eb ser#ices$

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6meta7 Tags 8 )xamples o %se

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Images as anc!ors

Aackground color Preset colors - hite, %la#, %l$e, red , etc$.  Hexadecimal  code

First t"o c!aracters or amount o red

/econd t"o c!aracters or amount o green

Last t"o c!aracters or amount o blue

:: is t!e "eakest a color can get

00 is t!e strongest a color can get )x$ %la#  ::::::

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Image background <BODY BA'+)O*(D ; background C>  Image does not need to be large as bro"ser tiles image across and do"n t!e



/tands or 3picture element4 )ac! pixel represents one addressable dot o color on t!e screen

Insert image into page %se <IM+>  tag

 +ttributes& &)'  3location4 HEI+HT -in pixels. WIDTH -in pixels. BO)DE)  -black by deault. ALT -text description or bro"sers t!at !a#e images turned o or cannot #ie"



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 <!-- 0i". .61 Fi#t$re.html --> 

2  <!-- Addin" ima"e ith HTML --> 


6  <HEAD> 

7  <TITLE> Internet and WWW H t Pr"ram - Wel#me </TITLE> 

8  </HEAD> 


: <BODY BA'+)O*(D ; %a#"r$nd."i,> 


 <!-- 0rmat ,r enterin" ima"e1 <IM+ &)' ; name> --> 2 <IM+ &)' ; deitel."i, BO)DE) ;  HEI+HT ; 22 

5   WIDTH ; ::  ALT ; Har=e3 and Pa$l Deitel> 

6 </'E(TE)> 


8 </BODY> 

9 </HTML> 

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 6!tml7  6!ead7  6title7Internet and *** Ho" to Program 8 Na#igation Aar 69title7



  6p7  6a !re Dlinks$!tmlD76img src Dbuttons9links$5pgD "idt! D=<D

!eig!t D<D alt DLinks PageD 97  69a76br 97

  6a !re Dlist$!tmlD76img src Dbuttons9list$5pgD "idt! D=<D!eig!t D<D alt DList )xample PageD 97

  69a76br 97

  6a !re Dcontact$!tmlD76img src Dbuttons9contact$5pgD "idt! D=<D!eig!t D<D alt DContact PageD 97

  69a76br 97

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 6a !re D!eader$!tmlD7 6img src Dbuttons9!eader$5pgD "idt! D=<D!eig!t D<D alt DHeader PageD 97

  69a76br 97

  6a !re Dtable$!tmlD76img src Dbuttons9table$5pgD "idt! D=<D!eig!t D<D alt DTable PageD 97

  69a76br 97

  6a !re Dorm$!tmlD76img src Dbuttons9orm$5pgD "idt! D=<D!eig!t D<D alt DFeedback FormD 97

  69a76br 97  69p7

  69body7  69!tml7

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%sing images as link anc!ors

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Formatting Text *it! <FONT>

0O(T element  +dd color and ormatting to text 0O(T attributes&


Preset or !ex color code 0alue in @uotation marks Note& you can set ont color or "!ole document using TEGT 

attribute in BODY element

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Formatting Text *it! <FONT> -II.

&IE To make text larger, set &IE ; x C To make text smaller, set &IE ; -x C x  is t!e number o ont point sies

0A'E Font o t!e text you are ormatting Ae careul to use common onts like Times, +rial, Courier and


Aro"ser "ill display deault i unable to display speciied ont

)xample <0O(T 'OLO) ; redC &IE ; C 0A'E ; ArialC>  </0O(T> 


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 <!-- 0i". .81 main.html --> 

2 <!-- 0rmattin" text i4e and #lr --> 


6 <HEAD> 

7 <TITLE> Internet and WWW H t Pr"ram - Wel#me </TITLE> 

8 </HEAD> 9

: <BODY> 

 <H ALI+( ; #enter><*>  Wel#me t O$r We% &ite! </*></H> 

2 <!-- 0nt ta" #han"e the ,rmattin" , text the3 en#le --> 

5 <P><0O(T 'OLO) ; red &IE ;  0A'E ; Arial>  We ha=e

6dei"ned thi ite t tea#h a%$t the nder ,7 <EM> HTML </EM> . </0O(T> 


9 <0O(T 'OLO) ; F$rFle &IE ;  0A'E ; Jerdana>  We ha=e %een

:$in" <EM> HTML </EM>  in#e <*> =erin <&T)O(+>  .: </&T)O(+></*> ?

and e en@3 the ,eat$re that ha=e %een added re#entl3. </0O(T> 

 <0O(T 'OLO) ; %l$e &IE ;  0A'E ; Hel=eti#a> It

2eem nl3 a hrt time a" that e read $r ,irt <EM> HTML </EM> 

5 %. </0O(T> 


7 <0O(T 'OLO) ; "reen &IE ;  0A'E ; Time> &n 3$ ill

8n a%$t man3 , the "reat ne ,eat$re , HTML 2.:. </0O(T></P> 


: <H ALI+( ; #enter> Ha=e 0$n With the &ite! </H></P> 


 < HTML> 

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%sing t!e FONT element to ormat text

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/pecial C!aracters, Horiontal ?ules and More Line Areaks

/pecial c!aracters Inserted in code orm Format al"ays Kcode

)x$ KamF 

Insert an ampersand Codes oten abbre#iated orms o t!e c!aracter Codes can be in !ex orm

)x$ K8 to insert an ampersand

/triket!roug! "it! DEL element/uperscript& &*P element

/ubscript& &*B element


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 <!-- 0i". .91 #nta#t.html --> 

2  <!-- Inertin" Fe#ial #hara#ter --> 


6  <HEAD> 

7  <TITLE> Internet and WWW H t Pr"ram - 'nta#t Pa"e </TITLE> 

8  </HEAD> 9

: <BODY> 

 <!-- &Fe#ial #hara#ter are entered $in" the ,rm K#de --> 

 <P>  M3 email addre i <A H)E0 ; mailt1deiteldeitel.#m> 

2 deiteldeitel.#m  </A> . 'li# n the addre and 3$r %rer

5 ill a$tmati#all3 Fen an email mea"e and addre it t m3

6 addre. </P> 


8 <P>  All in,rmatin n thi ite i <&T)O(+> K#F3 </&T)O(+> 

9 Deitel <&T)O(+> KamF </&T)O(+>  A#iate? 999. </P> 


 <!-- Text #an %e tr$# $t ith a et , <DEL>...</DEL> --> 

 <!-- ta"? it #an %e et in $%#riFt ith <&*B>...</&*B>? --> 

 <!-- and it #an %e et int $Fer#riFt ith <&*P...</&*P> --> 2 <DEL><P> Y$ ma3 #F3 $F t .2 x : <&*P>  </&*P>  #hara#ter

5 rth , in,rmatin ,rm thi ite. </DEL><B)>  N$t mae $re

6 3$ <&*B> d nt #F3 mre in,rmatin </&*B>  than i alla%le.


8 <P>  ( Fermiin i needed i, 3$ nl3 need t $e <&T)O(+> 

9 Klt K,ra#2 </&T)O(+>  , the in,rmatin Freented here. </P> 




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Inserting special c!aracters into HTML

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/pecial C!aracters, Horiontal ?ules and More Line Areaks -II.

Horiontal rule <H)>  tag Inserts a line break directly belo" it H)  attributes&


 +d5usts t!e "idt! o t!e rule )it!er a number -in pixels. or a percentage

&IE Eetermines t!e !eig!t o t!e !oriontal rule In pixels

 ALI+( )it!er le,t, ri"ht or #enter

 (O&HADE )liminates deault s!ading eect and displays !oriontal rule as a solid8

color bar


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 <!-- 0i". .:1 header.html --> 

2 <!-- Line %rea and hri4ntal r$le --> 


6 <HEAD> 

7 <TITLE> Internet and WWW H t Pr"ram - Hri4ntal

)$le </TITLE> 8 </HEAD> 9

: <BODY> 

 <!-- Hri4ntal r$le a inerted $in" the ,rmat1 --> 

 <!-- <H) WIDTH ; .. &IE ; .. ALI+( ; ..> --> 

 <H) WIDTH ; 5 &IE ; > 

2 <H) WIDTH ; 5 &IE ; > 

5 <H) WIDTH ; 5 &IE ; > 6

7 <P ALI+( ; le,t><&T)O(+> &i4e1 </&T)O(+> 2

8 <&T)O(+>  Width1 </&T)O(+> 75

9 <H) WIDTH ; 75 &IE ; 2  ALI+( ; le,t> 


 <P ALI+( ; ri"ht><&T)O(+> &i4e1 </&T)O(+> 

 <&T)O(+>  Width1 </&T)O(+> 5

 <H) WIDTH ; 5 &IE ;   ALI+( ; ri"ht> 


5 <P ALI+( ; #enter><&T)O(+> &i4e1 </&T)O(+> 8

6 <&T)O(+>  Width1 </&T)O(+> 5:

7 <&T)O(+><EM>  ( hade... </EM></&T)O(+> 

8 <H) (O&HADE WIDTH ; 5: &IE ; 8  ALI+( ; #enter> 


: </BODY> 


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%sing !oriontal rules