lecture: insaniah medical students course: islamic revealed knowledge by omar zaid, m.d

Lecture: Insaniah Medical Students Course: Islamic Revealed Knowledge By Omar Zaid, M.D. KNOWLEDGE METHODOLOGY MASS SCHOOLING or ( inside the lizard hole) vs. OPEN SOURCE LEARNING

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Lecture: Insaniah Medical Students Course: Islamic Revealed Knowledge By Omar Zaid, M.D. Knowledge Methodology Mass Schooling or ( inside the lizard hole ) vs. Open Source Learning. Modern Western Approach to Mass Education Summarized:. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Lecture:  Insaniah Medical Students Course:  Islamic Revealed Knowledge By Omar Zaid, M.D

Lecture: Insaniah Medical StudentsCourse: Islamic Revealed Knowledge

By Omar Zaid, M.D.

KNOWLEDGE METHODOLOGYMASS SCHOOLING or (inside the lizard hole) vs.


Page 2: Lecture:  Insaniah Medical Students Course:  Islamic Revealed Knowledge By Omar Zaid, M.D

Modern Western Approach to Mass Education Summarized:

Although this science will be diligently studied, it will be

1. rightly confined to the governing class and;

2. the populace will not be allowed to know how its convictions were


3. Education should aim at destroying free will, so that, after pupils leave


4. they will be incapable of thinking or acting otherwise than their schoolmaster

would have wished. [this is pure Catholic Authoritarianism - oz]

Bertrand Russell

ATHEIST & FABIAN SOCIALIST interpretation: An Intellectual embraced by Elitists

Page 3: Lecture:  Insaniah Medical Students Course:  Islamic Revealed Knowledge By Omar Zaid, M.D

See: The Invention of Traditions , ed. By Terrence Ranger and Eric Hobsbawm, and Black Athena by Martin Bernal;

“... The authors argue that tradition is frequently a set of invented practices and beliefs used in mass societies to create a sense of identity at a time when organic solidarities of family, village and clan have broken down.

Thus the emphasis of tradition in the 19th and 20th centuries is a way that rulers can claim to have legitimacy, even though the legitimacy is more or less manufactured...

e.g., sports rituals like football or [Valentine’s Day]

are a recent way of diverting large numbers of people from the investigation of legitimacy .”

- E. W. Said, The Clash of Definitions

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"And when it is said to them, Follow what Allah

has revealed, they say: Nay! we follow what we

found our fathers upon [Traditions]. What! and

though their fathers had no sense at all, nor did

they follow the right way."

[Qur'an 2:170]

Page 5: Lecture:  Insaniah Medical Students Course:  Islamic Revealed Knowledge By Omar Zaid, M.D

T A V I S T O C K Elitist Manufacturer of Traditions

The Tavistock Foundation is the same British ‘think tank’ that gave birth to Chatham

House as well as Rhodes & Fulbright Scholars. It was founded by Cecil Rhodes (born

Barnett Isaacs,** a Rothschild Retainer, 33rd Degree Freemason & Jew) who employed the Cocaine

addict, Sigmund Freud (another Jew & Freemason), to establish mass educational

protocols* for the next 2-3 generations for the British Empire and Americas. These

included heavy doses of ‘Social Engineering’ following Freud’s sexually perverted

psychoanalytical thesis, which, when studied carefully, aligns with the Protocols of

Zion. The same approach can be traced back to the Cults of Dionysus and other

Gnostic libertine groups that promoted the sexual depravity of ancient mystery

religions (Nimrud’s Babylon – Harut & Marut) and kept the Children of Khabil in positions of

power (elite) by memorizing the masses with false religion, hedonism, vain political

ritual, the double speak of political correctness, and vain philosophy.* We must take note that Mass Education began in Prussia 50 years prior

** Full Street Name: Cecil John Rhodes Barney Barnato

Ford, Carnegie, Melon, J.P. Morgan, Rockefeller, and many , many others

Cognitive DissonanceAccepting a lie by lying to your soul for the sake of survival : i.e., acceptance and social advance

Page 6: Lecture:  Insaniah Medical Students Course:  Islamic Revealed Knowledge By Omar Zaid, M.D

Both men were Jews, B’nai Brithian cult members, the highest lodge

of Freemasonry reserved only for Jews, whose occult principles are

based completely on the Cabala and Alexandrian Gnosticism which

is wholly pagan and can be compared to the methodology of mind-

washing used by the Ismai’ili Fatimids who were founded by the

crypto-Jewish Cabalist, Ibn Maymun.

The Tavistock institute revised American history towards

communism by establishing the American Historical Association –

the first Rhodes Scholars -- and they still control the National

Education Association.

If you don’t know about these matters It is purely because they don’t want you to know. That’s how much control they have. (textbooks)

Page 7: Lecture:  Insaniah Medical Students Course:  Islamic Revealed Knowledge By Omar Zaid, M.D

Method’s Main Characteristics & Goals

Mass Education

Use of Drugs , beginning with Freud who was responsible for introducing cocaine use (coca cola, etc.)

Non-disclosure (lying), that’s why you don’t know.

Use of the great Charitable Trusts to establish authoritarian control (fascism)

“establish new rituals of personal interaction”, that is, to indulge in brief sexual encounters which actually set the participants adrift with no stable personal relationships in their lives, destroying their ability to establish or maintain a family:

This took only three generations (Jesuit)

to use the schools to change America from a free, individual nation to a socialist, global "state," just one of many socialist states which will be subservient to the United Nations Charter, not the United States Constitution

to brainwash our children, starting at birth, to reject individualism in favor of collectivism

to reject high academic standards in favor of egalitarianism OBE/ISO 1400/90006 (every one equal – Levellers)

to reject truth and absolutes in favor of tolerance, situational ethics and consensus political Correctness

to reject American values in favor of internationalist values (Globalism);

to reject freedom to choose one's career in favor of the totalitarian K-12 school-to-work/OBE process, named "limited learning for lifelong labor," as coordinated through United Nations’ Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organizations.

The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America, C. T. Iserbyt,former Senior Policy Advisor, U.S. Dept. of Education

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“The idea was that those who direct the

overall elitist conspiracy could use the

differences in those two so-called ‘ideologies’:

(a) Marxism / Fascism / Socialism vs.

(b) Democracy / Capitalism

to enable them [the Illuminati] to divide

larger and larger portions of the human race

into opposing camps so that they could be

armed and then brainwashed into fighting

and destroying each other.”

Myron Fagan (1887-1972), Jew, Writer, Film Producer, Political Activist, reformed Communist agitator, and Wash. DC PR man.



- OZ


Page 9: Lecture:  Insaniah Medical Students Course:  Islamic Revealed Knowledge By Omar Zaid, M.D

Bennabi notes that mimesis is a pathological disease built from a world of ideas, not by the mere imitation of others alone. Ideas & mimicking come together by following the Pied Pipers

of Propaganda (HR) mills. - oz

In cases of imitation, ideas copied wholesale often become deadly and do more harm than good.

This often marks the last stages of a civilization’s decline as it loses cultural identity by assimilating that of its new master. Of course this is self-preservation rather than Islam. The

Prophet said: ‘lose your life before you die’. Therefore, it is a form of mass fearfulness or even a conversion to secularism while maintaining the outer shell of religious ritual. - oz

It is only possible to reverse this process by opening new paths. Only then history is ‘made’ when we return to genuine principles [nass ordinances] out of which we can then derive efficient solutions for contemporary challenges.

Which means the Western System must be abandoned. - oz

Taken from

Reviving the Ummah


Meinhaj Hussain

Malik Bennabi

on education and cultural decline

Cognitive Dissonance

Page 10: Lecture:  Insaniah Medical Students Course:  Islamic Revealed Knowledge By Omar Zaid, M.D

The original group feeling was for Islam but later on this group feeling became tribal and finally lost in dynastic stardom. In other words, authentic solidarity and unity simply vanished.

That contemporary scholars were unlike those of yesteryears’ by becoming salaried and thus, weak individuals who practiced a "craft" or "trade" that pragmatically turned Islam into a business; thus causing Islam’s loss as a ‘way of living’ by making a living at it. ( Christian Path – oz)

The proper way of educating our children had been lost. Mass Education following the British Model cannot be

correct in the least. Why?

Ibn Khaldunon Islam’s Decline


Open Source learning

Page 11: Lecture:  Insaniah Medical Students Course:  Islamic Revealed Knowledge By Omar Zaid, M.D

Answers:Western epistemology is essentially directed towards negating the possibility or validity of knowledge from any source that transcends scientific observation no revelation

A nation that has been defeated and has come under the rule of another nation will quickly perish. - Ibn. Khaldun

Cultural Colonization of the mind Brown Sahibs

who then serve the interests of the Anglo-Amero-Judeo-Christian Occult Alliance with whom Muslims are forbidden to ally with.‘Those who have made partners of each other’

Speaking from the logistical position of a strategists who studies his enemies tactics, this is the most Important reason:

It is a component of the

officially ‘un-official’

British Foreign Policy.

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Page 13: Lecture:  Insaniah Medical Students Course:  Islamic Revealed Knowledge By Omar Zaid, M.D

Mass Education Protects The Ladder of Privilege [19th Century]

In 1843 Horace Mann began propagating the America version. His elitist philosophy was that ‘school is the best jail’: “… a jail you sentence the mind to is harder to escape than any iron bars.”

Orestes Brownson publicly denounced this Prussianization of American schools as far back as the 1840s.

But Adam Smith’s publisher, William Playfair, supported Mann by saying that “proper” schooling teaches

“negatively” allowing the poor “to read sufficiently well to understand what they do read;” and that if they were educated any better, the “ladders of privilege” would collapse and children of the elite would not be able to hold their privileged positions.

a similar policy was pursued in China that was called "The Policy of Keeping People Dumb”.

Taken fromReviving the Ummah

By Meinhaj Hussain

See:Weapons of Mass Instruction

Dumbing Us Down

by John Taylor Gatto,New York State’s “Teacher of the Year”


Page 14: Lecture:  Insaniah Medical Students Course:  Islamic Revealed Knowledge By Omar Zaid, M.D

Into the 20th CenturyThe modern school was the result of a “revolution” between 1905-1930 coordinated by members of the Fabian Society, a Jesuit infiltrated sub-Rosicrucian cult (Freemasons included) dating to the French Revolution;later exported to The London School of Economics and the U. of Chicago’s John Dewy, a member of Yale’s infamous Skull & Bones Society (BUSH) which has roots in the same Prussian Secret Society that gave us Hitler.

Gatto directs us to the Principles of Secondary Education (1918) by Alexander Inglis who makes it clear that the purpose of modern education was to act as a fifth column:

to prevent the democratic rise of lower classes who increasingly wanted to play a greater and more just role in governance

DIVIDE & Keep Conquered

Modern, industrialized, compulsory schooling was to make a sort of surgical intervention into the prospective unity of these under-classes.

Divide children by subject, by age-grading, by constant rankings on tests, and by many other more subtle means,

and it was unlikely that the ignorant mass of mankind, separated in childhood, would ever re-integrate into a dangerous whole.

Page 15: Lecture:  Insaniah Medical Students Course:  Islamic Revealed Knowledge By Omar Zaid, M.D

Method of Al’Dajjal’s MadnessOfficial Documented policy

The ‘Adjustive’ or Adaptive Functionestablish fixed habits of reaction to authority that preclude critical judgment;

The Integrating Function“the conformity function” because its intention is to make children as alike as possible. People who conform are predictable, and this is of great use to those who wish to harness and manipulate a large labor force.

The Diagnostic and Directive Function

to determine each student's proper social role. This is done by logging evidence mathematically and anecdotally on cumulative records. As in “your permanent record”.

The Differentiating Function

Once their social role has been ‘diagnosed’, children are to be sorted by role and trained only so far as their destination in the social machine merits – and not one step further

The Selective FunctionThis refers to Social Darwinism as applied to “the favored races to help improve the breeding stock by tagging the unfit with poor grades, remedial placement and other means so that peers will accept them as inferior and effectively bar them intermarriage. Humiliations intended to wash the dirt down the drain.

The Propaedeutic FunctionThe societal system implied by these rules will require an elite group of caretakers. To that end, a small fraction of the kids will quietly be taught how to manage this continuing project, how to watch over and control a population that is deliberately ‘dumbed down’ and declawed in order that government might proceed unchallenged and corporations might never want for obedient labor.”

- Gatto, Weapons of Mass Instruction

Page 16: Lecture:  Insaniah Medical Students Course:  Islamic Revealed Knowledge By Omar Zaid, M.D

Public school reform is now justified in the dehumanizing

language of national security, which increasingly

legitimates the transformation of schools into adjuncts of

the surveillance and police state …

students are increasingly subjected to disciplinary

apparatuses which limit their capacity for critical


mold them into consumers,

test them into submission,

strip them of any sense of social responsibility and

convince large numbers of poor minority students that they

are better off under the jurisdiction of the criminal justice

system than by being valued members of the public


- Professor Henry Giroux

patriotic political correctness


Slavery (mind control – conditioning)

Caste system

Communist egalitarianism

Justice replaced by repressive legal system

Inside the lizard hole

Page 17: Lecture:  Insaniah Medical Students Course:  Islamic Revealed Knowledge By Omar Zaid, M.D

The Muslim situation is far worse for two reasons:

(1) we cannot observe the damage by sight;

(2) we give them a double dose of the subversive repression in madrassa and public schooling.

By contrast, Western children are lucky.

During the time of the

Prophet (pbh) students

would 1. read a portion of a

surah, 2. reflected upon it

(taffakur), apply it, and finally

3. memorize it as the last step in the process.



Page 18: Lecture:  Insaniah Medical Students Course:  Islamic Revealed Knowledge By Omar Zaid, M.D

Ibn Khaldun specifically discussed the significance of early educational instruction.

Dr. Gatto also notes important aspects which milestones of K-12 education include:

1. Self-knowledge2. Observation3. Feedback4. Analysis5. Mirroring6. Expression7. Judgment8. Adding valueTo which we add:

9. Excellence over mediocrity10. Ethical and religious values11. Synthesis, particularly

synthesis of Islam and the contemporary

world (relevantization).

Page 19: Lecture:  Insaniah Medical Students Course:  Islamic Revealed Knowledge By Omar Zaid, M.D

Both Ibn Khaldun & Rumi agreed on an approach to education that did not begin with the Qur’an

they placed instruction in ARABIC and POETRY ahead of all the other sciences: [communication skills]

poetry is the archive [cultural root] of the Arabs. Poetry and Arabic philology should be taught first because of the (existing) corruption of the language.

From there, the (student) should go on to ARITHMETIC and study it assiduously, until he knows its basic norms.

He should then go on to the study of the QUR'AN, because with his (previous) preparation, it will be easy for him."

From Rihlah, by Abu Bakr b. al-'Arabi__

How thoughtless are our [religiously zealous] compatriots in that they teach children the Qur'an when they are first starting out. They read things they do not understand and work hard at something that is not as important for them as other matters.

The older student should study successively:_

the principles of Islam, the principles of jurisprudence, principles of disputation, Prophetic traditions sciences connected with them

He also forbade the teaching of two disciplines at the same time, except for students of good mind and sufficient energy.

WHY? Retro active & Proactive Learning Inhibition

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When laws are (enforced) by means of punishment, they completely destroy fortitude because the use of punishment against someone who cannot defend himself generates in that person a feeling of humiliation that, no doubt, must break his fortitude. … people then grow up in fear and docility and consequently do not rely on their own fortitude...

- Ibn Khaldun

Mass Schooling is essentially the equivalent of Chinese

foot binding except that what is being bound is the


Meinhaj Hussain