lecture notes week 11

CSC 408F/CSC2105F Lecture Notes These lecture notes are provided for the personal use of students taking CSC 408H/CSC 2105H in the Fall term 2004/2005 at the University of Toronto. Copying for purposes other than this use and all forms of distribution are expressly prohibited. c David B. Wortman, 1999,2000,2001,2002,2003,2004 c Kersti Wain-Bantin, 2001 c Yijun Yu, 2004 0

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CSC 408F/CSC2105F Lecture Notes

These lecture notes are provided for the personal use of

students taking CSC 408H/CSC 2105H in the Fall term

2004/2005 at the University of Toronto.

Copying for purposes other than this use and all forms of

distribution are expressly prohibited.

c David B. Wortman, 1999,2000,2001,2002,2003,2004

c Kersti Wain-Bantin, 2001

c Yijun Yu, 2004


Designing Portable Software� Portability - the ability to easily transfer a piece of software from one hardware

or software environment to another

� compare: Interoperatability - the ability to easily transfer a piece of information

from one software or hardware to another

� There are many examples of good portable/interoperatable software, e.g.

GNU C compiler, vi editor, many X applications, SQL queries, Java

applet/applications, XML/SOAP, Web Services/WSDL, etc.

� Portability increases the market for a piece of software at a much lower cost

than creating multiple independent versions

� Design for portability is generally compatible with the good design practices

discussed previously

� Portability generally enhances reusability Portability has to be designed

into the software (c.f. build for reuse), retrofitting portability is expensive


Portability Techniques� Isolation: Isolate all hardware/environment dependencies

� Parameterization via unique defining declarations

Use named constants and types

Unique declaration allows single point modification

� Conditional compilation and macro substitution

� Substitution at the module level

� Standarization

[Java: Write once, run everywhere] [XML: Write once, exchange everywhere]

[Web Services: Write once, call everywhere]

� Avoid embedded and distributed dependencies Magic numbers in the

code, Machine or system dependent programming


Portability Issues - Software� Variability in programming languages and compilers [Java/.NET story ... a

battle behind the giants]

– Manufacturer specific language extensions

– Differences in run-time support libraries

– Failure of compiler to adhere to language standard

– Different implementation limits and system supplied defaults

� Portability techniques

– Program strictly according to language standard

– Avoid manufacturer-dependent programming constructs

– Avoid system supplied defaults

– Use software tools (e.g. lint) to verify compliance with the standard

– Use conditional compilation and macro expansion to isolate unavoidable



Portability Issues - Software� Differences in Interface to Environment

– Operating System, e.g. Unix(almost Unix, Linux, FreeBSD),

DOS/Windows(3.1/95/98/NT/2000/XP/2003/Longhorn), MAC OS . . .– Input & Output, e.g. Unix, DOS/Windows, MAC, [Path separator], . . .– Database packages, e.g. dbm, Empress, SQL, . . .– Graphics, e.g. X11R?, SunView, DOS, Windows, curses, . . .– Browsers, e.g. Netscape, IE, Opera, Mozilla, Safari, Firefox . . .

� Portability techniques

– Isolate all interfaces to external environment

– Use standard internal data representations, convert on input/output

– Parameterize all attributes (constants, types) affecting interface to environment

– Use tables to encapsulate environment dependent information

– Use conditional compilation and macro expansion to deal with unavoidable



Portability Issues - Hardware� Data representation

– Numeric - integers, reals, IEEE vs. DEC vs IBM

– Character - ASCII vs. EBCDIC, signed/unsigned, collating sequence

– String - explicit length vs. null term, max length

– Pointers - range & representations

– Type size equivalence assumptions

sizeOf(int) = sizeOf(address), sizeOf(int) = sizeOf(real)

� Portability techniques

– Isolate all machine dependent code in separable modules

– Parameterize data representation and machine specific information

– Program to avoid hardware dependent constructs

– Use conditional compilation and macro expansion

– Use templates and application generators: e.g., generative programming,

automated configuration


Portability Issues - Operating Systems� Wide variety of Operating Systems

Unix-like: SunOs, System V, Ultrix, HPUNIX, AIX, IRIX, SEQUNIX, BSD

Other: DOS, Windows, Next, MAC OS, OS/2, VMS, MVS, . . .

� File System Issues

– File naming conventions

– Directory structure, naming, traversing

– Protection mechanisms, file attributes

– Limits on concurrently open files

– Physical structure of files, fixed vs. variable records

– File access methods: sequential, random, byte, block

� Portability techniques

– Isolate all OS-specific code in separable modules

Use module level substitution

– Use conditional compilation and macro expansion


Building Portable Software� Document rules for customizing software

e.g. table of options

� Isolate customization to a small number of separate files that may control

customization of other files

e.g. Makefile, config.h

� Try to provide a customization tool (shell script)

Make config

configure VMS DECMIPS

� Try to make documentation track customization using conditional text

� Test customization thoroughly


Legal Issues for Software Engineersab� Contracts - software acquisition or custom development

� Liability and Negligence, Warranties

� Intellectual Property - Copyright, Trade Secrets & Patents

� World Wide Web Legal Issues

aAn informed civilian’s comments on legal matters affecting software engineers.

If you need real legal advice, consult a real lawyerbB. Sookman, Computer Law, CCH Publishers, 1989+annual updates


Software Contracts� Agreement by customer to purchase specified piece of software from vendor

� Need to precisely set out

– Nature of the software being produced, requirements or detailed specifications

– Other goals affecting the software, e.g. performance, reliability, compatibility, etc.

– Acceptance conditions, when is software complete?

– Exception handling - breaches of the agreement by customer or vendor, changes

in requirements or specification, cost or schedule overruns

– Warranties and guarantees provided by the vendor

� Methods of payment

– Fixed Price

– Cost plus, vendors expenses + profit

– Per diem perhaps with an upper bound

– Progress payments at major milestones


Contracting Issues� Buyer and vendor cooperate on developing requirements

� Develop system specifications. A complete, correct and unambiguous

specification is in the best interest of both parties

� Contract sets out rights and obligations of buyer and vendor

� Contract lists deliverables and settles ownership of the software, especially

the source code and internal documentation

� Contract species confidentiality obligations of the buyer and vendor

� Contracting for software is a complicated business, advice from a lawyer

specializing in software contracting is essential


Liability & Negligence� Negligence - Failure to live up to a standard of conduct which reasonable and

prudent persons would follow in like circumstances

� Negligence may arise from

– An act of commission - you do something (e.g. release software known to be

buggy) that you shouldn’t have done

– An act of omission - you fail to do something (e.g. test your software adequately)

that you should have done

� If a negligent act injures someone (physically or financially) then the person

who committed the act may be liable for damages

– Negligent act may be difficult to document

– Amount of damages due the injured party may be difficult to determine


Negligence� Legal view of negligence

1. Has the perpetrator of the negligent act failed to live up to a minimum standard of

care in her/his conduct?

2. Was the perpetrators act (or failure to act) a direct cause of the injury or damage?

3. Did the injured party fail to exercise reasonable care to prevent the injury

(i.e. was there contributory negligence) ?

� Problems applying legal concepts to software

– Lack of demonstrable industry standards for correct behavior

– Often no witnesses to or records of the negligent act.

Try to apply legal doctrine res ipsit locatur

– Complex software issues are hard to describe to a non-technical judge and/or jury

– Disclosures of information can be voluminous and inscrutable


Warranties� Explicit warranty

– Contract describes warranty

– Usually exclude previous or verbal warranties

� Merchantability

– Vendor knows intended use of software

– Vendor has a legal obligation to supply software that is

suitable for the intended purpose

– Buyer’s defense: document vendor’s knowledge of intended use

� Implicit warranties

– Industry standards (e.g. spreadsheet should calculate correctly)

– Pre-contract written information that influenced the decision to acquire

– Advertising for the software in magazines and journals

– System documentation


Liability Example� Manufacturer sells hardware to Service Bureau

Software House sells custom software to Service Bureau

� Customer of the Service Bureau suffers injury due to hardware/software


� Who can successfully sue whom for damages?

– Customer sues Service Bureau

Must establish negligence on part of Service Bureau

– Service Bureau sues Manufacturer

Defense: Service Bureau must test and validate system for self

– Customer sues Manufacturer or Software House

Defense: not direct agent causing the injury

– Service Bureau sues Software House

Defense: Software was designed to specifications provided by the Service Bureau

Service Bureau is responsible for testing and validating the software

Contract precludes responsibility for consequential damages


Intellectual Property Issuesa

� The goal of intellectual property law is to encourage the development of ideas

and devices by giving the originator exclusive rights to obtain remuneration for

the use of the idea or device for some period of time

� Algorithms, computer programs and user interfaces are examples of

intellectual property

� One of four mechanisms is used to protect intellectual property

1. Copyrights

2. Trade Secrets

3. Trademarks

4. Patents

� Eligibility of computer software for these forms of protection is contentious

and still being decided by courts and legislatures

aThere are many good Web Sites that discuss these issues in more detail, for example


The Canadian Intellectual Property Office is at http://cipo.gc.ca15

Copyrights� Copyright comes into existence when the work is ”fixed in a tangible medium”.

Formal registration can be done later.

� Copyright gives the originator of a work the exclusive right to make (or

authorize) copies of the work for one of

28 years, 56 years, life of author + 50 years,

75 years from publication date, 100 years from date of creation.

� Originally copyright only applied to literary, dramatic, musical or artistic works.

Copyrighting computer programs as literary works is a recent stretch of the

law into new territory.

� Copyright protects against copying of the expression of a work.

Its not clear that a reimplementation of an algorithm constitutes a violation of


� The doctrine of fair use allows the making of single copies of a copyrighted

work for non-commercial, educational and research purposes


How to Copyright� Register your copyright with the appropriate copyright registration agent.

Do this promptly after the work is created.

� A Copyright Notice consists of

1. One of c� or Copyright or Copr.

(C) although widely used may not be acceptable.

2. The date of origin of the work.

Use the oldest date that applies if the work contains reused parts.

3. The name of the copyright owner.

� For software, place the copyright notice

– On the distribution medium (e.g. printed on a floppy disk or CD-ROM)

– As an on screen message at the start of program execution

– Embedded in the object code where it will be visible to a disassembler.

– On related documentation


Special Issues for Software� A piece of software may contain trade secrets or patentable ideas.

Only published works are protected by copyright.

Publication means that others can read the work.

Care needs to be taken that publishing a work for the purpose of copyright

doesn’t give away trade secrets or patentable ideas.

The U.S. copyright law was amended to help solve this problem.

� Work for Hire - Unless there is a written contract to the contrary,

the author of a work is the defacto owner of the copyright to the work.

An organization needs to be careful to get signed contracts with the

programmers it hires, especially part-time and free-lance programmers.


Trade Secrets� Trade Secrets protect the idea, and are not bound to any specific expression

of the idea.

Trade secret protection ceases if the idea is independently discovered by any

legal means

� Trade secrets offer less protection than copyright or patents but offer

protection where copyright or patent protection is not available

� The owner of a trade secret must actively and aggressively protect the secret

using physical safeguards and contractual restrictions against unauthorized


� Requirements for trade secret protection violation

– The information to be protected must not be widely or publically known

– The information was imparted to the violator under circumstances that implied confidentiality (i.e. a

non-disclosure agreement)

– The violator made some unauthorized use of the information to the detriment of the party communicating it


Trade Marks� Trademarks are names or symbols that identify a product. The federal

government maintains a registry of trademarks.

� Trademark protection gives the registered owner exclusive use of a name or

symbol (e.g. JAVAT M )

� Trademark protection against use of the same or very similar name

(e.g. IAVA) depends on degree of similarity and the likelihood that

consumers of the trade marked item will get confused.

IAVA could be used to name an automobile because there’s no danger of

confusion with the programming language

� Incorporating a company with a given name does not automatically give the

company a trademark on the name.

The company has to apply for the trademark separately.

Trademarks can’t be proper names or words in common usage.


Patents� Patents give the inventor of an invention an exclusive right to profit from the

invention for a period of 20 years.

� An Invention is ”any new and useful art, process, machine, manufacture or

composition of matter or any useful improvement in any of these things

� To obtain a patent the inventor must fully disclose the invention and the

invention enters the public domain when the 20 year patent period has


� Patent protection (when applicable) is the best form of protection for software.

Patents protect the idea independent of the expression of the idea and

provide protection even if the idea is independently rediscovered.

� Obtaining a patent is a slow and costly process.

� Enforcement of patent rights is expensive


What is Patentable?a� Basic requirements for patentability

1. Invention must be in one of five classes

1) processes 2) machines 3) manufactures (made objects)

4) compositions of matter 5) new uses of any of the above

2. Invention must be novel, i.e. not done before.

3. Invention must be non-obvious.

4. Invention possesses a degree of utility, i.e. it can’t be a theoretical phenomenon.

� Unpatentable

– Any mere scientific principle or abstract theorem

– Improved method of calculation

– An algorithm not embodied in a process or device

� Some software algorithms have been granted process patents

� Recent trend has been to allow patents for software algorithmsaThis subject is contentious and continually changing as courts make new determinations


� Non-obvious means not obvious to a person having ordinary skill in the art to

which the invention pertains.� Novelty is measured against prior arta.

Has the invention been discovered in the past?

� Patent examiners (at least in the past) have been very unfamiliar with prior art

in the software area.

� The choice between Patent and Trade Secret protection is complicated.

Consult a lawyer expert in this area.

� Laboratory notebooks or other contemporary records are very valuable in

resolving disputes about the origin of an invention.

� Don’t publish anything that might be a patentable invention until you’ve

received legal advice.

aThe Software Patent Institute (www.spi.org) is building a huge data base of prior software art

to help prevent bad software patents


What are Patents Good For� A patent does not necessarily give the owner the right to make, use or sell

the invention.

� It gives the owner the ability to exclude others from making, using or selling

the invention.

� A patent owner may be forbidden from using the invention because it contains

or uses inventions patented by others.

� In this case the patent owner has to

Obtain rights to use the other inventions

or Wait for the other patents to expire.

� Patents are about control.


Software Patent Classification� Items that are not patentable.

– Functional descriptive material

e.g. description of a data structure, program listing

– Non-functional descriptive material

Descriptive material - music, literary works, data

Descriptive material on computer media, e.g. CD-ROM

– Inventions without a practical application

e.g. Manipulate an abstract idea

e.g. Solve a purely mathematical problem.

� Patentability Requires

– A series of steps to be performed on a computer.

– May involve post-computer physical activities

– Manipulates data representing physical objects to achieve a practical application.


� Unless the invention relates to a particular programming language or

hardware device, it should be described in a language and hardware

independent fashion.

� The advice of a competent patent lawyer is very strongly recommended in

drafting a software patent.

The required terminology and phrasing is arcane and specific forms are


� It is possible to do your own patent applicationa

But there is a significant risk of getting incomplete coverage for the invention.

aSee for example the self-help guide Patent It Yourself published by Nolo Press www.nolo.com


Web and Internet Law� How does the World Wide Web affect intellectual property rights?

� How does the Internet affect intellectual property rights?

� Short Answer

– They don’t.

– Copyright, Trademark and Patent protection aren’t negated by the Web or the


– The Web and the Internet make it much easier to violate these protections.

– Many people equate available on the Web as in the public domain.

In general this is wrong!

� Remember that copyright protection arises as soon as an original work is

fixed in a tangible medium. Lack of an explicit copyright notice is irrelevant.

� This is an area where the law is rapidly evolving.


Use of things found on the WWW� In general you need the explicit permission of the copyright owner to make

copies of an original work.

� In most cases a WebMaster is not the copyright owner and cannot give you

permission to copy something on their web page.

� The doctrine of Fair Use allows a small amount of copying without permission

– Copying must be for an approved purpose educational, review

– Only a small portion of the work can be copied.

– Copying is not Fair Use if it diminishes the market for the item.

– There is no straightforward definition of what constitutes Fair Use.

� The doctrine of Implied Consent makes it legal to view copyright material

placed on a publically accessible web site.

This includes the transient copies in the web browser’s cache.

It does not grant any further copying rights.


Putting Things on the Web� You can’t put copyright material on the web without the permission of the

copyright owner.

� Even if you produce the material yourself (e.g. pictures from a party), you

shouldn’t put pictures of others on the web without their permission.

� Linking to images on other web sites (i.e. an IMG link) is equivalent to putting

the images up directly. You still need permission.

A direct link (i.e. HREF link) is probably safer.

� Links to the home page of other web sites is probably OK.

Deep links to interior pages of other web sites have been challenged in court.

� Framing (i.e. wrapping your frame around content from some other site) is

almost certainly a copyright violation.